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01x03 - #Friendzone

Posted: 12/24/22 19:15
by bunniefuu
f*cking Stop! Ready? Go! We're back on 99.

9 Radio Fabula.

For our friend Tullio, we have "Montagne Verdi," the Marcella Bella classic.

Sorry! Do you like it? Yes.

See how it looks.

Really? - It suits you.

- You think so? You know what? - You can have it.

- Really? From up here everything seems so small and stupid.

Stupid? Yes, meaningless.

For example, I can take that car that's driving down there and squash it with my fingers.

Some jerk down there has also got my moped.

My mom bought it for me when I was younger.

Once she busted my ass because I used a screwdriver to draw a star on it.

A budding artist! No.

It looked more like an asterisk.

You should have seen how pissed off she was.

Do you come here often? - To school? Every day.

- Don't be stupid, I meant up here.

I used to.

I don't come that often now.

It almost looks nice from up here.

Because your fantastic friend shows you her secret places.

Why are you being so friendly? I'm not mates with posh people.

And with this horrible hoodie You're an assh*le! Shut up! Behave yourself! I think it's getting late.


Where's Camilla? Didn't you have training? Shit! Hey, got any dope? - How old are you? - Fifteen.

- Hey, didn't we tell you to quit? - Stop busting my balls! Damiano, stop! What are you doing? Why aren't you in class? I'm out here, how can I be in class? Damiano, be very careful.

Just remember that outside of this place, you can't do anything.

Get to class.

- Sorry, Monica.

I know.

- You don't turn up late on race day.

Move it! Silence! Off you go.


- Why won't you answer my calls? - I have nothing to say to you.

- But I do.

- I don't care.

Cami, please, let me explain.

After screwing my brother for three months, it's a bit late for that.

Chiara! Chiara run.

Chiara, run! - Did you have a crash? - Hey, this is your fault.

You've jinxed it.

- My dad'll k*ll me.

- For what, a couple of scratches? Let me see.

A little polish will fix it up.



- Get on.

- We have to go inside.

Come on, let's go.

But put your helmet on! So, you said to her: "It's late"? "I think it's getting late.

" That's what I said, and then I ran off like an idiot.

- I thought you were more of a ladies' man! - Listen to Ryan Gosling! Chiara, can you translate, please? Chiara I asked you what Catullus' text means.


"I hate and I love.

You may well ask why I do it.

I don't know.

But I feel it" We'll continue next lesson.

"and I suffer.

" - Hey! - Ouch! What's up? Which one is Damiano's desk? That one.

Dad's not paying your school fees.

He was gutted.

I'll find a solution.

Do what you like.

Franci, your taxi is here.

If you want to get away from that nutcase, you can come and stay with me in New York.

You know that, don't you? Bye.

Hey, where did you disappear to? Are you coming to the race? Listen, did you tell Camilla about your dad and me? No, why? Good girl.

It's better not to say some things.

Come on.

DAMIANO I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO Feeling better? I bunked off school today.

Who with? By myself.


The new kid.

Starting today, you're grounded for three days.

You'll go to school, then come straight back here.

No race, no going out Nothing.

- Is that clear? - Yes, Dad.

Ludo What's this? - Why do you always touch my stuff? - Where did you get it? Dad gave it to me.

He said he was happy I went to his wedding.

Tell me, were there many guests? If you really cared, you should have gone.

Don't be stupid! I told you, Mom, it was nothing special.

My dad found out.

I'm grounded.

DAMIANO YOUR FATHER IS AN assh*le THANK GOD YOU'RE COOL! Cami Can we at least talk after the race? The girls' changing rooms Such great memories.

What do you want? Why won't you answer my messages? Maybe because I don't want to talk to you.

Come on, Chiara I know.

I'm sorry, I was a jerk.

But you and I are really good together.

You can't ruin everything.

Come on.

Hey! Get lost.

- Come on, at least hear me out.

- Leave me alone! Who the hell do you think you are? You don't call the sh*ts, understand? Where's Fabio? Isn't he coming? He's grounded.

I must say, your son's delightful.

I'm very happy that he and Chiara are such good friends.

I think he'll struggle a bit when the girls go to America.

Presuming they pass the selection test.

As their parents, don't we need to sign something? After all, it's a year abroad.

Apart from the consent form, nothing, and Chiara handed that in last week.

Yes, yes, that's right.

Why, are you unsure about it? - No, I was only asking.

- To your starting blocks.

What's up? Nothing.

Everything's shit! For my dad, I don't even exist.

Ever since my sister went to America, she only cares about herself.

And my mother squanders all our money.

Let's go away.

You and me.

Where to? Wherever you want! You're crazy.

But it's my money! It's meant to pay for my school fees.

School fees? Ursula? Ursula? Ursula? What really makes me mad is that my mom says my dad's a jerk, but she's the one - Ursula? - That keeps hooking up with losers.

Where's Ursula? Is she hiding? Ursula? I've had enough.

I'm going to tell her - I didn't go to the wedding.

- Is Ursula here? She's not here.

I'll go to a State School.

It'll make no f*cking difference anyway.

It'll save 6000 euros.

Here she is! Here she is.

Ursula! - By the way, I'm talking to you.

- Ludovica, meet Ursula, Ursula, meet Ludovica.

You said 6000.

Didn't you? A present.

- I can't.

- Take it.

I can't.

Bye, Chiara.

You did well.

I just focused on my goal.

Like you said.

Cami I need you.

I'm sorry.

You just think I'm a slut, right? No, I think you tell a lot of lies.

And I don't want a friend like that.

Chiara, close the window.

Don't you have anything to tell us? What are you talking about? Obviously the young lady has forgotten that she forged our signatures.

She also forgot that our definitive answer was "No"! I'm sorry.

You're sorry? I felt ashamed, Chiara.

I felt ashamed! You made us look like idiots in front of everyone.

- I just really wanted to go, okay? - And what? You can't just do whatever you please.

Understand? I was going to tell you, I was waiting for the right Enough! You can forget about America.


You're right.

He deserves it.

What he did was terrible.

- Who says it was him? - Who else? He started fighting with my brother yesterday, too.

ARAB SCUM What's he done? They're all convinced that Damiano trashed the principal's office.

It's important that you defend him, Khalid.

- And what if he did do it? - That doesn't matter.

It's difficult for all of us adjusting to this situation, but right now he needs you on his side.

- That top is - It's mine.

Well, it looks like I did it.

The only thing I ask for is respect from students.

I have to expel him.

May I ask how long you intend to expel him for? Permanent expulsion.

What he did is absolutely disgraceful, totally unacceptable and deserves a sanction.

But I'm afraid that expelling him would only aggravate the situation.

I'd also have the entire Committee on my back.

I chose to sponsor this school because I believe in the good work you do with the students.

I'll talk to the Committee, and I'll pay for all damages.

You park your kids here and expect that when they return home they'll be polite and prepared for what awaits them in the world, but that's not how it works.

School cannot take your place.

Damiano! What happened? Keep the hoodie.

Where are you taking me for dinner? We're not going to dinner.

We're going to the club.

We'll get a bite to eat there.

We'll have some oysters.

How about that? All right.

It was all recorded.

It was him.

He was wearing his top, there's no doubt about it.

I asked suspend him.

From this moment, he stays at home.

Well done.

Are you happy now? Satisfied? This is a very difficult period.

Every day, - I'm burdened by huge responsibilities - He's also one of your responsibilities.

I can't be stressed.

This house must run smoothly.

I can't be distracted by family problems, or by a child that doesn't know how to behave.

He's your son, Khalid, understand? - He's your son.

- He's very It's you who doesn't understand.

He's never given a shit about me or my mom.

Damiano, I think I made myself clear.

And you can f*ck off, too! The third one says: "Ascoli!" How's it possible? They're all surprised, and say, "Come on!" Well, they all have a great evening.

All sort of things go on.

A wild time.

And at the end of the night At the end of the night, he says: "Piceno.

" Brilliant, huh? You're something else.

I wanted to ask you something.

Fiore told me that recently you've been having some money problems.

We'd like to help you.

You're a pretty girl.

You're young, you're fun If you want, every once in a while, I could put you in touch with some guys.

I know plenty who'd pay to spend an evening with a girl like you.

Without any obligations about what happens afterwards.

You'd decide that, see how you feel.

Well? You two are always on the make, huh? YOU'RE ALL THAT'S MISSING Did you talk to Virginia? What are you doing? Niccolò, what the f*ck did you do? You really are an assh*le.

Why the hell did you do it? - Because it was the right thing! - The right thing? You have to tell them! You have to say it was you! - Cami, mind your own business, please.

- Take responsibility for your g*dd*mn actions for once! Otherwise, I will! Understand? You won't do a damn thing! You just love judging people! Always looking on from the outside! What does that mean? It means you're nothing but a goody two shoes, understand? Grow up, Camilla.

No one can stand you any longer.

assh*le! What do you want? Here.

I don't want any gifts! It's not a gift.

Chiara, can I come in? Shit! She's not answering.

She must have gone to Camilla's.

Of course, Camilla! - Hello? - Hello, Rosio, - sorry but - No, mom's not here.

- They're away.

- Oh, darling, it's you.



Listen, is Chiara there with you? Hello? Yes, yes.

We got tired And we were already asleep.

Oh! I see.

All right.

All right.

Sorry again.


Bye, goodnight, bye.

Hey, give me back my hoodie, now! You want your hoodie? Take it! assh*le! Stay away from Chiara.

What's up with you? Ludo ran off all of a sudden.

You're like this.

You two aren't normal.

You know, at your age I was just like you.

You sound like my grandpa.

I really hope not.

I mean it, really.

I didn't think I was good enough either.

It was like I had a voice in my head constantly telling me: "You're not good enough.

You're not good enough.

You're not good enough.

" Then I realized I shouldn't listen to it.

Because it wasn't mine.

I just needed to listen to myself.

And that's what you need to do.

So, you mustn't cry, not ever.

You need to be more grown-up, even more so than those older than you.


Your mom called.

I covered for you.


Where are you? Hi.