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02x03 - Obstacles and Opportunities

Posted: 12/24/22 22:49
by bunniefuu
What's the hour? Late, early, I don't know You should be sleeping.

I can't.

I'm beset by obstacles and opportunities.

What sort of obstacles? No sooner had Pope Paul extended credit to our bank than he dies of heart failure, forcing the Curia to elect a new Pope as his successor.

The new Pope is an ally.

Is he not? When he was Cardinal Della Rovere, he helped arrange my marriage.

But now that he's Pope Sixtus, he has relatives seeking favors.

While Salviati waits.

Looking for his moment to strike against us.

But I'm sure Father Carlo will defend your interests.

Well, he'll forestall them for as long as he can, but this is my moment, Lucrezia.

I must I must seize it.

I see.

And what do you want to do with your moment'? Make Florence into a true Republic.

I don't think my husband will support that.

Nor Jacopo Pazzi.

- No.

No, I don't suppose they will.

Where are you going? Giuliano and I must ride to Milan.

Whatever for? To make sure our alliance is secure.

Be careful.

I will.

- No, I mean it.

You barely escaped assassination once.

It's a wasted life that I fear.

Not death.

Then I will fear it for you.

I don't know why we're courting Galeazzo Sforza when we should be demanding justice at home.

'Cause the future lies in peace with our neighbors.

Not the quarrels of the past.

Lorenzo de' Medici.

Here with my brother to see the Duke.

This way, Signori.

Lorenzo? You coming? Enough! Lorenzo and Giuliano de' Medici.


Odd to find such beauty behind these tall, dark walls A wise ruler not only shows his greatness by dispensing beauty.

But must spill blood to protect it.

It's me you want! Come on.

- Move it.

Please! Let her go! A case in point Come, son.


He's too young.

To learn survival? You see, young Medici? As the sister of two kings, my wife doesn't understand that some of us must earn the admiration and fear of those they rule.

This noble plotted to k*ll me.

Spare her! She's with child.

Please, I beg you.

My lord, my lord The painting in the hallway of the Last Judgement Who's the artist? I forget.

It's a reminder, is it not, of Christ's teaching? There will be no mercy for those who do not show it.

I am touched by your concern for my soul, Lorenzo de' Medici.


I forgive you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

I command that you all love me for my humility and kindness.

We're here to discuss repayment of your outstanding debt.

Under the terms, it is due.

I was sorry to hear of your father's passing.

But surely he told you I don't have the funds.

I offered to repay my debt with the soldiers you turned away.

Your wool mills in Segrate are still spinning profits.

And then there's the tariffs that you impose on trade with the North.

You've done your research, young Medici.

You can have your money.

But I must break the treaty between our two states.

You would harm the interests of your people and ours Your brother leaves me no choice.

Very well.

I will extend your loan repayment.

- Lorenzo If you divert the trade that you now send through Bologna to Florence.

Generating new revenue that would flow through your bank Oh, you are clever indeed, young Medici.

Very well.

Well played, brother.

Thank you.

Except you can't change the treaty with Milan.

Only the Priori can.

Well, then we'll have to get the Priori on our side.

He said he wouldn't k*ll him.

To save face.

Some men see mercy as weakness.

Come on.

Mother will be waiting for us.

Race you home! Mother, has Clarice arrived? She's expected.

Is it true, you've extended the Duke's credit? In exchange for more trade routes, yes.

We need that debt repaid, son.

The Pope won't wait forever.

We will repay the Pope, mother, as soon as the Priori has agree to the new treaty.

As you know, many in the Priori didn't want the treaty in the first place, and Jacopo Pazzi will be looking for ways to oppose you.

Yes, mother.

I know.

Sandro I was thinking You should have your own workshop.

No, I couldn't possibly afford it.

Well, you don't have to.

You're not serious? Find somewhere.

I'll pay.

With what? Lorenzo If there's anything I can ever do to repay you- Actually, you can.

I need you to undertake a commission for Marco Vespucci.

I have to be sure of his support in the Priori.

I'll do it.

Why was that so easy? Oh, he detests Vespucci, but he loves his wife! All my life, I have tried to capture a small piece of God's beauty, and I have failed.

Time and time and time again I have failed.

Almost so much that I almost gave up.

Until I saw Simonetta Vespucci.

The single most beautiful creature I have ever seen, and it was then that I realized in my heart, it is possible, if I can capture that.

You truly understand the weight of a dream, Sandro.

Never, ever, give that up.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, Lorenzo.

Thank you.

Gentlemen, I see we have a quorum, so I will now call this session to order.

First, let us welcome a new member to replace the ailing Messer Martino: Francesco Pazzi.

Now to business.

Messer Medici, you have just returned from Milan.


I met with Duke Galeazzo Sforza, and I renegotiated our treaty with far better terms for Florence.

Under the proposed changes, trade routes will be diverted from Bologna to Florence, generating more revenue for our people.

And for the Medici bank.

If increased trade is the aim, we would be better off seeking to ally ourselves with Venice again.

A few weeks ago, was not Messer Pazzi clamoring for w*r with Venice? Now he seeks increased trade, gentlemen.

My uncle is weary of Medici trickery.

Using this Republic to serve their bank's interests! It's in the interest of the Medici bank that Florence flourish.

I encourage you all to inspect the treaty.

And to vote it down if you don't like what you see.

Don't take it personally! Why must you be against anything that helps the common man? You weaken this Republic! You empower the rabble.

I'll have none of it.


The world doesn't have to be this way.

We could change it.

The world is the way it is for good reason.

As long as Florentine families are at each other's throats, it will never be as good as it could be.

Send word to Salviati in Rome.

What should I tell him? That Medici's scheming threatens Holy Mother Church.

The new Pope helped arrange Lorenzo's marriage.

He calls him a friend.

Have I taught you nothing, nephew? There are no friends in politics.

They're lovely, aren't they? I could gaze on them all day.

Madonna Simonetta, it's a great pleasure.

I was looking for your husband.

Why? Lorenzo de' Medici offers my services.

He had hoped I had hoped to include you in a painting.


May I ask why? Some men like to keep beautiful things in cages, on display for others.

I don't.


Let me show you.

But when I paint them, I do it to set them free.


It's wings were cut.

I'm nobody's prisoner, Sandro.

My husband is busy today.

If you wish, you may return tomorrow.

He may see you then.

Or he may not.

I will return every day, Madonna.

And I will beg to paint you.

To set you free, if not from a cage, then from the ravages of time itself.

I will make you immortal! Your Holiness, I have urgent business.


Lorenzo de' Medici has renegotiated Florence's treaty with Milan.

What is wrong with that? I know you are fond of young Lorenzo.

But reinforcing this alliance may be an attempt to grow Medici influence beyond Florence.

Francesco, I know you blame the Medici for your family's ruin, and that you owe Jacopo Pazzi for your education.

I can only imagine the pain you felt losing a father at a young age.

And seeing your mother take her own life.

Our Lord Jesus teaches forgiveness.

You are right about Lorenzo.

He is a friend.

And until he actually harms the interests of the Papal States, I will not consider him an adversary.

Should you happen to communicate with your uncle in the near future, you may wish to inform him of this.



And finish your wine.

Behold the Duomo, Madonna.

The Dome is magnificent, Maestro.

Conjured from the mind of Filippo Brunelleschi, at the behest of Lorenzo's grandfather, Cosimo.

Florence is a city of fevered minds.

What will people here think of me? I trust you had a pleasant journey.

Maestro de Becchi was kind enough to work as my escort.

He must have been a gifted tutor to Lorenzo.


- It's been my privilege.

This is my daughter, Bianca.

A pleasure.

- The pleasure is mine.

Lorenzo is not here? He'll be here soon.

You may wait in his rooms.


I'm sorry - Please Look as long as you want.

How was your journey? I trust Gentile was good company? He was certainly informative.

He has a passion for Florence.

He bored you No That's not what I meant.

Have you read it? It'sOvid.

The original text.

You don't read Latin I do have the Italian translation here somewhere- - No, it's not that.

And what is it then? I believe it it instructs men and women in the art of seduction.

I should have thought.

I'm sorry No, no.

It's I who is sorry.

Lorenzo, I- Eh, my apologies.

Luca Soderini, this is my wife, Clarice de' Medici.


We must speak urgently.

In private might be best.

Please, go ahead.

Your father's cousin, the Archbishop of Pisa, has died.

Well, I'm sorry to hear it.

If you don't move swiftly to replace him, the Pazzi will.

With someone determined to oppose you at all costs.

I have someone in mind.

My former tutor, Gentile de' Becchi.

A wise and respected choice.

Surely even Jacopo Pazzi could not find a reason to object.

Well, if he can't find one, then he'll just invent one.

Get word to Carlo and Orsini in Rome.

Tell them that we rely on the Pope's support.

Has Your Holiness arrived at a suitable candidate to replace the late Archbishop of Pisa? Are you familiar with John 21, 18? ªVery truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wantedº ªBut when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.

º Who is it you believe would make a good candidate? If you selected me, I would represent Papal interests in Pisa and also watch over your interests in Florence.

Unlike Lorenzo de Medici's choice? Perhaps I misjudge his loyalties.

But you can have no doubt of mine, Your Holiness.


- Holiness.

Salviati Medici Tell me Who is your favorite candidate? I think Lorenzo de' Medici has put forward an excellent candidate, Gentile de' Becchi.

The groom emerges at last! You mustn't be late for your own wedding feast, Lorenzo.

I understand your bride isn't comfortable with Florentine ways Well, not yet, not yet.

Perhaps you can win her over with some of your verses Or perhaps you can give us one now No, no, no, no, no! Alright, alright, alright, alright! Cucumbers we've got Yes, we have.

Some giants, some rough.

Aome seem awfully bumpy, swelling up and lumpy, you grab 'em with a fist, boys you peel it back a bit, you open wide and pumpy! It's like weaning a puppy.

It's the puppy, it's the puppy! No man had a better brother! Muy brother.

This guy Excuse me, boys.

Bianca Bianca, what is it? Talk to me.

I mean of all people, you can speak to me freely.

Father would never have forced me to marry Bastiano Soderini if he knew how unhappy it would make me! Well, I'm sorry, but sometimes duty comes first.

I love another.

Who? Gugliemo Pazzi.

Guglielmo Guglielmo Pazzi? We were engaged as children.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Bianca, this can never be.

Why not? Wouldn't a marriage alliance with the Pazzi be better for us than with Soderini? It would unite the city's two biggest banks! No, no, no! Bianca, you don't understand! Soderini is an ally.

Jacopo will use any divide against us.

If I do not win the vote on the treaty with Milan, everything that I desire for Florence will be lost.

And what of me? Of your family? Do our desires count for nothing? Brother! You must leave! I didn't mean- - No, you didn't, did you? Enjoy your wedding feast, brother.

Madonna? Lucrezia Donati Andringhelli.

It can't be easy to leave the life one's known for a man you don't I'm not the first to do so.

And yet, if you don't mind my saying, you look a little hesitant.

Perhaps the people here would have been happier if Lorenzo had chosen to marry one of their own.

Nothing is as simple as it seems.

I just wanted to know if you were alright.

Thank you for your kindness.

Lorenzo de' Medici! My boy! I'm so happy for you.

Stefano, all the way from Volterra! Messer Maffei.

I'm so glad you could come.

Eh, you know my son, Antonio? Antonio A toast! Come, come! Long life to the Medici.

Signor Vespucci! Signor Vespucci, excuse me, sir.

Excuse me.

- Excuse me.

I have attended your house these last three days in hope of speaking to you.

You have? I was not told.

Well, Lorenzo de' Medici offers my services.

At your prices? No, thank you.

Uh, Lorenzo will cover the cost.

- Really? But what would you paint? What greater prize do you possess, but your wife? Undying love bleeds from their eyes.

Or what they believe to be love.

You don't believe in love, Messer de' Medici? It's just a pretty word to describe a clutch of petty human emotions.




You'll put the poets out of business.

This is charming.

A gift from my husband.

So Do you believe in love? If you'll excuse me.

The pleasure is mine.

She's lovely.

I mean it.

I feel quite protective of her.

When will I see you again? I'll send word.

As soon as possible.

Lorenzo wouldn't listen.

If we are to be together, we must think ourselves alone.

And our families? They plot, compromise, lie, and even k*ll to hold on to power.

All we've done is love.

We are free of obligation to any, but ourselves.

This moment is ours, ours alone, and whether it's this night, or another night, it does not matter.

I want to do my duty.

Your duty? To be a good wife.

If you want, I will read Ovid.

Out of respect for you.

Out of respect for you, I would not ask it, but Ovid insists a wife hiccup twice on her wedding night.

Hiccup twice? He doesn't, does he? No.

No, he doesn't.


Let's do our duty.

And we'll enjoy it if we can.

Perhaps we may enjoy it.

Bianca? Lorenzo, what is it? I think Bianca's run off, with Guglielmo Pazzi.

Guards! You find my sister and Guglielmo Pazzi and bring them back here at once! You understand? Right! - Go, go! Bianca.

If we do this, there's no going back.

That is why we must.

Your reputation will be ruined.

A price I will pay to see we are together.

No, my love.

I cannot let you.

I'm yours.

You're mine.


Francesco! Where's Guglielmo? There are rumors he's run off with a girl.

What do you know? Speak! I'm not certain, but I suspect he's gone away with Bianca.

Bianca? - De' Medici.

That can't be.

She's promised to Bastiano Soderini! Perhaps that's why she's run off.

I must find them before it's too late.


When this becomes public, it will destroy the alliance between Lorenzo and Soderini.

At the cost of Guglielmo's reputation.

He has made his bed.

He'll be a pariah! Shunned by polite society.

They both will.

You will go see Lorenzo de' Medici to give him our terms.

My uncle says you must break the treaty with Milan, or we will expose this scandal for the good of Florence.

So you hold your brother's reputation hostage alongside my sister's? You surprise even me, Francesco.

But I cannot sacrifice the treaty with Milan.

Why not? It's just a treaty.

What is this really about? This is about making Florence a true Republic.

Don't be ridiculous.

Is it ridiculous? Why is it that we have to accept the world that we're born into? Why can't we make it a better one? You would surrender your power and advantage to share it with the common man? Well, I can't attempt it, unless our alliance is secure.

If I can save Guglielmo and Bianca without putting the treaty at risk, would you consider it? There is no way.

All I'm asking for is time.

For the sake of your brother, Francesco, if not for Florence.

Madonna Bianca, your brother is extremely worried about you.

I have orders to bring you back home.

And I order you to stand down.

You heard her.

Leave! No! No! Don't touch him! Don't touch him! I am his wife! You took her virtue? We are married in the eyes of God.

There you are, Messer Ovid.

And there's an Italian translation, too.

I'll speak with her.

Your men beat Guglielmo! They shouldn't have done so, and they'll be reprimanded, but you disobeyed me, Bianca! What choice did you leave me? A life of unhappiness? You lead this family now, Lorenzo.

Is is that that you wish for your sister? No.

No, it's not.

Good, good.

Bring that over here.

Yes, there.

Ah! Fantastic! Yes.

Madonna Simonetta, to what do I owe the honor of this visit? Excuse me, Maestro.

I was told I might find Giuliano de' Medici here.

A word in private? You have something of mine.

My husband will notice it's missing.

I wouldn't want you getting in trouble.

Sandro tells me he's to paint you What is it to you? I intend to persuade him to let me sit with you.

You're like all the others.

I'm not anything like them.

It's not the mask that attracts me.

It's what lies beneath it.

Open the gate! Carlo.

What's happened? The Pope has rejected Gentile and he's appointed Salviati as Pisa's new Archbishop.

Close the gates! I'm the new Archbishop! I demand you open these gates! The appointment must be stopped, Carlo.

I took the liberty of sending word to Pisa in your name, Lorenzo, to bar Salviati from the entering the city.

Please, forgive me.

It was a wise move, Carlo.

Well, here I am, as you asked.

Pisa has closed its gates to Salviati.

You cannot interfere with the appointment of an Archbishop! I interfere? Pisa must open its gates.

Well, that can be arranged.

I will never vote for the Milan treaty.

And I'm not asking you to.

- Then what? Give your blessing to Guglielmo and Bianca's union.

You mean you approve? It's their wish.

Nobody need know that it was not arranged.

You do this and I will see that the gates are opened to Salviati.

You blackmail me to benefit your sister, rather than win approval of the treaty? Though I choke on the words, I agree to your terms.

I overestimated you, Medici.

You're too soft-hearted to be a worthy opponent.

It will be all too easy to crush you.

You humiliate me and my son! Look You are a friend and I apologize.

I do.

And I apologize to you too, Bastiano.

As way of compensation, I have an offer for you.

You only care about losing my father's vote for your stupid treaty We have no interest.

Should the Priori ratify new trade with Milan, the Soderini family will receive half the rights.

All rights.


- Father Is it a deal or not? Thank you, Messer.

You have only yourself to blame.

Do you forgive me, Francesco? Have I ever sided against you? Uncle.

Please, let me explain.

It is done.

You will marry the Medici girl.

My decision surprises you? Come.

Did I not take you both into my home as boys? Love you as my own? It is your choice, Guglielmo.

I have no choice.

I love her.

Then you are no longer a Pazzi.

And know this: the Medici will destroy whatever lies between them and what they desire.

Be it you or this city.

Come, Francesco.

Your brother is beyond help.

Let us at least use our votes to protect Florence.

What? You heard me.

You're now officially betrothed to Guglielmo.

Thank you, brother, thank you.

The Priori have assessed the proposed new treaty with Milan.

The vote is called.

Gonfaloniere, there are members of the Priori who are missing.

Bandini and Davanzanti have been called away on urgent business, but there is a quorum.

Do we still have enough votes? No.

Lorenzo de' Medici votes four.

The other members shall now vote.

I cast mine for the treaty.

For Lorenzo.


For Lorenzo.

My vote is against the treaty.

- As is mine.

Two votes for, three against.

And three remain.

For the treaty and Lorenzo.

That just leaves Jacopo and Francesco.

We're doomed.


Three votes in favor, four against.

One remains.

Pazzi? Francesco I'm sorry, uncle.


Why? He's my blood.

If Guglielmo is not a Pazzi, than nor am I.

Order! Order! There is a draw.

As is customary, I will cast the final vote.

In favor.

The treaty is ratified! I never thought I'd say this, Francesco, but thank you.

We are in your debt, Francesco.

Don't flatter yourself.

I didn't vote for you.

I voted for my brother.

Well, be that as it may We're to be family now.