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04x07 - Threshold

Posted: 11/26/08 02:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer...

No! Jim!


Hey, what is this place?

Where am I?

Not even a hello for your big brother?


Man, I've been waiting here for hours.


Hours, years, who knows. It's all the same.

But I have been waiting for you.

Dan, why are we here?

Don't you recognize this place?

Dad used to bring you here.

Whenever you needed cheering up.

You guys used to fish here, or just dangle your feet off the pier and talk.

We came here when you died.

I know. I was watching.

Now we can go.

Go where, dan?

Duh. Into the light.

I'm supposed to bring you over, That's what I've been waiting for.

The old man told me, "next time I see you guys, I want to see you together."

Dad's there?

I've only seen a glimpse of him.

He also told me I can finally lose the penguin suit when we cross over.

So let's go.

Dan, I can't.

I have to see Melinda.

Jim, Melinda's gonna be fine.

Fine? No, she's not fine.

She's a wreck! I have to see her. I have to talk to her...

No, you don't, Jim. Trust me, you don't.

She's expecting me... - Jim, listen to me!

Does Melinda know that you love her?

Does everyone you care about know how much you care about them?

Yeah, I think so.

Then you're done.

You're ready to cross over.


I can't leave Melinda.

Well, do what you gotta do, brother.

That's it. We lost him.

Ned honey, why don't you go and see if there's any recycling that needs to go out, or any mail.

No, it's fine.

Don't worry about that stuff.

More tea?

I can't believe I haven't seen him.

He isn't coming to me. It's been 2 days.


I don't know. Maybe he crossed over.

Yeah. Yeah, I hope so.

But wouldn't he have said goodbye?

I mean, he wouldn't just leave, would he?

Thanks for pointing that out.

Haven't you even felt anything?

Mel, I'm here.

Like a presence or something?

I'm right here with you.

I haven't seen a ghost since Jim died.

Not that I want to.

Honey, we have to settle on a date for the funeral.

I can't.

It's too final. I just can't.


Mel, it's not me.

Do you see a ghost?

I'm right here.

I don't see anything.

He's here.

No, it's not me!

It's not!

Melinda, why can't you see me?

Thank you, ma'am.


Everyone's so sad.

It sucks, I know.

But you have to believe that they're all going to be all right.

It's not your job to take care of them anymore.

They'll take care of each other now.

Melinda can't see me.

She doesn't even know I'm there.

It's her grief.

It makes the veil stronger.

It blocks her gift because this is so personal for her.

When she finds some joy again, it'll come back.

I can't leave her like this.

She needs closure. We both do.

Jim, here's the thing.

You're on the threshold.

If you don't come soon... well, let's just say I can't wait much longer.

I don't know if this will ever go away.

This feeling.

I miss you so much.

Everything hurts.

There isn't anything I do that isn't about you, somehow.

Even opening the refrigerator, I start to ask if you want anything.

And then last night There were dishes in the sink.

And I thought, oh, why can't he just put these in the dishwasher.

God, I love you, Melinda.

I didn't mean to leave.

I never want to be without you.

If you could just get a sign.

If I just knew that you were all right.

If I knew that... you were at peace somehow, then maybe I could get through all this.

I wish I could.

But I'm here.

I'm with you now.

Come on inside.

Time to get some sleep.

I would if I could.

I would if I could.

You can't help!


Is this you? I don't understand.

Mel, no! It's not me!

It's this ghost...

Melinda, I'm right here. Hear me.

Honey, is everything ok down there?

Yeah. Everything's fine. Just go back to sleep.

Mel, hear me. Hear me!

Nice turnout.

Sorry, I'm a little, uh...

I...The thing is...

I was going to stand here and talk about loss.

About... losing a husband, a son, losing a friend.

All of a sudden it feels wrong to talk about loss.

All of a sudden I want to talk about what we gained.

What he leaves us with.

We're not people who've lost.

We're winners.

Winners because he was here.

He was with us.

He loved us.

And we loved him.

We're all better for knowing him...

Each and every single person here.

Where's the loss in that?

Listen, um...

I was gonna play this, you know, sad, moving song.

Jim didn't like sad, moving songs.

He liked to rock.

And so should we.

I'm here.

I know.

I just danced at my husband's funeral.

Aren't I the merry widow.

Another scandal in Grandview.

I couldn't understand why you were staying away.

Never. You just couldn't see me through your grief.

It had to lift.

I don't understand the signs you were giving me.

The apple, the dishes, silverware.

I was like, "what, is he hungry?"

Is that the only message he has for me from the great beyond?

It wasn't me.

You've got another ghost... angry teenage girl, I think.

She might be dangerous, Mel.

None of that matters to me anymore.

I am so empty without you.

No, I'm here.

And I'm not going anywhere.

You can't stay.

You know that. You have to cross over.


It's the way it is.

It's what happens next.

I don't want to.

I know that.

Mel, I never told you this.

But I don't think I believe in the crossing over part.

Not that it doesn't happen.

But does it have to happen?

If you don't believe it, that's like saying that you don't believe in me.

No. Of course I do. I'm just asking you the question.

Do you think maybe it's better sometimes that somebody stays?

I know it feels that way.

You think I want you to go?

You think I wouldn't be happy just to stay here and forget about everything else?

Look, it's not that I don't want you to have a life...

This is my purpose. It's what I have this gift for.

For souls to cross over and to take the next step.

And it's what's best for you. So I can't...

Hey, no more words.

I just want to be with you now.

Here you go. - Thank you.

I can stay, you know.

I'm fine. Really.

I know. Since the wake I feel so much lighter.

It's almost like the ache is gone.

It almost feels like there's something wrong with that.

No, tell her it's what I would have wanted.

You know Jim.

This is what he would want... everyone to be happy.

Yeah. I do believe that.

You won't forget me, will you?

I love you so much.

I don't want to lose you, too.

No. You won't. You're my family.

Safe travels.

Thank you, darling.


Shouldn't we have told her that you're still here?


If we had, she'd never be able to let go.

Hey! Who are you?!

What do you want with my wife?!

What do you think you're doing?!

I am right here!

Can't you see me?!

I hate you!

I just want to make you a damn omelet.


Do you remember what you said about your mom?

That you didn't want her to know that you were here because she wouldn't be able to let go?

You're the one who can't let go.

And you have to.

It's not fair for me to keep you here.

You're not keeping me here, I'm keeping me here!

Then it's not fair for me to make you stay.

Melinda, why would we not be together if we can?

Because we're not together. We can't be.

Not in the real world.

How about our world?

Isn't this better than never seeing each other again?

Total, naked truth...

I'd be happy never leaving this house again, If I could be with you.

Alive or dead.

But you have a journey to take.

So do I.

We just can't be together right now, that's all.

It's our...fork in the road.

Until we meet again.

Over on your side.

My road.

My journey is with you.

It is you.

It's always been that way.

And that was the choice I made.

And I'm not...

I cannot let it go just because I'm dead.

There's a sentence you don't hear yourself say every day.

I don't want you to come here anymore.

It just... it hurts us both.

You know, and it's wrong.

So if you love me, you'll just...

You'll just do the right thing and cross over.

You don't believe that.

Yes, I do.

Please... don't make this any harder than it already is.

You know what you have to do.

I'll be with you again.

And it won't seem like such a long time, I promise.

Oh, Jim.

Please don't do this.

Are you kidding me?

I'm off duty, ok? I can't help you.

You have to help him.

Who? Jim?

Forgive him.

For what?

Who are you talking about?

Look what I've done to him.

Can I just say that no matter what else, messing with people like this is the greatest?

And can I just say my freaking heart rate Hasn't gone below 125 since I met you people?

Why would you do that?!

I'm sorry, Eli.

I just wanted to see if I could turn on your clock radio.

I mean, there's a big learning curve to this whole ghost thing.

You know, lone ranger look is good on you.

My eyes are sensitive to light, ok?

Is the nuclear level really necessary? Seriously.

Sorry. I can't do it.

What are you doing here, Jim?

Not that I'm not glad to hear you.

But why aren't you with Melinda?

Look. Melinda doesn't want to see me ok.

She just wants me to cross over.


I thought you guys had the perfect marriage.

You die. She throws you out? That's weird.

Dr. Phil, I don't think I need any advice on my marriage, ok.

I just...I need your help.


There's a ghost haunting Melinda.

It's a toxic ghost.

And I'm afraid she's gonna hurt her.

Well, with all due respect, I mean don't you think you're in a little bit better position than I am to deal with a ghost?

I mean, me being alive, and you being... dead?

I was going to say less alive.

The ghost is afraid of me. I can't pin her down.

Or I don't know, haven't learned how to do that yet.

And I'm worried about Melinda.

Because right now, she's more vulnerable than ever.

What kind of ghost?

Ok. A sick one.

She's wears a hospital gown.

She has discolored skin, her hair's falling out.

I think she's a cancer patient.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to work with Melinda and find out who this ghost is and what she wants, ok?

Eli, maybe you can help Melinda re-engage a little bit with real life, ok?

Get her mind off me.

In other words, get Melinda to do something she doesn't want to do.

That's always easy.

Just tell her I can't cross over... I won't cross over... until I know this ghost is out of her life.


I don't want to complain, but I'm starting to tan.

You could use it.

50/50 shot that whole thing was a dream.

That was no dream.

What if I really want it to be?

Why did he keep coming to you?

Does he want you to talk me about having him stay?

He's worried about you.

He wants to make sure you're safe before he leaves.

Safe? Nobody's safe.

Look, I think his heart's in the right place.

I know where Jim's heart is.

All right? And I know he's doing this because he loves me.

And I'm doing what I'm doing because I love him.

It's like O. Henry meets Edgar Allan Poe.

If you want to help Jim, just tell him to cross over.

I want to help you.

I am fine.

No, you're not.

You're angry. You're hurt. You're lost.

Just like anybody would be who's going through this.

Well, there's nothing I can do about that.

Yes, there is.

You can help me find this ghost who's haunting you.

Find out what she wants.

I don't care.

Then fake it!

You need to do something positive.

Something to help this ghost, help Jim, and help you.

Tell me what you know about her.

She said I needed to forgive him.

Jim? For what?

I don't know if she was talking about Jim.

She seems really confused.

Jim says he thinks she might be a cancer patient.

Yeah, could be.

Ok. So we'll check some hospitals.

Yeah, 'cause a cancer death in Driscoll county, that should be a snap.

It's a start.

Look, I know that you're trying to help.

But I can't do this.

I don't want anything to do with ghosts. Ok?


Jim, people have been searching for a way to live forever for a million years.

But it just can't be. It's against nature.

I'm not looking to live forever.

I just can't live without Melinda.

You're not.

But you owe it to her to let her live without you.

Jim, I can't wait any more.

I'm crossing over.

I want to bring you with me, little brother.

That's what I've been waiting for.

But I can't force you.

What's it gonna be?

Is that dad?

He's been waiting, too.

For both of us.

I can't.

He's not here?


The dead man.

My husband.

No. No, he's not here.

He doesn't want me to talk to you.

He hates me.

Is this about Jim?

First, it's about my step-dad.

I hurt him.

Hurt him how?

Is he still alive?


But he doesn't want to be.

Look, I...I don't want to seem hard.

But I'm a mess right now.

It's all my fault.

I know how it is to feel guilty. I do.

Everything is my fault.

It's because of what I did.

What did you do?

I'm the reason your husband is dead.

What would this ghost have to do with Jim's death?

Wouldn't Jim have said something?

Unless he doesn't know.

Or the ghost is confused or lying.

Thanks for narrowing that down.

See, that's why we need you back in the game!

You gotta listen to what this ghost has to say...

I think I scared her off last night.

Heh. Isn't that irony?!

I mean, most ghosts scare the hell out of the living, But you...

Focus. How do we figure out who this ghost is?

You want focus? How about this...

We've been assuming, because of what you and Jim have said, that the ghost, by the way she looks, is a cancer patient.

But there's another possibility.

Jim said that the ghost had something in her bathrobe. An apple?

Yeah. That she threw at my head.

Why would there be an apple, or any food, in a bathrobe?

Something she was saving?

Or hiding. Hiding because she wanted someone to think she'd eaten it.

I don't get it.

Ok. Yellow skin, decaying teeth, hair loss Are all symptoms of... anorexia.

My ghost isn't all that thin.

There could be other complications from not eating.

Like your heart stopping.

That would make more sense given her age and all the guilt that she's feeling.

And if she's local... makes it easier to track down

'cause it's more unusual in Grandview.

What did I just do?

Come on, say it with me.

Narrowed it down.

I'm sorry, Mr. James.

The hospital will never give out that information.

Actually it's Dr. James.

I don't see an "M.D." On there.

Doctor of psychology and philosophy.And doctor of love in my last year of high school,if you must know.

Very impressive. Bye-Bye.

Eli, listen... - Aah!

Just get her to bring up the informational on her computer?

Are you ok? - Yeah, yeah.

I just hate when something I'm not expecting happens.

You just ask her to look at the records.

She doesn't have to name names.

I don't know how that's gonna help.

How what's gonna help?

Because I can read the name over her shoulder, genius.

Can you do me a favor?

Can you just look and see if someone specific...

No, not specific! Eli, she can't do that.

And when I say specific I mean anyone, really, In general, who may have died of anorexia in the last month?

And why would I do that?

Because you're doing research at the university on anorexia deaths in the student population.

That's right.

Eli, she can't hear me.

And I'm doing research at the university on anorexia deaths.

And I want to see if there's an upward curve in back-to-school months.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in one of your classes.

There were 2 deaths last month.

One in the hospital, one D.O.A.

Does that help?

Got it.

It does help. It's very helpful.

If it were up to me, you'd have a little something extra in your envelope this week.

You should walk away now.

Caitlin Mahoney. Her address 15 Keats Street.

Don't forget that, ok?

Got it.

He's in defib.

Defib charged to 200.


Resume C.P.R. Give him an amp of epi.

Ok. Hold C.P.R. Let's do a rhythm check.

Still in asystoli.

I'm gonna call it.

Time of death 11:22.

I'll call the wife.

No more pain.

It's hard, isn't it?


Being you.

I don't mean, like, right now.

I mean, like, every day. Doing what you can do.

I just tried it for, like, 5 minutes, I thought my head was going to explode.

I used to think it was hard.

But I didn't know what "hard" meant.

That's the house.

You know what? I'm really don't feel like doing this.

Can you do it?

Me?! I just did the whole hospital-get-a-name-thing.

It's your turn.

I understand. I just don't feel like I can face a grieving parent.


Oh, No.

Remember me?

Jim, I know that I asked you to stay away.

And you have.

But there's really something I need for you to know.

I'm here.

It's ok.

Caitlin Mahoney died a month ago from anorexia.

She lived with her stepfather.

Her heart gave out before he even had the chance to realize she'd stopped eating.

He was devastated. She was all that he had.

Anyway, her step-father went back to work right away, sooner than he should have.

Because he didn't know what else to do.

And then something happened at work.

Something that almost destroyed him.


Where did he work?

The Grandview police department.

Her step-father is Carl Neely, The detective who shot you.

Look, I already told you I'm sorry.

I don't blame you for hating me.

I just don't want to talk about any of this anymore, all right?

I feel bad enough as it is.

I don't hate you.

No one hates you.

I told you that I would bring someone who could help.

Well, I'm glad you didn't.

I've been to the department shrinks.

I just want to be left alone.

It wasn't your fault, you know.

I shouldn't have been on the job.

I shouldn't have trusted myself pulling my w*apon.

I wasn't ready.

I mean Caitlin.

What happened to her. It wasn't your fault.

How'd you know about Caitlin?

She blames herself for what happened.

She wishes she could take it back.

But none of us can.

None of us can change the things that happen or what we do.

We just have to accept it. Deal with it.

And try not to let it k*ll us.

She's been here.

Watching over you.

What are you telling to me?

What I'm saying is she's seeing what's happening to you.

And it's breaking her heart.

That can't be.

It can't be.

It is.

Tell him I that I didn't meant to hurt him.

That I was just so stupid, so obsessed.

I just couldn't get thin enough.

She's so sorry.

She never thought about what it would do to you.

I should have seen she was in trouble.

I should have helped her.

I didn't want to believe that something was wrong with her.

I hid it from him.

I thought everybody would love me more if I was thin.

Thin and beautiful, like in the magazines.

She thinks what happened that night... with you and Jim... was her fault.

Because you were so distracted.

No. No. Not her fault.

I shouldn't have been on duty. She has to know that.

I just wanted her back.

I wanted my girl back.

He was the one person who never judged me.

I totally took him for granted.

She knows that you were always there for her.

Even if she didn't realize it.

Even when she thought you couldn't see her.

But why? Why would she do that to herself?

Maybe she was scared.

So scared that her whole life She would never be truly loved.

Not completely.

Not for really who she really was.

Maybe now she sees that she was loved in that way.

And that it was real.

And once you've had that kind of love, it never goes away.

It just gets stronger.

And it means that she can move on.

And so can you.

I'm sorry I hurt you, daddy.

I love you.

Caity, I always thought you were perfect inside and out.

I wish you could've seen that.

Me, too.

Melinda, tell him.

Jim's here, too.

He doesn't blame you.

She's crossing over now.

You coming?

Not quite yet.

It wasn't your fault either.


What happened to me.

It wasn't because of what you can do.

Then why?

I don't know. I don't think we can know.

Not yet. Not here.

Then I don't want to know anything.

It would just be much easier.

Melinda, I love you.

I love you, too.

Now you have to go and do the right thing.

I know.


You ok? Keep it going.



Ok. Clear back.




Still non-responsive.

That's it. We lost him.

Let's call it. Time of death...

Let's get him ready for transport.

Jim, no!



Hey, Patrick, get over here!

Hang on there, buddy. Just take it easy. Give us a second.

Jim, it's you. You're back.

Hold on a second. Take it easy.


Do I know you?