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01x02 - Plebes and Patricians

Posted: 12/24/22 21:38
by bunniefuu
Shut up, don't move or I'll sh**t you in the face.


The Suburra This place hasn't changed in 2,000 years.

Patricians, plebeians, politicians and criminals, whores and priests Rome.

But now the rich live here.

You were right to call me, Samurai, I want to help you find your place in this world.

What do you want from me? The proposal for unifying the land in Ostia.

I want it to be approved before the mayor's resignation comes into effect.

The Ostia land has various owners.

The Church owns the biggest piece.

Who says it'll want to join them? Final approval requires the signature of the Commission's technical counselor.

Finucci? Not a problem.

Priests, criminals and technical counselors the cards are already marked.

Know who's missing? You.

What do you want? You came here without knowing what to ask for? I wasn't wrong then.

The f*ck you talking about? You're like a child who wants to be appreciated, but who discovers the grownup world has other rules, other interests.

That's why you're here, to find out how it works.

Isn't it? Be quiet.

Now I'll show you a nice little film.

Getting busy, huh? Think what'd happen if this got around Think what'd happen.

I know, you don't want that.

All you gotta do is give me a shitload of cash, and I promise you no one will see this thing.

Now you can talk.

How much? With 300,000, you can relax.

You don't need to say anything else.

You gotta give it to me this afternoon.

Nine percent In three months in the northern zone, we've lost 9%, Livia.

You want to talk about this later? Sorry, you were saying? In the northern zone? We've lost a lot of money That's your brother's area, right? "We" who? I was filling your sister in on the situation, it's not good.

That's family stuff, stick to doing the accounts.

The accounts say you're losing more every month.

Do them again, maybe you got them wrong.

All right.

- Aureliano, wait, we need to talk.

- I'm busy.

We'll talk some other time.

Listen, don't tell my father about this.

But he'll notice.

A kid would notice.

Don't say anything to him, I'll take care of it.

Actually, let me see.


[They're going to see the reception venue.


[Only a few days to go now.


[They have to get a move on!.]

- [What a wedding it will be!.]

- Spadi! - [The Sale family will be amazed.


- Spadi! What do you want? Where have you been? The f*ck you smiling at? Your cousin disappeared last night.

He was last seen with Aureliano Adami.

He probably went to blow all his dough on hookers, as usual.

Maybe, but we've got to find him.

Don't f*ck with those scumbags from Ostia.

[Beautiful Angelica!.]

Go take care of the reception.

Don't screw up.

[Welcome to our home!.]

[Congratulations to the engaged couple!.]

[May God bless you!.]

Come out.

Let me see.

Well? It fits you perfectly.

You just need the pants shortened a bit, it's perfect.

- You think? - Look at yourself.

Can't you see yourself? Yeah.

- It just seems a bit pricey, Dad - I told you not to worry.

You're about to graduate, my boy, and your dad's sparing no expense, end of story.

Answer it.

No, it's the usual cold caller trying to sell something.

- All right, I'll get it hemmed.

- Good.

I said it was the right one for you.

I'll go pay.

Hello? Yeah, I've got the money.

I'll bring it to you at six.

Yeah, 20,000.

At six.

He's got a video of me at the party.

- A video? - If I don't pay, he'll ruin me.

He wants 300,000 euros by four p.


, downstairs in the hospital garden.

And what's on this video? You've brought me into the abyss, out of self-interest.

Don't say that, Monsignor, it's not like that.

You're guilty.

Guilty as much as me.

Listen to me, now we have to sort out this mess together.

You're a horrible person.

Do you want me to help you or not? Riccardo, turn it on! Riccardo, turn it off! Now I'll show you the shell.

The shell? We can move the statue from the middle to make the dance floor.

And when you come in, you slowly cross the room, so everyone can admire you.

Then the groom takes her hand and leads her to your table.

Come on, give her your hand.

Do we need to rehearse this clown show? - Yes, give her your hand.

- Okay, where do I take her? - To your table.

- Let's go.

The Trevi Fountain.

Were you expecting this? So, you're getting married on Friday.

And we need to decide on the menu.

And we have different types of menus.

Actually, hold on a moment, I'll go get them.

Okay, let's choose the menus.

You're really not into this, are you? No, it's just that I'm not good at picking food for other people.

What are you good at? Lots of things, except being here.

Then let's do one of them.

- Well? - You've made a huge mess! - Will you calm down? - Calm down, my ass! Someone shot a video of the priest, and now they're blackmailing him.

- A video? - Yes, know anything about it? I only did what you asked me to.

Only? Maybe you were pissed at me and you found a way to Wait, Lele.

Do you really think I could do that to you? Really? But you organized the party, you picked the people.

And now you've got to help me fix this mess.

The blackmailer's young, dark shaved hair, looks like a thug.

Sara, there's a lot of guys like that.

You don't even f*cking know who was at the party? There's a prost*tute in the video, a black girl.

Do you remember her, at least? - Yes.

- Who is she? One of the many.

I want to know who she is, you find her, because she's involved for sure.

- You still haven't paid me.

- Find the girl! Find her! Is this place yours? It's the family's.

- So it's yours too, right? - It's the family's.

So, what, you come here to dance? No.

I come here during the day, when there's no one here to bother me.

Can we come here to dance sometime? - Wives stay at home.

- Yeah, maybe 20 years ago.

And anyway, I'm sure you won't like the music.

Look, I like dancing, like you do.

I gotta go, wait for me here.

What's up? Wow, tough Come here.

You're so tough.

Hello? I knew that shithead priest would talk.

So, who's this woman? She told me to organize the party, she's from the "Rome that matters".

Like I give a f*ck about the "Rome that matters".

Anyway, she wants me to find the black girl.

She saw us, it could be a problem.

It's no problem.

I'll take care of the hooker, but the priest needs to know we're not playing.

Put the video online, not all of it, just enough, without showing his face, just to scare him.

When did you become the boss? An Anacleti can't be in charge.

I couldn't give a f*ck about being in charge, but I don't want to take orders.

So, this time let's do without bosses.

We found the only gypsy who knows how to think! You, come with me.

Let's see if you can think, too.

Listen, I don't like being jerked around.

What does that mean? That you're a friend of that woman from the Rome that matters.

And you're also a cop's son.

What do you know about my father? You think I work with someone without knowing who they are? One thing's me, my father's another.

We'll see.

Your fiancée left.

She was pissed.

Yeah Whatever.

Women, they get over it.

Does she live there? Yeah, she lives there.

- But I don't know which apartment.

- Okay, let's go.

- Is it this one? - I think so.

Great, now which f*cking one is it? - Excuse me, you know which one is - Isabel's.

You looking for Isabel, guys? - Why don't you come up to me first? - Tell me where she lives.

All right, first floor, apartment three.


Close the door.

What are you doing with that? Me, nothing, you're going to k*ll the bitch.

No way, I'm not k*lling anyone.

You wanna call Daddy? Wanna ask him what you'd get for drug dealing and blackmail? There's gotta be another way, right? She's seen our faces, there's no other way.

Is this how you want to be a criminal, Lele? Stay here, keep your eyes peeled, so if I get a m*rder rap, you're my accomplice.

You better be here when I get back.

If you're not, I'll come find you, and you'll be in deep shit.

What the f*ck are you doing? I won't say anything I won't say anything, I promise.

- Come here.

- I promise I won't say anything.

- I said, come here.

- Please, let go of me.

Shut up! I won't say anything, please Please! Help! I promise I won't say anything.

I took care of it.

Let's go.

Don't you understand they uploaded some video of the priest at the party? And the girl? What does that mean? That she's nowhere to be found, she's gone, that's what.

You find her, got it? You've got to find her! They put the video online, for now, without showing Theodosiou's face, but if he doesn't pay, they'll post it all.

You want to put our lives in his hands? - He may be involved in the blackmail.

- He's not! How the f*ck can you trust him? Do you have any other solutions? Do you? - Well? - Well, what? - The agenda? - It's already set.

Yes, but with the mayor resigning, maybe it needs reviewing.

There are matters that take precedence.

Sure, everyone's in a hurry to get their business through now.

Everyone, who? Look, all we're asking you is to reflect on the political emergency facing Rome.

Since when do you care about politics? What's with the tone? I happen to be a councilman like you, elected by the citizens of Rome, exactly like you.

Where the f*ck's he going now? Have you seen Finucci? I just saw him pass by.


How much is he paying you? Pardon me? Samurai, how much is he paying you? - Well? - You want to know how much to ask? And are the other councilmen on his payroll too? Not that I know of, at least not on this deal.

On this deal, you and I are enough.

I could leak it, cause a scandal.

You already would have.

When you're done struggling with your conscience, call the commission and ask for an amendment to the agenda.

And you'll ask for the Ostia proposal to be discussed first up, I'll oppose it, but my opinion will only be a technical one.

That will stay in the minutes, so you'll have an alibi.

Ostia's a strange business.

Take my advice, make sure you get paid well.

There's not much time left, so listen to me.

I'll go to the appointment in your place and sort it all out.

I want you to leave here and come to the commission at eight, where you'll get everybody to vote the way we agreed.

All right? You're no different from those people.

I'll see you at eight.

What's the family's share? No share, this is a huge deal, it concerns the land you can see and everything around it.

They'll build a port and my family will have part of the coke that comes in.

Tons of coke.

And your brother doesn't know anything? No, my father doesn't want to tell him yet.

And to think Aureliano wanted to open a club here.

That's a lousy idea, you guys have tons of clubs.

Don't get caught up in the middle of this.

I'm not in the middle.

I'm totally on your side.

Maybe a bit too much.

Is that bad? What? Sorry.

- We can't.

- Why? Because we can't.

And this? Don't get too close.

He's tied up.

No, don't get too close.

Little pup Hello.

Boris? [We found his car totaled, but there's no trace of him or his dog.


[Search everywhere.


[I wanna know what happened to him.


There are no cops.

I told you, Friar f*ck got scared.

Now you'll see how he rolls over.

Yo, what's with you? - You've been quiet for an hour.

- Must be indigestion.

Look, it's time.

You're in a hurry to see the money? I'm in a hurry for this to be over.

I'll be watching you.

Scared I'm gonna steal your money? You're still a gypsy I don't get you guys.

It's all a game for you.

It's better to have fun when you work, bro.

Who the f*ck's she? Do you know her? It's Sara.

She asked for the party.

Where's the priest? What's this, a joke? It's not even a tenth.

Let's say it's an advance.

No, let's say it's all of it.

Anyway, it's all the priest's got.

Lady, now you go to that assh*le and tell him if I don't get all the money, his face ends up all over the place.

That clear, or should I write it down? Put it online and the police will trace you in five minutes.

- This doesn't end here.

- I say it does.

What's this mean? It's what she gave me, she says it's all the priest's got.

Where the f*ck's he going? Where is he? Sister, where the f*ck is the priest? - Where the f*ck is he? - He left an hour ago.

Here, thank your friend, assh*le.

We still have the video, right? Then maybe you don't get it, the priest's gone, we don't know where he is, you can stick the video up your ass.

Actually, upload the whole f*cking thing, at least it'll turn the priest off f*cking.

What the f*ck do I do with only this? I'm f*cked! Not bad, this kid.

You remember the day you stopped dreaming of being a champion? I didn't play soccer.

I'll have the agenda amended.

I'll fix it so the Ostia business is discussed first.

- That's all I'll do, let that be clear.

- That's all I want.

The price? You'll pay for my election campaign.

I want to be at the top of the ticket.

Do what I asked You'll see, I'll be very generous.

Who's the Ostia land going to? Be careful, you might come to like this game.

Take care.

What the f*ck's this? - How much is it? - Ten grand.

Ten grand? How much did I tell you? - Twenty - Twenty, I said.

I swear, I'll bring it tomorrow.

Bring me the rest, same time tomorrow, plus another 20 grand for the trouble, got it? You okay, kid? Fine.

Who the f*ck's that? One of the many who gotta pay us.

Hi, Romolo.

Your sister's looking for you.

- Where is she? - On the terrace.

I went to the kiosk.

How come? Did Dad change his mind? Whose dog is it? Mine, I found him on the street.

What did you want to tell me? Dad's right.

The kiosk's not worth it.

It's too expensive.

Says who? Quirino? He needs to stick to the accounts, I already told you.

- He does them well.

- Something else he'd like to do well.

I had to send Romolo out to do your work, Dad doesn't notice, but you gotta take care of it.

You can't always think only about money, Livia.

I think about covering up your f*ck-ups too.

And of keeping the family together.

But what do you think about? Why didn't we ever have a dog? Why didn't we ever have a dog? Dad didn't like them.

Mom did.

Weird You're getting to be more and more like Mom.

Anyway, the dog's adorable, bring him home, we'll piss off Dad.

- What the f*ck are you doing? - You left me there like an idiot.

I had a shitty day, all right? I won't let anyone treat me like that, you hear me? Stay away from me.

- Go f*ck yourself.

- f*ck you.

Where are you off to? Listen here, you What happened? Nothing.

Anyway, it's my business.

No one has their own f*cking business in this house, don't forget it.

Nothing's changed here, you know.

I haven't been here for three months, either.

I've got to go to the Vatican.

I'm in a hurry What did you want to tell me? The girl I haven't found her.

It doesn't matter.

I took care of it.

How? I paid.

Not what they asked for.

Is the priest still in the hospital? No, they discharged him.

So, he's already back home? - Is he okay? - Yeah, he's recovered.


I'm seeing him in an hour at the commission.

I've still got to pay you.

I haven't forgotten.

You're so beautiful.

Listen, I'm sorry about this morning.

Forget it.

Close the door behind you.


You put the video online yet? Well, don't do it.

I know where the priest is.

- Good evening.

- Good evening.

Good evening, Your Eminence, the monsignor is on his way.

Friar f*ck - Wow, you're in good shape.

- Our buddy here recovered quickly.

Where are you going? Come here.

We just wanna talk with you.

You don't wanna talk? Let's go around the block.

Monsignor, do you need help? Valeria, I need to make a very private phone call.

Excuse me a moment.

Hello? They're back, do you hear me? They're back.

- They were outside the commission.

- Where are you now? At the dry cleaner's near my house.

- Did they see you go in? - I don't think so.

I can't stay here.

Now listen to me, calm down.

You need to go home now, lock the door and don't open for anyone.

Monsignor Theodosiou apologizes, but something's come up and the meeting's postponed.

I hope it's nothing serious.

Nothing that can't be solved.

Let's hope so.

Yeah? I found him, come back.

Shut up, don't move or I'll sh**t you in the face.

I don't think you've repented enough, Friar f*ck.

Go on, keep going.

Go on.

How much you got in the bank? I asked you how much you got in the bank.

- Fifteen, 20,000 euros - Don't bullshit me.

You're the head of the commission, so you can go to the bank and ask for money, right? Can you ask for the 300,000? Yes.

You're coming with us, so you don't f*ck anything else up.

In the morning, send someone to get the money, give it to us and we'll forget all about you.

Got it? Down the end, to the right.

Come here.

Don't f*ck up, Friar f*ck.

Monsignor? Monsignor? Monsignor? You're sure it's safe here? Don't worry, even if he yells, no one can hear him.

This music rocks! What are you doing, Lele? - You're not dancing? - Cut it out.

How come you're not dancing? Doesn't he make you wanna dance? Look.

Wanna make a toast? Next time, I got stuff to do.

See you tomorrow.

Go on, get a couple of glasses.


They found Boris, under a viaduct in Eur.

He says you can't even recognize him, he was bashed to a pulp.

Why are you a hooker? First you don't sh**t me, then you come back What do you want? I want to know where you were born.

I'm from Rome.


If you don't wanna talk to me, I'll go.