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04x03 - Ghost in the Machine

Posted: 10/29/08 13:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer Give me 360.



He's alive.

Who is he?

His name's Eli James.

He is a psychology professor with a therapy practice at the university.

So I take it you haven't seen any more ghosts?

Safe assumption.

That's a lie!

You can't see them, but you can hear them.

So the good news is, I am not dead.

The bad news is I am going to spend the rest of my life listening to people who are? and helping them.

Please help me.

I need you to help me.

Why wouldn't you just listen?

I know you can hear...

The ghost chatter is somewhat down. Doesn't sound like the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in my head any more But there is this one little bugger who speaks up every night by humming.

Sounds like you have a new since ghost, they pass to you, because they are scared and no one's listening.

Usually you try to help them as they can or learn to tune them out and our time is up for today.

Wow, what?

Now I know how my psych patients feel?

I have someone coming to perform CPR on my computer and by the way, antique store My tech can fix anything.

Oh, and he's even early.

Only because all his friends are hanging out at the arcade leader.

Oh, it's working.

You're my hero.

If I lost the inventory, your mom would quit.

The files are all there, and I just have to defrag your hard drives.

Please watch your language,we have company.

Ned, Eli. Eli, Ned.

Cool. You are the guy who hears the ghosts.

You're Delia's kid The one who hears about the ghosts.

It's wild you all of a sudden get the gifts.

Yeah. Well, don't get too excited. There was a catch.

I had to die first.

But good job on the ..

Alt world-2.

Is this version high for now?

Yeah, sort of kinks... but if you overclock your rig, it kicks Your kid's amazing...

Wait, this is not the archive you are Me and my friends, yeah.

I am online right now.

That's my avatar.


What is that? Some sort of ancient w*apon?

No, it's me, or what I look like in the game, an animated version.

It could look like...

The actual gamer or be a complete fantasy You can pick hair, skin colour, clothes, and you can be anyone do anything.

Yeah, that's why I keep a closed eye.

See, there you are. you just went virtual Yeah, but I'll never wear my hair like that.

Your avatar does.

So instead of going to an actual place to play games--

Ooh, could you make me taller?

There are games in here.

Mostly it's a place where kids go to hang out in world.

And it's educational.

I mean, you can meet people from around the world.

Ned, show her.

Oh, here come the campus crusaders, Or...

Are they girl scouts?

The fringe girls. They're from the Halliwell Academy, Private school. In real life, they wear uniforms.

It's like through the looking glass.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

What about the guy who's standing next to him?

I mean, why is he giving Ned's avatar the evil eye?

That's Phoenix. He's always here, Always with that same geek look.

Yeah, but, I mean, you guys see the way that he's looking at Ned.

Not really.

He looks the same to me.

Well, how about now?

I mean, he's looking right at me.

Oh, come on!


What's happening? He's not moving.

His gamer must have left his machine.

Didn't log off.

Who are you?

Who are you?! Where am I?!

Who is that? What's happening?

Ok, just--just try to calm down.

Where is she?!

That can't be good.

That was a ghost, right?

Who--who are you looking for?

I don't have control!

Ok, that wasn't an avatar I just heard by any chance, was it?

Yes, Phoenix, or a ghost that looked just like him.

I swear it was nothing I did.

No, it was something I did.

I just drew a ghost out of my machine.

Did that ghost just trash your store because he was angry about something?

I once had a patient in therapy who compulsively smashed animal figurines.

No, he was more confused than anything.

He said he wasn't in control.

Like the real world's a new kind of game to him?

Oh, that's so trippy.

Is any of this even possible?

I've seen ghosts interact with electronics before, But nothing like this.

What would make a ghost decide to go into a game?

Why would he come out looking like his avatar?

Sometimes spirits appear as they remember themselves, So if he died playing the game, maybe he thinks he's his own avatar.

Didn't I hear him say, "where is she?"

Means he was looking for someone.

Phoenix hangs out mostly with one of the fringe girls.

Ok, where do they hang?

I'll show you. Come on.

Bookstore cafe.

Free internet and half-decent coffee.

He's here.

Tell me about the girl he likes.

I don't know her name, but her avatar's name is Sedona.

Looks like he just found her.

Hi, honey.

Wait, point me in his direction.

I'm dying to ask him some questions.

He's gone.

And so is Sedona.

Sorry, I couldn't sleep.

I kept thinking about this ghost.

Oh, Phoenix, the avatar ghost.

Ned says he was always online, So I'm going with the theory That he died while playing.

Death by gaming O.D. Wow.

Although, you know, it's very possible in college, I may have collapsed after 10 straight hours of playing asteroids.

You sure that wasn't the kegger?

I did a search for anyone who died while gaming, and suprisingly, there're a few.

I've narrowed it down to that guy, One in Korea and one in Oregon, Curtis Green.

Wait, died after 5 straight days of gaming. Huh.

What, he didn't eat, he didn't sleep, He didn't drink?

Nope, he died of dehydration.

Wait, shouldn't the internet gaming people be able to tell you who Phoenix really was?

Yeah, maybe, except the only thing I could access was his avatar bio.

FYI, he's into fast cars and coldplay.

Coldplay. Could be any teenager anywhere, huh?

Exactly, it's the world wide web for god sakes.

He could be a 10-year-old in Siberia.

Wait, what about the girl from the bookstore?

She hung out with Phoenix online.

Maybe she knows something about him.

That's what I'm hoping.

That looks like the girl that Phoenix was haunting yesterday.

I'm betting that's Sedona.

And those are her laced-up pals with the tatted up avatars. Got it.

So assuming this guy died from gaming, Here's what Mel's come up with.

These are from all around the world.

Would the ghost have an accent?

This one didn't.

So, uh...

Go make nice. See what she knows about Phoenix and this Curtis kid from Oregon.

She doesn't look much like a chit-chatter.

Than use some other language.

Oh, well, that was a relatively painless inventory, besides the little computer glitch, or should I say computer ghost.

Only apparently he's an out here ghost now because his avatar has not budged since yesterday.

Is that what you've been watching all day?

And all night. I'm obsessed.

I mean, I have no idea how to work my own avatar, But I can't stop watching his.

I mean, I drew a spirit out of a computer game. How freaky is that?

Yeah, half the time I'm online, I am sure that there's a ghost in there.

You know, speaking metaphorically.

Yeah, well, this one might actually be. And if he is, he's a ghost that communicates with the living, which is why I'd like to figure out what his story is.

Yeah, it sounds like maybe this guy is into cosplay, You know, people who dress up like their avatars.

No, I don't know, and how do you?

Well, when you have a teenager, it's kind of dangerous not to know.

Hey, I bet you did't know that it only takes an I.M. Chat for someone to access your webcam.

Yeah, but Ned is smarter than that.

Yeah, I know, I know. It's just... everybody else I'm worried about.

Ha, take that, sucka!

Hey, give a newbie a break.

It's not right.

You have mad skills and a fast machine.

My dad guilt-gifted it to me after he moved out.


Thanks, but I'm over it.

So, uh, you're redstar?

Ned. Yeah, I've seen you in there, too.

I'm Alise.

Yeah, so you hang out with that Phoenix guy, right?

What's up with him?

Oh, don't know.

Probably stopped playing and forgot to log off.

Do you know the guy, the gamer?

I only know him online.

Ever think something might have happened?

Like I heard about that guy in Oregon who died gaming.

What, you think it could be Phoenix?

That would be so sad. I really like him.

Stay away from her!

The guy who keeled, Curtis Green, died like 3 weeks ago.

Well, then it's not him for sure.

Phoenix just froze up yesterday.

I was hanging in world with him when it happened.

I said, leave her alone!

You, over here! Talk to me.

Do you know him?

What's your game with her?

What's your game?

No, I've never seen him before.

You think you're her boyfriend?

She doesn't even have a clue who you even are.

This isn't real.

You're in a game, it's all fantasy.

She knows I'm real. That's why she talks to me.

You're real in a sense, Yes. But that is not the issue.

The issue is, who am I talking to?!

I'm Phoenix, ok?

That's all you need to know. Now leave us alone!

It's the classic case of grandiose delusional disorder.

He believes he's her boyfriend, And she's the perfect target...

Sweet, shy, troubled, And she lives online.

And how do you usually treat something like this?

Change their frame of reference.

Jar them out of their fiction.

Like tell him who he actually is?

That's a good start, If we knew who he really is.

Well, could we track his I.P. address through the game?

Hey, they did it on CSI!

I think there'd have to be a criminal investigation. or we could just... talk to someone where he lives, in here.

He's gone!

Phoenix isn't there anymore.

I've been watching since he first came out.

He's been frozen. He was right there!

He was in there.

What happened? Your avatar started to move.

Because I was in there, too. I had a vision.

Only, it was different.

It was like I was a part of that world, you know?

I think I was seeing the game the way that he does.

Ok, I don't like the idea of that guy in your head.

Me either.

But if we want to find out who Phoenix is Or why he's haunting Alise, It might be the only way.

Hey, I'm looking for Phoenix.

He was just here.

Are you friends with him?

Who wants to know?

You don't belong here.

You don't belong here, either.

Just tell me who you are.

No! You're ruining everything!

This wasn't real when you were alive, And it's not real now.

There has to be somebody in your real life that you want to talk to.

I can help you!

All right, that's enough!

I don't think so.

If you see a light, pal, go for it.



Ok, that's enough fun.

It was... everything in there, it was real for my ghost.

You were kickin' some ass.

I was, right?

Looked like he landed a few good hits, too.

Looked like he was kind of hurting you.

No. I mean, I felt it in the game, But not now.

Hey, his avatar's gone again.

That's ok. He'll be back.

It's the only way he can talk to Alise.

That's not the only way he can be with her.

He's a ghost.

How can we find a guy who doesn't want to be found?

We get lucky.

Looks like Phoenix sent you an email.

I don't understand. Now he wants me to find him?

He's a gamer. Maybe he likes to play games.

Ok then.

Let's play.

No good.

Guess it would be, seeing how the guy is dead.

Some kind of business address.

Ingram, Nash, Reynolds, Coben and company.

That's an ad firm in Hamilton.

So our dead guy's this Berrit dude?

Ok, you go see if Phoenix ever sent Alise any emails from this address.

We'll see if we can find our ghost.

Berrit, Never heard of him.

Is he one of those guys who died gaming?

No, he's just someone I met in-world.

You spend too much time online.

I wish I could spend that much time online.

My mom thinks the internet's evil.

Did you want something?

Oh, no, thanks.

Mine's the opposite. - Oh, your mom?

With the web, she's cool, But she doesn't trust me to blow my nose out here in the real world.

Well, it would be worse if your parents didn't care, right?

Yeah, I've got one of them, too.

Anyway, At least I have my online friends I can gripe to.

Ok, but how do you know they're your friends You don't really know who they are.

I don't really know you.

True that.

I think you get to know who people really are more online.

Barriers come down.

I guess, but... what about when it goes offline, And it's not what you thought?

Have you ever had a thing go offline?

I've emailed, talked on cell, sure.

You felt safe doing that?

Safe as anything in real life turned out to be.

You mean, like your family?

Thought we'd always be together.

Then one day I come home, and it's gone.

No more.

At least with this, I can always count on it being there.

Mr. Berrit...

No, sorry, he's not with the firm.

Well, I know he wouldn't be anymore, But did he ever work here?

Wait, do you mean Errit, Mr. Bill Errit?

He's in now.

Isn't he supposed to be dead?

Curioser and curioser.

Oh, god, not again.

I thought I was through with this.

With what?

About 2 weeks ago, the FBI shows up here.

Accuses me of cyber-stalking...

Luring underage girls and transmitting pornography.

So you didn't send the email?

Of course not. Someone stole my address, And the guy who did's a real winner, judging from the stuff they thought I did.

What kind of stuff?

He deals in candid, suggestive photos of beautiful young women. Of teenagers, mostly.

God knows how he gets them to do it.

Cops said some of them even end in webcam sh*ts of themselves.


So the guy who sent me the email, he's a predator?

And a good one.

They've traced stolen emails to him all across the country, But he's always gone by the time they get there.

That's the agent handling the case.

If this pervert's after you now, I'd call him.

Can't be too sad when a perv bites it.

Yeah, except it doesn't change anything.

I mean, the ghost controls a computer.

It can get young girls to do things, like maybe even turn on a webcam.

Well, I know a cop.

I used to help her profile some cases.

Let me call her.

Look, whoever created Phoenix is a cyber-perv.

He gets pics of teens and puts them on the web!

Ok, but if the FBI is handling this case, Why are you talking to me?

Because I don't know them. I know you.

And you owe me, remember?


Oh, um, the I.D. thief I helped you profile?

Fine. I will try to subpoena the game for an email ID.

But don't get your hopes up.

These guys switch servers all the time.

Internet cafes, motels, Your random, roaming Wi-Fi.

So even if we get an address, I doubt the guy will still be there.

Unless he's dead Yeah, I'm gonna be a little late.

It turns out this ghost is a total creep, so...

Uh, you know what?

I'm gonna have to call you back.

I want you to stay the hell away from Alise.

No! I told you--

Save it. I know who you are.

I know what you've done to those girls, I know that you've tried to ruin their lives, And you're doing the same thing to Alise.

I would never... - Yeah, but you did!

Again and again.

I mean, you had to have known better, But you didn't stop, not even after you died.

You're still stalking Alise.

You're confused.

You don't know who I am.

I just want to protect her.

Did you have a good day?


Get your travel shoes on.

I know where the real Phoenix lives.

Let's go.

Of course he said he was protecting Alise.

He might even believe it.

The guy's a sicko.

Is that a technical term?

Oh, I'm sorry. Twisted sicko.

I don't know, it felt sincere.

Welcome to his world of deception.

These guys find out people's weaknesses, and they prey on it.

What's my weakness?

Trusting sickos.

Oh, come on...

Come on.

We're just going to help ourselves?

Not so sure this is such a good idea.

I'm thinking it may be time to call in a higher power... - Shh. like maybe... the cops.

Ok, from the smell, I'm guessing that guy is not asleep.

That's the real Phoenix.

Did I call it?

It's a twisted sicko.

Something's not right.

Oh, my god.

He was telling the truth.

He really did just want to protect Alise.

I mean, all of these photos are her.

He's not a predator.

He's Larry Jones.

Alise's dad.

You think he's been dead for what?

Yeah, it was an apparenent heart attack.

They think he's been dead 3 days.

So that's when the ghost must have gone into the computer.

So he's protecting his daughter, but from what?

And why was he even in the computer? That's just...

I don't know, but he does.

It's the only way I could be a part of her life.

I had a stupid affair.

My wife was bitter, and it rubbed off on Alise.

My daughter made it clear she didn't want to have anything to do with me, And I didn't blame her for hating me, but... god, I missed her.

That's when you came up with Phoenix.

Well, in there, I felt connected to her.

Then what happened?

Well, after I died, I found myself back at home with Alise, and I saw that she was emailing someone.

Someone in the game?

Yeah, she met him in there.

I mean, I was Phoenix, and Phoenix was her friend, But this guy was... more.

I mean, the emails were pretty intimate.

So you suspected he was a predator?

Or a lusty teenager. I didn't know.

I mean, I didn't know if I was being an overprotective dad.

Like when you threw me across the street in the game.

Look, I just didn't want you to blow my cover with this creep.

But then when I realized that you were actually trying to help, That's when I forwarded you on the emails that this guy sent Alise.

The ones we traced.

So the guy who sent the emails, He was the same guy that the cops wanted for teen porn?

And when you found that out, I went back in the game and I tried to warn her, but she s convinced that he was just a... happy teen, just like she was, and she would not listen to me.

It wasn't always like that.

I mean, we used to do things.

We used to laugh.

I know.

I saw your pictures.

The one in the jeep?


We took that in Sedona.

She said that we were the Indiana Joneses.

We ran up this hill looking for treasure, and we came down with this leather pouch full of...

I mean, I don't know what.

Rocks and feathers and dirt and...

She said it was magic.

And that it would protect us forever.

Look, you have to warn her.

You have to tell her to be careful.


Don't worry.

Come on.
Excuse me...

Alise, hi. I'm Melinda Gordon.

I knew your dad, and I'm so sorry.

What's this about?

I think your daughter might be in danger.

Well, the police didn't say anything about that.

That's because they don't know about it.

The predator's reached out to Alise online.

He collects pictures of young girls.

Who are you?

I know this is a bad time.

I asked you a question.

Look, I... we, um, talk to spirits, And Alise's dad contacted me, so...

Ok, that's enough.

My daughter just lost her dad, So whatever your story is, tell it to the police.

Follow them! Tell them!

What do you want me to say?

That her dad is a ghost avatar?

It'll never work.

There's only one thing that will.


We find this guy and we stop him.

Are we ready yet?

You're set. All you need to do is get him to email you, then Eli's friend can track the I.P.

And wherever that is, Sam said the FBI can send someone there fast.

Whoa, that's me?

You said you want to lure him, didn't you?

There's Alise's avatar, And that's Cal.

That's who I'm looking for?

I think so. The avatar Alise is talking to, he's the guy you saw in the game the other day.

Same guy.

Are you ready? You're my only way in.


Let's catch a predator.

Melinda, Melinda!

It's...a... private chatroom!

You can't get in!

All right, I get it, minus an eardrum.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Give him your email, for god sakes.

Be brazen. There's no dating protocol there.

How do we even know he heard me?

We wait.

Hey, dude.

Second hey, man, let's get out of here.

Thanks for picking us up.

Cal. Hey. Where are you?

I didn't see you in there.

I'm outside.

Oh, snap. I was inside looking for you, but my friends made me bail.

I was wearing a red shirt.

Geek, you didn't see me? You know what I look like.

I sent you that picture.

No. But a bunch of us are going to the dance pad contest later at Brookside Mall.

How does that sound?

Well, I don't know, I don't have a car.

I do. I'll pick you up.

You're the Jones that lives on Latimer Road, right?

Wow, you do your homework.

What can I say? I like you.

So I'll be there at 6:00.

Is he still there?

No, he left.

Maybe he's at the virtual cafe.

No, he's not.

Cal and Alise have both logged off, So what do we do now?

We wait for him to email Melinda's avatar back.

No, I can't wait!

Look, he wants pictures.

All it takes is one weak moment, and she's very vulnerable right now.

Which is why you have to keep an eye on her.

Ok, let us know if he contacts her again.

Get a cell phone number, email address, anything.

Ok, ok, ok.

Go watch your girl.

We're gonna get this guy, we are.

Are we?

It's looking more promising.

Check this out, just came in.

Obviously he read my cry for help.

Got his service provider.

Eli's cop friend just needs to track his I.P.

Hopefully before he moves again.

Detective Sam Blair, please.

I can't believe he's in Grandview.

Yeah, where's the FBI, the camera, the balloons?

We're about to catch a predator in our hometown.

Look, after that last false alarm, You're lucky I'm even here.

He's a regular. About a day every month.

Brings his laptop, says he likes quiet.

Sounds like a cyber criminal.

Or a cheating spouse.

Would you mind opening it, please?

Ok, maybe you were right.

Or maybe you were.

Looks like we found his private stash.

He's here for Alise.

All right, I'm going to need address, phone numbers, and nobody touch anything else in here.

Hey, Cal, what's up? Where are you?

Home. My brother's not back with my mom's car.


I know. This thing's starting in 20.

We're all headin' over.

Ok, well, have fun.

No, freak, I'm tryin' to tell you, My brother's near your house.

He'll probably drive by on his way home.

Well, I don't know.

Oh, right.

You probably need to ask your mom first.

No, it's not that. It's just...

Sorry, my friends are here.

I can't hear.

Whatever you decide's ok.

We got in touch with the mom.

Alise was supposed to be home, but she hasn't been answering her cell.

Has anyone checked the house?

A patrol car's driving by now.

They're in a blue minivan.

I am never going to get used to that.


That I forgot to tell you that the predator's driving a blue minivan.

License number GRK998.

License plate number GRK998.

Ok. Not sure how you forgot that, but I'll tell them.

Look, you don't understand, he's there now.

He's picking her up, now, now!

Ok, just... please go and tell Sam that he's already there.

Don't worry, all right?

The police are on their way.

You must be Alise. I'm Cal's brother.

Hop in. We'll pick up the others on the way.

What's wrong?

Well, it's just, I just... I don't know.

Ah, I get it.

You're not sure you should go anywhere with the big bad brother.

No, it's not that.

It's just... well, I don't know you.

It's cool. Cal told me how your mom has you on a short leash.

I get it. I'm older, practically an only kid.

You just want to say,"hey,I have a brain, I can think for myself."

Yeah, that's for sure.

Look, maybe when your mom gets home, She can drive you over.

Yeah.Yeah, she's...whatever.

Anyway, I, uh, I gotta get going.

Little bro's gonna be pissed if I make him late, comin'?

Yeah. Um, just wait one sec.

All set?

Get out!

Get out of the car!


Get out! Alise, No. No!

No! Alise!

They just left, you can catch them.

I've been calling her on her cell. She's not picking up.

No, no, no, they're not in there!

They're in a van, a blue van!

Argh, this is not happening!

Sam said there's no word yet.

She's in the car.

I don't know what to do, I'm completely helpless!

I just don't know how to protect her.

Ok, where are they? Where were they heading?

They started toward Brookside, and they turned off the highway.

I'll tell Sam.

There's still something you can do.

No, no, she got in the car!

I couldn't stop her!

Yeah, but you can stop him.

Hello, I tried!

I'm a ghost, people walk through me!

I know that, but you're the only one who can help Alise right now.

Look, you love your little girl.

Ok, now believe that you can do this.

You have the power to stop him.

This isn't Brookside.

I think you should let me out here.

Huh? What are you...

Look, no one made you get in this car.

You wanted to.

Relax, it's only pictures.

I didn't know.

Oh, come on! You knew.

Let's not pretend. You knew.

Daddy's dead.

He can't help you anymore.

Hazard, hazard. Stop the car.

Stop the car.

At the end of the road What is going on?

Did you touch something? - I don't Turn left now.

Oh! What the Come here.

Get away!

No way in hell!

You gotta be kidding me.

Freeze! Don't move!

All right, ok!

On the ground, on the ground now!


Let me see your hands!

It's ok, sweetheart.

Thank god you're ok.


So the FBI's been tracking this guy for over a year.

How'd you get all this information?

I do what any good shrink does I talk to ghosts.

I do, really.

No, one showed up last night. It...

I don't know how or why you did or what you did, But I'll never be able to thank you enough.

It wasn't me.

It was your husband.

I don't understand.

It's ok. I'll explain later.

I didn't realize how insignificant Alise felt after the divorce, So I guess I was just too busy trying to get through another day.

Ok, mom, enough sharing.

I think I need a minute alone.


That was him, wasn't it?

He did all those things in the car?


And he's here with us right now.

He can hear you.

He told me about the day that you filled that.

He said you, you thought it was magic.

Because we did it together.

And then he left.

He fought for me today, but why didn't he fight for me back then?

Why did he just leave?

Tell her... tell her I'm sorry.

I did fight. I just... it was too little, too late.

He's sorry.

He never wanted to stop being a part of your life.

Is that true?


Oh... tell her,tell her what I did.

He was your friend.

In the game. He was Phoenix.

He created that avatar just so he could be with you.

My dad? It's computers.

He can hardly work a cell phone.

Well, he figured out how. just to be with you.

Wish I could stay now.

I love you, too, daddy.

He sees the light.

And now that he knows you're safe, he can go.

Thank you.

Tell him good-bye.

It's ok.

She's gonna be fine.

Sam offered me a job.


I said I was happy shrinking heads and sending disembodied voices into the light.

Come on.

You know, you've got to stop telling everybody that you can hear ghosts.

Why? No one believes me.

People are gonna start thinking you're nuts.

Trust me, I've been there.

People think I'm nuts already.