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01x08 - A New Man

Posted: 12/24/22 21:35
by bunniefuu

Go around the back way.


Shut up and don't move, piece of shit!

-What do you want?
-Shut up, assh*le!

-I didn't do f*ckin' nothing.
-Shut up!



Sara, sorry to call at this hour.

Can you drop by in the morning?

I need to speak to you
about something very important.

Good, see you tomorrow.

How the f*ck did we lose
in the Vatican Commission?

We've lost, it's true,
but I've already fixed it.

You didn't need to bother coming,
I would have called you.

What a f*cking city, huh?

It never stops.

It must be exhausting.

I couldn't live anywhere else.

Are you hurt? Is everything okay?

Go away, I'm fine.

How do you feel?

Like someone who took a b*llet
for someone else.

I didn't ask you to go there in my place.

Between husband and wife,
that's what you do.

The b*llet just grazed me, but it hurts.

I'm not your sister.

That's the second time
I've covered for you,

and I don't even know
where the f*ck you were.

I'm over it!

Listen, Angelica...


Let's go to bed.

I've done some shit in my time,

but something this stupid,
I'd never have imagined.

Good thing nothing happened.

But it could have. That's the problem,

and it was about to happen to me.

-So, have you decided?
-About what?

To take sleeping pills,
rest, actually sleep.

Gotta go.

The gypsies and Adamis will be
at the stables soon.

Well? Got nothing to say for yourself?

In the end, nothing happened.

She nearly dies,
and you say nothing happened?

All right...

Where do you think you're going?
You're coming with me.

With you, once a kid, always a kid.

From now on, you gotta ask permission
even to take a piss.

-Amedeo, get rid of those shoes.

You need at least another pair for work.

You know I'm attached to them.

You can get attached
to new shoes too, you know?

-You think?
-Go shopping, you might change your mind.

What is it?

I like that you're here,

walking around the house.

I've never seen such a big house.

Later, we'll get your stuff
so we can fill it up, okay?

I'm coming with you.

Don't worry, Romolo's there.

Yeah, but I'm not like your brother,
I won't leave you alone.

I'm not alone, I already told you,
I've got Romolo with me.



You stay here and keep watch
with the others.

You've both made mistakes,
but they're the Adamis.

You call my father's death a mistake?

Call it what you want, but it wasn't us.

No, it was me...

It's your problem.

I don't sit down with gypsies.


Your men f*cked up at the Eur Café.
You overstepped.

So now, you'll compensate Livia

and f*ck off back
to your ugly little villas.

How was I supposed to know the Adamis
controlled the cafés in Eur, too?

Now you do.

She's already got all of Ostia.
Why does she need to expand to Eur?

-And f*ck all for us?
-Your clan doesn't count for shit.

They're the Adamis!

Rumor has it your brother doesn't
give a f*ck about Ostia anymore.

And you can't make it on your own.

Don't you even mention Ostia.

Manfredi, we're through.

You're taken care of. I'm not.

I'm still waiting for the signatures
for the land you promised me.

f*ck all, then?

f*ck all, what?
Do you ever use your brain?

I could use it,
but we've still got f*ck all.

It's already a win being invited here,

we've never sat down at this level before.

Let's go.

-What are you doing here?

Liar, you hate shopping.

Look how you get around.

See, you were wrong the last time?

You said we've got nothing in common
and yet, here we are...

talking about my shoes
like in the good old days.

Darling, the good old days are history
and so are you.

Did I let you down, Gabriella?

Let go of me, please!

You thought I'd stay quietly in my place
as usual...

instead, I let you down.

Things have changed, Sara.

And you have to give the Ostia land
to Samurai.

Is this a joke?

Your husband renounces the purchase,

and the land automatically sells
to Samurai's company.

The contract just needs to be signed.
I don't understand...

What's there to understand?

Or do you really think I'd have invited
a loser like Sandro to my home?

To go against Samurai,
I needed to trade you.

I created an obstacle for him,
then I removed it.

He gets the land,
and I get back my husband's empire.

And here we are.

-I'm not giving up that land.
-Do it.

Or I'll report you for Theodosiou.

You've got no proof.

I have my ways.

Someone starts talking about
the suspicious death of the monsignor,

rumors travel,
an investigation is opened,

the autopsy is questioned,

the medical examiner caves and tells all.

You, Sara,
forced him to cover up the su1c1de.

You'll understand me in time.

I've got to go. The poor await.

How did it go?

Bad, but good, it seems.

Alberto, what were you going
to tell me last night?

Give me back my phone.

When I say something, you do it!

You were going to say you've got a lover!
That's why you don't make love to me.

You, Monaschi
and those other two shitbags

together went up against me.

Did you think I wouldn't find out?


you put them in my way,
now you gotta take them out.


Can I explain?

Explain what happened
to that fake little smile you had before?

Where'd you put it?

Now you gotta get your little pals
outta the way.


Set a trap for them.

Tell them to meet you at midnight
in the parking lot of Piazza Mancini,

and we'll show up instead.

Or else I'll tell what you did
to Tullio Adami,

first to your dad and then to Aureliano.

And me...

what happens to me?

A cop's son always comes in handy.

-Have you heard from Lele?

And where the f*ck's Monaschi?
How long till it's signed?

The f*ck do I know? It'll take a while.

Is that why you called me?

No, I called 'cause today
our families met with Samurai.

They made a deal,
but I don't think it will last long.

-That's their problem.
-I wish.

Yesterday, my wife
almost got k*lled at the Eur Café.

The f*ck was she doing there?

Nothing. Supposed to make a delivery
and she went instead.

What happened to her?

Nothing, luckily.

That's good.

Bro, I gotta go,
I gotta move Isabel's stuff in.

Take it easy, okay?

Is she moving in with you?

I gotta give it a try, too, right?

It looks better on you than me.
Keep it.

Go to your wife, she needs you.

You oughta be happy.

You're right,

but Aureliano has not signed yet,

and Samurai wants the land
I promised him, now.

You need to talk to your brother.

If he answers his cell.

-Who knows what he's doing.
-Living his own life.

He should be here, with this family.

Yeah, but at a certain point,
you grow up and make another family.

What are you talking about?

Nothing. He's been seen around Ostia
with a black girl.

-I don't believe it.
-It's true. It's normal.

It's better for him,
for everyone, come on.

A f*cking black girl?


He's just like my father.

They've even moved in together.

Where are they staying?

Come on...

Tell me where the f*ck they're staying.

At your mother's house.


Dad, you've got to help me.

Listen, I'm about to go on duty.

I'll tell you everything,

no lies.

You'll lie.

No, not this time.

I hope so. I don't want to have to
kick you out of here, too.

It's all bullshit, small-time stuff.


And Samurai's small time too?

They asked me to take part
in a coke deal tonight, 50 grams.

These two guys are bringing it to me.

Listen, snorting a few lines at a party
is one thing,

but I've never dealt in my life,
and I don't want to start now.

-I want to get my life back.
-Enough, I heard you.

Listen to me,

I'm not going to ask you
any more questions, you confirm.

Act calm and say you'll go.
Then you stay at home.

-We'll go in your place.
-And what will happen?

What will happen is we'll arrest
the little assholes red-handed.

Assholes, I told you,
they're two kids like me.

Two kids with fifty grams of coke?

But promise me you won't go.

Thank you.

When? Where? Describe them.

At ten.

Outside the church on the Tiber Island.

One's tall and blonde,
and the other one's got a mohawk.

Listen to me,

I'll deal with this now,

but then you've got to tell me everything,

from Samurai to these drug deals.

Everything's gonna be all right, Gabriele.


So? Tell me what you got in the end.

All I know is we nearly made it.

You went into business with the worst
criminals in Rome, you lost your mind,

you lost everything we had.

Maybe there's still a way.

I don't think so.

I've got to go back to work.

I have to try.

Give me a hand.

You were brave yesterday.

This f*ckin' tie's strangling me.
It's driving me nuts.

I'll clean it up.

Don't get confused...

your husband is someone else.

It's your son who needs
to remember he's got a wife!

My son doesn't have any problems
with his memory.

But I think he's got another problem,
a nice big one, right?

And you're here to solve it.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

Be a wife, nothing else.

But if my husband doesn't want me,
what am I doing here?

If you leave him now,
my son's life is at risk,

and you risk counting for nothing.

[in Sinti]
[We women reason with our bellies.]

[And we always find a way
to save a marriage.]

-Who are you?
-My name's Sara Monaschi.

I need to talk to you.

I'm under house arrest.
I'm not allowed to let anyone in.

You and I have something in common:

-He used both of us.
-I don't know what you're talking about.

I work at the Vatican,
and I can make things hard for him,

but I need something
I can use against him.

I can protect you.

Got any idea who's behind him
on the zoning plan deal?

If I'm still alive,
it's only because I've never talked.

You don't need to.
Give me something. I'll be the face.

The face?
They'll sh**t us both in the face.

How long would it take the Mafia
to figure out I f*cked them over?

The Mafia?

-Then, give me proof.
-Find it yourself.

But hurry, and maybe
there's still hope for both of us.

Yo, bro.

What's up?

-All good?
-Yeah, you?

-Where are we with Monaschi?
-That's why I called you.

Sara's organized a party
for the deal being sealed,

we need a lot of blow.

No problem, we'll take care of it.

And where will we hook up?

At ten on the Tiber Island.

The Tiber Island at ten.

All right.

-Where the f*ck you going?

-We gotta make a toast.
-We gotta celebrate.

Here's to us!

I got a lot of shit to do
so give me the blow now.

Come on, finish that beer later.

-See you, Lele.
-See ya, bro.

City Hall...
I imagined it more majestic.

Well, it is, just not this office.

-Is this your first time here?
-No, but I always think the same thing.

Have you got kids?

Yes, you?

No. Unfortunately not.

Anyway, I wouldn't have been
a good mother.

It takes courage to admit that.

It took some for me
to come to see you today, too.

What can I do for you?

One of the companies interested
in the Ostia land is dirty,

and if you look into it,
you'll even find the Mafia.

The Mafia? In Rome?

Make public the scandal
before it's too late.

You're making a very serious accusation,
how do you know this?

Look into that company.

It's all in there, but do it now.

Thank you for coming to me.

Can I trust you?

You just did.



He's gone out.

You must be the cleaning woman, right?

No, actually, I live here.

Who are you?

No, the question is: who are you?

And above all, what are you doing here?

Sweetie, go away.
I'm already sick of you.

Get your hand off me.

I'll tell you what you are,

a hooker.

A black one.

So, now gather up
all your nice African crap

and get out of here,
because this is my house.

I know who you are,

you're Aureliano's sister.

Livia and that's all.

And I'm his woman.

Is that what he said?

What else did he tell you
to get you here?

That he wants to live here with me.

My father had a thing
for black girls, too.

He'd make them believe
who knows what,

tell them he loved them.

He'd find apartments for them,

but they were still hookers.

If he didn't pay them, he didn't like it.

You're wrong,
because your brother doesn't pay me.

He's clearly smarter than his father.

He's f*cking you for free.

Can I ask what you're up to?

Doing a favor for a friend.

He's got a big appetite, this friend...

How's my sister?

Still running errands for Samurai?

Only you can take care of that
piece of shit, it's no job for a woman.

Come home, Aureliano.

Make up with your sister.

There's a void there
that makes me feel bad.

You're a good guy, Romolo.

The problem is they're not all like you.

-Now I know what you wanted to tell me.

No, now I'll finish.

I know what you are.

What am I?

You don't like girls.
That's why you don't touch me.

I saw you today with your little pal,

and I suddenly understood everything,
including our wedding night.

What did you see?

You like him a lot, huh?

I saw how you looked at him,
you were eating him up with your eyes.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

If I tell Manfredi, you're dead,

but I'm prepared to go on
like a real couple.

What do you mean?

I married you to become the princess
of this family,

and instead, I'm like a servant.

I want a baby,

a prince without an heir
doesn't count for shit.

And me, without an heir, I'm leaving.

What do you want to do?

What are you doing here?

Sara Monaschi came to see me today.

She says someone brought the Mafia
to Rome.

And that I should make a scandal.

She's crazy.

Seems dangerous, though.

That depends on what she knows...
What does she know?

Someone talked to her,

maybe Finucci.

Could be.

-Where's the stuff?
-It's here.

What's with you?

Spadino, what the f*ck are you doing?
What the f*ck are you doing?

Leave me alone, it's personal shit.

Look at me,
leave your personal shit out of here!

We're about to make it big, all right?

And gimme a smile.

Look what a cool hat you got!
You should be happy...

Gimme this thing.

Let's go.

I'm glad you came,
but I can't let you in.

-That how you treat a friend?
-The cops will be here any minute.

They check on visitors.

You could have come to me, then.

Let's say... that's not an option.

I would have come before,
but I'm getting old, Giacomo.

Yeah, but we're aging well, come on.

I know how to get you out
of this situation.


you have to go as far away as possible.

You want a drink?

I quit a while back.


that's not how you age well.

Leave it.

Remember when we used
to drink seven beers each...

and then go and beat up communists?
We sure let 'em have it.

They sure let us have it.

Good times.

Good times.

So, tell me,

how far do I have to go,

do you think?

Far away, Giacomo, far!

Where the f*ck is he?

He said he'd be here at ten.


Were they expensive?

You like them?

Try them on.

You look like a different person...

A different person.

I've f*cking had it with this.




-Shut up and don't move!
-What do you want?

-Shut up, assh*le!
-I didn't do f*cking nothing.

Shut up!