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01x06 - Garlic, Oil, and Chili Pepper

Posted: 12/24/22 21:33
by bunniefuu

-I've prayed for you a lot, Sara.
-Please, I'm begging you.

Come away from there,

come over to me, please.

There's nothing that can't be remedied,

the Lord forgives,

men forgive.

I'd do it again, Sara,

I know myself.

I've hit rock bottom.

I see that now.

I won't move.

But you stay right where you are.

Now let's go back to Rome,

the Church will help you
to disappear, to retire.

You won't exist for anyone.

You'll think of this moment,
maybe while you're saying Mass

in some isolated place,

in a little country church.

And you'll study. You'll pray.

A new life, Ioannes, away from it all.

You can go home to Greece.

Give me your hand, please.

Give me your hand, come on.

Come on, give me your hand.



So it's true you can't live without me...

What happened?

Nothing. Why?

You look terrible.

I didn't get much sleep.

-So, where are you taking me?
-It's a surprise.


He went out early.

-To go where?
-I don't know.

No? A wife should always know
where her husband is.

And she has to make him happy.

Come here.

Come here, I won't bite you.

Come closer.

Here, take it.
Buy yourself something pretty.

You've got the goods,
put them on display, okay?

And this is the surprise?


We're the surprise.

Relax, I'll explain.

And what is there to explain?
That you're a piece of shit?

You were in on it with them
all along, huh? assh*le!


You can f*ck off,
I have nothing to say to you.

But I think you do.

-What the f*ck are you doing?
-Shut up.

How do we play this?

Think carefully about
where the priest is,

maybe it'll come to you.

I said I don't know.

Is it really worth protecting
that shitty cockroach?

But what do you want from him?

The land in Ostia.


Am I speaking Arabic?

She understood.

You gotta convince the priest.

The land in Ostia? Is this a joke?

The Vatican will never
sell the land to you three.


We're talking about priests here.
They always do what the f*ck they want.

You're crazy.

We're getting that land or no one is.

Now cough up where the priest is.

Now you're pissing me off, come here.

You don't tell me where he is,
I'll sh**t you in the face,

throw you in the river
and no one will find you.

And then what will you do?

I know the Vatican. I know how they think.

I know my way around in there.

I can even bring you in on the deal,

but I need some time
to figure out how.

You're wasting time.

Maybe we should do what she says.

She's right, she knows those people.

Besides, what have we got to lose?

Maybe she'll find a solution
that makes everyone happy.

We can always get her back if we need to.

If she does anything dumb, it's your ass.

And you, better hustle.

Hi, Stefano, may I?

My coat.

How are you?

-You look older.
-And you look like the same old assh*le.

No, I've aged too.

If you don't mind, I'd like to eat.

-I'll keep you company.
-I'd rather eat alone.

What about the time you ate
with Ferinelli?

-I don't know what you're talking about.
-I think you do.

Remember that odd lunch
you organized years ago?

With that special lobbyist,
a great supporter of wind power...

It was talked about a lot at the time.

But it all came to nothing,
even the photos of you together.

Shortly afterwards,
the blades started to turn all over Italy.

You know what they say, right?

It's a sin to think ill of someone,
but often it's right.

-Get the f*ck out of here, Amedeo.

I want you to use all this power
you've acquired over the years

to give direction of the museums
of Rome to a common friend.

You're out of your mind.

Come on, aren't you curious to know
who the friend is?

It's Taccon.

Poor Taccon has always wanted that job,

except the party had other plans,
other people to make happy.

Have you really sold your soul to
the devil for two bits of land in Ostia?

The devil's got yours too.

How much did they give you
to get those blades turning?

You're a loser, Cinaglia,
and you bluff like a loser.

You've got nothing,

only rumors from the past that
you evidently still haven't let go of.

-It was a pleasure seeing you again.
-Not for me.

Better than the last time we met, right?
I smashed your face in.

The last time we met,
I took your wife away from you.

So, let's see what happens next time.

I look forward to hearing from you,
let's say, tonight.

-Sara, let's talk about it.
-Shut up!

-I'm really sorry.
-I told you to shut up!

I can't believe it.

You were scheming with them all along.

You sold me out to those two.
Who the f*ck are you, Lele?

I had no choice, you've got
no idea what a shitstorm I'm in.

You used me
because you saw an opportunity

and now you're involved with those two,

but when you find something better,
you'll drop them too.

You're a piece of shit!

I'm like you, someone who uses people,
then throws them away.

Tell your little pals that I'll call them!

She's almost got more balls
than my sister.

-Do you like her?
-What? Lele's banging her.

Was banging, because I think now...

-So you like her.
-Don't act jealous, you're not good at it.

Have you got something clean I can borrow?

Anyway, I'm looking for somewhere to live,
I'll be out of here soon.

Whose is this?

Now you're the one acting jealous.

-But you didn't tell me whose it is.
-What do you care?

Look, it's clean, you jerk.

Why don't you stay here?

I like it when you're here.

See ya.

f*ck you.

Here you are.

I got here as soon as I could.
What happened?

Not here, let's go.

Sandro, that's not the point,
we've got to get what we want.

-You still believe that.
-There's a solution.

We have to get those three into
the company, give them some shares.

-What the f*ck are you talking about?
-Think about it.

Our company is going bankrupt,

if we obey Samurai's orders
he won't even leave us the crumbs.

But with them, maybe we've got a chance.

You're out of your mind, do you know
who they are? They don't mess around.

As soon as they're in the deal,

they'll take everything,
just like Samurai.

But they don't even know
what a company is, they're just kids.

It won't be difficult to manage
and get them to do what we want.

And what do we tell Samurai?
Or you think you can manage him too?

They're how we're going to stop Samurai.

They're up for anything.

They'll stop at nothing,
not even at him.

We'll give those kids some shares
and keep them on our side,

then we'll get Theodosiou
to sign the land over to our company.

At that point, we can...

Don't say anything else.

Go and play.

-Where are you going?

-Does Spadino know?
-I need to buy some clothes.

Pretty things to make Spadino happy.

Did he ask you to?

No, I'll surprise him.

-Take some money, then.
-No, I've got some, thanks.

But you're not going alone.


Come here.

-Go with her.
-All right.

Damn, you're so beautiful.

What's wrong?


Aureliano was always
the looker in the family.

The spitting image of Mom.

Do you still remember her?


Relax, Livia, you did the right thing.

For you and for him.

-Where are you going?
-Did you hear?

-Yeah, but where are you going?
-Over there.

What are you doing here?

Can't you see?

And anyway, this is my house, too...

-What the f*ck are you doing here?
-Drop it, Aureliano.

You think because you're f*cking
my sister you can talk to me?

Please, go back in there.


How are you, Aureliano?

How can you f*ck that parasite?

Since when do you care who I f*ck?

-He's just here for our cash, you know?
-And why are you here?

Got no answer, huh?

About Quirino? About what?
It's none of your f*cking business.

Where are you staying?

None of your f*cking business.

I'm sorry you left.

I didn't leave,

you kicked me out.

And you got together with that assh*le.

Now that Tullio’s dead,
we have to take advantage and grow.

We have to take turf from the Adamis.

United we're stronger,
we need to make ourselves heard.

Got any ideas?

Vincenzo, we should start with something
small and see how they react.

And it's time we work together.

If you need some guys, just ask.

How's my Angelica?

Like a queen.

Come in and close the door.

Why do you want
Taccon to have that job?

-Because he deserves it.
-Yeah, right... stop it.

Who's behind it, Amedeo?

-Behind what?
-Amedeo, who's behind it?


-It's not allowed.

We're in a public office.

You're on the payroll of a criminal...

No, I work with someone who does
business with everyone in Rome,

including the Party.

And you, why are you here?

Stefano wanted to report you
for attempted blackmail.

Maybe I was wrong to stop him.

I always liked Stefano,
the best politician of his generation,

the most informed, the most intelligent,
the most charismatic.

The best of all of us, no doubt.

You still can't stand that I chose him?

You chose a corrupt man, Gabriella.

Tell me that you didn't know.

You and I have nothing more
to say to each other.

I'll make sure the Vatican
sells its land to my husband's company,

and I'll transfer some shares to you.

-And what does that mean?
-That we become partners.

-It's the only solution.

The Vatican will never sell to you.

What shares? How many?

Fifty percent.

Let's make it 60%, there's three of us...

It's an easier split, right?

All right.

Go on.

Samurai wants that land, too.

Out with it. What do you mean?

Got f*ck all to say, Gabriele?

-What am I supposed to say?
-You still don't get what she wants?

-She wants to go into business with us.
-Yeah, my ass.

She wants us to k*ll Samurai.

Is that true?

I need to be sure that going into
business with you is the best option.

You want to k*ll someone
and you're embarrassed to say it.

Then let's forget it, out the monsignor
and no one does the deal.

No, we're doing the deal, for sure.

But we make the rules.

You'll give us 75%.

I can't do that.

But I'm not asking.

That or nothing.

-All right.
-Good girl.

-Now tell me where the priest is.

You might get some funny ideas,
like selling us out to Samurai.

Lele's going with you to sign the papers,

me and the gypsy
are going to get the priest.

Tell me where he is, come on.

He's on retreat at an abbey outside Rome.

What are you doing?

We'll crash, stop it.

Stop it.

The abbey closes at nine.

Six monks live there
and they all sleep on the second floor.

How the f*ck do you know all this stuff?

You've just got to know who to ask.

f*ck you, you're everywhere.

You got that right.

We've got some time.
Let's go, I'll show you something.

-Been shopping?
-I did what you said.

-What's that?
-Change from the money you gave me.

No, you keep it. Maybe you can get
yourself another present.

Now go and get dressed,
make yourself pretty for Spadino.


[in Sinti] [There's the Eur Cafe,]

[that's where the Aquilara brothers deal.]

[And they deal for the Adamis.]

[Call Vincenzo,
get him to send two guys.]

[-We do it together.]

[Tonight, there's no reason to wait.]

[Eur... I like Eur.]

f*ck, what's that smell?

Come on, come with me.

What is this place?

-Let's take a dip.

In this shit?
What have you been smoking?

Get undressed.


-No way, I'm cold.
-Come on, get undressed.

Are you nuts?

Do what the f*ck you want, then.

You don't know what you're missing.

You gonna stay there?

You haven't worked in a while.

Where've you been?

Wow, you're really pissed, how come?

Tell me who the assh*le is,
I'll take care of him.

No one makes my girls suffer.

Your girls?

Well, just to say.

Tell me who this assh*le is, come on.


Listen, I've got an important client,

a guy who's rolling in cash,

he's looking for someone like you,
nice and dark.

This city sucks,

it's a sh*thole.

So what do you say about this client?

She's a hooker,

what the f*ck does she want from me?

-Do you like her?
-What's that got to do with it?

-Do you feel good with her?
-Let it go.

Feels good or not?

Yeah, she makes me feel good.

But she's still a hooker... and black.

-I see, it's 'cause she's black.
-Okay, drop it.

How about you,
how are things with the wife?

All good.

You don't like her, huh?

What now?

What the f*ck you gonna do?
You're stuck with her forever.

-A life sentence.
-The f*ck you doing?

-It's good for the skin, here.
-The f*ck are you doing?

Yeah, okay, whatever.

Put it on my back, I can't reach.

-Put it on me.

Look where I've brought you!
When have you ever seen a place like this?

-There, done.

-Turn around, I'll put some on you.
-No, I don't need it.

It's amazing for your skin. Just look.

Come on, we gotta go get the priest.

Yeah, gimme a minute... and chill out.

Hurry up, the notary already did us
a favor seeing us at this hour.

Okay, let's do this.

Which room is it?

The f*ck do I know?

Remind you of anything?

Where the f*ck is he?

Wanna bet he's praying?

Friar f*ck!

Come here, we won't hurt you.

Friar f*ck!

What the f*ck you doing,
locking yourself in?

Go away.

Open the gate.

Don't make me shout,
if the other little friars wake up

I've got a bunch of stuff to explain.

If you open the gate,
nothing happens to you, come on.

Go away!

Pal, Sara sent us.

You got that, huh?

Your friend Sara told us to come get you,

so be good and open this f*cking gate.

I want to speak to Sara.


Yes, I got it.

We'll be right there.

Yo, man.

-How much for two?
-One hundred twenty..

See ya.

You got a problem?

Not if you f*ck off.

This isn't gypsy turf.

Now it is!

Got that?


Let's see what that bitch in Ostia
does now.

We gotta be careful.

Aren't you going to bed?

[I don't want trouble in this house.]

I don't know what you're talking about.

[I think you do.]

Go to bed, it's late.

Everything okay?

What do you want?

The politician's here.

-Come on!
-Wait a minute.

It took me half an hour
to find the kitchen in this maze.

Here, smell what you're going to eat...

-I put it together with nothing.
-What is it?

Garlic, oil and chili.

Holy f*ck, it's hot, Spadino.

Priests, as we know, like it hot.

Ask Isabel, she can tell you.

That's them.

-They're here.
-I'll go get them.

And she's my woman, so watch yourself.


Do you know Stefano Forsini?

-Why do you want to know?
-He's a member of parliament.

-He was under-secretary of culture.
-Yes, I know who he is.

I also know he's your ex's husband.

Why do you want to know if I know him?

Years ago there was talk about him
accepting bribes for wind power.

He did it, but I haven't got any proof.

I need Forsini to get to Taccon,
but he doesn't want to help me.

You want to blackmail
an MP of the Italian Republic?

-I told you, I need him to...
-Yes, I know what you need him for.

Can you help me or not?

You're starting to enjoy this, aren't you?

I'll see if I can find something on him,
I'll call you.

Where is he?

Monsignor, it's me.

I don't want them here,

I want them outside.

Go on, get out.

And hurry up.

They've gone.

Okay, now we'll see
what your friend comes up with.

She'll fix everything
and it's not the first time.

We've always fixed things
on our own, so shut up.

Leave him alone, Aureliano,
can't you see he's in love?

Are you in love, Lele? Get married, then.

We got a priest, a church, too.
Spadino can be your best man...

What a f*cked-up wedding
that would be!

But then, she could be your mother.

Don't you get sick of talking shit?

What the f*ck is he doing?

You can go home to Greece.

Give me your hand.

Come on, give me your hand.


What the f*ck did he do?