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02x02 - Consequences

Posted: 12/24/22 21:40
by bunniefuu
All this stuff was Mom's?

Come on, let's look for it.

Hey! What the f*ck are you doing?

So you went ahead to spite me?

And you brought him along, too.

How many times have I told you
not to come out here? How many?

The ring that me and Mom made for him.

The one made out of wire, where is it?

- You came here for that?
- I came to show him who his mother was.

Don't touch her!

What the f*ck are you doing?

Keep your hands off her!

I had Mom's ring.

You just had to ask.

I thought you were different.


Let me see.

Hey! I said let me see.

I'm sorry, Aureliano.

- Why can't I go in?
- You can't talk to him.

What do we do with her?

- You don't get it, I have to talk to him.
- You can't.

It concerns him too, not just me.

Pay for her father's funeral
and let's put an end to this.

I'm not going.

Aureliano, don't f*ck up.

I've known you two since you were small.
Ostia needs the Adamis.

Both of you.

- I don't know where he is.
- You are his wife.

If you want to save your family,
find a way to make him come home.


You shouldn't have troubled yourself.

Adelaide, I'm asking this respectfully.
Where the f*ck is Livia?

Something unexpected came up.
Don't worry, I'll take care of it.

You mean you don't have her anymore?

Relax, I'll bring her to you.

Don't make me come back here.

If Samurai finds out
what I've done I'm f*cked.

Spadino, I listened to you,
but Aureliano doesn't trust us anymore.

- He'll call us.
- And what if he doesn't?

- Besides, why should he?
- Because the last time...

What about the last time?

What happened, Spadino?
Is there something you should tell me?

- It was nothing, we had an argument.
- Everyone argues with Aureliano.

Yes, maybe.

What do you want?

What do you want?

- I want to be free.
- Me, too.

That's why we have to team up again,
against Samurai.

But we can't do it without Aureliano.


I've got to go.


Talk to me.


I'm really sorry for what I did to Isabel.

I only came back
to ask for your forgiveness.

Open up.

Look at me.


You were right.

You stole most of your votes
from the Left.


That means you can ask them for more
than a commissionership.

That's not the point.

What is?

That they're not certain to win.

- May I?
- Of course.

Your 9% is a nice little treasure
to decide who'll be the next mayor.

What do you intend to do with it?

- What would you do?
- I'd give it to the winner, the Left.

Do you always see things so clearly
from your parlor?

Cinaglia, who will you form
an alliance with before the run-off?

I don't know.
I live in a basement apartment.

Then come to dinner tonight
with your wife.

You can see all of Rome.

And believe me,
with my help, your little treasure

can become a gold mine.

- Sandro!
- What are you doing here?

You're looking well, too, thank you.

We said we wouldn't meet
till the judge summoned us.

Yes, but Cardinal Pascagni
has been arrested.

I need a favor.

It's the last one I'll ask you.

I urgently need an appointment
with his replacement, Cardinal Nascari.

I'm done using my name
in the Vatican for you.

But it's very important.

Sandro... please.

I want the loft back.

I've got lots of debts.

- And I want it today.
- Today? How can I do it today?

You'll find a way, like you always have.

- All right.
- I'll let you know.

Come in.

Hi, what do you need?

These license plates need checking.

What is it?

I'd like to do something more useful.

- Like?
- Get out onto the street.

You said I was your best officer.

Yes. Cristiana,
this is what needs to be done today.

But check them on the street if you want.
After all, they're license plates.

Close the door after you, please.

An independent candidate has never before
achieved these results in Rome.

Well done, Cinaglia.
How did you celebrate?

In moderation.

the Left will welcome you with open arms.

I'll let you know.

Can we trust him? He looks uncertain.


The Left will make him commissioner.

Once they elect a mayor
he'll ensure we get the port.

You've got the Vatican land.

But you still need Livia's signature
to get the Adamis' land.

I've been waiting three months for them.

I'm sorting it out.

As I always do.

[in Sinti] [Hello, everyone.]

Shame on you!

Boy, Ma, you're always happy to see me.

I just covered for you with Samurai.

I didn't tell him anything
about what you did.

Ma, I don't need you to cover my ass.

Where's Livia?

Do you really want to know? Huh?

You took her to Aureliano Adami.

What else was I to do, Ma?

They're brother and sister.

Some things should stay in the family.

[What are you doing? Let go of me!]

You didn't think
I'd be the one coming here, did you?

Luckily, you're a friendly face.

Tomorrow we'll hold a press conference
here to declare our alliance.

Have you done a few calculations?

We can guarantee you
a commissionership and some appointments.

Gabriella, that's of secondary importance.
I mean, do you understand why I got 9.4%?

You voiced
an important new political sentiment.

No, Stefano,
I spoke about security and immigration.

How do you plan
to tackle these two issues?

Now, two weeks
from the end of the campaign?

We have a clear political platform

and our electorate
understands and supports it.

We don't feel any need to change it.

But the electorate
has expressed strong feelings.

The issue of security in Rome
cannot be ignored.

Listen, Amedeo,
congratulations on your 9%, I mean that,

but we're not going
to change our strategy for you.

In that case we have nothing more
to say to each other.


I want to be with the winners.

But if it goes on like this,
you'll come second.

As has happened for years,
we'll win this election.

With or without you.

And you'll be left alone,
in the opposition.

All the best, Amedeo.

Cardinal Nascari.

Good afternoon.

No, no...

Excuse the mess, I only recently moved in.

This place looked like a museum,
not a workplace.

Your Eminence,
I won't take up too much time.

I'd like to speak to you
about last night's emergency.

There are hundreds of migrants
and my charity is ready to take them in.

I am sorry, madam,

but the facilities that Cardinal Pascagni
assigned to you are no longer available.

There's an internal investigation
that will be respected and supported.

But where will the migrants be put?

There are many associations close to us,
run by competent people.

But none of them can guarantee
that families will be kept together.

The Vatican cannot let
these people be separated

after all they've been through.

Throughout the centuries,
the Vatican has let many things happen.

But, at last, the air is finally changing.

So where will you put them?

Together with the local authorities,

we're trying to come up
with the most dignified solution possible.

Is there anything else?

No, Your Eminence.

Goodbye, madam.

Thank you.

I know where Livia Adami is.

I'll take you there.

Adelaide, you are
a respectable and intelligent woman.

Tell me where she is
and don't piss me off.

I want a guarantee about our deal,
then I'll tell you.

You want guarantees for information?

That's a bit much.

It's what I want. I'm not negotiating.

- Tell me where she is.
- In her own house. Her brother's got her.

You can't trust him.

We've always said so.
My son is in a coma because of him.

You did the right thing, Adelaide.

As soon as you've got her,
we'll discuss the rest.

How come we couldn't find Livia Adami,
but the f*cking Anacletis did?

How's that possible?

We can't trust Aureliano anymore.

What do we do now?

Let's go get the land, Saverio.

- The Adami house is surrounded by guards.
- Yes, I know.

But someone can give us a hand.

- Aureliano, let me talk.
- Get out.

Aureliano, I was scared.

Aureliano, I was scared
Isabel would come between me and you.

Aureliano, please!

Let go of me, Aureliano!

- Let go of me!
- Let go of you!

Aureliano, please! Please!

Get in.



Wait! Before you sh**t me,
I want to talk to you, that's all I ask.

I know I don't deserve to live, Aureliano.

But I want to die
knowing I asked you to forgive me.

I didn't come back for business,
or for the port,

or to convince you of anything.

I only wanted to look you in the face
and tell you I'm disgusted by what I did.

The last thing I wanted to do
was make you suffer.

I loved you too much.

And I never understood if you were a son,
a brother, a friend...

And then you became my life.

Dad never understood a f*cking thing.

You have to rule Ostia and all of Rome,
because you deserve it.

Now you can sh**t me.

I can't do it.

Get off.

Get off!

- What are you doing?
- I'm going to talk to my husband.

No. We can't let anyone past.

Are you jealous?

You want to come too
and give him a little kiss?

- Alberto!
- Open this door!

How can I with your cousin standing guard?

Angelica, I'm losing my mind. Find a way.

You've got to hold on for a bit longer.

I may have an idea
how to get you out of here.

Here he is.

You need a coffee. Come on, it's on me.

No, thanks.

Look, I need you alert and ready tonight.

You've got to go to the Adami house.

You've got to keep
all of the guards busy for me.

They can't be inside the house.

You don't get it,
I don't work for you anymore.

No, you're the one who doesn't get it.

You have to do whatever I tell you to do.

You didn't bring me Livia yesterday.

It's a miracle you're still alive,
do you understand me or not?

Today you have to make up for that.
Is that clear?

In two hours do what I told you to do.

How are you?

Good, now.

Do you remember this?

That day changed everything.

I've been many things to you.

But never a boss.

I know.

Stay here.

Me and you.

Against everyone.

- Lele?
- Samurai's going to the Adami house.

He's going to there to do something.
I need a hand.

All right, all right.
Listen, I'll come up with something. Okay?




Maybe you haven't noticed, but in Ostia

there are business interests
of a certain sort at play.

- Shouldn't Adriano just talk soccer?
- What I mean are the Vatican lands.

They were sold three months ago
and nobody knows to whom.

- Too many people listen to him.
- I was born in Ostia...

Go tell him to keep his f*cking mouth shut
about the land in Ostia.

I love Ostia.

- Where are the others?
- Shift's over, Inspector. They just left.

Call them back. I need them now.

- What's going on?
- You wanted action?

Be outside with two officers
in five minutes.

What do you want?

First, to give you back your spare change.
I don't want your charity.

Your father f*cked up.
We had to deal with it.

Leave my father out of it.

Then why are you here?

I want you to put me
at the head of my family.

I found the dr*gs my dad stole from you.

My cousins had them. I want to sell them.

For you.

You don't want to avenge him.

You want to replace him?

Look, my father was a piece of shit.

I hate him even more now that he's gone,

because he left me
in deeper shit than before.

Then we've got something in common.


Well, I don't get why I should put you
in your father's place.

My cousins want to take over everything.

Even the vendetta against you.

I can't do it all myself, can I?

You become a boss
all by yourself, little girl.

Send her away.

I haven't got time for this shit.

Radio Roma Sport, good evening.

Yes, I'll put you through now.

Michele, you have a call.

Line three.

Now, I'll leave the line open for calls.
You have 30 seconds each.

Remember, insults, profanity
and slander are forbidden.

I know you want to vent your anger,
so do I, but you can't on the radio, so...

I'm going to say goodbye now,
but as always I'll be back tomorrow

with the latest football transfer news.

Till then.

So? Have you finished gossiping?

You're not being very nice
towards the man who raised you.

Have you forgotten all he's done for you?

So he's sending his sl*ve to talk to me?

He hasn't got time
to waste on little kids.

But you've got plenty of time to waste.

Sorry, I've got to take a leak.

Oh! Will you fix my necklace? It's...


You're so beautiful.

I'm proud of you.

Wait for me in the lobby
for a minute, please.

Go in, darling.

Did you have to come here?

What's going on?

You have to be a good soldier
and keep me informed.

You're not working on your own.

Why haven't you made a deal
with the Left yet?

Because we risk looking like fools.

It's like they're living on the moon.

- They don't get what the people want.
- What are you saying?

That they're going to lose the election.

People are afraid.

They want answers
and they don't have them.

We've done business with them
and we'll keep doing business with them.

They won't be governing.

You got those votes with my help.
You'll give them to whomever I say, okay?

I won't flush my votes down the toilet
by supporting the wrong candidate.

Better wrong than dead.

Think about that
when you're with the Countess.

Hey, get a move on,
we're praying for Manfredi.

[in Sinti] [Let's go.]

Well done, kid.

Your Eminence, why did you call me?

Ah, Mrs. Monaschi.

What's going on?

You were right, the migrants that arrived
have the right to stay together.

At least the families.

You've set up a refugee camp here?

- On the Ostia land?
- Yes.

And local authorities
are ready to entrust it to you.

But these lands
no longer belong to the Holy See.

It's not our property anymore,
but you know Italian bureaucracy.

The property transfer
hasn't technically been finalized yet.

We're going to take advantage of that,
and force things a bit.

Your Eminence,
enormous interests are involved here

and someone might get offended.

And believe me, it's not someone
you want to have dealings with.

Do we allow
the powerful to intimidate us, Sara?

And who will defend these poor creatures?

Do you know to whom this land belongs?
Why do you want to put them here?

Because they have nowhere else to go.

They'll stay together,

until we find
more suitable accommodations.

I thought you cared about these people.

You and your association will have
complete control over the management,

operational and financial.

All right.

I'm glad.

Yes, of course.

How did you find out?

An informer.

Three months
and you've already got informers?

He's someone
who used to talk to my father.

What exactly did he tell you?

He was at an exchange, and the car
with the dr*gs in it is at the Adami's.


How can we search the place
without a warrant?

You can't always do things by the book,
especially with people like the Adamis.

- So what do you plan on doing?
- I'll try to get inside during the check.

- Alone?
- Yes.

You're the only agent I'd take with me,

but I need you outside, all right?

All right.

The police are outside.

They say they want
to identify everyone in the house.

The police, that's all we needed now.

If I'm not at home, they can't come in.

You go out, they've seen you anyway.
Leave Gianluca back here.

- They're coming out.
- Good.

Ask for IDs and radio in their names.
Play for time.

- The owner of the house isn't in?
- No.

What are you doing here without Mr. Adami?

We're guests.

I need to see IDs, from everyone.




Shut up!

Did you really think I wouldn't find out
that Livia was here?

Maybe now you'll keep your word.

- Hey!
- What the f*ck took so long?

- I came as quick as I could.
- Hurry up!

Sign it, Livia,
or I blow a hole in your brother's head.

You wanted to keep my land.

What were you going to do then?

It's finished.
I've taken everything from you.

Now try to rule over
the nothing you've got left.

You can take all the land you want.

As long as we're here, Ostia is ours.

Oh! God!

Oh, God!

What the f*ck have you done?

Look at me! I'm here. Hold on…


Look at me.

Talk to me. Livia, please, Livia.

Now I've taken everything from you.

You're on your own, Aureliano.

And on your own, you're not worth shit.

Whose cars are those?

Ours and the owner of the house's.

Who isn't here.

Officer, how much longer
do we have to stay here?

As long as it takes.

Are you sure
everything you're doing is by the book?

This is private property.

Officer, we can go.

We're not done yet, Inspector.

There's no need. Let's go.

Let's go!