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01x07 - Last Customer

Posted: 12/24/22 21:34
by bunniefuu


Who knew he was gonna jump?

All thanks to you guys, great job!

-It's no time for lectures.
-Yeah, that's right.

Well, we've got nothing more
to say to one another.

-Take me home.
-The f*ck you going? Come here.

What do you want?

Don't you see it's over?

Theodosiou is dead
and you guys k*lled him.

It might be normal for you,
but it's not for me.

Now we have a problem,
and you gotta solve it.

Sure, how?

How the f*ck do I know?

You're the one with friends
in the Vatican, make something up.

I'm not making up a damn thing.
We're going our separate ways.

This isn't like a party
that you can leave when you want.

Fix this,
or you'll end up like the priest.

-Let's go.

Let's go too.


And it's not over yet,
they want to keep going!

-How do I fit in with them, tell me?
-So, you're the clean one?

Weren't you the one who organized
the orgies for the priest,

wheeling and dealing for the Vatican land?

What they want, we all want

and so it's only right we stick together.

That's how you fit in.

Would you really have stopped today?

Or maybe you would have gone on your own?

Maybe you would've screwed them.

Isn't that right?

We're all in this together now,
and I'm the only one who can protect you.

The only one who cares about you.


Take me to the penthouse.
I can't show up at home at this hour.

I'll call you.

Get off!

Don't you like me, Spadino?

You can tell me, I won't be offended,
lots of guys like me.

If you don't play your part with me,
at least do it with the family.

I know what I gotta do in the family.

Doesn't look like it,
they talk about you behind your back

and I don't want to find out
I married a puppet.

You married a man you gotta respect,
is that clear?

Now go to sleep!


Good, glad you're here.
You can take your stuff away.

You kicking me out?

You can't just come and go
whenever you want.

Actually, I came to talk.

Talk about what?

Some things take time,

and I don't have time for this now.

Then go think somewhere else.

Okay, bye.

Is that client still in Rome?

Okay, send me the address.

Had Theodosiou spoken
to the members of the Commission?

Can we count on everyone's vote?

After what happened,

we can't proceed with the vote.

All eyes are on what happened.

The circumstances of
the monsignor's death are still unclear.

He was at the center of many interests.

The media talks about his work
on this Commission, too.

Forgive me, Monsignor,

we're very aggrieved and confused
by what has happened.

We had great respect
for Monsignor Theodosiou,

and I am certain

that he can't have done anything
to embarrass the Church.

Until we are certain,

this Commission is to refrain
from making any decisions.

I understand your thoughtfulness,

but our duty is to cover the debt.

It's only a few days
until the mayor steps down.

We don't know
what's going to happen after that.

I think it's risky to postpone the vote.

Your Eminence,
it is my duty to protect the Church.

This commission will not vote today.

If there's nothing else,
we can adjourn the meeting.

You, take two guys
and go to the Eur Café.

I want the Adamis to think we're serious.

I'll start them dealing.

Go for it, it's our turf now.


Have you seen Mario and Angelo?

May I?

You’ve got a personal score
to settle with Forsini, right?


What about it?

Maybe he banged your wife
while you were married.

Maybe you want to get even.

Maybe you're doing this for yourself.

Maybe I'll pull the plug
and you can play by yourself.

Here, see if this jogs his memory.

They're testing us, gypsy scum.

So why didn't they target one
of our main clubs in Ostia?

Because they know compared to us,
they're nothing.

But meanwhile, they made a small move.

Now that my father's gone,
they wanna see what I'm capable of.

Pieces of shit!

I need to know what's going on in Eur,
go take a look.

Hi, Romolo.

Livia, come, we need to talk.

You were only able
to slow down the voting process.

I had no other option.

But the next time,
they have to vote for you.

When will the Commission meet next?

That's the point, I don't know.

They're scared something bad
will come out about Theodosiou,

and the Church will get caught up
in the scandal, too.

Then fix it so there is no scandal.

They'll vote,
and they'll be grateful to you.

Can you help me?

I can try to find out the name
of the doctor doing the autopsy,

but you've got to do the rest.


Sara, you're in business with criminals.

You're more expert than me
about certain things.


What do you want to do about the gypsies?

I gotta think about it.

Meanwhile, they snuck into your house.

It's not like that.

Forget it.

Anyway, it's none of my business.

-No, you're the one in charge.

-Now let's see how it ends up.

Good idea.

Show everyone we're divided.

Why do you think Manfredi came after us?

Because there's a woman
in charge in Ostia.

A woman whose father they k*lled
and she did f*ck all.

Why are you here?

To tell you you can't give Samurai
our land in Ostia without me.

And that I'm taking Mom's house.

-What the f*ck you want now?

You were supposed to give me an answer,
and you didn't.

Leave me the f*ck alone, Amedeo.

What is it?

You're a quick learner, I see.

Does Gabriella know?

That you're a corrupt assh*le?

I think she does.

Shall we get a coffee,

or talk about our friend Taccon's
appointment for the museums of Rome?


-Good morning, madam.
-Hi, Anna.

You want to blackmail
the Vatican Commission?

They don't want what happened
to Theodosiou to be tied to the Church

and I'm going to help them, but they've
got to give me something in exchange.

They've ruled the world for centuries,
and you try to con them?

I was advised.

By whom?

You went to the Countess
before you came to me?

Sara, don't get me in trouble.

I work with priests. My family has served
the Vatican for centuries.

You've always left the dirty work to me,

but we've shared the benefits, too easy.

This time we're in with criminals,
someone died yesterday.

All right, we'll stop here.

I'll stop.

You decide what to do.

All right, we'll do what you say.

But be careful.

I'm not risking my life for you.

I'm not going down for you.

What else?

You were supposed
to bring the signed papers, Livia.

The gypsies are raising their heads
in my house.

They want to take our place,
and that can't happen.

Forget the gypsies,
they won't do it again.

You just worry about getting me
that land in Ostia, nothing else.

I need more time.

No time left, I've got to close.

I gotta fix a problem with my brother.

Should I step in?

No, I'll take care of Ostia stuff
on my own.


Come in.

Dr. Trieste?
May I have a moment of your time?

Sara Monaschi hasn't done anything
you asked her to,

and she didn't talk to Theodosiou.

-How do you know?
-I asked her.

I asked her

if we had the Commission members' votes.

She didn't even answer.

It's just a few days
until the mayor resigns,

and we haven't closed yet.

When's the next meeting?

As soon as we have a better idea
of how Theodosiou died.

Sara Monaschi's been leading us on
from the start,

she kept the priest to herself
and now she's still in the running.

-She works in the Vatican.

She's stronger than us in there.

Want me to take care of it?

I wish.

We can't do it like that.
I have to take care of it myself.

-Are you a relative?

He was a dear friend.

How can I help you?

Father Theodosiou was complex,
filled with contradictions.

If anything came out about his death

that casts doubt over his integrity,

for example, that he committed su1c1de...

Well, that's the conclusion
from today's examination.

We're talking about a man
of the Church, doctor.

Perhaps we could do something together,
to make sure he rests in peace,

a gesture of humanity
that preserves his memory.

Something compassionate.


All right, but what are you asking
in concrete terms?

A report that says
Father Theodosiou became ill.

And as a consequence,
he fell out of a window.

A favor that I could repay.

If you have a charity or a foundation,

we could agree on a figure,
I could make a contribution.


A contribution.

If you were open to it...

So we falsify the report.

And for how much?

Did you have a figure in mind?

We can work that out together.

Sorry, wait a minute.

That wasn't what I had in mind.
I didn't think...

You coming, asking me for a false report
and what did you think?

Don't worry, we won't do it here.

-Checking to see if it's worth it.
-Let go of me.

Let go of me, I said!

The f*ck you screaming for?
Nobody can hear you.

What a bitch!

What the f*ck happened?

He called me pissed off,
said you disappeared.

-I didn't feel well.
-You don't look like you're dying to me.

Calm down.

You made me look like an assh*le.
He's in town every month.

-I'll give the money back.

Don't touch me!

-The f*ck are you doing?
-How dare you?

Go back to live with monkeys,
you don't belong with normal people.

Sir, there's someone...

Thank you, Anna.

You are...?

A guy your wife thinks she can mess with.

I don't understand.

You gotta stop, for your own good.

Who sent you?

No one.

I did you the honor of coming in person.

You'd better leave.

Tell your wife to do what she promised.

You know who I am, right?

Wipe your face, you're all sweaty.

-Where the f*ck's the priest?
-He's here.

He's in there?

Get in!

-Get in!

Did you hear what he said?

I said get in!

What a pig, get in.

All good, five minutes and he's ready.

Here are the reports,
the old one and the new one.

-He wrote it in a flash.
-He didn't like the company...

Don't look at us, Lele did it all.

Thank you.

Are you all in there?
One last drag and I'll join you.

I chair the commission.
I'm not a guard dog.

Smoke in peace.

I've got it, thanks.

I remember certain meetings years ago...

Those rooms were gas chambers.

Smoking and getting excited about politics
were still permitted pleasures.

You don't get excited
about politics anymore?

I can understand.

You and I were used like spare tires,

kept in the trunk
in the hopes of being needed.

But politics, real politics,
others did that.

But your passion is art and your dream
is running the museums of Rome, right?

You want to make me suffer today?

Wouldn't it be great to live that dream?

The job...

director of the museums of Rome,

is yours.

If you want it.

At this point, we have nothing more
to say to each other, Mr. Cinaglia.

Certain opportunities only happen
once in a lifetime,

it would be a shame to waste them.

Take some time to think it over,

until tonight.

So he k*lled himself.

How do you have this report?

Because I've got this one too.

What does this mean?

That we can report everything,
let the truth come to light.

The monsignor was a good man,
but also a great sinner.


there'd be an inquest.

The scandal would explode right here,

right next to the Holy Father.

Or we can certify

that Father Theodosiou died
of natural causes.

In exchange for what?

That the Ostia land is sold
to the company that Theodosiou indicated,

my husband's, the Edilcigno Group.

All right.

But there must be no trace of this story.


I'm hearing strange rumors
about Aureliano Adami.

Is it true he wants
to keep some land in Ostia?

I don't know.

I know he wanted to fix up a beach club,
but his father didn't want him to.

Nothing else?


You know you have
to tell me everything, right?

The day I start to think
I don't need you anymore--

-That's all I know, I swear.
-Then find out more.

I want to know what's going on
in his head.



Did you make these meatballs?

You've started cooking?

What's wrong?

What were you doing with Samurai?

What, with Samurai?

In the street, two minutes ago.

-You're wrong.

He was on a scooter.

You're wrong...

Are you done bullshitting me?

That was Samurai,
one of the biggest criminals in Rome

and I'm a cop!

-What were you doing with him?
-Don't you dare touch me again!

-Come with me, then.
-What the f*ck are you doing?

What I should have done a long time ago.

Get out.

They're meeting to vote tonight.

Samurai came to see me,

he says you have to do everything
he asked you.

Did he thr*aten you?

What do you think?

-Who are you bringing into my life?
-I didn't bring him.

He's desperate.
We're pulling the rug out from under him.

I want to close this deal,
I'm not going to let him thr*aten me.

I just convinced the Commission
to choose our company.

Tonight we'll get the land.

f*ck, Sara!

If you still count for anything,
you owe it all to me.

He's a k*ller.

I know, but he won't k*ll anyone.

You don't do business that way,
even he knows that.

I have to go back to the office.

Who is it?

It's me. I wanna make up.

What happened?

Who was it?

Did he kick you out?


Come on, it's nothing,
just a father-son fight.

No, it's not f*cking nothing.

Did he find out what you're doing?

No, he doesn't know anything.

So, what happened?

Drop it, I don't want to talk about it.

Why did you call
if you don't want to talk?

Because I needed to be with you.

And I need somewhere to go.

You did something nice for me today.


Where do you go every day
instead of working?

Spadino, I'm preparing you
to become a boss,

but the men always see you do f*ck all.

You know what they'll say? "Spadino who?"

"Who's Spadino?"

We're growing, the Sales are important.

The wedding was the first thing
we did together,

and you started off on the wrong foot.

What will they say about us?

So, will you tell me
where the f*ck you go all day?

Hand me that hose.

Hand me that hose!

You won't tell me where you go?

Spadino, I love you,
but don't piss me off.

I'll k*ll you whenever I like.

All the votes are for the Edilcigno Group,

except for one abstention.

If you'd like to check.

-Did you two fight again?
-Give me that sweatshirt.

Come on.

We gotta make a delivery.
We gotta get the Eur Café moving

or else the Adamis will think
we were just playing.

Will you go?

I didn't hear you.

Yeah, I'll go.

Ordering me around... what the f*ck?

-It's because he trusts you.


-It went well.
-Well done.

I knew it.

The first time I saw you,
it was like seeing myself.

I knew you'd get me the revenge
I was looking for.

Tell me everything.


I see.

Sara Monaschi got the Ostia land,

from the Vatican.

Get up.

-Spadino did what he was supposed to?

[in Sinti] [Hit him!]

[k*ll him!]

Mr. Cinaglia.

Good evening.

I thought about it,

I agree.

Good, Taccon.

You made the right choice.

Give us your approval,

and the museums of Rome are yours.
Good evening.

So, it's done?

-Now what do we gotta do?
-All the bureaucratic paperwork.

The change of title
and all the formalities.

-What the f*ck did she say?
-You're in business.

-Fix yourself up, buy a shirt.
-Shut up.

See? It was worth
getting in business with us.

It's not that I had much choice.

It's been a pleasure, I'm going.

What? I thought we'd celebrate together.

No, I'm seeing Isabel.
We'll do it some other time.

-Who, the black chick?
-Yeah, her name's Isabel.

See ya, Spadino.

Need to clean it, but it's beautiful,
there's a sea view.

It's nice here.

I want you to live here with me.


It's good to see you again.

You haven't changed at all
since the last time I saw you.

You have, though.

Besides, between the two of us,
I was the looker.

And what was I?

A gangster...

who took everything I had,

starting with my husband.

-You're dredging up ancient history.
-Not for me.

Not one day's gone by
I haven't thought about it.


Why did you ask me to come here?
You got something to offer me?

Sara Monaschi.