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02x03 - Closer

Posted: 12/24/22 21:41
by bunniefuu
Where is everyone?

They left, Aureliano.
Eight of them came while you were gone.

The Gravonis and the other family bosses.

I was on my own. I had to tell them
where the weapons were.

They took them all.

All right, let's go get our stuff back.
Come on.

I'm sorry. About Livia. About everything.

But this time I'm not coming.

Look around you.

Nothing more can be done here.

You're the last Adami left.

Watch out you don't get shot.

You're putting me on the spot here...

But if you really want to know,
I'm a proud AS Roma supporter.

Oh! Obviously we're pleased to hear that!

- Have you ever played soccer?
- Well, I played as a kid.

And where did you prefer to play?
What position?

Right wing.

I never had much technique,
but I could run.

Ah, then politically speaking,
we could say

you're coming back to play
in your old position?

On the Right.

You've got this hoard of votes
that should go to the Left.

However, this declaration of love
for the Left hasn't arrived.

That's true.

But it's because my old political party
has fallen behind on many issues

that were previously ours:

the outer boroughs,
the safety of citizens...

It's very simple. I'm with whoever has
Rome's best interests at heart.

Yes, and on that subject,

can you explain what's happening
in our city with this migrant problem?

Well, they've managed to transfer

hundreds of migrants
into the heart of Ostia.

In fact, it seems there are 500 migrants.

It's a veritable invasion!

More than that,
we're also talking about land

that many important interests
have been after lately.

Yes, yes, and in addition to this,
and what's worse in my view,

is that something like this cannot happen
in secret, without informing the citizens.

- Right.
- It's unacceptable.

In fact, now the citizens have rebelled.

Okay, Mr. Cinaglia, thank you very much.

- Thank you for your time.
- Thank you.

Thank you for this very interesting chat.

Now we're going for a short break

and then we'll be back
to talk about our beloved team.

Stay tuned.

If you don't do something soon,
it'll lose the hoof.

Do you know about horses now, too?

Horses, dogs,

sheep, people...

Whatever makes money.

All right, thanks.

- What are you doing here?
- Collecting.

You got Livia.

All the dealing in Ostia, huh?

And no problems.

Ostia's bigger than Venice.

Have you got the capital to invest?
If not, the problems start right away.

This is it?

It's enough to grease a few palms
and cover the first few months.

- Maybe.
- How much are we talking about to be okay?

At least triple that.

- We'll find the money.
- Fine, first find it.

And then we'll talk.

I heard what happened with the Adamis.

- How are you going to handle him now?
- The Adamis aren't my problem anymore.

Hey, I heard you on the radio.
You were really good.

- Really?
- Yes.

Now they'll have understood
what you want to do.

- You've spoken to the Right, haven't you?
- No.

They're the ones that have to call me.
I've said what I had to say.

They clearly don't have your cell number,
because they've already called here twice.


Hello? Yes, he just came in.

- Of course, I'll put him on the phone.
- And this is the third.

Yes, certainly.
Enrico Barzacci of the Center-Right.


Samurai took everything I had.

I've got nothing left.

I want to k*ll him, Spadino.

I want to k*ll him with my own hands.

Spadino told me what you did.

- I did what I could.
- I know.

Everyone has left me.

But you're still here.

Before, the problem was my father,
your father, your brother...

Now they're gone
and we've still got a problem.

As long as Samurai's around we're f*cked.

Right. We have to take everything.

It's time for this city to change hands.

I knew I was an idiot
to get back with you two.

All right.

When are we going to do it?




What am I supposed to do with this?

The Adami land is now ours.


But there are hundreds of refugees camped

on the land that
you bought from the Vatican.

And to build the port we need both lots.

Those starving refugees aren't
the problem, though.


I'll tell you what the problem is.

Soon there'll be a new city council,

and on those lands

we still haven't built a thing.

Not a house, not a lamp-post, nothing!

If someone at city hall wakes up
and decides

we can't so much as drive a nail there,
what do we do?

We control the politicians.

Are you sure of that?

I've got to start
making money on those lands.

As things stand now,

I only trust concrete.


The Adami house report, is it ready?

- Almost, I'm working on it.
- Can you get it finished by tonight?


Good. Thank you.


That source you told me about,
is he trustworthy?

Of course he is.

He was my father's, I told you.

- Why?
- I'm just curious.

- Hey, don't write anything about that.
- No, no, I know.

As soon as you're finished,
put it on my desk.

Get out!

You have to go!

We don't want you here!

Get out!

Get out!

Mrs. Monaschi!


Good morning.

I see you've gotten out of real estate
and into the charity business.

I'm here
because all of these people need help.

And who are you doing business with?

- I'm not a businessman, I'm a politician.
- Sure.

So you came here to figure out
how to throw them back into the sea.

These people don't bother me at all.

Ah, I would never have guessed.

At least going by
what you've been saying publicly.

Do you hear these people?

Lots of people are pissed off like them.

They're my voters.

- I'm here to listen to them.
- A nice way of doing politics.

I recall you being different, though.

Anyway, I've decided to stay
on the side of the most needy.

And how much are
the most needy worth, ma'am?

- What do you want, Cinaglia?
- I don't want anything.

I told you, I'm here as a politician.

If you're refugees stay here,
that's absolutely fine by me.

For me, they're worth more
than a thousand TV ads.


I see you've really figured out
how to get ahead in this city:

say one thing and do another.

Then it seems we have something in common.

I'm going back to work.

Take care.

Free Ostia!


Yes, Sara?

So, we're short ten beds

and about 60 blankets.

Yes, they should have arrived
this morning.

- Then call them.
- I'll call them again and let you know.

- Ask for more than 60.
- Okay.

What is this circus?

- An emergency assistance operation.
- Are these your people?

- No, I only run the camp.
- They have to disappear!

- Today!
- I don't make the decisions.

The police and the authorities do.

- The Vatican made this land available.
- This is my land.

Get rid of them, understand?

- It's only a temporary solution.
- You're a very enterprising woman.

And you're even quite attractive,
but you get easily distracted.

You should remember
that I don't just make threats!



Thanks for coming.

I've heard great things about you.

I do my duty.

You're modest, too.

So, what did you want to talk to me about?

You were friends with Franco Marchilli,

Deputy Inspector Gabriele Marchilli's
father, isn't that right?


We were colleagues.

And very close.

- How did you know that?
- I asked around.

I needed to speak to someone
from outside my station.

- About what?
- About Gabriele.

Go on.

I don't know, he's acting strangely.

But maybe I'm imagining things.

You can speak to me freely about it.

In three months,
he's gotten one promotion after another.

It's not normal.

Not even for the son of a policeman
who died in the line of duty.

What has he done?

We did an identity check
at the Adami villa.

He had information
from one of his father's informants.

But we didn't find anything.

Franco didn't have informants.

That's not all.

During the check, he disappeared.

And when we were about to go inside
he came back and told us to leave.

His father told me
that Lele was keeping bad company.

And that he'd seen him
together with Samurai.


I've been looking for something
on him for three months.

I'm certain he had something to do
with the death of Lele's father.

What should I do?

Keep an eye on him.

Track all his movements

and keep me informed.

Why am I seeing Sara Monaschi again?

- How did she get involved in this?
- She's working with a cardinal.

- Fiorenzo Nascari.
- You've got to get him out of my way.

Right now, I can't do anything
that could compromise me.

I'm expecting an important post.

- I need to lie low.
- I couldn't give a shit about your post.

I gotta start construction work
before the new city council takes power.

- Why?
- Important people want it that way.

I can't do anything this time.

And Nascari's not the sort
to be swayed easily.

What does that mean?

That he's not like me.

He'll just cost more.

- Where's Alberto?
- I don't know.

When you speak to him,
because I know that you speak to him,

tell him that what he did
has put him against the family.

He was right to run.

Starting today,
you and he can't stay here anymore.

- This is our home.
- No!

This is my house!

And now you're leaving it. Alone.

Seeing that your husband
doesn't even want to be by your side.

You'll go to our relatives in Abruzzo.

How do you think my father will take
you kicking me out?

Your father
is not in charge of you anymore.

You married Spadino
and now you've got to do what I say.

During the day he's at the stables.

- Just wait till he leaves.
- Then I'll follow him.

We've got to get him
when none of his people are around.

So we can finally get him
out of the f*cking way!

Hey, if you go in this car,
they'll spot you in five minutes.

Relax, I'll get another one.

I'll get myself a g*n.


What does she want to do?

No, Angelica, you have to stay calm.

Yes. For now do whatever my mother says.
When I get back I'll sort everything out.

No, I'm not dumping you.

I've got something important to do now.

Everything's going to change,
I promise you. Trust me.


How are things with Angelica?

I care for her.

What does "care for" mean? Care for!

What does it mean?

It means we're having a baby.

And that I am seeing this guy.

What can I say, Aureliano?

Marriage is serious business.
You've got to find a way to make it work.

Turn right here.

You're going to be a father.
Don't get yourself shot!


What do you want now?

I need two g*ns.

And you're asking me?

Your guys bolted, right? What happened?

Nothing happened.
Are you going to help me out or not?

I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
My cousins took everything.

- They're in charge now.
- Imagine that.

I told you, didn't I?

Where are those two dipshits?

What do you need the g*ns for?

- Look, if you want my help, tell me.
- Okay.

[in Sinti] [Attention!]

[Attention! Quiet!]


[Today, we need to make
an important decision.]

[And we need to make it together.]

[Our family has a chance
to take over Ostia.]

[It's all set up, but we need more money.]

[And we Anacletis
have got to come up with it.]

[And when would this money come back?]

[It isn't the time to think about that.
Think about what we'll earn.]

- [We need money for dowries, weddings...]
- [Christenings...]

Come with me.

[But when do we want to be bosses?]

The old lady's furious.

She wants to run things,
but she wastes time talking.

We would have had these discussions
with Manfredi, too.

- I really don't think so.
- No?

When it comes to coughing up cash,
everyone's deaf.

And no one ponies up a lira.

It all depends on how you ask.

Our problem is that we never think big.

Where are you taking me?

To some relatives in Sulmona.

- Okay, but I've got to go somewhere first.
- Don't make trouble for me, Angelica.

I don't want to make trouble for you,
but maybe I know how to fix Adelaide's.

If you help me and I'm right,
you'll make her happy, too.


I'm not playing around here.



Get a move on.

Go get everything ready at the warehouse.

- Hey, Aureliano.
- Hi.

They're on the move.

There's more than ten of them.
They loaded gasoline and other stuff.

- They're up to something. Is he there?
- No.

Maybe I should go inside
and see if I discover anything.

No, don't do anything stupid.
Wait until I get the g*ns.

Okay, I'll wait here. Sure.


- What's going on?
- I need to talk to you, Dad.

Let's go inside.

Tell me where the g*ns are.

As soon as you go inside,
there's a white van.

They're inside it.

If you notice anything strange,
let me know.

What the f*ck...

Piece of shit!

I keep it close to see straight

To remember that if it all goes bust
I can carry the weight

To remember that it really was great

If my friends have left me to my fate
And you can still see it on my face

Even if it burns
I won't renounce the faith I have in me

Live with pain and a new you you'll see

And I'm sorry if everything I ever sold

Is like a punch in the gut
And I feel cold

And they told me
No one gets out of this shit

That's not true
There's someone I admire who's doing it

The told me people don't change
But I don't believe 'em

I look at Marco and grin

And I see the place where I play
Going to hell and I pray

You ask me for everything
But not to stay

I don't know my destiny
Love is my priority

I live in defeat like a refugee

I want to be next to you
Stand by me

It's by holding close that we'll fly high

It's with the proper distance, we now see

That it all ends very, very badly

I want to be next to you
Stand by me

It's by holding close that we'll fly high

It's with the proper distance, we now see

That it all ends very, very badly

Thanks for coming at this hour.

Not at all, it's my job.

You see how he's...

Something spooked him,
but I've got no idea what.

Ah, Doctor, there's this mare
we need to check out, too.

I told you!

I know him.

He's not a man whose toes you can step on.

Try to calm down.

- Did he thr*aten you?
- Of course! Why do you think he came here?

We're up against powerful people.

We knew it.

But we're protecting those refugees,
and that takes courage.

And I'm sure you're not short of that.

That's why I chose you.

I'm not short of it.

But on my own, against that man,
there's nothing I can do.

Sara, you're not on your own.

You can't come here and bust my balls.
Do you understand?

Hey, relax.

It'll only take a minute.

You're watching the land
with the refugees on it, right?

Tonight, see to it
that when one patrol comes off duty,

the next one starts half an hour later.

And tell us when the coast is clear.

- A piece of cake.
- No.

It's impossible.

I don't oversee the patrols.

So what?

You're a deputy inspector, don't tell me
you don't count for shit, Lele.

Now you can go.

Get out!

[in Sinti] [I can find the money for you.]

[But on one condition.]

[What condition?]

[That my daughter

[oversees the deal.]


I think it's better
if Angelica manages this whole business.

And therefore, she stays in Rome,

inside this house,

where she married your son.

[The mother-in-law decides
for the daughter-in-law.]

[Not the father.]

But you're asking the father for money.


- The hour is late.
- All right.

We'll do as you say.


I've done what I could.

I'll come by in a couple of days to see...

Let's go.

Close the door.

- What is this place?
- A hotel.

It was ours, but no one's been in here
for twenty years.

I'm staying here now.

Your cousins will be looking for you,
so you'll sleep here tonight.

- Who says so?
- I say so.

- Hey, Spadino.
- Aureliano.

The rat's finally come out into the open.

- Why are you talking funny? Where are you?
- In the stables.

What do you mean, "inside the stables"?

Yes, I managed to sneak in.
Leave it to me.

- Where is he?
- He's here.

What are you going to do now, Spadino?

- I just heard from them.
- Hey!

The guys are ready.

Got to go. Call you back.

Make sure you do it right.

Wait, Spadino...


You have to look angry, like people
who are fed up with the situation.

There can't be any deaths,
otherwise they'll confiscate the land,

and that'll be that.


- Samurai.
- What is it?

- Well?
- Someone's here to see you.

Listen, get rid of these f*cking flyers.

With everything I spent on this campaign,
you could have at least handed them out!


Samurai asked me to send the patrol cars
away from the refugee camp.

No, I don't know why.

So, what do we do?

We wait until Spadino calls us back.

Meanwhile, you come here.

- Where?
- To the hotel.

Okay, I'm on my way.

- Why did you decide to come and see me?
- I wanted to look you in the face.

To see how much you've changed.

I would have liked to have you by my side.

You're the one who decided to leave.

- There must have been a reason, right?
- Oh!

Still a hardass, huh?

I'm still the same.

- I haven't betrayed my ideals.
- Me neither.

I'm just older than you.


Once it made sense to get into fights
over ideals, but not now.

Come on, let's not create bad blood.

We haven't seen each other for years.
Come on.

I remember you as a kid.

- Look at you, you've become a man.
- And you've gotten old.

I spoke to the cop. It's all set.

I'll join the guys
at the warehouse and we'll go.

I'm coming too.

I want to make sure you don't f*ck up.

You and me still think the same way.

And tonight I'm going to prove it to you.
Come with me.

I'll show you I haven't changed.

You had me worried. What's going on?

Samurai's men are organizing something.
But I'm not sure where they're going.

- Is he there?
- He just left.

- Aureliano...
- Wait.

What time did Samurai ask you
to move the cops?

In an hour.

Spadino, I know where they're going.

- Go to the refugee camp. Quickly.
- Okay.

A gin and tonic.

I'm good, thanks.


You haven't even started
and you already want to swap teams?

- No. Look, it's absolutely not...
- What are you doing?

Justifying yourself?

How many votes did you get?

Why, don't you know?

Yes, but I bet someone as meticulous
as you remembers the exact number.

I got 230,423.

There. See?

You didn't expect it, did you?

Well, I ran a very long campaign.

I didn't stop for one second.

It's clear that you're driven,
a hard worker.

What do you want in exchange?

- To partner with your coalition.
- I know that.

But what do you want in exchange
for yourself?

Shouldn't we be talking about policies?

- About programs?
- Really?

- Cross-party agreements.
- How to improve social programs?

The right-wing coalition
is a very practical one.

We talk straight. Tell me what you want.

A commissionership and one of my men
as head of the mayor's cabinet.

The smaller you are,
the more you want to eat.

- Well?
- Well, I'm not the one who decides.

I'll speak to my party and let you know.

Barzacci, I didn't come here
to be dicked around.

These are things that you decide.

But that aren't decided
while sitting at a bar.

I'll let you know.

- Well?
- Haven't seen anyone yet.

They're leaving now.

- Hi, baby.
- Why aren't you at home?

The meeting ran late. I just got back now.

- So, how did it go with Barzacci?
- He's taking his time.

He said he's not the one who decides.

As if I didn't know his party called him
to Rome for that purpose.

- And so?
- And so nothing.

Alice, it's impossible
to know what these guys are thinking.

- Sure, but did he seem positive to you...
- My compliments, madam.

Good evening, Mr. Cinaglia.

Come with us.
There's someone who wants to talk to you.

- When you're ready.
- Yes. Of course.

- After you.
- Go on, sweetheart.

The babysitter needs to go home.
It's late.


I'll talk to you later.

Here they are.

I don't see Samurai.

He's got to be there. For sure.

Let's go.

They're all asleep. Go in quietly.

And make sure you don't aim
at the tents where they're sleeping!

They've taken Ostia for a dump
and now they'll learn their lesson.

Let's split up.

What the f*ck's going on?

Wait here.

There's a tent on fire.

Are you lost?

Come here! What the f*ck are you doing?
I said not the tents!

- Where's Saverio?
- I don't know!

Go and find him! Go!

Come on! Come with me!

- Come on, Aureliano! Let's go.
- Where the f*ck is he?



Come on, get in.

- Adriano, we've got to go!
- This has nothing to do with ideals.

What's your angle with this land?

Why are they trying to k*ll you?

What do we do now?
All hell is breaking loose here!

Let's go.


Wake up, Sara!

Wake up, come on.


What have you done?