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03x07 - Lost Souls

Posted: 12/25/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
He hasn't said a word.

Not since Tommaso died.

- I'll speak with him.

- When? If Piero had greater ability, I'd give him more of my time.

He's your son.

Is it worse? Mastro Leoni has given me something to dull the pain.

All I'm saying is that Tommaso was like an older brother to Piero.

The accident haunts him.

You know, he he grieves.

As you should.

When Piero's going to lead this family then he's got to learn to put aside personal tragedy.

Have you? Be a father to him.

Or else what hope is there for our next child? Aren't you pleased? Of course I am.

Of course I am.

Your shadow waits.

Madonna I've got no need of your assistance.

Thank you.

You asked to see me.

Has Carlo replied yet? Your letter was only dispatched yesterday.

Are you ready? The people are gathering in the piazza.

The question is: Are the people of Florence ready to hear the truth? Today we mourn the death of an idealist.

A believer a dreamer.

A man who gave everything! Including his life in the service of the city of Florence.

Tommaso Peruzzi came to me on the night of his death.

Told me he had evidence that someone was stealing from this city.

Tommaso was torn between the loyalty he owed to those he served and that he felt he owed to Florence's citizens.

To you.

He asked what he should do.

I told him all men are equal before God.

None is better than his fellow citizen.

None above judgment.

But before Tommaso could do anything he was dead.

Was that an accident? I do not think so.

I believe Tommaso Peruzzi was m*rder*d.

m*rder*d by whom? Tommaso served only one man.

Lorenzo? Are you surprised to find m*rder and corruption at the heart of your city? When the rich and powerful in Florence have turned away from God? Why else build a temple to the pagan gods in the gardens of San Marco itself? Brothers! Sisters! Open your eyes! See things for how they are! The truth will not be buried! The guilty will be judged.

Yes, he's right.

Go on, to the right Right Right, now.

Papa helped me pick them.

Thank you so much.

They're beautiful.

The bluebells are everywhere.

Maddalena? Go to Maria into the kitchen.

You're pale.

I'm fine.

I will make more of an effort with Piero.

I'll I'll see that he's included in everything that we do.

The distraction will help him with his grief.

I've asked Carlo to request the Pope make Giovanni a cardinal.

He's fourteen.

It'll mark him as exceptional.

He is exceptional.

We need the protection that influence in Rome buys us.

Must he dirty his hands with politics already? It cannot wait.

I've got my father's bad blood.

I'll won't make old bones.

Your father lived with the pain for many years.

Madonna Lucrezia.


Do you truly believe Lorenzo de' Medici would m*rder Tommaso Peruzzi? I didn't name a m*rder*r.

The crowd thought so.

May I talk honestly, without imputation? Yes.

You once knew him as well as any.

Do you believe Lorenzo would be capable of such an act if he felt it would save his family Florence? Bastards! This comes from ignorance.

It comes from that devil Savonarola.

Is this your work? It used to be.

- What's your name? - Michelangelo.

Buonarroti? Your faun It's supposed to be old.

It's got too many teeth.

It looks more true.

You're going to become a great artist.

Combine it with the white.

Should be exactly the same thing.

I've been looking for you.

I still haven't got an answer, Sandro.

About whether you'll work in the gardens.

I'm afraid I cannot.

And why not? Must I really explain? Suit yourself.

You disappoint my father.

He disappoints me.

Watch your tongue.

Weren't you a friend of Tommaso Peruzzi? I'm sorry.

He was a good man.

It was a tragic accident.

No, it was no accident, Piero.

But he fell from his window.

So some say.

And others? Tell me, Sandro, what is said? Father, have you heard? Savonarola spreads rumors that Tommaso was k*lled.

He uses our friend's death to incite hatred against the Medici.

He blames us? You know, by giving these rumors credence you're just playing into the author's hands.

It's hearsay.

- The friar has no proof.

- He won't rest until he has.

My son is now asking questions.

He's still raw.

It'll pass.

We'll satisfy him.

There's nothing to discover.

I want you to offer a reward for any information relating to Tommaso's death.

It'll silence Piero.

What does it matter what he thinks? Because he's my son.

And if the truth comes out? Then we'll make it our truth.

Lorenzo de' Medici offers a reward One hundred gold florins to any who can shed light on his friend Tommaso Peruzzi's death.

A cardinal? I feel arrogant even thinking about it.

You're a Medici, Giovanni.


As a cardinal you would be far better place to serve the Church as well as protect the interests of Florence and our family.

Father's arguments.

Not yours.

You're young.

But grey doesn't always bring with it the qualities that are needed to lead.

What the Church needs is leaders who live by the teachings of Christ.

They can be men or boys.

And you are one of those.

Father I'd really like to thank you for this chance.

You deserve it.

I'll be back in a moment.

- Piero, will you see to your mother? - Father If you came to discuss business, I'd like to be present.

Please do as I say.

A witness has come forward.

And where did you find these? By the body.

But Tommaso Peruzzi never wore glasses.

The other man must have dropped them.

The other man? You didn't see his face? There was a cry.

People ran to where he fell.

But they were all looking at the body.

Except me.

I saw him leave after.

Everyone was saying that it was an accident.

But I knew Messer Peruzzi was k*lled by the man who dropped those glasses.

Well, we already knew this.

And we followed it up.

The man that you saw left before Tommaso fell.


He No, you're confused.

It's understandable.

But Tommaso was alone.

- But he never wore glasses.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

Here's your reward.

Thank you, Messer Medici.

See her out, please.

His Holiness has agreed to a private audience.

Now your father is counting on you.

Always begging! Always asking for more! You're worthless! - But Father - Get out of my sight! Medici? I can smell the money on you.

Innocent's son, Franceschetto.

From before he took holy vows.

Cardinal I just paid a hundred thousand florins so you wouldn't bother me anymore.

Your Holiness Lorenzo was grateful that you repaid the debt.

But this is about another matter.

With the greatest of respect he asks that you consider Giovanni here to be a cardinal.

How old are you, boy? Fourteen.

So young.

It would cause a great scandal.

So you wish to be a cardinal? Yes, Holy Father.

And you consider yourself superior to your peers? No, Holy Father.

Then why are you here? Although I don't deserve such an honor neither could I turn down the possibility of serving the Lord in such a way.

You are your father's son.

The answer is no.

- But Your Holiness, please - That is all.

You're here to mourn, Piero.

The Lord will ease your pain.


Augustine said: they who lived not for themselves but for him, found in death itself the way to life.

Walk back with me.

I have a book of his teachings that you may find comfort in.

Oh, at last.

Where were you? Tell mother, come on.

The boar was this tall and this wide Well, that would be the biggest boar the world's ever seen.

It was bigger than papa.

No, nonsense.

Oh, there are boars that big.

Well, I think you should go and fetch the English Bestiary so I can prove you wrong.

What do you think? Okay.

There's news from Carlo.

It's Innocent's belief Giovanni is too young.

Well, it is mine as well.

Can he be persuaded? No, the audience was brief.

He was angry at his son.


He has to be made cardinal.

Some things take time, Lorenzo.

And what if there is no time? Papa! Maddalena! Papa! Papa! Go ahead! Go ahead! Come! Lorenzo! Come out of there! You can't stop the fire! Clarice! Get out of there, Lorenzo! Lorenzo! Come out of there! Lorenzo! What are you doing, Lorenzo? Mother, get back! Messer! This is the work of Savonarola's followers.

Summon him before the Ten.

Messer, forgive me if I speak out of turn.

I believe the time has come.

- You must tell your wife the truth.

- Tell me what? The burns They are superficial.

But there is damage under my skin that will not heal.

Take this medicine.

Two drops every hour.

Well, at least we can stop it from getting worse.

Can't we? This is not the same as his father's affliction.

This is much more virulent.

I must put my affairs in order, Clarice.

This can't be.

How long have you known? You see now? Everything has to be put in place.

And you have to be strong.

I do not preach v*olence.

I have no interest in politics.

I preach only that all men are equal in the eyes of God.

With the greatest of respect, Prior you preach this to people who have nothing and it breeds resentment.

And as a direct result, an act of v*olence was committed against Lorenzo de' Medici.

His daughter was very nearly k*lled.

I was distressed to hear so.

But I speak only of what I see.

Am I to blame if it causes resentment? You spread lies, father.

Messer Medici.

Name one.

That Tommaso Peruzzi was m*rder*d.

Wasn't he? I offered a reward to anyone who could prove it, and no one came forward not one person.

Do you have evidence? This Council asks you desist from inciting any further civil unrest.

With the greatest of respect to the Council I'll do as my conscience and God command.

But I'm greatly reassured to learn we seek the same thing: To see that those with Tommaso Peruzzi's blood on their hands face judgment.

God bless you, father.

Lorenzo - You were badly hurt - Oh no.

I'm fine, really.

Clarice and the children? They weren't harmed.

Thank God.

It was Savonarola's followers? - Because of what he says about you? - It's all lies, all of it.

You see that, don't you? The only man I ever knew well enough to tell when he lied was you.

You were going to change the world.

Enough of the past.

You're too busy now.

I just wanted to be sure you were well.

I am.

I am.

Please take care of yourself.

Still it's the burns that One moment, one moment.

This is a dangerous time for Florence.

If illness were to overwhelm you You know? I've seen your pain.

I would protect the city and your family as best I could.

But as secretary to the Council I have no real power.

You're a great servant, Bernardi.

I do my best.

With my fat clerk's hands.

Find the man who att*cked me and my family.

See that they're imprisoned.

You'll teach Piero everything he needs to know.

And for a time, until he's ready you must head this family.

I can't make plans for a future that doesn't involve you.

You can, Clarice.

You can.

And you'll have Bernardi's support.

What, as you have? He's an instrument.

He has a mind of his own and he has used that to shape your actions.

Look, our family has many many enemies and once I'm gone they will close in like wolves.

I must see that you are all protected.

Ensuring that Giovanni is made cardinal is just one way of doing that But our children, the bank Florence It will be safe under your stewardship.

My heart is in pieces.

I love you.

I love you very much.

For all the times that I hurt you.

Mastro Leoni - a moment please.

- Of course, Messer.

It's from Carlo, from Rome.

The Pope has no terms.

He refuses outright to make my son a cardinal.

Everybody has terms.

Saint Augustine? I was given it by a man who understands what Florence lost in Tommaso Peruzzi.

Savonarola? What cause had he to speak to you? I was praying for Tommaso.

And I understand that his death has caused you great pain.

But you must be very careful where you take comfort Piero.

I used to wonder why the roses were cut back so brutally after they'd struggled to yield their bloom.

But I soon realized it was so that they would grow.

So they'd be ready for the struggles ahead.

You will lead this family, but sooner than you thought, Piero.

Your father's very ill.

Mastro Leoni said his wounds were not serious.

I know.

He has his father's illness.

He is not long for this world.

But you you're one in line of very very very great men.

And you'll carve your own path.

A very good and honest path.

Your followers att*cked my home.

Many people attend my sermons.

Am I responsible for all their actions? But Prior, you haven't condemned them.

When I'm head of my family, there'll be no place for v*olence in Florence.

When you are head of your family? Should I pray for good health for your father? Calm the more passionate members of your congregation.

There are rumors that someone witnessed Tommaso's m*rder.

The Medici bought them off.

I thought I might find you here.

So you were hurt in the attack on the palazzo? There was a time, Sandro you'd be the first at my side.

Yes, it was when I was proud to call you a friend.

And now? Now I am ashamed.

So you turn my son against me? This and this This is the work of Savonarola.

His people tried to k*ll me and my family.

People like you.


It's been too long as I recall you used to find some solace in helping here.

It's not the place it used to be, Father.

The people believe you speak for God.

He speaks through me.

There's a difference.

There's a difference that they don't understand.

Wherever you lead, they follow.

As you have gone where your husband led you.

Don't fool yourself that you have any understanding of either myself or my husband.

But you judge me without giving me a fair hearing.

I will give a penitential service tomorrow.

Come You're welcome.

Stay away from my family, Father.

I'm flying! Look, daddy! I'm flying! She always has to keep busy, just like you.

Lorenzo? Clarice What are you doing here? You can speak, Carlo.

Innocent agreed.

Giovanni will be a cardinal.

But how how? Why the change of mind? What did you offer him in return? Maddalena What? Our-our daughter? What has she got to do with this? Carlo! Innocent agreed that she will be Franceschetto's ward until she comes of age.

Comes of age? To marry? It's been agreed.

I needed to do this, Clarice.

Behind my back? Carlo, leave us, please.

- Clarice, I'm so - Go! You sold our child to that drunken fool? How do you do that? Look at her.

Look at her.

Look at your child! It was for this family.

But a family built on what? Lies?! Corruption!? What else, Lorenzo, what!? Because I could-I could almost forgive that, but we both know that's now why you did it.

For your family you traded your daughter for your dream of having Florence at the very heart of Europe.

For your legacy.

The city's outraged.

Lorenzo arrests people for the attack on the Medici palazzo without any proof.

The people are right to be outraged.

Nobody could blame them for expressing that anger.

I found the witness to the m*rder of Tommaso Peruzzi.

- Open up! - Open up! A crowd has gathered at the prison.

To free those arrested for the attack on your family.

I'll send Vanni with some men to reinforce the guards there.



Order the release of those arrested.

It'll appear you've surrendered to mob rule.

Sending more men will only heighten a very volatile situation and there are more important matters.

Vanni should be here to protect Clarice and the children.

You are all here to repent.

At the close of every day, each of us should ask: Have I sinned? Is my conscience clean? Did I lie, directly or by not speaking out? Perhaps you have believed your sin was necessary.

But it does harm you.

Share your burden.

Ask His forgiveness through me and you will be saved.

I'm so sorry for my sins.

Go and fetch the doctor, go! Gently, gently, gently.

Will you go and fetch Lorenzo! Go! It's Clarice.

Clarice, Lorenzo is here.

She was desperate to see you.

My love, I'm here.

Don't go.

Please, don't go.

I'll never forgive myself for the pain that I've caused you.

Oh, Lorenzo Her last words were about her family.

Clarice feared for your children.

And for your soul.

Who have you become, Lorenzo? Who I had to become.

Where's mama? Come with me.

But I want her to read with me.

I'll read to you, Maddalena.

From the lives of the saints? If that's what you wish.

The story of the brave knight who slays the dragon and saves the princess? Come with me.

He will do it later.

Father? It is true? Leave it there.

Prior? I was expecting you, Piero.