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03x05 - Brothers

Posted: 12/24/22 22:00
by bunniefuu
[dogs barking]

What the f*ck do you want? Hungry?

Here. I'll give you something to eat.

[in Sinti]

Some evil bastards.

Doomed to live out here your whole lives
in this shitty cage just like us.

- Shh! Hey!
- [dogs bark]

[in Sinti]
Come here, kid.

[dogs continue barking]

Give them something to eat.

Clever boy.

The more you know how to treat a beast,
better off you'll be.

This is how you'll become a gypsy.

I'm a gypsy already.

- Oh, yeah?
- Look at the ring I stole.

- Where did you get it?
- That's not important.

Probably fake.

Definitely fake.

Taste it.

How does it taste?

- It's sweet.
- Exactly.

And now you can spot fake gold.

Real gold…

you can't taste shit at all.

Toss it.

Here, I'll give you something.

Here you go.


Never try to grab a knife
out of anyone's hands.

[knife falls]

Only off the ground
or if they're laid down.

Now you can grab it.

- [dogs barking]
- [Manfredi] Down boy.

[barking continues]

It only takes one s*ab to the throat
if you do it right.


Make sure you keep that knife
with you at all times.

For all your life, there'll only be
two things protecting you.


and that knife.

Now come here.

I will always be here to help you.

You know that, yeah?

[gentle acoustic music playing]

[ominous music]

[in Sinti] Over there…

[sheep bleating]


I don't know who stinks more, the sheep

or the three of you
since you shit yourselves.

Tell me everything.


I'm not going to ask you again.

Are you the genius that sent
two girls to get all that money?

Why would you use girls for that job?

And you wonder why you got jacked.
What did you expect?

Who sends his woman
to do a man's errand?

You say that nobody sent you to do this?

Three assholes like you
did this all on your own?

Three assholes like us
did it all on our own.

No, no, don't!

- [g*nsh*t]
- [sheep bleating]

Look, I don't know anything.

[Spadino] I want a name.

- You've got to give me a name.
- I don't know anything!

- They just said get the cash.
- I need a name.

- I don't know names.
- He doesn't have names.

I don't! They only told us…

- [g*nsh*t]
- [screams, whimpers]

- I'll tell you all I know, stop!
- [laughs]

Don't k*ll me. I'll tell you all I know.


I swear I'll tell you everything,
just let me go!

She's okay.

I've cleaned the wound.

She didn't sustain any serious damage.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I'll come back in a couple of days.

Make sure she takes the antibiotics.

What's so funny?

Sit down.

Come here.

Were you afraid I was gonna die?

Wise ass!

Does it hurt?

Not that bad.

I'm sorry.

- Why are you sorry?
- I shouldn't have sent you.

It's a work-related accident.

Once, when I was a kid, I got a gash
on my arm from a merry-go-round.

Same thing.

Exactly the same!

[soft chuckle]


Come on, nothing happened.

Where the f*ck is he?

- I said, where the f*ck is he?
- [Titto] I'm here!

Just calm down, huh?

[Angelica] Calm down?
They robbed us on your turf.

So what?

They could have easily
k*lled us all last night.

Would you still be alive
if it were up to Samurai?

I'm the best, and you know it.

That's what you say.

So what? What do you want?

You owe us
because you're still drawing breath.

Let it go for the moment.
Good for us both.

Maybe, but after what just happened,

I'll take another look at the percentages.

Let's go, I'll show you the way.

[praying in Latin]

[continues praying]

- Your Eminence, wait.
- Sorry, but I'm in a rush.

There's a car waiting for me outside.

Yes, I know, I saw it.
Just wait a moment.

I got your message.

I have not sent you any messages.

Yes, you did.

My wife.

She must not go to the authorities.

Perhaps you should have
thought about that before.

Your Eminence, the two of us have already
shown we know how to be sensible.

We had a deal.

You don't understand. I've been att*cked.
People I love have been threatened.

That's more important than our agreement.

I understand that perfectly well.

But you and I represent institutions,
we shouldn't be enemies.

We have to find a way
to understand each other.

And what about your friends?

They are not my friends.

You'll dispose of them, then?

Your Eminence?

Try to get Alice to see reason.

[door opens]

How is she?

She's fine.

It was Manfredi.

He planned everything.

The fight at the party
and those three punks last night.

I've been such a f*cking idiot.


I'm sorry.

I'm especially sorry
Manfredi got Nadia hurt.

I believed all the bullshit
he's been telling me.

But he is my brother.

You know how that is.

You've gone through it.

This time I have to k*ll him.


I will.

[tense music playing]

[in Sinti]
Spadino has done a lot for us.

But you do not send out two women
on a job that should be done by men.

I know what's on your mind.

That your daughter could have been k*lled,
am I right?

If three stupid punks feel like they can
get away with something like last night,

it means Spadino and Aureliano
don't have any respect.

They're just kids.

Let's leave them where they are.

They had a plan.

But they need someone with the brains
to keep everything running.

Men with experience.

Like you.

And me, I think it's fair…

and Sale…

who invested in this family.

Not only did he risk his reputation,

but he gave loads of money
and a daughter.

[in Sinti] He's right.

Manfredi is right.

Flavio, come with me.

Let's go.

How are the girls doing?

They're fine, they're tough.

I'm sorry. There was nothing I could do.

Don't worry, bro, I know.

We've already got that all sorted out.

What I need you to do
is follow Titto around.

What for?

We don't know how it works in North Rome.
We must learn.

Who pays, who doesn't,
who causes trouble, who the rats are,

that kind of shit.

What should I do exactly?

Nothing, just stay on his ass for me.

See how shit works.

Pretty soon you'll take over.

You're gonna replace Titto with me?

Good enough?

Better than good!


Another month
and we'll get rid of his ass.

Thanks, Aureliano.

- Wait for me here.
- [Flavio] You got it.

[tense music playing]

Why are you making me come here?

So you can see that
what I've been saying is not bullshit.

We're going ahead with the Jubilee.

This sucks, Cinaglia.

- You always say the same.
- Aureliano, I'm not holding out on you.

Please, you tell him.

Yes, you tell me.

Everyone of these steps we're taking
is necessary.

You misunderstood. I'll tell you again.

Tomorrow this thing
will be announced by the Pope.

It'll be months before we see the dough.
I told you I needed the money now.


- He doesn't understand.
- You don't understand, you piece of shit.

You're at the city,
you have to get it from there.

Why did we set up this company?

Put the f*cking money in there, assh*le!

If not, what do I need you for?

Tomorrow. Right here.

If you don't, I'll sh**t you so I can see
what's inside that bald head of yours.

Get to work.

Did Samurai have these issues?

Guy's gonna give me a heart attack.


Got anything to drink so I don't die?

- Lemonade, okay?
- Yes.

- You got one that's not ancient?
- No, if you don't like it…

- It's okay. Do you have an opener?
- No.

f*ck! Jesus!

Do you behave this way at home?

I know you don't like Cinaglia.

- But he's not a stupid guy.
- I'm not interested in your friends.

I only ever had one friend
in this venture.


I always knew
what was going on in his head.


Same as you.

- So we're friends now?
- No.

You are the ones who k*lled Valerio.

Only because I have to,
I'll handle your affairs.

No more.

Works for me.


[delicate piano music plays]

Where is she? Is she awake?

She's inside, go on in.

What? Are you holding a wake for the dead?

How are you doing?

[Nadia] Mostly I'm just pissed off,
now I know it was Manfredi.

- [in Sinti] Oh, great and powerful God...
- What are you doing?


Oh, great and powerful God,

free this woman whose hand I hold

from damnation

and pain.

It has healing powers.

Non-gypsies can use it too?

It's powerful.

The more you say it,
the more power it has.

I want you to get better.

I've never had a friend like you.

Because I'm not a gypsy?


That's not what I'm saying.

[pensive music creeping in]

Manfredi has to go.

f*cking prick!

As long as he's around,
the four of us are not in command.

Our partnership is everything

How do you get along with the nuns?

They've been very kind.

Especially with the kids.

I knew they would be,

just as I was certain you coming
to stay here would do all of you good.

And with God, how are you faring?

Praying is what gives me
the most comfort.

I am cleansing myself.

And your soul is opening up.

Distancing from the world
can have this effect.

And also…

there's more that you can achieve, Alice.

I have thought about
the things you said to me.

- About what you told me to do.
- I know.

And in moments like this, I know it's hard

but offer your husband forgiveness,
the most Christian thing there is.

No, Your Eminence.

I want to stop Amedeo.

I want to prevent him doing more harm.

I want to follow your advice.

Acting without thinking
is always the wrong thing.

But I have thought it over.

I've thought about it a lot.

I have prayed so much
I've done almost nothing else.

I've decided that I want to report him.


This decision is the result
of your unhappiness and your frustration.

That's the opposite of your other advice.

Then I was guilty of certain
un-Christian sentiments myself, I think.

Even we make mistakes sometimes.

You could be making one here.

I believe coming to this place…

has inspired me
to finally make the correct decision.

- Alice...
- No, really… Your Eminence.

There is tranquility here
and you are disturbing it.

[tense music plays]

Leave me alone.

What's up?

Aureliano and Spadino.

They don't get it, they make bad moves.

Like what went down at the kiosk.

They're on me all the time.

What do they want?

[Cinaglia] Money.
But it's too soon for money.

These things are complicated.

Samurai knew how to handle it.

when to push and when to back off.

Samurai is history.

Sadly so.

[Badali] And now these two are the ones
on the streets of Rome.

They act like the law of the streets
is all there is.

They don't get it.


They're pissing me off too.

But they're part of it now.

We're gonna have to work with them, Cina.


Cardinal Nascari and I had a deal,
but it wasn't enough for them.

They intimidated him
and the cardinal pulled the deal.

The deal was as good as dead,
I got it back.

You did the right thing.

But now Nascari has added
one more condition.

[Badali] Which is what?

He wants them out of it.

Both of them.

The truth is, they are no longer needed.

[tense music playing]


[phone rings]

I have spoken to your wife.

I tried my best to persuade her
but she's quite determined.

I'm afraid…

she's going to turn you in.

What's going on?

[Sale] How's Angelica?
Is my daughter okay?


Everything's going fine.

[tense music playing]

[indistinct chatter and laughter]

Spadino… don't you love your wife?

Why did you put her in danger?
You worry me so.

No need to worry, Mom.

Others ought to be worried.

What does that mean?

Doesn't matter.
How are you cooking the rabbit?

Like usual.

- Where's Angelica?
- With Nadia.

Where is Manfredi? He here?

In his room, I'm sure.

No, go on, you were doing fine.

You haven't changed
a f*cking thing in here.

You could have hung some pictures.
Maybe one of me.

Maybe you plan to take over your old room?

No, Spadi.

I'm happy here.

Especially when I think
where I could have gone.

Like the cemetery?

What are you doing here?


Want some advice from your big brother?

Because you and the other guy
made fools of yourselves yesterday.

- Do you think so?
- Yeah, I f*cking think so.

I'm the one that had to calm things down.

Lucky break you were at home then.

I was out hunting the three punks
that att*cked us.

And guess what else?

I found them too.

But I only k*lled two of them.
Don't worry.

I left one alive so I could
make him squeal. [grunts]



What are you doing?

Say the prayer, Manfredi.
It's the time.

Do it.

Go on!

[in Sinti] k*ll me, Spadino.

Go on, Spadi!

Do it. Oh yeah!

- [grunts, screams]
- k*ll me!

[Spadi pants]

[Manfredi] What are you doing? Huh?

You clawed me like a f*cking woman.

It takes a man to k*ll a man, Spadi.

[breathes heavily]

Angelica is the man in your house,
you don't even deserve her.

- Just like you don't deserve to be boss.
- What are you thinking, huh?

I was just going to step aside?

Let you and that worthless Aureliano
do what you want?

You're just a piece of shit little kid
with a sling in your pocket.

Never had what it takes to be a king.

Or even a queen!

Running away, huh?

[breathes heavily]

[mellow Italian song playing]



Who was it?

[woman] The old school teacher
who lived on the fourth floor.

He jumped out of the window.

He was such a nice man too, poor thing.

He and his dog never caused any trouble.

[police officer]
Clear the area. Move along.

["E' ora di andare" by Piotta plays]

[horn honks]

[delicate piano music]

[horn honks]

[horns honk]

Go around, dumbass!

[honking continues]

[horn honks]

[honking continues]

Just give me a moment!

[honking continues, grows louder]

Your son almost cut my throat.

I don't know which is worse.

To k*ll your brother
or not have enough guts to k*ll an enemy.

What do you think? Huh?

[in Sinti]
He is no longer my son.

You should have said it before.

He has always known

that he isn't a real man.

And that he doesn't belong here.

Promise me you won't take revenge
and you'll let him live for me.

Listen, okay? I'm old enough,

you don't need to tell me
how to do things.

Spadi's still my brother.

But he's finished.

Tomorrow I'll gather the family
and tell them

what he did and what he couldn't do.

They need to see he's just a punk
whose grasp exceeded his reach.

Yes, you're right.

But then what?

Spadino hits the road.


I couldn't do it, Aureliano.

I am f*cking worthless.

I had him in my hands, it was done…

But then I let him go.

I couldn't do it.

He is right. I am not man enough.

I would have been better off
admitting I'm q*eer.

Then they would have k*lled me
and that would have been it.

Now, I'll deal with it.

See you upstairs.

[Manfredi] Physical therapy at this time?
What's with this f*cking doctor?

Hell if I know.

Why can't they put new parts in people,

the way they do for cars and tractors
and bicycles and shit?

Is that funny?
Let's get a new brain put in you then.

There ought to be a junk yard
that sells spare parts for humans.


[Manfredi] Is that Angelica?
Block it, get in front of it.

- [Alex] Manfredi wants you to get in.
- What for?

Because Manfredi said.

No, I'm not moving.

Get out.

He said he wants you.

After you, my lady.

I'll get it.

Back up, let us by.

[door opens]

What, no knock?

Is that out of fashion?

You're right, excuse me.

Sorry about the time, too.

- [Sibilla] Have you forgotten something?
- No.


You have an opinion about me.


I guess.

For what little it's worth.

[Cinaglia] What you think matters a lot.

I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea.


It may appear that I'm the weak link.

The one who gets slapped around.

Who obeys and puts up with all the shit.

It's the dog who doesn't bark
that you have to be most careful with.

I see.

I've been familiar
with this concept for some time now.


Good to have gotten
to know each other better.

Take care.

Where's Spadino?

He's fine, don't you worry.

We had a fight earlier
and he ran away like a chicken.

- What do you want from me?
- Nothing, I don't want anything.

Though God knows
what I'd like to do to you.

You f*cked up, Angelica, when you married
a guy who's not a real man.

You wanted to be a queen
and after tomorrow you'll be nothing.

You disgust me.

- I disgust you?
- Yes.

I could have given you the world.

You are young.
It could still happen.

- You've got a wife.
- Wives are easy to get rid of.

- What the f*ck are you saying?
- What am I saying?


Poor girl, you don't exist.

Maybe not.

But his child inside me is real.

Sure, but Spadino has only
one true love in his life.

And it's not you.

It's Aureliano Adami.

- [loud crash]
- [screaming]

[Angelica screams]

[Alex] Watch out!

[tense music plays]



[loud crash]

[g*nshots continue]

[Angelica cries]

[tires screeching, horn honks]

[Manfredi moans]

sh**t him, Aureliano.

Try it!

Try it and you'll hit her instead.

[tires screeching]

[breathes heavily]

[screaming, echoing]

[E' ora di andare" by Piotta plays]