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07x02 - The Wings of the Sphinx

Posted: 12/25/22 08:47
by bunniefuu
- Hello?
[- Did I wake you up ?]

No, you didn't.
I'm expecting a call.

[- Are you sure ?]
- Yes.

- What is it?
[- Why would I call you so early ?]

Do you ever call me to give me
good news?

[Now you're making me feel bad.]

[I'd love to be the one to tell you]

[that you've won million]
[in the lottery....]

- I'm sorry, Inspector.
- No, Adelina. I'm sorry.

[Inspector, what is it ?]

- You're early today.
- Yes.

- I'll make some coffee.
- Yes, thanks.

- Hello?
[- What's going on ?]

Nothing, let me guess...
have you found a dead body?

[- Yes and no.]
- You have or you haven't?

[It's as you say.]

[ it's the body of a woman.]

ls Augello there?

[No, he's working with Mrs Picarella.]

- Where is she?
[- Mrs Picarella ? I don't know.]

No, the dead woman!

[At Sarsetto, ]
[near the American bridge.]

- ls Fazio there?
[- Yes.]

Tell him I'm on my way.

These photos will do.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

- Did you check there?
- Yes, everything's fine.

- How's it going?
- What's the news?

You can see the state she's in.
She was shot.

Catanzaro, come here!

- Good morning.
- You came fishing today.

When I returned I found her
on the ground.

- At : or :.
- Did you touch her?

No, I couldn't even look at her.

I saw her...

but I felt bad. Why was she k*lled?

- She was so young...
- Were there any clothes around?

No, if I'd seen any
l wouldn't have touched them.

- You didn't?
- No, I just saw her.

- Stay here for a minute.
- Okay.

- Stay here. Thanks.
- Thank you.

- Good morning.
- Hi. Who is she?

She was young, about twenty.
She was very pretty.

- Have you identified her?
- No, she's naked.

- I saw her.
- There are no clothes, no bag.

- Who found her?
- Salvatore Aricò.

He's retired, he comes fishing here.

- You want to see him?
- Did you speak to him?

- Yes.
- That's fine. Good morning.

- Won't you come down?
- You've been down already.

She was absolutely beautiful,
a great body.

- Was she shot?
- In the face with a revolver.

- A revolver?
- No cartridge case was found.

- What do you think happened?
- it's patently clear.

The couple arrive here.

They get out of the car
and find a spot on the beach.

The woman takes off her clothes...

after their carnal congress,
he sh**t her in the face.

- Why?
- We'll find out.


- Goodbye, my dear Inspector.
- Goodbye.

- You think he's right?
- No way!

It's one of Tommaseo's
usual fantasies.

- I'm going to the station.
- Won't you come down?

No, I don't want to see the body
of such a young girl.

Soon those jerks from Forensics
will be here, I'd rather not be here.

- See you later.
- Okay.

Inspector, what are you doing?
Are you going?

No, of course not.

Do you need me?

No, but there are a couple
of things I can tell you.

Go ahead.

Firstly, she wasn't k*lled here.

I found no traces of blood.

She was washed then dumped
on the beach.

- And secondly?
- She's been dead hours at least.

And she also has a tattoo
on her right shoulder blade.

- What of?
- Of a butterfly.

- Anything else?
- You want more?

You want to know her star sign
or her paternal grandma's name?

Or how many sins she committed?

You'll find that out soon enough!

- You want a lift?
- That'd be great.

No, sir. Inspector Montalbano
can't come to the phone.

Because he's no magician.

He's in Sarsetto, because...

- Has he hung up?
- Catarella.

- Who was it?
- The chief of police.

- What did he want?
- He didn't say.

- He wanted to talk you urgently.
- I'll call him back.

A woman came to say
her husband's been stolen.

- She's in your office, do you mind?
- No.

Check the missing persons list
for a young girl...

around , with a butterfly tattoo
on her right shoulder.

- What kind of butterfly?
- Just a butterfly!

- I'll check.
- Okay.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- I'm Ciccina Picarella.

- I need to talk to you.
- Go ahead.

My husband was kidnapped
a week ago.

You're not taking this matter
very seriously.

- No, look, Augello...
- I spoke to him on the phone.

He told me you would be
at my total disposition.

- Really?
- Yes.

At your total disposition?

- Yes.
- Great. Come in!

Come on.
This is inspector Fazio.

- This is Mrs Ciccina Picarella.
- Hello.

Please, sit down.

Inspector, let me tell you
exactly what happened.

Or I'll go to the precinct.

You don't have to do that.

I gave one to Augello
but you'd better have one too.

- Take your pick.
- Are they all the same?

- Yes.
- I'll take this one.

You have one too,
you never know...

Thank you.

I've been worried sick for a week.

- You know what happened.
- Augello told us.

We were woken up by noise
coming from the flat below.

It must've been a thief.

- Why aren't you taking notes?
- Fazio.

Here's some paper.

- A pen.
- Thanks.

- He was a hero.
- Really?

He told me to stay in bed.
He put on his jacket and shoes...

then he took his revolver from
the drawer and went downstairs...

What does that mean?

He shot at the ceiling
to frighten the villain.

But it didn't work
so I went out onto the balcony.

I saw a man...

pointing a g*n at my husband
and forcing him into a car.

Let me get this straight.

The thief didn't sh**t back.

Instead of escaping, he took
your husband's g*n and kidnapped him?

Yes, I saw it with my own eyes.

Okay, but that happened
a week ago and there's been...

- .. no request for ransom.
- Of course.

That villain stole , euros

that my husband had borrowed
from the bank for some work.

I wonder where Arturo is now.

- He might have been taken abroad.
- Why?

- Didn't Augello tell you?
- Tell me what?

- Arturo had his passport with him.
- You don't say!

Mrs Picarella,

you will agree that this kidnapping

rather odd.

What do you mean?
My husband is a good man.

I don't doubt that.

However, maybe it was
your husband's intention to...

- How dare you!
- No.

We're honest folk,
everyone knows that.

Honest folk.

Find my husband immediately
or I'll go to the precinct.

- Sorry, the door slipped.
- What is it?

I printed the photo
of the young woman.

There's no mention of butterflies.

Thanks. We'll do our best
to find your husband.

Catarella, please show the lady out.

- I have to warn you.
- Yes.

If you don't find him,
I'll speak to the minister.


Because you're not taking
this matter very seriously.




It's not the dead woman.

How can you be so sure?

- She wasn't blonde.
- Maybe she dyed her hair.

No, she wasn't a fake blonde.

- May l?
- Salvo!

- Good morning. Nicolò, how are you?
- Fine.

- How nice to see you!
- ls everything okay?

- Yes, sit down.
- How are Taninè and Francesco?

Francesco's got
his high school exams.

Already ? My goodness!

- How's Livia?
- She's well.

- ls something wrong?
- it's a difficult period.

- I've come...
- About the woman found in Sarsetto.

- What can I do for you?
- Help me.

No problem.

These photos are of a tattoo
she had on her shoulder.

- No one mentioned a tattoo.
- No one knows about it.

- Not even the reporters.
- You identified her?

- No.
- What can I do?

Show these photos
on the evening news programme

and ask if anyone knew her.
She was around .

Tell them to call you here.

Why not the police station?

Do you realise how Catarella
would cope?

- Can I say you're on the case?
- Till I'm taken off it.

- See you.
- I'll see you out.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- I'm Francesco Di Noto.

Ls that your car outside ? It's nice.

Thanks, it's a Ferrari Modena.

- I've also got a Porsche Carrera.
- Great, come in.

- How can I help you?
- I'll help you.

- How?
- I've been in Cuba for a month.

- On holiday?
- No, I have three girlfriends there.

- Three?
- They don't know about each other.

Of course. Tell me, how many
do you have in ltaly?

I've got a wife and son,
l can't play the field here.

- What do you do?
- I import and export fish.

The last night I was in Havana,
l went to a club.

Sitting at the next table was a guy
with a stunning blonde girl.

I thought I recognised him.
l looked at him for a while

then I realized who he was.

- Who was he?
- Arturo Picarella.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

- Did you go anywhere else?
- Yes.

From : till : I was with Anja,
the oldest of my girlfriends.

From : till :, I was
with Tania, the middle one...

Between midnight and two
l was with Mira. She's the...

newest one.

When you got to the club you...

l wasn't drunk. The man I saw

was Picarella.

Your testimony is important,
but without any proof...


What is it?

Can I keep this one?

- I don't know.
- Why?

I'm fine with it, but if you show
them on TV and my wife sees them...

- ..I'll be in trouble.
- You won't be recognisable.

- I'm in your hands.
- Perfect.


- Who's your photographer friend?
- Cicco de Cicco.

Get him to make a copy of this.

And to change this man's features.

Right away, sir.

Sorry, could you explain?

What are "fissures"?

- I don't know.
- You said it.

Get him to change his face.

Okay, I see.

Good morning, Dr Pasquano.

I've had my ass busted enough today.

You know how my ass feels?

Like a steam engine's been over it.

- What happened?
- I'll tell you.

I almost had a full house last night.

- Great.
- No!

- Why?
- Another guy had a full house.

- And a royal flush. You get it?
- Perfectly!

- Did you raise the stakes?
- Would you?

No, I never gamble.

You'll get even tonight.

- Did you come to console me?
- I've come about the woman.

The one with the tattoo.
Did you see her?

Yes. I saw her last night.

She was around .

She was k*lled
by a shot to the face.

From less than ten metres away.

- An expert shot?
- Or a damn lucky one.

Forensics say she was shot
with a high calibre g*n.

It wouldn't take a genius
to work that out.

From the mess they made.

The b*llet blew away
half of her teeth.

I didn't find them on the body.

- When was she shot?
- Early Sunday morning.

Then On Sunday or Monday,
she was dumped on the beach.

What was she doing
when she was k*lled?

You need to ask
a clairvoyant that.

I meant was she sitting down
or lying down, on her front or back?

She was standing
and she was shot from behind.

- Not in the face?
- Yes.

She must've turned round
when the k*ller pulled the trigger.

- Maybe she was trying to get away.
- Maybe.

I see. Anything else?

Yes. I found some pieces
of black wool inside her skull.

Which the b*llet caught
as it entered the skull?

- Yes.
- I see.

- But...
- The other thing is that...

l found traces of purpurin
under her fingernails.

- Purpurin?
- Yes, you know what it is?

A powder used to gild objects.

- That's right, top marks.
- Thanks.

- Now get lost.
- One more thing.

- Any medical problems?
- I'm afraid not.

She was healthy, in fact,
she had an athlete's body.

- You mean a ballerina's?
- Yes, that's right.

Will you do me a favour?
Get lost!

Thank you for your kindness.
l hope you have full house!

- Thanks.
- Against four aces.

- You wretched man.
- Not as wretched as you.

- Goodbye.
- Wretch.

- Mimì, you're a wretch.
- What can I do about that?

Why did you tell her
l was at her disposal?

I had to get rid of her

You saw Mrs Picarella.

If you were her husband,
you'd want to be kidnapped.

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

- Problems with Livia?
- No.

- if you say so.
- I do.

If there were any problems,
would you tell me?

No. Will you shut up now?
l don't talking when I'm eating.

You're edgier than usual.

Just shut it!

It's nice of Enzo to open
when he's closed.

All right, I'll keep quiet.

It was closed on Sunday!

- On Sunday?
- Yes, it was closed on Sunday.

The woman was k*lled
in a place that was closed

on Sunday.

When it was Monday,
he dumped the body.

But loads of places
are closed on Sunday.

Shops, schools, stores, depots,

It's all clear now.
You've lost me.

As usual. I'll tell you later,
let me finish eating.

Okay. But why are you telling
me you saw a butterfly?

No, Inspector Montalbano
isn't here, he's no magician.

He can't be in two places
at the same time.

Inspector Montalbano!

A man called about the butterfly.

- I saw it on the news last night.
- You recognised the tattoo?

It was exactly the same.

- Where did you see it?
- Where do you think?

On a woman's right shoulder.

- In the same place?
- Exactly the same.

Where was the woman
when you saw the tattoo?

- It's a delicate matter.
- Don't worry.

Let me explain.

My niece, Concetta, went to Catania
five months ago for a teaching post.

So she found someone...

- What do you call them?
- A housekeeper.

Right, a housekeeper.

She wanted an older woman,

but the only person she found
was a Russian girl.

- Katia.
- How old was she?

- .
- Was she pretty?

Pretty ? She was gorgeous!


Did she live with you?

Don't worry,
it's between you and me.

Inspector, I'm still a man!

You had an affair with this woman?

No, of course not!

- That never happened.
- Why?

Because when I couldn't stand it
any longer...

l went to her room,

but she wouldn't have it.

I tried to persuade,
l promised her lots of money.

- But she said no.
- And so?

What could I do ? I gave up.

So when did you see the tattoo?

Can I be straight with you?

Of course, Mr Grageffa.

I saw the tattoo
three or four times

while she had a bath.

I spied on her.

You spied on her?

Yes, I'd spy on her.

- From the keyhole?
- No!

One evening, she went out.
l got my drill.

I just made the whole
on the bathroom door bigger.

- I see.
- I took some photos.

- You want to see them?
- Yes.

- Here they are.
- Thanks.

This isn't the girl we found.

Are you sure?


You know something?
I'm glad it's not her.

It's easy to grow fond
of a girl like her.

- How long had she been in ltaly?
- One year, she told me.

- What did she do before?
- She was a night dancer.

- She danced in nightclubs?
- Yes.

Where was she from?

She said she was from...

You want the name
of the Russian town?

She told me, but I've forgotten it.

But if I remember,
I'll tell you.

Two Russian girls of the same age
with the same tattoo.

What about the traces
of wool found on the body?

She was wearing a jumper.

The b*llet got her at jaw level,
maybe it was a scarf.

A scarf, then.

As Dr Arquà if he can tell
where the wool was from.

Then there's the purpurin.
Where do they use that?

- In furniture factories.
- They still make gilded objects?

I don't know, but they restore them.

So the restorers use it.

Tomorrow, I'll visit the local factories
and furniture restorers.

Sorry, the door slipped.

Cicco de Cicco's done a work of art.


Mimì, look what an awful time
Picarella's having in Cuba.

Poor man!

- Did I make you mad?
- Of course you did!

Ls this a new car?
it's nice.

- Where are you going?
- To have dinner with a friend.

- What about you?
- I'm going home.

- Are you alone?
- Yes.

- Do you have any plans?
- No, I'm free.


Manlio ? Hi, it's lngrid.


I'm afraid that
while I was getting ready,

l started getting
a terrible migraine.

Can we postpone till tomorrow?

Yes, you're an angel.


- Where are we going?
- To your house.

We'll share whatever Adelina's
left for you.

- Will you follow me?
- This car doesn't follow anyone.

- Okay.
- Give me the keys, see you there.

Okay, see you there.

What case are you working on?

We found the body of a young woman.

She had no clothes, no ID...
just a tattoo.

Of what?

- Of a butterfly.
- Where?

On her right shoulder.

- My God!
- What is it?

- How old was she?
- I don't know.

- Around .
- That sounds right.

What do you mean?

I had a Russian maid who had
a butterfly on her right shoulder.

Wait a minute.

I have no doubts,
it's the same tattoo.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

What did she look like?

Normal-looking, blonde...

pale complexion, slim.

- Like a young Mona Lisa.
- That's not the woman we found.

- I'm glad.
- What happened to her?

She disappeared three months ago.

After she'd stolen my jewellery.

How did you meet her?

My husband's accountant, Curcuraci,
usually finds the personnel.

I want to talk to him.

- I'll give you his number.
- Okay.

I should have his card.


- How is your husband?
- Fine, I think.

I see.

He's been living in Rome since
he was elected MP.

- I've never been there.
- Are you seeing anyone?

Just to feel alive,
but nothing serious.

They come and go. What about you?


- I don't believe you.
- it's true, and with this case...

Salvo, you can't fool me.

- How's Livia?
- Fine, I think.

You want to talk about it?

- Would you like some whisky?
- Yes.

I tried calling her all summer
and she never answered.

Finally, at the end of August
l got through to her.

She said she'd tried to call me too
from Gianfilippo's boat...

but there was no reception.

There was never any reception!

Well, when we saw each other,
all hell broke loose.

Oh God...

looking back, perhaps
l was a bit aggressive.

- Knowing you, I can imagine.
- But it worked.

She told me something had happened
between her and Gianfilippo.

What do you think she meant?

You really want to know?

When a woman says something
has happened,

she means everything.


Didn't you come to the same

I told her that
I'd been keeping myself busy too.

Busy how?

I fell in love with a young girl.
A -year-old.

- You slept with her?
- it was a serious relationship.

I even suffered over her.


But amidst your floods of tears
and regrets...

did you sleep with her?


Welcome to the sinner's club,
you jerk.

- Jerk?
- Because you told Livia.

She told me about her affair,
l told her about mine.

Give me a break!

You just told her you screwed
that girl out of revenge.


That was stupid thing to say.

I just felt jealous.

- You're jealous of Livia?
- No, of the young girl.

The young girl?

Poor Salvo.

You'll never understand women.

And now?

How are things going with Livia?

They're not going anywhere.

We don't know if we should
try and patch things up.

You should try,
that's what I think.

Don't throw away these years
you've been together.

Are you okay to drive?

No, you want me to leave?

Of course not!

I'll take you home later.

I wouldn't get in a car with you when
you're sober, let alone tonight!

Good morning.

- Well?
- We've found him.

- But he's not here with us.
- ls he dead?


I just mean that he's not here
at the station.

- ls he hurt?
- No.

- Has his ear been cut off?
- No.

Your husband's fine.
Absolutely fine.

Too fine, in fact.

We think...

that your husband pretended to be
kidnapped so he could leave.

This photo was taken in Cuba.

Sorry, what's so funny?

Well, Inspector, that's...

not my husband.

- It isn't?
- He looks like him.

He looks a lot like him,
but it's not my husband.

How do you know?

My husband would never do
such a thing.

But we have a witness...

- You know my husband better than me?
- No.

That's not Arturo.

Plus he never wants
to go anywhere.

- He'd never go to Cuba!
- Maybe he made an exception.

My husband would never cheat on me
with another woman.

Not with one like this.
Look, she's so young.

He'd be a laughing stock.

I'm afraid those are the facts.

The facts?

The fact is that you've made
this story up because...

you don't want to look for him.



I'm going to
the precinct tomorrow. Okay?


- What shall we do about Picarella?
- What can we do?

He'll be back in a few days.

You think so?

I wouldn't come back.

- Sorry, the door slipped.
- What is it?

Mr Cucculaci's here.
l mean, Mr Cucculupaci.

- Okay. ls he here?
- Yes.

That was quick, show him in.

- Hello, I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- Good morning.

- Have a seat.
- Thanks.

I got your number
from Mrs Sjostrom.

She just called me,
that's why I came here.

You look after
her husband's accounts.

- That's right.
- Okay.

- As you hire immigrant workers...
- They've got permits.

I don't doubt that.
As you hire immigrant workers...

- ..where do you recruit them?
- From Mr Pisicchio. You know him?

I've not had the pleasure.

He's in charge of an organization...

that helps these poor people
to make a living.

I see.

So you have information
about a certain lrina?

She bites the hand that feeds her.

Her details are in the report I made
after the jewellery was stolen.

I have a copy:

Irina Ilich,
born in Schelkovo on May th .

- Mr Graceffa?
- I'm coming.

- Good morning.
- How are you?


- My sister Carmela isn't here.
- Good.

I was going to call you.

I remembered the name
of the town Katia was from.

It's called Sciccoso.

You mean Schelkovo?

Yes, that's it.

I'm here about something else.

When Katia left here, did she take
anything with her?

Like what?

I don't know, some silver,
or valuable items...


Katia is an honest girl.

Okay, but did you check?

- It's a delicate matter.
- No.

Trust me, my lips are sealed.


l told you that I went
to Katia's room one night.

- You remember?
- Yes.

I promised Katia I'd give her
my wife's earrings.

They were beautiful.

She wouldn't accept them,
she didn't want them.

- She didn't want them?
- No.

I see. But after Katia left,
did you...

check if the earrings were gone?

- Of course!
- That's what I meant.

In fact...

the next day, I gave those earrings
to my niece, Concetta.

- I see.
- Understand?


- Goodbye.
- Thanks. Goodbye.

One moment.

- You're late.
- Five minutes, yes.

I told you to be on time.

- There was traffic.
- Traffic!

There's always traffic.

Knowing there's traffic...

you leave early
to arrive on time.

- I'm terrible sorry.
- Please, come in.

Thank you.

- Sit down.
- Thanks.

You run an organization
that finds work for people...

The organization you're talking
about is an association.

It's called "The Good Will".

We help young girls,

to prevent them from falling
into dangerous hands.

- How many of you are there?
- Six, plus me.

Three men and three women,
all volunteers.

Who are full of goodwill.

How nice.

How do the girls
get in contact with you?

There are many ways.

Some of them just show up,

others are brought here
by parishioners and others we find.

How do you do that?

Our volunteers find them
working on the streets

or in nightclubs.

- And they accept your help?
- More than you'd imagine.

I'm here about two Russian girls:
lrina and Katia, your organization...

- Association...
- I can't help you.

You need to see Mr Guglielmo,
our operations man.

- Where can I find him?
- In Via del Divine Amore .

You see, I am the legal
representative of this association,

l run it, I find
the financial backing, but...

would you believe me if I told you
that in five years...

l haven't even seen
one of these girls?

- Inspector, come in.
- Thank you.

- Good morning.
- I'm Inspector Montalbano.

I'm Mr Piro.
Have a seat.

Thanks, I'd rather stand.

How can I help you?

I'd like to know exactly
what your work entails.

Our work here is very simple.

We try to work out which girls

have the necessary requirements
requested by those who contact us.

What are your clients' requirements?

Excuse me for saying,
but I wouldn't call them clients.

They don't give us any money.

Ours is a social, non-profit service,

intended to help the girls
and redeem them.

Monsignor Pisicchio told me
you were a benevolent man.

He's too kind.

Let me put it this way...

What do the people
who contact you want?

Some want a housekeeper,
a maid or a cook.

Ls that all?

What else would they want?

I don't know...

Maybe they want
a particular complexion,

or a girl with certain measurements.

You've a suspicious nature.

We help these girls
and their host families.

Inspector, this is Mr Lapis.

- Hello, I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- He's our best volunteer.

Inspector Montalbano has come
to find out about our work.

I'm looking for information
on two Russian girls, Katia and lrina.

Irina ? Again?
What's she done now?


- Did they arrive together?
- Yes.

I remember it well.
They were scared.

- Terrified.
- They'd escaped...

...from their... how can we say...

You know about these situations.
it's terrible.

Then we made a deal
and their families were left alone.

What kind of deal?

The only one possible
with those animals.

Thanks to us, lrina and Katia
found jobs.

But I don't know about their friend.

What friend?

- Sonia, you know her?
- No.

She disappeared a week after
coming to see us.

She never came back and we've not
had any news.

Where do the girls stay?

In a house on the road
to Montaperto, in Vigata,

just out of town.

- Do you own that house?
- I wish!

- We rent it for a high price.
- From who?

A company in Montelusa,


- Can I speak to these girls?
- At this time...

We have strict orders not to
allow anyone in.

All those women are easy prey
for evil men.

Okay, but your colleagues
can accompany me.

Of course, you go with him.

Help him to get all the information
he needs.

- Thank you.
- Goodbye.


- This place is very big.
- Yes, it is.

- After you.
- Thanks.

- How many girls stay here?
- or .

- How do you recruit them?
- I don't like that term.

I'm sorry, so
what do you call it?

We convince them to be saved.

How do you convince them to be saved?

It's my duty to go round nightclubs.

A difficult task.

How do you know who to approach?

If I see a girl
who's different from others...

- Different how?
- More reserved.

I'll approach her and talk to her.

- Do you do this every night?
- No, only on Saturdays.

Otherwise my day job
would go...

- To hell.
- Down the drain.

It's the girls.



I've told you not to walk around
in this state. Get up.

Come on!

You have to stop it.

Where the hell have you come from?

You've no manners,
you're all so rude.

Enough, stop it.

I've had enough!

- Hello?
[- it's Adelina.]

Adelina, what is it?

[Have you forgotten ?]

- What?
[- You were meeting my son.]

You're right, but I've been so busy
that I forgot.

[My son says it's urgent.]

Tell him I'll see him
in the morning, okay?

[- Goodnight.]
- Goodnight, Adelina.

- Hello.
[- Hi, Salvo. It's me.]


It's great to hear from you!

[What are you doing ?]

l was about to have dinner.

[- What did Adelina make for you ?]
- Eggplants.

[Why haven't you called me ?]

I've tried to call you,
but you didn't answer...

[So you just gave up ?]

- I didn't have the courage.
[- Same here.]

- How are you?
[- How do you think ?]

- Why don't you come here?
[- You want me to ?]

Book a flight, I'll meet you
at the airport.

[- Shouldn't we wait a while ?]
- What for?

[That you resolve the case]
[you're working on.]

No, I'll just drop everything.

[ You know you can't do that, ]
[you'll start making excuses.]

[We need to talk face to face.]

[And we need time for that.]

[When you're free next, call me]
[and I'll come.]

[Okay ?]

- Okay.
[- See you soon then.]

- See you soon.
[- Sleep well.]

You too.

- Hi, Pasquale.
- Good morning, Inspector.

- How are you?
- Fine.

- No house arrest?
- Not until the judge decides.

What's the hell there's to decide?


I have to tell you what I know.

What's that?

I haven't spoken to you.

Don't worry.

- I don't want to be called a grass.
- You have my word.

Have you identified the woman
you found in Sarsetto?

- No.
- Remember Peppe Cannizzaro?

No, who is he?

He was accused of armed bank robbery.

He was arrested then put
in a cell with me.

Okay. I see.
What's he got to do with it?

The girl with the tattoo.

He'd got engaged, he wasn't
the Peppe that I'd known.

He was in love.

He'd become silent,
irritable and argumentative.

- Love had that affect on him?
- Yes.

He said he couldn't live
without his sweetheart.

Sometimes he'd look at her photo.

And he'd kiss it.
He showed it to me.

That's when I saw her tattoo.

- Was it a photo of the tattoo?
- it was photo of her from behind.

- You could see the tattoo clearly.
- What did he tell you about her?

That she was Russian.

And that she was , I think,
and that she was a dancer.

- Did he tell you her name?
- Zin, I think.


- Anything else?
- No.

Okay, thank you.

Inspector, I haven't spoken
to you.

Don't worry. I told you.

Your mom sends her love. Bye.

Cannizzaro, open up!

Cannizzaro, Zin, open up,
l have to speak to you!

What's this racket about?
My son's sleeping.

At this time?

My son works night shifts
as a security guard, you shit.

Sorry, I'm looking for Mr Cannizzaro.

He's obviously not in.
Don't you think?

- When will he be back?
- I don't know.

I haven't seen him for three days.

What about his girlfriend?
Her name's Zin.

What the heck do you care
if I've seen her or not?

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

You gave me a real fright!

I almost shit my pants.

Can you tell me what on earth
you were thinking?

Are you talking about the so-called
kidnapping of Picarella?

I couldn't care less about him.

Why did you go snooping around
at the "Good Will" association?

Will you tell me why?
You know who they are?

No, but I can imagine.
Did Pisicchio call you?

Yes and so did the prefect,
the vice-president of the region...

and the provincial councillor
of social services.

You stirred up a hornets' nest.
Do you understand?

I didn't know there was
a hornets' nest there.

I just asked Piro, Pisicchio's
colleague, a few questions.

He says you used an offensive
and inquisitive tone

during your raid.

What raid?
l made an appointment to see him!

Well, why did you bother
this association?

- This spells trouble.
- I know.

Whenever there's an enquiry...
there's a priest, an MP, a mafioso,

who rally round to protect
the suspects!

Spare me your theories.

You think there's a connection
between them

and the m*rder*d girl?

I just know the facts.

Two girls with the same tattoo
as the victim

were helped by
Pisicchio's association.

- So there's something behind this?
- Yes.

But I don't know what yet.

I'll give you four days.
No more.

- And if that's not enough?
- Too bad.

And make sure you act
with extreme caution.

I see. I've made my bed,
now I must lie in it.

Right, this time
you've really understood me.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Inspector Montalbano.

I need a word.

Come here.

- Come here.
- What is it?

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- I need to talk to you.
- Okay.

Come with me.

My niece, Concetta,
is watching my every move.

- Why?
- She's worried about my health.

- ls that it?
- No.

I took the bus yesterday
and I went to Fiacca.

- On business?
- Of course not!

So why did you go then?

- It's a delicate matter.
- I see, go on.


When I had seen
to the delicate matter...

l took the bus back.

I saw Katia.

Katia ? What was she doing?

She was walking towards
Father Pinna's church.

You're sure it was her?

I'd bet my life on it.

- Did you call her?
- How could l?

I had to catch the bus
or else my niece...

You understand?

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

If you see Katia again,
let me know.

- You know where I am.
- Of course.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.


They've found a woman with a tattoo.

- Where?
- In Mannara.

She was almost dead, they've taken her
to the hospital in Montelusa.

Get in.


- How is she?
- She's sedated.

Her condition isn't stable yet.

We found her last night,
we think she's a prost*tute

who tried to escape her bosses.

That's our theory.

She'd already been accused
of theft.

- ls she lrina Ilich?
- Yes.

The m*rder*d girl we found
in Sarsetto had the same tattoo.

Yes, I know.

As soon as she's fit to talk,
we'll call you.

- Thanks, goodbye.
- Goodbye.


Excuse me.

- I'm looking for Father Pinna.
- Father Pinna?

That's me.

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

- This is inspector Fazio.
- Hi.

Could I dry myself off?

Were you at the Montelusa Hospital
this morning?

No, why?

I must be mistaken then.

- You like boxing?
- Sometimes.

What do you want?

Did you introduce a girl
called Katia to Mr Graceffa?

- Yes.
- How did you meet her?

- I don't remember.
- Maybe I can help you.

Was it through
Pisicchio's association?

I have nothing to do with them.

Why are you looking for her?
What's she done?

Nothing, I just need a few answers.

- Why have you come here?
- She was here yesterday.

You're wrong.


l believe she is in serious danger,

her life may be at risk, so...

l haven't seen her
for ten days.

I don't believe you.

If you want to fight about it, fine.
But after, I want the truth.

Inspector, you know something?

I like you.

Katia's an honest girl, now
that she's left that association,

she's met some good people.

Leave me your number, if I hear
anything, I'll call you.


- Praise the Lord.
- Always and forever.

You think he'll get in touch?

Once he's spoken to Katia.

He's hiding her somewhere,
l bet my life on it.

It's Catarella.

Let's see what he wants.

Put it on speaker phone.

- Go ahead.
[- ls Inspector Montalbano there ?]

- Yes, go ahead.
[- Inspector !]

[- Inspector Montalbano !]
- This sounds serious.

[Picarella was found, ]
[he's found greener pastures.]


So he was kidnapped.

The chief of police
will fire us over this.

What will Mrs Picarella say now?

- Put Augello on.
- Catarella, get me Augello.

[He went to Picarella's house]
[to speak to him.]

- To speak to Picarella?
- Catarella, can you repeat that?

[He went to Picarella's house]
[to speak to him.]

Didn't he say he was dead?

- Catarella, this is Montalbano.
[- Yes, sir.]

Didn't you say he'd found
greener pastures?

[ Yes.]

Just answer my questions
by saying yes or no.

Yes or no. You got that?

[ Yes, sir.]

Augello went to Picarella's house

to talk to Mr Picarella,
the man who was kidnapped?

[- That's right, sir.]
- Catarella. Yes or no?

[ Yes.]

- Why did you say he was dead?
[- I didn't.]

You said he'd found
greener pastures.

[Well, he's better off now than]
[when he was being held c*ptive.]

Sooner or later, I'll end up
sh**ting him.

And I'll finish him off.

Artist's materials:
Saverini Battipaglia.

- What is it?
- it's for my nephew, he's five.

- Bastard.
- Who are you mad with?

With myself, you and Augello.


We shouldn't be looking for purpurin
in furniture factories

but in shops where they sell it.

Yesterday, a paint shop
was set on fire in Montelusa.

Call the station

and get the name and address
of that shop's proprietor.

I want to go there now.

It was arson, but they used
an unusual method.


When shops
don't pay protection money...

They smash the windows
and pour petrol into them.

- Or from under the shutter.
- To avoid getting burnt.

Was the fire started inside?

Yes. Let's go in.

The shutters and windows
are intact.

You're saying that the proprietor
set fire to it?

- I think so.
- For insurance purposes?

No, Morabito is rich.
There must be another reason.

He's hiding something.

- Can I speak to him?
- Yes, he lives upstairs.

- How do I get up there?
- That way.

- I'll go then.
- There's one more thing.

- Does he pay protection money?
- Yes, to the Stellinos.

- Thanks, Di Nardo.
- You're welcome.

- I'll keep you posted.
- Bye.

Let's go.

It's this way.

- Good morning.
- Are you Mr Morabito?

- Yes.
- Inspector Montalbano and Fazio.

- Could we ask you a few questions?
- Yes, come in.

- Thanks. After you.
- Thanks.

Wait here, I'll be right back.

My colleague and l
are from a special squad.

Avery special squad, in fact.

We investigate arson att*cks
caused by missed protection payments.

- I'd exclude that.
- Why?

- There was no missed payment.
- So you pay protection money?

I'm not talking about payments
or missed payments...

I'm certain it wasn't arson.

- So what was it then?
- A short-circuit.



The firemen told us
that the fire started

where there are no electrical wires,
so they were asking questions.

- They didn't ask me.
- Don't worry, they will.

They also told us that
the fire was started

by a pile of flammable materials.

Who put them there?
They need to know.

I don't know. The shop was empty,
when I left.

Who do you think it could have been?

Maybe the person who started
the fire.

Right, good thinking!
But there's still a problem.

How did they get in there?

The shutters and windows
weren't forced open.

- I don't know.
- I see.

The flammable materials
were soaked in petrol.

- It just took one match...
- it is strange.

Don't interrupt me, I'm thinking...


- Sorry.
- What's strange?

That whoever started the fire
didn't get brunt.

Right ! Unless...

Unless what?

Unless they already happened
to be inside your shop.

Right. But in that case...

In that case...?

To escape the fire, they would've
entered your house.

- Did you see them?
- No, of course not!

Hold it!


You saw them and recognised them.
But you don't want to say.

- No, why?
- You're scared.

They belong to the Stellino family,
the local mafiosos.

They're not involved, I swear!

You don't have to be scared.

One word from you and we'll put
the whole family behind bars.

No, for heaven's sake.
I'm not saying it was them!

So start talking and tell me
what the hell happened.

I don't know!

- I don't know.
- ls he crying?

- There's no need to cry.
- We're just talking.

- Sit down.
- What did I say?

- Maybe it's because you shouted.
- What's the big deal?

I know what...

Listen, what's times ?
And times ?

times ?

You see ? He's calmed down.

That was my mother's trick.

Whenever you're upset, recite
your timetables: you'll calm down.

The old remedies work best.

- Do you have any weapons?
- Yes.

What kind?
A r*fle, a revolver, a bazooka...

- It's a revolver.
- Where is it?

- In my bedside table.
- Could you get it for us?


- Don't touch it.
- Have you used it recently?

We'll see for ourselves
if it's been used recently.

- Can you tell?
- Of course.

Listen, we'll hold onto this.

Take it to Forensics.

Have you ever had any robberies


That's strange.
Don't you have money?

No, just the day's takings,
but only overnight.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but...

on Saturday nights, you have
quite a lot of money here.

- Two days' takings.
- Yes.

Do you have a safe here?

No, I keep them in that desk.

- Do you live alone?
- Yes.

Who cleans the house?

A cleaning company that also
cleans the shop.

A cleaning company.
Listen, you look tired.

Why don't you sit down?
We're done.

Thanks. We'll see ourselves out.


One more thing.

Does your car have a large boot?

- It's quite large.
- That's a bit vague.

Could you be more precise?

- Would it hold a body?
- A body ? Why are you asking?

Don't worry.
l was just using it as an example.

We'll need to check it out.

You have any questions for him?

- Yes, one.
- Go ahead.

- Do you sell purpurin?
- Good question...

- Do you sell purpurin?
- Purpurin ? Yes.

I do.

Okay. Thanks.


- He set fire to the shop.
- Yes.

- But why?
- To hide something serious.

- Mr Picarella!
- Inspector Montalbano.

We were worried
we'd never see you again.

- You're looking well.
- That's a miracle.

I was locked up in a hut,
l didn't know what day it was.

I was left without food.

Luckily, I managed to escape
this morning.

You know what?

I thought I'd never see
my dear wife again.

And what's worse

is that he can't remember
where he was taken.

He arrived in a "dazed" state.

Like he was drunk.

- Must've been the Cuban Rum.
- You think I was in Cuba?

Augello continues to offend us

with that fake photo.

Did Augello ask to see
your passport?

The kidnappers kept it.

Instead of the ransom
they never asked for.

- Can we go?
- Yes, but don't leave town.

- You can go.
- Thanks.

- Thanks.
- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

He's a better actor than you.

- You think it'll be a long case?
- Yes.

He has to keep it up for his wife.
She's got all the money.

He's got none.

If she leaves him,
he'll end up on the streets.

You don't want to wait
for your lawyer?

- There's no need.
- Okay.

Let me tell you what I think

If I'm wrong, please correct me.

Mr Morabito, did you hear me?



On Saturday night, you were woken
by some strange noises.

Hold it!

Don't move or I'll sh**t!

When you'd recovered from
the shock, you realized that

no one could've heard the shot.
But you had to do something.

So you decided to get rid
of the body.

But there's something
l don't understand.

Why did you set fire to the shop?

On TV they said the girl
had lost her teeth.

I looked for them all night. no avail.


l set fire to the shop.

I burnt the lot.

An idiotic m*rder committed
by an idiot.

How many cases involve
intelligent murders

committed by sane people?

- Morabito's just a poor man.
- Whatever.

You can go back to Vigata.
Di Nardo will take over the case.

Because of territorial competence.

But the girl hasn't been identified
and there are other matters...

l know, but you've done your duty.

You found the culprit
and helped Di Nardo.

Go back to Vigata and continue
with your cases there.

Okay. Goodbye.


Di Nardo's on the case now.

The two Russian girls
with the tattoos

were thieves. They were involved
with Pisicchio's association.

- Will he get to the bottom of this?
- I don't know.

You know how many left-wing
and right-wing politicians

will try to prevent Pisicchio
from being investigated?

We stirred things up with Piro.

Right. Let's go.

What are we going to do?

Nothing. We'll keep quiet.
if the chief of police asks us...

we'll tell him what we know.

[- Hello ?]
- How are you?

[- A bit better. How are you ?]
- Not bad, thanks.

[What's the weather like there ?]

It's fine. What's it like there?

[It's fine.]

- You've not changed your mind?
[- About what ?]

- You're still coming?
[- Yes, of course.]

Well, I wanted to tell you that
I've booked a few days off.

[Really ?]

- Come when you want.
[- How about tomorrow ?]

Great, I'll pick you up
from the airport.

[- No, don't worry.]
- Why?

[If you don't show up, ]
[I'll get right back on the plane.]

l told you I've booked
a few days off.

- What time will you arrive?
[- I'll be on the midday flight.]

- Okay, I'll be there.
[- Listen, don't get mad, but...]

- But what?
[- Let's not stay in Marinella.]



Don't you like it here?

[That's the problem.]

I don't understand.

[- I like it too much.]
- And so?

[ I think that Marinella]
[could become...]

[I'd rather not.]

l see.

You want to be on neutral ground.

We'll decide where to go
once you've arrived.

[Okay. That's fine.]

- See you tomorrow.
[- Okay.]

- Here's your coffee.
- Thanks.

- What time is it?
- Almost seven.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

My son's lawyer called me
this morning.

He visited my son in jail yesterday.

The lawyer said that my son
gave him an address

that I'm to pass on to you.

- What's the address?
- The tuna factory in Gallotta.

- When will he be on house arrest?
- In a couple of days.

Thank him for the address.
Can I have some more coffee?

- Yes.
- Thanks.

I'll just lie down
for another five minutes.

[- Hello, who is it ?]
- Catarella, it's Montalbano.

[ You called me.]

l was going to call,
you beat me to it.

[How could I answer]
[if you didn't call ?]

You didn't answer, I called...

Never mind. Listen...

I'm not coming in today,
I'm going somewhere.

[- You can't go anywhere.]
- Why?

[- A man's been k*lled.]
- Where?

[Near the exit for the road]
[to Montelusa.]

You know his name?

[Fazio told me, but I can't remember.]

[What do you call that thing]
[you write with ?]

- A pen?
[- No, sir.]

A Biro?

[- No, without ink.]
- A pencil?

[That's it, sir.]

Put me through to Augello.

[ I can't. Augello went to hospital]
[last night.]

- Why?
[- He's fine.]

[He took the baby]
[to the paediatric ward.]

[But it's nothing serious.]

Let me speak to Fazio.

[Fazio's at the crime scene.]

Call him and tell him
I'm on my way.


- ls the dead man in the car?
- He's not dead, but nearly.

They took him to hospital,
but I don't think he'll make it.

- Any witnesses?
- Yes, one.

They saw a motorbike pull up
alongside the car.

The car swerved
then the motorbike sped off.

- Did they see the attacker?
- No, he had a helmet on.

- Any registration number?
- No.

I'm going away for a few days.

You and Augello
deal with Mr Pencil.

Mr Pencil?

- isn't that his name?
- Who?

- The guy in the car.
- Mr Pencil?

- What's his name then?
- Lapis.

- Tommaso Lapis.
- From Pisicchio's association?


- How many times was he shot?
- Just once.

But it was a shot from
a high calibre g*n.

The b*llet went through the window
and hit the victim's jaw

then came out of his right eye.
Not a pretty sight.

- Were his teeth blown away?
- Yes.

You think there's a connection
with the m*rder*d girl?

You're good at asking questions,

try finding some answers.

- Let's go.
- Where?

It's none of your business.

[The person you are calling]
[is not available.]

Come on, let's go.

Did you know about
the attempted m*rder of Mr Lapis?

- I just said it on the news.
- You know who he is?

He's a fabric seller
who went bust last year

because business wasn't going well.

An ordinary guy, I can't see
why anyone would m*rder him.

- You can't?
- No.

You know the "Good Will"

- Founded by Monsignor Pisicchio?
- Yes.

They help girls who have
experienced problems.

Lapis was their recruiter.
He would convince the girls

to join the association.

- You think a pimp did it?
- Wait.

The girl with the tattoo,
the one Morabito k*lled,

was being helped
by the association.

Holy cow!

Make sure you put the news out
about this connection.

This association is involved in
shady business.

- Can I make a call?
- Yes.

- What time is it?
- :.

[The person you are calling]
[is not available.]

- Come in.
- Excuse me, sir...

[The person you are calling]
[is not available.]

- What is it?
- The hospital called.

Lapis is dead.

We need to re-open the case
about the association.

- Call Mr Piro.
- But...

- We should tell the prosecutor.
- But we won't.

Tommaseo will just make us
waste lots of time.

- I have no time to waste.
- How come?

It's a long story.

You think there's a connection
between Lapis and the girl.

The b*llet that k*lled Lapis

followed the same trajectory as
the b*llet that k*lled the girl.

- I think it's a message.
- About what?

"l k*lled this man just like
he had the girl k*lled."

Call Mr Piro.

Right away.

- After you.
- No, after you. Please.

Fr. Antonio wants to speak to you.

- Put him through.
- He's on line .


- Hello.
[- it's Fr. Antonio, remember me ?]

- Of course, the boxer priest.
[- That's right.]

[- You still want to see Katia ?]
- Of course.

When we heard that Lapis was shot,
Katia said she'd talk.

Then we found out he died.

Good morning, Katia.

Thanks for doing this.
Sit down.

Would you prefer this
to remain between you and me

or would you testify in court?

- I'll testify.
- She'll stay here till then.


- So can we begin?
- Yes.

Why do you have a tattoo
of a butterfly?

The association in Schelkovo
that helped me did it.

Four or five of us
were sent over at a time.

Each group had
different tattoos done.

Like branding?

Yes, like cattle.

After all, we're working cattle.

We need to work
to help our families

who sold everything they had
to pay for our tickets.

We experienced terrible times
in Russia.

They trained us to dance then
sent us to ltalian nightclubs.

What was the money situation?

Our income paid off
the debt with the association.

In order to send money home
we'd go with clients

after hours.

I see.

- Where did you meet Lapis?
- In a nightclub in Palermo.

He suggested
that we all go to Montelusa.

A charity organization there
would take care of us,

getting us work as cleaners
or housekeepers.

Decent work that offered hope.

What about the money owed
to the association?

Lapis told us not to worry,
that he'd deal with it...

- ..with the help of friends.
- Mafiosos.

- Was the fourth girl Zin?
- Yes, Zinaida.

Why didn't she join
the association with you?

She did. She was the fourth
to arrive.

I'll show you a photo.

This is Sonia, lrina...
that's me...

and Zin.

When we met up,

Lapis told us
exactly what he had in mind.

In the houses we were to work in

we had to look for money
and jewellery.

And we'd get a quarter of the profit.

- You accepted?
- Of course.

What else could we do?

I wanted to escape and so I did.
But I never stole anything.

Zin left too, but for other reasons.

Such as?

She went to live with the man
she loved.

- How did Lapis react?
- He was mad but could do nothing.

Zin's boyfriend
was a dangerous criminal.

He'd threatened to tell the police.

When the news about the dead girl
was broadcasted on TV,

did you know it was Sonia?


- It's not Sonia?
- No, it's Zin.

- But hadn't she left?
- Yes...

but she needed money to pay
for her boyfriend's lawyer.

Lapis took advantage of this
and got her to come back.

He found her a cleaning job.

She worked for that shopkeeper...

then she realized that on Saturdays
he kept money there.

Here's lrina.

Come in.

You see, Inspector?
She's better.

- Definitely ! Hello.
- She'll stay here till the trial.

We're together now and nothing
will happen to her now.

I'm going. Thanks for everything.

- Can I keep this?
- Of course.

- if I need to see you again...
- Call me.

Okay, goodbye.

- Listen, can you do me a favour?
- Yes.

The villains who run that association
ruin things for honest folk.

Can't you send them to jail?

That's what I'm trying to do.

He'll send them to jail.


I repeat. Only sh**t
if necessary. Okay?

Don't worry.

Let's go.

Go in, Caruso.

Go, Galluzzo.

Let's go, Caruso.



Don't do anything stupid, come out!

Come out with your hands in the air!

Okay, come on.

Hands in the air.

Put them both up.

Take him away.

- ls that Piro?
- Yes.

We arrested Lapis' k*ller,
Peppe Cannizzaro.

He wanted to avenge the death
of his girlfriend, Zinaida.

- The girl we found in Sarsetto?
- Yes.

Sonia's safe now.

Come with me.

- Mr Piro!
- This is outrageous.

You can't keep me here
without a warrant.

We won't ! Fazio, take
him into Augello's office.

It won't take long.

You begin, I'll join you later.

- Hello?
- ls this Fontanarossa Airport?

[ Yes.]

It's Inspector Montalbano,
is Capuano there?

- Thanks.
[- I'll put you through.]

[- What is it ?]
- I need some information.

Has the midday flight
from Genoa landed?

[ Yes.]

- Was it on time?
[- Spot on.]

Could you find me a flight
to Genoa tonight?

Can you get me a ticket?

[- Don't worry.]
- You're a star, thanks.


Come in.

- Excuse me.
- What is it?

The chief of police is on the phone,
he wants to talk to you.


Why are you walking like that?

So I won't bang the door

and so I can come in quietly.

I prefer it when you bang it.

As you wish.

- The chief's on the phone.
- Get out.

Get out.

Hello, sir.

[I've been calling you all day.]

[ I know what's going on.]

[ You didn't inform Tommaseo]

[that you were questioning]
[the "Good Will" association.]

[ You keep disobeying orders]
[and you refuse to listen.]

[Filiberto will be taking over]
[the case.]

[ You're no longer in charge]
[of this case.]

Okay, sir.

I'll obey.

- Catarella.
- Yes, sir?

as of today, I'm on holiday.

- ls Galluzzo outside?
- Yes.

See you.

Have a good holiday.

- Galluzzo, here.
- Inspector!


We've not had the pleasure
of meeting yet.

- I'm Filiberto.
- From Montelusa.

How's the investigation going?

- You want to know?
- Yes.

You want me to tell you that I know
the name of the victim?


And that Lapis recruited thieves?

- Yes.
- And that I know who k*lled Lapis?


Lapis worked with the "Good Will"

But they have connections
in high places.

- Or do want me to keep quiet?
- I want to hear the rest.

- The chief of police called me.
- He called me too.

- To say what?
- To be cautious.

- That's all.
- Great!

- Have you seen the news?
- Why?

It mentioned Piro's dealings.

We have to take this seriously.

Talk with Augello, he'll fill you in.

l want to make a serious complaint

about this situation.

I'll speak to your superiors
about this.

This is my colleague from Montelusa,

- This is Mr Piro.
- Mr Piro!

Just the man I wanted to see.
Fancy a chat?

Seeing you're a nice guy,
you can use my office.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

After you.
Go on in.

Let's have a chat.




- Hello?
[- I knew it.]

[I knew you'd have the stupid idea]
[to go to Boccadasse.]

I've been calling you,
l was so worried.

- Where are you?
[- Where do you think ?]

[When I saw you weren't there]
[I went to your house in Marinella.]

[ You always mess things up !]

Listen, it's bad enough
that it's raining here...

but let's be honest.

If you hadn't left your damn phone
at home...

[- So it's my fault ?]
- No, Livia.

[Okay, you're always right, ]
[you'll never change.]

Why can't I just shut up?