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08x01 - The Potter's Field

Posted: 12/25/22 08:49
by bunniefuu
Who is it?

Who is it?

- Mr. Commissioner!
- Let me in.

What's happened?

- Can you hide me?
- Why?

Don't you know?

- What?
- The Mafia has taken over.


How did you think
this wretched country would end up!

It's come to this!

Bring me a towel.

Holy mother!

- Good evening
- TotÚ Riina?

Forgive the hour and manner,
but I don't have much time,

there's a helicopter waiting
to take me to Rome

to form the new government.

I already have a few names:

Bernardo Provenzano Vice President,

Leoluca Bagarella for Defense,

a Caruana brother
for ForeignAffairs.

I've come to ask a question

and you, Commissioner Montalbano,

must say yes or no, right now.

Will you be my
Minister of the Interior?

Well, what do you say?

Sir, if you say yes
to this criminal,

I swear I'll k*ll you right here,
in person, personally.

Sir, open up, it's Catarella!

Open up, I'm outside here,

it's pourin', I'm gettin' drenched.

- Who is it?
- It's Catarella, open up.

I'm gettin' all drenched.

Shut up!

Go make some really strong coffee,
tell me later,

I'm taking a shower.

- Don't worry...
- Go!

Can I talk now?

Sir, they found a dead body!

- Afresh one?
- I don't know, they didn't say.

- Where?
- In the country, Pizzutello area.

- Aren't our guys are there?
- Yes, Fazio and Augello.

Then why come bustin' my balls?

Forgive me,

but Mr. Augello said to tell you

your presence in person, personally
is indispensable.

You didn't answer,
so I came for you in the jeep.

- Why the jeep?
- Only a jeep can get there.

Where are we going, to Vietnam?

I don't know,

but Augello said to wear boots,

a hood and even a rain-coat.


- Is there any more?
- Right away.

What a bummer!

"How much do I get?
I'll turn him over to you."

"How much do I get?
And I'll turn him over to you."

What the hell are you saying?

When I drive, it's natural
to rehearse my lines.

For a month, I've been
in a "grammatic society"!


It's where they do a play of plays.

- Dramatic society!
- Yeah.

- What are you doing?
- The Passion of Christ.

That's when the Lord
was k*lled on the cross,

but I'm not playing Jesus,
I'm short, dark...

Well, you understand.

You said: "How much do I get
if I give turn him over to you?"

You're playing Judas?

I didn't want to, I swear!

Watch the road!

It's muddy, the road's
slippery and betraying!

Are we playing hide and seek?

They said to stop
where and when I see their jeep.


The horn doesn't work.

Good grief!

Don't get mad, I'll look for them,

ifthe jeep's here,
they're around somewhere.



- Sir!
- What did you do?

Sorry, I parked
too close to the edge.

- Are you hurt?
- No, still at your command!

There's Fazio.

Commissioner, we're here!

I'll go that way.

- What did you do?
- I parked on the edge.

Just look at you!


Fazio, keep it concise,
because I'm already pissed off.

Pasquale Ajena found the body,

it's his land, he comes every day.

Could I know where the body is?

It should be up there,
about meters.

What, it should be?

It's been raining till now

and Mr. Augello said
to wait for you.

He said to wait?

Well, Mr. Augello,
can we see this body?

- Let's stay, this is fun.
- Come on!

Wanna spend the whole day here?

So the bag was buried

and the water brought it up?

Yeah, that's right.

I was on my way home,

when I saw the bag.

It was big and black,
like the ones for trash.

How did you know there was
a body? Did you open it?

No need, the bag was ripped

and I saw a foot.

So I ran home

and phoned you.

What time did you find the bag?

About a.m.

It took you two hours
to go home and call us?

We got your call at o'clock.

Meantime, you didn't call someone
to take back the body?

No way! I didn't call anyone.

Then what did you do?

I thought if it was
good to call or not.


There's always trouble
when the fuzz are involved.

How dare you?

Don't call me fuzz!

- He'd better watch his mouth!
- Mimi, calm down.

Mr. Ajena,

why isn't the bag here anymore?


maybe water or dirt dragged it down,

or someone came and took it back.

Okay, let's go.

Thank you.


I slipped!

I saw that!


I found him!

- Who?
- The dead man!


Fazio, take care ofit.

- I'm leaving.
- But we have to investigate!

Use your brain:

Ifthe body were fresh,
I could be useful,

but who knows when or how
he was k*lled!

You have to call the coroner,
the DA and Forensics.

- They'll take two hours.
- What can I do?

Why did you tell Catarella
I was indispensable here?

I thought you could...

I'll tell you why,
you wanted to bust my balls!

You wanted me to slop around here.

Just me and Fazio
had to slop around?

I won't answer, I'm a gentleman,

but anyway, f*ck off!

What timing!

- Who is it?
- Fazio.

Come in.

Sorry I'm late, I showered at home.

- Don't worry. Did you eat?
- No, thanks.


- Did you pick up the bag?
- Want to hear this?

When we got back to the potter's
field, it was pouring again,

the DA, Forensics,
Pasquano were all there,

the bag Catarella saw was gone.

What a pain, that body!
Where was it?

With the downpour,
it had slid ten meters,

the bag was open
and some pieces had come out.

What pieces?

Before he was put in the bag,
he'd been cut into pieces.

Lots of pieces.

- His head too?
- His head too.

Did you see his head?

Yes, but there was nothing to see,

his face was gone.

They'd hammered it to a pulp,

a bat, something heavy.

- They didn't want him identified.
- Probably.

They cut his right first finger
and burned his fingertip.

Know what that means?


maybe he had a record

and could be identified
by his fingerprints.

Does Pasquano know
when he was k*lled?

Over two months ago,
he'll know more after the autopsy.

- When is it?
- Tomorrow morning.

- Not eating?
- No, no way!

The second course is stew.

Last night, about ,
my wife started labor

so I rushed her
to the hospital in Montelusa.

Coming into Vigata,
my headlights caught a the back of a woman

walking in front of me.

Right then, a car came racing,

it passed me, swerved a little

and headed straight forthe woman.

She must have sensed danger
from the engine noise,

she jumped and fell into the gutter.

The car stopped and then raced off.

- So, it didn't hit her.
- No, the woman jumped aside.

I asked if she was hurt,
she said no,

so I offered to take her into town.

She said where to stop
and then got out,

begging me not to tell anyone.

She let on she had a relationship.

- How old was she?
- About thirty.

Tall, beautiful,

upset, but beautiful.

Eyes like high beams,
a mouth Ferrari red,

a bumper, a chassis...

- Did you get the license plate?
- Yes, but I forgot it.

I remember it began with "AX".

- How did it end?
- With the woman?

- No, with your wife.
- I don't understand.

- Are you a father?
- Yes, an -pound boy.

- Congratulations.
- Thanks.

What do you think?

What can we do
if a drunk had fun scaring a girl

by pretending to hit her?

- Think it's a joke?
- Don't you?

What ifit was attempted m*rder?

In front of witnesses?
Giacchetti was behind him.

What could he have said,
ifhe'd k*lled her?

License plate for instance.

Lfit was a stolen car?

- I check it out?
- Yes.

But don't waste a lot of time,
it might be nothing.

Hello, doctor.

Help yourself.

- I see you have already.
- No.

It seemed so.

Please sit down.

Here you go.

The pastry's wonderful.

I like them both with
and without raisins.

They're delicious like this.

- You have almonds put in?
- Of course!

- Without almonds...
- That's the secret!

The shell's especially nice.

Now they use stainless steel
but it's not the same.

No, with bamboo.

We're on the same wavelength.

- So, what can you tell me?
- About what?

The body in the bag.

It was a long, complicated thing,

first I had to complete the puzzle.

- Meaning?
- I had to put the body together.

They'd cut it up, did you know?

- How many pieces?
- Lots.

They didn't spare the butchery.

- First they k*lled him...
- How?

One shot to the head.

- When did it happen?
- A few months ago.

As I was saying, they beheaded him,

they cut off his hands and legs,

they even cut
his right arm and forearm,

leaving the left forearm intact.

Doesn't that seem strange?

Can anything help identify him?

Yes, I found a bridge
in his stomach.

What bridge?

The "Broccolino" Bridge!

I mean teeth.

As he was eating, this person

lost a bridge and he swallowed it.

I sent it directly to Forensics.

It'll be a month
before we hear anything.


- Another cannoli?
- No, thanks.

Besidesthey're finished.

Salvo, did you fall asleep
in your chair like usual?

No, Livia,

I was having a drink on the veranda.

I have to talk to you.

I received a long call
from Beba this morning.

She's mad at you.


She says you mistreat Mimi.

Me? What's Augello telling her?

It's not true?

No way!

We've had a few arguments,
because he's stressed,

but mistreatment...
Actually, he's been unbearable.

Do you know why?

How could I?

You've had him do lots
of night stakeouts this month,

practically every other evening.

Nothing to say?

What can I say?

I'll go on, the other evening
he got home exhausted,

he'd been out in the rain all day
recovering a corpse.

Is it true?


But you gave him night duty.

Isn't that a little sadistic?

Yes, Livia...

It's not sadism, it's just that...

We're doing an investigation

that's very complex and tough
and I don't have...

many reliable men, so...

But I promise Beba

we're getting new personnel
so I'll stop exploiting Mimi.

- Promise?
- I promise.

I'll count on it. Talk later.

Okay, we'll talk later.



I'd just like
to know your intentions.

- In what way?
- I mean the body in the bag.

Let's set things straight
to avoid misunderstanding.

Will you take care ofit orwill I?

Who's responsible
for this police station?

If that's it, the matter's closed.

- The investigation's your right.
- What's with you?

Haven't you've had
more space lately?

To investigate what?

Bullshit: The supermarket heist,

the post office hold-up.

- The Call m*rder?
- That was an investigation?

We nearly found Mrs. Call
with a smoking g*n.

This one, the body in the bag,

can make
the love for this job return.


I don't want an investigation
that you then take back.

I don't like yourtone.
What's eating you?


Come in!

Come sit down.

Did you talk to Dr. Pasquano?
What did he say?

Before being cut to pieces,

the dead man was hot in the head.

- So...
- It was an execution.

A Mafia signature.

The usual procedure:
They tied him up,

made him kneel
and shot him in the head.

All the questions remain:
Who he was, why they k*lled him,

why they made him unidentifiable,

why they cut him
into all those pieces.

Maybe to carry him more easily.

- They had to cut all those pieces?
- Not really...

I don't see why
they buried him there,

under a few inches of dirt.

Alittle rain and the bag came out.

I think the K*llers wanted

the body to come out
in a short time.

But why?

I don't know.

By the way, what about
the woman Giacchetti saw?

Her name's Dolores Alfano,
, married,

no kids and she lives
here in Vigata.

- Is she foreign?
- Yes, Spanish or South American.

Alfano met her abroad,
fell for her and married her.

- What about the husband?
- He's a sea captain.

Assigned on a container ship
as second officer.

He's been away two months,

they say he comes back
just a few times a year.



- Catarella, would you please come?
- Right away, sir!

Come in!

Come right in.

What is it?

Please sit down.

- May I?
- Please.

- Do you have a fever?
- No.

What's the matter,
you've been crying?


- Why?
- Like that, just to...

Just a little, like that.

Like that.

Yes, a little.

- Is Mr. Augello in his offce?
- Yes, Inspector Fazio too.

Send me Fazio.

I have to say some things.

First tell me why
Catarella's been crying.

- Did you ask him?
- He didn't answer.

Then why ask me?

What the hell's going on
in this station?


I apologize, I provoked you.

Things have been a little rocky
around here recently.

- Augello?
- You know.

I don't know what's happened to him.

I really don't know, he's changed.

He's always stressed,

gets angry at everything,
bawls people out, insults.

Agent Spada
wanted to turn to the unions,

I managed to dissuade him,

but this can't go on.

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

No one likesto tell on people.

What happened to Catarella?

He didn't pass a call to Augello,

thinking he wasn't in the office,

then she called back
and he passed herto him.

So, it was a woman? And then?

Augello came out of his office
in a rage.

He started shouting,
shook Catarella by the collar...

and hollering, asked
why he didn't pass the first call.

Then he insulted him
in front of everyone.

Poor Catarella began to cry.

He's never done that with me.

Maybe when you're here
he holds it in.

What did you want to say?

When I told you
about Dolores Alfano,

I forgot something
a shopkeeper had said,

that is, Giovanni Alfano,
Dolores' husband,

is Filippo Alfano's son.


Filippo Alfano
was a big shot in the Sinagras.

Suddenly, Filippo Alfano

showing up again in Colombia
with a wife and kid,

Giovanni Alfano was about .

Word was he'd gone there
to look after Sinagra business.

But after a while, he got shot.

No one knows who did it or why.

Here we are.


Do we talk now or after dinner?

About what?

Don't play-act with me,

You call me only
when you need something.

- You're right, sorry.
- Don't apologize.

It's another reason I like you.

Well, you know Mimi is married.

Yes, to Beba,

I also know they have a boy
named Salvo, like you.


I have reason to think

Mimi has a lover.

Nothing to say?

Knowing Mimi,
wasn't it foreseeable?

Is this story scandalous to you?

It's normal,
why does it bother you?

Let him be,
it will die out on its own.

I can't, because...

Mimi tells Beba

I'm always using him
for night investigation,

Beba complains to Livia,
Livia calls me...

If this goes on,
Beba herself will call me,

then I can't cover Mimi any more.

Besides, he's so stressed,

argues with everyone,
he even made Catarella cry.

Either this fling upsets him

because he loves Beba
and feels guilty

or he's falling in love
with the other woman.

What do you want to do?

Could we eat the fish
before it gets cold?

I'll serve?

I don't like what he asks
or the letter's tone.


As I said, Mimi is unbearable,

but the tone here is different,

he gives his reasons,

asks for help.

Mimi would never use

that word, by chance.

What will you reply?

I don't know,
I have to think it out.

- How do I help you?
- Right.

Find out

If Mimi really has a lover
and who she is, follow him.

He goes out tomorrow for sure,

he told Beba I asked him
to do a night stake-out.

- It's not true. Know his house?
- Yes, then what?

Call me, at any hour.

- I should be jealous.
- Why?

Who knows if you'd be
concerned for me like this.

You're not my second in command.

Dear Mimi,
I read your letter carefully.

It didn't surprise me,
given your recent attitude.

I understand in part
why you wrote it

and I've decided
to meet you halfway.

But don't you think
asking autonomy

on the potter's field body
is a mistake?

You know I consider you
a smart, skillful investigator,

but this is a case

which would put even better cops
than us in difficulty.

I hesitate to give it to you
because I'm a friend,

a failure on your part
would create many complications,

not only on a personal level,
think about it.

If you insist, give me
a few daysto decide.

I embrace you with unchanged
affection. Salvo.

Look at the Messiah,

the King of the Jews.

You said you were God,

instead you're a madman.

I spilled the blood
of an innocent man,

I betrayed a just man
for thirty pieces of silver.

I'm corrupt, a traitor, a snake,

as I will be in centuries to come.

Delivered to his enemies by Judas,

with a traitor's kiss,

beaten by Satan and by vile money.

All judgment left Judas Iscariot,

he fled, wandering
fields and valleys,

burning with guilt and shame.

Into the Sanhedrin
bursts the restless Judas.

I curse you,

I curse all of you!

For thirty pieces of silver
I betrayed a just man,

I spilled the blood
of an innocent man.

Your promises swayed me

and I will bear the mark
of betrayal for all eternity.

What is that to us?
Look to it yourself.


take back yourtainted money!

The price of my horrible crime,

I'm ready to pay!

He's good!


It's not lawful to deposit this
in the temple treasury,

for it is the price ofblood.

We'll buy the field
known as "potter's",

for the burial of foreigners.


Is this the Club?

I'm Commissioner Montalbano,
may I speak to Dr. Pasquano?

I'll go ask him.

The doctor's playing poker
and doesn't want to be disturbed.

Tell him if he doesn't come
to the phone immediately,

I'll come with the police band
playing Aida,

triumphal march included.

I'll go tell him.

Agentleman can't be in peace

without you coming
to break his balls.

Why do you feel the need
to lock horns with me?

What the f*ck do you want?

Hello, is it all out?

Not yet,
you huge pain in the ass.

Can I talk?

Yes, but then disappear,

or I'll give you an autopsy
without anesthesia!

I have to know

how many pieces the
potter's field body was cut into.

- I forget.
- Doctor!

I'll count.

Fingers and toes make ,
then legs, ears...

in total.

- Wait, pieces.
- You're sure?


They didn't cut his arm because
it would make pieces,

it had to be ,
like the pieces of silver.

What are you saying?

I'll explain later, thanks
for the exquisite cordiality.

I hope I don't hear from you
for several years.


What happiness to see you.

- You were great!
- See how the Grammatic Society is?

You have to leave the police
and be an actor.

No, I swore under the nation's flag,

I can do both.

But don't stop acting,
you have talent.

- What's wrong?
- All these compliments...

Such power,

power in your gesture, your voice.

- I studied Grammatics.
- It shows!

I'd never have guessed,

you seemed like that actor,
that bald guy.

"Judas, his betrayer, seeing
that Jesus was condemned,

regretted it,
and returned the pieces of silver

to the chief priests and elders,

saying: 'I have sinned
in betraying innocent blood',

but they said: 'What is that to us?
Look to it yourself.

The chief priests gathered up
the money, but said:

'Lt is not lawful to deposit this
in the temple treasury,

for it is the price of blood'

and they used it
to buy the potter's field

as a burial place for foreigners".

- Understand?
- Not really.

Remember, the potter's field owner

told us he sells clay to make pots,

so his field is the potter's field.


We're interested in two things:

The potter's field
and the thirty pieces of silver.

Thirty, like the body pieces.

The shot to the head
made us think of a Mafia crime,

but now we know something else.

Whoever ordered
and committed this crime

follows the rules of the old Mafia,
that spoke through symbolism.

If a guy's k*lled and found
with a stone in his mouth,

he'd talked too much.

If a dead man had his shoes
on his chest, he wanted to run.

So, our dead man was k*lled
because he betrayed, like Judas.

Exactly, but at this point
the case is closed for us.

- Why?
- It goes to the DIA Antimafia.

Why give this case to the DIA?

I know what I'm doing,
go get some rest.

- Commissioner...
- Mind your business and trust me.


Mimi left his house at .

At first I thought
he was going to your place.

- Why?
- He headed towards Marinella.

At a certain point,
he suddenly slowed down

and stopped at a small villa,

he got out,

opened the gate and went in.

I was very close at that point.

- What did you do?
- I kept going.

- You passed behind him?
- Yes, but he turned.


He didn't recognize me,

my car's new,

I was wearing big sunglasses

and a Greta Garbo hat.

Let's hope.

I came back with lights off,

the lights were already on
in the house.

He unlocked the door

and the woman waiting for him
came to the door.

- Did you get a good look at her?
- No, I was too far off.

Was I good?

Very good.


Excuse me,

are you looking for someone?

Yes, hello.

I'm looking for Mr. Casanova,
this should be his home.

No Mr. Casanova lives here.

- Whose home is it?
- Mr. Pecorini's.

He's never here, he rents it.

I see.
Where can I find Mr. Pecorini?

In Catania, the Picaniello area,

he opened
a wonderful butcher shop there.

Thank you, good day.

- Commissioner.
- Come in.

- I got it.
- Meaning?

I called all the agencies in Vigata
and finally hit it.

Pecorini entrusted the house
to the "Bella Casa" agency.

What did you learn?

Pecorini's ,
he's from Vigata and is a butcher.

Two years ago he moved to Catania
and opened a large butcher shop.

- Who's the villa rented to?
- No one, it's vacant.


- What is it?
- There's a woman for you.

- Where?
- In the waiting room.

Says her name's Dolorosa,

but she's not dolorosa,
she brings happiness!

- She wants to talk to you.
- Show her in.

Sir, what a woman!

You need lots of eyes
to look at her.

- Show her in.
- Certainly.

Miss Dolorosa, please go in.

Thank you.

Good evening.

My name is Dolores Alfano.

Alfano's my
husband Giovanni's surname,

mine's Gutierrez.

- Spanish?
- No, Colombian.

But I've lived in Vigata
a long time.

Tell me.

My husband set sail on a container
ship, he's second officer.

What happened?

For twenty days

he didn't write or call.

I got worried and called him,

he said he was in good health
and busy with work.

Then I received this postcard
the other day.

Here it is.

- So now you're reassured.
- No.

I'm not reassured,

I don't think he wrote it.

The handwriting and signature

are different.

Compare it with last year's.

This postcard made me
think back to the phone call.

His voice was different,

I thought it was
because ofthe cell phone,

but I'm not so sure now.

What do I do?

I don't know,

I agree the handwriting
on these two cards is different.

- Did you try calling again?
- Yes.

I called several times,
but he neveranswered.

I tried again before coming here,

but there's no answer.

- I understand your concern.
- Can't you do anything?

No, you can't even
report him missing.

Who can say things
didn't go differently?


It's just guesswork,

your husband may never have embarked

because he had an encounter...

I'm not sure I'm clear,
an encounter...


My husband loves me,

I'm sure ofit.

Let me show you something.

He sent me this months ago.

I can only make a suggestion.

Do you know the name
of your husband's ship?

Yes, it's called Ruy Barbosa.

You could contact
the shipping company.

It's the Stevenson & Guerra,

it has a representative in Naples,
Pasquale Camera.

I should have his number.

Here it is.

You can't give it to me,
you have to make the call.

Please, Commissioner, help me,

I don't know how
to resolve this thing.



I'm counting on you.

I spoke to Musante at the DIA.

- What did he say?
- An odd thing.

They got a indication
that turned out to be a false lead.

They received an anonymous letter
two months ago.

Big news!

No, this letter seemed
to have a basis of truth.

It said Don Balduccio
had ordered a man k*lled.

He's , doesn't handle
family business anymore!

That's what the letter said,

that he'd intervened
for a personal offense.

Who's the person that offended him
and he ordered k*lled?

We don't know, the letter
just says he was a runner

who sold the goods
instead of delivering.

And what did the DIA conclude?

They went right into action
and discovered

that Don Balduccio
was in a coma in a clinic,

and became convinced he never
could have ordered a m*rder.

Anyway, they didn't even find
the runner's body.


They concluded
someone was taking the piss...

Or someone wanted
to bother Don Balduccio

not knowing he was in a coma.

Get in.

My husband never embarked
on the Ruy Barbosa?

Seems not.

- You're not joking, are you?
- No.

What happened to him?

The most credible theory
is a voluntary disappearance.


Mr. Camera says
just before your husband embarked,

he wrote a note
mentioning a better cargo.

It might have been fake,
like the postcard.

In fact, I'd like to have this note,

but I need your official
missing person report.

I'll do it, do I come to you?

No need,

Fazio will get it here.

I have to ask you a few questions.

Sit close to me.

Come here.

- Here?
- Yes, close.

From the letter you had me read

we deduce the relationship
with your husband is...

very intense.

Yes, very.


The last few times he was home,

had the relationship
weakened a little?

Had anything changed?

Yes, Giovanni had changed.

- But not the way you think.
- No?

Recently Giovanni

had become...


He could never get enough,

after lunch I couldn't even

reach the bedroom.

He asked for things

he'd never asked for.

So, you exclude

he ran away with another woman.


Then let's end this discussion.

Did he have enemies?

He never spoke to me about enemies.

Some arguments with other officers

or crew members,
but nothing important.

And here in Vigata?

He had very few friends here.

When he was young, he moved
to Colombia with his parents,

he was more abroad than here.

Do you have the names and addresses
of his friends in Vigata?

- Of course.
- We'll get them.

When was your husband
supposed to embark?

On Septemberth,

from Gioia Tauro.

We left together by car
the day before.

- Why together?
- To be together to the last minute.

We'd rented a small apartment.


Giovanni didn't have much time

to come to me in Vigata,

so I'd be there

and we'd be together a few days
until his departure.

I see. Did your husband
receive any callsthat night?

- None.
- The next morning?

Giovanni left at , I stayed there,

I put the apartment in order
and left for Vigata.

Did you ever return to Gioia Tauro?

No, what for, alone?

So, the apartment is
just as you left it on September th.


You should give us
the address and keys.


The last pictures
taken with my husband.


here Giovanni came out well.

Where's this?

I told you, we went to one
ofmy husband's relatives,

his name's Don Balduccio Sinagra.

I'll leave you with Fazio,
who'll fill out your report.

Rememberto get

the names and addresses
ofthe husband's friends in Vigata.



help me find my husband.

I can't do without him.

Please, do something.

Don't worry,
we'll do all we can, okay?


Hello, it's Macannucco.

Macannucco! Well?

Like you asked, I got into the
apartment in Via Gerace.


First I have to say something.

Can you get me a copy of
the search warrant in an hour?

I'll try.


You went in person?

Yes and I even took a look around,

there was a shoe box in the living
room, on top of the cabinet.

It was empty, but inside
were traces ofwhite powder.

Can you tell me what it is?

No doubt: Cocaine.

- The pictures?
- I'm sending them.


Thanks, we'll be in touch.

See you later
and don't forget the warrant.

Don't worry.

I don't understand.

Someone entered after...

Impossible, I left it tidy.

Those are your husband's trousers.


He had them on before embarking.

So, your husband waited
for you to leave the house,

and came back with someone else.

To do what?

It's so strange,
he doesn't like beer.

I have some in the fridge
fornow and then.

Explain it to me.

Why would Giovanni have gone back?

With who?

Maybe he had to meet someone,

unseen, because officially
he was already onboard...

Excuse me!

One last question.
How did you meet your husband?

In my father's office.

The nurse had to leave
and he asked me to fill in.

Your father's a doctor?

He was a dentist.

What dental care
did your husband need?

He had a motorcycle accident,
and broke two teeth

my father made a bridge for him.


So you're sure, the body
in the potter's field is Alfano.

I'd say so.

- Got any idea why?
- Yes.

- Don Balduccio?
- Don't you think?

Know what Macannucco said?

Despite the checks,
Giovanni was traffcking dr*gs.

- Seems impossible.
- Instead it's very possible!

For Don Balduccio
it's a great insult.

Giovanni's a traitor
and has to be eliminated.

So he has him cut in pieces
like the pieces of silver.

He lets him go to Gioia Tauro
with Dolores and abducts him there,

brings him back to Vigata
and kills him.

So the body's not found too soon,
he says he embarked.

Right and the plan worked,

even if, at a certain point,
Don Balduccio gets sick.

That must be how it went.

What do we do about his wife?

We won't say anything for now,

she can't even identify the corpse,
she's no help to us.

The ones who sent
the letter to the DIA,

knew everything.

Right, and when the time's right,

we'll spit on Musante's nose.

But right now, I still want
to think it over a few days.

Let's go.

One moment, I'll get him.

Sir, it's for you.


- Who is it?
- Mr. Giacchetta.

- Commissioner Montalbano?
- Yes, who's this?

Fabio Giacchetti, remember?

Yes! How are mother and son?

Just fine, thank you.

I don't know... okay, I'll say it!

I saw that car again.

What car?

The one that tried
to run the woman down, remember?

Sure! When?

Yesterday, it was
in front of me, at a light.

I got the number.

You're sure it was the same car?

How? Sometimes I am,
sometimes I'm not.

But I recognized it, it's like
the one from the other night.

It had a broken left taillight.

So, I took the number down.

- Could you give it to me?
- Sure.


- I'll read it back: AXTP.
- Right.

Go out, take a look around,
and let me know.


What's this discovery mean?

What words hammer your brain
after Giacchetti said

the car that tried
to hit DoloresAlfano

was that of my vice commissioner,
and friend, MimiAugello?

The words are,

collusion and conspiracy.

Mimi Augello and Dolores Alfano
hatched a plot against me,

because there's no doubt
they're lovers.

Their encounters began in September.

Soon after Giovanni Alfano
had embarked.

Did he start it or did she?

Let's try to understand
how things went.

After the discovery ofthe body
in the potter's field,

Mimi pushes me to get the case,
but why?

Why that case specifically?

Maybe he knew the corpse
was his lover's husband's?

Lfhe knew,
who could have told him?


So Dolores knows
her husband was m*rder*d.

How to define Mimi's behavior?

Mimi is certainly
sexually blackmailed by Dolores.

He doesn't know how, or he can't,
say no.

Dolores is a beautiful girl

who knows how to use her words.

But there's just one word.



But if Mimi
got mixed up in the thing,

if he fell...

in that damned potter's field,

the only one who can pull him out...

is me.

Let's see if I can.

Let's see if I can...

Let's see if I can.

What are you doing in that trash?

Hello, I'm Commissioner Montalbano,
who are you?

Esterina Trippodo.

- You're a neighbor?
- Yes.

Can I ask you something
about the Alfanos?

Think I should waste my time
with all the realm's commissioners?

Actually, this is a republic.

I don't recognize
this shitty republic.

I'm a monarchist

and I'll die a monarchist.

Want the truth?

I'm fed up saying the same things
a hundred times.

Sorry, but would you

to a Commissioner
who's a... monarchist?

If I say it in front of everyone,
I screw my career,

but I'm a monarchist!

Beautiful, what joy!

Let's go.

Long live the king!

Tell me.

The last time the Alfanos were here,

on Septemberrd and th,
did you see them?

No, but they were here,

because I saw their lights on
and their car.

The next morning, must have been ,

they'd already left.

Did you notice anything strange?

To make you vomit!

What did you see?

I went out, but they'd already left

and I went to empty the trash,
I usually do it.

What was inside?
Asyringe, full ofblood.

Good thing I had gloves!

Did you tell
my colleague Macannucco?

I didn't tell him a thing,
he's not one of us like you!

Come in.

- May I?
- Fazio, come in.

- Did you talk toAlfano's friend?
- Yes.

Did he say anything interesting?

I'd say so.

The one who sent Arturo Pecorini
from Vigata,

was Don Balduccio Sinagra in person.


In town there were strange rumors

about an affair between
the Alfano woman and Pecorini.

Don Balduccio let Pecorini know
he'd best get out.

Give me the whole story.


A little more than two years ago
Arturo Pecorini, the butcher,

falls crazy in love
with DoloresAlfano.

But he doesn't do things
in secret, nossir,

he sends her roses every morning,

gives her expensive gifts,
and the whole town gets to know.

He knows she's the wife
of Balduccio Sinagra's new protege?

- He's totally aware.
- Is he crazy?

No, he's conceited, and violent,

he says nothing and no one
scares him.

So, a thug.

At he was arrested for m*rder.

But he was acquitted
for lack of evidence.

Five years later, another acquittal
for attempted m*rder

nothing afterthat,
but he was, and is, a bully.

Why didn't Dolores
go to the Carabinieri?

She doesn't because...

she likes the butcher.

This thing reaches Don Balduccio,

who can't accept a butcher
cuckolding his relative,

someone he was fond of.

What did Don Balduccio do?

He spoke to Dolores,

days later Dolores goes
to Colombia, her mother's ill.

And Pecorini?

He perceives Don Balduccio's message
and pulls up stakes,

leaving Vigata permanently.

At that point, Dolores comes back...
she can, understand?

- Is Augello here in the station?
- Yes.

Call him and return with him.

Can I ask you something?

I've had a question
in my head for a while.

Tell me.

How did you know Pecorini had an
affair with the Alfano woman?

- I didn't.
- You didn't...

Then why did you ask about Pecorini,

before the Alfano woman
came to the station?

I can't tell you, not now.

Thanks anyway. I'll go get Augello.

Mimi, come in.

Fazio, tell Catarella
we mustn't be disturbed.

Then come back here.

Mimi, have a seat.

Sit down, Fazio.


For a while now, the atmosphere
in this station hasn't been good.

Do me a favor,
talk only when I say so.

Very probably,

a good part of what's happening
is my fault.

I'm the first to realize that,

I've lost a little of the energy
that pushed you

to follow me everywhere and always.

We were, more than a team,
just one man.

Did I tell you to talk? No.

Now, Mimi, you come saying

you need more autonomy,

more space,

you give me a forced choice...

Are you preparing the succession?

- Can I talk?
- Just to answer this question.


Things aren't the way you think.

Then I need add nothing,
my word will be enough,

you need nothing written, okay.

- What's that mean?
- You'll do the investigation.

- What?
- The body in the potter's field.

- Commissioner, it's his now?
- Right.

On one condition:
Whatever move you make,

an arrest, a press conference,
an announcement,

you tell me first.



- Can I hug you?
- No need.

I'm off for a few days,
you'll fill in.

Fazio will tell you
about the case later

and then he's at your disposal,
best of luck.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Commissioner, I don't know
why you made this decision

and I don't want to know.

But it's a decision that could
ruin this police station.

Augello's on another planet
right now.

- I don't want to work with him.
- Fazio, it's an order.

At your command.

Try to understand.

It's delicate, the Mafia's in this!

That's why you're at his side.

But if Augello flips,
I certainly can't stop him.

Tell me and I'll intervene.

But you're leaving!

Nothing will happen right now,
don't worry.

Anyway you have my cell number.

I do, but it's no good
because it's always off.

Anyway I understand.

What there is to understand,

I understand.

- I take my leave.
- Good.

What would you like?

That's exactly the problem,
my wife gave made a list,

but I can't remember one thing.

- Classic.
- Don't send me for groceries!

- Excuse me.
- No problem.

May I?


Commissioner, welcome,
how are you?

Fine, you?

I eke along!

Your room's ready.

- Excuse me.
- Mr. Knight sir, catch anything?

My ass.

Give that to me, come along.

Commissioner, this is your table.

You don't mind dining
with our Knight Pitacuda, do you?

No! Salvo Montalbano.

Liborio Pitacuda and I'm no knight.

I must warn you of something,

at the expense of seeming impolite.

When I talk, I don't eat

and so, when I eat, I don't talk.

Welcome to the club.

Let's see what wonders Tanino has
for us. Here it is!

Spaghetti with sea crab.


May I?

Bass with saffron.

Do you think this miracle
might happen again?

It will, don't worry.

Like the miracle
of the blood of Saint Janarious

I've been coming here for years

and I've never been disappointed
with Tanino's cooking.

The chef of
a famous French restaurant

wanted to take him to Paris.

No way, he wouldn't budge!

Tanino says:
I'm from here and here I'll die.

There's such a mixture of flavors

I'd like to know
where he learned to cook.

Tanino, come here.

Tell the Commissioner
how you became a cook.

What can I say?

Until a few years ago,
I was a petty crook,

in and out of jail.

Nice introduction! Go on.

One night the Virgin Mary
appeared to me.

- You're joking?
- That's it.

She was beautiful, shining,

she took my hands,
looked into my eyes

and said:
'You'll become a great cook".

- How's that possible?
- Did you know about the Madonna?


Yet for the bass
you used the word miracle.

Thank you, you can go.

Always at your service, Sir.

I'll remove your plates.

Why are you in these parts?

I need a little time to myself.

I understand!

Once a year, I take time
and come here.

In Trapani I live with my wife,
four daughters

and eight nieces and nephews!

I purify my system here,

I pass the waters of solitude.

This is like a clinic forme

where I eliminate
an excess of emotion.

What do you do in Trapani?

I was a Philosophy professor,
now retired.

- Do you miss teaching?
- Not at all!

What reason is there
to teach philosophy today?

Young people today
no longer apply themselves,

it bores them to learn
what Kant and Hegel thought.

Philosophy should
be replaced with...

"Instructions for Use",
so it would still make sense.

- For use of what?
- Of life.

For example, teaching young people

what it means to catapult

into a car on Saturday nights,

and tell them how this could be
avoided philosophically.

In his memoirs,
Benedetto Croce wrote...

I'm retired and always talk
about philosophy.

- You say interesting things.
- I do? Good night, I'm offto bed.

I leave tomorrow.

The first time I came here,
my father was dying.

I couldn't see him on his deathbed,

the idea terrified me.

When I finally went,

it was too late.

Some time ago, I followed
an investigation of yours,

the one on arms trafficking,

that led you to discover
the tomb ofthose two young lovers,

the one with the terracotta dog.

In that circumstance, you abandoned

the arms trafficking investigation

and dove into a crime

committed fifty years earlier

the effects of which would
have had no practical effects.

Know why you did that?

- For curiosity?
- No.

To escape daily reality.

Evidently, daily reality
istoo heavy for you

and you run away, like I do,

when I take refuge here.

That your father was dying was real,

but you refused to acknowledge it.

Do you miss him?

I do.

Macannucco, it's Montalbano,

listen to me.

- Not even hello?
- Hello.

Go back to the house on Via Gerace

and get the trash bin.

It was rusty, remember?

A syringe, full of blood.

I just remembered
the inside ofthe bin

was laminated against rust,

so those stains aren't rust,
they're dried blood,

from the syringe.

Nice shot.
If that's it, I'll go get it.

Another thing.

I'm sending you a letter by courier

to send from Gioia Tauro.

Who do I send it to and why?

I'll write that too, okay?

Yes, it'll be done.


- What is it?
- Come here.

What is it?

- Sit down and write.
- Me?

You know that me and writing...

It doesn't matter,
get a sheet of paper

and write what I'm writing here,


Here, read it.

"I've the syrinch you know well.

Guess whom I am

and come to me for making a deal".

It's full of errors!

- You wrote like an illiterate.
- It's good like that.

Take your time,
I'll go take a shower.

Commissioner, I'm here.

I'm extremely grateful,

your exquisite courtesy...

Don't worry.

Until a while ago, it seemed
Don Balduccio might pull through,

but he's just had another crisis

and the doctor won't let him
expend his energy.

He's tormented by this,

if you allow, I'll tell you myself.

Years ago,

Don Balduccio gave an order
he was sorry about later.

He'd heard that a relative

was working in his own interest,
instead of the Sinagras'.

Don Balduccio believed it...

and made a mistake.

Not even six months later

they told him
what had been said about that man

wasn't true.

But the mistake had been made
and there was no turning back.

How to make amends?

There was just one way.

Don Balduccio made
that man's son his own

and gave him a clean life.

You know we're talking
about Giovanni Alfano.

Before he left, Giovanni came here.

I know, I saw the pictures.

At that time,
Don Balduccio gave him a letter

to take to a friend
in Villa San Giovanni.

It was never delivered.

We think Giovanni
wasn't able to do it.


It's possible
he never crossed the straits.

- Where did he end up?
- In Catania.

You do know how things went?

It's not a matter
of knowing what happened,

Don Balduccio deduced it.

It's a matter of confirmation

and we'd hoped to get that from you,

but you put your Vice in,

who, we think,
is making big mistakes.

We can't let him continue
making mistakes much longer.

I don't like
that last sentence at all.

Neither do I, who had to say it,

but we know...

What do you know?

We know your Vice and Dolores

let's say... they meet.

This affair has to stop soon.

Why give the investigation
to Augello

and then do
a parallel one yourself?

I'm not.

It's odd, you clued me
about Dolores Alfano

before she came to tell us
about her husband.

The same for Pecorini.

Come to my house tonight,
I'll explain,

but you have to be patient.

Meantime, send this by fast courier

to Macannucco in Gioia Tauro.

I'll see who it is.

Who is it?

- Please excuse me.
- Are you hurt?

No, I knocked with my nails
to make no noise.

I prefer the noise.

- The article.
- Give it to Fazio.

Forgive me.


"February nd,
horrible crime at Putumayo.

A shopkeeper of , Filippo Alfano,

living in Colombia for years,
was k*lled in his office yesterday.

The cause of death
was a shot to the head,

then the body
was cut into pieces".

This is an official signature,

Don Balduccio strikes again.

Keep that article.

- Don't I give it to Augello?
- Only when I say.

Come in.

- May I?
- Come in.

The Mafia thrives with people
like Musante fighting it!


I went to fill him in
on the investigation

and said the evidence
points to Don Balduccio,

but he says it's a false lead.

I told him the body
now has a name and surname:

Giovanni Alfano.
Know what he said?

That Don Balduccio
can't have had him m*rder*d.

Why not?

Because Don Balduccio
stepped down a long time ago

and Giovanni Alfano
was never involved with him

with the family's Mafia business.

- What are your intentions?
- Move forward!

I've gathered so many elements
against Don Balduccio

that I can't pull back now,

- It's Macannucco.
- Well?

You were right.

The stains in the trash bin
are blood,

the Crime Lab's checking

if the blood's the same
as I found on the sink.

How long will it take?

I asked them to hurry it,
we should know tomorrow.

Did you talk to the Prosecutor?

Yes, he okayed the tapping.

Did you say not to tell Tommaseo?

He opposed it at first,
but then accepted.

I must never appear here!

Relax, I never mentioned
your name.

- Bye.
- Talk to you soon.

For starters,

I found out that Mimi

has a lover.

I'm sorry for his wife,

but Augello is a womanizer.

His lover is Dolores Alfano.

Holy shit!

Their affair began
about two months ago.

At first they met at night,
in Pecorini's villa.

She seduced him, I think,
ensnaring him

for a precise reason.

Before I get to this,
I'll tell you about Dolores.

Two years ago she started an affair
with Pecorini, the butcher.

Balduccio finds out

and makes the butcher leave Catania,

but soon after,
Pecorini gets, from Balduccio,

permission to return sometimes
for his interests.

Pecorini seems no longer
interested in Alfano's wife,

instead the two meet
and the affair starts again,

with more passion than before.

Dolores thinks she'll never be rid
of her husband, he's Balduccio's man,

so she and Pecorini
decide to k*ll him

and put the blame
on Balduccio Sinagra.

- So, Dolores k*lled him?
- With Pecorini.

Why put the blame on Balduccio?

Pecorini wanted revenge on
Balduccio, who'd kicked him out.

Besides, the two want
to keep suspicion away.


Maybe Dolores told Pecorini
how Filippo Alfano was k*lled.

In fact, the two of them repeat
the old m*rder ordered by Balduccio.

Let's go a step at a time.

On September rd, Dolores

and Giovanni Alfano
leave Vigata for Gioia Tauro.

Halfway there,
she convinces Giovanni

to stop in Catania
and there she takes him to Pecorini.

But isn't Giovanni suspicious?

No, I think he didn't
even know Pecorini,

she must have said
he was a friend.

Giovanni, Arturo.

A pleasure.

Now comes the best part
of the plan.

As Pecorini takes
the body pieces to Vigata,

Dolores goes to Gioia Tauro.

Enters the house
and prepares the scene.

She puts his trousers on the bed,

the glasses with beer and wine.

She's brought a syringe
full of her husband's blood

and leaves a few drops of blood
in the sink

to prove Giovanni had been there.

Finally, she leaves
a little cocaine in a shoe box.

Once done, she leaves for Vigata,
but makes a mistake.

She puts the syringe with blood
into the trash bin.

So the letter sent to the DIA...

Right. A few days later,

the lovers send the DIA
an anonymous letter,

accusing Balduccio ofkilling
one of his runners for betrayal.

They want it believed

that Giovanni's a Mafia runner

k*lled by his boss.

Then through a trusted person,
maybe a relative,

they write an obviously fake
postcard with Giovanni's signature,

playing out their little show.


so when the body's discovered,

she comes to us

and points out a Mafia lead,
which though, is false.

She wants to steer the case,

control it and be sure.

Here enters our friend Augello.

For two months now, she's ensnared
him and cooked him good.

When the body's found
in the potter's field

she tells Mimi she's sure

that's her husband,
m*rder*d by Balduccio

and demands that Mimi
takes over the investigation,

because she wants to be sure
Balduccio goes to jail.

He's crazy in love,
and believes her blindly,

maybe putting up some resistance,

but in the end

he does what she asks.


- You hit it right, Salvo.
- Macannucco!

Forsensics says
the blood in the bin

is the same as in the sink,
Giovanni Alfano's.

I was sure.
Did you get the letter?

This afternoon,
I sent it off priority mail,

should get there tomorrow.

Good, now we wait for a reaction.

- So we wait.
- Bye, night.

When Mimi comes, tell him
you got an idea last night

and show him the article
on Filippo Alfano's m*rder.

- What will he do?
- He'll say it's important evidence.

He'll race to Montelusa to talk with
Tommaseo, the Commissioner, Musante,

he'll waste a lot oftime.

Make things
as hard for him as you can.

- Keep him busy the whole day.
- And then?

When I'm back, bring him to me

and I'll tell him
about Dolores' arrest.

- I want you there too.
- Okay.

Is anyone here?

Is anyone here?

Where'sthe syringe?

In a safe place.

What do you think?

How much do you want?

Lt'll take a lot of money,

because I know what you did.

You do?

Be careful,
the same thing could happen to you.

Mrs. Alfano,

I declare you under arrest
for your husband's m*rder.

Let's go.

Hello, sir.

- How did it go?
- She confessed. Augello?

He's in his office,
he just got back,

he asked iftheAlfano woman
had called.

Let's proceed.

Come in!

Oh my god!

- What is it?
- Oh my god, what news!

- What's the news?
- Who'd have thought?

- Macannucco just called.
- What news did he have?

Dolores Alfano's been arrested
in Gioia Tauro.

Dolores Alfano's been arrested
in Gioia Tauro?

- Why?
- For murdering her husband.


Impossible? She confessed.


Her and her accomplice,
her lover, a certain Pecorino

with a villa in Vigata.

She made fools of us all,
she came here, telling us...

- Sir?
- Mimi!

Bring his legs up.

Can you hear me?

Take his shoes off.

Talk, it's Salvo!

- Put this in too.
- Yes, sweetheart.

Salvuccio, sit in the back.

Fasten your safety belt.

- I'll go talk to Salvo a minute.
- Okay.

Excuse me.

Could I talk to you a second?

Tell me.


I wanted to say I had that collapse

because I saw I had it all wrong.

As a man and as a cop.

Mimi, we're human,
we all make mistakes.

I wanted to apologize
for my behavior lately.

- A jerk.
- A jerk, yeah.

I wanted to thank you too

because you saw I wasn't very well

and because you had
lots more patience

than you usually have with me.

Don't get used to it.

I wanted to thank you
for another thing too.

I might be dumb, but not that dumb.

That thing about Macannucco
and Gioia Tauro...

I'd bet my nuts
you're behind the end of this case.

Mimi, enjoy your vacation.

If you don't get going,
I'll kick your ass.

Bye, Salvo.