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04x04 - The Goldfinch and the Cat

Posted: 12/24/22 21:03
by bunniefuu
"Cat and Goldfinch"

Bye, Erminia.

Give me the handbag.

Give me that handbag!



Inspector, sorry to bother you.

The husband
of a Mrs Todaro is here.

- What does he want?
- They tried to k*ll his wife.

I asked him to wait
in your office.

- Was that wrong?
- No. Thanks.

- Good morning.
- Sit down.

Let me introduce myself.
I'm Agostino Todaro.

- Inspector Montalbano.
- My wife, Erminia.

It's a pleasure.

- Sit down.
- Thank you.

So...what happened?

Inspector, you must realise
that I'm a pensioner.

I worked on the railways
for fifty years.

Since I was pensioned off,

l sit at my window every morning

and I don't move till Erminia
calls me for lunch.

- isn't that right?
- Yes.

I'd still be there...

This morning I was drinking
coffee inside.

I watched her cross the road
on her way to church.

First she goes to church...

Inspector, I have bad eyesight and
didn't notice anything...

till I heard the voice of that
masked man.

It was only then that I saw
the g*n pointing at me.

The handbag.

As he grabbed my handbag,

he fired and I fainted.

Saint Euphemia saved me,
thanks to the devotion...

l show for her. Because when
l heard the shot...

l was already dead! Dead!

That criminal shot me...

Let me get this straight:

The b*llet didn't graze you?

How's that possible?

I must thank Saint Euphemia.

Saint Euphemia saved my life.

- Well, goodbye.
- Good morning.

Everything all right?

Hi Salvo...Who are they?

She was mugged, but the guy had a
g*n and could've k*lled someone.

- Aren't you on leave?
- Sure.

But I had to come in to get some
documents from my desk.

It's habit. I keep everything here:
cash point card...


But I need them because of all
the paperwork for the wedding.

You wanted to get married,
so just get on with it.

- What day?
- The th.

- Next Sunday.
- When did you think it was?

I didn't expect it to come
round so quickly.

- When do you come back?
- After a month.

- After a month?
- Yes, after the honeymoon.

Can't you make it a bit shorter?

Don't worry, they're sending a
substitute from headquarters.

A substitute!

Here they are.

- Got something to write with?
- Yes.

Jot down the sizes of the rings.

- The rings?
- Yes, the wedding bands.

You've got to bring them.
You forgot you're best man?

Of course not!

- So, write!
- I'm writing!

- Me and Beba .
- You and Beba .

- I'll say goodbye.
- Me too.

and .

Give me the handbag.

- Good morning, Inspector.
- Good morning.

Another mugging just like
the others,

- He fired without hitting anyone?
- Yes.

We're waiting for Jacomuzzi
to find out more.

- Where's the woman?
- Tortorella took her home.

She lives in the Canestacco area.

- Good morning, Inspector.
- Mrs Mandracchia?

- How are you? Were you hurt?
- No, don't worry.

- You had a bit of a fright.
- No, it's nothing.

- A bit of a fright...
- Don't worry, it's nothing.

- Come in.
- Thank you.

You recognise them, don't you?

Actually I'm not an expert
on the saints.

Even you have your devotions,
don't deny it.

- Yes...
- Every thief has his devotions.

- But...
- Every thief has his devotions.

- Every thief has his devotions.
- Come with me.

St. Lucy, protector
of eyesight.

- We always light a candle for her.
- Of course.

This is St. Christopher with Baby
Jesus, protector of motorists.

Look at this. St Martin
protects cuckolds!

Please, come in.

Sorry, I only just got back...

Don't worry. I wanted to ask
a few questions.

Would you be able to
identify your attacker?

Look Inspector, thanks to
Santa Lucy,

l may be old, but I can still see.

He was wearing a black
crash helmet though.

Even the glass was dark.

I don't know how he could see,
he seemed like a black knight.

But I'd seen him coming and
l was on my guard.

These kids on scooters
drive like maniacs.

I didn't want to get knocked down...

- as I was crossing the road.
- When he rode up to you,

what did you see?

The revolver...right away.

Exactly like you see in those films
with Indians on TV.

- A g*n with a revolving barrel.
- I put my hands up, like on TV,

and I said: "l surrender!"

He snatched my handbag,

fired the g*n, rode off downhill
and that's the last I saw of him.

You had money and documents
in your bag?

I was going to church.

I didn't need money. I just had
the saints I always carry with me.

I had St. Ciro,

Saint Euphemia, Saint Anthony,

Saint Lucy, the Madonna of Pompei.

Then I had the crucifix that I always
take everywhere.

I had my rosary beads.

- What did you find?
- Bugger all.

- That's no use. The b*llet?
- Could be anywhere.

In the door of the house,
or on the roof.

The attacker used a g*n
with a revolving barrel.

- Who told you?
- The victim.

Those kind of g*ns don't
drop cartridges.

And the scene of the
other attack?

- Did you find anything?
- What should I have found?

When you fire a p*stol,
a b*llet comes out of the barrel.

- Unless...
- Unless what?

Nothing. Thinking out loud.
Find that b*llet.


Can I bring you a slice of grouper?
A tuna steak?

Or even better, a nice fry-up?

No, I'll have a coffee afterwards.

As you wish. Call me, I'm
at your disposition.

Not hungry?

My head's too full to think
about my stomach.

I can't eat, can't sleep...

Scared about the wedding?

Do you know if...

Garzullo still deals in real estate
and house rentals?

As far as I know,
Garzullo's retired.

But he still keeps his hand in
at the estate agent's. Why?

I want to rent out my
bachelor pad.

I could make some cash, right?

This morning, Esterina Mandracchia,
like Erminia Todaro days ago,

was att*cked and robbed in front
of the church.

Yet another sacrilegious attack
by a mysterious mugger

who, not content with
snatching her handbag,

fired a shot which missed the
poor woman by a hair's breadth.

Dear viewers of Televigata,

we cannot write off these
criminal acts

by calling them simple robberies.

These are not muggings,
but acts of terrorism,

aimed at deterring the faithful
of Vigata from attending church.


It's urgent!

Drop everything and come
right away!

Chief Bonetti- Alderighi wants
to talk to Inspector Montalbano!

I'll put him on.'s Catarella

So, how many poor women
must be terrorized,

threatened, robbed...

before this mysterious
mugger is caught?

We're investigating,

but we haven't come up with anything.

- Even Jacomuzzi...
- I just spoke

with Judge Scognamiglio.

I've received various calls.

The church authorities
are very worried.

- Why?
- They think these incidents

deter the faithful from
going to church.

The robberies don't have
anything to do with religion.

It's irrelevant that the victims
were going to church.

Do what you think, but this
outrage has to be stopped.

We cannot allow the churches
of Vigata to stand empty.

Close this case soon.
Make an arrest.

Don't force me to hand it over
to someone else.

Am I being clear?

I don't see any other motive
behind these robberies either.

Up till now, the thief's got
away with cents.

He'd make more money if
he sold the b*ll*ts.

I don't get why he sh**t after
they've given him their bags.

And how can he miss at such
close range?

The first time, he could have been
scared by the husband's yelling.

But the second, he had time
to take his aim.

No, l...l think the sh*ts weren't

- I don't understand.
- I think he fires blanks.

- Blanks?
- Yes, we've not found any b*ll*ts...

So, we're dealing with a lunatic.

There's logic behind his madness.

Yes, lots of logic.

Hamlet: there is much logic in this
this madness! I'll think about it!

I want to solve this
for myself.

- Fine. Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye, Inspector.

I'll tell him as soon as
he arrives, Insp. Fazio.

He's just walked in!

Inspector Fazio says there's an
energumen at the hospital!

- A what?
- A man possessed!

Inspector Fazio wants back up,
but there isn't anyone!

- Send Galluzzo.
- He's not here.

- Tortorella?
- He's sick.

- And Mimi Augello?
- He's on leave. I'll go!

No, you've got to stay
and answer the 'phone.

- I'll go.
- Yes...

to The Vigata First Aid Station!

- Fazio!
- Inspector...

- Why did you come?
- Do I really have to answer?

- What happened?
- Nothing...

- You've got a black eye...
- Yes, but it's nothing serious.

Come on, I'll show you.
This way.

We'll use the other
surgery for today.

What is this?

Inspector Montalbano?

I'm Dr. Cusumano,
the assistant here.

I can't shake your hand,
l fell over in the commotion.

Thank God Inspector Fazio came.

Even four of us couldn't stop
this madman.

- Tell me what happened.
- it was like this:

a man brought his daughter in,
saying she'd had fainting spells

and had been vomiting.

I took a look at her right away.

Her father stayed in the waiting room,

but when he asked about his
daughter, some idiot

told him she was pregnant...

- and risked losing the baby.
- And all hell broke lose.

No, at first the father seemed
like he was paralysed.

Then he started lashing out at
whoever was to hand.

Thank God the Inspector

Thank God...where is he now?

He's in one of the rooms,
under sedation.

Two of our men are on guard.

- The girl?
- This way.

You know Father Vassallo?

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- A pleasure.

Father Vassallo runs the
St. Tarcisio refuge, near Vigata.

He takes in unmarried mothers,
drug addicts and difficult cases.

He was here to see a girl
from the refuge.

He saw everything.

What does the girl say?

She's still in a state of shock,
she hasn't said a thing.

We'll talk when she feels better.

- You know her?
- No.

But I understood she needs help.

- Come in, Jacomuzzi.
- Did you call me?

I need to ask you something.

If I fire blanks at you at
close range,

what'd happen?

There'd be a big bang and
I'd be terrified.

What I mean is,

when blanks are fired, do they
leave traces on clothes?

If I fire blanks or real b*ll*ts,

the w*apon always leaves
of gunpowder.

But if I fire blanks, the residue
has more consistence.

You analysed the clothes
of the victims?


- Why not?
- Should I have done?

- The attacker fired blanks.
- Who told you?

- I'm telling you!
- He could be on dr*gs.

Maybe his hand shook.
Thank God he missed.

Analyse the women's clothes
and let me know your findings.

But Salvo...

Or go over the crime scene again
and find me two b*ll*ts.

You choose.

All right, I'm going.

- Good morning, Inspector.
- Good morning. Well?

- Did Catarella explain?
- Yes, that's why I said, "Well?"

No one's seen Dr. Saverio
Landolina since last night.

He left the surgery at o'clock,
after the last visits,

and this morning his wife
reported him missing.

- ls that his car?
- Yes.

We found it like this,
all locked up.

The keys are in a fisherman's
bag, down there...

with his wallet, mobile 'phone
and house keys.

There's a cheque book
and i.d. papers too.

Are there any signs of
a struggle?

No, nothing to make us think
it was a kidnapping.

- ls that woman a relative?
- His wife.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- Good morning.

Do you have any idea what
could have happened?

Not at all. Last night he called
me around .

He said he was going fishing.

When he didn't come for dinner,
l wasn't worried.

He's been here till late

This morning though,
l woke up around

and tried to call him
on the mobile.

It rang and rang,
but no one replied.

I found all his stuff here.

There're even two fish,
but no sign of him.

He's not here...

When you got here this morning,

did you see if there were other
people or cars around?

No, there wasn't a soul here
this morning.

There was no one.
l looked all over, but nothing.

I'll have someone take you
home now.

Keep calm. As soon as we
have any news

I'll let you know right away.

- All right?
- Thanks.

- Fazio?
- Yes...

Take the lady home and get
some photos of the doctor.

Then call the Coast Guard
and get the coastline patrolled.

If he fell into the sea,
we'll find him in hours.

- All right?
- Okay.

Come with me, madam.

Don't worry.

Come in!

- May l?
- Please.

Hello, Salvo.

Good evening.

How are you?

Fine. Sit down.

You really don't remember?

Do we know each other?

Take a good look.


- You remembered, at last!
- Barbarella!

What a pleasure!

You were just a kid

and now you're a woman.

- You haven't changed...
- I'm just older!

- How long's it been?
- years.

years...oh my God!

- What are you doing here?
- You won't believe me:

I'm here to substitute Augello.

- You joined the police?
- Yes.


Last year. This is my
first assignment.

To replace Augello?

Yes, I worked hard to get here.

With you, I'll learn the job well.

Cut it out!

I'm in a hurry,
I've still got to unpack.

- Did you found a house?
- No, I'm in a hotel for now.

- When did you arrive?
- Just now.

It wouldn't have been nice...

- not to come and say hello.
- You did the right thing.

What do I call you from tomorrow,
Salvo or Inspector?



- Well, Excellency...
- Yes?

You're in great shape.

If you say so.

- Are you married?
- No.

- Who's this?
- My fiancée.

- What's her name?
- Livia.

- She's pretty...
- You're very nosey!

- Let's go for a coffee.
- No, I'm in a hurry.

- I've got errands to run.
- I'll see you out.

All right.

I almost forgot...
Dad sent you these.

- He shouldn't have bothered.
- Bothered?

If I hadn't come by train, he'd
have sent the whole cellar!

- It's the good homemade stuff?
- Yes.

I'll call and thank him.

- So, see you tomorrow.
- Yes.

- Goodnight.
- Same to you.


- Goodnight, Inspector.
- Goodnight.


- You did the analysis?
- Of course.

I analysed the clothes.
You were right.

- He fired blanks.
- Yes.

- Sure?
- Not totally, but it's probable.

- You should know the circumference...
- Don't talk physics:

just confirm that the mugger
fired blanks.

I'd guarantee it.
But tell me...

why would the mugger
fire blanks?

We've got to find out.

- Bye.
- Goodnight.

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- News of Dr. Landolina?

Searching the sea hasn't
yielded any results.

The coast guard

is patrolling the areas between
Marinella and Puntasecca

and Marinella and Donalucata,
but with no luck so far.

- What do you think?
- if he'd thrown himself in

to commit su1c1de or had just
fallen in, we'd have found him.

- Did you circulate his photo?
- Yes...

to all police patrols and
customs officers.


- All right...
- This is yours.

What do I do with this?

I made you a copy,
to be on the safe side.

To be on the safe side...

Good morning.

Barbara, you're already here!

Yes...l was settling in.

This is Inspector Fazio.

Barbara Bellini, Augello's


It's a pleasure...
welcome to headquarters.

- I'll be on my way.
- All right...thanks.


Come here for a moment.

- You made a big impression.
- Please!

Oh please...

Can you help me with this

I don't understand anything.

Catarella's the computer
wizard. Did you meet him?

- The receptionist?
- Yes.

He's very kind. He's shown me
all over headquarters.

Well, ask him for help.

Can I put this away?'s Augello and his fiancée.

- He's cute.
- Yes...

- You're better.
- Cut it out! I'll be in there.

- May l?
- Come in.

- Angela Lo Porto is here.
- Do we know her?

- Yes, Dr. Landolina's nurse.
- Oh, yes...

if you need anything, I'm out here.
My office is next door.

Ok, thanks.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Inspector Montalbano.
- Angela Lo Porto.

I'm Dr. Landolina's nurse.

I know.
How can I help you, ma'am?

It's all a cover-up.

- What?
- The car, ...

the missing body. The doctor didn't
k*ll himself: he was m*rder*d.

By whom?

- By lgnazio Coglitore.
- Who's that?

The madman at the First Aid

Ah, yes...

Why did lgnazio Coglitore
k*ll Dr. Landolina?

The doctor got his daughter,
Mariuccia, pregnant.

- Who told you?
- These eyes.

Ah, here.

Good evening miss, this way.

A year ago, an appointment
was made for Mariuccia.

The mother called me.

On the day, Mariuccia came with
her mother and another relative.

I showed her in and then went

to my room to sew a button
back onto my coat.

- Good morning, how old are you?
- I'll be in June.

Excuse me, doctor.

- It's your first check up?
- Yes.

All right, undress behind there.

- I've got to undress completely?
- No, you can keep your slip on.

When I came out of the bathroom...

When I came out of the bathroom...

they were already at it. The doctor
had stripped off and his clothes

were on the floor.

Did it seem like he was
raping her?

What do you mean? They were
behind the screen and...

- They already knew each other?
- I don't know.

It was the first time I'd seen her.
She'd never been before.

And then?

When he called me,
they were already dressed.

I took Mariuccia to her mother.

Before showing in the next patient,

l had to clean the couch...


The girl was a virgin.

The doctor didn't say anything,
not a word.

It was their only meeting?

They saw each other every days.

She...the young lady...

was in perfect health,
but the doctor invented an illness

and she came twice a month.

What did you do when the girl...

What did I do?
What do you think?

I went off to cry.

Why did you cry?
You weren't in love with the doctor?

Doesn't it show?

Anyway, there wasn't anything
between you two, right?


Nothing...if only there had been.

He'd still be alive.

Let's go on.

Around April th, she came in
looking like she'd won the lottery.

As I went to my room,
l heard her yell:

"What kind of gynaecologist are you?
Don't you know I'm pregnant?"

l turned and saw the doctor
rooted to the spot.

He understood what a fool
he'd been.

I went to my room and left
the door ajar.

You know what that little
idiot wanted to do?

Tell her father everything

and force the doctor to divorce
his wife and marry her.

But the doctor told her to wait
before telling her father.

He was going to sort things out...

- with his wife.
- And then the girl left?

They made love.

- That was their last time together?
- Last time?

They saw each other days ago.
First they screwed, then they talked.

- What about?
- The doctor said he was making

progress with his wife, and she
was agreeable to a divorce.

But I think he was lying.

He said that to keep on her good side.

He'd become distracted and worried,
looking for a way out.

Could that have been su1c1de?

Making fun of me?
What su1c1de?

The doctor had no intention
of k*lling himself.

I knew him well.

I'm sure that idiot had told
her father everything

and lgnazio Coglitore
didn't waste any time.

Spoken to the girl?

She said her parents had gone

to Landolina after they'd written off
gynaecologists who were too young

or too immoral,
or so they thought.

In their house they don't
have TV, radio,

newspapers, anything.

That poor girl is a victim
of her family.

She grew up in an ignorant,
backward atmosphere.

Her family is like a fundamentalist
sect devoted to a guru.

- Who?
- One of Mariuccia's aunts.

I've heard about her.

Lots of people go to her for
fortune telling and healing.

They say she talks to God.

For heaven's sake!

I don't want to judge, but...

God talks to anyone who's heart is
open enough to listen.

But not for money.

The other day I convinced Mariuccia
to come to the refuge.

The next day, her parents came
and took her home.

Can't we do something?

Not if the girl doesn't want us to.

Well, it's a lost cause.

That family will do anything to
cover up the girl's predicament,

But actually,

they want to protect the aunt, because
that's where their money comes from.

- Good morning, Miss Assunta.
- Good morning.

- I'm lgnazio Coglitore.
- Good morning.

What do you want? if it's about
the hospital,

I'll pay for all damages.

That's not why we're here.

So, what do you want?

To talk to Mariuccia.

My daughter?

Why do you want to talk to her?

Your daughter is a patient
of Dr. Landolina and...

Who's he?

Your daughter's gynaecologist.
Didn't you know?

No, that's women's stuff.

Ok, can I talk to Mariuccia?

No...I'm sorry. sick.


She can't see anyone.

I see...goodbye.

Goodbye, Inspector.

Let's get a search warrant.

If they don't the body, we won't
get one.

To find out if the nurse is right,
we have to talk to the girl.

We'll find a way.

We've got various wedding rings.

Do you want yellow

or white gold?

You must choose a style:
classic or modern...

I'd like two ordinary rings.

Fine, I know what you need.

Look at these.

- Are they for you?
- No, I'm the best man.

I need the measurements.

I've forgotten the paper...

It doesn't matter,
you can telephone me.


Do you remember their names?

Yes, Domenico and Beatrice.

- Domenico and Beatrice.
- Exactly.

And the wedding date?

- The date?
- Of course.

- The exact date?
- Yes.

- You have to inscribe it?
- Yes.

Quick, come here!
Let me see, madam.

Lift her up.

Keep calm,
I'm Inspector Montalbano.

- He stole my bag.
- I saw.

- He shot me.
- Don't worry. It's nothing.

- Help me!
- We'll stop the bleeding...

there we are.

Hold her like this. I'll get the car
and take her to hospital.

Well, Galluzzo?

Nothing different. Two workmen
saw the whole thing.

The usual scooter, the usual man
with a helmet like the other times.

But the g*n was loaded.

- Where are the workmen?
- Over there.

See if there are other witnesses.

All right.

- Jacomuzzi...
- Salvo!

We found the b*llet.

It came from a g*n that's at
least years old.

You can shove your theory
about blanks.

Couldn't he have fired blanks
the first two times?

- And just loaded the g*n today?
- And just...

Just do your bloody job!
Anyway, well done.


Good morning.

The mugger fired for real?

The victim isn't seriously hurt,
but she could've been k*lled.

- Did he get her bag?
- Yes.

- How much cash was in it?
- A few euros.

I don't get it. if you want rob old
people, where do you do it?

- Outside the post office.
- This guy does it outside the church.

Ah, Mrs Landolina's here.

- She wants to talk to you.
- Let's see what she wants.

- Good evening, ma'am.
- Good evening.

Any developments?

Nothing...l wanted to know if
you had found anything out.

Nothing as yet.

Inspector, do you think
my husband's dead?

To tell the truth...

I don't know.

How'd he been lately?

Did he have health problems?
Had he had a medical check up?

Not that I know fact,
l went to his surgery myself

and talked to his nurse,
Miss Lo Porto.

You questioned her, right?

She didn't tell us anything

I must ask you a personal

Is it possible your husband
could have had a lover?

That he could have run off with her?

Look Inspector, my husband and l...
have been together for years.

Even if we weren't blessed
with children,

we were always happy.

Without him, I could die too.

I don't know if he had another woman,
but every evening,

he came back to me.

Look Inspector,
it may seem banal...

but our life together
was very quiet...

peaceful...until that
terrible day.

We'll let you know as soon
as we hear anything.

- I'll make sure personally.
- Thanks.

- Goodbye.
- Excuse me.

- Please...
- Thanks.

Caruso, take Mrs Landolina home.

Inspector, there's something
strange I forgot to tell you.

Mrs Landolina says she called
her husband on his mobile.

But these calls don't show up
in the phone's memory.

I want to know all about Landolina:

how much he earned, if his
wife had money.

Everything you manage to find out.

I'm also interested in
something else.

I want to know if he had other
women besides Mariuccia.

People say he was a reputable man,
faithful to his wife.

It'll be more complicated to get
bank information.

If it was easy I wouldn't have asked
you to do it. Hurry.

What do you think
Mrs. Landolina wanted?

I think she's hiding something

and wanted to find out
how much we know.

I'm off.

A man goes for a walk and sees

a white cow and a black one.
He says to the farmer:

"How much hay do they eat?"

The farmer says the black one
eats kg a day.

- "And the white one?"
- " That too."

"How much milk do they yield?"

The farmer says the black one
produces litres a day.

- "And the white one?"
- "That too."

The man asks why the farmer
always talks about

the black cow, not the white one.
He says: "The black one's mine."

- "And the white one?"
- "That too!"

l almost died laughing when
l heard that.

I thought I heard a familiar voice.

Aren't you on leave?
Why so keen to come back?

Yes, I'm on leave and I'm sorry
to bother my colleague,

but I had some papers here...

l get it...I'll leave you two alone.
l see you've already met.

- See you later.
- Bye.

No, wait...I've got something
for you.

- Sorry to bother you.
- Don't mention it!

See what an effect you have?

He said, "Enchanté"

Seen Montalbano's
substitute deputy?

Headquarters sent her.

- But you're enjoying it.
- What do you want, Mimi!

- I came about these.
- What are they?

The keys to my bachelor pad.

Why give them to me?

You saw, didn't you?
l can't resist.

- Rent it. I don't want to be tempted.
- I'm not an estate agent.

I'm too busy,
do me this favour.

I don't want to be tempted.

Get married quickly. You're
driving us mad with this wedding!

You're a pal...and listen,
give my regards to Barbara.

Give mine to Beatrice!

Go straight on till you
get to a roundabout.

You'll see to roads that go
left. ignore them.

On the right there's Viale Gorizia.

You're nearly there.
Turn left, there's a little garden.

Pass that and you'll find a gate...

- Am I intruding?
- Come in.

Giuseppe's cousin wants to
rent half her house.


I'll go for that bank information.

- Call my cousin.
- Bye, Giuseppe.

- Bye, Barbara.
- Bye, Giuseppe.

I've found you a house too.
if you like it, you can move in now.

- Where is it?
- The Villaseta area.

, Via della Ginestra.

- It's a bit isolated, but nice.
- I'll go after work.

I've got an important
assignment for you.

I'm listening.

- You want Mamma Rosa? Go in.
- Thanks.


- Receiving.
- Can you hear me?

Be careful.

I'm going in.

He doesn't care for who you
are, just your money.

Don't get desperate, understand?

Look for that light within you
that'll chase away the storm.

Even in the darkest night,
hope can light the way.

Go now. God's blessing
is upon you.

- Thank you.
- Goodbye.

- Come in...
- Good morning.

I was expecting you. Sit down.

Why have you come here?

No, give me your hand and I'll
understand why you came.

It's a difficult moment

in your must choose.

Sometimes choosing is painful,

but we make our destinies with
our own hands.

Let me feel what's here.

Ah, look.

Take a look.

Here there's a powerful man,
strong, decisive...

You've known him a long time.

Here there's a younger man,

who's not made any advances.

The other's strength draws you like
magnet, but he's not for you.

This is your pathway.

What's happened?

Shut up, I can't hear!

I can give you my blessing,
my energy,

but you must choose
because it's your life.

Remember, it's your life.

Now go, God's grace is with you.


Now I'll look for the girl.

Please be careful.

- Who are you?
- Don't worry,

I'm here to help you.

I'll take you away.

Salvo, I've found her.

She's found her.

Calm down. I'm Barbara,
I'm a police officer.

No one'll hurt you, not
even your family.

- All right?
- They want to take away my baby.

When it's born, they want
to take it away.

You know what we'll do?
We'll leave here.

Leave this house.

- Do you trust me?
- Yes.

Be brave.

Let's go!

We're about to leave.

Wait. We'll check the coast's clear.

Just a second.



Come on!

Go! Go!

- Here, Mariuccia.
- Thanks.

Feeling a bit better?

- Yes.
- Hungry?

You'll be fine here, there are
lots of girls like you.

You can confide in them...

and don't be ashamed with me.

If you don't feel well,
don't wait till it's too late.

Do you want anything else?

- No, just to be alone.
- All right.

See you later.

Father, I'd advise you to keep
her identity secret.

It's better no one knows she's here.

All right, I'll give her
another name.

There's nothing illegal in
her running away,

but I know lgnazio Coglitore and
l don't want him making trouble.

Okay, I'll give her another
name and let you know.

Thanks, you helped to get
her out of a bad situation.

- It's thanks to Barbara.
- Anyway she's fine here.

You can count on the help
of a doctor friend

and a group of psychologists.

Ah, I was looking for you.

- How's Mariuccia?
- Like a fish out of water,

but happy to be here and she
seems to be in good health.

- Bye, Father
- Goodbye.


- Well done. It wasn't easy.
- Mariuccia deserves credit too.

Yes, she deserves credit too,
but you did a good job.

I'd like to stay here with
her tonight.

I'll call you tomorrow. Try to
get her talking.

Ask her if she thinks her father
k*lled the doctor.

- Okay.
- Goodnight.

- Goodnight.
- Bye.

Bye, Giuseppe.

You stay here tonight too.

- I've got to stay here?
- Yes, keep your eyes peeled.

What'll you do? Go back alone?

Don't worry about me.
Stay here...and behave.

Okay, Inspector.

- Look, it helps to write.
- Anything?

Yes, I think you should write
whatever comes into your head.

It helps you discover yourself...

You're making a good job of
the church restoration.

- How long've you been here?
- Almost months.

- Good evening, Father.
- Good evening.

It already looks good and then
there's the courtyard...

- Well, how's it going?
- Everything's fine.

I shut the gate as a precaution.

Father Vassallo says the dogs

bark if anyone approaches.

Let's hope there're no surprises.

The Coglitores haven't reported
Mariuccia missing.

It was predictable.

- How is she?
- Sleeping peacefully.

Good. Did you get her
to talk?

No, it's too soon. She's upset.

What a beautiful night!

It's a long time since I've
seen so many stars.

You see, in town...

there's too much light.

How are your injuries?


Let me see.


- It's almost healed.
- Does it still hurt?

No, it doesn't bother me now.

Got a girlfriend?



I haven't got time, I've still
got to graduate.

- Still go a lot to do?
- Six exams

and then the thesis.

Got a boyfriend?


Why not?

- What do you mean?
- I mean...why not?

I don't know. I just haven't.

It was a dumb question,
I'm stupid.

Are you cold. I'll give you my
jacket. I'm used to it.

Don't worry, I'm fine.

It's late, I'd better go back in.

If Mariuccia wakes up...
l mean Concetta...

I've got to learn to call her that.

Well...good night.

- I'll go in.
- Good night.

Give me the bag!

The bag! Quick!


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Her name is Angela Joppolo,
née Biondolillo.

Relative of deputy-minister

- Any witnesses?
- Yes, an eyewitness.

Carmela Panebianco, a neighbour.

She's in hospital. She collapsed,
but she managed to talk.

Mrs Joppolo was going out
to meet her husband,

Michele Joppolo, a lawyer.
He'd had a car accident.

The usual man on the scooter
appeared, but this time he k*lled her.


- Good morning, doctor.
- Morning, Inspector.

- What can you tell me.
- Direct hit to the heart.

She was shot at close range.

At least she didn't suffer,
she died instantly.

- Know who the victim was?
- The wife of a lawyer...Joppolo.

She's the sister of Biondolillo,
the deputy-minister.

A high profile politician.

Biondolillo called me asking for
swift action

on the part of the police force.

I know you've been taking these
att*cks very lightly.

- You said he used blanks.
- I haven't taken anything lightly.

I said I have proof that the
attacker used blanks twice.

Anyway, I called you in to tell
you I'm giving the investigation

to Dr. Lomeo, head of the Flying
Squad. Therefore I beg

you to offer him your full

As you wish. Now excuse me, I won't
bother you further. Goodbye.

I'm sorry, but when Bonetti-
Alderighi takes a decision...

It's better. Now I can work without
politicians breathing down my neck. mean you're not
giving up?

- Exactly.
- I don't want to know anything.

But the theory he fired
blanks is redundant.

No, sir. He used blanks for the
first two att*cks.

The third time he used real b*ll*ts,
but only injured the victim.

The fourth time he shot to k*ll
and it's not over.

You mean he'll k*ll again...
how can you be so sure?

I didn't say that,

but there'll be another attack.

There won't be another m*rder,
he'll fire blanks again.

- You're sure of that?
- Believe me, sir,

another old woman will
be held at gunpoint

and after she hands over her bag,
she'll hear a shot.

She'll get the fright of her life
and then the att*cks will finish.

Have a nice day.

Have a nice day, Inspector.

Excuse me, I'm looking for
Mr Joppolo's room.

- Room five.
- Thanks.

May l?

- Mr Joppolo?
- Yes.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- Ah, Inspector...

It's all my fault, all my fault!

I told her not to come.

I told my wife to stay at home,

because it was nothing serious.

Poor Ninetta!

- Were you in Palermo for long?
- No.

I'd just got there. I left Vigata

by car this morning.

My wife was still asleep.

About two and a half hours later,

l had the accident and I called
her right away.

She wanted to come to Palermo
right away...

and what happened happened.

- Hi Barbara, may l?
- Hi Salvo. Come in.

- How did it go?
- Very well.

Sit down.

- Did you get her talking?
- Yes.

She's decided to defend her
child against everyone.

- We did the right thing.
- Yes.

Did she mention Landolina?

Yes, she overheard her father
and brothers talking.

She also said that Landolina
was right to run away.

But, between you and me,
we're talking about m*rder.

I'm not sure...

You mean her father's violent,
but not a k*ller?


Who could have k*lled
Dr. Landolina?

I don't know...

- Maybe his wife.
- Out of jealousy?

Yes, but does she seem the type

who'd k*ll her husband because
he was unfaithful?


We're back to square one.

Inspector Fazio wants to talk
to Montalbano.

Yes, Catarella, right away.

- It's for you.
- For me?


- Hello?
- I'll put Fazio on the line.



I got access to Dr Landolina's
bank accounts.


They're empty. All the money
was withdrawn.

- Who by? Him?
- No, by his wife.

Nearly million euro.

A notary was assigned to
sell the house and the office,

but I've not managed
to talk to him yet.

I understand. Thanks.

- if there's news, I'll call you.
- Okay.

Where are you going?

I'm Inspector Montalbano, I'm
looking for Mrs Landolina.

Excuse me Inspector, but Mrs
Landolina has left.

- She's left?
- In a cab half an hour ago.

She had a lot of luggage. Me and
Father Vassallo helped her.

What was Vassallo here for?

After the incident, he came to comfort
Mrs Landolina every day.

He's a good man and a
close friend of theirs.

- She didn't say where she was going?
- No, but the taxi driver

said he was taking her to
Catania Airport.

- Catania Airport? Thanks.
- Goodbye.



Giorgio, this is for you.

- Look!
- Those pictures up there are lovely.

Try and make this side
match the other.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Good morning, Father Vassallo.
- Good morning, Inspector.

To what do I owe the pleasure?

Tomorrow I've got a press conference
about Landolina's disappearance.

- Can I be of any use?
- I'd like to ask you a question.

When a priest tells a lie,

is it a sin?

If he has a good reason, no.

Can I talk to you in private?

Of course!

Kids, go through there.
l have to talk to the Inspector.

I'll be right there.

Good morning.


- Please.
- I'll tell you a story.

A doctor, reputable, married...

falls in love with a young girl
and gets her pregnant.

When he finds out, he panics,
also because the reaction

of the girl's family could be...

Desperate, he decides to tell
his wife everything.

She must be an exceptional

She is, believe me.

They hatch a plan.

Without making it known,
they try to sell off everything

in the space of a month and make
a pile of money. They do it too.

The doctor fakes su1c1de so
he can hide at a secret location,

thanks to the help of a friend.

Let's say...a friendly priest.

Drawing out all their cash, they
go abroad. What do you think?

It's a plausible story.

I'll continue, because they're
actually a very decent couple.

They don't want to leave the
young girl in difficulty.

They give a large sum of money
to the priest,

because he's taking care of her.

And you...
what will you tell the press?

I'll say that at the moment the
body of Dr Landolina still

hasn't been found, and his wife

has gone to stay with her parents
in the meantime.

- What have you got to say, Father?
- Thanks.

I'd never have thought an angel

could assume the shape
of Mrs Landolina?

- Do you know her?
- Not very well.

She's an ordinary person,
outwardly insignificant.

- But she has a smile...
- ...that's extraordinarily kind.

- Goodbye, Father.
- Thanks, Inspector.

- Inspector!
- The mugger struck again!

- When?
- This morning.

- Anyone hurt?
- No.

- So, he fired blanks again.
- Yes.

Good one!
You're gorgeous! Well done!

The victim is waiting
in your office.

Come with me.

- Good morning, Inspector.
- Good morning.

- Rosa Lo Curto.
- Nice to meet you.


- Were you going to church too?
- To church?

I've not been since I was eight!

- Eight?
- Yes, I've been a widow years.

I got married in Switzerland at
the registry office.

I could never stand priests.

Where were you going today?

A friend had 'phoned me.

Michela Bajo. She's sick so I said
I'd pay her a call.

I got a bottle of good wine,

the kind she likes.
l couldn't find a plastic bag,

so I was carrying the bottle.
Anyway, she lives nearby.

- What happened?
- Always the same old story.

I was stopped by a man on
a scooter.

He drove up beside me,

stopped and pulled out
a revolver.

He said:"Give me your bag!"

- What did you do?
- What could I do?

I said: "No problem, " and l
held out the bag.

As he took it, he fired the g*n.
l wasn't hurt at all.

I knew right away that he
hadn't hit me.

I smashed the bottle over his

He had it on the handlebars

because he wanted to get away.

Your men found the pieces
of glass.

They're covered in blood, so l
must have cut him badly!

Yes, he took the bag,

but he won't get rich. There were
only or euros in it.

Madam, you have my complete
and utter admiration.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

See the lady out.

Have her sign the statement.

- Galluzzo...
- Here I am.

Tell Fazio to call all the
hospitals in the area

and ask if anyone came in
with an injured hand.

- Right away.
- Galluzzo...

- Did you collect the bits of bottle?
- Yes, Jacomuzzi took care of it.

- Good.
- it's my duty.

- You may go.
- Yes, Inspector.

- Hello?
- it's Beba. Sorry to bother you.

Ls Mimi with you?

No, Mimi's not here. Why?

Something must have happened.

Yesterday he wanted to get
some stuff from his house

and he wanted the keys off you.

You weren't in, but he went anyway.
Maybe he found a spare set.

And he's still not back?

No, he's not back.

He'll be at the bar with his friends!
What time is it?

. I don't want anything
to have happened to him.

No, don't worry.
He'll be back soon.

- All right.
- Get some sleep.

Goodnight. Sorry if l
woke you up.

It's okay, and don't worry.

- Hello.
- Come in.


- Where's Mimi?
- Be quiet, you'll wake him.

I'll wake him?

I had to put him to bed.


He just showed up and
as you hadn't told him

that I was renting his house...

You're right. Sorry, I forgot...

When he saw me, he started
getting strange ideas.

- Did he touch you up?
- No, but he flirted with me.

He tried it on...He even
tried to get me drunk!

- He doesn't know you!
- Exactly.

No, Salvo, no!

What excuse can I give Beba
about where I've been?

That's up to you.

Now go, because if Beba
comes looking for you here,

- ...we're in the shit!
- I'll come and sleep at your place.

I'll tell her that when
she 'phoned you,

you were sleepy and you'd
forgotten I was there.

Go home, it's better for everyone.

I woke up and came here
to save your ass,

now beat it or I'll thump you!

- Thanks a lot, Salvo!
- You're welcome.


I'm coming!

I sent him home.

When he sees a beautiful
girl he loses his mind!

In the end it was fun.

- Thank God.
- I want to show you something.

- Want a coffee?
- No, thanks. I'm awake.

I was reading this article about
Mrs Joppolo's m*rder.

I saw her photo and realised
I'd seen her before.

This evening I remembered
where: at the guru's.

- At the guru's?
- When we rescued Mariuccia.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, because I was taken aback:

she gave them a big wad of cash,
an enormous amount.

So, Mrs Joppolo was
devoted to the guru.

- Yes?
- I'm Inspector Montalbano.

I wanted to ask some questions
about Mrs Joppolo.

- Come in.
- Thanks.

Mrs Joppolo lived over there.

She came to say she was going to
see her husband in Palermo.

He'd had an accident and was
in a critical condition.

Critical? You're sure she used
the words,

- "critical condition"?
- Of course I'm sure.

In fact, she'd come over in a hurry,
to bring me

the cat and the goldfinch that
she loved so much.

She thought she'd be at the
hospital a long time.

You knew Mrs Joppolo well, right?

Yes, we had coffee together
every afternoon.

But a while ago,
Mrs Joppolo started

going to her guru every day.

- Her guru?
- Yes, Inspector.

Mrs Joppolo's in heaven and
can't contradict me.

But in all honesty...

l must tell you something.

It seems that Mrs Joppolo had
become a sl*ve to the guru.

According to the rumours
going round...

the guru had managed...

to extract a huge amount of
money from Mrs Joppolo.

I see...

- Goodbye, madam.
- Goodbye.

Inspector, we've hit the jackpot.

- Meaning?
- A friend called me

from Fela Hospital to say
that they'd had

someone come in with a
seriously injured hand.

He's got previous convictions: the
local police are questioning him.

They'll compare the blood
on the broken glass...

- to that of the suspect.
- Of course.

And to top it all,

you know who defended him
for his previous offences?

- Don't tell me...
- Mr Joppolo.

May l?

Ah, it's you Inspector.
What a surprise!

The door was open and...

- Come in.
- Thanks. How are you?

Better, thank you.

You're leaving in a hurry.

I can't go on living
in this house

with all these painful memories.

I bought a house in Palermo
and I want to go there

as soon as possible.

I'll just take the essentials.
The rest...l sold.

- The cat too?
- What cat?

Dudù, the cat your wife loved
so much.

Are you taking her pet
goldfinch with you?

No, I wanted to,

but with all the chaos lately,

the cat ran off and the
goldfinch ran away.

What a shame! Your wife was
so fond of them both.

Of course, I know.

She was very attached to them.

If I'm not mistaken,
before marrying your wife,

you were in a bad way.

What do you mean?

You think I married her
for money?

I'd never say that!

Did you know she was
devoted to a guru?

A guru? I don't know what
you're talking about.

Who knows how much money your
wife donated over the years?

A huge amount, a constant flow.

What are you getting at?

That you got someone to
m*rder your wife.

And I know who it was.

You came up with a very
clever plan.

My compliments!

Three att*cks to create a
smokescreen and cause confusion,

then the fourth in which you had
your wife m*rder*d.

But you forgot the cat
and the goldfinch.

- Where do they come in?
- They're important.

They were your downfall.

Remember when I came to see
you after your wife's m*rder?

You said you'd done everything

to get her to stay in Vigata.

- Of course.
- In fact, you did the opposite.

Your wife decided to leave right
away, but there was a problem:

She didn't know how long
she'd be away,

so she had to make
arrangements for her pets.

She took them over to your
neighbour, Mrs Panebianco.

She said she had to go to Palermo

because you were seriously ill.

She left the animals and
went out to her car.

She never made it because
your man k*lled her.

Nice story.

Shame you've not got a
shred of evidence though.

I've got proof...
your accomplice:

the guy on the scooter.
During the last attack,

the victim injured his hand
and he went to hospital.

We arrested him...
and he confessed everything.


Leave him out of this.

Pack your bag, you're
coming with me.

Want to know something?

- I feel strange and confused.
- Tomorrow you get married:

you've been strange and
confused for months!

If it's how I feel, can't I tell you?

Ls Beba confused too?

She's a great woman.

She gets calmer the closer
it gets, but me...

Did you remember the rings?

Yes, the measurements too.
Beba's , yours .

- And yours?
- My what?

For when I buy your rings.
Want to marry Livia, or not?

Keep your bloody nose out!

- ls she coming tomorrow?
- Of course.

- I want to talk to her.
- Don't even try it!

- Oh, look who it is!
- Look who's here!

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

- You're beautiful.
- Thanks.

- ltaly's most beautiful policewoman!
- Don't overdo it!

- See you tomorrow.
- Let's hope so.

- What do you mean?
- Nothing. Where are you going?


Well done, Giuseppe.

- Have fun.
- Bye.

- Have a nice evening.
- You too, goodbye.

My compliments, Giuseppe.

Don't be envious.
Give way to the young.

Give way to the young.

Considering he's getting married,
Mimi seemed a bit down.

He does that. He likes to be fussed
over, so he's getting married!

- Seen all the pretty girls?
- Yes.

- Let's go for a beer.
- No, let's get some sleep.

- Just five minutes.
- Tomorrow you get married.

Beba's sleeping at her parents',
l get depressed on my own.

Respect tradition like her: tomorrow
will be the best day of your life.

Let's grab a beer.
Just five minutes.

Behave, tomorrow I want
you in top form.

- Come on, a beer.
- Don't make me mad, come on!

- You're sure?
- Yes.

See you tomorrow.

Okay, tomorrow.