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03x01 - Valentine's Day

Posted: 12/24/22 19:26
by bunniefuu

When you have a secret,

you feel detached
from what you're supposed to be,

but you never feel alone.

Indeed, one thing you learn

is that there is no stronger bond
with someone

than a secret.

Secrets are like invisible threads

connecting us to each other.

Sometimes, they become
an unbearable burden

and you wish you could tell everyone,

but that would be a big mistake.

What keeps us together would crumble,

and we wouldn't know who we are anymore.

-Don't move! Police!
-Stop! Police!

-Don't move!
-Stay down.

-Stay down!
-Cover me!

I've got him!

-You have him?

Come on.

Good boy.

f*cking door.

Are you Sofia?

Deep down,

what are we without our secrets?





"Tenco wrote 'Far Away'
about a love close at hand.

My dear Aquarius friends, do not despair.

Love may not be so far away."

Well, Tenco k*lled himself.


-Earth to Ludo.

Want to know about Pisces?

No, please. Who writes this bullshit?

Ale does.

He's a trainee.

Can you believe that?

You're dating someone
who writes horoscopes.

I only had three hours of sleep.

I didn't hear you go out last night.

Of course, you're in bed at : p.m.

Well, what do you do instead?

I go dancing.

I love music.


-Look at me.

-Show me your eyes, Ludo.
-Hey. No.

I am a vampire.

Yes, I know.

Listen. Today, I have
a university guidance meeting.

What did you choose last year?

I don't know. Nothing.

I think I won't pass this year.

-Next year, we'll be classmates.

What about that teacher you liked?
Can't he help you?

He left.

I can help you if you want.

I can learn your year's program
in advance.

What a nerd.

Oh! Sorry.

Good morning.

Good morning.
I used to be Ludovica's professor.

I'd like to talk to you for a minute,
if possible.

As soon as I realized she was underage,
I stopped. I didn't touch her.


Don't you dare call me by my first name.

A professor fantasizing
about his students...

You should be ashamed.

I'm really sorry.

Leave, unless you want me to report you.

Your daughter needs an adult

to show her an alternative way,
to take the reins.

That's definitely not you.

No, I cannot be that adult.
You have to be.

Tell Ludo I'm sorry for what I did to her.

I wanted to make amends.


Will I see you tonight?

Of course.

What about me?

-So tonight, we're going to get some!


What about Brando, guys?

-He missed school for over a month.
-He won't pass.

I don't know what he's up to.

Maybe he had one hell of a night out.

At least he had fun, man.

-Is it true he was with a whore?
-I said I don't know.

Well, message him.
If he comes back, we'll have a blast.

It's better for me not to see him
for a while.

I've got other shit on my mind.

So are you keeping it?

It seems so.

They were asking me...

How are you today?

You didn't touch it.

I'm not hungry.

We're really worried, you know.

Come on, eat something.

Keep going.

-Sometimes, I do that too.
-What's so funny?

Banging your head against something

is quite pathetic, right?

No disrespect.

Don't worry.

May I?

Of course.

You're the problematic guy
in second year, right?

Yes, problematic. What about you?

I'm not.




Thanks. Have a good one.

So what did they want?

They caught one of Manuel's girls.

They called me because they saw
the client leaving Marge.

I don't know.

I don't like
how that cop was looking at you.

-Don't worry, they don't suspect--
-"Don't worry," my ass.

-They don't suspect anything yet--


Let's forget about the babies for a while.

If they catch them outside the flat,
we can say we have nothing to do with it.

Do you believe a kid who sleeps
with so many people can really love you?

She has no choice.

What do you mean?

She didn't choose freely.


They knew everything.
Name, surname, address.

They told me I don't need to worry.

What the f*ck does that even mean?


My friends don't talk to me anymore.

Is everything okay?

Yes. This morning, I read a message.

What message?

Nothing. It's not important.

I need to ask you something else.


that video must not come out.

Of course, I'll delete it.

Did you send it to anyone?

Only to the guy who was blackmailing me.

He doesn't want it out.

Trust me.


What's wrong?

I need to talk to you.

Not here though. Let's go.

There's another envelope for you.

Why is it sealed?
Did you stop spying on me?

You have no right to be mad at me.

When will you start behaving like a man?

What about you and your f*cking PI?

I did it for you.

-You could have just talked to me.

Would you have told me you were dealing?

And now what?
Are you going to send me to juvie?

No, but I made up my mind.

You will benefit from leaving Rome
for a while.

-France or Lebanon, the choice is yours.
-You're crazy.

As long as you live under my roof,

I decide what you do. Are we clear?

Now it's clear why mom left this place.


I have a gift for you.

Use these to contact clients.

Is it because of Sofia?

Do you know her?

-Yes, I told you before.
-Forget about her.

Don't do anything
without clearing it with me first.


What about her?

Why isn't she here?

We had a fight.

-Shouldn't we stay quiet for a bit?

They don't suspect anything.
The flat is our safety net.

Don't worry.

I don't trust Fiore.

-I know.
-I don't trust Sofia either.

You told her too much.

So you don't trust me now?

I trust you.

But what if they catch us?

If we stay here, we're safe.

I'm here with you.


Your old philosophy professor came by.

He said you're a prost*tute.

That he was one of your clients.

Did he hurt you?

Did he?

What should I do with you?

Tell me.

Why are you doing this to me?
Don't you love me?

Why are you acting this way?
You already knew.

I didn't think you'd go that far.

-I trusted you.
-What did you think?

What were you thinking?

We have a new family now.

I thought things would improve
with Alberto and--


Does Fedeli know you took my money?

When I took it, I didn't know
where it came from.

So what?

I did it to help you.


If you wanted to help me,
you should have found another way.

What way?

This is the only thing I'm good at.

It's not true. It's not what I taught you.

Mom, what did you teach me?


You're not even able to manage your life.
What did you teach me?

-Don't you dare--

Isn't it a bit early to drink?

I'm celebrating.

It's Valentine's Day tomorrow.

What do you want?

I'm worried.

About me or about you?

Your angelic face doesn't fool me.

Do you think the police can get to us?

The police are not the problem.

As soon as I'm on my feet,
I'll go to the police.

You're joking.

You're drunk.

You'd ruin my life.

You did that by yourself, honey.

Wouldn't you like to go back
and be a normal girl?

This is my life now.




-You three girls are together?

I'll let you in. Just a second.

f*ck yes, man!

Why isn't Brando coming to school?

I don't know.

Some say he had too much fun.
Some say he had no fun at all.

What do you mean? Was he sick?

Why do you care?

I care more than you.

Trust me.

-Fabio, what's up?

What's wrong?

What the f*ck did you say?



I don't know where to begin.

It's not easy, you know?

-Last year, Ludo and I--
-I know everything.

-A nice rose--
-No, thanks.

For a beautiful woman?

-It's Valentine's Day.

Get a rose for your girlfriend.

Come on, one rose for your girlfriend.

-A rose for your girl.
-I told you no.

-Your girl is beautiful--
-She's not my girlfriend!

What do you mean, "everything"?

My father paid someone
to have me followed.

He followed you too.

He took some pictures.

Don't worry, I deleted everything.

Did our relationship suck?


Then how the f*ck could you do that?

Maybe I wanted to do something wrong.

You were lying to me all the time,

and you were never there.

Having a secret made me feel stronger.

I had a secret place.

No one could access it.

Not even you.

I know it's a mistake.

That it's disgusting.

But it makes me feel good.

Are you still doing it?



What if I speak to Fiore?

Will you quit?

Would you accept me after everything?

How the f*ck can I trust you?

All you did was lie to me, Chia.

How do I know that you won't
f*ck another old dude tomorrow?

You're right.

I cannot answer that.

Good morning.

Good morning.

How is Brando doing?

Fedeli, Brando is fine.

More than fine, actually.

Here's the problem.

Brando does not want to see you.

I'm sorry.

I know, it's...

Niccolò told me he was not well, so...

I just wanted to say hi.

I told you,
Brando doesn't want to see you.

Do you understand?

Hello, police?


I have a video you might find interesting.

I want to remain anonymous. Is that okay?

Not even if it's about
an underage prost*tute?

Sure, I can hold on.


Can I help you?

Yes, I would like to speak
with Mrs. Altieri.

Our daughters attend school together.

-I'll get her for you.
-Thank you.



Simonetta, sorry to keep you waiting.

Sorry to bother you.

-No bother at all.

Let's have a seat.

-Did they offer you a cup of coffee?
-Yes, thanks. I'm fine.

What's wrong? Did something happen?

It's the girls. I think they...

-What? involved with the wrong people.

What do you mean, "the wrong people"?

I'm not sure.

Ludo doesn't listen to me anymore.

She's out of control.

I found out...


How's Chiara? How is she doing in school?

Is she the same?

Well, to be honest,

I must tell you.
A few months ago, I was worried.

Now she's more herself.

I don't know what to do.

I need help.

We tried to get her to think
about her future.

It worked, I think.

Why don't you try that with Ludovica?

Isn't she getting her diploma this year?


I don't think I can offer her much
for her future, but...

Simonetta, don't say that.

You're her mother.

Even if you made some mistakes,

you can make up for that.

You are a good candidate.
You are a great speaker.

You have my vote.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I understand, you know?

Being a parent is hard.

I brought you the lotion you asked me for.

Thank you.

You look rough.

Didn't you sleep last night?

Not much.

You know this is not the time
to screw up, right?

What do you mean?

You don't look very clear-headed lately.

I don't look clear-headed?

What about Natalia then?

She says she's going to the police.

She won't. I know her. She cares about me.

You are the one lacking clarity.

We need to protect Ludo.

I promised her it wouldn't get out.
You need to fix things with Natalia.

We cannot take any risks.

Did she say anything else?

Is there anything else?


I'll deal with it.

Your girlfriend looks nice.

-She's not my girlfriend anymore.

I'm sorry. That's a shame.

Anyway, if you came here,

it means you want to help her, right?

I'd like to give her a way out.

-Why do you care about these photos?
-I want to blackmail the pimp

so that he gets scared and stops.

I earn some money, and your girl is safe.

Happy ending.

What's my role in this?
Why do you need me?

They're not using hotels anymore.

Getting evidence is more difficult.

But it wouldn't be so difficult
for you, am I right?

Just go back to work for the pimp.

Do you want to help your girl or not?

Former girlfriend.

Are you feeling nostalgic?

Not really.

I need money.

I thought you had become a good boy.

I'm not cut out to be a good boy.

And I argued with my father.

I need to leave.

I did the same a few years back.

I was lucky I had Saverio.

Let me come back, Fio.

You can always use one more friend, right?

Friends are the first
to betray you, Damia.

Maybe there's one thing you can do for me.

What are you drinking?


Aged, just like me.

Would you like to try it?

First times are always like this.

You should try again.

A bit better.

Fiore told me you don't give second dates.

Is that true?



"Language between nature and convention.

The keywords."



I need the keys to the flat,

and you must leave Rome.
Fiore doesn't want you around.

Fine, as you wish.

Here are the keys. Give them to your boss.

Don't worry.

I've got a plan.

Damia, he's crazy.

-Remember Martino, the psychopath?

Fiore paid him
to scare Ludovica into coming back.

Does Chiara know?


Maybe I should have told her
so she wouldn't have cut me out.

Be careful.

I told you, Fiore doesn't control me.

I was talking about Chiara.

Happy Valentine's Day.


Are there other underage girls or boys

doing this?

There's no one else. I'm alone.

Besides Manuel Ghiri,

did anyone else exploit you?

-I know my name. No need to repeat it.

I wanted to ask you, besides Manuel Ghiri,

were there others...

who helped you meet strangers?

I told you already.
Manuel is the only one.

Ask her if she knows Roberto De Sanctis.

Do you know Roberto De Sanctis?

If your next question is about
other clients, the answer is the same.

The night I got caught was my first time.

No. We wanted to ask you
if you know Roberto De Sanctis.


Excuse me.

Tell her we have a video of her
f*cking him in a club bathroom.

We have found a video.
It shows you and Roberto De Sanctis--

I had nothing to do with that,
they involved me.

-Who involved you?
-Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.

I've never even seen her.

Seen who?


We're only trying to help you.

-If you know something, please--
-She's at Collodi, okay?

I don't know her name.

She goes by...
