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05x02 - Equal Time

Posted: 12/25/22 08:44
by bunniefuu

Go and see.

Wait, where are you going?

You slut!

What the hell did you do?

Let's go.
Let the hare run, we'll get it.

Catarella, would you mind
telling me what the hell is going on?

Augello's baby was born,
he's on leave.

You could've called Fazio.

Fazio is on patrol
with Tortorella and Galluzzo.

What's happened?

I received an anonymous call
saying a dead body had been found.


In the Poggio Malavento area,
in the stone quarry.

I know where that is.

I'll go there. As soon as someone
turns up, send them there.

- How will I do that?
- Do what?

Know when someone turns up.
I'm here.

- Where, at the crime scene?
- Yes. Seeing no one was around...

My goodness!

Don't touch anything. Keep
everyone away. I'm on my way.


Catarella, can you hear me?

I can hear you, Inspector.
I'm calling with my cell phone.

Text Jacomuzzi and Pasquano
and tell them to come here.

Inspector, you have to say
"contact" them, not "text" them.

Really? ls that right?

Yes, Inspector.

Catarella, do me a favour.
Mind your own damn business.

- Catarella.
- Here I am.

I did as you told me.
l called Pasquano and Jacomuzzi.

Pasquano did his work and left.
Jacomuzzi is still here.

- How was he k*lled?
- He was shot in the face.

- In the face?
- it's all a bit much for me.

- Go back to the station. Good work.
- Thanks.

I'm sorry, Salvo. But you're
not going to like this m*rder victim.

- Why's that?
- it's mafia business...

- Old style.
- A sawn-off shotgun?

A shot in the face
and regards to the family.

The identity papers say that the lucky
soul gone on to new pastures

was called Angelo Bonpensiero.

One of the Cuffaro family.


I'm going. Bye, Salvo.


Did you get the tyre track imprints?

Of course.

Let me know
what kind of car it was.

I'll do my best.

Heaven help us then...

Come in.

Mimi, why are you here?
Aren't you on paternity leave?

What was I supposed to do? I found
out about the Bonpensiero m*rder.

- How's the baby?
- The baby's fine.

- You should ask me how I am.
- Why?

Because babies cry and scream
non-stop for no reason.

They're not hungry or sick.

- They just stress you out for fun.
- He must take after his father.

No, I called him Salvo because I knew
he'd be a pain in the ass like you.

Come in.


- I have some information on the body.
- Have a seat.

Bonpensiero was and was married
to Mariuccia Cuffaro.

She is Masino's only daughter.
He's the head of the family.

Bonpensiero's career progressed
rapidly with the "family".

He became his father-in-law's
right hand man very quickly.

- Did he have a normal job?
- Yes, he worked at the quarry.

So the w*r between the Sinagras
and the Cuffaros has started again.

The Sinagras started sh**ting
and it's the Cuffaros turn now.

Why would they start a w*r again
after a ten-year truce?

Maybe seeing
that the two bosses are old,

one of the younger men
has decided to take over.

- I don't think so.
- Why not?

Don't forget that all the Cuffaros

were k*lled by the Sinagras
with a sawn-off shotgun.

That's what doesn't convince me.

Nowadays the mafia uses
different ways to k*ll people.

A sawn-off shotgun seems too obvious.

What do you mean "too obvious"?

I'm not convinced that this m*rder
was done by the mafia.

Fazio, draw me up a family tree

of the Sinagra and Cuffaro
"families" as they are now.

Contact your colleagues in
the Anti-Mafia squad and find out

if Angelo Bonpensiero
was being investigated.

That's Mariuccia Cuffaro,

Bonpensiero's widow.

That's Masino behind her,
he's the head of the family.

He made his money with fake
construction contracts.

Some people say that Bonpensiero
wanted to take his place.

I can't see Sisinno Cuffaro.

He's there, at the back.

- Where?
- The man with the stick.

Oh, yes. There he is.

- Who's the big guy next to him?
- Cosimo Zaccaria.

Bonpensiero's chauffeur
and bodyguard.

Lillino Sinagra...
What's he doing here?

I've come to bring your daughter
and your family our condolences...

Don't worry.

It's a tough moment,
but you have to be strong.


What are you up to? First you
call me, then you don't show up.

- Sorry, I got held up.
- Why do you want to see me?

You said it was all clear
and you wouldn't have bothered me.

But I started thinking
and I need a few answers.

Well, I can tell you that
Bonpensiero was k*lled

with a sawn-off shotgun
at close range.

- We knew that.
- But you'll be interested to know...

that as an act of mercy
his murderers wanted to spare him

the horror of looking
death in the face.

What do you mean?

I found evidence of a blow
to the victim's neck,

just before he died.

What kind of blow?

A blow from something
which left a bruise

without breaking his skull.

Couldn't he have hit
his head as he fell?

No, there are no lacerated
and contused wounds on his neck.

He was probably hit from behind

because there are no traces of
a struggle on the body.

Come in.

Did you want me?

Fazio, come in.

Pasquano says that Bonpensiero

received a blow to the head
before he was shot.

A blow to the head?
At the quarry, or before?

I don't know. We're sure that he
was shot at the quarry.

Why would they knock him out
before sh**ting him?

I don't know, not out or mercy,

nor to spare him
the horror of death.

They wanted us to find
Bonpensiero at the quarry.

But how did the Sinagras
take him to the Cuffaro's quarry

and sh**t him without being seen?

That's another reason why
l don't think it's a mafia m*rder.

The snails!

You're always late!

I got an important call.

- What time's our appointment?
- Now, hurry up.

- Let's take the car.
- No, let's walk.

How's daddy's little boy?

- I can't help it if I fancy you!
- People are looking at us!

- Has Salvo had his feed?
- Of course.

He smiled at me!

Catarella, what's with the moped?


l collect snails
early in the morning

to take them to my aunt Carmela
who cooks them for me.

- They're delicious!
- I see, but the moped?

I found it in the woods,

and I'm pushing it
because it doesn't work.

Aren't you supposed to be
at the station?

I'm taking the moped to the garage
then I'll go.

- Alright.
- Excuse me...

Can I look at the baby?

Of course.

Well, you know...

He smiled at me!

We've found a babysitter!

I'm good with children.

Once, my niece Concetta
didn't want to eat...

Sorry, but we're late
for our paediatric visit.


See you.

As well as having served a few months
in prison for petty crimes,

Bonpensiero was being investigated

because he was suspected of being
the Sicilian contact

for a trade of women and cigarettes
coming from Ukraine.

The Russian mafia send the cigarettes
to Greece and then to Sicily.

The women are made to prost*tute
themselves once they get to ltaly.

But last year, Bonpensiero
found out he was being followed

and suspended his trade.

Excuse me, Calogero...

He cancelled every trace
and the investigation was called off.

Do you want some dessert?

- What is there?
- Cannoli filled with goat's cheese.

Or lemon pie.

- I don't want any dessert. And you?
- No, for heaven's sake.

- Just the bill.
- I'm paying this time.

- No, you have a family.
- This meal's on the house.

- Thanks, is it your birthday?
- No.

But don't come for the next few days.

- Why?
- We'll be shut.

- Are you fixing the place up?
- No, I'm retiring.

- Are you kidding?
- No, Inspector Montalbano.

As you know, I've had a double by-pass
and the doctor says I shouldn't work.

So I'm going to
spend my time in the country.

What about the restaurant?

My cousin might take over.
But I'm closing it for now.

What'll I do?


Hear that? Calogero's closing down.
Where will I go to eat now?

He's closing down. Adelina can't cook
for me as her aunt's in hospital...

A friend told me about a restaurant
which might console you.

It's called "Da Enzo".

- Have you been there?
- No.

But this friend is fussier than you
and he said it was good.

I'll give you the address
at the station.



What's going on?

The Cuffaros retaliated.

Let's go.

Did you know Michele Zummo?

Yes, by name.

What else has to happen
to convince you it's a mafia w*r?

Zummo was one of the Sinagras.

I know.

One plus one is two. The Cuffaros
retaliated to Bonpensiero's m*rder.

No, that's too simple.

Did you go to Bonpensiero's funeral?

I couldn't come because
the baby was up all night...

Never mind, I understand.
l went.

Would Lillino Sinagra
k*ll Bonpensiero

then offer his condolences
at the funeral?

- It's not logical!
- There's no logic in any of this.

Maybe the Sinagras wanted
to create a distraction.

No, Mimi.
The mafia follows certain rules.

There's always some logic,
even if you don't see it right away.

Where the hell is the way out?

Good morning, Mr. Sinagra.

Good morning, Inspector.
Have a seat.


First of all, I must thank you

for accepting my invitation.

I always say

that you are the proof that
gentlemen still exist.

I'm only here because what you say
may be useful for my investigation.

Do you want an orange?

- They're sweet.
- No, thanks.

I can't eat them.

When you're old,
life is full of sacrifices.

This is all you're left with.

The scent of good things.

I was told you found
Michele in his greenhouse.

Michele was a good man,
a worker.

He planted everything in those
greenhouses himself...

without anyone's help

and he wanted no money from us.

He wanted to show my niece

that he was good enough
for our family.

Poor soul!

He didn't deserve to die like this.

He didn't deserve it.

Did Angelo Bonpensiero
deserve to die like he did?

You know, ten years ago
it was the Sinagras

that wanted to end the w*r
with the Cuffaros.

Don Sisinno and I met

in Villa Atlantide, in Monreale,

to shake hands
and bury the hatchet.

The Sinagras didn't k*ll Bonpensiero.

I want to tell you something.

In my house,
all the young guys respect me.

I don't know for how long, but now...

There's a Cuffaro family saying

that says after Don Sisinno
there have been no men...

capable of being in charge.

Not even Bonpensiero,
who was a big shot.

Are you trying to tell me

that Masino Cuffaro had his
daughter's husband k*lled?

I didn't say that, Inspector.

If Don Masino wanted to k*ll someone,

he didn't need to create
this big farce.


Unfortunately for Don Masino,
he didn't have any sons.

He only had one daughter.

I've been told

that Mariuccia Cuffaro...

isn't really...

..very smart.

I see.

Come in.

Mrs. Mariuccia Cuffaro.

- Good morning.
- I'm Inspector Montalbano.

Thanks for coming.
I'm sorry to have bothered you.

There are some facts about your
husband's death I need to understand.


What did your husband do
on Thursday night?

What he did every night.

After dinner, he sat in front of
the TV then he fell asleep.

And what did you do?


I sat in front of the TV too.

But I didn't fall asleep,
like every evening.

- And then?
- Nothing.

At about o'clock Angelo got up
and went out.

- Where did he go?
- I don't know.

- You didn't ask him?
- No.

Any idea where he went?

- He didn't say.
- Let me get this.

At a certain time,
your husband suddenly goes out.

You don't know where to
and you didn't ask?


Why not? Did your husband
usually go out at that time?

He hardly ever went out
in the evening.

Didn't you worry
when he didn't come back?

That night, I took two sleeping pills
and fell into such a deep sleep

that I wouldn't have woken up
if the house had fallen down.

I see.

Tell me, Mrs. Cuffaro...

did your husband have any enemies?

The Cuffaro family
only has one enemy, the Sinagras.

I don't know about my husband.

Do you suspect
that anyone k*lled him?

I don't suspect, I know.

- Who would that be?
- Who?

Do I have to tell you?

That m*rder carries a signature
and a countersignature.

It was the Sinagras,

they k*lled him.

No one's saying a word
at Zummo's greenhouse.

There were workmen at the time
of the m*rder, but they saw nothing.

Bonpensiero's quarry is outdoors
and more than people work there

but when he was k*lled,
no one was around.


Couldn't it be a mafia w*r between
the Cuffaros and the Sinagras?

Don't you start as well!

I believe Balduccio Sinagra
more than Bonpensiero's widow.


Because I think there's more
to these murders.

- Where are you taking me?
- Trust me, we're almost there.

Couldn't Mr. Scozzese come
to the station?

He's old, he can't go out
because he has mobility problems.

He apologized
and asked us to visit him.

- Let's go and see Mr. Scozzese then.
- it's not my fault.

Forget it.

Come in.

- Good morning, Inspector.
- Good morning.

Thanks for coming.

- I'll show you the way.
- Thanks.

You must forgive me,
but I find it very hard to walk.

How long has the girl been missing?

I last saw Eva three days ago,
on Thursday.

She went out in the morning
and never came back.

Why did you only
report her missing today?

Because I think if someone
decides to disappear,

they have to be left in peace.

And anyway, I knew that one day
Eva would leave me.

That she would have left, I mean.

Why, wasn't she happy here?

She said she was.

Would you like some coffee?

No, thanks.

Did the girl live here?

Yes, she had her own room.

- Can I take a look?
- Yes, of course.

- Thanks.
- Come in.

What kind of life did she lead?

Was she seeing anyone?
Did she go out?

Only on Thursdays, her day off.

She stayed in the other evenings.

We would watch films on TV
the other days.

But above all she liked me
to tell her stories about Sicily.

I told her about where I used
to teach, about my books...

You know, my life
had totally changed with Eva.

She brought me back
to the days when I used to teach.

And I'm ashamed to say it,

but when I looked at her,
my heart would warm up.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.



Mr. Scozzese...

you said she never went out but
there are clothes and perfume here.

Did she dress up and put perfume on
to watch TV?

Actually, she had started
going out more recently.

She'd bought herself a scooter
and sometimes came home late.

There she is, that's Eva.

- Did she have any friends?
- Yes, she did.

She told me about them sometimes.
They were all Eastern European girls.

- But I didn't know them.
- I see.

Alright, we'll inform you
if we have any news.

- Thank you, Inspector.
- Goodbye.

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

This might be useful to you.

On Thursday afternoon at around ,

l went for my usual nap.

In my dream...

l seemed to hear Eva coming back
on her scooter.

But maybe it was just a dream.

I don't know, it could be.

- Goodbye.
- Thanks.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, Inspector.

- A sawn-off shot g*n again?
- No, this time they played safe.

A Kalashnikov, four sh*ts

to the heart, lungs and liver.

It seems they shot
from metres away at least.

But Jacomuzzi
will give a more accurate report.

- Galluzzo...
- Inspector.

- Whose is the body?
- Fichera, married to a Cuffaro.

Cuffaro, huh?

- Call Fazio.
- He's not here, Inspector.

He wasn't at the station either.

- ls he on holiday?
- I don't know.

I see.


- Inspector!
- What is it?

- Fazio is on the phone.
- Fazio!

There's been a third m*rder
and you disappear?

Who cares about the investigation?
Where are you?

The superintendent?
What did he want?

Right away?
Alright, anything else?

No. Bye.

Fazio, it's Galuzzo.

What do you want me to say?

The Inspector's furious.

Today's m*rder
brings the number to three...

Everyone thinks it's the mafia,
except for you, Montalbano.

- Superintendent, I'm sorry but...
- Montalbano...

I've received calls from
the president of the region,

the secretary of infrastructures,
the honourable Mangiapane,

the deputy secretary of the parliament
relations department,

the MPs Accardo, Randazzo,
Ruggirello, Buscaino and Minore.

They were all asking the same thing.

What are the police doing
to fight the mafia w*r?

Vigata is on the front page
of newspapers and on the news.

Do you realize how damaging this is
for the image of our province?

I know, but what do you
want me to say?

You have to provide
tax-paying citizens...

with the peace of mind
they expect the police to give them.

With concrete actions,
which guarantee safety

and show that this territory is
protected by the forces of order.

Sir, things aren't what they seem
and I thought...

This is no time for thinking,
but for action.

From now on

Trupiano, the chief of the flying
squad, will be in charge of the case.

I called you here to inform you.

Trupiano will lead the investigation?


Where are you going?

I will not let you...


- Inspector.
- Yes?

- I knew it.
- What?

- That you'd come.
- Really?

- I was waiting for you.
- And here I am.

- Come in.
- Thanks.

Lay the table for Inspector
Montalbano. I'm going to the kitchen.

I'll take the Inspector's order.

Good morning.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Yes, the two girls are Russian.

They're blonde with blue eyes.
They all look the same to me.

- Thanks, Nicola.
- No problem.


- Are they here?
- Yes.

- Good morning, Inspector.
- Good morning.

Good morning,
are you Anja Mashenko?

- No, she's Anja.
- I'm Anja.

Good morning.

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

- I have a permit.
- I don't need to see it.

I just want to ask you
a few questions.

- Do you know Eva Ljubin?
- Yes, of course. Why?

- When did you last see her?
- Well, today's Monday...

One, two, three...
four days ago.

I haven't seen her for four days.

Where did you see her
four days ago?

At the fisherman's club.
We're the only women who go there.

Eva, Alina and l
often meet up there.

We've even learnt
how to play cards.

What time did Eva leave?

It must have been
four in the afternoon.

- Four. Was she alone?
- Yes.

She left on her moped.

She recently bought herself
a moped

Eva's great on her moped!


Yes, this is Eva's moped.

This is it.

What's happened?
Where did you find it?

I found it.
l collect snails in the morning...



Come into my office.

Sit down.

What's happened?
Where's Eva?

She wouldn't leave her moped
for three days without...

Where is she?
Do you know?

Mr. Scozzese only reported
her missing yesterday.

- Do you know him?
- No, I've never seen him.

What's happened?

Don't worry. We'll find out
and let you know.


Can you give us your phone number?

Fazio will take your details.

As soon as we find anything out,
we'll call you.

Excuse me.

- Have you got a cell phone?
- No.

A home phone?



I found the red moped right there.

The other day as I was
collecting snails.

I was behind this wall
collecting snails

and at a certain point
l spotted the red moped.

I know, you told me
in the car already.

- Was it on the floor?
- it was over there.

It was here.


What is it?

I found this.

Why are you bringing me a shoe?

It might belong to the girl.

Maybe she left the moped here
and escaped that way.

There's some glass there form
from a car headlight.

Pick it up and try and find out
what car it's from.


- Where's Catarella?
- He went that way.

- Catarella!
- I'm here, Inspector.

- What are you doing?
- Come and see what I found!

- Inspector, it smells of...
- I know, I can smell it too!

Ls anyone home?

- Who is it?
- I'm Inspector Montalbano.

What do you want?

It's nothing to do with me,
it's just...

Don't worry,
we just want to have a look.

What's your name?

Biagio Cocuzza.

What do you do here?
Are you a farmer or a shepherd?

Biagio doesn't do anything,
he gets social security.

They give him money.

Listen, have you ever seen
this girl round here?

- That one?
- Yes, this one.

No, I've never seen her.

Biagio never sees anyone,

Biagio is always on his own.

Inspector, look.

Whose is this?

I don't know anything.

Biagio doesn't know anything.

Biagio is a lucky soul.

A lucky soul...

Anyone home?

Anyone home?

Yes. Who is it?

Good morning.

Where did you find it?

Is it Eva's?


Yes, it's Eva's.

Is she dead?

No... we don't know that yet.

- Good morning.
- Hello, Catarella.

You have to come with us.

No, no handcuffs. We just
want to ask you a few questions.

Catarella, stay here.
Keep everyone away.

Yes, sir.

Have you got a cigarette?

Galuzzo, give him one.


You're very kind.

That depends.

What happened to the girl?

It's got nothing to do with me.

He took her, I'm not involved.

Who's he?

Who's he?

Biagio has to keep his mouth shut.

He can't tell you!


- My head hurts!
- Alright, calm down.

Where did "he" take the girl?

I don't know, I don't know!

- You don't know?
- No.

- Did he hurt her?
- I don't know. Biagio doesn't know!

Stop it! The voices!

- I can hear voices!
- Calm down.

- The Puppeteer!
- Calm down!


- Inspector...
- What's happened?


I have news about the investigation,
but I couldn't find you...

- I took the liberty of coming here.
- You did well.

I found out an interesting
piece of information.

The missing persons list for the last
eight years is very short.

Apart from Eva Ljubin,
there's just Rosalia Pellegrino.

Biagio Cocuzza was questioned
in connection with her years ago.

Only women have gone missing and
they're both connected to Cocuzza?


Rosalia has never been found.

Eight people went missing in nearby
areas during the same period.

But that area's more
than km from here.

That's too far for there to be
any connection with our case.

- Alright... want some coffee?
- Thanks, but I'd rather go home.

- Good work, Fazio.
- Just doing my job.

Following the discovery
of Pasquale Fighera's body,

a police operation
is underway in Vigata,

led by the flying squad
with Trupiano in charge.

Lillino Sinagra and Masino Cuffaro
have been arrested.

- Hello? Montalbano speaking.
- it's Balduccio Sinagra.

Good evening, Mr. Sinagra.


l have to think
that you have become...

one of those damned cops

who do nothing but...

lock everyone up.

Mr. Sinagra,
we're not getting off to a good start.

I am a cop,
don't you forget that.

And perhaps you think

that by arresting my son and Cuffaro's
son the w*r will finish?

I don't know.

Your son and Masino Cuffaro's son
have committed crimes.

They'd have ended up in prison
sooner or later.

Inspector, I didn't call you
to complain.

You're a man of justice.

You can't arrest my son because
he reacted like a man of honour

to an offence...

committed by the Cuffaros.

They started this w*r
for no reason.

I know. You didn't start it.
But that's not my business.


you can't arrest my son

because he's a man of honour.

Your son gave orders
for two men to be k*lled!


Just one, not two!

- What the hell's going on?
- Road works in progress.

Everything's alright.

Mimi, do you know
who Cosimo Zaccaria is?

- He's one of the Cuffaro's men.
- Bonpensiero's right hand man.

I don't think the Sinagras
are involved in this.

Are you crazy?

So the Cuffaros started a feud
to k*ll each other?

I'm not talking about
the last two murders.

What started all this?

- Angelo Bonpensiero's m*rder.
- Right.

I spoke to Balduccio Sinagra
and he told me

that they have nothing to do
with Bonpensiero's m*rder.

And I believe him.

Are you saying someone wants
it to look as if it was the Sinagras?


Good morning.

Mariuccia Cuffaro, the mafia head
Masino Cuffaro's daughter

and Angelo Bonpensiero's widow.

You see? She came to
see how Zaccaria's doing!

They want to know who shot him.

- Good morning.
- Hi, Galuzzo. You found anything?

We're working on it,
but we've found nothing so far.

We found a t*nk,
but there was nothing in it.

Did you look properly?



We looked in the gorge,
but we didn't find anything.

- What about here?
- Nothing.

When you're done here,
go to the other side of the railway.

Yes, Inspector.

- Catarella...
- Inspector.

- What are you doing?
- I was looking at the sheep.

Nice sheep,
and I'm an expert on them.

When I was a boy,
I'd go with my uncle Salvatore

and I'd ask him, "How can
you spend so much time alone?"

He'd say that the sheep
kept him company

and he listened to them. They tell
you everything you want to know.

Well, Inspector.
There are too many droppings.

- Too many what?
- Too many "olives", Inspector.

all around the house.

What do you mean?

Cocuzza has two sheep,

but these droppings belong
to lots more.

Too many, near the house as well.

Well, what do you think?

- ls that alright?
- I don't know.

We'll see.

Let me put some lipstick on.

- You look great, come on.
- Let's go.

How do I look?

You're perfect.

Inspector, I'm scared
I'll make a mistake.

I'm not sure this is right.

Legally, we're committing an abuse

but it's the only way
to save Eva, if she's alive.

- Alright.
- Shall we go?



Inspector, l...

didn't do anything to that girl.

I know, Biagio.
She's just come to say hello.

Are you sure she's alright?

Of course!

You said no one hurt her, right?

There, you see her?

But... but...

Hello, Biagio. How are you?

How's your boss?

Biagio's a good man.

Biagio wouldn't hurt anyone.

We know Biagio's a good man.
it's your boss that's nasty.

We can't remember his name.
Where can we find him?

You tell them I'm a good man,

that I wouldn't harm anyone,
not even an animal.

You tell him
where that man took you.

She can't remember,
why don't you tell us?

Biagio doesn't know.

He comes, stays a while
then he leaves.

He brings me food.

He gives me cheese, bread...

He comes with his sheep,
stays the night

and then he leaves.

That time he came with the girl.

I can't remember his name.

I can't remember.
Biagio doesn't remember.

What do you want from Biagio?

- Biagio is a lucky soul.
- We know that.

- Biagio is a lucky soul.
- Alright, calm down.

I'll just say this once,
l won't repeat it.

We have to find who kidnapped
and maybe k*lled two girls.

One, eight years ago.
The other one, a week ago.

Both missing girls
are connected to Biagio Cocuzza.

But our man is the one Biagio
is terrified to talk about,

the Puppeteer.

We think he may be a shepherd

and that he passes by
Cocuzza's house with his sheep.

The girl who went missing years ago
was called Rosalia Pellegrino.

She knew Biagio Cocuzza. She was seen
with him and wasn't scared of him.

But she didn't know that Biagio
took orders from the Puppeteer.

She shouldn't have trusted him.

On th April last year,

Eva Ljubin was running away.

She was being followed.

We don't know who by
and probably never will.

Who are you?

Eva got to Cocuzza's house
and thought she'd be safe.

She didn't know she'd ended up
in the lion's den.

Not Cocuzza, but the shepherd.

Catarella showed me some new tracks

left by passing flocks of sheep
in front of Cocuzza's house.

It could be that the shepherd
went past there this week

and took Eva Ljubin away with him.

Seeing that Cocuzza's house
is in the Assoro area,

if this shepherd exists,

we should search
the land in that area.

Shepherds don't move around
like they used to.

They usually take the sheep
to the sea along this path...

Good morning.

Can you help us?
We're looking for a shepherd...

Good morning.


Guys, don't screw up,

only sh**t when I tell you to,

Alvaro Sella's house is on
the other side of this mountain.

- How do you know?
- I met him once with my uncle.

Be careful. He's dangerous.
He's a savage.

- No one has ever gone near him.
- You heard that?

Be careful, okay?
Let's go.

- Where's Catarella?
- I don't know, he was behind us.


I found this bra,
someone's tried to burn it.

- Look.
- What's that?


What does this mean?

That he shears women
just like his sheep.


I think someone's
just finished eating here.


Yes, the soup's still warm.

Come and look.


Up there!


- Galluzzo!
- Yes, Inspector?

- Everything alright?
- Yes.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

- Did you see him?
- No.

Alvaro Sella, don't be stupid.

Come out with your hands up!

- What shall we do?
- What can we do?

Cover me.


Who shot?

Fazio, did you sh**t?


Don't worry.


It's all over.

Are you Eva?

Come with me.



No, no... don't worry.

- I have to thank you.
- What for?

- You saved my life.
- Just doing my job.


What made you think of going round
the back to sh**t him from behind?

Well, I'm a bit embarrassed to say.


If you promise you won't
tell anyone, I'll tell you.

I promise.

When we got out of the car,
l needed to go to the toilet.

I didn't know where to go,
so I went behind the houses.

When I finished, I heard sh*ts.

I looked and saw a man
pointing a r*fle.

I took my g*n and fired it.

You did well, there's nothing
to be embarrassed about.

Don't tell the others,
they'll make fun of me.

- A promise is a promise.
- Thanks.

Good morning.

- ls she sleeping?
- Yes.

- How is she?
- Better.

Thanks, Inspector.
From me and everyone.

You did a good job, Eva's alive.

How is she?
Did you get to speak to her?


They're giving her lots of medicine
and injections to make her sleep.

The doctor says she needs to sleep.

She was talking in her sleep
last night. I couldn't understand her.

She was crying in her sleep.

But she's alive.
Thanks, Inspector.

I'll come back to see you soon.
In the meantime,

if you need anything,
call me at the station.

We don't need anything.
We've got everything here.


Do you think Eva
is going to be okay?

I hope so.

Wait, Inspector.

I found this in Eva's house.
it was in the laundry.

- You know who this man is?
- Yes, he was in the papers.

He was k*lled,

but I don't remember his name.

- Angelo Bonpensiero.
- That's him!

- Did you ever see him with Eva?
- No.

I didn't know she had a friend.

- I'll keep these.
- Alright.

- See you soon.
- Bye.

Hello, Biagio.


Look what I brought you.

Thanks, Inspector.

How are you?

The doctor says

that I have to talk to him
once a week.

- And I do.
- Good.

- What does the doctor say to you?
- He doesn't say anything.

I do the talking.

When I talk to him,

I don't have bad thoughts.


- Can I ask you a question?
- Yes.

- Do you mind?
- No.

Remember when Eva came to see you?

It was night.

She arrived.
Biagio remembers.

She came to my house,

she was scared to death

and her leg was covered in blood.


Then the Puppeteer came
and took her away.

Yes, he took her away.

He said

women are sluts.

- That all women are sluts.
- I see.

Then he took her away with him.

Did you get a chance to talk to her?
Did she say anything to you?

She told me

that two men wanted to k*ll her.

Two men wanted to k*ll her?

Didn't she tell you their names?

I don't remember.

What do you want, Inspector?

Biagio is a lucky soul.

Yes, Biagio. I know.

Biagio is a lucky soul.

Come in, Inspector.

Go on.

Check that the delivery notes
are correct.


- Come in, Inspector.
- Thanks.

You're in charge of the quarry now
instead of your husband.

As you can see.
l don't have much time.

If you'd called,
you could have made an appointment.

This shouldn't take long.
l came to tell you

that we have reopened the case
about your husband's m*rder.

What's happened now?

Nothing, but we don't believe
the Sinagras k*lled him.


Did you know your husband
was seeing a Ukrainian girl?

I've never bothered
with such things.

Sooner or later, all men
get involved with some whore.

Apart from the fact
that we're all different,

as far as I know, Eva Ljubin
wasn't in that line of work.

By the way,

the girl that went missing on the day
your husband was k*lled,

has been found, alive.

And I think this is something
which will concern you.


Good morning.

Thanks for coming.

I asked you to come because
l want to tell you a story.

This is the story.

A women, let's call her Mariuccia,

finds out that her husband,
let's call him Angelo,

has a lover,
let's call her Eva.

His lover is a pretty young girl.

The wife is not pleased
about this relationship.

But she suffers in silence till she
finds out he wants to leave her.

That changes everything.

First of all, because
you can't leave the "family"

and secondly because the wife
is extremely proud.

So what does Mariuccia do?

She finds an accomplice, without whom
she wouldn't be able to do anything,

and she tells her husband
to go to a safe place.

He gets hit over the head,

then dragged him to the quarry
where he works

and he gets shot in the face
to make it look like a mafia m*rder.

Following this m*rder,
a mafia w*r breaks out.

More murders take place,
but the wife says nothing.

In the meantime, she's taken over
her husband's "family" business.

But Mariuccia made a mistake.

Out of jealousy, she told her
accomplice to k*ll Eva as well,

as she was her husband's lover.
But her accomplice can't do that.

Eva manages to escape.

She's alive and she can talk.

She's the one that has helped me
reconstruct this story.

What I want now

is that the mafia w*r between the
Sinagras and Cuffaros stops.

I want Angelo Bonpensiero's
m*rder*r to give himself up

and Mariuccia Cuffaro
to come to the station

charged with k*lling her husband
and the attempted m*rder of Eva.

- Good morning, Cosimo Zaccaria.
- What an nice surprise!

We've come to get you.
Get in the car.

We can't let you walk home
in your state! Come on.

Thanks, Don Sisinno.

But you needn't have put yourself
out for me. I'm honoured.

First of all, how are you?

I'm fine, Don Sisinno.

The doctors have done wonders.

They said that when
the plaster comes off

maybe I'll be able to walk again,
after some physiotherapy.

Cosimo, don't forget

that a man has to walk
with his own legs.

You remember that.

Where are we going?

This isn't the way to my house.

There's someone
who wants to speak to you.

- Let him in.
- Right away.

This way, please.

Inspector, I need to speak to you.

- Well?
- Inspector, she's not here.

But they told me at the office
that she came here.

- ls this her car?
- Yes.

The engine's still warm.
She must have just got here.

Don't do it.

Get back, Inspector.

Stay there!

I'll tell you whatever you want
to know, but don't move.

You want to know
about my husband, right?

Yes, I k*lled Angelo.

With my own hands.

Down there.
Down there, you see?

Zaccaria brought him here
and then I k*lled him.

I snatched the r*fle from Cosimo
Zaccaria and pulled the trigger.

But what you don't know...

is that I loved Angelo.

He got what he deserved!

And I wanted to be the one
to punish him.

Because I loved him.

Because I gave him everything

and took everything back from him.

This is Mariuccia Cuffaro, Inspector.

There are no men left anymore...


it's the women who decide.

Come, it's nearly ready.

Let's sit down.

Beba, Mimi... I brought
your son's godfather.

At long last!
Galuzzo, take a picture of us.

I won't have my photo taken with you.
You're too handsome.

Look over there.

You see Beba's friends?
They're all asking about you!

When Livia comes, I'll have a word.
That'll be fun.

Don't be an assh*le.
I'll punch you!

Sit down!

Spada, sit down!

You got that, François?
I'm good with computers.

I get the hard disk,
l put it in,

and do the works...

Caruso, sit there with your wife!


What a lovely cake!

- That looks nice!
- You cut the first slice.

- No, I'm no good.
- Come on, cut it!

No, let the mother do it.

- No, let's do it together.
- Alright, together.

One, two... and three!

Have you all got your glasses?

François is a good kid.
He's caring and determined.

He's always loved horses.

Does he still want to be a police
Inspector when he grows up?

Who's going to change his mind?

Well, there are still a few years
to change his mind.

Where is he?

He must be inside with his computer.

- Does he like it?
- Very much.

- That's why he spoke to Catarella?
- They have something in common.

- It's for you, it's Livia.
- Here he is! Who is it?

It's Livia.

Hi, Salvo.
I'm leaving.

- I'm boarding the plane.
- At last!

- Can you come?
- Yes, don't worry.

- See you at the airport.
- Alright, bye.

Livia managed to get on the plane,
I'm picking her up at the airport.

Can I come and pick up
auntie Livia too?

- You want to come?
- Yes.

Come on, then.