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01x01 - 21 Days

Posted: 12/24/22 21:29
by bunniefuu
Today, after seven years in office,

the mayor of Rome
has tendered his resignation.

It will become effective in 20 days.

In his farewell speech,
at his final council meeting,

he stated that his decision had been
difficult and not taken lightly.

The outgoing mayor pointed out

that respect for the electorate
and the citizens of Rome

had always been his top priority.

A scenario of strong indecision lies ahead

among all political parties

for the choice of a candidate
to present at the upcoming elections.

What's happening?



For f*ck's sake,
have you got eyes or not?

Can't you see
what kind of places people want?

If you throw some cash at the kiosk,
it'll fill up!

Clients that, besides eating and drinking,
wanna score coke.

Listen to this, your brother wants
to tell me how to make money!

It isn't yours. It belonged to Mom.

-Leave your mother out of this.


See if you can talk sense
into this dickhead.

Why do you insist? You know it bugs him.

Leave it.

There's a gypsy outside our club.

-Gypsy, I got something to tell you.
-Tell me.

You can't stay here, piece of shit.

Piece of shit!

Shut that f*cking dog up!
Throw that douchebag out.


I don't believe it!

-Gabriele Marchilli?
-Yeah, what do you need?

Come outside!

You know who I am, right?

Good, we can get straight to the point.

Let's take a little walk.

You're a good kid, smart, nice enough,

but you did something
you shouldn't have done.

Push pills in Samurai's gym...

Whaddya thinkin'?

Damn you.

You know what he's like.
He didn't take it well.

Actually, he's really pissed.

He wanted damages, plus interest.

But seeing that he's generous,

he only wants 20,000 euros.

20,000 euros?

I only sold 500 euros worth of pills,
are you insane?

How f*ckin' dare you?

When I speak, you shut up.

You've got 24 hours to bring me
the money, got it?

Got it?

Now go have fun, go on!

Let's go, Claudio.


[in Sinti] [Now you are the groom,]

[honor the name you bear
and our traditions.]

[Go on!]

[Go on, Spadino!]

[Go on!]

[Go on, Spadino!]

[k*ll this animal, Spadino!]

[Get outta the way.]

[k*ll it!]

[k*ll it, Spadino.]

[k*ll it!]

[Be a man!]

[k*ll it!]

[It had to take so long?]

I didn't wanna get dirty.

[Now you can meet your bride.]

[Let's go!]

The mayor's resigning,

I'm on my way
to the council meeting now.


The new zoning plan has been approved,

but to find out who'll get rich on it
and how, we have 20 days.

The time for the resignation
to come into effect. Get with it!

-I pay you to solve problems.
-I am a technocrat.

I can say that your project
for Ostia respects the law,

but they have to put it on the agenda.

They've got to give it priority.

You need... a politician.


The chairman of the building commission.

A representative of the people,
a frustrated guy with ideals.

-What is it?
-There's a problem with the gypsies.

That's enough. You've tired him out.

We are outside City Hall,

where the emergency meeting
is about to end

-and the mayor submitted his resignation.

I see.

The commission is split.
The other company has the majority.

-I'm coming.

Monsignor Theodosiou's vote is decisive.
I've been after it for months.

All right, today I'll nail him.

I'll call you later.

Meanwhile, once he resigns,

we must wait the 20 days mandated by law

for the resignation to come into effect.

The mayor's choice
appears to be irrevocable...

What do we do?

They've got 20 days
to decide who builds and where.

We haven't got time, Sara.
You know that.

We're drowning in debt.
I don't want to end up bankrupt.

Neither do they.

Between accounts in the red
and the archbishops on trial in America,

they need money. They have to sell.

Who's coming to the Pope today?

The Swedish Royals.

It will be long then.

Let me know how the meeting goes.

I've got to run.

Don't worry.


I heard your party wants
to send a message of change,

new faces in City Hall.

You've been a councilman
for many years, right?

-I've always won lots of votes.
-I know you have.

But this time you risk not making it
onto your party's ticket.

You risk staying home.

Luckily, this is something that doesn't
concern you, right?

Listen to me, you don't throw away
all the years spent in here like this.

You should have a more important office
than the one you hold,

make real public policy.

Speak to the mayor about it
or to somebody who really counts,

like your ex-wife.


Gentlemen, councilors, quiet, please!

The mayor is making his entrance!

[Hi, Spadino.]

Hi, everything okay?

I heard she's hot.

Are you done, Spadino?

-What do you want?
-Go with him.

-Go with him.

-What's up?
-Come outside.

A surprise visit.

Come in, today we're celebrating.
My brother's getting engaged.

I'm fine here. I didn't come to celebrate.

You sent some dipshit

to one of the Adamis' clubs last night?

-You want to expand?
-But that's not your territory.

All of Rome is my territory.

Boris was there for fun,

it's these f*ckin' Adamis
that got a short fuse.

Ask them what happened.

Maybe you don't understand me,

but I don't speak Sinti,
and I don't want to learn it.

This is the first and the last time
I'll come to this sh*thole to tell you.

Be careful not to start a w*r, you'll lose

and you know it.

But my cousin's still been offended
and that's gotta be dealt with.

I see you're quick on the uptake.

How much they gotta pay you
to forget what happened?


Our budgetary situation is critical.

But our calling is to provide hope.

The offer I spoke to you about
for our land in Ostia

that we received
from the Blue Mirror consortium

is important precisely because

it could give a basis for hope

and help restore our bottom line.

Cosimo, that's true, but we need to know
who we are selling to.

I want the sale to be crystal clear.

You are our auditor.

Please explain, Mrs. Monaschi,

that at times it is difficult
to turn down certain offers.

Your Eminence, without a doubt,
our bottom line is compromised,

but I share
Monsignor Theodosiou's concerns.


I'd like each of us to think carefully
what is best for the Church.

And to think carefully,
we need to pause and reflect.

The meeting is adjourned, brothers.

Monsignor, excuse me,

I think it'd be best
if the pause weren't too long.

-The mayor has just resigned...
-I know.

We need to carefully evaluate
the company we sell to.

Both Blue Mirror and Edilcigno
that your husband is involved with.

Of course.


One of those carefree evenings might help
you to speed up the considerations.

Shall we say, this evening?

This evening?

Why not?

You'll let me know?

I'll take care of it.

-Did you put sugar in it?

See your father?

-He's Samurai's sl*ve.
-At least the sl*ve of someone powerful.

What the f*ck have you done?

-Did you beat up an Anacleti?

Does Samurai tell you your son's business?

No, he says you're a dumb f*ck.

-He was at our club, Dad.
-Now he knows he can't do that.

Now go and say you're sorry

and take him the money
you make from the northern zone.

Shut up, Samurai speaks
and you move your mouth.

-You little shit!
-Go in there.

Calm down.

What a beauty, 12 cylinders.

Your brother's crazy. He's lost his mind.

With you marrying a Sale,
he's convinced he can expand.

He sent me to the Adamis' club
to see their reaction.


Are you happy?

You need to pick a car
with a certain style.

After all, Angelica's going to be yours
for the rest of your life.

You show up with one of these,

she'll fall at your feet.


You spend hours in that bathroom.

-Dad, have you had breakfast?
-What happened to your lip?

No, nothing. I've got to go. It's late.

What's with you this morning?
You seem edgy.

Has something happened?

No, nothing.

Problems at university?

No, don't worry.

Not long now.

You'll be at Gianni's dinner?


Sorry, I'm gonna be late.




You've got to help me, Marco.

I pissed off the wrong guy.
Now I owe him 20,000 euros.

Today, I'm begging you!



f*ck it!

Sara! How are you?

Today, I'm slammed,

but I should be able to make it.

Where do we meet?

Okay then.


Councilman Cinaglia?

A minute of your time.

Aren't you curious to hear
what I've got to say?

No, I don't want to hear anything
from you. Goodbye.

A politician who takes the bus.

Usually they get on them during
election campaigns, chasing votes.

I take it every day.

-Because you represent "the people".

-But I don't represent people like you.
-Is that so?

-Maybe I voted for you.
-I doubt it.

Rome needs politicians like you.

Politicians who mix with the people,
who love this city.

Men like that should be valued,
as they're increasingly rare.

And you know how to value them.

But what's the cost?

You and I, we want the same thing:

what's good for Rome.

How are you?

I missed you.

Lele, I called you
because I need your help.

I need to throw a party tonight.
You've got to help me.

-You called me to organize a party?
-It's important.

For a very special guest who means a lot.

-I'll try.
-Trying is not enough.

-You haven't called me for three months...
-Gabriele, please...

-All right.

You'll have the best blow
and the best hookers,

but it's the last time.

Look at the state this place is in,
it's a shit heap.

You gotta imagine it all different.

What's it gonna cost me?

A hundred, 150.

Your father can cough up cash
for a gypsy, but not for this place.

Ask for something else.
He doesn't want to give you this.

This was Mom's.

I want this, not something else.

Restaurant, disco, slot machines...

you won't be able to do it
for less than 300,000.

Numbers are your thing.

You're going to run this place, not me.

Apologize to the gypsy
and I'll talk to Dad.

And we'll see what we can do.

So we'll have something that's yours
and mine without that pain in the ass.

The best club in Ostia.

Make it right and I'll talk to Dad.

Let's go, I'm cold.

First, you talk to Dad.

If he says yes,
I'll make it right with the gypsy.

I'm cold, let's go.

First thing we'll do is put in a walkway,
I'm ruining my shoes.

What the f*ck are you looking at?
I'm going to smash his face in.

Go ahead!
You already did, didn't you? Remember?

-Repeats are good.
-For what?

-For my mood.
-Amedeo, what do you want?

-Will the mayor change his mind?

-Has the party got a candidate?
-Do you want to run?

-You know you haven't got the profile.
-No, I don't know.

I want the party to back me
and my battles.

We always have.

No, you've used me. The votes from
the outer boroughs were handy, huh?

And then you tossed me
into a f*cking commission.

I don't recall you being this ambitious.

I only want to make progress
with my ideas,

that were once yours. His, who knows?

What do you want?

I want to be
in the top three on the ticket

and if we win,
the department of social policy.

I can't. The mayor chooses
the department chairs.

Since when do you let him choose?

You think I'm not good enough.

-I've got to go.

Because true politics
is the art of what's possible

and you're still here fighting
for the impossible.

A poor loser with ideals.

I'm a loser...

Am I a loser, Gabriella?

Theodosiou only listens
to Mrs. Monaschi now.

I've got no power
in the commission anymore.

Convince Theodosiou
to sell that land to us.

The guys from the South
are behind this deal.

You don't mess with the Mafia.

You want to let them into Rome
through the front door.

Eminence, you've been laundering
their money for 30 years.

Mrs. Monaschi...


Excuse me.

Excuse me, are you Aureliano?

-Who the f*ck are you?
-Did Sergio call you?

I asked who the f*ck you are.

Did Sergio call you or not?

What do you want?

I need some coke.

Does it look like I'm working?

-No, but...
-But, my ass...

In here if you wanna talk,
you gotta put gloves on.

-You're kidding?

Adriano, bring this guy some gloves.

-Keep your guard up.

All right, like that.

Come on.

Look, he got me.

Now we can talk.

Sara, there's someone to see you.

Who is it?

I'm sorry to disturb you,

but I was passing by
and I was curious to meet you.

Meet me?

I've heard a lot about you,

about how you're on
that Vatican commission.

Sit down.

-What do you want from me?
-The land in Ostia.

Those 20 acres that will be zoned
for building under the new plan

and that the Vatican
is deciding who to sell to.

I don't decide that. I'm only an auditor.

I'm sorry. I can't help you.

Mrs. Monaschi...

I bet while you're checking
the Vatican accounts,

that land will end up in the hands
of your husband's company.

Rome is a very gossipy town,
word gets around.

See? I knew where to find you,
and I'll know where to find you again,

if need be.

Think it over.

Let me know how much you want
for the land.

I can be very generous.

Hey, Livia.

Did you wanna tell me something?

Aureliano's idea
about renovating Mom's kiosk...

You wanna talk about your mother too?
I said to drop it.

It's a good idea.
We can make a lot of money there.


We're done.

Samurai's interested in it.


What would Samurai do with it?

Not just the beach, the whole area.

The families from the South
wanna build a big port.

-And what do we get out of it?

We're here.

If they really do build the port,
the coke comes in, goes out...

Something comes our way too, right?

Why didn't you tell Aureliano?

Aureliano isn't ready
to know certain things.

But you tell them to me.

You're not like your brother.

You'll see what a good impression
you'll make tonight.

You have to be happy.

We made a good choice,
Angelica's right for you.

I want to see you happy, Alberto.

A woman is the only way.

Says who?

[I say so.]

[I know what you are. I understand.]

And what am I?

[What you are, whatever you are,]

[you can't be that here,]

[in this house, in this family...]

[You can't!]

This is the take from the northern zone.

It's not much.

He said no, didn't he?


He says it's not good business.

Right, because it's my idea.

No, that's not why.

Why then?

You need to make it right
with the gypsies.

It's important.

I couldn't give a shit.

You don't wanna do it
because Dad asked you?

Do it for me.

Do it because I'm asking you to.


Answer me.

A hundred and we'll take our time.

Let's go.

f*ck you.

-I know you're about to graduate.
-Only my dissertation to go.

-Then what will you do?
-I don't know, we'll see.

-What will he do after he graduates?
-Apply to the force.

A cop? But that's a shit life.

But not a cop like me and you,
he'll be a commanding officer.

-An official.
-An official, yes.

Sorry, I've got to go. Bye.

-Thank you.
-All the best.

-All the best.


[Spadino's on his way.]

[Let's go.]

-Give me another one.
-Kid, that's your fifth.

Go home.

I said give me another one.

[Is he drunk?]

Go on, sing!


Take care with the parking,
we don't want the usual mess.

Right away.

I'm glad you could come
on such short notice.

Who could have imagined
the mayor would resign today?

Countess, thank you for the invitation!

Sandro, my dear.

-You must be Sara.
-Good evening.

All Rome is talking about you.

A woman in the Vatican always makes news.

-Can I steal her away for a moment?
-Of course.

Sandro's a good boy, a bit too formal,

but between the Jesuits and his mother...

Look at them, the rich of Rome,
all builders, speculators...

-Good evening.

-Good evening, councilor.
-Good evening.

The mayor has resigned,

and they're all discussing the future
of the city.

A pack of wolves around a bone.

It can't be easy for a woman
to be on a commission like that,

that manages Vatican property holdings
and finances.

I'm just an auditor.
I don't have a decision-making role.

For an intelligent person like you,
listening's enough.

Your husband knows this.

He wouldn't know which way
to turn without you.

And the investors backing his company
know it as well.

Especially in this situation.

What situation?

The Ostia landholdings.

Before, everyone wanted them,
now there's someone claiming them,

someone all Rome's afraid of,

because of what he might do,

but especially
because of what he might say.

I think I met him today.

I'm not surprised.

You're dealing with the person
who's always decided everything in Rome.

It's up to you
to decide whether to pass...

or risk it.

They've just arrived from Sicily,
but it's only the son.

And your father?

Had stuff to do.

The mayor's resignation,
what does it mean?

Nothing, I just need to speed things up.

But we still haven't got the Vatican land.

It's only a matter of time.

You've had time.

I created this deal,

I know how to manage Rome and its timing.

Hear that? The mouse that roared.

But he's forgotten that the money's ours.

Maybe he's getting old...

and forgetting things.

But my father says
you're a man of your word.

Your father is a good judge of men.

Then don't disappoint him. Let's go.


Today at school everyone was talking about
this thing with the mayor.

I even argued with the principal.

How come?

Two teachers are sick

and they didn't have money
for substitutes.

So they sent Fabrizio into a class
with bigger kids,

except he kicked up a fuss,
and I had to go get him.

What's that got to do with the principal?

She says City Hall makes the cuts.

She says to ask you, that maybe...

You know I don't do those things.
I don't ask for favors.

Yes, I know, of course.

Anyway, I took him to work with me.

Worst comes to worst,
he can come make perfume with me.



-I'll go in.
-I'll be right there.

Isn't that assh*le coming?



I think I did you a favor.

With that thing on your nose,

you can't smell the shit stink
you carry around.

A tip for services rendered.

[Let's roll.]


Good evening.
There's a room downstairs to get changed.

Sergio, your friend didn't show up
and he's not answering his phone.

I can't wait because people are arriving.

Find me a solution.

Yeah, it's all good.

He didn't let out a peep.

When evening falls

You talk to me of love

And looking into my eyes

You make me feel like a woman
Who's a bit porno...

Porno... porno...

Come on.

You gotta learn how to get by
in this world.

You're acting like a clown.

You can't teach me a f*ckin' thing.

You made me look like an assh*le.

You showed up plastered the night
of your engagement.

Do you realize what this marriage means
for our family?

For us? For you!

Meanwhile, you need to go to a villa

and pick up the cash for a delivery.
Move your ass.

You gotta realize you can't do
what the f*ck you want.

Good, I prefer working
after this boring shit.

Shut up.

Shut up or I'll throw you out of the car.

-Look, it's all there.
-Yeah, but I'll count it anyway.

What's this assh*le doing here?

I called you three times,
you almost made me...

Piece of shit, put it there
and don't move, or I'll bust your ass.

I've f*ckin' had it with you.
Get out, you gypsy assh*le.

I'll go where the f*ck I want...

Who the f*ck's this?

-How much did he do?
-It's that shit you sell.

-Will you help me get him up?
-No, leave him on his side.

Leave him alone.

What the f*ck do I do now?

Call an ambulance, he's gonna croak.

Stop making a big deal,
he's not going to die.

Why don't you wanna call an ambulance?
Who the f*ck is he?

He's a priest, f*ck it.
I can't call an ambulance.

He's a priest?

My friend, this guy's a priest?

And how big is he?
The bigger he is the more he's worth...

He snorts, fucks and ODs.

The bigger deal he is,
the more he'll pay to cover it up.

It's Gabriele.

-Who's he calling?
-How the f*ck do I know?

Something bad's happened, the priest OD'd.

I didn't do anything.

-Are you spying?
-I'll keep my mouth shut, don't worry.

-What have you got there?
-Mind your own business.

Is it my fault if he OD'd?

Making a little movie, were you?

Give me my phone.

You were going to
ask him for money, bitch.

Don't move.

we're gonna take you for everything.

-The priest was getting his rocks off...
-Check it out.

-You went for it, huh?
-They're coming to get him.

Good, you can tell me
where they take him.

Guys, there's a problem.

-The idea's mine, the priest's mine.
-But I've got the phone.

The priest is mine.

-You want to blackmail the priest?
-Shut up.

Spadino, careful or I'll hurt you.

I'll explain again, the priest's mine.

If you like, I'll give you a cut, 5%.

Give 5% to your parasite brother,

your family's not even fit
to wipe our ass.

Go f*ck yourself!

I'm gonna bust your ass!

I want a third of the money.

I'm not done with you...
What did you say?

We'll blackmail the priest,
but I want a third.

I can tell you who he is,
how important he is.

But we split it three ways.


Well, my ass... Now he's talking too.

They're coming to get him,
hurry up and decide.

He's important enough for three?

-He's big.
-I don't give a f*ck.

-I'm not doing shit with you two.

We each take a cut,

then everyone does
what the f*ck they want.


You in?