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03x04 - No More Secrets

Posted: 12/24/22 19:29
by bunniefuu

Who mentioned my name?

I don't know.

A while back, the police

asked me about someone named Emma.

Was it you then?

In any case,

-I'll have to expel you.

I have finals this year.

You'll do them next year at a new school.


I quit.

I quit.

Please. I'm begging you.

Please, you have to convince them.
I have to take the finals.

Ludo, listen.

Maybe you do not realize
how serious this is.

The police have already started
investigating you.

There's also the possibility

that you will be charged

with inciting prostitution.

You gave a man's number

to a girl from Petrarca.

You must consider the consequences.


now you--

you must tell us...

if someone forced you...

-Did Fedeli call you?

No, what happened?

They know about me.

They know everything.

Fedeli knows everything.
The school knows everything.

Did they call the police?

-Ludo, did they call the police?
-I don't know.

Do they know about me too?

-They think I'm Emma.
-What's it got to do with Emma?

A while ago, Fedeli talked to the police.

-They only know about me.
-That's impossible.

-It is.
-No, it's not.

Why don't you say it's you?


Never mind, forget about it.

Ludovica, wait.


What's wrong with you two?

Trouble at school?

They expelled me.


Because of those crazy rumors?

They can't expel her for rumors, Dad.

They are not rumors.

What does that mean, Ludo?

Why didn't you say anything?

Fabio, listen to me.


Mom, what's going on?

-They'll leave for a while.
-They won't go anywhere.

Look, I'd rather deal with you
without any more trouble.

Mom, don't ruin your life
because of me, please.

-We have always managed on our own, okay?

Mom, Fedeli is the best man
that ever happened to you, please.


-My mother?
-In her office.

If no one starts to report these things

and make people pay for them,
it will always be like this.

Adults will keep paying
to sleep with young girls.


What is she doing here?

I'm a lawyer, Chiara.

And I'm also part of a group
against women's abuse.

You can come visit me anytime.

Yes, I've already told her that
we have no intention of going to trial.

-What did she want? Why did she come here?

Anyway, everything's fine.


Rumors are spreading.

They found out about Ludovica at school.

There's a police investigation.

But did they say anything about you?

No, I don't think so.

They will expel Ludo.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

But there's nothing we can do for her.

Now, don't worry.

What are you? A stalker or a cop?

No, I can assure you I'm really a cop.

Look, I wanted to say I'm sorry
about the other day at the store.

I went too far.

I'd really like to help you
out of this situation.

There is no situation.

We both know that's not true.

If Fiorenzi shows up

or if you feel you're in danger
for any reason,

call me.


Who was at the door?

No one.

You still want to do it?

We have to leave now that nobody's around.

Okay, let's go.


This is a recording.

Please try again later.


Good traits?

I don't know. I'm funny.

Yes, I found that out, and I'm trying not
to take myself too seriously.

And, I don't know...
Your longest relationship?

It's my turn.

Whatever. A couple of months.

It's because of my mother.

We have to move a lot for her work.

I don't mind though. It's kind of cool.

-It's your turn, right?

Where's the rolling paper?

Nice question.


Not here. Try looking under the bed.

They're there for sure.

You mean in here?

No, put that down.

Why? What's inside? A severed head?


Give it to me.

Give it to me, please. Aurora!

Please, if you don't... f*ck!

What the f*ck is all this shit?

Mind your own business. Leave it to me.

I said leave it to me.


The rolling paper was here.

I'm sorry.

Ma'am, I understand your distress...

but Ludovica is of age.

And based on what you told us,

everything points
to a voluntary departure.

What does that mean?
That you can't look for her?

No. We'd like to look for her,

but we can't.

Unless we have good reason to believe
your daughter is in danger.

And if that's the case,

tell us.

That guy, Fiore...

He wasn't just her boyfriend.

He also took care
of my daughter's appointments.

I knew, but I didn't do anything.

She just wanted to help me.

She'd give me her money, and I'd take it.

I should have protected her.

I was too late.

You must find her.

You must find her, please.

You are under arrest for the exploitation
of underage prostitution.

You have the right to call a lawyer.

If you do not have a lawyer,
one will be appointed for you.

"The Baby Call Girl from Parioli."

"Underage prostitution
in one of Rome's richest neighborhoods"

"Collodi High School Scandal."

Not bad, is it?

I'm sorry. I can't control
what the police reveal to the press.

And I did say

that the girl had to be
removed immediately. Beforehand.

She fled, and she's in danger.

The police were the only option,
and I was never going to expel her anyway.

Please sign your resignation
for next year.


Already done.

This institution has lost my respect.

And so have you.

She's there.


How is it here?

At : p.m. they turn off every light,
and you're forced to sleep.

If you're not sleepy, it's a mess.

There's a girl in my room
who has nightmares all night long.

Sounds like t*rture.

It is.

How are you?

The school found out about my friend.


She ran away,
and we don't know where she is.

I don't know what to do.

You don't have to do anything.

If you want my advice,
don't say anything to anyone.

Do you know how many times
my parents came here?

Just once.

We didn't get along before, let alone now.

I'm sorry.

You and Niccolò were the only ones
who came to see me.


Yes, the cute guy from your school.

How do you know him?

He used to do PR at Toy.

Manuel got him mixed up in things.




So it's true that you're leaving.


I quit.

Because of Niccolò?

I'm sorry.

It's my fault too, isn't it?

-All I did was mess up.
-No, it's not your fault.

Your father and I had a lot of problems.

No matter what happens
to my relationship with him,

I'm always here for you.

I'll walk with you.

Another key point on my agenda
is the creation of new jobs.

So if I am elected,
I will be very active in Parliament,

with a special focus on youth policies.

Very well. Wife, mother,

but also a successful woman.

What's your secret, Elsa?

Look, no secrets.

It's a bit of a challenge for me.

You have to be very present

as a parent, but also very active
in your profession. This is fundamental.

And I have two excellent allies,
my husband and my daughter, Chiara.

I can tell. You look very good together.

One last thing that
I'm curious about. Chiara.

I know you attend the Collodi Institute,

and with excellent results by the way.

As you know, a case broke out

in your high school of a girl of your age
who was prostituting herself.

And right now, the girl is missing.

Chiara, did you know her well?

No, I did not.

Shitty friend.

I don't give a shit anyway.

Forget her, Ludo.

We'll be in Berlin shortly,
and everyone can f*ck off.

-It was a pleasure.

-Say hi to the director for me.
-Sure thing.

I think that went well.

I don't get it.
Wasn't that supposed to be just about you?

Honey, she couldn't avoid the subject.

If you do things like that,
you have to warn us first.

What was I supposed to say, Arturo?

And besides, you answered well.
You did a good job.

I'm sorry.

I was good at bullshitting.

I know how much you care about Ludovica.

I understand
it's been complicated for you.

Who cares?

Looks are all that matters, right?

No, they are not.

But sometimes, they matter.

And you have to come
to terms with reality.

I don't know if I want to live like this.

This is my friend's mansion.

Nobody comes here.

Once we get the papers, we'll leave.

Where are you going?

For a walk.

No, come over here.

No, I need some air.

-It's me. I don't have much time.


Where are you? Are you with Fiore?

How are you? Ludo?

I saw the interview. I wanted you to know.

Ludo, I'm so sorry. I was under a lot
of pressure. I didn't know what to do.

You did well. Don't worry.

It's not your fault.

Where are you? Are you with Fiore?


"The student from Collodi, who called
herself Emma, a minor at the time,

was willing to have sex in exchange
for a designer handbag or dress.

The case of the Parioli baby call girls
puts us in front of the disconcerting

superficiality of a generation
for which money

and designer clothes seem to have more
value than personal dignity or your body."

-Are you done with this?
-How do you come up with stuff like that?

I did not leak this story.

Ale, this is not who Ludo is.

Come on, Fabio.

We're done, Ale.



Why do you think we have to go to trial?

Because there were men, Chiara...


who took advantage of a little girl.

They took advantage of you
in a moment of weakness.

They should be punished.

I don't care.

I don't care about that.

I want to take responsibility.

And your parents...

They've chosen to keep it quiet.

Is that what you want too?

I will need you.

Have you heard about Ludovica Storti?

Yes, she's paying for everybody.

If I were her, I would have left too.

Why do you say that?
Do you know something?

What would i know?
It's all over the news.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Damiano Younes?

Yes. Why? What do you want?

I have some questions about Mr. Fiorenzi.



Wait inside. I'll be right back.

Ludovica is missing.

We believe she's with him.

If you know anything,

please tell me now.

I'm sorry, but I don't know
what to tell you.


In the past conversations that you had
with him, and we have plenty of them,

he asks you to go to Marge because
he absolutely needs to talk to you.

What did he want?

-I don't know. I didn't go there.
-You didn't.

You think I believe that?

I don't care if you believe it or not.

-It's the truth. I don't speak to him.

There's a girl in danger.

I don't know. What can I tell you?

Stick around.

I may need you again.

What did he tell you?


Good morning. Is Brando home?

Yes, he's in his room.

Who's there?

It's me.

Come here.

You wanted to forget me, no?


Then you should leave.

I'm sorry.

I know you cared about her.
I can't imagine. It must have been awful.

She's been bullshitting me.

But in the end,
that's what everyone around me does.

Why don't you try to talk to your dad?

He had an investigator follow me.

Kind of like when you spied on Chiara.

I f*cked up. I shouldn't have talked
to you about this.

You don't understand.

I've got a problem. You're normal.

What does normal mean?

You live in a f*cking world of your own.

You think you see the good
in everything, but you--

you just don't get some things.

You're not allowed
in the girls' bathroom, you know.

How did you find out it was me?

I spoke with Sofia.

When she told me you know each other,
I understood

I've actually known for a while.

When I saw what happened to Sofia,

I felt really guilty.

Why? What does it have to do with you?

I treated you like shit
when we were together.

We were not together, Nic.

Why didn't you come
and talk to me in person?

You would have never trusted me.

That's true.

I've ruined everything with Damiano

for the same reason.

You can still apologize to him.

Would that be enough for you?

And this whole thing with Ludo.

I feel like shit.

Yes. Your parents went a little too far,
but you have nothing to do with it.

My parents?

How do you know?

Because your mother called my mother.

I don't know how she got those photos of
Ludovica, but she gave them to the school.

You didn't know?









We all have secrets.

Even you, who are so good
at judging others.

You have yours, don't you?

Here's mine.

For a year and a half, I had two lives.

And now I want to tell the truth.

Ludovica wasn't alone
in what she was doing.

She took the blame and it's not fair.


I was the one who convinced her
to keep doing it.



Ludo, come back.


Now everyone knows it wasn't just you.

Because I'm Emma.

It's always been me.