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07x03 - The Track of Sand

Posted: 12/25/22 08:48
by bunniefuu
Lousy bastards.

[- Hello.]
- Catarella, is Augello there?

[- No.]
- Let me speak to Fazio then.


[ Yes, sir ?]

Fazio, come to my place.
Bring Galluzzo too.

[Has something happened?]
[I'm on my way.]

The world's full of bastards.

Follow the tracks
back to where they k*lled it.

There you'll find iron bars,
ropes and cigarette butts.

Gather it all up.

I want fingerprints, DNA tests.
l want to catch this scum.

Yes, sir.

- Why do you think they did it?
- I don't know.

I've heard there's illegal
horse racing in Vigata now.

- You think this is connected?
- I don't know.

It could be.

They must have stolen him.
See if it was reported.

Are you kidding ? No one
reports things here, you know that.

This is a serious business.

We're talking about millions here.

- Who runs it?
- Michelino Prestia, .

He was an accountant
for a supermarket firm.

- But he's just a front man.
- Who for?

I don't know.

[- ls it your horse ?]
- No.

[- Be straight with me.]
- Am I being crooked?

[If it's not yours, you won't]
[have to pay for its removal.]

- It's not mine.
[- I'll take your word.]

[- You know whose it is ?]
- No.

[Okay. How did it die ?]

l saw the carcass from the window
of my beach house.

[- You didn't see it die ?]
- Evidently not.

[ I'll take your word.]

Take my word.


[- I was thinking.]
- About what?

[About who's responsible]
[for its removal.]

- isn't it you?
[- Yes, according to article .]

[ if it's according to article ,]
[it's the hygiene office.]

As you've always
taken my word...

take it for a while longer.

If you don't remove this carcass
from my house within the hour...

[- Who are you ?]
- Inspector Montalbano.

[ it's definitely article then.]


- So you'll remove it?
[- Of course.]

Are you sure?

[Why are you asking me ?]

Because the hygiene office
might not agree.

You know about these matters
of jurisdiction, don't you?

[Don't worry, it's article .]

[We'll send someone round]
[right away.]

Thank you!


- How can this be?
- it's gone.

- What ? It was here.
- I know, but it's gone.

- How ? This is unbelievable.
- I don't know.

Is it a joke?

- Are you joking?
- No!

You think we're here to joke?
Watch what you say!

- Let's go.
- Go then!

- Fazio?
- Yes.

You see?

I was on the phone when they loaded
it onto a truck and took it away.


- Did you get everything?
- Yes, iron bars, ropes...

cigarette butts
and a lighter.

- Take it to Forensics.
- What shall I tell them?

That we're investigating
the m*rder of a horse?

Tell them there was a fight and
we need to identify the aggressors.

They'll know it's horse's blood.

just do as I tell you.

You see how fresh the tracks are?

There must have been two or three
of them at least.

Sorry, I slipped.

- What is it?
- Esther's here to see you.

What's her name?

I just told you.

- Her name's Esther?
- Her surname's Man.

I'm Rachele Esterman.

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

I want to report
a missing horse.

- A horse?
- You already know about it?

Yes. Can you fill me in?

- Okay.
- Do you live here?

I've been staying with a friend
in Montelusa for three days.

If you're here in Montelusa,
you have to report...

The horse was in the care
of someone in Vigata.

- What's their name?
- Saverio Lo Duca.

So you came to Montelusa
with a horse?

- Of course, I had to.
- Why?

For the race in Fiacca tomorrow.

When did you realize it was missing?

I didn't.

I was called today at dawn
by the groom at Sciscì's livery yard.

- Who's Sciscì?
- Saverio Lo Duca.

Saverio Lo Duca.

If they called you at dawn...

Why am I only reporting it now?

Because my horse, Super,
would escape sometimes.

At : they told me
they couldn't find him.

Is he a valuable horse?

He's worth a fortune.

He's a racehorse,
an English thoroughbred.

I don't think your horse
was kidnapped.

How do you know?
Have you spoken to the livery yard?

No, but...

He's dead?


- Was he run over by...
- No.

He was k*lled.

Can I see he?

No. Whoever k*lled him
took him away.

Have you recently received...

any irresistible proposals?

I've received many.

Some I accepted, some I didn't.

They never involved
k*lling a horse.

Are you married?

Yes and no.

- Do you get on with your husband?
- We're like brother and sister.

But Gianfranco would sooner
k*ll himself than a horse.

Thank you for your time.

- You don't want to report this?
- it's too late now anyway.

Let me know if you find out
anything else.

Yes, can I have your number?

- I'll give you my mobile number.
- Okay.


- Yes.
- .


You can find me at my friend's house.

- Can you give me her number?
- I don't need to.

You have it.
it's lngrid Sjostrom's.

You're a friend of lngrid's!


After you.




Who was she?

Cut the crap, come on.

Sit down

Who was that lady?

That was Rachele Esterman.

Guess why she came here.

To report a missing horse.

- Where does Lo Duca keep his horses?
- In Monserrato.

- Near Palumba.
- I'll go there tomorrow.

- Do you know Michelino Prestia?
- No, who is he?

He's a front man
for illegal horse races.

Fazio will explain everything to you.

- illegal horse races?
- There may be a connection.

As I have friends
who know Michelino Prestia...

.. instead going through him...
- Okay, you deal with it.

- Okay.
- There's something I want to say...

Go ahead.

We shouldn't believe everything
Mrs Esterman told us.

You want to find out more
about the lovely Mrs Esterman?

- Yes.
- Do you want to see to that?


Okay, but I'll do it myself.


- lngrid?
- Salvo.

- Why are you here?
- I was hiding.

- Why?
- I wanted to see you.

I rang the bell, as you didn't answer
l came in via the terrace.

But when I got here, I saw two men
coming out of the house.

- So I hid.
- Did you get a good look at them?

No, I immediately hid.

- Were they armed?
- I don't know.

- Which way did they go?
- I don't know.

When I looked, they'd gone.

- Got any whisky?
- Yes, come inside.

Here you are.


That's better.

You really got a fright,
I've never seen you like this.

When they left, I called you,
but you didn't answer.

I thought that they'd...

l didn't even have the courage
to come in.

- Can I take a shower?
- You know where everything is.

- Who do you think they were?
- Just a couple of petty thieves.

- They saw me go out...
- Tell me the truth.

How could they have known
no one else was here?

They took a chance, then
they heard you and ran off.

I'm not convinced.
l don't want to eat out here.

Ever since I lived here in Marinella,
nothing's happened.

- There's always a first time.
- Okay.

They won't come back now
that we're here.

They stole my father's watch.

No, I'm sorry!

So am I, but this just proves
they were petty thieves.

- I've lost my appetite.
- Taste this, you'll see.

You have to try
Adelina's [caponata].


Here's to my saviour.

- When will the interviews begin?
- What interviews?

With Rachele.
Does she appeal to you?

- No, she's involved in this case.
- What did she do?

Her horse was k*lled.

She says she has no enemies
so it must be to get at Lo Duca.

- So?
- I need to verify this.

How long have you known her?

Six years.

We met in Palermo
at the Hotel Igea.

It was : and I was in bed
with a certain Walter.

We'd forgotten to lock the door.

She burst into the room, furious.

I didn't know Walter
had another girlfriend.

He managed to escape,

but she att*cked me
and tried to strangle me.

How did you become friends?

That evening at the hotel restaurant.

She came to sit at my table
and she apologized.

We both decided that Walter
was a spineless bastard.

We hit it off.

And we became friends.

- ls Esterman her maiden name?
- No, that's her husband's.

Hers is Von Tussen,
she's a noblewoman.

If they're no longer in love,
why doesn't she divorce him?

He's very religious, he goes
to church and to confession.

I don't know what he does
at the Vatican, he'd never divorce.

I don't even think they're separated.

- Did you try this wine?
- Yes.

It's amazing.

It's made in Pantelleria.

It's nice.

Good morning.

- Who are you?
- The police.

I'm looking for
Lo Duca's livery yard.

Are you from police HQ
in Montelusa?

Yes, why?

My boss reported the theft,
why else would you be here?

Of course!

Why did you go to Montelusa
and not to Vigata?

This place is huge, half of it
is in Vigata, half is in Montelusa.

My boss obviously preferred
to come to you.

- Right.
- This way.

- Nice horses.
- I know.

- What's your name?
- Antonio Firruzza.

- Are you the keeper here?
- For a few days.

- The real keeper is Vario lppolito.
- ls Vario his surname?

No, that's his name.

- When the theft happened...
- lppolito was here.

- Where is he now?
- In hospital.

- Poor man.
- This way.

Come in.

- How did the theft take place?
- lppolito told me.

He was asleep in his house,
when the bell rang.

He thought it was our boss,
so he went outside to look.

By the time he saw it wasn't
Lo Duca, it was too late.

The intruder used a g*n to make him
open the gate with his keys.

- Didn't lppolito see who it was?
- No.

- It was really dark.
- And then?

Then lppolito felt a blow
to his head.

The next morning we found him
tied up and gagged.

The next morning?

So it wasn't him
that told Mrs Esterman.

- No.
- Was it you?

- No, it must've been my boss.
- No, it wasn't him.

Go on.

I came here as soon as I heard,
with two other colleagues.

When we got here,
these two stables were empty.

- The horses had been stolen.
- Two horses?

Esterman's horse and my boss's.

The two horses were similar,
l thought it was strange...

.. that they'd stolen two horses
that were so similar.

Maybe they came here to get
one horse in particular...

then they saw two similar ones
and they took them both.

I don't think that's what happened.

- Why not?
- Because they knew the horses.

They took the right saddles
from the tack room.

I think they knew
what they were doing.

Inspector, Mrs "Striomstriommi"
is on the phone.

Put her through.

- Hello, lngrid.
[- Hi.]

[Rachele called me from Fiacca.]

[She spent the night there, she's ]
[racing one of Lo Duca's horses.]


[She said she'd be really pleased]
[if you came to watch.]


- What time's the race?
[- Tomorrow at :.]

[l can pick you up, we need]
[to be there at :..]

- Okay.
[- I was right, you see ?]

- About what?
[- She does appeal to you.]

What shall I wear?

[- You look good naked.]
- Bye.

- Thanks.
- Wait, Inspector.

Fazio is waiting for you
at the betting pool in Via Meucci.

Betting pool?
Are they betting on fish?

- No, on horses!
- I know.

- ls that Michelino Prestia?
- Yes, Inspector.

He loves gambling,
he often spends all day here.

What do you know about him?

He was an accountant for the Cozzo
and Rampello supermarkets.

In , he resigned
and he hasn't worked since.

He's married to Grazia Stornello.

- And?
- She's Marianna Todaro's daughter.

Are you going to run down
his entire family tree?

No, but Marianna's one of
Balduccio Sinagra's three nieces.

A year after he married, Sinagra
suggested he leave his job...

to go and work for him.

Michelino said no,
that he wasn't good enough.

- What did Balduccio say?
- Nothing.

He got hooked on gambling
a few years ago.

Things seemed fine for a while,

but Cozzo and Rampello
noticed money was missing.

Michelino had taken the money
to gamble it.

Yes. Because of Sinagra,
he got away with just being fired.

But they wanted their money back
and gave him three months.

- He asked Sinagra for the money.
- Yes, but he was told to get stuffed.

And then?

He shows up with the money
three months later.

- Who gave it to him?
- Ciccio Bellavia.

One of the Guffaros?

Yes, the Guffaros run the illegal
horse races, not the Sinagras.

You think the dead horse
and the illegal races are connected?

- Don't you?
- I don't know.

Every time we have a theory,
it's wrong.

I think the horse was stolen
to spite Lo Duca.

- But they stole his horse too.
- And so?

Why did they steal
Mrs Esterman's horse too?


As far as I know, Lo Duca
isn't involved in the races.

- Are you sure?
- I wouldn't bet on it.

Lo Duca keeps saying
that the Mafia respects him

at least until recently.
Why would he say that?

- You know who's protecting him?
- No, do you?

- I'm asking you.
- I'll find out then.

Where do they hold these races?

The venues change,
they run each week.

- Always at night?
- Yes, they're very professional.

They use a generator
and make it look like broad daylight.

- How do they tell people?
- Using coded phone messages.

- Can we decipher them?
- With the equipment we have?

They don't even give us petrol.

- Did you get the petrol today?
- Yes, will I be refunded?

- Mrs Esterman?
[- Who's calling ?]

- It's Montalbano.
[- Have you changed your mind ?]

- About what?
[- Are you coming tomorrow ?]

Yes, I'll be there.

Good, I'm glad.

I'd like to dine with you too.

- Actually, tomorrow...
[- No excuses.]

[Don't worry, ]
[lngrid will be there too.]

[Why did you call me ?]

- Well, Mrs Esterman...
[- Call me Rachele.]


You're sure it was the keeper
who told you about the robbery?

Yes, I think so.
l was sleeping.

Maybe I got it wrong.

[Why ?]

Because Lo Duca told me
the poor keeper is in hospital.

[- But...]
- But what?

[I'm almost certain that he said]
[he was the keeper.]

[Lo Duca hadn't told anyone ]
[to inform me, that was his job.]

- Did he do that?
[- Of course.]

[- He called me from Rome at :.]
- You told him you already knew?

Yes, he said that maybe
it was someone from the yard...

- But they hadn't been told to.
- I see.

- Just one more thing.
[- Wait.]

You think that the person
who called me wasn't from the yard

but was one of the men
who k*lled the horse?

- ls that right?
- Yes.

- Why did they do it?
- Good question.

I have no answers right now.

I like you...

l like talking to you.

[See you tomorrow, Salvo.]

See you tomorrow.

Ladies and gentlemen...

- Who's that guy?
- Baron Piscopo of San Militello.

- We're his guests.
- What's he like?

He's dedicated to pious acts,
he's very courteous.

- ls that how he made his money?
- No.

His father left it to him. He had
shares in a German steel business.

- By the way, do you have money?
- We pay to watch the race?

No, but you have to
place a bet.

- How much do you win?
- The money goes to charity.

- The winner gets a kiss.
- How much are the bets?

Whatever you want.
One thousand, two thousand...

I don't have that much money.
I've got euros at most.

That's fine.
Let me introduce you to our host.

Baron Piscopo of San Militello,
this is Inspector Montalbano.

- I'm honoured.
- Welcome.

- Thank you.
- Do you like it here?

- Very much.
- I'm glad.

- We're going to place our bets.
- Please excuse us.

I'll introduce you
to the others later.

Which horse am I betting on?
l don't know them.

On Rachele's, like me.

Give me the money
and wait here.

You don't want me to do it?

No, they'll let me jump the queue.


Inspector Montalbano.

Rachele told me you were here.
I'm Saverio Lo Duca.

If you don't mind,
I'll get straight to the point.

- No, I don't mind.
- Thanks.

Rachele told me she reported
the theft to the police.

- You told her it had been k*lled.
- Exactly.

- How did you know?
- it was a coincidence.

The horse died
right outside my house.

- And did the carcass disappear?
- Yes.

- You know why?
- No, do you?

- I might do.
- Why then?

It's a vendetta.

Three years ago I had
an argument with a stable boy...

l lost my temper and hit him
over the head with a stick.

I didn't think I'd hurt him,
but he became an invalid.

I paid for his medical treatment...

and I've kept him
on the pay roll.

- So why would he...
- He's not all there.

He left home, his wife's
not seen him for months...

if he's mad at you, why would he
steal Mrs Esterman's horse?

I reckon he thought both horses
were mine.

Did you tell my colleagues
in Montelusa about this?

I don't want to make things worse
for this poor man.

So why are you telling me?

Because I've been told that
you can be very understanding.

If that's the case, will you tell me
this person's name?

- Gerlando Gurreri.
- Gerlando Gurreri.

That's her, in the red jacket.


She's the only one in red.

They're off!

- There they are.
- She's catching up!

Come on!

- She'd have won with her horse.
- You think so?

- Are you disappointed?
- Yes, a bit.

Because you won't get a kiss
from Rachele.

It's not fair, you should've won.

- Maybe with my horse.
- I met Giogiò.

Do you mind if I sit
at a different table?

- No.
- I'll take you home after dinner.




Here's to your race!

Did Lo Duca tell you his theory
about the robbery?

- He thinks it's a vendetta.
- Could that be the reason?

Why not?

Sciscì was a real gentleman,
he wanted to give me compensation.

But it's not his fault!
He was mortified!

- But I teased him a bit.
- About what?

Because he always says
he's well-respected in Sicily

and that no one
would ever cross him.

- I'll have it, if you don't like it.
- Really ? Do you like it?

This is the only advantage
of eating outside.

I'll show you Moon Ray,
the horse I rode today.

- Did you like him?
- Yes, but he's going back tomorrow.

This way.

- ls he a bay horse?
- Yes.

What are you after?

I've got nothing.

- Where have you been?
- To see Moon Ray.

- See you later.
- Okay.

- I'll call you tomorrow.
- Okay.


Shall we go?

What's so funny?

You've got straw on your jacket!

Give me that.

Good morning.



- Did Rachele get what she wanted?
- Thanks to you.

- What do you mean?
- That you planned it.

She told you she'd taken
a fancy to me,

and you invented the story
about Giogiò so we'd be left alone.

Yes, you guessed.


Now I feel a bit jealous.

- You act the saint with me, but...
- But you sponsored me!

- Sponsored you?
- Yes.

Montalbano's [cassata]
is the best in town!

Are you mad with me?

No, with myself.

With you, with Rachele
and the universe.

Salvo, I'll be straight
with you.

Yes, Rachele wanted to be alone
with you and I helped.

But I don't think
she held you at gunpoint,

you could've said no.

You can't be mad at me or Rachele,
only with yourself.

- Yes, but...
- Let me finish.

I know what you mean
when you talk about your ["cassata"].

Did you want a declaration of love?
Did you want an alibi...

so you'd feel less guilty
about a quick roll in the hay?

No, but...

- You know what?
- What?

- You disappointed me.
- Why?

I was sure you'd be able
to handle Rachele.

- Fazio.
- Good morning, sir

- You need me?
- No, I need to report something.

- Report what?
- A break in and attempted robbery.

One thing's certain,
they wanted to break my balls.

- I don't understand.
- Thieves broke into my house.

- Thieves?
- I'm sure they weren't thieves...

- They weren't?
- Stop repeating everything I say!

Stop gawping and come with me.

Call Augello.


- Aren't you going to say anything.
- I was thinking.

The first time they took the watch
to look like thieves.

But they didn't find what they wanted
so they came back.

I've got two questions.

Why did they bring the watch back?
And did they find what they wanted?

If they didn't, they'll be back today
or tomorrow.

- I've got an idea.
- Tell me.

- You're sure you're being watched?
- I'm positive.

Go home for lunch today,
prepare the table outside.

I'll show up at : in a patrol car
with the siren on.

You rush out to join me
and we drive off.

- Where to?
- Just for a drive.

If they're watching you,
they'll think we had an emergency.

They'll feel safe
so they'll make their move.

- And then?
- Galluzzo will be waiting there.

- I'll tell him now.
- No.

- Forget it.
- I don't like this story.

When is Giacomo Licco's trial

- In a week.
- it could be a warning.

"Mind what you say because
we know where you live."

It could be.

- Who's Giacomo Licco?
- You were on leave.

We arrested him some time ago.

He collected protection money
for the Mafia.

He blew the kneecaps off a trader
who wouldn't pay up.

The trader said he didn't see
his attacker,

but Salvo found some evidence
against Licco.

- I'll be a witness in the trial.
- Well...

.. maybe it is a warning.
- One more thing...

We don't know if it was Esterman's
horse that was k*lled or Lo Duca's.

Do we have a photo of the horse?

I know where to get one.

- Inspector!
- I'm coming.

Come on, hurry!

Come on.

Damn it, move it!

Come on.

Hold the door.

Stop, police!

Come out!

f*ck off!


Come on!

Help me!



Holy shit.

Well, Galluzzo?
How are you?

Fine, sir. I was scared.

- They shot at me.
- What did you do?

I shot back.

- I hit one of them.
- You did?

- Yes.
- Are you sure?

They had to carry him away.

There's a petrol can here,
they wanted to set fire to the place.

Can you tell us what happened?

Yes, it's over now.

- There was a car waiting for them.
- So they knew they'd drive away.

- Why didn't you follow them?
- My g*n got stuck.

In fact, take it to the armoury
and thank them.

If they'd noticed it wasn't working,
l wouldn't be here now.

- What do I say now?
- About what?

If they ask me why I fired my g*n?

Say you had to sh**t a rabid dog
and your g*n got stuck.

- What are you going to do?
- Repair the shutters.

I can do that for you.
You have any tools?

Look in the store room.

Inspector, can I have a word?


- We have to get our story straight.
- About what?

There was a sh**t out.

Someone will have heard it
and called the police.

I bet no one called them.

Whoever heard the g*n sh*ts,

obviously knew it was a sh**t out
and they'll keep quiet.

I found them, I'll start.

- You want some coffee?
- No, or I won't sleep.

- You want some?
- Yes, thanks.

- Are you worried?
- Yes.

There were three of them, with a car
and a boat. They're no amateurs.

- You take sugar?
- One.

I think the Mafia's involved.

Maybe you were right about the trial.
The Guffaros are involved.

Do they think I'll go to court
and retract my statement?

They just want to scare you.

Their lawyers will do the rest,
you'll see.

I think you should spend the night
at the station.

- They won't be back.
- How do you know?

If they wanted to k*ll me,
they'd have found a way.

They could have shot me
from their boat.

Maybe you're right, but there's
something I don't understand.

Why don't you want to report it?

Think about it.

That dickhead Pippo Ragonese
will say on the news

that Inspector Montalbano's house
was open to all

and I'll be in the shit.

- Tell the chief of police then.
- That'd be even worse.

He'll tell me to follow procedures
and we'll be back at square one.

As you prefer.
Are you coming to HQ?

- No.
- I'll go then.

- Call me if you need anything.
- Thanks.


[- ls that Inspector Montalbano ?]
- Who's calling?

[ You know what you've got to do, ]
[bastard !]

Here's a photo of the stolen horse.

- Great.
- it's on page four.

- What horse did Esterman ride?
- Moon Ray.

It's the one on the right.

- You look like Sherlock Holmes.
- Really?

And you're Watson?

[- Hello ?]
- Hello?

[Salvo, I called you earlier]
[but they said you weren't there.]

l know, I'm here now though.

[l won't keep you, but]
[do you have any news ?]

We're not investigating the case
as you didn't report it.

That's right.

You need to call the station
in Montelusa.

That's where Lo Duca
reported the theft.

[Salvo, I was hoping that...]

l found a magazine with a photo
of one of the stolen horses.

[Rudy ?]

It looks identical to the horse
l found on the beach.

[They were very similar]
[but not identical.]

[Super had a special marking, ]

[like a star, on his left flank.]
[Did you see it ?]

No, the horse was lying on its side.

[Listen, I need to talk to you.]

[ I need to see you...]

Rachele, I'll be straight with you.

I don't have any time to spare
right now.

But a man needs to eat.

- Yes, but not while I'm talking.
[- it won't take long.]

[ I promise.]
[How about tonight ?]

l know what,

call me at : and we'll arrange it,

[- Okay.]
- Bye.

It's too late to start having doubts
about the Licco case.

And you're not acting according
to the regulations.

You're a witness, I need
to put your statement on record.

- Well, Your Honour...
- Don't get mad.

Come and sit down.

- Can we talk theoretically?
- We'll talk as you prefer.

Let's imagine that
a certain police Inspector,

who worked on a case where
a man's accused of sh**ting a trader.

The Inspector sees there is a flaw
in the case.

Okay. But what if this Inspector
is worried

that the defendant will produce
an alibi during the trial?

The defendant's alibi is a woman,
his lover,

whom he was with when
someone shot the trader.

If Licco, I mean the defendant...

has an alibi, he'll be acquitted
at the trial.

- He'll be sentenced.
- He will?

- Yes.
- Why?

When the defence produces
this alibi,

the prosecution will prove
it's not valid.

The defence doesn't know that
the prosecutors have known

the name of the woman for months.

- What's this woman's name?
- What's she got to do with it?

That's a question the Inspector
in question should be asking.

Now, I really have to go.
See you in court.

Thank you, Your Honour.

- Any news on Gurreri?
- Yes.

He was admitted to
the Montelusa hospital in .

He said he'd banged his head
on an iron bar

while he locked up the yard.

They drilled a hole in his skull
and he's an invalid now.

- What's wrong with him?
- He's got partial amnesia...

Lo Duca paid for some treatment
but it didn't help.

But there's more.

Before Gurreri worked for Lo Duca,
he'd been in jail.

- Great!
- For robbery and attempted m*rder.

Now he works for the Guffaros,
he replaced Licco.

Gurreri replaced Licco?

- Yes.
- But he's an invalid!

He's been with them for three months.

Three months ? Again?

Three months ago he left home,

three months ago they found
Licco's lover and alibi...

- He's worked for them for months.
- You see what I mean?

It's always three.

I'd like to speak to
the neighbour of Gurreri's wife.

- What has she said?
- Not much.

Gurreri's wife, Concetta Siracusa,
in the past months...

Say that again.

Concetta Siracusa, Gurreri's wife...

Concetta Siracusa is the woman
providing Licco with an alibi.

- Licco's lover?
- How do you know?

The judge told me,
he slipped me a note.

I think that three months ago
the Guffaros visited Gurreri

and invited him to join them.
He couldn't believe his luck.

But there was one condition.

Concetta, his wife, had to provide
Licco with an alibi.

Gurreri agreed to get back at Lo Duca
and the Guffaros helped him.

Right. The Guffaros stole
the horses, not Gurreri.

- And we...
- We get screwed.

- Any news?
- No.

- I'm going home.
- Mrs Esterman's on the phone.

Now you tell me.

- Hello?
[- Hi, it's Rachele.]

- Hi.
[- Are you free at last ?]

I'm not finished here,
I'll be a couple of hours.

- But then it'll be too late.
[- Don't worry...]

[ I don't mind eating late.]

- Can you hold on a minute?
[- Of course.]

What did you say, Fazio?
You can't find the file?

Okay, shall we do it tomorrow?

- Okay.
- Are you all right?

Hello ? Rachele.

I'm free now, where shall we meet?

[- You decide.]
- Shall I come and pick you up?

[- There's no need.]
- Do you know Marinella?

I'll see you at the restaurant there,
"D'Enzo", at :.

[- Okay.]
- See you later, bye.

[Bye, Salvo.]

- But...
- Not a word, Catarella.



- Try this, it's great.
- Thanks.

Enzo's a great chef...

Well ? Why did you want
to see me?

For two reasons.

The first one is strictly personal.

Go on.

As I don't think we'll see each other
again after I've left,

l wanted to explain things

so you wouldn't have
bad memories of me.

- You don't need to explain.
- I do.

Ingrid knows me well,
she should've told you...

that when I meet a man
l really like,

which doesn't happen to me
very often, I can't help...

but start from the point
most women finish with.

- Do you understand what I'm saying?
- Yes.

There are two options: one is that
l never see that person again

and the other is that
l try to remain close to them.

Like a friend or lover.

When I told you I liked you...

lngrid told me
you were taken aback.

I didn't think about
what happened between us

but I thought about you...

and the way you are.

In other words, about you as a man.


What's the second reason?

It's about the stolen horses.

I don't know if I should tell you,
as you're not working on the case.

You can tell me.

The other day I went to the yard
with Sciscì.

The vet was there
doing his routine checks.

- Mario Anzalone, he's very good.
- And?

He was surprised that they stole Rudy
and not Moon Ray.


He said if the thieves were smart...

they'd have stolen Moon Ray,
as it was worth more.

Rudy had problems and he had
suggested the horse be put down.

- What did Lo Duca say?
- That he was too fond of that horse.

- What was wrong with it?
- Viral arteritis.

It causes arterial lesions.

- ls it infectious?
- Yes.

On the way back to Montelusa,
l had words with Sciscì,

"First you offer to stable my horse
then you put him with a sick horse ?"

l see.

- What did Lo Duca say?
- That it was no longer infectious.

But it was dying.

- So why steal it?
- That's what I wanted to talk about.

I've reached a conclusion which
doesn't fit with what Sciscì said.


They only wanted to k*ll my horse.

They didn't know which one it was,
so they stole both.

They wanted to ruin things
for Sciscì, and they succeeded.

Would you like some dessert,
or a coffee?

- No, thanks.
- What would you like to do?

I'd like to go home.

Are you tired?

I'd like to lie down...

and savour my memories
of this evening.

- Will you leave soon?
- In three days.

I'll call you tomorrow. Okay?


- Hello?
[- Inspector, it's Catarella !]

This is the animal hospital.

[Holy Mary, sorry, ]
[ I dialled the wrong number.]

- Hello?
[- ls that the animal hospital ?]

This is Montalbano speaking!

- I'll give you the hospital number.
[- Thanks.]

[l don't need the number.]

- So why were you calling it?
[- I don't know, I'm confused.]

Okay, never mind.
What is it?

[- A corpse has been found.]
- A corpse?

- A man or a woman?
[- it's a male.]

- Where?
[- In Spinoccia.]

In Spinoccia...

I'm on my way.

- Inspector.
- Good morning, where is it?

This way.


- Did you find it?
- Yes, I passed by with my donkey.

What's your name?

Giuseppe Contrera,
no previous offences.

- Did you call us?
- No, my son did.

- Where is he?
- At his house in Giardina.

Was he with you
when you found the corpse?

No, he was at home.

He was sleeping,
he's an accountant.

I can explain, when he found it,
he called his son.

- How?
- With this.

Why didn't you call us?

Because I only know
how to call my son with this.

And anyway, I don't know
your number!

Let me explain. That phone
was a present from his son.

- Because of his age...
- My son Cosimo, he's a bastard.

He's a bastard, he doesn't worry
about his health, just mine.

Do we have his details?
Okay, you can go. Thanks.

I'll be off then.

- Thanks for the cheese.
- I'll bring you more next time.

Thank you.

- What cheese?
- Sheep's milk cheese, it's good.


I like sheep milk's cheese.

He makes it himself.

Let's take some measurements.

- Good morning, Dr Pasquano.
- Good morning, Inspector.

- What's the news?
- Well, it's a fine day.

I meant about the corpse.

You're more irritating than flies,
what do you want me to say?

I know what...

while you talk, I'll wipe
your forehead and kiss it.

No kisses please, I hate them.

He was shot in the back.

But you can see that for yourself.

The b*llet was shot from afar
and it didn't go through him.

That's pretty obvious too.

He wasn't k*lled here,
and that's obvious because...

no one parades around
in their underwear,

not even in an isolated place
like this.

He's been dead... and your
great experience would've told you,

for at least hours.

So there was absolutely
no reason to make me speak...

and make me waste my breath
when I'm already dying of heat.

I'm being devoured by flies.

You just love
to break my balls!

Okay, I'll go.

I'll get myself a lovely cool beer.

I'll leave you here, in the sun,

with the flies,
because that's what you want.

You're such an altruist!
Damn you.

f*cking hell.


Forensics sent this.



This is the victim found
in Spinoccia.

- What did you do yesterday?
- I tried to get news on Gurreri.

- Any luck?
- He left home three months ago.

The neighbours heard him calling
his wife a slut and a whore.

Did they hear him say
he wanted to get back at Lo Duca?

No, but they can't be sure
that he didn't say it.

- They told you anything else?
- No.

- But Mr Menicuzzo did.
- Who's he?

He's got a grocer's shop
opposite Gurreri's house.

He never saw Licco there,
so he wasn't her lover.

- Did he know Licco well?
- Very well.

He paid protection money to him.

He told me something else
that is important.

One night, he heard some noises,
so he went down to have a look.

He saw Gurreri coming out,
with another guy.

- He says it was Ciccio Bellavia.
- Ciccio Bellavia?

He's one of Guffaro's men.

- When was this?
- Three months ago.

Our theory makes sense.

Bellavia visited Gurreri
and proposed a deal.

If his wife provides Licco with
an alibi, saying she's his lover,

Gurreri will be taken on
permanently by the Guffaros.

Gurreri accepts and leaves,
making his big scene,

saying: "I'm going because
my wife's cheated on me."

They planned it well.
Will Menicuzzo stand as witness?


Good morning!

Holy cow ! Do you have
to hound me here too?

Any news?

I found traces of cotton wool used
on the wound.

- To stop the bleeding?
- Yes.

So whoever dumped him
wasn't the person who shot him.

Right. Someone shot him...

then an accomplice
tried to stop the bleeding.

- Just one more question?
- You promise?

I promise.

Had the man we found in Spinoccia
had an operation on his head?


Okay. Thank you.

This is the b*llet that k*lled
the man we found in Spinoccia.

It's a calibre .

- That's what the police use.
- Exactly.

That's how I found out
who the dead man is.

- Who is he?
- Gerlando Gurreri.

- And I know who k*lled him.
- Who?

Officer Galluzzo.


He was one of the guys
who shot at Galluzzo.


The guys who wanted to
set fire to your house?


How did you find out?

I had an intuition
that Pasquano confirmed.

It wasn't just this b*llet.

Tests revealed he'd had
an operation on his head.

I put two and two together
and worked it out.

So now what do we do?

About Galluzzo?

What do you think?
it was an act of self-defence.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Are you Mrs Concetta Siracusa?
- Yes.

- Are you Gerlando Gurreri's wife?
- Yes.

Can I have a word?
I'm Inspector Montalbano.

I won't be long, ma'am.

Go ahead.

I hear you've been called to testify
in Licco's trial.


What's this about?
I've told the police everything.

- I'm not here about this.
- About what then?

When did you last see your husband?

Three months ago.

Three months.

Do you know a man called
Ciccio Bellavia?

- Yes.
- Has he been here?


- How many times?
- Twice.

Always with my husband.

I need you to come with me.

- Where are we going?
- To the morgue.


For an identification.

I believe Ciccio Bellavia
k*lled your husband.

Damn him!

Damn him.

He swore he wouldn't do anything.

- Come in!
- Good morning, Your Honour!

I don't have much time.

You really ought to
make an appointment to see me.

I've got something important
to tell you.

- You've got five minutes.
- Thanks.

I'll tell you the second part in
our story about that Inspector.

Remember the presumed lover

who was to provide
the defendant with an alibi?

The Inspector visits her

and says her husband was k*lled
by Bellavia... I mean, a Mafioso.

The woman breaks down, she wants
revenge so she confesses.

Did that take long?

But the woman confessed
to a Inspector that doesn't exist.

But she'll tell the prosecutor too.

That changes everything.

- I'll ask for her to be...
- You don't need to. Come with me.

Follow me.

That woman is
Concetta Siracusa.


She's brought a suitcase
with some belongings.

She knows she can't go home,
but I hope you'll protect her.

- Don't worry.
- Perfect.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Mrs Siracusa.

This is Judge Scognamiglio.

- Hello.
- Goodbye.

See you, Inspector.

After you.

- Adelina, where's my coffee!
- it's ready.


Here you are.

- What's this?
- I forgot to give it to you.

I collected your dressing gown
from the laundry.

They found it in your pocket.

How on earth could you miss
something like that?

- What is it?
- Nothing, Adelina.

[- Hello ?]
- Rachele, hi.

[What a nice surprise !]
[l was about to call you.]

[ lngrid and I want to take you]
[to dinner tonight.]

Great, why don't you come here?
Adelina can prepare something.


l need to ask you something
about your horse.

Did its shoes
have any special features?

[- Yes. ]
- I'm not an expert.

Did they have something
engraved on them?

[- Why are you asking ?]
- I'm just curious.

[They have a W engraved]
[at the top.]

[A blacksmith in Rome makes them]

Does Lo Duca use
the same blacksmith?

[- No.]
- That's a pity!

- See you here round :.
[- Okay, bye.]


Inspector, what's got into you?

Nothing, Adelina. Could you
prepare something for tonight?

- There will be three of us.
- Okay.

Thank you.

[- Hello ?]
- Catarella, it's Montalbano.

Tell Fazio to come to my house.

[- Yes, sir.]
- ls Augello there?

[ Yes.]

- Tell him to come too!
[- Right away.]

[Have a good look at it.]

It's an ordinary horse shoe.

That's why they wanted it so badly.

They broke in and tried to set fire
to my house, Gurreri was k*lled...

- For this horse shoe?
- Yes.

- And you had it?
- Yes, but I'd forgotten.

But it's an ordinary horse shoe.

That's what makes it so special.

What does this mean?

That the horse that was k*lled
wasn't Mrs Esterman's.

- Have you got that?
- Yes.

I'll send Prestio there at :,
minutes after Lo Duca.

- This is Bellavia's address.
- Thanks.

I'll be in the car park at :.
Let's hope for the best.

See you later.

- Where are you going?
- Me?

I'm going to take a stroll
along the beach.

Mr Prestia is waiting
in your office.

He's early!

I'm counting on you.

- Good morning.
- Have a seat.


let's see.

Here it is.

Your wife has made
some accusations about you.

My wife?

- We received a long letter.
- From my wife?

- What kind of accusations?
- That you've been mistreating her.


That's absurd.

- Can I see the letter?
- We sent it to the prosecutor.

- I advise you to be honest.
- There must be a mistake.

Are you Mr Michele Prestia?

- Are you ?
- No.

- .
- ?

- Are you sure?
- I'm positive.

- Do you live at Via Lincoln ?
- No.

I live at Via Bademeli .

Can I see your ID?


You see ? There's obviously...

Nothing's obvious.

Excuse me, I'll be right back.


- Has Lo Duca arrived?
- Yes, he's in Augello's office.

- Fazio's with him.
- Come with me.

Mr Prestia.

There's been a mix up of names.
I'm terribly sorry.

Here you are.

This officer will just need you
to sign some release forms.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- What is it?
- Nothing.

Let's go.

This way, please.

- Inspector, Mr Lo Duca's here.
- Show him in.

Fazio, you come in too.
Have a seat.

- What's the urgency?
- I'll explain later.

Would you like
to call your lawyer?

No, why do I need my lawyer?

I called you in to talk about
the theft of two horses.

Go on.

When I met you at the races
at Baron Piscopo's house,

you thought
that the horses had been stolen

by Gurreri as a way
of getting back at you

for what had happened in the past.

I believed you,
it seemed to make sense.

- So what happened then?
- You know when I realized?

When you insisted on stabling
Mrs Esterman's horse.

It was an act of kindness.

Yes, but I've just spoken
to Mr Prestia

who told me some interesting
things about the theft.

I don't know
what he's told you...

Wait, I have something
you've been looking for.

- What is it?
- This.

It was next to the dead horse,
on the beach.

It's an ordinary horse shoe,
with no distinguishing features.

But Mrs Esterman's horse
had a W engraved on its shoes.

Who could have known that?

Gurreri ? Prestia ? No.
But you did.

You informed your men.

You told them to go back
and get this.

This is the proof that it
was your horse that was k*lled

and not Mrs Esterman's.

But there's something I don't
understand, why did you do it?

The organizers
of the illegal horse races

had asked me for some horses.

Because I refused,

they showed me a photo...

of me...

with a young man.

A young man?


How young?


A young boy!


We'll be reporting this
to the authorities.

But let's go on.

I have another question.

How could you brutally k*ll your horse
with an iron bar?

I was desperate.

I didn't know what else to do.

Listen. I'm not on this case,
but take my advice.

Cooperate with my colleagues
in Montelusa.

Otherwise the Guffaros will find you,
use you then dispose of you.


Let's go in now.
Remember, keep a cool head.

Keep calm.

Don't worry.

- Leave the room please.
- We're working.

You too, come on.

- Out.
- Who are they?

- Look who it is.
- Inspector!

- Yes.
- He's here.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- I know.

But you're new, even though
l think I've seen you before.

- Are you Francesco Bellavia?
- Yes, sir.

- You're under arrest.
- I won't say I k*lled Gurreri.

I won't say you did either.

- What did I do?
- You stole two horses.

I stole two horses,
I'm trembling with fear.

- You have proof?
- Lo Duca and Prestia have confessed.

Right... one of them is a pervert
and the other...

l know what, put my handcuffs on,

let's end this farce.

Welcome. Come in.

- For you.
- Thanks.

Make yourselves at home.

- We brought you some [cassata].
- [Cassata]?

- It needs to go in the fridge.
- Yes, I know.

Thanks, excuse me.

Have a seat.

It's nice here.

- Hello?
[- Salvo ?]

[This is Inspector Montalbano's]
[house, who's calling ?]

[Who are you ? ]

- Who is it?
- I don't know, they hung up.

It was a woman.

I'll get it. Excuse me.

Hello, Livia.

Fazio, what is it?

Good work, Fazio.
We did a good job.


Did they look after you?
Hello, my darling.

Now you'll be her hero,
you won't get rid of her now.

It wasn't me.
it was Augello.

- It's a lovely horse.
- it's beautiful.

- ls it yours?
- Yes.

- How long have you owned him?
- Five years.

Five years!

I'm no expert, but this looks
like a fine horse.

Thanks, where did you find it?

In a farmhouse
in the hills near here.

- A name?
- Super.

- Not the horse, I meant you.
- Rachele Esterman.

Nice to meet you, I'm Mimì Augello.

- It's Augello!
- He did a good job.
