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01x04 - Enjoy Your Meal

Posted: 12/24/22 21:31
by bunniefuu
Piece of shit!


You still here?

Mama, go back to sleep, it's too early.

Aren't you going to sleep?

I'll go home now, don't worry.

Go easy, it stings.

Well? Will you tell me what happened?

-They want to k*ll me.
-Yeah, but why?

Don't ask, the less you know the better.

It's a miracle I'm alive.

No, it's not a miracle.

You got Spadino to thank for it.

Will you go make us coffee?

Hey, I'm a hooker, not a waitress.

Both services though, right?

-You like her, huh?
-I guess...

When I'm with her
it makes me think of my dad,

he's been f*cking hookers his whole life.

Sit down, go on.

What did you want to tell me?

I'm in deep shit. If they get me
this time, they're gonna hurt me.

-What kind of trouble are you in?
-I owe a guy 30,000.

A guy you can't f*ck around with?

I don't know where to get it.

-When do you have to give it to him?
-Don't ask.

What have you got in mind?

Chill, I'm not going to jail
for your bullshit.

But you helped me last night.
I'll find the money for you.

Thanks, Aureliano.

One more thing...

I want to speak to Spadino in person.

I'm on it.

No one should die like that.

It shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry.

This is what happens
when you're born a gypsy.

And they say we're the animals.

[in Sinti]
[This can't go unpunished, Vincenzo.]

[Let's get these kids married,
then we'll let the whole city know]

[that things have changed,
that they gotta respect us.]

You're right, but there's a problem.

My daughter doesn't want
to get married anymore.

She says Spadino doesn't pay her
any attention. He's not behaving.

If they don't get married,
you'll have to fight this w*r on your own.

We have an understanding,

I'm not risking what I've got
if our families aren't joined.

Sure, I understand.

But I promise you your daughter's wrong.

[Come on, Spadino, get up!]

What do you want?

[For you to quit f*cking around.]

[You're not even good at getting a wife.]

-What are you talking about?
-About Angelica.

[She doesn't wanna marry you anymore.]

Who cares,
you'll find me another girl, right?

[I'll tell you once,
and I won't say it again.]

[You're gonna f*cking marry Angelica.]

[The Sales are very important.]

[You know we've got big plans.]

[Let's go.]

Let's go, get up, fool! Come on!

-What's wrong with it?
-He's old.

Where I come from we k*ll old horses.

He was a champion,
he deserves a little respect.

When do we get the Ostia land?

There are billions at stake here.

But keep in mind,
if they're at stake in Rome,

it's only thanks to me.

Let me work. I already told you,
Rome has its own pace.

So do we.

If this deal doesn't go through,

I won't come to Rome
to talk to you anymore.

Got that?

k*ll this animal.
You're getting soft in your old age.


-How are you?

Hey, man.

-What happened?
-Nothing, just a scratch.

Why didn't you come straight here?

We were worried all night.

-A friend took me somewhere.
-You should have made him bring you home.

Now wall yourself up inside
until things calm down.

You made me worry, Aureliano.

They had to sh**t me
for you to worry about me.

See? I can't get anything right with him.

Keep an eye out.

It's him.

Tiziano, let him through.


-The f*ck you doing here?
-We need to talk.

-I can't now. I'll call you later.
-It's not for me. It's for Aureliano.

He wants to see you.


Because you saved his life,
maybe that's why.

Tell him I'll call him later.

Is he okay?


What are you doing?


-How much do you need?
-Not much.

-And you're stealing it from Dad?
-It's for a friend.

Since when do you help out friends?

Since they saved my life.

Right, to return a favor.

Stop. I've been covering your ass
since we were kids,

but enough already, you gotta grow up.

Don't preach to me.

You're always f*cking up,
and I always have to clean up!

You k*lled my dog...
that's cleaning up?

If you'd let him go like I said,
he'd still be alive.

And if you'd minded your own f*ckin'
business, no one would have shot me.


What do you want?

-Do you like it?
-What do you want? I'm busy.

-I'll take you for a ride.
-I don't feel like it.

-I'll take you somewhere nice to eat.
-I said I don't feel like it.

-What do you feel like doing?
-With you, nothing.

Come on,
an hour and I'll bring you home.


I'm not worth a table?

I'm in a hurry.

Besides, if we sit at a table,
who knows what your husband will think.

-He's not that dumb.
-To believe we've got a thing?

-Amedeo, what do you want?
-To know what the party's saying.

Who are they replacing Finucci with?

The mayor wants someone clean,
with an impeccable résumé.

-Well, what?

Who the f*ck are they putting in?

Gianni Taccon.

The architect? The one who hung around
the party but no one ever gave a shit.

You ought to be happy,
an idealist like you...

Another one who never
climbed the ranks.

So, how come you're so interested?

Given the shit the party wallows in,

I didn't want to find another Finucci
at my side.

This time I want to be ready.

-Be careful what you do.
-Is that a threat or a piece of advice?

I don't know, you decide.

Thanks for the information.


-How's the wound?

I spoke to Spadino.
He's tied up right now. He'll call you.

All right.

Listen, about the money...

Aureliano, go somewhere else.
I need the room.

-I wanted to introduce you...
-Later, I'm busy now.

Let's go...
they gotta talk business in here.

See that?

It was that douchebag Samurai.

Shut the door.

f*ck him. If it wasn't for him,
we'd be celebrating now.

Don't make me think about it.

Listen, it's complicated
to get the money now, but I got an idea.

-We'll go to the priest.

We'll clean him out.

-How much you owe?

-A lot.
-Then trust me and let me work.

I'll let you work.

Samurai, I'm calm,
and I've always listened to you,

but you don't kid around with a son.

You'll have your revenge, but not now.

For now, you gotta keep your head down.

You don't get it.

They tried to k*ll my son,

so now another f*cking gypsy's gotta die!

I couldn't give a f*ck about business
or even keeping you happy.

Is that your final word?

Samurai, just think
if they tried to k*ll your son.

Didn't have one for that reason.

We were wrong.

The problem isn't the son.
It's the father.


I can't risk blowing the deal
because of Tullio Adami.

So what do we do?

I saw the solution in their house.

Hello, good to see you again.

We have a reservation for four,
but we are a bit early.

-Good evening, sir.

-Do you have a reservation?

-Unfortunately, we're fully booked.
-But it's empty.

Actually, all the tables are reserved.

This is good, thanks.

Order what you want,
today we'll eat everything.

What are we doing here?

You told your dad I ignore you,
now tell him I took you out to lunch.

I'm not stupid.

You could have avoided this show

and told me right away you didn't want
to marry me.

-I'm here now, for you.
-Yeah, but now it's too late.

Yeah, too late to eat.

Yo, buddy.

Hey, man,

I'll take these, thanks.

Hi, enjoy your meal.

Didn't hear you.
How we gonna play this?

Let's go.

I'm mortified.

-To us!
-Can I move you to another table?

It's not a question of tables.

Call the police.

Know what? I don't like this place
so much anymore.

I'll take you somewhere else.


Bye, everyone, enjoy your food.

Would you care for some fruit, Miss?

Let's go.

-What, are you going to ring the bell?
-To see if he's home.

And if he answers, what do you say?
Come on, move.


Go talk to him.

-What do I say?
-Make something up, I'll go in.


-Are you the doorman?

Hi, I'm a law student.

I'm preparing my thesis
on the conditions of doormen in Rome,

with particular reference
to condominium bylaws.

Come on.

How about this priest... g*dd*mn him.


I'll give it all to you tonight,
I promise.

Don't worry,
the money's not an issue anymore.

Look at this horse.

No one likes being broken in,

but in the end, you know what?

You live better in captivity.

You're fed, taken care of,

as long as you do what you're told.

Horses are intelligent animals.
They know this.

What do you want to do?

I'll pay you back, I told you.

You're a cop's son,
and you pushed pills in my gym.

There's not much choice, Gabriele,

either you do what I tell you
or your father dies.

What do I have to do?

You've got to k*ll an Adami.


Your buddy's father.


open your present.


To tell the truth,
these accounts don't add up,

I need a few more days
to go through them,

if that's all right with you.

f*ck off, Quirino,
this is no time to do accounts.

Now I know why I can't touch Mom's kiosk.

Because you and your boss
are doing a deal with the land.

-What are you up to?
-None of your business.

Will you stop bowing down
to that piece of shit?

-The f*ck you talking about?
-About you being Samurai's sl*ve.

But he defended you in front of him.

Shut up, stop sticking up for this jerk.

Oh! You really don't understand shit!

You don't deserve
anything I've done for you.

The f*ck you talking about? Why?

What the f*ck did I do not
to deserve anything?

Since I was born,
you can't stand the sight of me

because you think Mom died
because of me.

Say it, just say it!

f*ck you!


-Mr. Taccon.


-Take a seat.
-No, I'm fine.

You don't remember me?
I remember you very well.

The 1999 party convention,
the day you made that amazing speech

about the general state of culture.

Different times.

-How's work going on the commission?

-We'll be working together from now on.
-It won't be an easy undertaking.

-This commission is tempting for many.
-I know.

I don't think you do.
Finucci did it right under your nose.

I trusted him and when you trust someone,
you don't check on them.

Anyway, I'm here now,

and I can promise you
that anything that's not clear,

any dealings that aren't transparent,
they will not get by me.

We really needed someone like you here.

-Good, carry on.
-Thank you.

-Hi, Mara.

-You looking for your father?

Wait for him inside, I'll go call him.



I'll finish this report
and be right there.

Can you wait five minutes?

-Maybe I should come back later.
-No. We'll have coffee.

See the suit? Did you try it on?

Yes, it fits.

I can't believe it, my son, the graduate.

Do you feel ready?

-I feel tired.
-Only normal, the last push.

You know what we'll do?

Go on a trip together, you and me.

The last one,

because who knows
when you'll have time for your old man?

Would you like that?

Yeah, I'd like that.

Five minutes, I'll be back,
and we'll discuss it.

On the commission,
Councilman Cinaglia is not corrupt,

but you've got to approach Taccon
before Samurai does.

You've got to make him see
only he can change things.

You've got to make him feel important.

You give me all this advice...

Does it bother you?

-If you want to do things your way...
-No, absolutely not, on the contrary.

It just embarrasses me because
eventually I'll have to pay you back.

Don't worry, we'll find a way.

Of course.

I've got to go now. I've got a meeting.

-See you soon, dear.

I'll see myself out.

I'm expected at the Vatican.

I don't want to know where you go.
It's none of my business.

I'll be late. Goodbye.

The ceiling isn't gonna fall on us, is it?

If it was gonna fall,
it would have fallen ages ago.

That's just great.

How come you like this place so much?

I'd like this place
to become the best in Ostia.

Actually, in Rome.

I'd like people to come from all over.

Why don't you do it?

Who's stopping you?

Don't ask.

What do you like?

I know that sooner or later
I'd like to go to Senegal.

What are you talking about?

To do what?
People from there wanna leave.

And I want to leave here.

But why there?

Because my home is there.

Hi there.

I thought about yesterday,
the money you asked me for...

I can give some of it,

not a lot, but maybe--

Why are you giving me money now?
What's changed?


I thought about you, and I want to help.

I don't need it anymore. I sorted it out.

You've sorted it out?

Then why the face?

Tell me what's going on.

You can't help me, Sara.

Bye, Sara.

-Give it to me.
-No, I'm not giving you anything.

See, I treat you badly,
but at least I make you laugh.

No one in Rome's got weed like I've got.

A good reason to get married, I'd say.


There are others, too.

Me and you can't even touch
before the wedding.

Now you care about the rules?

There's a good reason.

If your father catches me, he'll k*ll me.

Not if he doesn't find out.

-Tell me where the f*ck you've been.
-I'm sorry, but...

No matter what happens, you stand guard
and wait for your partner, okay?

-Yeah, I know...
-Shut up.

If I don't smash your head in and you're
still standing, it's 'cause it went okay

and because I owed you a favor.

But now we're even,

all right?

All right.

Check out the priest's stuff, here.

With this one alone, you'll get 20,000.

Take this too and your debt's covered.


Have you calmed down?

I wanted to introduce you,
but you were busy.

This is Gabriele. He saved me.

So, that's you.

Thank you.

Actually, I'm indebted to you.

I've got stuff to do,
but when I come back, I wanna talk.

Take care.

Just as well,
for tonight he's not up our ass.


It's his weekly f*ck with his hooker,
come hell or high water.

Now can you see
why I got issues with Isabel?

Because I don't want to become like him.

Go do what you gotta do.

I'm gonna lie down.

Bye, Aureliano.

You're Gabriele, right?


I wanted to thank you.

My brother's the person
I care most about in the world.

I did what any friend would have done.

He hasn't got many friends.

How long have you known each other?

Not long, but we hit it off right away.

It's weird that he gets along
with someone like you,

a cop's son.

I don't know, maybe he likes me.

Bye, Gabriele, nice meeting you.

Watch out.

It's Gabriele.

Listen, Tullio Adami just left the house,

but I've lost him.

What the f*ck?
Do what you've got to do and hurry up.

Or else I'll k*ll your father like a dog.

Let me know what happens.


[How did it go with Angelica?]

All good. We're getting married.
Don't worry.

[I'd like to see...]

-What are you doing here?
-We need to talk.

I can't see anyone without
the judge's permission.

-It's risky for you, too.
-Five minutes.

They've put Taccon in your place.

They want to send a message
with an outsider,

an intellectual.

What will he find in the paperwork?

All the scams of Rome.

Finucci, I'm not joking.

In the Ostia paperwork, what will he find?

Listen to me,

the Ostia deal is bigger than all of us.

You can't even imagine
how much money's in it

and what they're going to build
will bring even more.

I already told you,
make them pay you a lot

and don't ask anything else.

Tell me the truth, did he send you?

He wants to see if I hold up
under pressure.

Samurai doesn't know shit.

What's in the paperwork?

Tell me.

Samurai's decided to take the plunge.

He's going to bring the Mafia
into legit business in Rome,

and Ostia is the port of entry.

Hey, Dad.

Sorry about before, I had to rush off,

a friend of mine was waiting for me.

No, to go to a friend's graduation party.

Soon, Dad.

My graduation party will be soon,
I promise.


Why did you want to see me?

Why didn't you k*ll me?

You got me all the way here
for this bullshit?

Why didn't you sh**t me?

I don't know.

What the f*ck kind of answer is that?

Can't think of anything better.

I probably like you...

Can't I like you?


I like you, too.

But you're going against your brother.

If it was you, what would you have done?
Would you have k*lled me?

Have a hit.

Again? It disgusts me.

It's just a joint. It's not dr*gs.

You should chill out occasionally,
always with this long face...

-It smells good for gypsy shit.
-f*cking gypsies.

You said it.

Actually, I got it somewhere else.

Piece of shit!