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07x01 - August Flame

Posted: 12/25/22 08:46
by bunniefuu

- Hello?
[- Salvo, it's me.]

- Hi, Livia, how are you?
[- When are you coming ?]

I don't know,
maybe in the next few days.

[Let me know, ]
[ I'll pick you up.]

- Of course.
[- I've got a surprise for you.]

- A surprise?
[- I can't keep it a secret anymore.]

[Gianfilippo invited us ]
[onto his boat.]

- Who's he?
[- Paola's architect friend.]

[ You don't know him, he's very nice.]
[He'll take us on a tour.]

[- To Corsica, Elba, Gorgona...]
- Listen...

You know, I don't...

I get sea sick on boats.

[It's a big boat, ]
[we'll have our own cabin !]

[- Salvo, please...]
- The cabin's not the problem.

It's just that, well...
I prefer terra firma.

[Salvo, you know what ?]

[Stay on your terra firma, ]
[ I'm going on the boat.]

No, hold on...

On a boat tour with Gianfilippo?

This is a really wonderful place.

- It's all thanks to me...
- There!

- This house has a story.
- Not now.

- He's interested.
- You police!

The owner had it built
about six years ago.

His name was Angelo Speciale,
he was a local but worked in Germany.

- Why do you say "was" ? ls he dead?
- Wait.

He wanted to live here with
his German wife and her son, Ralph.

When the villa was ready, they went
to Germany to organize the move.

So they booked a sleeper cabin
on the train.

Speciale had the top bunk
and the son was on the bottom.

When they got to Cologne,
the son disappeared.

- Where did he go?
- They never found out.

What happened to Speciale?

When he returned from Cologne,
he fell down the stairs and died.

Oh, hell ! I'm not surprised
you got this villa cheap!

- Where's Salvuccio?
- He was here, darling.

- He's not now, find him!
- He was here...



- Have you looked inside?
- No, she always worries.

- The gate's open!
- So what does that mean?

- He's gone out.
- Why?

Excuse me, I'll take a look
outside, you check inside.

- Maybe...
- Salvo's right, let's look inside.

Good morning.

Excuse me, have you seen
a little boy go past?

- Who?
- Afour-year-old boy.

- Why?
- Because we've lost him.

What does "oh, no" mean?

It just means "oh, no".

I haven't seen this little boy.

I know nothing about this
and I don't want to know. Goodbye.

- Hold on...
- Goodbye!

- Salvo, any luck?
- Don't worry.

- You mustn't worry.
- I knew it, this house is cursed.

Why are you saying that?

- He's been kidnapped!
- Along with the cat?

I don't care about the cat,
Salvo's gone.

- Happy now ? He's been kidnapped.
- The cat just ran away.

- Salvo.
- I don't want to listen to you.

Stay with her and calm her down,

I'll call the station
and get some help. We'll find him.

- Did you hear that?
- Yes!

We'll look for him, he'll be
somewhere around here, calm down.


Come and get some grub.



Come here.



Are you hurt?
Let me see.

Nothing's broken.
Can you stand up?

I'll carry you.
Come here!

Don't worry, let's go.

Put your good foot on here.


Now go through.
That's it!

Come here. I'll take you.


- Fazio!
- Salvo, come to mummy!

Mind his foot.

Come here. What happened to you?

- Were you scared?
- What happened?

- Did you cut yourself?
- Don't worry.

- Let's go home.
- You mustn't just go off.

You mustn't follow that cat

You're a big boy now, you have to
listen to your mum and dad.

- Mummy will make it better.
- What's under there?

There's an apartment that's identical
to the one upstairs.

It's underground, but it's ready
to be lived in.

No, the kid's fine,
he just got a bit scared.

[- Good. Did he see anyone ?]
- No.

[- So you can come then ?]
- Yes.

[- When are you coming ?]
- How can I leave now?

[- Just say you don't want to come !]
- it's not that...

I just don't like boats,
you know that...

[- You're making it up...]
- Making it up?

You think I'd make up a story
that Mimi's kid fell into a hole

which is an apartment
where there's a dead body?

[lt wouldn't surprise me, ]
[ I don't believe you.]

Okay, call them then.
They're both at home.

- Ask them.
[- Okay, I will.]

[- Bye.]
- Call them... bye.

Can someone give me a hand?

I will.

Give me your hand, slowly.

It's baking hot in there,

I don't know how those Forensics
guys can stay down there.

- Where's Montalbano?
- Under the veranda.

- I'll take this, come with me.
- He's keeping cool!

- Can I ask you a few questions?
- Just a few.

- May l?
- Go ahead.

- What do you know about the body?
- it's a -year-old girl.

- That's one question.
- Second question.

- How was she k*lled?
- Her throat was slit.

- How long ago?
- Five or six years ago.

Her body remained preserved
because they wrapped her up well.

Was she k*lled where we found her
or was she brought there afterwards?

Forensics will tell you that

but Arquà found traces of blood.

- One more question...
- No.

Your time's up.

Thanks for the beer, I'll take it
with me. Goodbye.


Can I help you?


- I'm looking for Mr Callara.
- That's me.

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

Come into my office,
I've got air conditioning.

I'd rather go for a walk.

Of course.

What do I owe the honour
of this visit to?

I saw the villa you rented out
to my colleague, Mimi Augello.

- It's beautiful, isn't it?
- Yes, it's nice.

I bet you want to know if
I can find something similar for you.

- No, it's not that.
- You want that villa?

- Maybe in September.
- Can I speak?

Thanks. I want you to come with me,
I have to show you something.

- Where?
- To the villa Mimi rented out.

- ls there a problem?
- Come and have a look.

Okay, as you wish.

- I'll just inform my secretary.
- Thanks.

Come in, mind the steps.


- Wait, don't rush.
- Come in.

- ls it dangerous?
- Are you okay?

There. You see, Mr Callara?

There are doors and windows here
ready to be mounted.

Look at this!

Look at this!

This is a proper apartment!

Look here!

- What's that?
- A trunk.

- Can I open it?
- Go ahead.

- It's empty.
- You know what was inside?

- A body.
- A dead body?

- Of course.
- Did you put it there?

- Of course not!
- What have I got to do with it?

- I'd like you to tell me.
- Me?

Mr Callara!

How am I going to carry you up?


- Here.
- Thanks.

I put some sugar in it.

- Are you feeling better?
- I still feel a bit dizzy.

- Will you inform Mrs Cutolo?
- Of course.

She doesn't know,
I'll have to deal with it.

- You'll ask for planning permission?
- Inspector...

I'm a public official,
I can't turn a blind eye.

I know.

- Who designed the villa?
- Spitaleri, the surveyor.

Who is Spitaleri?

Spitaleri's sister is married to
Alessandro Pasquale,

the mayor of Vigata,
so he's his brother-in-law.

- Elementary, my dear Watson.
- As he's the mayor's brother-in-law,

and owns three building companies,
he wins all the building contracts,

pays the mafia protection money
and a share to his brother-in-law.

So the initial contract costs
are then doubled.

Right. if poor Spitaleri doesn't
do that, he loses out.

Poor thing!

- Bring him in.
- Okay.

Mr Spitaleri, come in.

- Have a seat.
- I came as you asked...

but I don't know
why you've called me in.

You will. Have a seat.


are you done with Franceschini?

- Franceschini?
- Franceschini.

Franceschini ! I was going now.

I'll come too, that way
we'll sort this out.

- Excuse me.
- Inspector, I have an appointment.

We'll be right back.


what a great car!

Have you seen it?

It must be Spitaleri's.


It's great, isn't it?

It's okay.

Wouldn't you like to have
a car like this?

I've never been mad about cars.

- And this one doesn't go fast.
- But it's a Ferrari!

So a Ferrari can't go slow?

If you go slow,
the engine gets ruined.

Well, I don't like it then.

Let's go back inside.

Call Filiberto and tell him
to call me right away, okay?

I'll call you back.

I saw you were making a call.

Aren't I allowed?

You should've asked me.

I don't have to ask anyone
for anything.

I'm a free citizen, if you have
something to say, just say it.

Calm down,
this is just a misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding ? You're
treating me like a suspect.

I want my lawyer.

Let me explain
and then you can decide. Have a seat.

If you had told me you wanted
to make a call...

I would've told you that all calls
made from this station

are recorded on a computer
at the ministry of internal affairs.

- Even calls from cell phones?
- Of course ! Especially those!

It's the new regulations,
for the terrorism issue.

They record all calls and inform us
if they have any suspicions.

But why do you care?

You're not a t*rror1st or a Mafioso,
you've got a clean record...

I know, but...

You see...

two weeks ago, an accident took
place on one of my building sites.

- An Arab workman...
- An illegal immigrant.

- He had assured me...
- He wasn't an illegal immigrant.

He was waiting for his papers.

Stop there, I don't want to
talk about personal matters.

If I receive orders from Rome,
I'll call you in for an interview.

- Who were you speaking to?
- Di Pasquale, the site foreman.

- Can I go?
- No.

- Why?
- I didn't call you in about this.

You designed and built a villa
in Pizzo.

- Mr Speciale's villa?
- Yes.

We discovered an unauthorized
building in the basement.

Really ? You wasted your time.

That's just a trivial thing.

Unauthorized buildings
are the norm here,

everyone builds them,
it's common knowledge.

Mr Speciale can ask for planning
permission and the matter's resolved.

- It's still a crime.
- Acrime ? Nonsense.

If you report me, you'll be
the laughing stock of the town.

But I still need to deal
with this matter.

Inside the apartment, in a trunk,
we found a dead body.

- A dead body?
- A girl whose throat was slit.

The m*rder took place the day before
the entrance was sealed.

Before the entrance was buried.

How many workmen
were working then?

- Two, I think.
- You weren't there?

No, I left the day before
the work was completed.

Mid-October, I think.

Was there a trunk
in the apartment?

Yes, there was.

Mr Speciale used it to bring things
over from Germany.

I remember he left it there.

- What were the workmen's names?
- I don't remember.

But the foreman was Di Pasquale.

I can go to my office and look up
the names of the workmen.

Can I have Di Pasquale's number?

- ...
- Yes.

Go with my colleague now,
then bring me their names.

You can go,
but don't leave town.

- What do you mean?
- You heard...

You must inform me
before leaving town.

By the way, where was it you went
five years ago?

- Abroad.
- Where?

- To Bangkok on holiday.
- Bangkok. Okay, you can go.

Follow me.

What was the name of the Arab
workman that died?

I don't remember.
it was an accident.

He was drunk. Inspector Lozupone
said that...

I don't want to know what he said,
tell me the facts.

Like all Saturdays, we finished
working at : and we left.

- You didn't notice he was missing?
- No, we don't call a register!

- Who locks up the site?
- Filiberto Attanasio, the watchman.

- Where can I find him?
- On one of our sites.

- Go on.
- I've told you what I know.


he was drunk. We found him dead
on Monday morning, he'd fallen.

It was an accident, Inspector.

Let's move on. You knew about
the unauthorized flat in Pizzo?

Of course, I'm the foreman.
l followed orders.

Were you in Pizzo until
the work was completed?

No, Mr Spitaleri transferred me
to another site in Fela.

They didn't need me in Pizzo,
I hired two workmen.

I can't remember their names.

Did Ralph Speciale stay in Pizzo
till the work was completed?

He was there when I left.

- He was a crazy German!
- Why do you say that?

He was crazy!

He used to get on all fours
and eat grass like sheep do.

When he needed a pee,
he'd do it in front of us all!

Once he met a young girl
along the provincial road.

When he saw her, he stripped off.

- He followed her with his d*ck out.
- What happened?

Luckily for the girl, Mr Spitaleri
came along.

What did Mr Speciale think
about his stepson's behaviour?

Nothing, he found it funny.
He said he was harmless.

That he just wanted to kiss
young girls.

But, Inspector...

I ask you...

if he just wanted to kiss them...

why did he always
get his d*ck out?

You can go.

- I can?
- Yes, but don't leave town.

You mustn't leave Vigata
without informing us.

I can go?
Okay, thanks, Inspector.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

[- Hello ?]
- it's Montalbano, is Arquà there?

[Hold the line.]

[- Inspector Montalbano.]
- Yes.

[I'm sorry, but Dr Arquà]
[is very busy.]

- When will he be free?
[- Call back tomorrow.]


- Goodbye.
- Thank you.

Tomorrow ? What a bastard!


I'm trying to get some information
on the girl that was found.

But this heat suffocates me.

That's what I've come about.

Call an electrical shop and order
half a dozen fans.

I want mine to be this big.


- Yes, sir. God bless you.
- Same to you.

Excuse me, sir.

My fan.

- ls this the only one there is?
- I've only got one.


I'm Gianfranco Maradona,
the minister plenipotentiary.

I'd like to speak to Dr Arquà
but he's always busy.

[- Right away, Your Excellency.]
- it's urgent.

[ Yes, Your Excellency.]

[- Your Excellency, go ahead.]
- Arquà!

It's Montalbano,
what's with "Your Excellency"?

By all means, you can call me that
if you like.

[- What do you want ?]

- Where was she k*lled?
[- Where she was found.]

- In that exact spot?
[- Next to the trunk.]

- Are you sure?
[- Positive ?]

- Why's that?
[- There were traces of blood...]

[left when her body was dragged]
[into the trunk.]

- Did you find the m*rder w*apon?
[- No.]

- Any fingerprints?
[- Loads.]

- Any on the fabric around her body?
[- No.]

Did you find anything else?

[ Yes, some masking type]
[like the one used on the windows.]

- ls that all?
[- Yes.]

Go to hell then.

Catarella, come here please.

Here I am.

- You're lucky you can do that.
- Catarella, what about the fans?

I called six shops,
they've all sold out.

- One shops just had balls left.
- Balls?

Those balls that go on the ceiling
and spin round. You want those?

The last thing we need here
are spinning balls.

As you wish.

[- Who's speaking ?]
- Pasquano, it's Montalbano.

[My balls were itching, I needed]
[someone to bust them for me.]

You see, I knew that
and here I am.

[- What the hell do you want ?]
- Don't you know?

[ I'll check the girl's body]
[in the afternoon.]

[- Call me tomorrow.]
- Have you had a look?

[- A quick one.]
- Well?

[She wasn't older than .]

- And?
[- Her throat was slit.]

- What with?
[- Ajack-knife.]

Was he left or right-handed?

[Looking at the cut, I'd say]
[he was right-handed.]

What do you think
could have happened to her?

[The man persuaded the girl]
[to follow him there.]

[He undressed and as they were]
[doing it, he pulled out the knife.]

[When he slit her throat he stepped]
[back, to avoid the blood spill.]

[Then he laid out the fabric...]

Arquà told me he didn't find
any fingerprints on the fabric.

[- He wrapped up the body, put it...]
- What about her clothes?

[He took it all away in a small bag.]

Did the body have any
distinguishing features?

[She'd had her appendix removed...]

[and she had a congenital]
[deformity on her right foot.]

- Meaning?
[- Avarus toe.]

- What's that?
[- When the toe bends inwards.]

I see, thanks.

[- Goodbye, Inspector.]
- Bye.

- Hi, Fazio.
- Hi.

Did you get any information
on the workmen?

- I've been all over Vigata.
- Why?

Spitaleri only keeps documents
of recent jobs in his office.

But the villa in Pizzo was built
six years ago...

and his sister keeps his archive.
She lives out of town.

- He keeps it at sister's house?
- Yes.

So if the financial inspectors
pay him a visit

he calls his sister, who knows
which documents to bring.

Do you follow me?

The site was closed on October th.
Here are the six workmen's names.

- Where do they work now?
- In Spitaleri's four other sites.

- Four?
- Another's opening in a few days.

With all his contacts,
he's got plenty of work.

Which ones worked in Pizzo
till the work was completed?

The first two interred
the unauthorized apartment.

- Antonio Cardillo, Gaspare Micciché.
- Yes.

- I want them at the villa tomorrow.
- Why just those two?

I spoke to Arquà, she was m*rder*d
the day the work was completed.

Any other news?

Spitaleri's acquaintances weren't
well-to-do people.

- His foreman's no saint.
- Why?

years ago, he tried to molest
an American tourist.

A young girl.

- She was .
- What a bastard!

- Any other convictions?
- No.

He's been on the straight and narrow
since he was hired by Spitaleri.

I'm going to take a shower,
check Spitaleri's alibi.

The girl was k*lled on the th,
find out if he was away.

- Okay.
- See you later.

[- Hello ?]
- Livia, it's me.

[- What is it ?]
- Nothing.

I wanted to say hi and see
how you were.

[I'm fine, thanks.]
[Sorry, but I have to go.]

Go where?

[Gianfilippo gave me a lift home]
[so I could pick up some stuff.]

- Are you going somewhere?
[- Yes, on a mini-cruise.]

- Where to?
[- Corsica first, then I don't know.]

[- Sorry, I'm running late.]
- No, hold on.

- Who's going on the boat?
[- Me, him and maybe some friends.]

- "Maybe"?
[- I have to go, bye.]


- Hello?
[- You didn't keep your word.]

- Me?
[- Yes, you.]

When was that?

[ You swore that no murders ever]
[take place in Vigata in August.]

I probably said
that as it's so hot...

murders would be postponed
till the autumn.

[- That's not true, it's August now.]
- No!

The m*rder I'm investigating
took place in October five years ago.

[- Anyway, because of you...]
- Because of me?

If Salvo hadn't fallen in that hole,
we wouldn't have found the body

and we'd all have been better off.

[- You're disgustingly cynical.]
- Cynical?



I found the girl,
I've identified her.

Statement from the station in Fiacca:
Caterina Morreale, known as "Rina".

Caterina disappeared on October th
in our territorial jurisdiction.

There's even a photo.

See how pretty she was?

She was real pretty!

Poor girl.

When we find him,
I'll smash his face in.

- Was she from Palermo?
- Yes, but she'd gone to Pizzo.

Her family was holidaying near
Speciale's villa.

- We need to inform them.
- Yes, can you do that?

Did you check Spitaleri's alibi?


I reckoned Spitaleri used work
as an excuse for holidays,

to claim expenses, and I was right.

I went to his sister's and found
his ticket for Bangkok.

This is a copy.

The ticket's stamped so Spitaleri
was on that flight.

- What about the dead workman?
- What do you think happened?

I think he fell from scaffolding
which had no protection.

None of the site is protected,
he falls and no one notices.

When they've all left,
the watchman, Attanasio Filiberto

finds him and calls Di Pasquale
who then calls Spitaleri.

- Are you listening?
- Yes, what's the watchman's name?

Attanasio Filiberto.

Here he is.

I thought I remembered him.

Theft, as*ault and m*rder.

Good to know.

Spitaleri and Di Pasquale
go to the building site...

and set up some protective
measures to cover their asses.

Then they drench the workman in wine
so it looks like he was drunk.

- Lozupone fell for that?
- No, he's an expert.

He probably thought the same as us
but he had no proof.

My friend.




- Would you like something?
- Yes, one of those.

- This one's mine.
- Don't you have another one?


- How much do you want for it?
- A bargain price, .


- Are you nuts ? I'll give you .
- No, let's make it .

- It's a piece of plastic!
- How much will you give me?

- .
- it's handy, it keeps you cool.

I know, but it's still plastic!


[- Hello ? Who is it ?]
- Livia, it's me.

[Sorry ? Hello ?]

- It's Salvo!
[- Sorry.]

[It's a bad line.]

[- What is it ?]
- Nothing...

- What were you doing?
[- Sleeping.]

[ I fell asleep on the deck.]

[- it's so peaceful here !]
- Where are you?

[In Corsica, we had]
[a really smooth crossing.]

[Gianfilippo even let me steer]
[the boat.]

Did those friends of yours come?

[I can't hear you. Salvo ?]

Those friends who were supposed
to come... did they come?

[Salvo ?]

I said, your friends...
f*ck it!

Inspector, what a splendid

- How much was it?
- euros.

- That's a lot.
- Feel this.

It's great!

Come in.

What is it?


You won't believe your eyes
when you see this girl.

- She's like the one in the photo.
- Show her in.

Show her in!

Tell Fazio.

Come in.

- Hello, I'm Adriana Morreale.
- Have a seat.

- Sorry I'm late.
- it's no problem.

Catarella, did you inform Fazio?

- Catarella, did you inform Fazio?
- Yes.

- inform him again.
- Right away.

- Do you live with your parents?
- No.

I'm studying Medicine in Palermo
but I often come home.

- Come in!
- Hello.

Inspector Fazio, this is
Miss Adriana Morreale.

I apologize for not letting you
come to the house.

That's all right!

Listen, I'm afraid
I need to ask you some questions.

- Ask me as many as you want.
- Okay.

You always imagined your sister
was dead, right?


But I didn't imagine it...

- I knew.
- You knew ? Who told you?

No one.

- How did you know then?
- My body told me.

I've taught my body
to never lie to me.

It's not easy to explain.

Rina and I were identical twins.

Sometimes we were able to...

communicate our emotions to each
other even if we were apart.

Could you explain a bit better?

- I'll give you an example.
- Okay.

When our grandma died,
Rina was there.

I was in Fela playing
with my cousins.

All of a sudden, I felt terribly sad
and I burst into tears.

For no apparent reason.

Where were you
on the day that your sister...

I was in Montelusa
at my aunt and uncle's.

Did you experience
this communication with your sister

- ..on that day too?
- Yes.

I can even remember the exact time
because I looked at my watch.

- It was :.
- What happened?

I was alone in my room
getting dressed.

All of a sudden, I felt..

A very physical sensation,
like never before.

I felt like I was suffocating.

She was strangled, wasn't she?

Not exactly.

Did you go to the morgue
to identify her?

I only looked at her feet,
I recognized her toe.

How was she k*lled?

- Her throat was slit.
- Oh, my God!

Can you tell me what you felt?

A terrible pain in my throat.

I didn't think it was connected
to my sister.

You see, Rina and l
were identical.

But only physically, we had
very different personalities.

She was a good girl.

Whereas me...

even on that day, at my uncle's,
I had a sneaky cigarette.

For an instant, I thought
that's why I had that sensation.

Then I thought it must be connected
to something else that'd happened.

Can you tell us about that?

I'd rather not.

Were you and your sister close?

Yes, we talked about everything.

Did Caterina ever mention

that was bothering her?

We constantly had
a string of male admirers.

I found it amusing
but Rina used to get angry.

I was referring to a specific event.

- I know, you mean Ralph.
- Did she know him?

He would always come by
our house in Pizzo.

- To do what?
- To spy on us through the window.

I used to tease him,
but Rina couldn't stand him.

One day, I was home alone
and I was taking a shower.

When I came out, I found him
in front of me, totally naked.

- I hadn't put a towel on..
- What happened?

He begged me to give him a kiss.

- Weren't you scared?
- Other things scare me.

- What did you do?
- I went along with it.

I kissed him on the lips...

he put his hand on my breast,
he caressed it then ran away.

You weren't scared he would
molest you?

Not at all, he was totally impotent.

Even when he caressed me,
he didn't...

have any apparent reaction.

If he was harmless, why did Rina
run away when he tried to kiss her?

Rina and I were very different
under this aspect.

She wasn't scared,
she was extremely offended.

Then Spitaleri came by.

Yes, he saw Rina running away,
chased by Ralph who was naked.

He stopped, got out of his car
and punched Ralph.

He pulled out a knife and told him
he'd k*ll him if he did it again.

Do you know if Spitaleri
saw your sister again?


Fazio, what is it?

- We're late.
- What for?

For our appointment
with Di Pasquale.

I'd completely forgotten!
Sorry, but I have to go.

Can we meet up later?

- I need to arrange the funeral.
- Tomorrow morning then.

We've got relatives arriving then.
I can see you later, for lunch.

Yes, that'd be great.

Do you know the restaurant "Da Enzo"
on the beach at Marinella?

- Yes.
- I'll meet you there, at one.

- Okay.
- See you.

Fazio, see her out.

After you.

This way.

- Inspector, this is Mr Micciché.
- Good morning.

I'm missing out on a day's work!

- For that stupid apartment!
- Hasn't Spitaleri spoken to you?

- What about?
- Never mind.

The day the work was completed,
October th,

what time did you finish work?

That wasn't the last day,
I went back the next day.

- To do what?
- What I hadn't done the day before.


In the afternoon, on the th,
Di Pasquale arrived.

He told me not to dismantle
the passageway to check for leaks.

Maybe the owner was coming
to check on the work.

- What did you do?
- I left.

- And then?
- Di Pasquale called me that night.

He told me to dismantle it
the next day.

I went and dismantled it
and levelled out the sandstone.

Did you notice a trunk
in the sitting room?

- Yes, Speciale had thrown it away...
- Did you open it?

No, I knew it was empty
so there was no point.

Of course...
Take a look at this photo.

- What's she got to do with this?
- if you'd opened the trunk...'d have found
her dead body inside.


- Bastard!
- Mr Micciché, calm down!

- Son-of-a-bitch!
- Who?

He knew and he didn't tell me!

Spitaleri ? Calm down.

- Come and sit down.
- Over here.

I should've known that he wanted to
get me into trouble!

- Why would he do that?
- Why?

So you'd think it was me
that k*lled her.

When I left,
Di Pasquale was still here.

I know nothing about this matter,
nothing at all!

- Did you see this girl at the site?
- Never!


What did you do after work
on the afternoon of October th?

That day, my son Michele...

fell off his bicycle
and broke his leg.

I took him to the hospital
in Montelusa.

My wife came with me
and we stayed there till the evening.

- You can check.
- We will.

- All right, thank you.
- Thank you.


I'll smash Spitaleri's face in,
even if that means losing my job!

I don't remember where we were.

You asked me if Rina
and Spitaleri had met again

and I told you they had.

What did your sister tell you?

That Spitaleri,
after that day with Ralph...

had been bothering her.

In what way?

Rina was under the impression
that Spitaleri was following her.

If she took the bus into town,

on the way back, Spitaleri would
show up and offer her a lift.

- Did she accept those lifts?
- Sometimes.

Did Spitaleri always
act like a gentleman?


Up until the week before
Rina died.

- What happened?
- Something terrible.

Go on...

It was getting dark
and Rina accepted a lift.

But when they reached the house
of that farmer who was arrested,

he stopped the car
and molested her.

- What did she do?
- She screamed, the farmer came out.

She ran inside
and Spitaleri drove off.

- Why was the farmer arrested?
- Poor man...

The police found
one of Rina's earrings in his house.

Rina though she'd lost it
in the car.

I told them what had happened
with Spitaleri but to no avail.

You know the police...

Yes, I do.

Miss, Inspector...

- Enjoy your meal.
- Thanks, Enzo.

It smells great!

It's good ! Want to try some?

Yes, because I have to admit...

that spaghetti with clams
is my favourite dish.

Try mine.

I didn't order it because you did.

- Well?
- Delicious.

Can we be less formal?

Of course.

I didn't tell you at the station,
because that other man was there...

but with you it's different.

Go on...

That day,

before I had the sensation
that I was suffocating,

I felt a wave of panic...

absolute panic.

It had never happened to me before.

All of a sudden,

while I was standing
near the wardrobe,

I saw my sister's reflection
in the mirror.

She looked distraught.

Then I was catapulted
into total darkness,

a dark environment,

a slimy place,

where horrific things
could take place.

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.

For a few seconds,
I was blinded.

I tried to find my way
in the dark.

My legs buckled. I held onto
the wall so I wouldn't fall.

It was then...

that I felt invaded.

I felt like someone...

was possessing my body,


to insult it...

and to humiliate it.

That's enough.


Ls that what happened?

We think so.

- Let's go.
- Where?

You know where I want to go.

I don't need to tell you.


Everything's okay...

- Can I ask you a question?
- Go ahead.

Are you married?


- Do you have a girlfriend?
- Yes.

- What's her name?
- My girlfriend?


- Where do you live?
- Me?

In Marinella.

Give me your home number.


I've memorized it.

Thank you.

We've already interviewed
Cardillo and Micciché.

Don't waste your breath,
I know what happened.

Miccichè went to Spitaleri's office,
he was furious!

He went nuts ! But now
he may as well be a beggar.

It's hard to find work
as a labourer.

There are other building sites.

Yes, but all it takes is a word
from Spitaleri or me...

- To get him sacked.
- Yes.

- I'll take note of what you said.
- What do you mean?

In our presence,
you threatened a witness.

A witness?

A witness, my ass!

Watch how you're speaking!




So, you told us that the work
on the villa

was completed on October th.

But Micciché told us he was here
on the morning of the th.

- What difference does it make?
- That's for me to decide.

Spitaleri didn't know,
he was away.

Did you decide to extend
the deadline?


- Why didn't you tell us?
- I forgot.

You forgot...

You told us that a few days before
the work was completed here,

Spitaleri sent you to Fela.

Why were you still here
on the th and th?

Try to understand, when Spitaleri
told me about the body,

I got scared and made up
the story about the other site.


Now tell us exactly
how things went.


I came down here on the th.

I wanted to check for leaks,
and damp...

- Everything was fine.
- What about the next day?

The next day, I came here
around midday.

Micciché left and I waited
half an hour for the owner.

- Was everything in order?
- Yes.

- Even in the living room?
- Yes.

- And then?
- Speciale arrived with his stepson.

What time was that?

Who knows ! Around four maybe.

All three of us went down.

Speciale checked everything

I asked him if we could close
the passageway.

He said I could,
we said goodbye and I left.

- And Ralph, his stepson?
- He stayed in there.

He liked it in there.
He was crazy!

What did you do after you left?

- You want an alibi?
- it's best for you, if you have one.

I have!

I was in Spitaleri's office
from till .

His secretary and l
were waiting for a call.

His plane wouldn't have arrived
in Bangkok.

The plane was stopping off...
I can't remember where.

- Did Spitaleri call you?
- Yes.

It was about a contract
we were being assigned the next day.

- Was it assigned to you?
- Yes!

Do you know her?

Yes, I do.
She lived down the road,

in the house at the end.

- ls she the girl that you...
- Yes.

She's the girl that Spitaleri
rescued from Ralph.

Had you seen her round here?

Sometimes, when I passed by
her house.

How come Micciché never saw her?

The workmen get to the site
at in the morning

and they leave at .

I came and went.

All right, you can go.

I can?

I can go.
Thanks, have a good evening.

- Thanks, Inspector.
- Goodbye, thank you.

Goodbye, thank you.

- What do you think of his alibi?
- it could be true or false.

- But we can't verify that.
- We could ask the secretary.

She'll just say what Spitaleri
has told her to say.

Or she'll get fired.

With the unemployment situation,
she won't risk her job.


- Who... who...
- Never you mind who!

Don't move!

- Have you got a cell phone?
- Yes.

- Where?
- In my trouser pocket.

Get it out then ! Ciro!

- Ciro!
- Give it here, you won't need it!

- Who are you?
- We're friends, Filiberto!

- On your knees.
- What do you want?

- Spitaleri pays protection money.
- Keep your mouth shut!

Start praying.

Don't k*ll me, please!

- Listen to me.
- Please, don't k*ll me!

If you answer my questions,
I'll spare your life.

I will.

When the Arab workman fell
at Spitaleri's building site...

- ..was there protection?
- What Arab workman?

Don't make me mad. Three months ago,
when you worked for Spitaleri...

- ..a workman had a fall, right?
- Yes.

- Was there protection?
- No.

- You put it up on Sunday?
- You, Spitaleri and Di Pasquale?

- Yes.
- Whose idea was the wine?

- Spitaleri.
- Okay!

Make sure you don't get
any answers wrong.

Were the protective materials
here on site?

No, Spitaleri ordered it
and brought it here on Sunday.

- From what firm?
- Ribaudo.

- Did you sign the receipt?
- Yes.

Why didn't you use
Milluso's firm?

- I don't know...
- We told Spitaleri.

- "Use Milluso's firm !"
- "You have to use Milluso's firm !"

- Milluso's firm!
- But he didn't listen!

- No!
- He thinks he's smart!

He thinks he's smarter than us,
he's the expert!

- We're going to k*ll you now.
- Like a dog!

- That way he'll understand!
- He'll find a dead dog!

- Inspector...
- Fazio!

We had to get that information
somehow ! Let's go!

Are you thinking of the crimes
we've committed?

I'd rather not think about it.

So what's up then?

I don't like what I did.

I'm certain he didn't
recognise us.

I didn't say we hurt him,
but I don't like it.

- But he's a criminal!
- And we're not?

- Otherwise he wouldn't have talked.
- That's no excuse.

You want to go back and apologize?

- Sorry.
- it's all right.

You think Spitaleri fell for it
and believed it was Milluso?


In a few days he'll find out
it wasn't Milluso.

But a few days is all we need.

Let's go.

My dear man!
How are you ? Have a seat.

what news do you have?

Bad news...I'd say.
You know this firm?

It's called Ribaudo,
they supply building materials.

Of course!

No invoices, tax evasion,
amended account books...

In a few days,
we'll be paying them a call.

Why not tomorrow?
Those books may be useful to me.

Montalbano, it's the feast
of the Assumption tomorrow!

- Of course, how silly of me!
- We could do it...

- .. the next day.
- Okay!

- What do you want to know?
- Listen.

In July there was an accident
at Spitaleri's building site.

A poor illegal immigrant fell from
some scaffolding and died.

He didn't have a residence permit.

I think protective measures
were missing but I can't prove it.

Ribaudo supplied protective materials
to Spitaleri.

- Hello?
[- Can I come by in an hour ?]

I have an important appointment.

[Never mind.]

[My relatives from Milan are here, ]
[the ones from Montelusa.]

- You told me they were coming.
[- They've come for the funeral.]

- When is it?
[- Tomorrow morning.]

[They'll be leaving]
[straight after.]

[Keep yourself free for tomorrow]
[evening, my nurse friend's coming.]

- Adriana, the kind of job I have...
[- Do what you can.]

[I'm very fond of you, ]
[see you tomorrow.]

Salvo, what is it?

It's a delicate matter,
I want your opinion.

- I'm all ears.
- it's about the m*rder of a girl.

I interviewed the constructor,
Spitaleri, maybe you know him.

I investigated the death of a workman
that died on his building site.

That's what I wanted to talk about.
What was your conclusion?

Accidental death,
the site was in order.

I let them rescue work
after five days.

The public prosecutor pressured me
to do it.

When did you go to the site?

Monday morning,
when the body was discovered.

All protective measures
were in place.

I concluded that the workman
was drunk

and he fell as he was climbing over
the fence.

The autopsy showed he had more wine
than blood in his veins.

Didn't you suspect that when he fell
protective measures were missing?

And that they put it there on Sunday
so it'd be found on Monday?

Of course I did!

- So what did you do?
- I did what you'd have done!

I asked the public prosecutor
to investigate the Ribaudo firm.

He said the investigation
was over.

Okay, look...

I managed to find
the proof you needed from Ribaudo.

Spitaleri had the material delivered
at dawn on Sunday.

His foreman assembled it
along with the watchman.

- This doesn't prove anything.
- Didn't you see the date?

- Sunday, July th.
- And the public prosecutor will say

that seeing Spitaleri
was a regular customer of Ribaudo,

sometimes the material
was supplied on a Sunday.

And that the material was needed

because on Monday they had
to raise another level.

And then he'll ask you how
you got your hands on this receipt.

Spitaleri will get off scot free...

and you'll get your ass kicked
for taking that receipt.

- ls the prosecutor involved?
- No!

He just wants to progress
in his career.

And to do that, the first rule
is to let sleeping dogs lie.

So we just let this dog
carry on sleeping?

Think about it, Montalbano.

The public prosecutor
weighed up the situation...

on one side, there's Spitaleri's
with his political protection

and on the other, there's the body
of a dead workman.

Who did he decide to help?

The local paper dedicated two lines
to the dead Arab workman.

What would happen
if Spitaleri is investigated?

I'd really love to wake
that sleeping dog!

Good morning.

What do you want?

- A crate of tomatoes.
- A crate?

Normal or cherry tomatoes?

- Which ones are sweeter?
- The cherry tomatoes.

- Those then.
- I'll get them for you.

I recognise you!
You're that damn cop!

Inspector Montalbano!

- Yes, but... can I have a word?
- Again?

- I'm sick of this!
- Sick of what?

I came to ask you about Spitaleri
and that girl,

I saw your tomatoes so I thought:
"I'll buy some tomatoes !"

I'm sick of this.
When will you leave me alone?

When will that be?

I've got nothing to do with it!
Go away!

Get out of my house!

- I'm going...
- Get out of my house!

I'm going...

- You've ruined my life ! Go away!
- Put that r*fle down.

I'm going...


Put your hands in the air!

You're under arrest!


- You broke police seals.
- There were no seals!

- Who said that?
- Me.

Mr Callara, it's you again!

Yes, but there were no seals.

- So who broke them?
- I don't know, who?

Callara, don't make me mad.
I'll ask the questions here.

Who broke them?

I did, but I forgot.
Put your hands down, get out!

- I didn't put any sugar in.
- That's okay...

Thank you.

I nearly died of fright then.

Me too.

- I'm Mr Palladino, I'm a surveyor.
- What did you come here for?

The planning permission request
deadline is almost up.

I received Mrs Gudron's documents
from Germany today

so I called the surveyor

to start doing the necessary work.

We have to photograph
the unauthorised building.

When will the seals be removed?

- Are you in a hurry?
- Yes, a bit.

I need to arrange the restoration
date with Spitaleri.

He's such a busy man,
if I don't book him now...

if Spitaleri is busy,
just use someone else.

- I can't.
- Why?

There's a written agreement
I didn't know about.

It arrived with the documents
form Germany.

- An agreement?
- A private one.

"Mr Speciale formally undertakes
to employ...

Spitaleri's firm to carry out
the work on unauthorised apartment

once the planning permission
has been received."

And that's not all!

"He agrees to not use
any other firm...

if Spitaleri's firm
is unavailable,

he will wait until it is available."

What kind of an agreement is that?

I've never heard of such a thing.
What about you?

No, never.

- What's the date on that?
- October th .

The day before Speciale
returned to Germany.

- Hello?
[- I can't come over tonight.]

[The nurse is coming]
[tomorrow morning.]

[- You'll be at work, won't you ?]
- Yes.

[I want to see you.]

[ I really want to see you.]

[ You know what ?]

[Remember I told you my relatives]
[were leaving for Milan today ?]

- Yes.
[- Well, they left here...]

[but there flight was cancelled]
[due to a strike.]

- So what did they do?
[- They took the train, poor things.]

[In this heat, they'll have]
[a horrid journey !]

[What were you doing ?]

Who ? Me?

[Inspector Montalbano, ]
[Mr Salvo, what were you doing...]

[when you received the call from]
[the student, Adriana Morreale ?]

I was laying the table.

[ In the kitchen where]
[you usually eat alone ?]

- I don't like eating in the kitchen.
[- Where then ?]

On the veranda.

[- Lay the table for two, please.]
- For two ? Why?

[- I want to be there too.]
- You said you couldn't come!

[In an ideal world, I wish I could !]

[from each other's plates.]

[Bye, I'll call you tomorrow.]

[- I like you very much. ]
- Right.

[- What did you say ?]

No, nothing...

- We'll speak tomorrow, bye.
[- Bye.]

[Remember I told you my relatives]
[were leaving for Milan today ?]

[They left here, ]

[but their flight was cancelled]
[because of a strike.]

- Fazio, come here right away!
- I'm coming!

Sit down.

Did you know there was a strike
yesterday at Fontanarossa airport?

- Lots of flights were cancelled.
- No, I didn't know.

When I found out, I thought
nothing of it.

Then I started
to have some suspicions

so I went to the airport
this morning.

- And?
- I know who k*lled Rina.

- Spitaleri?
- Don't spoil it for me!

- I'm supposed to say his name!
- Okay, I won't say another word.

How did you know?

Fontanarossa is an airport,
which suspect took a flight?

- Only one: Spitaleri.
- Right.

We thought Spitaleri's alibi
was true,

his trip to Bangkok, the call
he made to Di Pasquale...

He could've called from anywhere.

But his stamped ticket confirms
his alibi.

No, you're wrong!
In those days...

if you wanted to change your ticket,

they just stuck a label
on your old one...

with the flight number,
date and time.

I made some enquiries and discovered
that October th was a Wednesday.

Spitaleri was taking a flight
that stopped over in Rome.

When he got to the airport,

he saw that the Catania-Rome flight
had been cancelled.

So he got his ticket changed
for a flight the next day.

- Up to there, we're covered.
- What do you mean?

That we can prove all of that,
now we have to make a supposition.

- Spitaleri comes back to Vigata...
- Exactly.

He stops off at Pizzo
to check the work.

He finds no one and sees that
the entrance hasn't been closed.

So I'm going to make
a wild assumption:

that he sees Rina
and he thinks...

that in that moment,
he's not there.

Of course, no one knew he'd left.

it was a perfect opportunity!

So he calls his office to confirm
his alibi.

- But that was his biggest mistake!
- Why?

He hadn't flown to Bangkok
for some time so he didn't know

that the Rome-Bangkok flights
are direct now!

So when could he have
made that call?

- Right.
- Feeling confident...

Spitaleri tries it on with Rina
and when she refuses him,

he threatens her with his knife
to make her follow him.

- You can imagine the rest.
- No, I'd rather not.

This would also explain
the existence of that agreement.

He wanted to be sure
that he re-opened the apartment.

Right, when he got back from abroad,
he got Speciale to sign the contract.

- That makes sense.
- What do you think I should do?

Go and see Tommaseo tomorrow,
explain it to him and...

- I'll get screwed over!
- Why?

Spitaleri has so many contacts

that Tommaseo will be
walking on egg shells.

Making trouble for Spitaleri

means making trouble for politicians,
Mafiosi, mayors and so on.

- So what should we do?
- We have to get a confession.

A confession ? How?

I've got an idea.

But I don't want
to tell you about it now.

- Can you come to my place at :?
- Okay.

I'll see you then.

God, it's beautiful here!

I finally made it!

- I'm, so excited!
- Really ? Because...

Will you give me a tour?


This is the main part of the house,
downstairs it's just the kitchen...

What side do you sleep on?

That side.

- What's your girlfriend's name?
- Livia.

- Where's she from?
- Genoa.

- Show me a photo of her.
- I haven't got one.

- Come on, I won't eat it!
- Really, I haven't got one!

Why not?

I don't know.

Where is she now?

She's unavailable.

- What does that mean?
- She's on a boat with some friends.

On a boat with some friends...

- Won't you pour me some wine?
- Yes...

- I wanted to ask you something.
- I haven't got a boyfriend.

And right now, I'm not seeing anyone.

That's not what I wanted to ask.

- You knew Spitaleri in person?
- No, I've never met him.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

- How come?
- I was staying in Montelusa.

And after Rina went missing?

I was at my grandparents' house
in Palermo, my family was worried.

- What about recently?
- No, I don't think so.

I didn't go to the funeral.

Okay, shall we eat?


- Why did you ask me about him?
- I'll tell you later.

- You said you had some news.
- We'll talk about it later.

- Will you stop?
- Why are you worried?

I don't want to marry you!

I'm not at all worried.

I like you a lot, but there are
two things you must keep in mind.

Firstly, I've been with
a woman I love for years.

And secondly, I've always
tried to remain faithful to her...

But she's unavailable.

Who is it?

It must be Fazio, I forgot.

Salvo, where's the toilet?

Here, the light's over here.

- Inspector...
- Come in.

- Have you got guests?
- Yes, Adriana.

Is she leaving?


- Want a glass of wine?
- No...

- Have you eaten?
- Yes.


She's in the toilet.

You want to call Spitaleri
into the station,

put him through some tough
questioning till he cracks up,

then make Adriana, who is the image
of her sister, appear before him.


You think that when he sees
his victim's twin sister,

he'll confess?

Don't you?

He's not that soft!

If you call him in,
he'll put his guard up.

Meeting him isn't a bad idea,

but the station
isn't the right place.

- I think Fazio's right.
- About what?

- Not at the station.
- So where then?

After the funeral, my father
decided to buy the villa in Pizzo.

He can't stand the thought
of other people living there,

where Rina died
in such a horrible way.

He wants the house to remain empty
and I agree with him.


I'm going to that man's agency
tomorrow morning...


I'll tell him I want
to buy the villa.

I'll pay for the paperwork.
We'll make a good offer.

I'm sure I'll convince him
and he'll mention Spitaleri.

Then what?

I'll call Spitaleri
and make him come to Pizzo.

If he finds me where he k*lled

You're nuts, you can't be alone
with him!

I won't be alone...

you'll be there with me.

What do you think?

I don't think it's a good idea.

We shouldn't put her life
in danger.

You come too, maybe with Galluzzo.

Okay, as you wish.

But think about it.

In every way.

Good night.

Good night.

- Where are Fazio and Galluzzo?
- They're down there.

How are you ? Are you okay?

You mustn't worry, okay?

- Well?
- We used the extension.

- The three lamps are on.
- ls there enough light?

- Yes.
- Listen, Galluzzo...

Move the cars,
park them far away.

Just leave Adriana's here.

Then take up your positions
at the windows...

and we'll wait for Spitaleri.
He could walk in from anywhere.

He might not come through the gate.

I'll hide behind here.

Can you see me?

- No.
- Okay, I'll stay here.

Salvo, I'm scared.

I'm really scared.

- Adriana, let's go.
- No, wait ! Give me your g*n.

- Why?
- I'll feel safer.

- Miss Morreale, where are you?
- Go!

Miss Morreale!

Where are you?

- I'm here!
- I can't see you...

But you...

- You're not...
- Come here, Michele.

Look at me.

How do I look?
You want to try it on again?

You're a slut!

You're a whore!

You're worse than your sister!

Maybe I'll k*ll you,
just like I did with your sister!

- I'll k*ll you!
- No!

I had to sh**t him..

He wanted to k*ll her as well.

He's still holding the knife.