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02x02 - Standing Alone

Posted: 12/24/22 22:48
by bunniefuu
Lorenzo? Lorenzo? Ready? Ready.


Now go! Go, Lorenzo, go! Lorenzo, that was really bad! You're never going to k*ll anyone! Giuliano, he's not meant to k*ll anyone.

Then what's the point? To demonstrate skill, of course.

Your brother will be good at this.

He's good at everything.

Madonna Thank you.


Let me show you.

A joust is a performance.

You must show skill, and honor your family name.

You must live for it.

How was that? But if I hit a man like that, I could k*ll him.

You could.

But why take the chance if it's just a game? Because Medici men teach their sons they must win, in everything.

If you are precise, you are less likely to hurt your opponent.

And if by not hurting him, I lose? You will have won in the eyes of God.

A great man does good, Lorenzo.

And you must do and be good.

If that means you suffer defeat today, trust you'll find a way to claim victory tomorrow.

Or the next day.

Or the day after that.

You don't agree.

Young Lorenzo, you have been schooled in ideas I do not pretend to understand.

But I know philosophy is cold comfort in defeat.

Not just this family, but all of Florence is counting on you.

You must not lose.

No matter what anyone says.

I hear you put the old man out to pasture Yes.

Well, I guess you couldn't wait for him to step down any longer.

I had no choice.

- Oh, you had a choice.


I did have a choice.

We both knew this day would come.

I just didn't think it would come so soon.

Lorenzo? Your father's awake.


What news of Sforza? The Duke has stood down his men.

He rides back to Milan.

Then we have lost the bank No.

No, the Priori have agreed to give us time to cover our debts.

On what condition? That you retire.

This is Pazzi's mischief! When he couldn't k*ll me No, no, father.

It was me.

You? I took your place.

You? It was the only way to stop Sforza.

By defying me! Father.

Did you know about this? - No, she didn't.

But I would have supported it.

To spare the people of Florence.

So the betrayal is total.

Your grandfather always preferred you, even when you were a boy.

It's made you arrogant.

Oh, Piero, it's done nothing of the kind.

I am trying to save the Florence that you worked so hard to build.

Don't use your words on me, boy.

You have destroyed me.

And the bank's debts still need to be covered.

There's so much you don't understand! I'm travelling to Rome to ask the Pope for an extension.

Paul won't give it to you! Well, I'll ask nonetheless.

Pazzi will seize the moment to take the Pope's accounts for himself and rule Florence once and for all! Yes.

I'm sure he'll try.

You've gained your position by betraying your own father.

It's a stain on your name.

Then I'll remove it.

You have my word.

He'll come round.

Give him time.

Now I must pack for Rome.

You? Well, you don't think I'd let you go to Rome by yourself, do you? My brother is bound for Rome.

Lorenzo has been groomed to lead your family since birth.

His address before the Priori was magnificent Even your uncle voted in favor.

The Priori had cast their votes.

My uncle had no choice.

Why must you be so pessimistic? Realistic.

Bianca, my uncle chafes under the yoke of Medici power.

It doesn't matter who wields it.

But this changes everything for us.

There will be peace between our families.

I'm sure of it.

I'm sure your brother would wish it.

But my uncle will oppose him, now more than ever.

Lorenzo will find a way.

You'll see.

We were afraid we'd miss you Will you return in time for the tournament? I hope so.

Then you can stop being so boring and get back to having some fun.

Give my love to Carlo.

We shall.

And be careful.

You be careful, and stay away from Francesco Pazzi.

We don't need anymore trouble.

Where have you been? Does it matter? Lorenzo wanted to talk to you.

About what? He didn't say.

I need action, not excuses! I've done as you asked, uncle.

You're either a liar or a fool! You've done nothing of the kind! I asked you to stop Lorenzo de' Medici, and this is what you bring me? Half-measures!? Uncle - What's happened? Lorenzo's riding to Rome, seeking credit from Pope Paul.

Now is our time to strike a blow.

Uncle, cousin Salviati is an aide to the Curia It is the Pope who makes the decisions, not the Curia! But the Curia influences the Pope.

And our cousin influences the Curia.

His influence is no match for Lorenzo's silver tongue.

Lorenzo is clever, yes, but inexperienced.

He can be defeated.

Why must we defeat him? How dare you ask such a thing? The Medici have been given a reprieve, thanks to the Priori.

Thanks to you.

Our father believed that Florence was stronger united.

Your father is dead.

I make the decisions now, and I say what benefits the enemy, harms us.

We must not give the Medici an inch.

And we won't! Whatever advantage Lorenzo seeks from the Pope, Salviati will block it.

The Papal accounts are the source of the Medici's power.

And those accounts will be ours.

Mark my words.

They had better be.

Do you think uncle was behind the attack on Piero de' Medici? Would it trouble you if he was? You know our father wanted peace, Francesco.

And he would have had it if he'd lived long enough.


Our generation will end the feud between our families.

But on our terms.

Not theirs.

Rome has grown destitute.

It's Florence that has grown prosperous.

Thanks to your father, and his father.

And the bankers of Rome not care about their people? They use their people to enrich the bank.

The Medici use their bank to enrich the people.

Those are the same people that spit at father's name? No.

Your father's final chapter shall not end in defeat.

And how do you know? Because you are to be its author.

Am I too late, father Carlo? No, no, no, no, come.

She's right in here.


I found your daughter.

Has she come? She with child, but She wanted me to tell you she forgives you, Madonna.

Your daughter knows that you love her.

Her child is a girl.

She's going to name her after you.

Thank you Thank you.

You did her a great service, Clarice.

There are so many who suffer.

I wish I could do more.

Few do as much.

Father? I wish to lead a life like yours and my brother's.

You mean take holy orders? That a very great decision.

And there's no way back.

And I doubt very much your family would approve.

I'm sure they wouldn't, but it is my decision to make.

Perhaps you could help them to understand.


But I must leave you now.

My nephew is due from Florence.

Father Carlo, surely you're too young to have a nephew Well, Lorenzo's like a brother.

We're the same age, but my father, Cosimo, was his grandfather.

- His grandfather? My mother was a sl*ve.

But the Medici took me into their home and raised me as one of their own.

What extraordinary people you Florentines are.

Yes, I suppose we are.

Lorenzo! Carlo! Oh, you look well, don't you, Lorenzo? How's Giuliano and Bianca? Oh, very well, very well.

My mother can't wait to see you.

And I her.

And what of your father? He's recovering, from blows both physical and emotional.

Well, look, your father knows that you're a good and loving son, Lorenzo.

He will take comfort in that, trust me.

No, I think he'll be more comforted knowing the bank is saved, Carlo.

Ready? Your Holiness.

Lorenzo de' Medici.

Your Holiness.

I'm Cardinal Orsini and this is Cardinal Della Rovere.

I believe you know Francesco Salviati I know his cousins, the Pazzi, but we've never met.

My uncle Carlo speaks very highly of your eminences.

My uncle Jacopo warns me that you are skilled with words.

I'm as good as my word, Salviati.

That much is true.

Messer de' Medici has travelled a long way to see Your Holiness.

We'll excuse ourselves.

Ah, don't bother.

Your Holiness? I am sorry to say you've come all this way for nothing, Messer de' Medici.

I've already been told the question you came to ask.

And you can save your fine words.

The answer is quite simply no.

If you do not pay the Holy Mother Church at once, you will lose the Papal accounts.

My family have served the Holy See since the time of my great grandfather.

Precisely, young Medici.

Your bank serves this Church.

Not the other way around.

Come, gentlemen.

We have more important matters to attend to.

When are you and your mother heading back to Florence, Lorenzo? Given the Pope's refusal, we must return at once.


At least for another night.

Your Eminence? Cardinal Orsini is hosting a banquet.

Come as my guests.

I appreciate your invitation Your mother will understand.

See you this evening.

But this is marvelous, Sandro! Oh, they're worthless.

Tournament banners soon to be forgotten.

They proclaim the greatness of Florence, and your technique is flawless.

Yes, well, my self-respect allows no less.

I'm afraid this is not art, Giuliano.

It's craft.

Sandro, this is undeniably art.

Art doesn't tell people what they want to hear.

It tells them the truth.

- Truth? What is that? God, of course.

People cannot see God.

- No.

But they can see his beauty.

And I mean to show it to them.

How are you going to do that? No bloody idea.

Well, I could use a drink How about you? I have to drop this off.

What is it? Another worthless commission for another vulgar merchant, Vespucci.

The newest member of the Restricted Council.

I'll come with you.

See it yourself.

Father What shall it profit a man, shall he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? You have hardly lost your soul.


But I might have done, if my own son hadn't acted against me.

You mustn't fill your head with regrets when you're not well.


Let me help you back to bed.

My father thought I had a head for books, not for the affairs of men.

I tried to prove him wrong my whole life.

Only to prove him right.

Now rest.

Soon you'll be back to your old self.

I'll never be that man again.

I see clearly now I never was.

Bastiano Soderini is here.

Father is not receiving visitors Send him away.

But Madonna, he wishes to see you.

Me? Whatever for? Bianca You look beautiful as ever.

Your visit is unexpected, Bastiano, and my father needs my ministrations.

You are as loving and devoted a daughter as you shall be a wife.

Thank you But I don't see what concern that is of yours I know we can't say anything until your brother returns from Rome.

But I could contain my excitement no longer.

What on earth are you talking about? Our engagement, of course.

Our engagement? Surely you were told Yes.

Of course.

Did you scratch that? Did you? - Messer? This costs more than you'll earn in ten lifetimes.

Yes, Messer.

- Poor man.

Messer Vespucci.

- I didn't damage it.

Botticelli, at last.

Carry on.

Messer Vespucci, may I introduce you to Giuliano de' Medici.

Messer Medici I was beginning to think I'd never see you again, Botticelli.

It's only been a month, Messer.

Hand it over, then.

- Gladly.

Once I've received my florins.

Surely you don't think I'd withhold payment? I'm a mere artist, Messer.

I can't afford to wait.

Very well.

Allow me, Madonna.

May I? - Thank you.

Messer? - Medici.

Giuliano de' Medici.

My name is Sandro Botticelli.

Your name? Simonetta! At last.

I see you gentlemen have met my wife.

Your wife Your florins.

My painting.

Come, Simonetta.

She can't be married to that fool? She is.

She's beautiful.

She's more than that.

Lorenzo, well? The other cardinals won't even listen to what I have to say.

Salviati just smiles in contempt.

There must be something you can do Perhaps father was right.

Perhaps the only way to save Florence is let Sforza burn it.

No, you don't believe that? Maddalena? May I introduce you to my son, Lorenzo? Lorenzo.

This is my daughter Clarice.

And you know Father Carlo.

I am his great admirer.

I saw you this afternoon Did you? In Trastevere.

At the almshouse.

Ah, yes, Clarice devotes many hours to the poor and destitute.

I understand you you're a patron of the arts Yes, I love the arts, I love philosophy and poetry Any of the higher callings.

The higher callings? Well, I don't just mean the higher callings.

I like horse riding, allformsofsport.

I suppose I like everything really.

And my family obviously provides for the poor in Florence.

They give generously, actually.

Father Carlo speaks very fondly of you, Messer.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Well, it seems that young lady and I have different interests.

What does that matter when her uncle is Cardinal Orsini.

I fail to see what diff- - Clarice has a noble title.

She has influence in Rome.


You're not suggesting marriage, are you? Orsini may prevail upon the Pope to extend us credit, if you were married to his niece.

And you've already spoken to Cardinal Della Rovere about this I told you I had other business in Rome to attend to.

There is a problem, though.

I've known the lady for quite some time.

She's very devoted, and just this morning she informed me she means to become a nun.

That is an obstacle.

Although perhaps not one insurmountable to a young man of your charms.

Well, Lorenzo? What say you? It's worth a try.

Sorry, you mean to turn Clarice away from her devotion? Well, it seems like our family in Florence depend on it.

Uncle I feel like I owe you an apology.

For what? What must seem like utter shallowness to a woman of your depth I know you're not shallow, Lorenzo, but you value things of this world, and I do not.

Is the world not God's creation? Forgive me, but I'm the wrong person to engage in debate.

The unfortunate you minister to, if they could, would they not want to see the beauty the world has to offer? What is your point, Lorenzo? We serve God by aiding those in need, but we also serve him by recognizing the beauty of the world he created.

And we ennoble others by allowing them to see it too.

It is true what they say: you are good with words.

They're more than words, Clarice.

You are aware that our mothers have spoken of marriage? I'm aware.

I beg you: Look favorably on the proposal.

Because your family is powerful and mine has noble blood? And because if you give me your heart, I promise before God, I will take care of it.

You don't even know me, Lorenzo.

You mustn't make such promises.

No, I do not know you.

And you do not know me, and you do not love me.

But in time you would.

And I would love you with all that I am, and all that I will ever be.

If anyone could persuade me to marry, perhaps it would be you.

But no one can.

It's from cousin Salviati in Rome.

- I know that.

What does it say? The Pope is still firm against Lorenzo.

He has failed.

Then Lorenzo overthrew his father for naught.

It's a matter of time before he loses the Papal account and the Medici are bankrupt.

Brother! How did it go? Disastrous.

It was a total failure.

We're ruined.

Mother has stayed behind, in hopes of negotiating my marriage to Clarice Orsini.


She's very beautiful.

Lorenzo? Bianca I wanted to You promised my hand in marriage without so much as asking me? Bastiano Soderini is a good match.

And one that benefits our family.

He's not my choice.

What's that matter? Our mother intends me to marry some noblewoman from Rome.

She's none of my choosing either.

But she's very beautiful.

Giuliano I do not want to marry Bastiano.

And that's the end of it.

Bianca! Well? The cardinal may support the marriage and our bank, if we install Clarice's brother, Rinaldo, as archbishop of Florence.

Then you have a deal.

Clarice still insists on taking her vows.

And how can you change her mind? I can't.

You expect me to do it? Her mother tells me Clarice respects you more than anyone else in the world.

I cannot turn her away from God.

I understand, Carlo.

And if you cannot bring yourself to champion this family, then I will forgive you.

But it will require forgiveness.

I missed you.

You know, you, quite rightly, will be the queen of the tournament, Madonna Ardinghelli.

Why, thank you, Messer Medici.

My pleasure.

Did you ever think how different things might have been for us? What do you mean? Well, if I was born to more money, or you to less, we could have ended up together.


But as it is, my mother wants me to marry into Roman nobility.

Marry? Now that I'm head of the family.

And you didn't think to tell me that before we made love? Does it bother you? Why wouldn't it? Because you're already married? Yes, but to a husband I do not love! Yes, well, I don't love my intended, either, do I? But I hardly know her.

If you marry her, things between us will change.

But they don't have to.

They don't have to.


Lucrezia, what did I say? Please, go! Father? Is everything alright? Uh, fine, fine.

You've been speaking to Madonna Medici She wants you to persuade me to marry Lorenzo.


But you refused.

Did you refuse? Clarice, are you truly prepared to give up on the possibility of being a mother? And having someone to love and care for you? To serve God is a privilege, Father.

Yes, but there are ways to serve God that do not demand such sacrifices.

Surely not by marrying Lorenzo de' Medici The Medici are a family like no other.

They have changed Florence.

And I believe that Lorenzo has it in him to change the world.

And if he fails, because you refuse to take his hand, the cost will be borne by generations to come.

So, serve this family, Clarice, and you serve God.

Father? You're needed.



I returned from Rome.

Did your mother find you a bride? You knew about that? We discussed it before she left.

She's trying, but the woman in question wishes to take her spiritual vows.

Then it's only a matter of days before we're insolvent.

Grandmother used to say that if we lose today, we must have faith that we'll win tomorrow.

It's a noble thought.

I'm to joust in the tournament.

I'll wear the family's colors with pride.

I'm sorry, father.

I'm sorry.

I had hoped to write a happier ending for you.

A man is the author of his own life, Lorenzo.

Surely a man's life does not end with his own.

Not if he has a son.

Then prove your grandmother right.

Win the joust, and bring me the silver helmet.

Giuliano de' Medici! Where have you been hiding? Careful, Francesco.

I don't want to pick a fight without your thugs around to do the actual fighting.

The finals will pit the Medici against the Pazzi.

First, you will ride against my brother.

I came to wish you good luck, actually.

You're going to need it.

You know he's going to try to k*ll you, don't you? He was last year's champion.

I told father I'd win that silver helmet.

And I will.

Are those the young men who were at the palazzo? The Medici are arrogant peacocks.

They like to be seen.

Guglielmo Pazzi and Giuliano de' Medici make your horses.

What does it mean? It's a draw.

You're a far better rider than me, Giuliano.

You could've k*lled me.

Yes, I could've.

But my sister would have never forgiven me.

Bad luck, Giuliano.

Seems that he's too good for me.

It's up to you now, brother.

You must defeat Lorenzo.

Don't worry, uncle.

I will.

Make sure of it.

Francesco Pazzi and Lorenzo de' Medici in the first of three rounds.

Draw! It's another draw! You'll get him this time, brother.

Lorenzo, are you all right? He cut it.

I told you.

He's going to ride without his armor.

You did something to his saddle.


Perhaps? We could have him arrested.

If we can prove that he did it.

You want me to k*ll him? I'll k*ll him.

But in a fair fight.

Go on.

You should have k*lled me when you had the chance, Medici.

Dearest Lorenzo.

I remain in Rome, where I exercise diplomacy on many fronts.

I have committed our family toinstalling Clarice's brother Rinaldo as archbishop in Florence.

And in turn, Orsini has prevailed upon the Pope, who is now ailing, to extend our credit.

As for Clarice Orsini, it seems your words the night of the party had their intended effect.

Carlo stood in for you as you were married by proxy this morning.

Congratulations, Lorenzo.

You and Clarice are now man and wife.

As promised, Cardinal Orsini has prevailed upon the Pope to delay repayment of his tithes.

It's from mother.

What does it say? It's wonderful news! Come on! Let's go get father! Our family has survived this crisis, my son.

But we have bought ourselves little time.

Now we are being ridiculous- As the head of this family, you must stand alone.

But we will stand behind you, always.

May God bless and keep you.