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02x05 - The Crib

Posted: 12/24/22 21:46
by bunniefuu
Okay, these are the last ones.

Get off here.

All right, ladies and gentlemen,
this is the end of the line.

- Get a move on! Out!
- Come on, let's go.

Come on, let's go. Quickly, quickly.

- Get a move on.
- Thank you for choosing our company.

- Now you can f*ck off.
- I'm getting pissed off at you. Hurry.

Hurry up, lady, move it.

- Move it. Move.
- Get off this thing. Move.

Move! Come on!

Hey, I told you go get off this thing.
Come on, move. Understand what I told you?

- Yes.
- Come on, repeat it for me. Come on.

It was the blacks, they did it.

- Good. Or else?
- You'll find me. You know where I live.

There you go, good. Now go home.
Go on. Go on, go home.

Go. Go.

f*cking baby seat.

Are you sure nobody saw you?

Who do you take us for, Cinaglia?

- How'd it go?
- It went fine.

With us, it always goes fine.

Then you could have spared me
having to come out here.

No, it's better you get used to it.

Besides, it's a matter of trust.

Now that you're here,
we know we can trust you.

- You know what I'm risking, don't you?
- Yes, I know what you're risking.


It's time you got this white collar dirty.

In fact, do something.
Tomorrow go for a walk in Ostia.

That way you'll see
we're not playing around.


Now get a move on, let's go.

The matter has been resolved.

This way, Badali will shut up for a while.
Now there's another task at hand.

We have to find an ally on the Left.

[in Sinti] [It's around 40 kilos.]

[Angelica did a very good job.]

Now we can make a nice proposal
to the families of Ostia.

You'll see, they'll take it.

Seeing as how they haven't got
a gram left to sell.

What are you doing here?

I've given up on that beer,
so I brought you some croissants.

but I have to get back to the station.

Come on, let's go up for a minute,
have some coffee.

- After all, you worked all night, right?
- Cristiana, I have to see the boss.

Are you sure he can't wait?

All right, let's eat these croissants.

- You're very strange, you know that.
- It took you long enough to figure it out.

- Let's go now, it's late.
- Okay.

- What happened to you?
- It was my cousins.

They wanted to know where you were.

I didn't tell them though.

You stay here from now on.

What's this?

Are you going soft on me now?

Let's go, come on.

We don't know each other.

Actually, we know each other very well.

Even if we've never met in person.

And that's enough.

Listen to me. It'll be easier that way.

What would be easier?

Building something together.

I'm a politician.
Remind me what it is that you do.


And in Rome you can't do business
without politicians.

Have you run out of people
to do business with?

No, the person I was counting on
has changed his stripes.

I know.

I need a new contact
in your political party.

But as you know, I'm in parliament.

- Not city hall.
- That's irrelevant.

- When you have lots of friends.
- Yes, that's true.

What's in it for me if I work with you?
Other than getting arrested, that is.

I'm very generous with those who help me.

A lot of people want to be helped.

And they all have
much better stories than yours.

Don't take too long to change your mind.

Stand up! Stand up!


Come on, stay on your feet.

Magnani, what's going on?

Looks like the refugees
beat up a bus driver

during the transfer
to the new refugee camp.

Then they escaped,
but we're out looking for them.

Inspector, there are orders for you.

Not now,
I have to sort out this situation.

It's from the boss.
He says it's very important.

- Your Eminence...
- Excuse me, they're waiting for me.

Besides, I want nothing to do with you.

And yet, there's something
I can do for you.

For example, explain to you
that your alliance with Samurai is over.

You're full of malice.

Yes, that's true.

And I want your help to wipe
that worm off the face of the earth.

Your Eminence, you're not listening to me.

But you really should.

Almost done.

- It stings.
- Of course it stings. Don't move.


Hold this on it, and we're done. Here.

Now all we need to do is remove
this tomboy mask that you've put on.

In some families, being born a girl
is an unforgivable mistake.

I put this mask on
to make my father happy.

But he didn't even like me like this.

You just need to be careful.

There aren't many girls like you around.

I knew one, who had real balls.

But men don't like that.


Your loss, anyway.

Your friend's here. Go on.

What the f*ck has he done?

Aureliano Adami?

- Yes.
- You need to come with us to the station.

Why? What happened?

You're formally wanted for questioning.

You'll have to answer a few questions.

All right, I'll get my jacket.

- Hey.
- Hey, come out from under there.

- What?
- Come out.

Do you need something, ma'am?

I heard that you're having a few problems.

And who are you?

Adelaide Anacleti.

Well, you heard wrong.
We're all good here. Sweet as sugar.

Your uncle doesn't seem too good,
and neither do you.

You should know gypsies aren't welcome
in Ostia, no f*cking way.

I have a proposal for you.

For you and all the Ostia families.

We'll give you the cocaine.

You sell it

and get a certain amount every week.

What are we, your slaves?

Maybe you don't understand,
we're not going on anyone's payroll.

Instead, let's talk about percentages.

- That'll make us happy.
- Yeah.

How about ten percent?

I don't even talk for ten percent,
let alone smile.

Come on, you can do better than that.

You tell me.



Or you can always go back to Aureliano.

Only he doesn't have a gram of coke.

- All right, but how much have you got?
- A lot.

What does the genius over there say?

Now we're getting somewhere.

Get the families together.

Call me when you're ready.



No more!

- What's going on?
- They've caught the refugees.

Those shits escaped.

They're out of control.

They beat the driver to a pulp.

Get them out of here!

You're disgusting!

Hey. Did you see what they did?

- Are you done talking shit?
- What are you talking about?

That you're on Samurai's payroll.
You've worked with him for three months.

- Look, you're wrong.
- I'm wrong, am I?

You're another of those turds
who's reduced Rome to the sh*thole it is.


Hey, are you listening to me?

Turn on the radio this evening.

So you can hear
what I've got to say about you.

Remember, all of Rome listens to me.

Good morning, Inspector Marchilli.
Did you pick up Adami?


Bring him in.

You can go, thank you.
I want to speak to him alone.

Where were you yesterday?

I was at home all day.

I imagine you have a witness?

Yes. My girlfriend.

Do you know Gabriele Marchilli?

Doesn't ring a bell.

Careful of what you say.

You're here as a person
we believe has information.

- But you could easily become a suspect.
- Suspected of what?


Does this ring a bell?

That's the guy who brought me in.

I met him at the gym.

- I didn't even know he was a cop.
- Gabriele Marchilli.

- Now do you remember seeing him yesterday?
- No.

I see a lot of people.

I don't understand
where you're going with this.


- Do you know him?
- Who doesn't know him?

- What's your relationship with him?
- I'd like to sh**t him.

Why is Mara Guagli interrogating
Aureliano Adami? Well?

- Who let her in here?
- She's with the Mobile Unit.

She spoke to the boss
and he gave her a room.

I'm investigating Aureliano Adami.

Is that clear?

We're done for today.

However, I'd advise you
to get a good lawyer.

I have one.


You can't see anything.

- Does this thing work?
- Yes, yes. It works.

Come here and look.

This is the gestational sac.

Wait... Now listen to this.

- Oh God, what is it, his heart?
- Yes.

- Hear how it's beating?
- Yes.

- Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?
- It's still too early for that.

It's all the same to her,
but I'd like a boy. You know how it is.

- What are you saying!
- What? It's true.

- You said you don't care.
- Whatever.

No, there's no need to get out.
This will be quick.

That nomination
to be head of the congregation of bishops.

For the time being
it's better if you forget about it.

What are you talking about?

I've been called to a meeting tomorrow,
to be assigned the post.

- The ceremony has already been prepared.
- Ah!

Call them up and tell them you don't feel
up to it, that you're pulling out.

Health reasons... Say whatever you like.

You don't seem to understand.

It's a papal nomination.

And I don't think
even you can interfere with that.

With what I know about you,
I count more than the Pope.

Whereas you are starting
to matter less and less, Cardinal.

You're kidding, right?

Do I look like I'm kidding?

Jesus, some performance, well done.

I couldn't do anything.

- What did she ask you?
- If I knew you.

- That pain in the ass, who is she?
- She worked with my father.

I thought it had something to do
with this morning.

Instead, she had a photograph
of me and you when we met at the hospital.

And she wanted to know about you.

You don't think they're after us
for old shit, the priest and all that?

No. I don't think so.

- Is that all she asked you?
- What else should she have asked me?



She's breathing down our necks,
it's not good.

I don't need to tell you that, do I?

What happened?

I saw Gabriele taking Adami
into the police station.

They were bringing in all the refugees
and I was there when it happened.

- None of those three will talk, will they?
- No, they won't talk.

They'd rather die than talk.

Anyway, the guys did
what they were supposed to.

- Yes.
- Pardon me.

Yes, Your Eminence...

Of course.

Ten o'clock tonight at your place.
All right.

What made you change your mind so fast,
Cardinal Giunti?

All right, you can explain it to me later.

In any case, Amedeo, listen to me.

There's no point in worrying about it.

I have to go now.

- Bye.
- Bye.


Let's not say anything for now, okay?

Are you kidding? Of course not.

Listen up, everyone!

- Spadino has an heir!
- No!

[in Sinti] [Now make sure you pick
the right one.]

[You're the mother,
you're sure to make the right choice.]

[Come on, let's see what it is!
A boy or a girl?]

[Boy! Boy! Boy...]

[Girl! Girl! Girl...]

What happened at the police station?

Close the door.

Why did they take you in?

- What did you tell them?
- f*ck all.

It had nothing to do
with what went down this morning.

Where the f*ck are you going?

You came all this way
to ask me that question?

What would you have told them?

- What does that matter?
- It matters.

Say they nab you
and put the squeeze on you.

How long before you talk? Well, Cinaglia?

Because you're not a politician anymore.

You're a criminal.

You're a thug.

And so, you've got to start thinking
like a criminal.

You shouldn't even be asking me
these questions.

Or else I'll start to worry.

- I don't need to worry, do I?
- No.

We're all good.

- Can I talk to you?
- Yeah, sure.

Listen, that colleague
from the Mobile Unit

thinks something's going on
between you and Aureliano Adami.

She's investigating you.

I wanted to tell you.


I know.

Why's she got it in for you?

My father had a thing with her.

But he never wanted to bring her home.

Mara always thought it was my fault.

Then Dad died.

And she went crazy.

That's absurd.

But what's Adami got to do with this?

She must have seen me with him.

I've been tailing him for weeks.

there's a turf w*r going on in Ostia

and I'm trying to convince Adami
to sell out the rival families.

I had no idea it was anything like that.

I'll tell you the truth.

She came to me.

- She practically asked me to spy on you.
- Really?

Would you be willing to put that
in a statement?

I'm happy to see you. What's going on?

I only came for a minute.

Bad news, Aureliano.

The Anacletis made a deal
with the Gravonis and the other families

to do business in Ostia.

Do me a favor.
Get the families together, since I can't.

And bring her.



It's not much, but at least you can start
working again.

Be careful.

The wipes are
to the right of the register.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, goodbye.

Good evening, can I help you?

Yes, I'm looking for a cradle. For a boy.

Certainly. Please, this way.

This here is a very beautiful cradle.

- It's traditional...
- No, I don't like it.

We have this other one,
a traditional "Granny style" cradle.

- It has a little cushion...
- Listen, haven't you got anything more...

A bit more impressive?
Not this crap.

It's for my son.

Sure. This one also comes in blue,
if you prefer.

Wait a second.


No, I can't come now, I'm busy.

What did my mother do?

- I'm on my way.
- We've sold a lot of this model...

Listen, wait for me to come back
before you close. Understand?

Here we're choosing a cradle
for an Anacleti.

Does that name ring a bell?

So, why did you call me?

This morning in Ostia.

I organized that chaos.

Have you seen the latest polls?

Yes, we're gaining.

Wait, let me understand.

The driver, the refugees escaping,
all that chaos... That was your doing?

"Rome is not the Far West."

You said that, right?

A great f*cking idea.

It's a simple idea.

That's how people are: simple.

Barzacci, you've got to trust me.

All right. You'll get what you asked for.

But it stays between us.

The party, the candidate for mayor,
they mustn't know anything.


I found out that you're spying on me
outside of an official investigation.

Well, starting tomorrow
you can stop busting my balls.

Actually, I'm hoping
to send you to jail very soon.

No, I don't think so.

You're abusing your power,

investigating a colleague for no reason.

f*ck you!

Anyway, I wanted to tell you
the station is assessing what you did.

- And they'll be taking action.
- What a lot of bullshit!

There's a witness.

Cristiana, right?

Your father was right.

You're nothing but a criminal.

And you're nothing but a poor crazy woman.

How the f*ck could he have been with you?

Go get some sleep, go on.

Because you're going to have
a shitty day tomorrow.

We've got to be on our guard
with these gypsies, I tell you.

They're all thieves.

And what are we?

- You pricked them with the fork, right?
- Of course.

May I come in?

Who's there?

I want to take you with me somewhere.


I've set up a meeting
with all the family heads.

It's only right
that you should be there too, no?

- I don't give a shit...
- You don't give a shit?

Are you coming?

Piece of shit!

Come here.

Come here.

So you like beating up girls, do you?

Good for you.

On air in two minutes.

I don't have time for you.

In two minutes I'm going to destroy you.



Did you see what happened
this morning at the station?

People were really pissed off.

That's a fact, not just talk.

What the f*ck has that got to do with you?

On air in 90 seconds.

It was my doing.

What happened this morning.

What are you saying?

Let's just say,
I knew it was going to happen.

And now the Right is on my side.

And you, Adriano, which side are you on?

Who's helping you?

On air in 60 seconds.

On air in 45 seconds.

Aureliano Adami and Alberto Anacleti.

And there's even a cop:
Gabriele Marchilli.

Do you recognize them?


Do you recognize them?

They're friends of yours.

I didn't know
how else to make you understand...

As long as I'm alive, I'm in charge.

And we're not doing business
with the gypsies.

Has anyone got anything to say?

I'm getting a shipment soon,
and you can start dealing again.

Was there any need for all this mess?

I'll leave these guys with you.

As a reminder.

I've worked my whole life for it.
That nomination is mine by right.

And as long as I'm here,
you'll stay in your place.

Is that clear?

Where are you going?

To sleep.

No, you're coming with me.

Where to?

Trust me.
Besides, you owe me a favor.


Let's go.

You should have
forgotten about the nomination.

You knew I wouldn't do that.

What was it that made you think
it was your decision?

I'm not a puppet.

And we had a deal.

Don't think I enjoy this

after having invested so much in you.

There, perfect. This one is Swedish.

Bent birch. Light.


- What happened?
- The Cardinal.

It seems he fell down the stairs.