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02x04 - Upside Down

Posted: 12/24/22 21:45
by bunniefuu

Tell me something.

If I pull you up,
will you form a coalition with the Left?

- Enough, I've f*cking had it with you.
- No!

I'm begging you!

Talk. But it's your last chance.

When people are afraid, the Right wins.
It's always been like that.

Have you seen the polls?

If you want to build the port,
you'll have to do what I say.

What do we do, Dad?

If you're bullshitting us,

I swear I'll come and get you at home,

with your wife

and your kids.

I didn't know
you were interested in politics.

I'm not.
I don't understand jackshit about it.

He was with the Left.

Then he formed
his own party and won a ton of votes.

Good to know.

But I think you'll understand
this very well.

They're tickets to the concert we've been
talking about for... Who knows?

Two months? And it's tonight.

You understand
what I do for a living, don't you?

Sure, but even you get a day off,
don't you?

I wish I could, Teo.

- What's he got to do with you?
- We'll find out.

Listen, I'll try to make it.

But just in case, you hold onto them.
Now I've got to go.

What are you doing?
Just going to sit there and sulk all day?

Mind your own business, Nadia.
You don't know what you're talking about.

You're right, I don't know.

But it doesn't take a genius to realize
that you needed those g*ns for a reason.

And that it went wrong.

What do you want?

I came to say goodbye.

- And to say thank you.
- And now you've said it.

Look, if it wasn't for me,
you'd be dead by now.

I knew you were an assh*le.

But I didn't know you were so soft.

I'm tired of living surrounded by ghosts.

- Then send them away.
- I'm trying to.


You've got them tattooed on you.

- Who are the wings for?
- For someone who's not here anymore.

And who had f*ck all to do with this shit.

I'm sorry,
but now you have to live your life.

I don't have a life anymore.
That piece of shit took everything I had.

Do what you've got to do.

But no vendetta will bring
the dead back to life.

Your cousins will be around.

Sure, but I'll be all right with this.

There was no need
to come all the way here.

What are you saying?

That I was wrong to come and see you?

You can't even control Cinaglia.

Cinaglia isn't a problem.
I'll take care of him.

Already done.

- What does that mean?
- For a politician, he's got balls.

And so we gave him a chance.

What chance are you talking about?
I don't understand.

He might be right.

- The Right could win.
- Cinaglia's talking shit.

All the polls say
the Left is going to win.

In this city,
things don't just change in a few days.

Let's do this: if he wins,

I'm with him.

And I'll get rid of you.

If the Left wins,

I'll get rid of him and keep you.

You've already lost Cinaglia.

You need to find someone else on the Left.

We made a deal.

And deals must be respected.

Why, do you respect deals?

You couldn't even get rid of a handful
of f*cking refugees.

There are 500 of them, not a handful.
And Rome isn't Palermo.

Listen to me well

because it's the last time I'll say this.

First of all,

get rid of the refugees

and get work started on the port
before the election.

Then, take whatever ally you want

and try to save your ass.



These are hellish days.
You know that, don't you?

Did you think about what I said?


And I realized that the nine percent
from your grassroots movement

risks losing us ten percent
of the Right's electorate.

Did you see
what happened last night in Ostia?

- Yes, of course.
- People are pissed off.

We've got to surf this wave of anger.

It's the only way we can win.

Yesterday's chaos happens only once.

We're in Rome, Cinaglia, not the Far West.

- Hello.
- Hi.


It's Guerri.

Samurai's right-hand man.

- Is that why his career has moved so fast?
- I'm not excluding anything.

Why does a guy like Samurai need Lele?

We're going to find out.

Don't worry, you're not alone.


What happened?

There was a piece missing.

A politician?

Samurai wants the refugee camp cleared
so he can build the port there.

Only he didn't get his way last night
and now he's trying with this politician.

Or else with some cardinal in the Vatican.

I'll take care of the politician.

I'll tell him
to mind his own f*cking business.

Let me know
who the priest in the Vatican is.

We've got to figure out
Samurai's next move. Let's go.

Hey, give us a smile.

Here we go again.

Explain this to me. What does Samurai say?

[in Sinti] [That we have to wait,
that Ostia needs to lie low for now.]

[He didn't keep his word.]

[He disrespected us
and now we have to take Ostia on our own.]

[We won't buy our coke from him.]

[I didn't give you my money
to go against Samurai.]

[Samurai said he'd give us Ostia,
then he asked me for money.]

[Now we have to go it alone,
without asking anyone's permission.]

Okay, but how do we do that?
He'll find out for sure.

Yeah, but after it's already done.

We pick up the coke from Giulianova Port.

There are these Bulgarian gypsies,

and I know their leader
from when I was in Abruzzo.

He buys in Rotterdam,

brings it to the Balkans
and then over here by boat.

The boys are already getting ready to go.

I'll go.

You're not going anywhere.
This is already madness.

Without me this deal wouldn't exist.

And besides, a woman will stand out less.

[All right.]

Alex is going with you, though.



Yes? Come in.

- Have you read the report?
- Yes.

- It looks fine to me.
- What's on for today?

Let's see...

I'm also with the police
because of my father.

- Is he a cop, too?
- No.

- What does he do?
- Anything he can.

To support his family.

So you joined the police
to make him happy?

At the beginning, yes.
Regular pay, paid holidays.

Dad was very happy.

But when I put on the uniform,
I realized I wanted something more.

I started to believe in it for real.

I realized that too,
the first time I put it on.

Lele, I'm here for you.

For anything at all.

Thank you.

Take care of this, please.


See you later.

Hey, I still owe you a beer.

- Bye.
- Bye.

The only solution
is to go and talk to Nascari.

- Let's go talk to him.
- No, I'm not coming.

No risky moves before my nomination.

Call this f*cking cardinal
and I'll go talk to him right now.

Wooden coffins are so ugly.

- Better gold, right?
- Better nothing, Spadino.

- What do you mean?
- Yeah, a nice bonfire.

And then you're ashes.

And then?

Then nothing.

Ash goes wherever it wants to.

I don't like that.

I want to end up where I say.


In Prima Porta Cemetery.

Near my father.

Where do you want to go?

I'm going to be cremated.

And have them throw me into the sea.

We'll make Samurai pay.

Because you and I, Aureliano,

have to die covered in gold.

Sure, just like gypsies.


Like the pharaohs.



It's all there.

Home address
and campaign headquarters address.

All right.

- Let go get him. Come on.
- Let's go.


How are you?


I'm all right.

- Thank you for last night.
- Don't mention it.

- You would have done the same for me.
- Yes.

What were you doing there?

I was with him.

- I didn't see him.
- Luckily, we saw you.

Why did you come here?
What do you want from me?

Tell us which priest Samurai is using
to free up the land in Ostia.

And even if I told you,
what would you do about it?

Samurai will always be too much for you.

That's why we're here.

Tell us

and we'll get rid of him once and for all.

His man in the Vatican is...

Cardinal Giunti.

- Where do we find him?
- That way, we can go and say hi.

As you can see

from these upsetting images
from our live feed...

Have you seen what's going on?

...the municipality of Ostia...

It's been on live TV since this morning.

Yes. So what?

So I was thinking that no politician
has gone down there yet.

You'd be the first.

And maybe the only one.

The citizens of Ostia have claimed
they feel threatened

by the presence of the foreigners,
who they see as heralds

of decline and higher crime...

I'm parked right out front.

Their anger at not having been consulted
and their concerns over the setting up

of the new refugee camp
have been made blatantly clear...

This is Rome, the playing fields
The casinos, the neighborhoods

The plebs, the police
The whores, the trades

This is Rome, the city districts
The stadium, the bombs

Swords under the river
The streets, the riverbanks

This is Rome, the playing fields
The casinos, the neighborhoods

The plebs, the police
The whores, the trades

This is Rome, the city districts
The stadium, the bombs

You're in Rome, which calls you
By your name and won't let you hide

I come from Rome, the "Eternal City"
That shines under the sun

The fire that warms explodes
If it meets with these words...

What is this shit?

- Is this supposed to be better?
- Totally. Just listen to the chorus.

I drive, I choose the music.

Gone to your head, has it?

Do you think you can order me around?

I don't take orders
from my mother-in-law's lap dog.

And that's what you are.

Do you know
why my aunt brought me to Rome?

She doesn't trust her son.

You think you can come here and tell me
what's going on in my own home?

What about you, Angelica?
Do you trust Spadino?

He's my husband.

Where I come from,
husband and wife sleep in the same bed.

They sent me to Abruzzo
because I know him all too well.

- What are you trying to say?
- Me? Nothing.

That you're wasted on him.

We don't want any refugee camps!

We don't want any refugee camps!

- Hey, Adriano.
- My friend.

Have you seen what's f*cking going on?

I heard they even injured
the volunteer running this slum.

- Who? Monaschi?
- Yes, yes, I think so.

She ended up in the hospital.
It was a close shave.

I think this is it.

They'll never let us in.

- What, are you sh1tting your pants, Lele?
- I'm not the problem.

They'll let me in, but not you.

Good evening.

He's a colleague, he's with me.

- All right, go through.
- Thank you.

Because if Rome takes responsibility
for all the emergencies in the world,

Rome itself
will end up being the emergency.


See you, man.



- Great job!
- Thank you. Goodbye.

Bravo, you're a great man. Bravo.

- Bravo!
- Thank you.

Nice speech.

- I do what I can.
- You also do what you can't do.

Do you understand?

Come with me and I'll explain it to you.

Go take your applause, Cinaglia.

Thank you.

I think it's this one.


Wait for me here.

May I come in?


Aren't you relaxing a bit too much?

I don't believe I know you.

What are you and Samurai doing
with those poor refugees?

What are you talking about?

You work for Samurai, don't you?

He must have asked you to do something
to free up that land.

What land...

My friend...

Do you remember Monsignor Theodosiou?

Do you want to jump off a tower too?

He only wants to send the refugees away,
that's all.

What did he say to you?

That he wanted to talk to the cardinal
who currently has the power to do so.

Who's that?


Samurai wants the matter
taken care of today.

I simply put them in touch.

So you want to go out with a bang, do you?

That's all I know.

I swear.

Don't swear, priest.

You shouldn't swear.

Not even when ordered to.

Don't say anything to Samurai

or next time I'll come back for you.

Do you see anyone?


Come on.

- Where's this guy supposed to be?
- At the end of the pier, he said.

I don't like it.

- Where the f*ck are you going?
- Hurry up.

What, this tiny boat?

As long as the stuff's here, Angelica.

Okay, I'll go.

You don't get it.

Wait here and behave yourself.


Mrs. Monaschi.

Is everything okay?

- Yes.
- You're all right?

- Yes, yes, I'm fine.
- I'm glad.

You're doing a great job
at the refugee camp.

You didn't deserve to end up in here.

Don't worry, I won't be quitting.

We have to go!

- These bags are so heavy.
- Hey.

You can't be here. The port is closed.

Don't turn around.

- Let's get a move on.
- That'll only make things worse.


Stop! Coast Guard!


What the f*ck are we going to do now?

Get out of the car, at once!

Can't you see he's hurt? Show him.

He fell from the boat.

We were rushing to the emergency room.

Can we go or does he have
to bleed to death?

- Okay, but he can't drive like that.
- Well, I can't drive, I'm only 17.

Will you drive us?

Go. But drive slowly.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Now you understand
who the f*ck's in charge, right?

It's been a long time,
hasn't it, Monaschi? Come here.

What do you want from me?
I've already spoken to your friends.

- Where's the politician?
- I don't know.

- He left.
- Look at me.

He's working with Samurai.

So tell me where he is
and why you were together. Talk.

It's not like that.

Cinaglia's not with Samurai.
On the contrary.

He came to me
to stop the refugees from being moved.

What the f*ck does he care
about stopping them from being moved?

If there's chaos in Ostia,

his political allies will get more votes,
and Samurai loses.



I'll take care of it.

You f*cked up.

You sent us to the wrong cardinal.

- And now Samurai's going to the right one.
- What do you mean...

- You know nothing?
- No!

Then you'd better figure it out,
because this time I'll really k*ll you.

Nice place.

You've built yourself a nice megaphone
to talk to the Romans, huh?

Sure. What do have to say to me?

Thank you.

For last night.

I didn't do it for you.

I would have done it for anyone.

In any case, my interests
are very different from yours.

For me, the problem is only
between Italians and migrants.

But this megaphone can't always
be switched on.

Go back to talking about soccer, Adriano.

Forget about Ostia and everything else.

It annoys you, doesn't it?

Look, it'd only take a second
for this megaphone to become a boomerang.


Did you come here to lecture me? You?

I'm giving you some advice.

I quit following your advice years ago.

When I understood that while you talked
about setting Rome on the right path,

you were selling it to the worst Mafiosi.

Watch out for people, Adriano.

They're never what they seem to be.

Are you talking about yourself?

No. About Cinaglia.

I bought him three months ago.

Wait here.

Excuse me.

Have you been discharged already?

Why are you moving them?

I was wrong to bring them here, Sara.

Now I'm trying to fix things.

For the well-being of the refugees,
I imagine.

As always, of course.

What did Samurai promise you in exchange?

It had to be something more valuable
than money, right?

You should go home. You need to rest.

Wait for me here.

Forty kilos, Alberto.

I did it all myself.

And him?

Nothing, he was my driver.

Now let's go home,
and your mother can't say no to us.

I'm not going back home.
I don't feel like taking orders anymore.

We're going back to be in charge.

Why don't you want to go back?

Do you still like Aureliano?


I'm with you.

Now there are three of us.
We have to stick together.

Samurai got there before us.

As always.

I've got an idea.

I need Cinaglia.

- I'll take care of it.
- There you go. Good.

With this, we're coming home.

You did well.

That's all I can say.

It's not enough for us.

Without her, right now you wouldn't have
any money or any dr*gs.

She's even done too much, I know that.

You haven't, Alberto.

[in Sinti]
[Actually, he has done something.]


[Do you want your grandchild to grow up
outside this house?]

[I've waited for this moment for so long.]

Don't disappoint me.

Enough, Spadino.

Come here, Cinaglia.

Come on, come over here.

I've had an idea for you.

Do you want to hear it?

That's why I'm here.

Me and my friends...

stir up some trouble in Ostia for you.

And you turn that trouble into votes.

- What do you care about votes?
- Us, nothing. But you...

You can use them...

to decide who runs Rome.

That way,
you become our connection in politics

and get us into all the shit
Samurai has going on.

Because now we're going
to get rid of Samurai.

For good.

They're moving the refugees tonight.

You'll be left
with no more material for the campaign.

What kind of trouble are you thinking of?

Just something to scare people,
that's all.

I've got a couple of ideas.

What guarantees can you give me?

Here, this is how it works.

Don't worry.
After a while you'll get used to it.

What more could you ask for?
A cop, a gypsy, and the boss of Ostia.

Are you in?

I'm in.