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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 12/25/22 10:28
by bunniefuu
"You must be the change

you wish to see in the world."

That's what Gandhi said.


will create a utopian society.

For all of those

who have fallen into despair,

if we do not have hope,

then we must create it!

This will be the land of hope.



I will make this oasis

into the second Beach!


How long are you gonna sleep?

Are you hungover?

Did you get any information?

I'm afraid not.

I think I'd better get up

and get some info.

Seems like Hatter

has taken a liking to you.

You'd better be careful.

The militant corps will be watching you.

And we have no idea

what they're capable of.

I was talking to these guys

who drove all the way to the suburbs.

They were saying that

the further you get from the city,

the crappier and more run-down

the streets are,

and if you keep goin',

it looks like you're actually in a jungle.

They decided they weren't taking

any chances and didn't go any further.


I heard that all the game arenas

are pretty much inside Tokyo!

Come on, people! Who wants to party?

There are rumors about people

who tried escaping the country by boat,

but then those lasers came down

from the sky and k*lled all of them.

You hear about that?

Hang on a second.

Does that mean that the only people

who are disappearing are in Tokyo?

So, wait.

If this is only happening in Tokyo,

wouldn't the SDF have come to rescue us?

That makes sense, right?

And the fact that they haven't come,

does that mean

that everyone in Japan has disappeared?

The US Army didn't come either.

This is so weird.

Could it be

that the whole world disappeared?

I don't know, man.

I think aliens put chips into our brains

and are playin' with us.

I don't think anyone could escape

from this place.

Gimme a swig.

The more I hear,

the more depressing it gets.

Yeah, I know

Our only hope might be

with those playing cards.

All right.

I'll head over to the annex now.

Just be careful, okay?

I'll also get food supplies and weapons.

And it'll be great

if I could get a little more information.

Yeah, wouldn't that be real nice?

Hey! You guys mind if I ask you something?

Wait, I'm not trying to hit on ya!

That's what

this utopia really looks like.

Another Beach rule.

"Death if you're a traitor."


You and Usagi seem to have gathered

a whole bunch of information.

Are you two planning something?

No, not really.

All right,

I'll cut to the chase.

How do you think you're going to live

in a world full of despair?


Look, all I want is some answers.

Who's behind these sick games and

who k*lled my friends, Karube and Chota.

I thought I'd be able to survive

and go back to the world

the way it used to be.

But if that's not possible,

I want Usagi to return at the very least.

She's the only reason I'm alive.

Very touching.

This wish of yours

sure is nice,

but not very practical, I'll tell you.

You'd have to win every single game

coming up and become the next Number 1.


Look, it's not about you guys, all right?

We think you both have potential.

- What?

- Yeah, that's why we're here right now.

What do you mean?

What would you say if I told you,

things could play out differently?

Let's go!

They've got a lot of g*ns.

Their arsenal is in the deepest room

in the annex, and they have patrols too.

As long as they have all those weapons,

Hatter will be in control of everything.

What's the matter?

I'm off!

Hatter's making sure

he keeps control of the militant corps,

but it's only a matter of time

before they retaliate.

And if that happens,

this place will be run

by a bunch of brainless idiots with g*ns.

Then it's cut and run.

What are you planning?

I'm planning

to steal all the playing cards

bail off the Beach.


A pseudo-utopia

built on one guy's charisma.

But then again,

maybe we're the only ones

who think that way.


There is no utopia in this world.


We need to talk.



This way.

Kabuki District, huh?

This takes me back.


- I can't wait

- Watch it!

- Hey!

- Excuse me, sorry!

Where the hell is that damn GPS chip?

Okay, so this is where you are!

Did I say you could come in here?


Something bad has happened.

Ju Just come with me, please!


Whoa, what are you doin' here?

What the hell do you two want?

No one asked you to come here!

Actually, I'm the one who asked him.

Yeah? Who says you can summon people now?

There's something important

he has to hear.

Let's go in.

See you later.

What's going on?

Not a clue, but it's gotta be

something pretty serious.

Apparently, he couldn't clear the game.

The maintenance team

just happened to find him in Shinjuku

while we were filling up with gas.

Hey, do me a favor

and keep your hands off him.

You're obsessed with dissecting things.

This is from a b*llet.

Did the game he was playing involve g*ns?

Seems like it.

Apparently, people around the game area

heard g*nshots.

Holy shit!

Looks like he should've brought

the militant corps along with him.

So now what? What happens to the Beach?

Nobody says a word about this,


We don't want people freaking out.

I'll step in as leader since I'm Number 2.

Wait a second.

Shouldn't the strongest person

be the leader?

In case you didn't know,

we're the ones who have been

getting rid of the traitors,

but we've been thrown into the shadows

the whole time.

This bullshit ends now, you got that?

If Number 1 dies,

everyone moves up by a number.

We all knew that.

Yeah, well, this elitist dictator is dead.

The power has shifted, hasn't it?

Let's just be democratic

and go with the majority.

Who's with me and thinks

that Aguni should be our new leader?

Are you all serious right now?

Last Boss.

So I'll ask again.

Who thinks Aguni should be leader?


is not a democracy.

But I think it is, isn't it?

You can vote however you want, right?

And how about

the former Number 2 over there?

What do you think?

And what about you?


you're not looking down on us, are ya?

Y'all morons in the corps?

Those eyes of yours piss me off sometimes,

you know that?

You really think you're better than us,

don't ya?

I vote for Aguni to be the leader.

I'm pretty sure

that's what you want to hear, don't you?

Well, let this be a reminder

of how you should act in the future.

Hey, why are you looking so freaked out?

I thought I told you

to give me an answer there?

Whose side are you on, anyway?

Just about to shit your pants there, huh?

Look at his face!

All right.

Looks like we have a unanimous decision.

So, we've got a new leader, right?

Hatter would not allow this.

If he were alive,

he would not have allowed this.

But he's not alive, is he?

The dead really have no say

as to what's going on. Watch.



That's enough.

From this day onwards,

I will be the Beach's new king.

Yeah, let's hear it for the King, huh?

Okay, boss.

Time for the succession ceremony, right?

Maybe you should open up

the black envelope.

The black envelope.

All the playing cards collected

by members of the Beach

are kept in the safe

in Hatter's royal suite.

The code for opening the safe

is sealed inside the black envelope.

The envelope is kept in a secret location.

And the only time it's opened

is when there's a new Number 1.

The new Number 1 opens the envelope

in front of the executives,

but only he sees the code to the safe.

Then, he places the paper

with the code written on it

into a new envelope and seals it again.

It then must be signed

by all the executives.

First, Arisu will infiltrate

the royal suite.

Then he'll search for the safe,

and steal all the playing cards inside.

- And how do I get the code?

- Don't worry about that.

I'll let you know

when you're in front of the safe.

I sure hope you're right.

I'm on it.

Usagi and Kuina will be on the lookout.

This is too dangerous.

They'll k*ll us if they see us.

I don't think we have any other choice.

Now that Hatter's dead,

the unity in the Beach is wavering.

I think this plan could work for us.

I'm here to tell you,

we have a new leader.

What happened?

Hatter is no longer with us,

and that leader has been chosen.

The new leader is Aguni.

Everybody, shut up!

It seems as though Hatter failed

in his game. He just couldn't crack it.

A vote was taken,

and the executive was unanimous,

and Aguni was voted as our new Number 1.

Now, let's hear from Aguni.

You better all listen carefully.


said everything that needs to be said.

All right, the new leader

is making a speech in the lobby.

All members of the executive

and the militant corps

are here at the annex.

We're not gonna get

another chance like this.

I'll let you guys know

if there are any changes here.

I'm counting on you, Arisu.

Copy that.

Now that Hatter is gone

and I'm the Number 1,

I have full control over the Beach.

Follow my orders.

I want you to live for me,

and you may have to die for me.

I found it.

All right, what's the code?


So you saw what's in the letter?


But Aguni's expression

pretty much said it all.

When he opened it,

his face kinda went all dark,

like he was completely surprised

and really perplexed.

I'm pretty sure

there was nothing written on it.

Nothing? Then how did you get the code?

From the wax seal.

The Boss seals it with his ring.

It has numbers on it.

And that's the code.


Sure as hell

wouldn't want to be your enemy.

It's not opening!


Chishiya, you there?

Yeah, I gotta hand it to you.

You really got balls.

- Why would you

- Let me go!

- Relax, calm down!

- Usagi!


Stop crying for your boyfriend,

you stupid bitch!


Chishiya, I owe you.

We wouldn't have caught them

if it wasn't for you.

- Let go Arisu!

- Yeah, well

Just wanna be of service.

Stop it! Stop it!


Well, now. Looks like

Someone's gone night-night.

All right. Bring him to the room.

Well, rumor has it

that your visa expires tomorrow.

Without your sense of hearing

or your sight, you're like a sitting duck.

I can just imagine the terror

you're feeling as you sit here

and wait for the laser

to burn through your skull!

But for now

I'll just enjoy all this precious time

I'm gonna have with your girlfriend.

See ya!

How are things going over there, Kuina?

All right, I guess.

Aguni is still in his room.

I'm dying of boredom over here.

Well, let's go ahead with our plan, then.

I have no idea

if Arisu is smart or stupid.

There's no way

they'd keep the cards in an ordinary safe.

Then where do you think

the real safe is?

I'm not sure,

but when Arisu found the fake safe,

Aguni, who usually has a good poker face,

was glancing towards something else.

I think that whatever's in that envelope

isn't a code or some blank letter.

I think it might just be a drawing.

Found it.

So this is

why you sacrificed them?

Yeah, well, you gotta give something

to get something.

They were pawns, that's all. Shit happens.

Yeah, well, all I know

is that I sure as hell

wouldn't want to be your enemy.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

- Get your hands off me!

- Shut up!

- Hurry

- Stop struggling, man!

And, heave!

Now relax.

- Stop resisting.

- Get off me!

r*pe, as*ault, fraud, arson, and m*rder.

Why do you think

these things are all against the law?

You tell me, why do you think

they're all against the law?

Because they're all in our nature.

Left to their own devices, humans will

r*pe, steal, and k*ll each other.

Because that's what we're all about.

But there are no laws here, are there?

It's a waste to deny our basic instincts,

don't you think?

I mean, it's inside us all.

It even empowers us, doesn't it?

Don't f*ck with me.

The fun is just starting.

Well, I guess

I can get rid of this now, too.

Don't you feel sorry for him?

Arisu, I mean.

Sorry for him?

Hmm. Yeah, I know I do.

Sometimes we have to do things

in order to survive.

If you're so worried about him,

then you should help him.

No way

W Wait!


We would like to take this opportunity

to sincerely thank you for staying

at Seaside Paradise, Tokyo.

As a token of our appreciation,

we will now commence a game

with all 58 participants in the venue.



The Beach is

a game arena?


Ten of Hearts.


- "Ten of Hearts"!

- It happened at last.

All participants

must assemble in the lobby immediately.

The rules of the game

will then be explained.

I repeat. All participants must assemble

in the lobby immediately.

Hey, there's a game

starting in the lobby!

- Let's go!

- Hurry!

- Quick!

- Anyone know what game it is?

It's Ten of Hearts!

Hurry up! Hurry, hurry. Come on!

Move it!


Momoka! Why

Game, "Witch Hunt".

The murderous witch who k*lled this girl

is hiding amongst you in plain sight.

The witch role is not limited to women.

She's hiding here?

To clear the game,

you must find the witch

and burn him or her

in the Fire of Judgment.

Time limit, two hours.