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08x04 - The Age of Doubt

Posted: 12/25/22 08:52
by bunniefuu
- Catarella?
- Yes sir.

I'm going to Boccadasse
this evening.

- Am I coming too?
- No, you're not.

- Why?
- Because you're not.

You can't go to

Why not?

- How could you forget?
- What?

You died. At
. yesterday.


You! Salvo Montalbano,
son of Gioacchino...

No, please, don't bust my
balls with my obituary.

Am I really dead?

Yes Inspector.

What happened?

A stroke.

- But where?
- Here at the station.


While you were on the
phone with the police chief.

If you want to see, we've
prepared a viewing room

in your office.

Let's go!


Have you informed Livia?

Yes, yes.

My deepest sympathies.


Excuse me doctor,
but how did I die?

Even dead you have to
bust my balls?

Wait for the
autopsy results!

You can't give me
a heads up?

It would seem to be a
massive stroke.

Excuse me Mimi...

When's Livia arriving?

No, she's busy, she
doesn't know

if she'll make it in
time for the funeral.

Hello Livia? It's Salvo.

Oh, hi! How are you?

Sorry, I didn't mean to...

What's this I hear about you

not making it to my funeral?

Listen Salvo! If you'd lived, I

would have done everything

to stay with you... I might even

have married you.
It's, it's also my

age and, after
wasting my life with

you, what else
could I do?

And suddenly this chance

of a lifetime presents itself,

you understand that...

She's not coming?

I guess so.

- Miss? - Yes!
- Is this your car?

Yes. The road collapsed and
I hit the brakes just in time,

- but now I don't know what to do.
- Where do you need to go?

- To the port.
- Get your things and

come with me.
I'm a police inspector.

- May I?
- Yes.

Thank you.

I'm Salvo Montalbano.

That's where I've seen you,
on TV!

I'm Vanna Di Giulio.


Listen, why don't you
come to my place.

We can dry off,
get changed and

then get you to the port?
- OK.

Thanks Inspector.

- Would you like some coffee?
- Yes, thanks.

Where did you put
the wet clothes?

On the heater in the
bathroom to dry.

- Good. Sugar?
- Yes, thanks.

- How many?
- Two.

Two! One... and two.
Here we are...

Thanks. I'm so sorry
to bother you.

Are you kidding? What for,
it's no bother!

Now you need to get to the
port don't you?

Yes, I had an appointment
to meet my aunt at . But with

this weather, it's better if she
arrives in the afternoon.

Nothing arrives here in the
morning, not the ferry...

- orthe mail.
- I know but...

my aunt is coming
on her own boat.

My aunt likes being at sea.

If she can. She's very rich.

When he died,
my uncle Arturo

left her a huge
inheritance and a

Tunisian valet
called ZiZi.

And she spent
this inheritance

- on a boat!
- No, Uncle Arthur

already had the boat.
He never worked, but he

was loaded. It seems he was
in partnership with

a banker, a certain


- And what do you do?
- Me?

I study

What's your aunt's
boat called?


- Like you.
- Yes. - Nice.

My aunt's boat is arriving at
this afternoon.

And what will you do?

I'll wait.
Thanks Inspector.

Why don't you come to the

You'll be more comfortable.

- Ok.
- Please.

I'm sorry sir...

What is it?

The Capitaneria is
on the phone.

Put the call through.

But sir, it's not
a captain on

the phone, it's
a lieutenant!

There aren't just captains at
the harbour office.

Is that right sir?

Then why is it called
the capi... ta... ne?

I'll explain later.
Now put me through!

Straight away sir.

Sir, may I take
the young lady

to get her car.
- Yes!

- Thank you Inspector.
- Anything you need, we're here.

- Ok.
- Goodbye, have a good day.

- Hello.
- Hello Inspector.

Lieutenant Garrufo.

Yes, hello. Go ahead?

We have a problem.
There's a yacht

- with a body on board.
- One of the crew?

No. They'd just recovered
it when they called.

It was in a dinghy
that somehow hadn't sunk.

Are we sure this comes under
my jurisdiction?

Yes. The dinghy was intercepted
right at the mouth ofthe harbour,

not in open waters.

So let's see it.
Where is it?

- Follow me.
- Thank you.

I can't let you leave port
tomorrow morning.

And why not?

Because there are
investigations to conduct

and the magistrate will want
to question you.

How long do we have to
stay Inspector?

Well... all being well, not
less than a week.

A week? And what
am I going

to do in this hole
for a week?

I could recommend a
tour of the temples.

- But I don't have a car.
- There's your niece's.


Vanna di Giulio isn't it?

Unfortunately she left.

- Catarella, Hello.
- Good day sir.

You need to find me
the phone number

and address of a certain
Vanna Di Giulio

of Palermo.
Is Fazio here?

- Yes sir, Fazio is present.
- Thank you.

- Fazio?
- Yes!

- I need your expertise.
- Yes Inspector.

You know there was a body
on a yacht, the Vanna? - Yes.

I need you to go aboard and
get some information, personal

and otherwise on the owner, the
captain and the crew members.

But inspector, what do you
mean personal and otherwise?

Well... what's the atmosphere
on board, the relationships

between them. When people are
forced into close quarters for along

time, they end up hating each other.
All it takes is one wrong word

- and it all goes to hell. Ok?
- Ok. - Thank you.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Can I please speak
with Lieutenant Garuffo.

No, I'm sorry, Lieutenant
Garuffo's not here.

Excuse me, you can
talk to me.

Laura Belladonna.

- At your service.
- Pleased to meet you.

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

Do you know about the
discovery ofthe body?

I know everything.

Can I ask you
some questions?

I have to take these
papers to one of the

dock pilots. If you want
to come with

me I can tell you
what I know.


So aboat that wants
to dock here in

the port has to let
you know it's coming?


But does it also have to tell
you the exact time it's arriving?

Particularly the
exact time.


Lots of reasons... boats moving
around the port,

no free moorings,
availability of pilots...

And when did the Vanna let

you know they
would be arriving.

I looked at the
reports this morning.

They weren't

They contacted us at
a.m. And said

that they were forced
to set a course

for the port because ofthe
terrible weather.

At ?
Are you sure?


So how far from the
port did the

Vanna come across
the dinghy?

A bit more than a mile.
Let's say...

a bit less than two km.

- So, near the port!?
- Yes

I see, and in
your experience...

...can we be
less formal?

So in your experience,
at that

moment, was the
current taking the

dinghy out of the harbour or
pushing it in?

It's hard to say. We have to
take into account

that there's always a
current flowing outwards.

But the weather conditions
were a bit particular

Do you want to know
what I think?

The dinghy was being
taken out by the current.

I see. Do you
have to go?

Yes, I'm on duty.

Of course, I'm sorry.
But I

haven't finished
asking questions.

Could I call you
maybe in

the evening,
at the office?

Why don't I leave
my number

you can call me
when it suits you,

- even in the evening.
- Perfect!

I hope I've been useful.

Absolutely. Thanks so much.


May I??

I bet my balls
that semi-literate

Inspector Montalbano
has just arrived.

Your balls are
safe doctor.

Momentarily. Because I'm sure
you're here to break them.

And you're still on a winner.

If only I could be on a winner
when I play poker!

- What do you want?
- You know what I want!

The corpse without a face?

Around years old

Athletic build,
in good shape...

White skin, no sign
of operations,

perfect teeth, heart

and lungs, no
glasses or contact lenses.

Is that enough?

Alive yes...
dead no,

Whenthey found him he'd
been dead for nearly days.

Did they k*ll him smashing
his face like that?

Not quite.

Did they sh**t him?
- Not quite!

- Side arms??
- Not quite!

- Strangulation?
- Not quite!

Are we on a quiz show??
Give me a clue?!

Alright, poisoned
my dear man.

With what?

Common old rat poison.

That bothers you?
Poison's something...

Old fashioned?
But I'd recommend

it to aspiring

It doesn't make amess, or a
noise... what do you think?

And the face?

That, they did
post mortem.

Maybe to make it harder to
identify him.

What about fingerprints?

Intact, same condition
as the body...

So he's not in the system?

Impeccable conclusion,

rigorous logic.


And now, if you've finished
crushing my balls...

No. One last question
Was he married?

You're asking me?

I can only tell you that there
was no sign of a ring.

But that doesn't
mean anything.

- Can you tell me...
- No, no, no.


You said marital status was
the last question.

Try to be exact at
least once in your life.

Thank you...

But I do want to
tell you this...

He had such white
skin that I don't

think he could have
been a sailor.

The commander is
Nicola Sperli.

years old. According to
Alvarez, the engineer.

Sperli and the owner
were lovers,

since before the
husband died.

And there's something else...

I don't know if it's relevant...
maybe... - No, tell me.

Still according to
Alvarez, the lady

was, how can
I put it...

- the sporting type.
- Sporting?

Yes, she took turns
with all the crew.

The husband knew about it but
didn't say anything about her

screwing around. In fact some
nights he kept out of the way and

went to sleep in a
cabin by himself.

- He was sporting too!
- Exactly.

And the rest ofthe crew?

Well, the Spanish engineer,
like Sperli, was withthe

Vanna, when the husband
bought it. The others are new.

They were hired after Sperli
sacked the old crew, because

they reminded him of
his lover's exploits.

Wait a second. Sperli' got rid
of all the crew except Alvarez?

- Exactly.
- Why?

- Because Alvarez is protected.
- By what?

- The husband's will.
- Which says?

He can stay on the Vanna
as long as he pleases.

- And the other sailors?
- There are three ofthem.

One is Ahmed Chaikri,
years old, North African.

Stefano Ricca, years old
from Viareggio...

And Mario Di Giulio
of Palermo.

Wait up, Mario Di Giulio?
- Yes, Mario Di Giulio.

Bring him to the
station tomorrow.

- What's he done?
- No, nothing

I just want to make sure
I'm covered with port protocol.

- As you wish!

Come in!

Sir, forgive me, but I can't
find any Vanna di Giulio

in the Palermo

No... don't worry,
it's ok.

Sir, excuse me, but
there's a lady here,

but she has a man's name.
She's called Giovannino!

She wants
to speak with you personally.

- Show her in
- Straight away.

- Please go in madam.
- Thank you. - Hello!

- Hello.
- Please, sit down.

Thank you.

Inspector... I was a bit frazzled
yesterday and I forgot to

ask you a question: How do you
know my niece?

Because yesterday... I went
to the rescue of a car that had

broken down and your niece was
inside. I brought her here to Vigata

and she stayed at the station while
she waited for

you to arrive. That's it!

And what did she
say about me?

She told me your husband's name,
that you're very rich and that

you love travelling around
on the sea.

Oh that's good!


Because, poor thing, sometimes
she loses her head

and tells strange stories,

so I was very worried.

No, no, nothing to
worry about. Really!

- Hello?!
- I called a while ago but

Oh I'm sorry... I was stuck
in the office.

Where shall we meet?

Well, at this hour,
there's a

- bar open in Marinella.
- I don't like bars.

No. Me either.
So, we could...

Tell me how to
get to your

house, we'll have
a drink there

and then decide where
to go for dinner.

Great idea. Let's
do that, do

you know the seafront
at Marinella?

- Go all the way.
- OK.

You'll get to a
small harbour

with rocks going
down to the sea,

go past that drive
two more km.

Did you find it okay?

- Yes thanks.
- Come in.

It's so beautiful here!

What would
you like?

White wine if you
have it.

Of course.

So where are you
taking me?

We can either go
to my friend's

restaurant in

It's great but it
takes about

minutes to
drive there.

Orwe could just stay here.
What do you think?

I know you don't
know me well, but...

No, I wasn't
thinking anything.

I'm just starving because I had
to skip lunch.

Perfect excuse to stay here.
Adelina will have prepared

something wonderful. She
always leaves it in the oven.

Ok, let's stay here.
- Good.

Who's Adelina?

The lady who looks after
everything here and she cooks

for me too. She's a fantastic cook.
You won't regret it.

My boyfriend is a Deputy
Commander on a cruiser.

Right now he's in the Atlantic
Ocean and sometimes we don't

see each other for months.

Why are you laughing?

Because my girlfriend lives
in Boccadasse, in Genoa

- Have you been together long?
- Yes

So did you identify
the body?

No. I think it will
be a long, hard task.

I heard they k*lled him by
smashing his face in.

No, they did that later.
He was poisoned.

Well, I had an
idea but...

Tell me.

- No, it's silly to tell you.
- Why?

Because I found
out about you.

I hear you're
exceptional at your job

Oh, how wonderful!
A man who can still blush.

Stop that. Now
tell me your idea.

I thought it might have been
a robbery gone wrong.

He was walking along the
wharf, someone tried to grab

his wallet, he reacted and the
other man hit him with a rock.

Then he put him in the dinghy
because there are plenty around.

No, that doesn't work because
the dinghy was new.

Did you meet
Livia Giovannini?

Yes. Last time her
yacht came

to Vigata was
about amonth ago.

I'd been working
for three days

and to get in
some practice,

I went on board.

That time she'd
come from Tangiers,

but she'd left a little port
called Alexanderbai a months earlier.

Where 's she come
from now?

Retimo, on the
island of Crete.

She was goingto
Orano, but she

changed course because
ofthe weather.

How can we find
out how many

ports they've visited
in the past year?

It should be on board
inthe ship's log.

And how can I
get alook at it?

Only the military
police can do that.

I'm wondering why the Vanna
interests you so much?

They just happened upon
the dinghy with the body in it.

I know, but there's something
that doesn't fit.

- Are you happy?
- About what?

That we've only discussed
work tonight.

The night is young... we can always
talk about something else!

Well... I might have
another bottle.

So, public official, are you
sure you can drive home?

Yes, I can manage.

What car do
you have?

A Fiat .

Ok, but slowly,
stay alert.

OK - I trust you...
- See you later.

See you later.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

- Catarella.
- Yes sir.

- Why is the door shut?

- It was too breezy.
- Leave it open.

Call Fazio and tell him to
come to my office, alone.

Is that clear?

So what's Di Giulio like?

You know. A sailor...

No, I mean is he nervous?
Did he get anxious when you

asked him to come
to the station?

No. Fine, calm.

He actually said he'd
been waiting for it.

Waiting for it?

- That's what he said.
- Bring him in then.

- Can I help?
- No.

May I?

Come in.

Hello Inspector.

Good morning,
please sit down.

So you got
the complaint?

But come on. For a little
thing like that?

Tell me your side of
the story.

I was in Retimo,
with my friend Zizi'.

We stopped
for a beer.

There were two
Greeks who...

provoked you.

Unfortunately Zizi'

overreacted and I
went in after him...

And you trashed
the place.

No inspector,
hardly trashed

it, Zizi' might have broken a
couple of chairs...

So is Zizi' from there?

No, he's one of the crew.

We call him Zizi', but his name's
Ahmed Chaikri. He's North African.

He was the old boss' personal
assistant? - No way.

He came aboard
months ago.

Can you tell me the names ofthe
other crew members?

But they weren't
in the fight!

Tell me anyway.

Maurilio Alvarez,
the engineer.


Stefano Ricca


- Ricca.
- Ricca...

Now, do you have a
sister called Vanna?

No. I've got a brother
called Antonio.

Ok. You can go.

And the complaint?

- Which one?
- The bar owner?

I haven't had one.

Then why did you make
me come here?

For another one. AVanna
Di Giulio has made a complaint

against her brother. But since
you maintain you don't have

- a sister... - I'm not maintaining it,
I don't have one!

Then you can go. It's just
a coincidence.

Thankyou. - Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Marshall, do you remember
a girl who came to ask about a

- yacht, the Vanna?
- Yes, I remember, but

she didn't ask
about a yacht.

What did she ask?

Just whether there
was a sailor

named Angelo
Spidaleri here.

- Was there?
- No.

Does this sailor exist?

Not that I know!

I've realised that as soon as
I've introduced myself as an

inspector, that girl started
telling me a pack of lies.

- How does that matter?
- It matters!

She told me lies
to give herself time to

decide whether to
tell me what she

wanted to tell me.

Can you be a bit clearer?

She put me
right on board

the yacht for
future reference.

She gave me enough

on who I should

in case something
bad happened.

But no-one on
the yacht saw her.

True, but she wasn't to
know the yacht would come

into port with a corpse on
board, which meant police,

tax guards,
harbour officers.

She thought it was better to
disappear. Make sense?

Sure. But
the fact remains,

we don't know what
she was here for.

It's important to
find out who

she was in
contact with.

Someone from the
harbour office?

Di Giulio?
I don't think so.

I need your help.


We can use the same tactic
we used with Di Giulio, right?

We need to find some way
to get close to the North African,

- what's his name?
- Chaikri. - Chaikri.

Chaikri! Zizi' to his
friends, no? - Yes.

Try and find out something.
Do they come on shore?

Sure. They're always coming
and going.

So find the best way to get
close to them.

Come in!

May I?

Oh Mimi'!
Where have you been?

- Catarella didn't tell you?
- No.

See this
well-rested face?

Yesterday I took
the little

one and Beba
to my in-laws

and I finally had a
good night's sleep!

What is it?

Mimi, I've had a

About me?

How would
youfeel about

courting a young looking
fifty year old?

I cantry!


- Thanks for coming.
- No problem. What is it?

So here are the details of that
body we found in the harbour,

height, weight, hair and eye
colour. I got them from Pasquano.

You need to
identify the body?

Okay, They'll go
to air at pm

- and midnight.
- Thank you.

They're the most watched.
Then I'll

tell them to call
the police station?

Yes. No! Tell them
to call your office

and you can pass on
the most interesting ones.

Montalbano. I knew
you were joking!

What are friends for?

- Thanks, see you later.
- Bye.

- Inspector?
- Oh!

- We're f*cked.
- In what way?

The carabinieri have
arrested Zizi.


It seemsthat last night while
he was going back on board,

he saw a police car stopped near the
port... he was drunk, went over,

unbuttoned his pants and
pissed on the car.

Is he crazy? Were there
officers in the car?

Yes sir.

What happened?

One of the arresting officers
whacked him.

What are we
going to do?

Shall I call
and ask them

to let him go because
we need him?

You try and get
close to Ricca

and get him to talk.

- Hello.
- Laura? It's Salvo.

I recognised
your voice.

How's it going?


Much work?

You didn't call me?

I decided not to.

- Hello?
- I'm here.

Why did you decide
not to call me?

Not on the phone.

- Try.
- I said no.

I need to see you to ask something
about the Vanna.

- Do you want to go out for dinner?
- Yes.

- But not at your house.
- Fine. Wherever you want.

Let's go to that restaurant in
Montoreale you told me about.

Il Cafaro. Why don't you come
to the station and we can take

my car. - No. Let's meet there.
In about an hour.

I have to
get changed.

See you.

- Come in.
- Inspector. - Come in.

Since I have agood friend
who's a carabiniere, I gave him a call.

- What did you say?
I just asked what their intentions

were with Chaikri. - How did
you explain your interest?

I told him he was a friend
of mine. I explained that he's

stupid when he's drunk and I
asked them to forgive him.

- Good, what did he say?
- They released him with

charges for aggression
and resisting arrest.

- Go now.
- Yes.

Laura I'm sorry, I left late
and then I ran out of petrol,

- I had to walk for kilometres.
- Really?

If you'd been three
minutes later I would have left.

No, I'll go.

I'm sorry.

Looks like we had a fight.

Come here.

I'm the one who
needs to apologise.

Enough apologising.

I owe you
an explanation.

- You don't have to.
- No. I think it's necessary.

What is it?

I wasn't going to call you, and
I told myself that if you called

me, I was going to tell you I
couldn't see you.


Let me speak.

If I said or did something to
offend you the other night

No, you didn't
offend me.

In fact I didn't want
to see you because...

nothing like this has
ever happened to me.

I decided that
it would be

a mistake to
keep seeing you.

It's so humiliating,

there's nothing
you can do.

Willpower counts for nothing.

When you called me,
I couldn't resist.

You have to help me.

Some wine?

I'll go and get the bottle.

I need a favour.

What is it?

My deputy, Augello is an excellent
police officer and a good man.

He also has a way
with the ladies.

I thought you could somehow
help him to meet the owner

of the yacht, so he can
get some information.

What is it with
this yacht?

It's been checked over several times,
even by the revenue guards

- and nothing's been found.
- That could also mean nothing.


I don't know,
call it intuition...

So tell me,
how I can help.

Arranging for my Augello
to meet Giovannini.

If you don't want to,
it doesn't matter.

No, I really, really
want to.

But are you sure they don't
know who he is onthe yacht?

They don't know him.
I'm sure of it.

It's not easy.

I'll have to get him onto
the yacht but first I need

to find an excuse to board.

I was thinking that maybe
you could introduce him as

someone who has to do some
checks on the yacht.

Uh... That seems a crystal
clear reason.

I'm just saying that because I
don't know how these things work.

Let me think about it. We'll find

Aren't you drinking too much
on an empty stomach?

Do youwant to
eat something?


- Actually, no.
- Go on...

No, I'm going.

Please. I'm sure

prepared something

It'll only take a second.
Wait here.

Forgive me.

- Did you register the guest?
- Yes sir.

- What did he look like?
- Exactly like they said on

television. I think he'd come
from the airport, from Arraisi.

A flight from Rome
arrives at .

Did he make
any calls?

Not through the switchboard.

Then what happened?

When he came back down he
seemed to be in a different mood.

In what way?

He was more cheerful.
He was humming.

- As if he'd had some good news?
- Something like that.

Did he speak Italian?

He could make
himself understood.

Then he left and I never saw
him again.

Since then you've had
no word from him?

Not even a phone call.

Mr Toscano, how do you think
he found this hotel?

We advertise a lot.
Even overseas.

So you're sure he'd never been
a guest here before then.

I'd never seen him before.

Look how well you can see
the Vanna from here...

Come in!


- What's happened to you?
- Just a punch.

- Who did it?
- Ourfriend Zizi'. Last night.

Sit down.
Tell me about it.

Last night, about , I was
hanging around outside

Giacomino's tavern.
Waiting for the crew ofthe Vanna.

They arrived around .

I waited half an hour and then
went in. They were already

eating, laughing and most
of all drinking.

Especially Zizi.

At some point he noticed me
and came towards me.

Di Giulio tried to stop
him and got shoved.

I just watched.

Then he came up to my table
and said to me

"What the f*ck are you
looking at you cop shit".

He speaks
beautiful Italian.

What did you do? - What could I do?
I couldn't let him get away with it.

- Everyone heard him.
- Of course.

Before I could get up,
he hit me in the face and

knocked me against the wall.

Ricca tried to stop him and
he got punched too.

While he was busy with
his friend, I took the chance

to get into position and give
him a kick in the balls he won't

forget in a hurry. He collapsed
in pain and I cuffed him.

Well done. What have
you done with him?

I brought him to the
station and locked him up.

What's he doing?

He's blind drunk.
He's sleeping.

Let him sleep. When he wakes up,
bring him here.

I wanted to show
you something.

Lannec, who's that?

Almost certainly the body
in the row boat.

Do you remember if we've ever
had anything to do with this

Lannec before?

Not that I can think of,
why do you ask?

Because the name Lannec
seems familiar.

You could have met him
anywhere, but I'm sure

it wasn't here.

What is it Catare'?

There's a Lieutenant

On the phone?

No sir! Here, present,
in person!

What does he want?

Sir he wants to speak to
you sir. But be careful!

- Why? - He's not in uniform.
He's dressed as a civilian.

- So? - You know
what they say,

when a carabiniere
is out of uniform.

Don't worry,
let him in.

Yes sir.

Lieutenant sir.

- Come in.
- Montalbano!

- Hello.
- Sorry to disturb you.

Not at all.
What is it?

I've heard you have a certain
Chaikri from the crew of the

Vanna. He att*cked one of your
men and was arrested. Is that right?


You also arrested him
and released him didn't you?

Yes. That'sthe point. While
we had him, I received

a call from Regional
Command about Chaikri.

And what did
they want?

They wanted to know
if we had him.

How did they know
about it in Palermo?

It doesn't seem like
something that would

interest Regional Command
does it?

- Right.
- Go on.

I confirmed it and they told
me to keep him at the barracks

because someone was coming
from Palermo the following

morning to
interrogate him.

Sferla', just
for a piss?

I was surprised too.
But I followed orders.

- Did this person arrive?
- Not then. They called me

back to tell me that there
was a hitch with the person

who was coming. So Chakri
was charged and released.

So why have you
come here today?

That person has
arrived and

wants to talk to Chaikri.

Are you really

- asking me to hand him
over to you? - Exactly.

I'm not even going
to talk about it.

The person who has come...

Excuse me, but who
is this person?

Not sure, but I think they're
from anti-terrorism.

As soon as this person heard
of the arrest, they guessed that you

would refuse to hand him over.

That's not hard to work out!

So what will they do?

If you refuse, they'll call

the police chief. I don't think
you'll be able to say no to him.

Did you hearthat Fazio, they'll
call the Chief.

- Let's make a deal.
- Go on.

I'll give him to you today
and you bring him back to

- me tomorrow morning.
- Agreed.

Good! Fazio, hand Chaikri
over to the lieutenant.

Straight away.

Thank you.

- And thank you.
- Pleasure.

- Hello!
- Salvo!

Oh, Mimi

I got a call this morning from
a certain someone...

- Yes, I know
- Eh, that girl...

- What do you mean?
- Salvo!

You've seen her.
She's a wonder!

- You think so!
- Don't tell me you haven't

No, no question she's pretty,
but a wonder?

Anyway, get to
the point Mimi'!

I'd get to the point
with her...

Mimi? Tell me what
you've come up with?

Since the Vannare fuelled
yesterday, Laura thinks...

I could go on board with her to
do a fuel check.

- I don't understand.
- I'd go as a representative

of the import company.
We'll have noticed residues in

the fuel which could
compromise the motor.

This is our excuse.

What if you have to
talk to the engineer?

Laura won't let
that happen.

As soon as the owner hears about
the motor, she'll intervene.

Do you know anything
about fuel?

Not a thing until
this morning.

Laura explained a few things
over lunch.

After lunch we talked to someone
who does know about it.

Tonight Laura's coming to
my place and we'll finalise everything.

Listen to me Mimi'. She's a good girl.
Don't you try anything. Is that clear?

What do you think I am?

What are you getting
so upset about?

Keep me in the loop.

Yes but just over the phone.
It's best if I don't

set foot in the station
for a few days.

Don't you be a bastard!

All these countries
Lannec visited.

Lannec, why do I know
that name?



"Salpati: Lightning in the sky,
Commander Lannec,"

let's see, let's see...

"there were ofthem at
the table... Emile Lannec."

So, they let Lannec know that
when he arrives in Vigatahe

has to get aroom at the Hotel
Bellavista that can be seen from

aboard the Asso di Cuori.
They knew when the Frenchman

was arriving and had someone
watching with binoculars.

And when Lannec goes to the
balcony, the men on the

Asso di Cuori make
contact with him.


They invite him on board
andthey k*ll him.

They throw the body
in a dinghy, hoping that

the currents will take
him out to sea.

Here they were
unlucky and the Vanna crossed

paths with the
dinghy on her way into port.

What do we do now?

Try and find out
everything about

the Asso di Cuori
and the crew.

First I want to ask this officer
to forgive me for hitting him.

Unfortunately when
I drink wine...

Sicilian wine.


So, it's Sicilian and
maybe Greek

Wine that has this
effect on you.

I don't understand...

Mr Chaikri, you're not telling me
the wine you drink in every port

has the same effect.

You said it.

You misunderstand.
Let me be clearer.

Wine that has this
effect on you

Alexanderbaai in South Africa,
that makes you as*ault

the local police and
carabinieri? No?

Very good,
you can go.

- You're not charging
me? - No.

But I started a fight.

This time, we'll let it go.

The carabinieri have already
charged you?


Yesterday you were interrogated
at the barracks weren't you?


By the way, if you see or hear
from her, and

I'm sure you will,
please say hello from me.


That lady, the person who
questioned you yesterday.

I don't understand

You don't understand?

That lady...

...who questioned at the

It doesn't matter.
Let him go Fazio.




Do you want to
fill me in??

After talking to
Lieutenant Sferlazza,

I realised that
the person who

was informing Vanna
of what

was happening on the
yacht was Chaikri.

He was the one who
told her that

the yacht had set
a course for

Vigata because of
the weather.

- How?
- How?

Maybe a satellite phone. So,
VannaDi Giulio goes to meet him,

but the boat with the body
putsthe meeting off.

So what did Chaikri do?
He got himself arrested,

told the carabinieri
his name,

they contacted
Vanna Di Giulio

and the two ofthem
could finally talk.

And me? Why did he
have ago at me?

Because he's a
clever bugger.

He wanted to show his pals
that the wine here has the same

effect and makes him try it on
with cops, carabinieri or not.

Inspector, but who
is this Vanna?

Sferlazza mentioned

but I think that's rubbish.

I think there's something
suspicious on that yacht

and Vanna's involved. Now,
tell me about the Asso di Cuori.

The Asso di Cuori seems to belong
to a French-ltalian import-exporter.

- Of what?
- A bit of everything.

Why do they need that crappy

The lieutenant told me that
the company operates all over

the Mediterranean. Morocco,
Algeria, Syria, Greece and Turkey.

He also told me
that it's the

first time they've
stayed on in Vigata

Usually they only
stay a day or so.

This time they're
waiting for someone

to come here and
fix the motor.

They couldn't
get a plane?

That's their business

Hello! - It's done.
How? - The way we wanted.

Laura took me aboard
and left, I told

the fuel story and
took a petrol can.

Giovannini didn't leave
my side.

I persuaded her that I
know all about motors.

Where are you calling from?

From the wharf. I'm putting the
petrol can in the car.

I've been invited to lunch.
The lady won't let me go.

How are you going
to proceed?

The commander will
be at lunch.

I'm hoping to find a moment to
invite her to dinner and by the

way she's looking at me, I think
she'll come.

Mimi, look, Giovannini complained
to Tommaseo because she says

her yacht is being
detained illegally.

He wanted to let her go

immediately but I managed to
get another day.

Time is ofthe essence.
Do you understand?

Yes perfectly.

Listen, Mimi, the other
night, with Laura?

Sorry Salvo,
I have to go.

Who is it?

- It's Fazio.
- Who is it?

Oh Fazio!

What's happened?

Chaikri's been
found dead.

- The North African from
the Vanna? - Yes

Shit. Come on!
Why didn't you call?

I tried but no-one answered.
It must be off the hook.

- How did it happen?
- I don't know Inspector.

Catarella' rang saying Dracchi,
Cracchi, and it took me ten

minutes to work out he was
talking about the North African.

So when you didn't answer,
I came here.

Good job. I'll jump
in the shower.

Do you know where
we're going?

To the wharf, the
Vanna's mooring.

I was in my cabin
going to bed

when I thought
I heard a shout.

Where did it come from?

I thought it came from
the crew's quarters.

Onthis side
ofthe boat.

So what did you do?

I went to their quarters.

Alvarez, Ricca and Di Giulio
were there sleeping.

- Chaikri's bed was empty.
- And then?

I thought the cry might have
come from the wharf, so

I took my torch.

The wharf was
completely deserted.

I leant onthe railing
and then,

I just saw

Have you told Mrs
Giovannini? - No.

Is she not on board?

Yes, but she's

and I didn't want
to disturb her.

What did you tell the crew?

That lot are still drunk.

They'd be no use at all.

So what do you think
happened Commander?

Poor Zizi' was so drunk he

must have slipped and hit

something, then fell
in and drowned.

Do you believe that
bad luck story?

Sure. Why not?
But can you tell me

why the commander
needed a torch on the wharf?

- It's perfectly lit here.
- So why did he take it?

To make us think he just
found the body by chance.

- Why didn't you say anything?
- It's better this way.

We'll make him think we
swallowed it.

Doctor Pasquano has
to see the body

and I'll give him a
call in a couple ofhours.

Oh, Mimi!
Busy night?

Leave it alone.
- Tell me.

I gave you a clue the
other night.

I went to dinner
with Livia.


No, not your Livia!
Livia Giovannini.

So she took me to a
restaurant in Montelusa.

She ate well and
drank a bottle and a half of wine

all by herself.

By the way,
do I get reimbursed?

Are you kidding!?
Go on.

Afterwards, she took
the initiative.

- What did she say? - Say...?
She didn't say anything,

- she did!
What did she do?

We got in the car and you can
guess where she put her hand.

She invited me into
her cabin.

What time was that?

We boarded just after midnight,
and downstairs we met

Commander Sperli'.

But Sperli' and Giovannini are
lovers. Did he get angry?

No. He politely wished us
goodnight and went up top.

So they're lovers in the sense
that Giovannini goes back

to him when she doesn't
have anything better on offer.

Could be. As soon as we got
into the cabin, Livia got naked.

- Mimi', do me a favour?
- Sure, What?

Stop calling her Livia!


Thank you.

Was off. And she
didn't stop.

Salvo, she's not a woman,
she's an electric meat grinder

and there's no way to pull the
plug. She went till six o'clock

in the morning, until Sperli' called
her and I heard you and Fazio.

But you didn't hear anything.
A shout?

- When?
- About . am.

If there was, she was screaming
like an eagle.

But did you get to talk to
her between screams?

Yes. She asked if I was married,
how much I earnt.

I told her I her I
wasn't married, and

made up a biggerfigure
than we actually get.

- Ok, reasonable questions.
- Yes, but I thought they were

leading questions so I
told her I didn't

like the path I was on
and if someone could

find me another,
I'd always be grateful.

- Very good! - I think she has
something in mind.

So how did you pull it off?

Modestly speaking, I think

I was ontop form.
- No Mimi, I'm not asking

about your physical prowess,
I have no doubts about that.

I meant, how did you pull it off
since you didn't get to

check the fuel with Lieutenant

Oh no no,
we did it!

You did it?

It was quick, there
wasn't muchtime.

But we did it.

But where?

In the harbour office
when she called me.

- Ahh, in the harbour office!
- In the harbour office.

Oh, you didn't say in
the harbour office!

I just told you, in
the harbour office!

No, you weren't clear.

Well done Mimi.
My dearest Mimi!

Go and rest,
you look tired.

But I don't want to rest.

No, go and rest,
you look spent.

But I don't want
to sleep.

But you must.

I need you in
top shape.

You did a great job.
Thanks Salvo. - See you later...

Don't tell me...

"In the harbour office."

"It was just quick"...

"It was quick, in the office".
"In the harbour office".


You know that when someone
drowns, there's usually a

lot of water in the lungs.

Yes, I know that.
Was there?

Yes! But not enough for him
to have drowned.

Then how did he die?

With a whack on the
back of the neck from an iron

bar that k*lled him instantly.
It matched a type of

hook I noticed hanging
off the wharf

half a metre above
the water.

What do you think

Poor thing was drunk,

he slipped and
fell between

the wharf and
the side of

the boat and
there he died.

I don't understand.
So was it the

hook that k*lled
him, or an iron bar.

The K*llers are cunning.

They wanted us to
believe that

he'd hit the hook.
But the hook was covered

in algae and
there was

no trace of algae
in the wound.

So if Pasqualino's right,
and I think he is,

the North African couldn't
have been k*lled on the yacht.

Yes, because even if Augello
was doing gymnastics

with Giovannini, he would have
heard something.


So if it didn't happen on
the yacht, it must

have been
on the Asso di Cuori.

That means Giovannini is in
the dark. Otherwise she wouldn't

have invited Augello to her cabin.

Not necessarily. Maybe she

didn't know Chiaikri was an
infiltrator and it was Sperli's

idea to k*ll him. So we know
nothing Fazio.

Have they left?

- Anyone here?
- Yes, I'm here.

Ah! Laura?

Salvo! What's up?

Sorry to bother
you, but has

the Asso di Cuori left?

No. That doesn't
sound right.

It's not at
the mooring!

Ah, they've probably just
taken it

out a bit to
check the motor.

You'll let me know
if they take off?


but what's your interest
in them?

Come for a walk and I'll tell
you the whole story.

I can't leave. I have too
much work.

I could see you
tonight if you like.



I'll come to your place and then
we can decide.

Where shall we go?

We'll decide later.

- See you tonight then.
- Sure, see you later...

Laura, when
are you coming?

This is
Bonetti Alderighi.

are you there?

- Yes Chief.
- I called your office.


They told me you'd gone
home a while ago.

Sir, if you're insinuating
that I'm slacking off?

I didn't call about that.

What is it?

I want to see
you immediately!


What do you mean?

At headquarters?

- Where else? At a bar?
- Now? - Now!?

I can't.

Why not?
- Why?

Montalbano, I'm asking the
questions. Why not?

Because, on my way
home, I slipped

and got a sprain.
So I can't...

A sprain that
doesn't stop

you seeing a
certain Laura.

Apart from the fact
that Laura

is a physiotherapist
who has

to fix my calf,
which I

really hope she can.

But if you're referring
to another

sort of meeting,
let me assure

you that my
calf injury will

not get in
the way of...

- So you can't move?
- No.

- Then I'll come to you.
- When?

No! No,
not now.

Oh sir!
A cramp!

Look, I'll force myself
up and

I'll come to you.

Alright Montalbano.
I'll be waiting.

Two homicides
in Vigata.

God Montalbano!

Are you crazy?
Didn't you realise?

- What?
- Silence!

Tell me that you knew the man

in the dinghy was m*rder*d.

- Yes, actually...
- Quiet!

...And tell me that you knew the
North African sailor was m*rder*d.

- I don't see...
- Enough, enough!

And tell me now yes or no, that
you've begun the investigation?

- Certainly I can tell you that.
- Be silent!

- But if I may
- Not a word!

Can I just tell you?

I am speaking now.
Be quiet and

answer my question
without digressing.

- May I make an observation?
- No! Answer!

But if you won't let me
make an observation.

Very well. Make it, answer
and that's it.

Please allow me to
note, that

you haven't yet
asked me a question.

- Really?
- Really.

You see? You're the only
one who makes me this crazy...

So my question isthis:

Why did you not think to
mention this

investigation to
the minister or to me?

Can you explain that?

Who told you?

Don't ask stupid questions,
just answer me.

I just completely forgot.

You forgot?

Do you think you're
running a private

detective agency?

No, no, no, no!

Be silent and listen. From this
moment, you are relieved!

- Of what?
- The investigation!

Mr Mazzamore
will take over.

Well, if you will
allow me,

I will relieve

If you please...

Laura I'm sorry! I was
called to see the Chief.

I knew you must have
been held up.

Ok, so where
shall we go?


What is it? It's still early.
Have you eaten?

- I'm not hungry anymore.
- I'll make you hungry again. Let's go!

It's too late.

Do you want to have a
drink at my place?


Are you upset?

I called the harbour office to
tell you I was running late.

I'm not upset.

Shall I see you

I don't think so.


I've thought about it. The call
from the Chief was fated.

In what sense?

It was destiny that it happened.
It's a sign.

Please explain?

It means that nothing can ever
happen between us.

Pasquale! What a pleasure to
hear from you. What is it?

I'm just letting you know you
can get out if you want to.

The boss has taken me
off the investigation.

It's not our case anymore.

I don't think you
can get out of

it right now.
It's too late.

You're in, so you
have to stay in.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Bye Mimi.
Good luck.

Bye... bye...

They want to do business...

...and then they pull out.

Last night when you called,
I was already on board.

And I didn't have any
reason to leave.

Why did you do it?
- Do what?

The phone call.

Why? To save you
wasting a night.

- I don't believe you.
- Then why do you think?

Because you were struck
with remorse.

Remorse foryou?
Don't make me laugh!

- No, not for me, for Beba.
- How many?

Two sugars.

You're feeling guilty because
you sent me after Livia,

I mean Giovannini.

I never told you to go
to bed with her!

She's a woman and you know
she screws around. That put you

in a tight spot. You didn't tell me to,
but it went without saying.

- Let's leave it.
- Yes, let's leave it.

Do you still want to know what
I found out?

Tell me. But let's
go outside.

Ok. Even though we've been
taken off the case.

Tell me anyway.

So I had dinner on board.

Did you talk to Chaikri?

Just a nod. The lady asked the
commander if he could...

But why was the
commander there?

If you let me finish,
I'll tell you.

You're right.
Go on.

Livia asked the commander to
retrieve the body so they could

bury him and leave.
Shall I go on?

Your call was too
late because I'd

already told them
I'd work for them.

Did they tell you
any more about it?

Livia told me I didn't
need to go

to South Africa and
that I could stay

in Freetown in
Sierra Leone.

I told her I didn't
give a f*ck

where I was as
long as I was

earning money.
I let her know

I was happy to
turn not one,

but two blind eyes.

But did she tell you what their
interests are there?

Coffee and tobacco plantations
and another huge stake,

unofficially, in
excavating activities.

What does that mean?

Mines Salvo!


Did you find out
anything else?

No, but I have a meeting at o'clock
today to sort out the contract and

maybe they'll tell me more. But if
we're not onthe case, what should I do?

I don't know. Let me think. So
during the night?

Do you want to know everything
Livia wanted?

Mimi! I've asked you before,

please don't call her Livia.

Her name is Livia - And you can call
her by her surname, Giovannini.

Is that clear?

Secondly, I want to
know if anything

strange happened?
Did you hear anything?

Yeah, something strange
did happen.

About midnight.

The commander came to the
door and I got a break.

Livi... Giovannini got up
stark naked

and went to the huge
safe in the

cabin. She took out a
file, put on

a gown and left.

I got up to see what was in
the safe.

And what was in it?

Piles of money.

Dollars, euro, yen.

A series of files
and records.

Among them was a
big folder with

"Kimberley Process"
written on it.

"Kimberley Process".

What does that mean?

I don't know.

- What should I do?
- Well if you go back on board

without authorisation,
it's illegal.

- So do we leave it to chance?
- What do you want to do?

I don't know. I'll go at o'clock
and maybe they tell us something

we can use to screw them over.

And then how will
you get out of there?

You can't tell them
you've had second thoughts.

They'd k*ll me.

- I've got it!
- What is it?

The Chaikri method.

What does that mean?

- I'll arrest you!
- Don't give me that shit!

It'll work!

- May I?
- Montalbano, the fascist-buster!

- That's me. Hi.
- Hi.

Via the internet,
I sent that

passport you gave me
to a French colleague.

And I told him, that you
thought the name on

it was from a book
by Simenon.


He told me
that last month,

they arrested a forger,
a master ofthe art.

Thanks to our lead,
they finally worked out

this forger had
a habit of using the names of

French literary characters.

So he likes to read.

My French colleague recognised
the man on the passport.

His name is
Jean-Pierre David.

Why were they keeping an
eye on David?

It seems he was part of a large
trafficking organisation.

- Trafficking what?
- Diamonds.

Watch this conjuring trick.
The magic bag. My nephew Totuccio

taught me. He's or , or or?
Now, it's empty. I'll give you

two balls. Throw one inthe air,
and the other.

And it's empty!


I'm sorry sir.

What are you doing?

- Just a trick, to pass the time.
- Show me.

Really sir? It's a conjuring trick
my nephew Totuccio taught me.

He's or .
You take an empty bag.

A magic bag, nothing in it.

You pretend to take a ball,
throw it on the ground, it bounces

- and there's nothing there.
- That's cute.

It is, it's a magic,
magic trick.

Will you call Inspector
Mazzamore for me?

- Cazzamore?
- No, Mazzamore, you got it?

Don't worry,
I'll call him later.

Did you find anything about
the Kimberley Process?

I've printed everything
out sir.

Well done.

- Hello, Vigata police station.
- It's the Chief. I want to speak

- to Montalbano immediately.
- Straight away your excellence.

- I'll see if he's around. - Yes, do.
- One moment. Sir,

I know, it's the chief.

- Are you a magician too?
- Enough.

- Hello? - Montalbano,
I'll get to the point.

Against my better

I've been told to reassign you
to the investigation. Let me

make this clear. If you make
one wrong move, I will

screw you! Keep me updated
on any developments.

I really was a magician.

- Hello!
- Who is it?

- Inspector Montalbano.
- Inspector.

- May I?
- Please do.

You're eating?
I'll come back later?

I've just finished.
Will you have a coffee?

- Thanks. I'd love one.
- Sit down.

- Mario, coffee please...
- Straight away sir.

Is Mrs Giovannini here?

She is, but she's resting
If you want...

No, no. I heard you had
some fuel troubles.

Everything ok now?
Yes. It seems it was a false alarm.

Just as well. So you'll take
off as soon as possible?

If they give us poor Chaikri's body,
we'll have the funeral in the morning

and leave in the

- Thank you.
- At your service.

Delicious coffee.

If you want, I'll get
Mrs Giovannini.

No, why?
No problem.

I'll pass by later.
I'm here all morning.

- Thanks very much Captain.
- You're welcome.

Can I get off round there? - Certainly.
- Thanks.


- I've been waiting for you.
- I was sure of that.

My name's Roberta Rollo,
I'm police too,

for three years.

Did you make the chief
put me back on the case?

Not personally, but I pushed
the right buttons.

So Chaikri was
your informant?

He was one of
our agents

- who infiltrated the group.
- So the person who met Chaikri

at the barracks was you?


Sferlazza told me it was
about terrorism.

I never believed that.
It's diamond trafficking.

How did you work
that out so quickly?

They told me you were
a good cop, but...

You're not bad either.
What I haven't

worked out is why
you fed me clues

so I'd know your
story was false.

Now I can tell you.

As you've worked out, the Vanna
and the Asso di Cuori are part

of the same organisation, but with
different jobs.

Which are?

The Vanna collects the diamonds,
while the Asso di Cuori, which is

faster, moves them on.

Having them in the same port was
an unique opportunity for us.

That's why I came in. But these
people know who I am and they

wouldn't hesitate to k*ll. So I
put a flea in your ear, but I

couldn't be too specific. You
know you have to be careful with

information in our job. Even with
someone trustworthy like you.

So you don't know anything
about Lannec?

Who is he?

The body the Vanna
brought in.

His real name is
Jean-Pierre David.

Jean-Pierre David?

I knew about the body, but I didn't
know it was Lannec.

He's the head of the organisation.
We've been after him for years.

Have you heard ofthe
Kimberley Process?

Vaguely, but
tell me more.

It's an international body, started
in to control the import

and export of so called
"conflict diamonds"

What are they?

Diamonds which come
from regions controlled by

anti-government forces, guerillas
and revolutionaries.

With the huge profits, they
can buy all the weapons they need.

So what do youthink is
happening here?

I think the Asso di Cuori was
stuck here with a broken motor.

And it couldn't meet the Vanna
on the high seas.

So they brought in Lannec,
alias David. Lannec arrived and

he was k*lled. - Why?
- That I don't know.

- What do you want to do?
- I have search warrants for the yacht

and the cruiser. If the revenue
guards find the diamonds, we'll arrest

them with your co-operation.
But we have to do it by this evening.

There's a risk they'll take off
tonight or early tomorrow morning.

But won't the Asso di Cuori
get scared off if they see something

going on at
the wharf?

You're right. What
do you propose?

I'd send out two
patrol boats and

close the entrance
to the harbour.

They have powerful engines and
can stop the cruiser at any time.

That's an excellent idea.

Where are you going?

I have to get some papers
from the car.

Back in a minute.

- Valenza?
- Yes?

Police. Come with us
to the station.

- Why, what's up?
- We'll explain at the station.

- Come with us.
- I don't understand why?

Stop! ...Stop!

Stop or I'll sh**t!

You could slow down now
you're breaking my arm!

It has to be believeable
I know,

but you're hurting
me Giuseppe. - Get in.

Did you tell that revenue guard
who I was?

Shit, he gave me a
heart attack.

His g*n was cocked.

We did it on purpose because
we want to get rid of you.

Thanks a lot.

This morning you came on board
the Vanna?

Yes, I wanted to scare them!

It worked perfectly.

Giovannini told Sperli
that you knew everything

and they couldn't give you time
to act. What did you say to him?

Nothing. I went onto the Vanna
and just let him get a look at the

Kimberley Process file. So he thought
I knew everything and panicked.

What happened?

Giovannini came to me extremely
agitated and told

me there'd been
a change of plan.

Watch out because they're planning
on running at dawn. I'm supposed

to take a suitcase to Paris and from
there, get a flight to Sierra Leone

to meet them.
- And you?

I told them that was fine. They're
sending a car to get me in the morning.

So you're to do the whole trip
to Paris by car?

I believe so.

Salvo, the diamonds are
still on board.

We have to act now.

Lieutenant Belladonna has just
boarded the Asso di Cuori.

Why her?


Hello? - Something's wrong.
The boat's moving.

Lieutenant Belladonna is...

He's on board.

- Are you ok?
- Yes.

Are you sure?

Get out here. As soon as you're
out, jump in the sea.

Quickly! Lift!

The Coastguards have got the
Asso di Cuori.

The revenue guards have
the suitcase with the diamonds.

We've arrested them all Salvo.

Did she volunteer?

As far as I know.

She volunteered!

I'm sorry, it seems
we've had a fight.