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04x05 - Bloodline

Posted: 11/11/08 22:35
by bunniefuu

This is match point. You ready?

Finally. Let's get it over with.


I hope you're not going easy on me

'Cause I'm new around here.

Easy? What, that was brutal!

My sweat has sweat.

What, are you some kind of tennis hustler or something?

Figure new town, new school, new unexpecting kids to beat?

Hey, I didn't take your money or anything.

No, just my self respect.

Look out!

Diana, I told you, follow through.

It's all about the follow through. Come on.

Any day now.

You're welcome.

What was that all about?

You know Diana Morrison?

I used to, back when I lived in Grandview the first time.

We were friends. - Diana?

It was like a million years ago. - Diana?!

Diana, Diana! Somebody help!

Diana! - Diana, please! Diana!

What's happened?

Diana, Diana! Please wake up!

She just dropped out of nowhere, she won't respond!

I'm calling 9-1-1.

I'll stay here. Go get help.

Ok. - Diana, it's Olivia.

Diana, please wake up!

Diana! Diana! Wake up!

Yes, we need an ambulance.

Grandview Park at the tennis courts. A girl's collapsed.

Why won't you wake up? What's wrong with you?

Diana... Diana!

Thank you. - Sure.

Thank you, nurse.

Jim. - Hi, doctor.

Melinda, how you feeling? - I feel ok.

No more nausea, light-headedness?

Um, no.

Well... you're not pregnant.

Yeah, we... we figured as much.

Yeah, that's what the pregnancy test said, too.

All ten of them.

So then... everything that I was feeling... it was all just in my head?

No, you did conceive, But your body didn't support the pregnancy.

Doc, what does that mean?

If you're worrying about your chances of having a baby, don't.

There's plenty of treatable conditions that can account for this.

Let me run some tests, and we'll go from there, ok?


The nurse will schedule your next appointment.


I never really figured it would be this hard.

It's gonna be ok.

We're gonna make this happen, together.

You need to finish your shift.

Go, I'll be ok.

You sure?


'Cause you can hold on to my hand as long as you want.

Oh! Sorry.

I love you. I'll see you later.

Doc, bp 75 over 42. Coming in!

Pulse is rapid and irregular.

I want an ECG and a chest X-Ray.

And get me a consent to treat.

Do we have her name?

Diana Morrison.


Ned, what are you doing here?

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine. We're both fine. one, two...

Girl collapsed on the tennis courts.

Olivia and I wanted to make sure she was ok.

She has to be ok. - Olivia!


I went to the courts to pick you up but you weren't there, and they said a girl had collapsed! I thought that...

I'm fine, mom. I'm sorry for scaring you.

I should have called.

It's Diana.

Diana Morrison?

Where's Diana Morrison?

I'm her mother. They told me she was here.


What are you doing here?

Mrs. Morrison, I was at the courts with Ned.

Diana was there, too.

She was taking a lesson, I guess.

She just collapsed.

Was it heat stroke?

She must have just fainted.

She barely ate any breakfast.



Time of death...

What do you mean, time of death?!

You all right?

Did you know this girl?

No, no, I'm fine.

Um, time of death, 3:49.

What just happened?!

Do you know me?


Answer me!

What just happened?!

Are you the doctor?

When can I see her?

Your daughter suffered a blood clot in her lung.

I'm very sorry. We did everything we could, but we weren't able to revive your daughter, and she died. - No, no!

Not Diana!

No! Not my little girl!

No! She can't...

Is there anyone we can call?

A spouse, another family member?

No, it's just me and Diana.

I'm sorry.


No, let's go.

Mom, she doesn't have anyone!

We're probably just making it worse.

Come on, we don't belong here.

Is Diana here?


She's with her mom.

I think she wanted to say goodbye before moving on.

Or maybe not.

It's crazy.

It just makes no sense. - I know.

16 years old, way too young.

Is Eli talking to the kids?

Yeah, Ned says he's helping a lot.

And thank you so much for suggesting him for that.

He's a good therapist. He really listens.

Well, when you told me how important Diana and her mom were to everyone...

Ooh, let me give you a hand.

Yeah, all the kids in the neighborhood used to go over there and play.

They just had one of those homes, you know, very warm and inviting. Everyone loved them.

Except for Olivia's mom, from what I saw.

I just don't get that.

Well, it seemed mutual.

You know, maybe it's just because Cynthia was worried about her daughter.

No, it seemed like something more than that.

I mean, Ned said that the daughter was chilly with Olivia at the court.

She might have just been feeling sick, you know?

Yeah, maybe, but it didn't end there.


What? Was there a ghost?

Did you see Diana?

Are you sure you want to know that?

Anything's better than thinking a spirit that young would just vanish!

She didn't vanish. I saw her at the hospital.

Well, did she say anything?

I mean, did she go into the light or whatever?

Impressive! No, she went in a different direction.

She followed Olivia and her mom home.

Well, what does that mean?

Mmm, my experience?

Nothing good.

What can I say?

Mom, dad, are you back?


Is someone here?


Is someone here?

Hello? - Mr. Or Mrs. Keller, please.

No, they're not in right now.

Can I take a message?

I can't hear you! Who's calling?

What's happening?!

If there's anything we could do, Mrs. Morrison...

Just don't be strangers.

My home will always be open to you kids.

Techno spook by the computer.


Where did you hear that?

Olivia was telling some of her girlfriends this morning at assembly.

I'm really sorry, Mrs. Morrison.

Is that Olivia with Diana's mom?


Well, that didn't seem to go very well.

Let's go see what's going on.


My name is Eli James.

I'm a therapist over at Rockland U.

I was asked to come here today to speak to your fellow schoolmates about your loss.

Yeah, I've seen you around.

Ned said, uh, you two were there when it happened?

Yeah, whatever it was.

Does anyone know how she got sick like that?

I haven't heard anything yet.

When's that picture from?

It's you and Diana, right?

Yeah, we were, like, 7 or 8.

See that cast on her leg?

She just had her ankle surgery, And I signed her cast right there, "OK."

My ironic initials.

You said you and Diana used to be friends?

Yeah, the first time I lived in Grandview.

It's ancient history.

Olivia, I do this a lot, and I promise you, if you're feeling bad about something, talking about it always makes it better.

When we were little, our moms were such good friends that we did everything together.

It was almost like we were sisters.

With play dates and sports and camping.

We even have the same birthday, so our parties were like this whole big deal every year.

And what happened?

It just ended.

I remember one night I woke up, and my mom was in bed with me, and she was rocking me, just crying and crying.

I asked her what was wrong, but all she would say was that she loved me.

And then after that, everything changed.

Diana's mom and dad split up, We stopped hanging out with them, And then we got transferred to Texas.

Or my dad, so we left.

Did you and Diana keep in touch?

We tried, or at least I did.

I wrote her and stuff, but she never wrote me back.

I guess Diana made new friends.

My mom said that I should, too.

She told me to forget about her.

It was really weird.

It was like she was mad at her, too.

Well, what happened when your dad got transferred back?

She didn't write me in 8 years.

I mean, why would she want to be my friend now?

She didn't need me when she had all of this.

What's dad doing here?

Excuse me, I better go.

What's that all about?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

Get your mind out of the gutter.

She pulled him aside, she hugged him, she whispered sweet nothings...

It was a prayer vigil. Who didn't she hug?

Forget my masters in clinical psych for a minute, which I'd like to forget 'cause I'm still paying off the loans, And let's just look at the circumstantial evidence.

What evidence?

Two women who used to be best friends suddenly become enemies, and don't give their kids a reason.

Yeah, but that still doesn't explain the ghost's weird behavior at the hospital, or following the wrong family home.

Maybe Diana knew about the affair before she died.

Maybe that's why she was so nasty to Olivia at the tennis courts, and then went to her house to haunt her.



Diana found something out at the hospital that proved more than the affair.

What if she found out something that proved everything?

I'm gonna have to buy a vowel.

Ok, what if Olivia's dad was her dad, too, and she found that out in the hospital records?

Well, that would explain why he was at the vigil.

I mean, if he lost a daughter, too...

Yeah, and why Diana went home with the Kellers instead of her own mom.

Olivia could be the half-sister She never knew she had. - Or wanted.

Making Olivia's dad... the man who ruined everything.

Hey, kiddo.

Oh, god, you startled me.

What are you doing up?

I can't sleep again.

Thinking about Diana?

Um, mom won't even talk to me about her.

I know that we weren't friends at the end, but she died.

What happened, dad?

I mean, with mom and Mrs. M.

How can mom be so cold to her, especially now?

If you know, please tell me.

Honey, I just think that...

I don't know, maybe there's a little guilt, 'cause... we still have you.

Did you hear that?

It's the same noise that I heard the other night.

It's coming from upstairs. It's the attic.

Wait here, ok?

No way.

Dad, I'm scared.

Don't worry, honey. It's probably just rats in the rat traps.

Those are no rats.

That's strange.

Dad! - Honey, are you ok?


It's Diana, I know it is.

My dad claims that there's some sort of reasonable explanation, although he sure isn't coming up with one.

So what is he saying?

Not to tell my mother.

He says that he doesn't want to worry her.

But he went to work, and my mom's out, and I'm so scared. She keeps doing it!

I put them away so many times, and she keeps bringing them back out.

Diana did this.

You believe me?


We both do.


Because I can see spirits.

I've seen Diana's.

I watched her follow you home from the hospital.

That's why Ned wanted you to meet with me.

Do the photos always look like this?

Yeah, each time I found them the same way.

Starting with photos of my mom and dad growing up, their wedding and all of my baby photos up through now.

It's like the whole family history laid out in photos.

And then there's the phone calls.

Phone calls? - Yeah, it rings, I answer, and I can hear someone trying to say something.

Does it sound like Diana's voice?

No, it sounded like a woman, but it's totally garbled.

And then it's cut off by this awful screeching sound.

Um, where's your telephone?

It's in the kitchen.

Please tell me you have caller I.D.

Ok, so you said that the last interrupted call came in...

About an hour ago.

Got it.

No! It's happening again.

It's ok. We're here.

She's gone.

Why does Diana care about me and my family?

I don't know.

But I think I know someone who does.

Hi. I'm looking for a nurse, but I don't know her name.

She was working the E.R. when that high school kid died, Diana Morrison.

Is there anything I can help you with?

Well, it was just a tough day, and so I wanted to thank her for reaching out to the family.

Her name is Perry, Dorothy Perry.

I'm sure she'd appreciate it, if she were here, I know she was trying to make some copies, and a phone call, and... nothing was working for her.

Is there a copier nearby?

Um, the records room on the third floor.

Great. Thank you.

Hello? Someone here?

Anybody there?

Wait, nurse Perry!

Nurse Perry!

I just want to talk!

Oh, my god! Please, somebody, help me!


The word is, she's going to be out for a while.

They've got her on heavy painkillers and anti-anxiety meds.

Did you get anything else?

Oh, yeah. She got worked over pretty good.

Head laceration, 2 broken ribs, hairline fracture of her collarbone.

Diana was so angry at her.

Yeah, Mel, how was an E.R. nurse involved in this?

I think she was on the phone with Olivia's family trying to tell them something.

When I saw her, she was coming out of the record room.

Melinda, come on, it's one thing to go asking around about a medical condition, it's another to...

Yeah, but we still don't know what caused Diana's death!

I don't think the answer is in those records. Those are old records.

Maybe it was something else.

Maybe something in Diana's past that the doctor should have seen.

Maybe they made a mistake.

I mean, she was a healthy 16-year-old girl.

Ok, then if that's the case, why is the ghost haunting Olivia and her family?

I don't know.

The girl is dead, a woman is hurt, and I am out of theories.

All I need is 10 minutes.

Here's M.

Moore, Moriarty. Where's Morrison?

Missing. Hold on a second.

These must be waiting to be re-filed.

There you go.

Her medical records.

These are from like 8 years ago.

Oh, looks like she had an operation.

Fractured her ankle.

And Diana's birth record.

Mr. Keller's not listed as her father.

Why would a nurse want copies of this stuff?

Wait a minute, this is weird. Look at this.

Her blood type on her surgery record doesn't match her blood type on her birth record.

AB. O.

Do hospitals make mistakes like that?

It's possible, but rare.

Or maybe there's another possibility.

I saw the records she put together.

I know why you're angry, but I think she was trying to do the right thing.

She wanted the truth to come out.

There are some mistakes that you can't fix!

I found that out the day that I died.

Answer me!

What just happened?!

I followed her to the records room.

And right away, I saw something weird.

What are you looking for?

And that's when I realized what happened.

Olivia and I were switched at birth.

The blood types didn't match, I know.

But that's not what was really upsetting her.

She looked so guilty!

What have I done?

Like she had done something awful.

You were there the day I was born, too?

And that's when it hit me...

It was her mistake.

That's how she knew to look in those files.

It's her fault!

Look, I know that you're upset, but I really I think it was just a mistake, you know?

A stupid accident.

Do you want to know what's stupid?

How could I not have known?!

I mean, we even have the same birthday!

And my so-called family?

My mom is blonde, blue-eyed, a semi-pro tennis player.

So I always told myself that I sucked at tennis because I took after my dad.

Well, it turns out, I do take after my mom, I just had the wrong one.

Look, I know that this is painful, but I can help you, talk to your mom, your birth family.

No! They can't know.

Well, I think you need them to.

That's why you went to the Keller's house, right?

So that you could reconnect with the family you came from?

You need to make peace with this so that you can move on That woman's mistake has caused enough damage already.

Well, you don't control that anymore.

I know that's upsetting, but...

Take a look at that nurse and tell me what I can and I can't do.

I will do whatever I have to do.

No one can find out.

Hi, Ms. Perry.

Um, my name is Melinda Gordon and I'd like to talk to you, if you're feeling up to it.

You're the one who came looking for me when I fell?


I thought you might have some information on Diana Morrison, and now I couldn't be more certain that you do.

I know what happened The day that Diana was born.

I know that she was switched with Olivia Keller.

Look, I know that you're scared.

A lot of really strange things are happening to you, but trust me...

They won't end until you admit what you did.

What I did?

No! I...

I was there when it happened, but I'm not the one who switched those girls.

Ok, the day that Diana Morrison was born, there'd been this huge accident on the interstate.

We were understaffed and overwhelmed.

The bracelet must have come off in the bath.

The charge nurse seems confused.

Um, is everything ok?

You were sent to room 214.

You got to get Mrs. Keller up and walking. Go, now!

I was fresh out of nursing school.

I was trying to learn without asking too many questions.

What could I do?

I didn't have any proof.

It was just a feeling.

But I did remember those girls' names.

Then I saw the mothers bonding and talking in the hallways, and... cradling their babies.

And then you saw them again 16 years later.

I recognized her name when the paramedics brought her in.

Do we have her name?

Diana Morrison.

Circumstances of her death, the blood clot, It made me wonder all over again.

So I pulled the girl's medical records.

That's what confirmed it.

You know, I've been trying to contact the families ever since.

It's just that some... something just... doesn't want to let...

What's happening to me?

Look, it's gonna be ok.

You suspected for 16 years.

I need to know why you're so determined to tell them now.

Because the blood clot that k*lled Diana was a genetic condition.

It could affect someone else in her biological family.

They have to be told.

That's a tough one, even for you.

I have to tell them, obviously.

I mean the Kellers need to know about the disease, and then Cynthia Morrison's going to find out.

I just don't know what's going to happen to the ghost or the families.

I can't even imagine.

I mean, mourning your child, only to find out she isn't yours.

And then the child that is yours, belongs to someone else.

Olivia's parents, too.

I mean, their birth child is dead.

They're never going to get to know her as theirs.

I guess that's why Diana's been fighting so hard to keep this all a secret.

It's all just to protect everyone from the big bombshell.

Who do you tell first?

I think I have to start with the woman who raised her.

So kind of you to bring this by.

I think everyone misses Diana.

I know that Ned does.

Oh, he's a sweet boy.

Is that how you know my daughter, through Ned?

What are you doing?

I warned you not to do this!

Actually, I didn't know Diana when she was alive.

But I've talked to her recently.

I see earthbound spirits.

That's how I know that Diana's here.

I came here because she's not at peace, and there's a reason why she can't move on.

I don't understand. Is this some kind of joke?

No, this is...

It's very real.

Diana's been trying to protect you from something, but I think it's something you should know, because it's going to come out eventually.

You have no right to do this!

Who do you think you are?!

I spoke to a nurse at Mercy Hospital, Dorothy Perry.

She was there the day that Diana died, and the day that she was born.

The same day that Olivia Keller was born.

Stop it! Stop!

Why is this suddenly coming out now?

Who told you about all this?

You know what I'm talking about?

Mmm, I have a pretty good feeling.


How did you find out?

I saw a blood panel from the ankle surgery she had when she was 8.

Is that when you realized the truth?

No, it was long before that.

I've known Diana wasn't mine almost as long as I've had her.

That's impossible.

You never said anything.


I had a long labor, and so did Lisa Keller.

We met walking the halls, passing the time together, waiting for it to happen.

Both having girls, excited.

And we just became friends.

There's so much joy.

And then what happened?

Then I brought Diana home, and something felt off.

Everybody thought it was post-partum depression, and at first, so did I.

I mean, I love my little girl.

But that feeling didn't go away.

So, when did you suspect that Diana wasn't your baby?

As they started to grow older, I started to notice similarities between me and Olivia that I didn't notice with Diana.

When she played tennis, she played like me.

She had my mother's eyes.

And sometimes, when I looked at her and she smiled, I felt like I was looking at a mirror.

What about when you looked at me?

Did you contact Lisa Keller?

Not until the pre-surgery blood work confirmed it.

That's when I called Lisa.

How did she react?

She didn't believe it.

Refused to have Olivia tested.

She cut off all contact.

They moved to Texas.

She said it was for Kevin's job.

She was running away from the uncomfortable truth.

So my own mother didn't want me, And you couldn't get rid of me?

Let her explain. - She already has.

And if they loved the two of us so little, then they won't miss us when we're both gone!

What's going on?

Is that Diana...

We need to go see Olivia before Diana does.

Diana, stop it!

Why are you doing this?

What is it?

What do you want from me, Diana?

Mrs. Keller?


My name is Melinda Gordon.

Is your daughter home?

What is this about?

Trust her, Lisa. This is important.

Oh, my god! What happened?


Who did all of this? Livvy? Sweetie? Olivia Her backpack is not here.

Or her cell phone, clothes, laptop.

Oh, my god!

What did you do?!

Did you tell Olivia?


Then how did she know about these?

How did she know to even look for these?

Diana must have led her to them.


These are all letters from Diana to Olivia.

And she thought I never wrote her back.

Her mom must have kept them from her.

You kept these from Olivia?

My god, Lisa.

Are you so selfish that you wouldn't even let our daughters be friends?

Diana's baby bracelet.

I sent this to Lisa, trying one last time after I told her the truth.

And now Olivia knows the truth.

I have to find her, I have to call the police!

No, you don't. You know where she is, don't you?


Olivia needs your help.


Oh, I'm so glad we found you!

Stay away from me.

I understand why you're angry, but, Olivia, You have to know that...

What? What you knew for the last 8 years?

I found the letter.

Dear Lisa, I wanted you to have something of your daughter, Diana.


Don't talk to me, I can't hear any more lies!

Olivia, don't. Don't talk to your mother that way.

My mother? And who are you?

The woman who gave birth to me let me play in their house and then let me go?

And not just somebody else's house, but halfway across the country.

Were you relieved when we moved?

Did the two of you work all of that out together?

She tried.

When she found out the truth, she tried to talk to me, but, Olivia, You were my daughter and so was Diana, And I couldn't lose you both!

Both, what do you mean?

Well, from the time they could walk, they would follow you everywhere.

Puppet shows, games, sports.

Kids love you.

What if they had to choose?

They would both choose you.

Lisa, look at your daughter.

Your daughter Olivia.

As much as it kills me to say that.

Why do you think she's so angry?

It's not because you kept this from her.

She thinks this means that you don't love her, And there's nothing more in the world that she wants than your love.

Well, I always thought there was nothing more in the world I wanted than hers.

And then... you called me that day, and I wanted more.

Whenever I looked at either one of them.

Olivia, you are my little girl.

Nothing can change that.

But Diana, her hands, her eyes, the way she walked... She was mine, too.

I'm sorry that I tore our daughters apart.

I'm sorry that I abandoned both of you.

How could you not want both of them?

I know I did.

I don't want them to hurt anymore.

Diana wants to forgive you.

Wait, Diana's here?

That's how we found you.

She told me that you guys used to play here together.

Tell Olivia that I did make new friends, but... there were none like her.

She wants you to know that she missed you.

There was no one like you.

I missed her, too.

I still do.

Sweetheart, we're going to sit down, we're going to talk all of this through.

We'll figure out where to go from here... together.

She's saying good-bye.

Will she be ok?

She wants to know if you're going to be all right without her.

I'm not going to lie to you, sweet girl.

Nothing is ever going to be the same.

Remember what you used to tell me when I had a bad day or I didn't do well?

You would always say that the only thing that mattered to you is that you knew I tried my best.

That's what I need you to do.

I need you to try to be ok.

For me.

She wants you to try.

Just like you used to tell her to do.

She needs you to promise that you'll at least try.

I will, sweet girl.

I'll try.

She's gone.

Thank you.

Long day?

The longest.

Do you want to talk about it?

When I... saw those two mothers love daughters that weren't even really theirs, It just made me realize... if we can't do this... if we can't have a baby, would... would you consider adoption?


I really... needed to hear you say that, because the tests and the trying...

But Mel, look at this.

Are these my results?

Well, I did run into Dr. Chen today.

Well, what is this prescription?

It's for a hormone.

It helps the embryo attach itself.

It basically makes it feel more at home so it can settle and grow.

And this is all we need?


So we're going to be able to have a baby?
