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01x01 - The Danger Begins

Posted: 12/25/22 10:47
by bunniefuu
25 years ago scientist named Carl Manchester took his kid to work because it was Take Your Kid To Work Day.

Now, as you can all see, two normal panes of glass.

Whoa, Daddy, watch my new trick! Not now, Ray, Daddy's busy being a scientist.

- But - Go skateboard out in the hall.

Yes, Daddy.

Now, observe this first pane of glass.

I broke it.

But watch.

I move this identical pane of glass here into my trans-molecular densitizer, which I invented, and I engage power.

Ohhh Now then Ohh The glass is now indestructible.

Thank you.

Now let's all leave my device unsupervised in this room and discuss it in the next room.

Good idea.

Daddy! Hey, Daddy! Daddy! Whoa! Whoa! Holy gosh! Raymond! - Oh! - Son! - Are you all right? - Yeah.

I feel great! Oh, thank jeepers! When I saw you there being bombarded with the proton beams, I Wait! Ow! Did that hurt? Well, yeah.

You cracked me over the head with a metal bat.

Hey, it only hurt for a second.

No scratches? No bump? No throbbing? Ray, do you know what this means? Now I get to crack you in the head? It means you are very special now, and when you grow up, you could be Captain Man! What about Captain Man? Did you guys see what he did yesterday? Can we focus on algebra? There was a fire at a pet store and Captain Man ran inside, right through the flames, and saved all the animals and he didn't even get hurt.

Captain Man never gets hurt.

He's a beast.

You know, some day, when you guys are cleaning my swimming pool because you failed this algebra test, then flunked out of school, I hope you remember this moment, 'cause I will.

Hey, here's a cool job I could do.

Foot model! You guys, can we go over the list for my birthday party? - Sure! - No! - No! - But I invited 52 people.

And nobody's texted me back yet.

What does that mean? That people have been to your parties before? Oh, come on, my parties aren't that bad.


Three years ago.

Fifteen kids ended up in the hospital! - 'Cause of your raw turkey.

- It was turkey sushi.

- A boy almost died.

- Almost! Okay, first person who helps me find an after school job gets this bowl of pinecones.

Why do you even need a job? You know, to learn responsibility.

- Challenge myself.

- He wants money.

- I want money! - Money's good.

Can we please talk about my birthday? Oh, am I gonna have to slap a boy? Henry, can you please tell me, how in the world Oh, I didn't know Jasper and Charlotte were here.

- We're studying.

- Are we? Mom, we're right in the middle of some - I'm not interrupting.

- thing.

I just have a question about your underwear.

Mom! I'd like to hear the question.

What is the issue with Henry's underwear? Mom! Mom, I'm not okay! Piper, we're trying to study here.

I'm talking to my mother.

What's wrong, baby? - Jessica unfollowed me! - No one cares! Henry.

Why would Jessica unfollow you? 'Cause she posted a pic of her, me and Allison.

So I posted a comment that said, "Oh, and you look so gorgeous.

" Well, that's nice.

No! 'Cause Allison thought I meant she looked gorgeous, so she posted a comment that said, "Thanks, I-O-I.

" And so then, Jessica got jealous and unfollowed me and now I hate myself and I'm gonna die! I'll call Jessica's mom and talk to her.

No! That's not okay! Dang it.

All these jobs say I've gotta have skills.

- So, you've got tons of skills.

- Name one.

- You're a great dancer.

- No, I'm not.

You could take lessons.

- Oh, my gosh.

- What? I'm I'm not great at anything.

This is tragic.

Here, let me see.

I'm just a bit pile of average.

- Okay, here's a job.

- Where? At a store called Junk-N-Stuff.

It says, needed, part-time helper for various duties.


And, see, it says no special skills necessary.

That's me! I've gotta go get that job! - You get the pinecones.

- Sweet.

- Good luck, Hen! - Thanks! If you give me a pinecone, I'll lick my elbow.

- What are you lookin' at? - Uh, nothing.

Just, uh this turtle's butt.


Um, my name is Henry Hart.

I'm here about the job? The job.

Um did that plant burp? - To back.

- Come back? - Go back.

- Where? - To the back.

- Oh, go to the back.

- Take the elevator down.

- What floor? - Down.

- The "Down" floor? - Good luck.

- Take.

Uh, you, too.

Hey, what's up? Does my basement smell like chicken poop? Yes! What? I'm down in my basement with Charlotte and she says is smells like poop from a chicken.

A sick chicken.

What are you and Charlotte doing in your basement? He wants to have his birthday party down here in this chicken toilet.

This is my home! Guys, I can't talk right now.

I'm at a job interview.

So, I've gotta go Henry! Are you still there? Whoa! Henry? - Henry? - I'll call you back.

Hello? Hey, how are ya? Cool! Thanks! Great to meet ya.

I'm doin' good.

What's your name? Um I'm Henry Hart.

- I'm here about the job? - Age? Thirteen.

I'll be fourteen on my next birthday.

Ah, so, you're aging sequentially.

- I like that.

- Thanks.

- My name's Ray.

- Hi, Ray.

You ask a lot of questions.

I don't think I've asked any questions.

- Chocolate or vanilla? - Vanilla.

- Helicopters or kangaroos? - Helicopters? Love it! Scrambled eggs or dynamite? - Both? - Maybe.

Complete this sentence.

I'm sorry, mother, I didn't mean for my elephant to blank? - Uh, lick dad.

- Ha.




- Oh, that's not funny.

- No.

Um, this, uh, job interview Do you want it to be a job interview? Um, what is the job? What do you think the job is? Uh, well, the ad said "Part-time Helper.

" So, I'm thinking maybe you need someone to to help you, you know, part time.

Do you ever dream about sleeping? - No.

- Good! If you did, you'd be dead.

I am so confused.

- David? - Henry.

- Can I trust you? - Sure.

- Can you keep a secret? - Totally.

So I can trust you to keep a secret? Yes, sir.

- I'm gonna blow a bubble.

- You're gonna blow a bubble? Then I'm gonna blow your mind.

You're you're Captain Man! That's right, Henry.

Oh, hold on a second.

This stupid zipper! It always sticks! Come Oh, that's my skin.

There we go! Ha ha.

Woo! Always good to keep the old zipper lubed.

I I can't believe I'm standing here talking to Captain Man.

Why? Are you a fan? Do you like me? Most people like me, but not everyone.

- Yeah, I'm a huge fan.

- Oh.

Oh, man, I've gotta tell Jasper about this.

He's gonna freak when I tell him I'm standing here next to Captain Ah! Sorry, but you can't tell your friends about this.

Okay, but did you have to melt my phone? I'll get you a new one.

- Really? - No.

So, Henry, tell me why you want a job.

Well, you know, to to learn responsibility and challenge myself.

- So, you want money.

- Lots of money.

Oh, is this the ladies' room? No, ma'am, you're not supposed to be down here.

What an interesting place.

Thank you, but I'm conducting a job interview, and you're very old, so could you please just get back in the elevator? Oh, I'll just take me phone out of me purse and call me nephew.

Great, I'll just turn my back and look at something.

What are you lookin' at? Captain Man! Goodbye forever, Captain Man.

No! Get off my back! Quit talking like a British lady! Don't pull me wig over me eyes! I can't see! Captain Man! Capt Captain Man, are you okay? Captain Man is always okay.

- Nice work, Boris.

- The boy did good job.


You know him? That's Boris.

He works for me.

What? How'd you know he wasn't really an old lady? Uh, 'cause of the tattoo on his neck.

II saw it on him up in the store.

And his boobs are too wobbly.


Go get those under control.

Henry, you have a sharp eye.

Good instincts.

A nice shirt.

- And you're brave.

- Thanks.

Do you know how to make sandwiches? I do.

Then you have all the qualities I'm looking for.

But, I I don't You're the one, Henry.

The one to make you a sandwich? No.

- Oh.

- Well, yes.

But everybody gets old some day, even Captain Man.

- I can't do this forever.

- Do what? Protect our town, Swellview, from bad guys, - bad things, bad smells.

- Smells? - You wanna be horrified? - No.

Watch this! Poopy, no! Who's the freak in the diaper? The Toddler.

And don't let the diaper fool ya, kid.

- He's pure evil.

- Wow.

I'll show ya "wow".

Watch this secret video that was intercepted by my people who intercept secret videos.

You were supposed to bring me my applesauce two minutes ago! I'm sorry, Toddler.

Sorry don't make baby happy.

Pffffft! Pffffft! Toddler, good news.

The radioactive signite is here.

Really? Wahoo! That means we can begin Phase 2 of my plan.

Will someone wipe my face? - No! - Pffffff! Pffffft! Dang, that takes so much effort.

Have one of our scientists build me a device to do that.

- To do what, sir? - This! Pffffft! Pffffft! Pffffft! Oh! You see that? He's a maniac.

And there's more maniacs like him all dangers to the good citizens of Swellview.

Well, yeah, but, we've got you to stop 'em.


But I'm not as young as I used to be.

I'm almost 34.

I need help.

And, some day, someone's gonna have to take over for me.

Like like me? What do you say, Henry? Do you wanna be my sidekick? - How much does it pay? - $9 an hour.

- Whoa! - I know, right? Oh! Whoa! Check this place out.

Hey, look at this thing.

Wow, a bucket of swords! What are they doing here? - Friends of yours? - Uh-huh.

Jasper, please don't embarrass me.

- Excuse me, sir? - He's gonna do it.

- Yes? - How much? Each sword is $100.

No, no, now much for the bucket? The bucket? That's not a bucket.

That's a barrel.

It's close enough to a bucket.

- I collect buckets.

- Don't say it.

I'm a bucketeer.

Well, they seem like nice kids.

Yeah, their names are Jasper and Charlotte.

- I've known them ever since - Get rid of them.

I'll get rid of them.

Wow, what a bucket.

Ha! The kid sure loves that bucket.

- Hey! - Henry! - Did you get the job? - Why are you guys here? You hung up on us.

Did you get the job? - Yeah.

- Cool! Does that mean I can get a discount on this bucket? Dude, it's my first day here.

- You've gotta - Excuse me.

Mysterious foreign man? Do Henry's friends get a discount here? That plant just shook its head.

- Wow! - Will you get him outta here! How much for the plant? - The plant is not for sale.

- Bye, guys! Come on, I'll give ya seven bucks for it and one Canadian Loonie! - Ah, it spit in my eye! - Ha! I told you Canadian money upsets people.

Wait, what about my bucket? Just let me bring the bucket! - Go on! - I want my bucket! We'll get you a bucket some day! Carry on.

I've gotta wear this? All good sidekicks wear costumes.

Sorry, but.


this is bad.

I have more options.

Too sparkly.

Unh, it's a little Broadway.

- Too tight.

- Uh, way too tight.

Oh, man I ate a lot of fruit.

Hey! I like it.

I like it, but it takes a lot of time to put on.

And that's why you'll need this special bubble gum.

- Special - Read the instructions.

"Chew gum.

Blow bubble.

Fight crime.

" Now What's this for? - It means we're engaged.

- What? You Nah, I'm just kidding.

That's how I'll contact you.

Well, why can't you just call me? - I melted your phone.

- Right.

Now, listen closely.

- That wristband flashes.

- It flashes.

A triple flashing light means emergency, like major sitch goin' down, so get here fast.


A double flashing light means it's just important.

And what does a single flashing light mean? Just to, you know, sh**t me a text whenever.

- Got it.

- Now, raise your right hand.

Spread your fingers.

- Turn your head and cough.

- What? Ha, ha, joke.

Put your left hand over your right lung and repeat after me - I, Henry Hart.

- I, Henry Hart.

Pledge to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Man Pledge to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Man.

And to never ever ever tell anyone that I am Captain Man's secret sidekick.

And to never ever tell anyone that I am Captain Man's secret sidekick.

- You left out one "ever.

" - Ever.

It is done.

- It feels good! - Yeah.

Uh-oh! What's up, Gooch? Someone sabotaged the bridge over the Jandy River.

- The bridge is down? - Affirmative! - That means yes.

- Yeah, I got that.

- Situation? - Cars in the water.

- Lives in danger.

- Understood.

Phase 2 of the Toddler's plan.

- Let's ride! - But Ride where? We've got people in the Jandy River that need saving.

- Come on! - But You mean we're going there? Together? - Like right now? - Yeah, get into your tube.

- Ready? - For what? Up the tube! W-W-W-Wait.

I don't know how to Woooo! Just tap your belt buckle.

Ah! Up the tube! Ooooohhhh! And we're gonna come back to that story so we can take you live to the Jandy Bridge which mysteriously collapsed a little over an hour ago.

Jake, honey, come look.

The Jandy Bridge collapsed.

What? Ah, no, that was my favorite bridge.

We have several people and cars in the water.

People are injured.

- What happened? - They're not sure.

- They think - Mom, Dad I hate my life.

And I'm not okay! Not now, honey.

Daddy's favorite bridge collapsed.

- Who cares? - Your daddy cares.

But every time I try to watch a video on my phone, it keeps freezing because our stupid Wi-Fi signal only gives me on bar in my room.

Then just wait 'til the video loads before you watch it.

Oh, so we're living like animals now.


I'll run away.

I'll do it.

Rescue workers were unable to get their equipment down the muddy embankment.

Luckily, Captain Man arrived on the scene, leapt into the water and saved the endangered citizens from drowning.

And, Ron, is it true that, for the first time, Captain Man wasn't working alone? That's correct.

It appears Captain Man has teamed up with a new sidekick who apparently goes by the name Kid Danger.


Well, once again, Swellview owes a big thanks to Captain Man and, apparently, Kid Danger.

Hey, Henry, did you get the job? Yeah.

Just finished my first day.

- So, how was work? - Uh, it was pretty interesting.

Okay, George has six times as many dimes as quarters in his piggybank.

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! - I got two responses! - To what? My birthday party invitations.

Two guys said they might come.

Who? Sydney Birnbaum and Oliver Pook.

- Ugh! - Those guys eat bugs.

So? They're people.

- When'd you get a new phone? - Oh, uh mine broke, so What are you doing? You've gotta get this new app.

Wait, what app? Hey, you never told us what you do at your new job.

Ah, right, right.

- What do you do? - I, uh App installed.

Oh, great, yeah, tell me about the app.

It plays a billion sound effects like school bell.

Cat choking on a hairball.

Ice cream truck.

You have the brain of a hamster.

- I wish.

- Give me my phone.

Hey, did you guys hear what Captain Man did yesterday? Oh, yeah, the Dandy Bridge? So, if you divide nine X by the square root They say he pulled seven people out of the river - and saved their lives.

- Yeah.

And he has a new sidekick.

There's a story about it on my newsfeed.

Hey, hey, let's talk about your birthday party.

- Shhhhh! - Here.

"For the first time ever Captain Man was not working alone.

" Whoa, how'd that break? "According to witnesses on the scene, "Captain Man was heard calling his new sidekick Kid Danger.

" You just slapped my phone right out of my hand.

Yeah, sorry, sorry.

I'm just I'm worried you and I gotta study, and I'm worried about Jasper's party, and, just, I don't know.

I just A triple flashing light means emergency, like major sitch going down, so get here fast.

Uh, why don't you guys go to the zoo? Why? You know I got banned from the zoo.

What is that? - What, my thumb? - The bracelet.

That's beeping and flashing on your wrist.

Uh it's, uh - it's a timer.

- What are you timing? - Muffins? - You're making muffins? - Uh, birthday muffins.

- Yes! Dang, there goes the surprise.

I'll just turn this off.

I'll just push the button.

- It's still on.

- No, it's not.

We can see it flashing through your pants.

And we can still hear it beeping.

I know.

I, uh I need a pickle! Wait! I thought we were gonna study.

Bring me back a pickle! Wait! Wait! What's wrong? Ray? Woooo! Henry? What goes on? You triple beeped me.

You said that means there's an emergency.

Oh, right, sorry.

I was just getting a ukulele lesson from Leylani.

Take a break.

Oooh, yeah.

- So, what's up? - We have a situation.

And by we, I mean our city, all of Swellview.

Check this out.

The Toddler? He's the one that destroyed the Jandy Bridge yesterday.

- Why? - To set up Phase 3 of his plan.

What's Phase 3? It's a phase that comes right after Phase 2, but before Phase 4, if there is a Phase 4.

But if there's no Phase 4, then Phase 3 would be the Final Phase.

What happens in Phase 3? - Listen.

- Okay.

While you and I were pulling people out of the river, the Toddler's men stole 5000 packages of diapers.

- Can you guess why? - Uh To bombard the diapers with radioactive zenite particles.

I would not have guessed that.

Do you wanna see what happens when a baby pees into a diaper that's been bombarded with radioactive zenite particles? - No.

- Watch this.

Why does he ask me? What's taking so long? Oh, he hasn't peed yet.

Well, give him some more apple juice.

Wait! Wait! He I think he's peeing! Goody! Here comes the fun.

- Oh, my gosh! - Uh-huh.

- k*ll you! - k*ll everyone! - Monster babies? - That's right, Henry.

Unless we stop the Toddler.

- Are you with me? - Well, yeah.

Well, good.

Meet me here tonight at 7:00 sharp.




Tonight? - No, I can't do tonight.

- What? What do you mean? My best friend Jasper.

He's having his birthday party tonight.

P-P-Party? Henry, there's a freakish man-toddler out there about to turn all the babies in Swellview into that.

I'm fussy! And you're worried about a party? But but Jasper's been my best friend since we were five.



It's cool.

Uh, you go to Jasper's party.

I'll handle the Toddler by myself.

Don't worry about it.

- Are you sure? - Yeah.

I've battled the Toddler alone before.

Almost k*lled me, but whatever.

- Now I feel all bad.

- Nah, don't feel bad.

I'll save the world.

You go have a fun time at Jasper's birthday party.


Drink some fruity punch.

Leylani, turn on the hot tub! Yay! You're supposed to be here.

- Okay, yeah.

- Hurry, okay? - Jasper.

- But nobody's here.

- Jasper, I'm on my way.

- You got the muffins? No, I'm not bringing the muffins.

Did you hear about Captain Man? - What about Captain Man? - He got captured.

- What? - Henry, am I handsome? Though while reports are unclear, we do have confirmation that Captain Man has been captured and is being held at a secret location.

Captured? Dang it, Ray.

Next, why squirrels love nuts.

- Henry? - Henry? Uh, I can't talk.

I'm naked.

You said there'd be ladies.

They'll be here.

Hey, you guys like my shirt? It was a birthday present.

From my aunt.

It's okay.

It'd look better if you wore boinks.

What are boinks? Check this! They really trim your trunk.

- Do they? - Heck, yeah.

Slap my gut.


Yeaaah Me, next.

Wow, firm.


Cool party! Where's Henry? Nya nya nya nya nya nya Come on, Toddler, let me outta this thing before I puke.

No! This is my playroom, my toys, my rules! You sick, underdeveloped maniac! - Take that! - Ow! - Jeez, man! - Oh! I thought the famous Captain Man couldn't be injured.

He can't, but he does feel pain.

You're not allowed to talk unless you raise your hand and I call on you, you stupidhead! That's what you get! Come on, Toddler, your insane plan won't work.

A lot you know.

What? - You're late.

- Well, sorry, but I'm kind of in the middle of something.

Is something more important than my birthday party? Uh Forty-eight hours from now, every baby in Swellview will be a hideous monster.

Yeah, this is pretty important.

But you promised me that Henry, will you get your butt to this party, 'cause, so far, it's just me, Jasper, and two dorks that keep slapping each other's boinks.

- I've gotta go.

- Henry! Come on, Toddler, put me down from this thing.

Oh, it's squeezing me in bad ways.

No! And now, Captain Man, I have thousands of babies to monsterize.

And to make sure that you don't try to stop me, - I will now destroy you.

- You idiot! - I can't be destroyed.

- I know that!! - But you can be dropped - Ahhh! Ahhhh! into my bottomless ball pit.

- Uh, now Todd, Todd - Toddler! Play time is over, Captain Man.

Oh, wait, listen.

- It's the ice cream man! - Yay! I'll destroy you in a minute.

Come on, fellas, ice cream man! I hope they have mint chocolate chip.

- Captain Man! - Henry! It's Kid Danger.

Now, quick, how do I get you down from there? I don't know.

This is the first time I've been trapped in a baby bouncer over a bottomless ball pit.

- Try that lever.

- Right! There was no ice cream truck! Who tricked me? And who's that boy near my lever? That's my sidekick, Kid Danger.

I didn't know you had a sidekick.

Why don't I have a sidekick? I want a sidekick!! - You have us.

- Shut up! You're dumb.

- Uh, Kid Danger? - Yeah? Why don't you pull that lever? - Oh, right.

- Noooooooo! Whoa! Squish the boy! Get him! Get him! Kid Danger, look out! Oh, my God, he's got my thing that goes Pffffft! Get him! Where's Henry? I don't know, but I bet he's having more fun than we are.

- Aloha.

- Hello? Hello? - Throw the truck! - Come here! Hey, I hate you.

Yeah, you will get it.

Captain Man! - Look at you.

- Get him, Kid! Gimme back my spit p*stol.

Whoa! Oh! Go on! Get him! You guys are seriously the worst henchmen ever! Kid Danger! Ah! You boys think you're so spiffy.

But have a look at my bang bottle.

- Bang bottle? - That's right.

And it's filled with explody juice.

- Kid Danger, get outta here! - I'm not leaving without you.

But that nipple is flashing.

No one leaves.

Wahhhh! Wahhhh! Now we're all gonna go boom together.

- What do we do? - Push me.

That way.

Help me! Get me out! Oh, these balls smell like feet and pee! Ohhhhh! Oh, this is it for me.

I've been hoisted by my own petard! - The bang bottle! - Oh, man! What do we do with this? We give the baby his bottle.

Ah, good call.

- Hey! - What's up? - Hurry.

- Right.

Kid Danger! Nice work, Kid Danger.

- You got skills.

- Thanks, Captain Man.

- Jasper! - Oh, yeah.

You'd better get to that birthday party.


Uh, Ray? Will you do me a huge favor? Ah! Ah! Ah! Arf! Arf! Arf! Roo! Roo! Roo! Ah! Ah! Ah! They've been doing that for two hours.

My party's a flop.

I'm just gonna go upstairs and sit in my closet with my cat.

Pardon me? My Man Van broke down out there in the street, so I walked into this house and came down to this basement.

Holy, chunks, you're You're Captain Man! - Thank you.

- You're my hero.

- Of course.

- Mine, too.

Um, I'm Charlotte.

Hi, Mr.

Cap Maptain Can.

I mean - That's enough.

- I'm so sorry.

- And, um, I'm Henry.

- Nice to meet you, Henry.

- Hey, Captain Man? - Yes? A question.

Can I hit you in the head with a baseball bat? Oh, no.

- No, no, it's okay.

- Woo! But remember, kids, never do this to anyone but Captain Man, because regular people could be badly inj Ow! - Wow! - I wasn't done talking.

- Did that hurt? - Yeah.

But I'm okay.

Well, I should call a tow truck to come pick up my Man Van.

Or, it's my best friend Jasper's birthday party.

Oh! Oh! Yeah! Yeah! It is.

You can stay and party with us, if you wanna.

- Will there be soup? - I'll open a can.

Then I'd love to stay and party with you guys.

- Uh, Captain Man? - Yes, boy? Would it be cool, if Jasper texted a few friends from school and told them you were here at his party? Yeah, can I? - Sure, I love being used.

- Oh! Oh! Oh! - Yay! - Wow, thanks! This is like the coolest thing that's ever happened to me.

Ha, ha.

Are your hands always this sweaty? - Yes, sir.

- He takes medicine for it.

Well, it's not working.

- Hey, Jasper, rockin' party.

- Right.

I can't believe you got Captain Man to come here.

Hey, we're buds, right, Captain Man? - Aren't we buds? - We sure are, Billy.

Uh, that's just how we kid around.

We call each other "Billy.

" Back at ya, Billy! Okay, okay, get the lights.

Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday Everybody wants to wish you a Happy Birthday - Not bad.

- Yeah.

Well, make a wish.

- Oh - Do it! Okay, switch on the lights.

- Happy Birthday, Jasper.

- Way to go.

Hey, where'd Captain Man go? - He's gone.

- Aw, why'd he leave? He probably had to go do superhero stuff.

And you did break a bat over his head.

- Yeah.

- Hey.

If it makes you feel any better, me and Charlotte got you something.

- What? - Look.

Oh! You got me the bucket? It's a barrel.

Would somebody turn on the music? So, you happy with your party? Heck, yeah, but for a while there, I thought you weren't gonna come.

Come on, man, I'm always gonna be here for ya.

I've gotta go! Birthday boy!