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02x05 - Dead End

Posted: 12/24/22 19:26
by bunniefuu
Mum, what are you doing? Fabio and Alberto are moving in with us.

For now, Fabio can sleep here, then we'll see.

Ludo, I think it's the best thing for both of you.

You'll see, from now on everything will be better.

Hello, Mrs.


I'm Brando De Sanctis.

- Roberto's son.

Remember me? - Yes, of course.



How are you? - Fine, thanks.

- Come on in.

- I dropped by to say hi to Chiara.

- Yes, but she's not feeling very well.

- Yes, I know.

- Is everything sorted with the politician? Yes, don't worry.

But I don't know if I can go out tonight.

My parents think I'm sick.

Well, tell them you feel better.

Besides, at your age you recover quickly, right? I'll let you know.

But I can't guarantee you anything.

Good girl.

Be quick about it.

How long have you and Chiara been friends? Well, actually, we're more than friends.

Meaning? We're going out together.

I came to invite her to dinner.

If she's feeling better, that is.

If you're here to bug me, today's not the day.

What happened with Chiara? Are you taking the piss? No, it's this thing with Brando, it makes no sense to me.

She was crazy about you.

It's left me gutted.

I reckon there's a reason for it.

She's not in some sort of trouble? Or maybe she wasn't that crazy about me.

Mum, I'm sorry about Brando.

I didn't know he was coming.

He's a nice boy, polite.

But you don't even know him.

Well, I know his parents.

They're members at the club, like Dad.

You like him because his parents are rich? I like him because you like him.

Silly girl.

Anyway, if you go out to dinner with him this evening, wear something nice.

I'm sure he'll take you somewhere fancy.


For f*ck's sake.

Stay away from me! You're a g*dd*mn sicko.

Go f*ck yourself.

He's such an assh*le.

I really don't understand her.

Just like that, out of the blue.

Without giving a reason.

It happens more often than you think.

I don't know what to think anymore.

If it's my fault, I'd at least like to know what the f*ck I did.

No, I don't I don't think it's your fault.

What do you mean? - I don't know, maybe there's a reason.

- Fa, do you know something? I don't know sh*t! Let it go, I don't know sh*t! Hey, what the f*ck is up with you, as well? I had an argument with Alessandro.

Again? You two as well, all you do is argue.


Come on.

No, what a You're a jerk! You f*cked up.

I'm telling you.

- Yeah, really? Come on, then.

- You come on.

Let go of me.

Hey, Fa.

- Yeah? - Someone's taking pictures of us.

What? There's no one there.

I must be seeing things.

Honestly, doesn't this thing between Chiara and Brando seem strange to you? She's always been a slut.

What's so strange about it? See? You don't even try to hide the fact that you're mad about her.

At this point, I preferred the teacher.

At least not everybody noticed it.

What teacher? Monica.

You think I hadn't noticed? You knew about me and Monica and said nothing? In truth, I thought about telling everyone.

Can you imagine? It would've been some scandal.

You're crazy, Virgì! No.

I was just waiting for you to lose interest.

After six years, we're stronger than just a quick shag, aren't we? Besides, you always do this.

You run off and then you come back.

Like a little puppy.


This time it's different.

Ludo, finally! Can you give us a hand? I'm busy.

You've put me in the basement? Fabio, how are you? Fantastic.

Well It looks like they've taken it well.

Yes, I'm sure it's for the best.

You were right about Ludovica.

Did something happen to change your mind? Yes, I wanted to talk to you about it.

But it involves me, too.

It's not easy.

You can tell me anything.

I'm here for you, there's nothing we can't resolve together.

It's no big deal.

It's just I feel bad about the other day.

Ludo needs some stability.

And so do I.

No, I don't like these.

All right.

I'll close it.

Don't worry.

Is he outside already? He's on his way.

I imagine you'll be late.

When you get back, try to be quiet, okay? You look gorgeous.

He's sure to fall madly in love.

- Bye.

- Bye.


The famous Emma! Gianluca has told us lots about you.

- Hi.

- Dario.

- Max.

- My pleasure.

And Manuel.

They're my friends, fellow lawyers.

And this beautiful girl is Sofia.

- Hi.

- Hi.

We're celebrating Max, today he became a judge.

He betrayed us.

He passed over to the other side of the law, out of self-interest.

Isn't that what all lawyers do? - Actually, you're right.

- Actually, they tricked you - Will we order some wine, what do you say? - Great idea.

Some Roja Tinto! - Did I get it right? - Perfectly.

Could we see the wine list, please? - Of course.

- Thank you.

Hey, Bra.

- Where's Chiara? - She didn't come.

She's not feeling well.

- What's wrong with her? - How the f*ck would I know, Cami? - She's got a temperature.

- Fine, but if you're pissed off, go take a walk.


What's up? This isn't the face of a guy who's getting laid! And look at the state of you! Get with it, man! Come on, let's get some wine? The usual? Yes, I am coming.

Where's Virginia? Don't know.

We've kind of split up.

How are you? Fine, I think.

Are you sure? Are you the girl from Collodi? How do you know that? I've heard about you and your friend.

I'm from Petrarca, in Prati.

Do you know Fiore, too? No, I'm with Manuel.

He says he knows you.

Actually, he asked me to give you this.

He's got some photos of you and Desirée.

Can I ask you something? Are those your real names? My real name's Chiara.

Oh, right.

I thought it was strange.

Instead, my name's really Sofia.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hi.

What were you saying, Vitto? I MISS YOU.

Aren't you seeing your friend today? No, I'm revising philosophy.

It's a podcast.

A lesson on Kierkegaard.

Very good.

You and Chiara have had a falling out, right? We don't see eye to eye on certain things.

Does she know what you do? No, and anyway, it's none of your business.

All right, sorry.

I just wanted to know how you are.

You don't need to worry about how I am.

I thought the last time we spoke you agreed with me, that certain things aren't worth doing.

Do you find sleeping with hookers worth it? No.

It's never worth it.

Do you want to meet up outside of school? Do you want a second date? No, I don't want a second date.

I want to talk to you.

Just talk? Are you sure? You're much more intelligent than that, Ludovica.

Way much more.

Chia! - We have to talk.

- Not now, the teacher is in class.

I don't give a sh*t, come here.

Will you tell me what the f*ck's going on? I told you.

Nothing's changed since we last spoke.

I can't believe it, Chia! I can't believe you're with that assh*le! If it's my fault, tell me.

Did I do something? Did it start when you were with me? So, why, then? It wasn't working anymore.

You have to move on.

- Will you go away? - Are you okay? Get lost.

Leave me be.

Get lost.



Can I help you? Yes, maybe.

I'm looking for a present.

It's for Ludovica.

Who are you? How do you know her? We're friends.

She's a good girl.

She can be a bit of a handful at times.

You're her mother, right? Please leave.

Ludovica doesn't want presents, thank you.

Are you sure? Then how about this.

No presents.

Just give her this from me.


Why are you quitting? Camilla, you're one of the best.

Thanks, but I've made up my mind.

- Are you sure? - Yes.


If you change your mind, I'll be here.


Why are you quitting? Since when do you care? It's a shame.

You're good.

You're the one who's good.

I only did it because of you.

How's it going with Brando? Fine, thanks.

Looks like we're in the same g*ng again.

Actually, Cami, I'm a bit worried.

Why? He's got this video of me and him while While we're doing it.

Yes, I know.

It was stupid of me.

Well, especially if you don't trust him.

No, it's not that I don't trust him.

It's that I feel ashamed.

I don't know, I wish there was a way to delete it.

I can try to find out his passcode.

Would you really do that? Yes.

Nico surely knows it.


After all, you're still you.

I'm glad you decided to meet up.

You were right, I was a jerk.

A little bit, yes.

How are things at home? How are things? Fedeli's at home, bugging me! Now, he'll check that I'm studying.

It's no harm having someone to give you a hand.

I don't need a hand from anyone.

I can manage perfectly well by myself.

The other day, this guy followed me in his car.

I got out of my car, gave him a piece of my mind and he legged it.

Was he from school? No.

Ludo, you have to be careful.

I am careful.

I told you, he legged it.

If you see him again, let me know.

There's no need to worry.

How can I not worry? Let's change the subject.

All right.

Did you study? How could I have studied if I'm here? The client from the other night was very pleased.

I'm proud of you.

Don't ever say that again.

You're disturbing.

Oh, lighten up every once in a while.

Jesus Christ.

I met a girl yesterday.

Did you know that there are other girls my age? Forget about them, they work for an assh*le.

Not like me, who still gives you gifts.

Open the glove box.

Hotels are no good anymore.

Too risky.

An apartment is better.

- All for me? - Don't get carried away.

You'll just work there, not live there.

It's for you, for Natalia For Ludovica, maybe.

This way you'll feel safer.

Okay, I'll forget about Ludovica.

What are you doing here? I thought you were by yourself, but I'll come back another time, okay? No, come on, sit down.

Sit down, you're making me nervous standing there.

What the f*ck are they staring at? It's because they see you with me.

They're curious.

I'll smash their heads in.

What the f*ck do you care? Let them talk.

They feel better staring at us, understand? But not one of them in here is clean.

See that guy with the glasses? He's been checking me out all evening, but he hasn't got the balls to come over here 'cause he's with his girlfriend.

You want to bet he'll be at Marge tomorrow? Heavy.

That's always the way.

They're a bit jealous, too.

Of what? Well, they probably think you're a client.

Or a criminal! Maybe they just think I'm a friend.

Me and you aren't friends.

Anyway, you were right.

People are complicated.

Money's easier.

I hope you've brought enough, then.

That's why you're here, isn't it? No, Arturo, there's no need to thank me, because it's a worthwhile project and a donation was the very least I could do.


Instead, come and visit us soon, we'll drink a nice aperitif together.

All right.

Will I pass you back to Chiara? Okay.

Bye, bye, bye.

Hear that? He said everyone loved you, and that he'll set up a photo sh**t just for you.

Cool! Your dad's smart.

I like him.

All right, want some wine? No, I want her to try one of the new wines that arrived.

- Which one will I get? - I'll go.

Chiara, come with me, I'll show you my new wine cellar.

I've got some wonderful wines.

I don't show it to everybody.

Brando, pass me your plate.

Do you know what the secret of this wine is? The grape harvest.

It has to be harvested before it ripens.

Otherwise it becomes too sweet and so long wine.

Where have I seen you before? At Jackie's? No, that's impossible.

I never go there.

I've got shares in that nightclub, you know.

So, if you want to go, just give me a call.

It'd be my pleasure.

Maybe it's better if we go back.


Fine, so what you're saying is I'm some monster! I didn't say that! I said that you never answer my f*cking messages.

It's like I don't have a boyfriend! - Ale, I said I was sorry.

- You didn't say sorry, Fa! It's a sh*t time for you.

I'd love to smash the faces of those h*m* bullies you deal with at school, but you don't care about me.

You don't answer my calls.

It's like I don't exist, Fabio.

Yes, I know.

And I'm sorry.

What did you want to talk about? Maybe it's better if we split up.

Ale, please Are you really dumping me? Sorry, sorry, I'll leave.

Better the bathtub than the basement.

May I? It's official.

Today at 8:15 p.


I got dumped.

It's a shame, I liked him.

No, it's that It's my fault.

I neglected him.

You? But you were always texting each other.

No? You weren't? Damiano? No, not Damiano! No, it's - It's Brando.

- Brando?! Of course Why "of course"? Because sex with him didn't make any sense.

Sorry, but what about that video? He made it and then found an excuse to leave me.

Why didn't you say anything? Do you think anyone would have believed me? That's what I think, too.

I mean, who'd ever believe that me and Brando were together? No, you're right.

It sounds crazy.

Well, anyway, we deserve better.

Yes, you're right about that.

Listen, I want to apologize.

Dad isn't always like that.

Mine's no better.

By now, I just don't take any notice of him.

So, is that how you do it? What? I mean When you go with men, the men you meet you don't take any notice? That's none of your business.


No offense.

With them it's different.

You can't ignore them or not take any notice.

So, how do you do it? It might sound crazy, but sometimes I feel more comfortable with them than with guys our age.

You can stay if you want to.

I have no more money.

I mean at the party, idiot.

No, thanks.

Maybe some other time.

A bit more? Beautiful boy, but he's not doing good at school.

I don't know what I'm even still talking to you two for, you're just swots! - Here.

- The beers are in the fridge, guys.

Bra, how much did Ms.

Canarino - give you for that last homework? - Me? - Yeah.

- Three.

- I got four.

I got four.

Another four.

- Not bad.

You know how much for me? Four.

You know what I say? I don't care if I fail.

Besides, I'm so well off that I've already been failed once, so who gives a sh*t.

- I smoke 200 joints per day.

- You say the same thing every year.


- Smart move.

- f*ck it, already failed.

You always say that, then you get 80.

That thing you were carrying all the time? Carlo got it.

It's always Carlo's fault.

WRONG PASSCODE Brando, what's Chiara doing with your phone? What are you doing? What's up, Chiara, are you jealous? Hey, Bra, I reckon this girl needs your attention.

You know what? I think you're right.

I'm going to give her all my attention now.

Go! Go! Hi, guys, we're live from - From Nico's house.

- Stop it! Stop it! Now, get undressed.

You'll pay for this!