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02x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 12/25/22 10:30
by bunniefuu
You make us sweat

By the trick for real ♪

You got a mind

And a tongue of silver so ♪

Please, oh, please, I gotta get out ♪

Ain't even kiddin'

We're the best, you diss yourself ♪

I can feel the same thing ♪

It's got me all like

A fever over me ♪

I ain't feelin' like that with myself ♪

So tell me how to find out ♪

Tell me how ♪

If you're alive, make some noise!

You're alive!

I can feel the same thing ♪

It's got me all like

A fever over me ♪

I ain't feelin' like that with myself ♪

So tell me how to find out ♪

Tell me how ♪

Tell me how ♪

Tell me how ♪


What was our, uh, score today?

Five hundred points.

- Five hundred? That's high.

- Whoa.

Maki only earned three.

- I'm worth at least five.

- That's hilarious.


Hell of a show though, huh? We crushed it.

- The crowd was really into it.

- Yeah.

Okay, listen up.

- Listening.

- We need today's driver, yeah?

- We'll point at them on three.

- Yeah?

- You point.

- Point?

- Yeah, on three. Shit.

- Okay.

- Whoever did the worst today.

- Yeah.

- Right?

- Okay.

- On three.

- I know who I'm picking.

- You ready?

- Sure.

- Let's

- Okay!

One, two

We're the citizens of this country.


Sure. Citizens.

What do you mean?

We're all living here, right?

Who can say?

In this place, I'm the leader.

We created this game.

That man, Shitara? All his idea.

Well, to be fair,

this is a brand-new experience for us.

We haven't played a game of it yet

as a team.

What does that mean?

We're competing against citizens now?

Us against the five of you?


When you play a face card game,

you're competing against citizens

fighting for their lives.

Anyone who loses is k*lled.


these are games of life or death

for us citizens as well.

It's time to begin.

The game we'll be playing is

Difficulty, King of Clubs.




Now, the rules are simple.

The game lasts two hours.

Both teams try to collect points.

The team with the highest total

at the end of the game wins.

Each team begins with 10,000 points.

Players divide these points

amongst themselves before the game begins.

The minimum amount is 100 points.

You're free to divide them up

any way you want.

Talk it over as a team and decide.

Points distribution is a key element

of strategy in this game.

How does one earn points?

There are three ways

you can do so in this game.

Battle, items, and base.

Hold on!

Yeah, you got a question?

How do we remember all this?


I guess it's easier once you do it, huh?

A demonstration.

You've got random points for now.

Your bracelet shows

your individual points.

Let's try a battle.


A battle's outcome depends entirely

on your current points.

To initiate one,

all you need to do is touch your opponent.


NIRAGI 2,000

KYUMA 3,500

Whoever has more points wins.

The winner steals 500 points

from the loser.

The scores have been updated.

The King of Clubs team

is now leading by 1,000 points.


So you don't know

your opponent's score until you battle.

No. You know what that means, right?

It means these battles are a huge gamble,

where you're unable

to see your opponent's strength.

Something else you can try

is to pair up with a teammate.

For example

You two. Try holding hands.

Oh wow, what's this?

A bit nervous, are ya?

Would you look at that? Cute couple.

All right.

If teammates hold hands like this,

they're able to battle

using their combined points,

allowing them to beat an opponent

they couldn't defeat on their own.

The winners get the 500

divided between them.


On to items!


There are items for you to find, six

of them, hidden amongst the containers.

Ugh, this area's huge!

There are only six items

in all these shipping containers?

Touching an item

will earn your team some points.

And finally, we come to these poles.

Bases are a big part of the game.

They can turn the tide.

This pole is your base.

Ours is on the other side.


If you manage to touch

your opponents' base,

10,000 points are yours.

10,000 points?

Don't both teams start with that?

Exactly why you need to keep someone back

to protect your base.

But while a player is touching

their own base, they have infinite points.


How do you battle someone

with infinite points?

Come here.

ARISU 2,250


I was touching my base,

so you lose 10,000 points.

ARISU -7,750

KYUMA 3,500

And I gain 10,000.

ARISU -7,750

KYUMA 13,500

Hang on

So what would happen to him?

His score would have dropped below zero.


Shot down.

If you try to touch the other team's base

and their goalie manages to touch you,

you lose 10,000 points.

You die, and the opposing team

gains 10,000 points?

That's way too risky.

If you pull it off,

you can change everything.

Something else.

After completing a battle

or touching the other team's base,

players are temporarily out of commission.


During this time, their points are frozen.

They're immune.

If you touch an opponent

while they're out of commission

your wristband will give you

an electric shock.

Enough to knock you out, so be careful.

Once you touch your own base,

your status is reset

and you can resume play.

So, you know the rules. Split up

your points now, then the game begins.

Hold on.

I'm Arisu.


tell me something, before we fight.

If we beat all the games here,

will we go back to our world?

Your world? What is your world?

The way that you're speaking about it,

you're making it sound

like your world must be the real one.

What are you talking about?

Tell me something.

How many real conversations did you have?

How many heart-to-hearts did you have?

Our flaws, our pride.

Those are exposed here, in this world.

When we look death in the eye,

we face true human nature and reality.

This world is more real

than any you left behind.

These games are conversations.

Let's really talk, you and I.

Let us expose our true hearts.


You want the truth, yeah?

Face me with everything you have.

All right, then.

I'll play your game.

Is it just me,

or was Kyuma being nice to us?

Just like a normal guy.

Buck naked and crazy. Yeah, real normal.

This game'll be a bloodbath,

just like all the others.


Let's distribute the points.

How many do we each get? Got any ideas?

Split 'em five ways, no?

We're not going to win

splitting them evenly between us.

Usagi's right.

It's like Kyuma said.

It's an important decision for the game.

The initial point split is crucial.

You got a plan or what?

Game start.


Here's the plan.

The faster runners get fewer points.

Slower runners get more.

The guard at the base

gets the least number of points possible.

We go out in pairs,

one fast runner with one slower runner.

Why'd you pair up with me, anyway?

You like me that much, huh?

Please. Because I won't care

if you die in front of me.

Pairing up for battles

has many advantages,

but one of the biggest

is they can only see your combined points.

They won't know

how many points you each have.

We've got 5,000 between us.

He won't have more than that.

They'd be crazy

to give one person half their points.

- Let's get him.

- Yeah, let's get it done.



Guess he didn't have that many after all.

Nothing here either.

No. Come on.

Hey. Why'd you pair up Usagi with Niragi?


What's going on with you two?

What do you mean?


If something's changed

between you and Usagi,

shouldn't you tell us?

No, we're fine. It's fine, okay?

If you say so.


Is that an item?



2,000 points!


- Yes!

- Yes!

The player team

has secured an item.

The player team is now leading

by 2,000 points.

- We're winning!

- Yeah, that's pretty cool!


Look, we can't avoid each other forever.

You wanna battle or what?



Stay close, Arisu.

It's two on one. We'll take it slow.


I couldn't help but overhear.

Sounds like there's an issue.

You're fighting

with one of your teammates.


you have a certain strength about you.

The look of someone who has faced death.

A man will do whatever it takes.

That's why it's so strange.

Your confidence

Why on earth would it be shaken now?

The five of us were in a band before.

Sometimes we would disagree,

and yet they'd be behind me

at the end of the day.

And so

I learned something about being a leader.

You can't push people

into following you for no reason.

You have to be ready to listen.

Wait for them to come to you.

Do that,

and they'll know they can depend on you.


let's go.

Don't hesitate! Not today!

We could die. We all could.

Me, my friends, and you.


Let's not end our lives with regret.

If you're gonna die,

wouldn't you rather give it

everything you've got?



You said that

to learn the truth, I have to face you

with everything I've got.


I wanna learn more about who you are.

So battle me alone, Kyuma.


You've got it.

ARISU 4,600

KYUMA 2,000


- The scores have been updated.

- I lost!

2,000 points?

The player team is now leading

by 3,000 points.


Wait a sec.

Did you give everyone equal points?

Yeah, everyone got 2,000.

I thought this was

a game of life or death.

Here's what I think.

My four teammates and I are equals.

We live or die together.

So, Arisu,

did you learn something just now?



Ah! You got me!


- Yeah!

- The scores have been updated.

The player team is now leading

by 4,000 points.


The scores have been updated.

- Yes!

- The player team is leading

I'm sorry.

All right, you guys!

Things are going great so far.

This is a King game? Don't make me laugh.

- Yeah!

- Hah!

Yeah! Yeah!

Pretty crazy to think

But I almost forgot

you're one of the bad guys, Niragi.



Well, what'd you learn?

- They split the points evenly.

- Evenly? Are you sure?

2,000 each, yup.

We need to keep the pressure on.

And find more items if we can.

- Right.

- Yeah.

Tatta, you got this, buddy.


They're up by 5,000. I can't believe it.

This is absolute bullshit!

So, what do we do, o leader? Huh?

They're certainly not bad.

Huh? Oh, this is funny to you?

Splitting the points up evenly

was your plan, Kyuma. You figure it out!

Hey, chill out, dude.

This isn't some dictatorship.

He didn't decide for us.

We did it together.

Just like we've always done,

and just like we're going to keep doing.


So what do we do?

Yo, Maki!

Yeah, man, we all heard you.

So why don't you say something?

I do have one idea.

Me too. I've got an idea,

if you don't mind something crazy.

How funny would it be

if it was the same idea?

Well, how about if we say it on three?

Let's go.

One, two

The player team has secured an item.

The player team is now leading

by 6,000 points.



Why are you all here?

We're here so we can win, man.




I've got

I've got infinite points!

You get tagged here

and you'll die!

You're right.

And since it's a game of life or death,

why don't you tell us

who dies by your hand?

What? But you'll be k*lled!

You'll die!

Stay back!

No! Don't!

Ah! Ah!

The scores have been updated.

The King of Club team

is now leading by 4,000 points.

They overtook us.

What the hell?

One player

on the King of Clubs team

has had their score fall below zero.

You picked me?

You better use this to win.

If I die in vain, I'm

I'm gonna beat the shit out of you

in the afterlife, man.

It is game over for the player.


You were my good friend.

I'll never forget what you did for us.

Later, man.



They sacrificed a member of their team.

Now three of them have 10,000 points each.

Couldn't even guard one pole, huh?

f*cking useless.

Trash is always gonna be trash.

You piece of shit!

- Lay off of him. He did the best he could.

- The best he could?

You get a chance to k*ll one of them,

obviously you k*ll Kyuma!

It's not that. We underestimated them.

He was nice and we got sucked in,

so we forgot the most important thing.

Kyuma is the King of Clubs.

We forgot

that we're gambling with our lives.

They're prepared to die.

They've just shown us that.

If we don't do something,

we're all finished.

Only one hour left on the clock.

We can turn this around

if we attack their base.

We can't get to their base

if they're defending it.

- Yeah, Niragi's right.

- Then how do we win this thing?

Split up again.

Forget battling. Items are the key.

That's the only way

we're getting out of this alive.

Come on. Hurry!

The King of Clubs team

has secured an item.

The King of Clubs team is now leading

by 4,500 points.

Well, that ain't good.

Got ya.

The scores have been updated.

The King of Clubs team is now leading

by 5,500 points.

The King of Clubs team

has secured an item.

The King of Clubs team

is now leading by 7,000 points.

We're so f*cked.

You alone?

Let's do this, you and me.

You ought to know

I'm making you work for this.

All I need is one punch.

You win this battle,

you'll be out cold for the rest.



Why'd you let me brag, dude?

I didn't know you could fight.

The scores have been updated.

What are they doing?

The King of Clubs team

is now leading by 8,000 points.


Snooze, you lose.

Yes! 3,000!

The most valuable item.

What the hell?

If you're both here, then


There's no one guarding your base?


We figured that you wouldn't have

the guts to invade ours.

And we were right, weren't we?

I can't believe this.

You told me

you wanted answers, Arisu.

The games are cruel. You know that.

The value of a single life

is meaningless here.

Look at me.

I just lost my best friend.

His name was Shitara.

He was my bandmate.

We used to live in this dirty apartment.

The venues we played at were small.

Certainly not the stuff of legends.

But we had fun.

By choosing to join this game,

you get to know

who the other players truly are.

It bares their souls.

Like music does.

Maybe I

just wanted to expose

people's true humanity.

Shitara was a good man,

and a good friend to me.




You must not forget.

This is a game of life or death.

The losers will die.

Show me what you're made of, Arisu.

Thirty minutes remain.

The King of Clubs team

is currently leading by 12,000 points.



- Only 30 minutes left.

- And they're up by 12,000 points.

- We can't give up yet!

- We've got to find more items.

It's not worth it.

There's only a few left.

We have to do something!

I'm not sitting here waiting to die.

Tatta still has

over 10,000 points.

- We could pair up and battle

- f*ck that!

Whose fault is it

we're in this position now?

I'm not trusting this bitch to do anything

after he f*cked us!

Ah, it doesn't matter anyway.

We can't make up 12,000 points

with little 500-point battles.

If I were Kyuma,

what would I



You want the truth, yeah?

Face me with everything that you have.

By choosing to play,

you get to know

who the other players truly are.

This is a game of life or death.

Show me what you're made of, Arisu.

We have to attack their base.


Two of us get 20,000 points

from their base.

- We can still win.

- We can't, man, no!

I was there when they att*cked us.

It's impossible.

- What makes you think we can pull it off?

- That's just it.

We have to stop being afraid.

Believe in the plan.

What are you talking about?

The difference between us and them

is whether we let our fear stop us.

We break free, and we push the fear out!

It's too risky. I can't do it.

I won't throw our lives away like that.

But if we don't go,

then we're dead, and that's it.

If we want to win, we have to take a risk.

You're my teammates.

And my friends.

I don't want any of us to die.

But I would risk my life

to be able to save yours.

Well, I'm in.

Not because of all this mushy shit.

It's more.

I'm not the kind of guy

to ever let fear get in my way.

I wanna win.

I can't stand aside. I want to win this.

Then it's settled.

I can't let you take all the glory.



You protect the base.


If we guard this piece of metal,

then we're gonna win.


Bet you can't catch me again!

She's got 50 points left, max.

One more hit and you're a goner!

Goken, wait!

Don't let her provoke you like that.

Come on, victory's ours either way!


Yes, I'm alive!

Let's party!

There's another one.

You bored yet?

You must be craving some fun.

You're looking for a rush, aren't you?

You know us so well!

Isn't that right, Arisu?







It'll never work.



All set?





You were out of commission!

The scores have been updated.

- The King of Clubs team

- Yes!

Yes! Come on!!






The scores have been updated.

The King of Clubs team is now leading

by 3,000 points.

Congrats on 10,000!

Too bad it's not enough!

Well done, Arisu.

Your team had a good go.

But your plan has failed you.

You could get

the remaining items, of course,

but it won't be enough.

And we're not giving you

a chance to win now.

We're guarding the base with

everything we've got till time runs out.

Better accept it.

Twenty minutes remain.

The King of Clubs team

is currently leading by 3,000 points.

I'm sorry.

This is my fault.


We gave it all we had.

My plan just wasn't good enough.

I'm sorry.

So So, what? That's it?

Because of you,

we're all gonna f*ckin' die, assh*le.

I'll look for items.

There's no point.

Maybe not, but I have to do it.

For me.

I have to fight.

See it through to the end.

She's strong.

I sure couldn't do that.

"You're my teammates. You're my friends."

What a crock of bullshit.


I was so stupid.

Well, either way,

I don't have much time left.

Isn't there anything we can do?

I got it!

The player team has secured an item.

The King of Clubs team is now leading

by 500 points.

Usagi found the final item!

Just 500 to go.

Think! Come on!

We gotta do something!

Kyuma's base I have to go.


Five hundred.

That's nothing! We can do this!

It's all over.

If I'm going to die,

I'll do everything I can.



I have to say,

before I go to at least try


I love your positive attitude.

You've always cheered me up, Tatta.

Thank you, friend.

Ten minutes remain.

The King of Clubs team

is currently leading by 500 points.

There's still a chance.


Yeah, poor Niragi.

- I found the last item. We just need 500

- It's a waste of time.

Well, I'm not giving up.

We're all gonna die.

Me, you.

Everyone's gonna die.

You're better than all of us.

That's what you think, isn't it,

that you're better than us, huh?

Am I really so unclean?


Everyone looks at me like that now.

I don't know if they hated me

because I was twisted,

or if I became twisted

because they hated me.

I guess Kyuma was right.

Only by facing death

can you learn who you are.

I get it now.

I know who I am.

I'm not the kind of person

with friends to rely on.

I'm not the kind of person

with hopes and dreams.

I'm garbage.

Me and you can finally finish

what we started!

We can have one last screw,

right here, you and me,

before we go out with a bang!



Shut the f*ck up!

Nine minutes remain.

The King of Clubs team

is currently leading by 500 points.
