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01x05 - She Wolf

Posted: 12/24/22 21:32
by bunniefuu

Tullio Adami, 53,
notorious local Roman boss,

was brutally m*rder*d last night in Ostia

from multiple g*nsh*t wounds.

Adami was known to police, who've
had him under surveillance for years...

Now the shit's gonna hit the fan.

A m*rder*d boss means
that there's going to be a turf w*r.

Now I'll have to do overtime,

paid in six months...

Everything all right?

Yeah, everything's good.
I didn't sleep much.

What's this mud all over the house?

I went to a party outdoors last night.

What a nice life you have.

I'm going to work.

Gabriele, study, don't waste time.


-See ya, Dad.

All leads are being investigated,

including payback
from the Adamis' criminal rivals.

The police were called by neighbors,
alerted by the sound of g*nshots.

Witnesses say they heard g*nshots...

-Was it you?
-If only, I wish.

-Then who was it?
-That's what I'd like to know.

everyone's convinced it was us.

Just wait, they'll come sh**t us
outside our front door.

...he is survived by his two children,
Livia, 30, and Aureliano, 25.

-Now who will take the old man's place?
-His son.

He can't wait to see more blood flow.

Maybe we should put off the wedding.

Maybe you should shut up,
the wedding's going ahead.

Go get dressed, go on.

Will you tell me what's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

Listen, I don't know what's wrong,
but something is.

You just can't quit, can you?

That doesn't help, f*ck.

f*ck you.

Excuse me. Have you got a light?


Nice shop, pretty wife, good for you.

-I don't understand what you sell.
-Perfume on tap.

-Regular ones are no good anymore?
-It's something new.

A good husband...

and a good father of two children.

So, how much did Taccon cost us?

Taccon says he's got no price.

We've all got a price, you know that.

I don't know anything anymore.

You know what you've got to do.

But I wasn't aware of certain details.

-What do you mean?

I knew I should have dropped by.

I don't care how,
but Taccon's got to be on our side.

-Gianni Taccon.
-Sara Monaschi.

Take a seat.

If I'm here, it's out of respect
for the Countess.

I'll listen, but I won't do anything
that violates my mandate.

Yes, of course,
that's why I wanted to talk to you.

-You know I work in the Vatican.

My husband is a developer

and he's interested
in the new zoning plan.

I know that, too.

And do you also know
that we've been pressured

to sell the land in Ostia
to a group of entrepreneurs?

And who would these entrepreneurs be?

I'll tell you who's behind them.

I'm listening.


-Do you know who he is?

Then you also know
who corrupted Finucci.

-The trial will decide this.
-But meanwhile, you can change things.

And I'll do my best,
both for your husband

and for whoever else is interested
in that land.

But my husband is not a criminal,
and there is no one behind him.



Theodosiou didn't show up,
and we weren't able to vote.

He didn't show up? Where is he?

He sent word he's unwell,

and some members of the Commission
would like to substitute him.

That would be a disaster

now that you've forced him
and Sara Monaschi to sell you the land.

Time's running out,

and without the monsignor, I don't know
if we'll have the necessary votes.

You know
how complex the Vatican is, don't you?

Sara Monaschi is behind this.

It seems the Countess
is backing her up.

If that were true,
they'd make a dangerous couple.

I'm the dangerous one, Your Eminence.

It's best that no one forgets that.

Are you ready?

Ready enough.

Tonight you're changing beds

and changing a lot of other things.

-It's all the same.
-What are you talking about?

I still use half a bed.

Yes, but you're not alone anymore,

you're sleeping with a woman, your wife.

My wife...

And you gotta behave like a husband.

-You know that, right?
-What do you mean?

You know.

[in Sinti]
[If your father had been here,]

[he would have given it to you.]

[It was his.]

[Now it's yours.]

[Today, you become a man...]

[and you need to behave like a man.]

[It's yours. You must carry it always.]

Aureliano took part of the money
that was stashed in the dunes.

Do you know what that means?

Shut up.

It means he wants revenge,

because he thinks
he's the head of this family.

-And you gotta...
-I told you to shut up.

Now that we've grieved,
let's dry our tears and open our eyes.

We gotta stay on top
of those gypsy scum,

I want to know how many there are,
where they are, what they're doing.

As soon as they lower their guard,
we'll k*ll them,

one by one.


Condolences, Aureliano.


I knew your father since I was a kid.

Me too, I think.

What happens now?

I don't know.
I'll think about it, all right?

Don't f*ck up, Aureliano.

No, Samurai, the others f*cked up,
now I've got to fix things.

And you stay out of my way.

Tullio always wanted you as the boss.

Come in, sit down.

How come Samurai didn't hug me?

Cut it out, Aureliano.

Why did you take Dad's money?

-Because we're going to get revenge.
-And I had to find out on my own?

How did I find out about Samurai's deal
with you and Dad?

That's another story.
It's a much bigger deal...

All right, enough, it's done.

Things are gonna change.
I've got a w*r to wage.

What w*r are you talking about?

Didn't they teach you at school
to raise your hand if you wanna talk?

-I didn't see yours.

Wait, let him speak.

If I may, I've been handling
this family's accounts for seven years,

seven years, day and night
at your father's side...


Now f*ck off

and don't come back,
'cause wars aren't waged with abacuses.

What point are they at the Commission?

The monsignor has taken a few days off.

That's understandable,
considering what he went through.

Yes, but time's nearly up,
he can rest later,

now he needs to sign the papers.

I'll try to call him,

but unfortunately,
I don't know where he is.

Well, I think you do.

I'm afraid you're following bad advice.

What does that mean?

Time runs out for everyone,
even for you.

You'd better find him.

-How long have you worked for Taccon?
-Twelve years.

Why do you want to know?

Well, it's just that he seems
rather reserved...

Go ahead and say it:
stiff, gruff, cold, introverted.

-Because it's true.
-I noticed.

I want to find a way
to establish a rapport,

seeing as we have to work together.

Can you give me any advice?

Do you like museums?


Where is it...?

Still here?

I'm not leaving you on your own, Livia.

You're here just to save your job.

I'm here to save you and your future.

You can't leave the family
in the hands of that maniac.

You and my brother are the same,
always thinking of the f*cking future.

We still haven't buried Dad.

It's because of your dad that you've got
to do something, Tullio only trusted you.

Don't you even mention my father.

And now get out,

leave me alone.

The tie's under the black suit.

Everything okay?

The g*n?

At the bottom of the sea.

Don't tell me I found a talent in you
you didn't know you had.

I paid the debt, are we all good?

All good.

-Okay, so can I go now?

You k*lled a boss on my orders.

Do you know why you're still alive?

Because I still need you.

Starting today, you're my eyes and ears
in the Adami family.

You've got to tell me everything,
especially what Aureliano is up to.

Is that clear?

Now you can go.



Thanks for coming.

I'm sorry.

Who was it, do you know?

The gypsies, who else?

What now? What are you going to do?

I want to k*ll them all.

And you?

How are you?

It's like when you hate someone...

Suddenly, they're not there,

and you realize you miss them,

because you can't even hate them anymore.

Anyway, I'm here for you.

Now I'm in charge.

And everyone's gotta know.

How did it go?

How did it go with Samurai?

He says he's in a hurry.

He suspects,
and he even threatened me.

As soon as Taccon discovers
who's behind his consortium,

you'll see how Samurai
changes his tune

and then he'll negotiate.

Sara, you're distracted, what's going on?

Is it because of Samurai
or something else?

No, it's just that I'm worried.

Don't tell me I'm making a mistake
by betting everything on you.

Good morning, Countess.

The usual white tea
with a hint of ginger.

The same for me, thank you.

Why do you want to get at Samurai?

Because he ruined me
and my husband.


-Remember Samurai's famous heist?

The real objective wasn't the jewels,
but certain documents.

With jewels, you can buy half Rome,
but with secrets,

you can get it all and he took it.
He took my husband's company, too.

And in the end,
my husband k*lled himself.

Keep your eyes open.
We still haven't out-smarted Samurai.

You're right, first Aureliano

and then the scumbag gypsies.

-One w*r at a time.
-How do you want to do this?

Aureliano took some money
from the dunes,

but he doesn't know f*ck all
about the real business.

Bring me all the accounts,

I need to know how far I can push.

What are you going to do?

First, I want to speak
to the Ostia families that work for us,

they gotta back me.

What do you want in exchange
for your support?

Support is an ugly word,
politicians use it.

Let's say I help you climb
onto the throne that you deserve.

-And in exchange?
-No more blood.

No revenge against the gypsies,

as well as what
your father promised me for Ostia.

Dad's throne's not a high chair,
and I'm not a little kid anymore.


I'll sit on my father's throne alone,
I don't need your help.

So what are you doing here?

I've come to tell you
I won't avenge my father like you want,

but in exchange,
I want 8% of the Ostia deal.

Bring the newlyweds
onto the dance floor.

Kids, go dance.


A slow number, please.

Alberto, it's time
to ask your mother-in-law to dance.

My brother is a lucky man.

Long live the bride and groom!


What's with all these people?

Now you're showing your true colors, sis.

You disgust me.

-Good evening.

You want to speak with me?

I just wanted to know when we can
get together to coordinate the work.

It's a bit early,
I still have to read all the paperwork.

If you'll excuse me.

What happened to that project of yours
on the museums of Rome?

They chose someone else's.

-But what do you know about it?
-I remember it well.

It was a great project,

do you ever think about it?

Remember when City Hall put a she-wolf

in a cage near here?

It was a mascot,
Rome was founded by wolves.

But they kept it in a cage,
just like Finucci.

I'm checking the companies interested
in Ostia. There's something strange.

But you said you haven't read
the paperwork yet...

I can't trust anyone.

But we're not wolves.

No, I'd say we're not.

What would you do if today they offered

to go ahead with your project
on the museums of Rome?

I wouldn't believe it and anyway,
they won't do that.

Excuse me, but I've got to go.

-Good night.

Now can you tell me why you called?

Why were you with Samurai?

My debt was with him.

It's all taken care of now.

-That's all?
-That's all.

-What were you doing at the stables?
-Nothing important.

Nothing important, with Samurai?

Sara, what are we doing here?

I was worried about you.

When I saw you there, I was afraid.

Afraid? Of what?

I don't know.

Tell me what we're doing here.

-Where are you going?
-Home to bed, where else?

Come here.

What is it?

I wanted to thank you.

Without you, I couldn't have done it.

You did it all on your own.

I only wanted to save my job, huh?

She's my life, Spadino.

Now you're part of the family.

Now you have to be a man,
do yourself proud.

I'm gonna k*ll everyone!

What happened?

They f*cked me...
Samurai, my father, my sister, everyone!

Calm down.

Calm down, my ass,
they've taken everything!

I'm all alone like a dog.

Look, I know you're not asleep.

Where have you been?

Getting these for you.

You're a jerk.

I know.

Who was that guy today?

Which guy?

That guy this morning, outside the shop.

You looked scared.

No, he just wanted a favor.

Don't worry.

I'm not worried, Amedeo.

And you?


Hey, Dad.

Change the channel, what's this crap?

Listen, I spoke to Lucio,
that friend of yours,

the one you always say
you're studying with...

He says he hasn't seen you
or heard from you in two weeks.

How many lies have you told me?

Enough! Because then
you start thinking, over and over,

about the weird stuff that's happened.

You always come home late.
You even wrecked the car.

-Don't be a cop with me.
-And you answer me back!

You know what?

I'm not buying your lies anymore.

You can take care of your own life.
I'm over it.


I chose not to be like you.

And what did you choose?

Tell me what the f*ck you chose!
Tell me!

Here, you want to change the channel?
Change it!

You're the biggest failure of my life.

It's not exactly
how I dreamed it would be.

How was it?

More energetic.

Like this, huh?

Like this?

Like this?

Like this?

What's happening?

At least look at me.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Alberto, don't do anything stupid.

No one must ever know,


So, Taccon's ours?

I know how to handle him.


-But there may be a problem.
-Let's hear it.

He wants to hold up everything,

he says there's something murky
with the companies involved.

I know what he'll find out.

What's that assh*le going to find out?

That the Mafia's involved.

I'll take care of Taccon,

but we renegotiate our deal.

So far you've done f*ck all, Cinaglia.

I'll decide what's right and what's not.

No, not today.

Just for today, you've got to serve
your husband first.

Last night he made you a woman,
now he gets this honor too.


It's like he's staring at me
from in there, too...

and he wants to preach to me as usual.

This time he'd preach to both of us.


he'd be happy.

Because it's right.

It's right for you.

There'll always be a place for you
in the family, Aureliano.

There'll always be a place for you
in the family too.

He called you too?

Know what he wants?


We need to get back together.


Meaning we start over with Friar f*ck.

But this time, we won't take his money.
We'll take his land.

What for?

To spit in the face of certain people.

Samurai first up.

Then me to my sister,
you to that shithead brother of yours...

And you, there must be
someone you wanna spit at...

f*ck our families,
let's take back our lives.

What are you saying?

All this land belongs to my family.
The rest around it belongs to the priest.

We'll take this and that.
It all becomes ours.

But this time, it's serious.

They'll all come after us, politicians,
priests... even that shitbag Samurai.

You in?

Yes or no?


