01x01 - Legendary Sandwich

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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01x01 - Legendary Sandwich

Post by bunniefuu »

It's no use, Sparkle-face.

We'll be trapped in this
candy dungeon forever!

Don't give up, Butterbean.

Great. Right in the middle of the
best part of Pretty Pretty Pegasus.

And so I kicked another dirt
monster into a furnace,

and then I was all, "I bet
that really burns you up."

It's like a metaphor. Boo-yah!

That's too much, dude.

He didn't hear me though.
He was on fire.

Ah, boo-yah!

Ah, seriously? You
guys eat like animals.

Oh, that's so good.

- What, Raven?
- Well, I guess you get a pass.

- But you two are disgusting.
- Hmm, sorry.

It's just Robin makes
the best sandwiches.

It's true. I've developed
a sandwich design

that will take your mouth
on a flavor journey.

A flavor journey worth
a journey of its own.

Oh, yeah. I'd crawl
over a hundred miles

of broken glass for
this sandwich.

I'd drive across the country
in a car that smelled

like Cyborg's B.O. for this sandwich.

Ain't no mountain high enough to
keep me away from this sandwich.

Well, yeah, I'd do some, uh,
incredibly difficult stuff

for that sandwich, actually.

So, you're saying, you'd
leave this tower,

if I told you where to
find a good sandwich?

Sure, but it would have to be a
legendary sandwich, like mine.

There is an ancient
sandwich of power,

hidden away from those who
would use its power for evil.

Okay, first of all, that's
dumb and you made it up.

Second, even if it is true, my
sandwiches are the best, period.

Oh, but it is true. Behold.

Oh, is it story time?

In an age long forgotten,

an old king summoned
his Sandwich Wizard.

The King commanded him to
create a sandwich of power.

The Sandwich Wizard labored
in his tower for six days.

On the seventh, he brought the
sandwich before the king,

and it was glorious. It would
grant him eternal life.

So he could rule his
kingdom forever.

It was also delicious.

- Cool.
- Delicious?

One night, the prince
betrayed the king,

and tried to steal the sandwich.

The old king was heart-broken.

He realized the sandwich
was too powerful.

It had to be destroyed.

So the ingredients were hidden away
in the far corners of the world.

Watched by the fierce
Sandwich Guardians.

Legend says, it can be reforged

if all the ingredients
are brought together.

We got to get that sandwich.

Oh, man! I want to eat it twice.

The sandwich will look
beautiful in my hair.

No way can it top my
sandwich science.

What are we waiting for?
Titans, go!


We have to get the candy
keys from Gumdrop Goblin.

Or we'll never make it to Princess
Puffball's birthday party.

Hey, Raven.

Uh, I thought you were
making a sandwich.

We have no idea where to look.

There are four ingredients.

The mystical bacon is
here on the Lava Lake.

I got the heat resistors, baby.

I'm on it.

The next ingredient is the king's
lettuce, buried deep underground.

I can dig it.

The next ingredient is
the stellar tomato.

Hidden among the stars.

I shall retrieve the tomato.

Okay, let's do this.

I assume you saved the
most dangerous ingredient

for the leader of the Titans.

Oh, yes, the last ingredient is
pretzel bread. It can be found...

At the supermarket.

Here is a coupon.

With the candy keys,
we'll be able to make

Princess Puffball's birthday
where all dreams come true.

You rock, Butterbean.

Let's see.

According to that ancient map,
it should be right around here.


Too easy, baby.

Whoa! Sandwich Guardian.

Uh-huh, I'm digging,

I'm digging, digging
like a pro, yo.

Digging, dig...

Oh, yeah, lettuce. I'm so
close, I can smell it.


Sandwich Guardian dude.

This must be the containment
vessel for the tomato.

How did anyone manage to transport
this Earth fruit to the Lylap System?

This is an excessive
use of force, sir.


I need some pretzel bread.
The freshest you've got.

Make it quick. This place
is really bumming me out.

You are gonna need a drink of
water with this hot sauce, baby.

Oh, it's on now.
Give me that bacon.

Looks, you're pretty angry, huh?


Hey, we cool, man!

Okay, dude. Let's talk
about this face to face.

I am thinking perhaps this is
too much trouble for a tomato.

I mean, you see, some people
prefer swords or, like, lasers.

But I like to use this staff.
See? Just...

Right on the head.

The knee, crack! Clavicle...

Really gets the job done.

My arm!

My hair!

My teeth!





Oh, look, Sparkle-face.
It's Licorice Forest.

Isn't that place full of trolls?

Don't be silly, Sparkle-face.
It's the home of our new friend.

Princess Silkiesoft. Nice to
meet you, Princess Silkiesoft.

Your hair sure is...

Bad, Silkie.

You're back already?

Dude, those Sandwich Guardians
were way tougher than we thought.

Yeah, no kidding, but look.

- You mean the legend's actually true?
- This sandwich better be worth it.

You know how long it's gonna take me
to build a new hand with one hand?

Wow, the supermarket was brutal. I
barely made it out of there alive.

Hey, Starfire. I like what
you did with your hair.


Now I will speak the ancient
legendary sandwich words of power.

The key to immortality,
and a delicious lunch.

Eh, my sandwiches
still look better.

Well, as team leader,
and sandwich expert,

- I should get the first bite.
- Hold on now.

I lost an arm for this sandwich.
I get first dibs.

But I lost my hair. Surely that
is more important an a hand.

I should get the first of bites.

Dudes, I should get
the first bite.

I got the worst of it.
Look at this.

How are you gonna eat with no teeth?
You gonna gum the sandwich down?

- Silkie, stop.
- Mama's little Bumgorf, no!

That's not for you!

I told you that
sandwich wasn't great.

So, anyone wanna watch
Pretty Pretty Pegasus?

1x02 - Pie Bros

- What is that?
- A birthday gift for Cyborg.

I'm drawing him as a
dog, and me as a robot.

Okay, and you think
he's gonna like it?

As his best friend
in the whole world,

I always know exactly
what he wants.

Hey, Beast Bud. You hungry?

- Watch this.
- You know, I kinda feel like having...

- Pie, perhaps?
- How did you know?

It's my job to know. And
'cause I love pie, too!

When I say "I want"
you say, "Pie"

- I want...
- Pie!

When I say "Yummy"
you say, "Pie"

- Yummy...
- Pie!

- Apple, peach -
Rhubarb, or pear

Any kind, we don't care.

- I love pie - Yeah, I love pie

Oh, we love, love,
love love, love pie

Yeah, dude. Warm pie.

I need a slice.

Yup, he is gonna love my gift.

- Time to get our pie on.
- You guys really like pie.

Who doesn't? Ooh,
whatcha got there?


Oh, wow, blueberry.

- Uh, gross.
- Relax, I just washed my hands.

And I've lost my appetite.

The Mother Mae Eye makes the
best pies in all of Jump City.

- I wonder what her secret is.
- I hear she bakes people into her pies.

Someone's been reading
too many fairy tales.

No, I suspect the secret
ingredient is love.

Time we talked about
something really important.

This guy's birthday!

Oh, yes. I have decided to
plan Cyborg's day of birth

- festivities myself.
- No offense, Starfire,

but maybe someone else
should plan this party.

Oh, please allow me.

I promise I will learn all
of the proper Earth customs.

Well, the party can be lame. As
long as the presents aren't.

And you best believe I know exactly
what my best friend wants.

I bet it's not that new
video game that a certain

cybernetic organism has
been dropping hints about.

Video game?

Ah, it's totally the new game.
The really expensive one.

The one you should know
I can never afford.

- Yup, that's what I got you.
- And that's why you're my best friend.

And that's why you're
my best friend.

But I can't afford the game.

Then get a job, you bum.

I will get a job. For you,
Cyborg window hallucination.

Oh, wow. Bubbles.

And that, ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

is why he is guilty beyond
a shadow of a doubt.

What? I'm supposed
to be defending him?


Oh, gross!

Gross, gross, gross! What's
that squiggly thing?

You mean that's what's
inside of people?

After much research,

I have decided to hold the
festivities for Cyborg here.

That's actually a good choice.

Ooh! I also made
these for the party.

Ah, balloon animals.

Correct. And there
will be a game called,

"Pin the tail on the donkey."

Do you think this spike will be
sufficient for tail-pinning?

Uh, yeah. That's about right.

Hey, you okay, Beast Boy?

Oh, man! It's just...

I can't afford the present
that Cyborg really wants.

Friends don't care about
how much money you spend.

Just that you put
some thought into it.

Whaddup, Titans?

Which reminds me.

Hey, Cyborg. I thought I'd give you
your birthday gift a little early.

Your gift to me is
a half drunk soda?

What? Not expensive enough
for you, fancy pants?

You know, I'd like to think
it's the thought that counts.

We cheapos need to
stick together.

Nice hat. Whew. Comedy gold.

Just trying to make a few extra
bucks for something important.

Whatever they're paying
you, it's not enough.

Oh! Oh, my goodness!


Oh, my... oh my goodness.

Anyways, I'm just making
sure my best friend

is gonna be at my party. Not
dressed like that, of course.

About that, uh...

- I have to work Friday.
- What!

It's my birthday.

If I don't work, I can't...

I mean, you won't have...
Look, I just...

- I can't be there.
- You are making less sense than usual.

What I'm trying to say is
that I'll be there, but...

- I'll be working.
- Oh, I see.

So basically, making a few extra bucks
is more important than your pal.

Well, do not take
my quivering lip

as a sign of profound

Duck, duck, goose!


- Did I get that right?
- That's how I played.

I just wanted to thank
you all for coming.

And you know, "taking
time off from your jobs".

Oops! Speaking of jobs.

Guess someone is gonna
have to pick that up.

Man! I am so clumsy today.

Oh, cleaning crew!

I guess my so-called best friend
will have to come over and...

How dumb can you be?!

I'm only working here so I can
buy you an expensive present!

I never told you to
get a stupid job!

Well, my hallucination of you
in the store window did.

And the real you made
fun of my pie suit.

- Think we should stop them?
- Nah. This is the first time

I've ever actually enjoyed
a birthday party.

Oh, wonderful! Then the
celebration is a great success.

Uh. I don't think we need
any more pies, granny.

Since you love gifts so much,

here is what I was gonna give you!
When I still liked you.

This is what you got me?

I love it! It's well
drawn, and thoughtful!

- Thank you!
- I knew you would like it. Ha!

Face pie.

Ah, the best kind. Huh, pie bro.

When I say, "I want"
you say, "Pie"

- I want...
- Pie!

When I say "Yummy" you say "Pie"

- Yummy...
- Pie!

- Apple, peach -
Rhubarb, or pear

Any kind, we don't care.

- I love pie - Yeah, I love pie

Oh, we love, love,
love love, love pie.

Man, my pie bro!

Oh, why were we ever fighting?

- I love pie.
- I love you and pie.

- Hey, looks like everyone went home.
- Just means more pie for us.

Something tells me
I just figured out

what Mother Mae Eye's
secret ingredient is.


Oh, mmm, yup.

The secret ingredient
is definitely love.


- What?
- What?
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