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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 12/25/22 09:46
by bunniefuu
He's arrived, eh? Is he here? - Give me that Kn*fe.

- Go and get some sleep.

You finally got here.

How's the shoulder? Does it hurt? And to think you weren't even able to take Gemito out.

Well done.

You've come armed.

What are you waiting for then? What a nightmare! You screamed louder than in a Dario Argento film.

It was no nightmare.

It was a dream.

A vision, in fact.

I've been in here 18 months, and to get out I have to act crazy? Just enough for them to move you to a more suitable structure.

But I sh*t Gemito outside his home, the cops were there.

You did it because the voices told you to.

It was the voices inside your head that told you to k*ll him.

And whose voices were they? You mustn't laugh, you have to cry, fake fits.

You have to convince them you're crazy.

But don't worry, that won't be hard.

- Then what will happen? - You'll be out in a few years.

But get this straight: we'll get you out of here, but you'll forget about Dandi.

The land is near the Ring Road.

Farming land.

But all it needs is a signature, and you can build on it.

- And the partners from the north? - Businessmen, they're clean.

But they want guarantees.

It's a huge investment.

- I'll see how I'm fixed.

- Don't take too long about it.

- What about that other business? - That's all in the past.

- You have to look ahead.

- I can't, I get cross-eyed.

- Well? - I know nothing about Patrizia.

But it appears her little friend has a weakness for sailors.

- What do you mean? - He was seen in Ancona.

- Ancona? - She might not be with him though.

No, but it may be worth trying.

I owe you a favour.

Hurry up, I have to go.

Milena, don't think about going, concentrate on coming.

f*ck, the door's open! - Anyone here? - I'll see you at 4.

- Sor Bruno.

- What are you doing here? - Doing some accounts.

- In my shop? - With your fly open? - I was in the toilet.

See what a life I lead? I have to work in the lav too.

Seeing you're doing the accounts, tell me what these guys want.

200 million? f*ckin' hell! Dandi didn't have the guts to turn up.

I don't blame him.

After the request made by Mr.

Vasta, the lawyer, this Court orders that neuropsychiatric exams be carried out on Claudio Sabatini to establish whether he was of sound mind when the crime was committed.

The Court names as its consultant Professor Renato Sargent.

- Isn't this Sargent - "The Professor".

Someone with a good memory and lots of gratitude.

How can they claim someone with a mile-long record is of unsound mind? They're playing for time.

But with the witnesses we have, Bufalo doesn't stand a chance.

Your friend's gone crazy then? Nasty business going crazy from one day to the next.

You do know it's a crime to try and fool the Court with this bullshit? This commissioner worries me.

He's always pissed off.

- He should watch his blood pressure.

- He should screw a bit more often.

Why didn't Scrocchiazeppi turn up today? You've gone over your credit, and you now owe 200 million.

How the f*ck did that happen? - How did it happen? - It's quite simple.

You bought three properties that have brought in no income.

And you've ignored our letters for the last six months.

No, no, I'm no good with numbers.

Can't I have an extension, or pay by instalments? Can't I? We offered you that opportunity, but you ignored that too.

It's too late now, Mr.


Either you pay off the debt within 3 months, or we'll take the property.

Nercio and Botola.

Why them? Because they never come back empty-handed.

Let's see if that's true.

A little q*eer friend of mine is hiding out in Ancona.

Nab him for me.

- And find out where Patrizia is.

- And when we've found her? - You let me know.

- All right.

Let's go.

Now let's get down to business.

How much have I got in the kitty? - You or the g*ng? - Me.


- Why? What have you got in mind? - Easy money.

Clean money.

Words the g*ng don't understand.

- How much do you need? - 200 million, end of the month.

You can't touch the g*ng's money, we need it for more important things.

This is important, the bank's going to seize everything, the supermarket, the haberdasher's, the perfumery.

- No.

What if I ask you as a friend? I'll pay it back as soon as I can.

Are you talking about friendship, when you didn't even come to Court? I see.

Spare me the sermon.

These are all evaluations signed by Professor Sargent.

Ten a year, half of them men from the Camorra or Mafia.

With nearly all of them deeming the defendant insane.

That's why the g*ng was so confident.

Sargeni's corrupt.

We'll object.

This is mere conjecture.

Sargent is considered a luminary.

Read this, it's all written down here.

You need proof to take it to court, and I don't see any here.

If Bufalo is deemed insane, he'll be free in a couple of years, and you will be partly to blame.

"The others have already forgotten me.

I won't rest as long as that bastard Gemito is still breathing.

Avenge me, Bufalo.

An eye for an eye.

" - Who said that? - Libanese.

How could he do that if he was dead? Libano isn't dead, professor.

Libano is in here, he's in here.

Is that good enough? What are you doing? Take him to the infirmary.

Get a move on! Don't worry, your friend is collaborating very well.

I hope to send the report to the court within ten days.


This is the down payment.

You'll get the rest in 10 days' time.

I'll be seeing you.

- Thank you.

- Goodbye.

He'll never see the rest of it.

Don Mimmo wants him taken out.

- Why? He's done his job.

- Of course.

But the problem is he's working for his enemies too.

So Don Mimmo wants to set an example.

And he wants us to take care of it.

His every wish is an order, especially if it saves me 20 million.

You don't get it, he wants him taken out now.

Like f*ck! First he sends the report, then I'll k*ll him myself.

- Don Mimmo can't wait ten days.

- Yes, he can.

Until Bufalo's deemed insane, the professor doesn't croak, okay? One more thing.

There's less money coming in from the Buffonis' patch.

- How much less? - 30 percent.

They say their junkies aren't snorting as much as they used to.

- What about the other patches? - No change.

All right.

I'll see to the Buffonis.

You keep Don Mimmo off my back.

You don't let the banks put on the squeeze when you have an investor.

Okay, I'm a jerk.

How much can you give me? Your family gets special treatment.

You pay ten for what's worth one.

Hey! Cut that out! How much? For 200 million today, you want 240 back in a month's time? - And you call the banks loan sharks? - Money's expensive.

Well? - Go f*ck yourself, you shithead! - I take that to be a "no".

What do I tell Freddo? He can be really stubborn when he wants.

- And he's friendly with Bufalo.

- And you're not? You'd be happy to see Bufalo croak in jail.

I don't give a f*ck what Bufalo does, okay? Do you give a f*ck about the agreement with the Camorra? It's still early days, it won't take much for it to fall apart.

Get Freddo to see reason.

He owes you a favour, he's got to listen to you.

You should keep an eye on the Buffonis' patch.

There's been less money coming in from them.

Why don't you ask them about it? Or have they screwed things up too often you don't trust them anymore? But you trust me, because I'm sleeping with you.

Am I wrong to? I'll go and take a shower.

Well, look who's here! I didn't see you in Court either.

I was busy keeping Don Mimmo happy.

He says we're defending a psychiatrist who's double-dealing.

We're not defending him, we're defending one of the g*ng.

But who is Bufalo? What's he ever done besides screw things up? He wasn't the one who saved you when the Camorra wanted to take you out.

- Or am I wrong? - Remember what Libano used to say? This g*ng doesn't want a boss.

And if Don Mimmo can't wait ten days, that means he's a boss.

So I say f*ck both Don Mimmo, and the Camorra! All right, I see you're busy.

I'll see you.

Let's see who's got the balls.

Two million lire on Marcello.

I think he's going down this time.

You're on.

- 200 million.

- What? I need 200 million.

Who's going to help me out? You are joking? It's a bad moment, I'm broke.

Don't look at me.

I'd lend it to you if I had it.

You don't have 200 million to help a friend out? What do you need it for? You're hardly a civil servant in need of a whip-round.

- Rob a bank if you need the money.

- I can't, it's too risky.

- Then steal it from Secco.

- I don't know where he keeps it.

Ask Dandi, he's got more money than any of us.

I'll cut my balls off before I ask him.

Then be a man for once.

Get rid of Angelina and that sh*t of her father! Don't you have a reasonable solution? These three properties you own.

Is one of them insured? - The supermarket.

- The supermarket.

There's your solution.

This is a faggots' haunt.


The sooner we do it, the sooner we can go.

Get a move on.

No f*ckin' way! You go.

You are joking? I'd never succeed.

You're the handsome one.

I've even got a beer belly.

Queers like bellies, hairy men, the male inside the man.

You'll see, a couple of drinks it's easy.

I might be hairy, but I've also got a loaded g*n.

Are you going to get a move on then? Go on.

- Well? Settled in in the provinces? - Sort of.

You spend less here, sleep better.

And if you stop wearing pink suits, people even leave you alone.

Excuse me.

- Are you new around here? - Yes.

Then the first drink is on the house.

It's the custom.

Ranocchia, I'll only ask you once.

Where's Patrizia? Sergio here.

- Careful, or we'll be found out.

- I'll do a good job.

Wow, look at this! Wait.

A pile of paper and a drop of meths.

Cut me some slices of bread.

After this you only have to turn on at the mains, the wires short, the paper catches fire and you pocket the dough.

What are they doing? Hold this.

- Ruggero, what are you doing? - Making a sandwich.

Use the machine.

Mortadella's best thin sliced, it melts in your mouth.

- Teaching your Grandma to suck eggs? - What's that? Have you finished? - Turn the power on.

- Are you out of your minds? If we turn the power on, we'll all catch fire! - Isn't that what we came for? - Go f*ck yourself! - Have you finished in there? - Yes, just flip the mains switch.

Then everyone outside.

Out! Why's Scrocchiazeppi taking so long? Hey, I can't stop thinking about that ham.

Have this then.

- Really? - When did you take that? You never forget the things Mama teaches you.


- Did you cut it in the machine? - Of course.

Hey, what about me? We can't split it three ways.

- We're not kids any more.

- f*ck off! - It's good.

- Come on! There's not enough of it.

Come on! - Stop it! - Thank goodness you're my brother.

Come on, let's go.

- What the f*ck are you laughing at? - Take it easy! Haven't you brought us a couple of beers? Your Honour, is there some problem? Professor Sargeni's late and no one's answering the phone at his home.

Or at his office.

- What the f*ck's going on? - I don't know.

He was to bring my evaluation today.

What's going on? Gentlemen, please.

Due to exceptional circumstances, the hearing has been postponed to a later date.

Good day.

Someone arranged to meet him here, then sh*t him at point-blank range.

Whoever it was, he's done us a favour.

Bufalo can forget his evaluation.

What do you mean "he's been k*lled"? - What about my evaluation? - They'll get someone else to do it, but this time we can wipe our ass with it.

Dandi's behind all this, as soon as I get out, I'll rip his heart out.

- It can't have been Dandi.

- How the f*ck do you know? - Take it easy.

- Take it easy? How the f*ck can I? First you tell me to keep calm, then to act the madman.

And what is the result? I'm in the can, and Dandi's outside! Listen to me now.

I'm seeing the lawyer tomorrow to study another plan.

As for the Professor, whoever did it, I swear I'll k*ll him with my own bare hands, but you make another scene like that, and you'll never see me again.

And you can dig yourself a nice grave in here.

- Did you take out the Professor? - Would I be here if I had? I was in Naples kissing Don Mimmo's ass.

Did you, or didn't you? No.

- It was you then.

- Hell, Freddo! I would never have k*lled him, you told me not to.

It was someone from Rome, because that's what your Don Mimmo wanted.

I can ask around, but it won't be easy.

I told you, the Professor has trodden on too many toes.

Give him a hand.

Find who gave us this present, and bring him here.

Move! What the f*ck are you saying? Then who makes the decision? Trieste? I don't give a f*ck about Trieste! I'm from the Magliana! Good.

Seeing they know who I am, tell them to sleep with one eye open.

f*ck off! That was the sh*t from the insurance, he says they won't pay up, their inspector says the fire was too accurate, and their HQ doesn't like my past record.

They didn't mind when they took the insurance payment though.

What do they mean "too accurate"? You didn't set fire to the place, did you? Angelina, forget about it.

- Did you set fire to Dad's shop? - Drop it.

Of course it was him.

And we're not getting the insurance.

Bloody stupid! - No, it was bloody stupid to buy it! - Quiet, the little one's asleep.

- He can go f*ck himself too! - Where are you going now? To try and sort this out.

Holy f*ck! Is it the original? Do I look the type to hang up a fake? Well? What about the money? - All sorted.

Fix me an appointment.

- Thursday? All right.

Yes? What is it, Botola? I'll be right there.

Make it Saturday, Maestro.

I have to go to Ancona.

When you got to the scene of the crime, Maurizio Gemito's bodyguard was already on the ground.

- Yes, Amati was wounded in the leg.

So it was Claudio Sabatini who fired most in the sh**t? That's right, he emptied his g*n on us, then he wounded Gemito, and continued to fire, even after we'd wounded him.

He was like a wild beast.

Let's go back to the sh**t and the consequences.

Sabatini wounded Gemito, fired at the police officers, then was wounded.

- Nothing on the Professor's k*ller.

- Later.

Let's just enjoy this moment.

Pity about the Professor.

So Amati sacrificed himself for his accomplice.

Yes, that's right.

Hello, Patrizia.

What do you want? I've come to see how you are.

You left without saying goodbye.

- I'm sorry - I was worried.

But then I realized.

A girl who does something like that to her man First she steals his car, then tips Scialoja off perhaps But I'm not like you.

I'm kind.

- I'll forgive you.

- There's nothing to forgive me for.

I wasted too many years on you.

You've made a fresh start here.

Nice life you lead! A florist in Ancona, not bad! Cinzia, you can change your name, your hairstyle, but you're still Patrizia, the best hooker in Rome.

This shop is all a farce.

You know that as well as I do.

Eh, Patrizia? Have you finished? Let's go.

All these flowers remind me of a cemetery.

- What shall we do with this poof? - Let him go, he's dead too.

- I'm sorry, Patrizia, I - It's not your fault.

We can't change our nature.

- Did you sort out the insurance? - No, I f*ckin' didn't! - And mind your own f*ckin' business.

- What's up? it's not my fault.

- Know where I have to go now? - Bufalo's trial is going to pot, and you're playing billiards! Did you find out who k*lled the Professor? Everyone's celebrating in Naples but no one knows a thing.

- But it appears he was from Rome.

- It was more than one, it seems.

- You're a g*ng of assholes! "Appears", "seems"! Get out there and don't come back till you have a name! Let's go.

- Thank goodness I've got a name.

- You have? Canna.

Mean anything to you? A pusher from the Buffoni patch.

He's peddling stuff that's not ours, that's why the takings are down.

A f*cking pusher peddles his own stuff, and you don't even notice? Are you sleeping on the job? Or minding your own f*ckin' business? What do you mean, "our business"? And who told you about this? - Someone brighter than you are.

- Who? All right, so you're sleeping on the job.

But now I want you to find this Canna, and find out if he's peddling for himself or someone else.

Don't put your spies on our patch.

Come to us if you've got a problem.

It's not nice not to trust friends.

Find this f*ckin' Canna.

Give me a drag.

Dandi comes last, eh? You've done the rounds already, eh? You've had doors slammed in your face and I'm your last chance.

- Don't you trust your friends now? - I thought you couldn't help me.

You were wrong.

I'll give you the 200 million.

But I want the supermarket and the haberdasher's.

What? The supermarket itself is worth double! It was, it's all scorched now.

And you're left with the best shop, Angelina's perfumery.

At least your marriage will be safe.

Give me a sip of that.

Dandi, you know what you are, don't you? You're an assh*le.

But I'm an even bigger assh*le.

Because I married an assh*le, who has an aunt who's an assh*le, and a father who's even more of an assh*le.

What can I say? It must have been my fate to marry into a family of assholes.

But anyway Let me know when you've got the money together.

And take my advice, don't ever get married.

Well? I've found out who k*lled the Professor, but you won't like it.

Isn't it a bit late turning up without letting me know? What do you want? Why did you k*ll the Professor? I might sleep with you, but I don't have to tell you all my business.

But this isn't only your business.

This concerns the g*ng, so you will answer my question.

Who paid you? Dandi.

What's all the hurry? The 1990 World Cup will be played in ltaly.

- It's a little too soon to say.

- We got it from a reliable source.

The announcement will be made next year, and land prices will soar.

Farmland that can be built on, after a signature.

I realize it's rather a scary sum, but this is big business.

Who's scared? I'll send someone round with the cheque on Monday.

But if you don't mind, my throat's gone dry talking about money.

Have fun, make yourselves at home.

The lawyer Are you Dandi? Hello, I'm Pernila, I'm from Stockholm.

Long live Sweden.

Can I have a word? Fill it up, I'll be right back.

- You lied to me, you sh*t! - No.

I didn't lie to you! You asked me if I'd k*lled the Professor, and I said no.

Who would have called the deal with the Camorra off to save Bufalo? You! Only you could have sworn to take out the Professor's k*ller.

That's why I used Donatella.

Because I knew you wouldn't harm her.

You're as false as Judas! You don't give a f*ck about the Camorra, only your own back! What if it's true? Freddo, open your eyes.

What do we need this g*ng for? Who's left? Fierolocchio? The Buffonis? That poor wretch Scrocchiazeppi? No, the future's out there, with new partners.

They make billions with a signature on a piece of paper.

Real money.

There's room for you if you want in.

Take your hands off me.

Ruggero, what are you doing around here? You sh*t! Did you want to make money behind our backs? Who the f*ck are you working for? - Who do you work for? - Sergio, you tell him What will we tell Freddo now? That the problem's solved, and if he doesn't like it, he can send spies.

- I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry.

- Who's this crazy woman? Crazy, and dangerous.

Grab your rags and get out.

- You weren't having that much fun.

- What's with this surprise visit? I've been thinking.

You're right.

I like money, luxury goods, and I want it to last.

- I want you to marry me.


- What if I refuse? I'll go to Scialoja, and tell him everything.

- You really are crazy.

- Is that a "no" then? Please yourself.

- You're crazy.

- Crazy and dangerous.

We'll finally get this farce over with today.

But I've been thinking: I'll live longer in the can than that traitor Dandi will outside.

I'm sorry, Bufalo.

I did everything I possibly could.

But I think Dandi's right: this g*ng is falling apart.

It's not a recent thing, Freddo.

It's not a recent thing.

Inmates back to the cells! You know what annoys me most? I'll get sent down for 30 years for k*lling Gemito, when it might not have been him.

- What do you mean? The g*n that k*lled Libano was from our own arsenal.

The Court of Rome issues the following sentence: according to articles 575, 337 and 697 of the Penal Code, this court finds the accused guilty as charged, and sentences Federico Amati to 24 years imprisonment, and Claudio Sabatini to 28 years imprisonment.

Court is dismissed.

- Don't worry, we'll appeal.

- Well done, you did a fine job.

That's two down.