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01x06 - #Love

Posted: 12/24/22 19:06
by bunniefuu
Go, I'll deal with this.

Just go!





You took a real beating.

- It's not funny. Yeah, sure.
- With those eyes, you look like a clown.


Anyway, I need to know
what Damiano's up to.

Why do you care?

Why do I care? Look at me.

You don't know
if he got you beaten up or not.

So, tell me who it was.

How would I know.

- Someone else who hates you.
- Do you want to know who hates me?

- Who?
- You. You don't even listen to me.

You know, you're right. I hate you.


Why did you disappear like that?

He was drunk.

He lost control of the car...
I don't know.

Why the f*ck did they let him drive?

More importantly,
why was he even there? Why?

- Maybe he's friends with Fiore.
- No, I don't think so.

No, me neither.

What matters is that you're okay.

I'm so sorry, Ludo.

You finally picked up.


He must have taken Saverio's phone.

Wait, Fiore's got Saverio's phone?

It's got everything in it. Photos of us,
the chat with the dentist, everything!

I get it. But Fiore has it,
not your mother!

So, what? He's nuts.
He's not right in the head.

He doesn't even know how to use a phone.

Oh, God.


Has Chiara arrived yet?

You don't answer me for two days
and you're asking about Chiara?

Sorry, but I'm having some troubles.

- What did I do? Tell me.
- It's not your fault.

I'm sorry if I didn't answer you,
but it's a difficult moment.

But it's got nothing to do with you.

You were right.

You break everything you touch.


Is Ludo here?


What's the situation?

When the police arrived I told them
it was only me and Saverio in the car.

- How's your cousin?
- My cousin's fine. Don't worry.

Hold on.

I didn't cover for you
because I'm your Fairy Godmother.

What do you mean?

How much are you able to sell
in a week here at school?

- Are you kidding me?
- Why?

Why? You're out of your mind!

f*ck, you don't get it, do you?

When Saverio recovers, it's down to me
whether he kills you or not.

And you should thank God that I need you.

You screwed us over, Damiano,
and now you're going to pay for that.

Who gave it to you?

I don't remember.


I'm suspending you for three days.
How's that?

Let's make it a week.

It was your son.

Don't be ridiculous.


Fiore's in the other room.

Our missing girl.

So, did you have fun with Manuel?

That's none of your business.

You're right.

Anyway, until Saverio recovers,
everything's on hold.

What do you mean?

What I mean is I don't give a shit about
you or Manuel or any of this crap.

It's between you and Saverio.

How's Ludo?

A bit shocked, but okay.

She hates me, doesn't she?


- Why should she?
- She's not answering my calls.

Even though...

I covered for her and Damiano.
I didn't tell anyone that they were there.

Why was Damiano at that party?

He came to meet Saverio. I invited him.

Why was he meeting Saverio?

Why? Why? It's none
of your f*cking business, that's why!

Can you come for a minute?

The gin guy's here.
He wants to talk to you.


I tried unblocking it,
but there's a password.

Did he give it to you?


I stole it.

What? Couldn't you have just asked him
to delete everything?

What if he said no?

Sorry, but aren't you curious to see
what's in it?

Relax, he didn't even notice.

I'll delete everything
and then take it back.

- He was too busy asking me about you.
- He needs to back off.

- But you did kiss him at the party.
- So, what?

Well, it's normal that he would call you.

He also covered for you
about the accident.

Sure, he covered for us!

If you don't want him calling you,
then you shouldn't have messed with him.

What should I have done? Run away,
like you did with Damiano?

- What's Damiano got to do with this?
- You're right, nothing.

But if you hadn't panicked, we wouldn't
be talking about this damn phone now!

- Ludo. Has the dog eaten?
- Yes.

- That's my bag.
- It suits me, don't you think?

No. And I don't want you using it.

- Don't speak to your mother like that.
- It's none of your business

- how I speak to her.
- Is this how she speaks to adults?

Why, are you an adult?

Did you pay her back?

- You're a shitty scrounger.
- What did you say?

That you're a f*cking leech,
and if you don't pay her back,

you won't set foot
in this house again, got it?

You're nothing but a spoiled brat,
have you got that?

Get out.

Get out!

Are you deaf?
Do you want another five euros?

Hey. Here I am.

- Hi.
- Everything okay?

Today's been a really shitty day.

I'm such an idiot! I was even thinking
about not going because of him.

I'm sorry.

Maybe it's just a difficult time for him.

Or maybe he's seeing someone else.

Are you asking me, Camilla?

I've never understood anything
about relationships.

Have you spoken to him?

No. I would have told you.

Yeah, sure, of course. Just like
you told me about my brother, right?

Maybe if you stopped acting
like a goody-two-shoes every time

someone tried to tell you something,
it might be easier to talk to you.

So, it's my fault now?

So, why did you ask me to come here?

Do you realize that whenever we talk
you feel like you're being judged.

What are you talking about?
You always criticize me!

Will you tell me what your problem is?

It's that you always stick your nose
into other people's relationships.





- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Your mother's not feeling great.

What's going on?

You were right.

There's no point in us staying together.

At first, it'll be hard for everyone.

But we'll manage. I'm sure of it.

Chiara, obviously we'll always
be here for you.

I know.

Who is it?

A guy...

I was driving his car.

It's my fault he's like that.

How do you know him?

See you later.

I don't even know
how I ended up in that car.

Why did you want me to see him?

I don't know.
I needed to tell someone about it.

If he comes around, he'll k*ll me.
And if he dies...

Imagine if they find out I was driving.

- I swear, Chiara, I don't know what to do.
- Try to stay calm.

- We'll sort this out together.
- Chiara, all I can do is run away.

I have to go to school.

Why don't you come?
That way, you can try to relax.

- Relax at school?
- Yes, we'll sort it out.

Why don't you come with me?

All right, if you're not up for it,
that's okay.

I'm up for it.

- Where are we going?
- As far away as possible.

To the sea?

I know a better place.

- Damn. Wait, I forgot my bag.
- What is it?

Stay here, I'll be right back.

"Cum" in the ablative case can be
a relative or absolute complement.

- Can I go to the toilet?
- Can't you wait?

It's urgent.

I used to always come here
during the summer as a kid.

- It took me a while to learn how to swim.
- Why?

I thought there were monsters.

Well, I'm feeling brave today.

I'm sorry about the other night.

Saverio shouldn't have crossed that line.

No, he really shouldn't have.

But from now on,
everything will be different, okay?

I swear, this time I won't forgive him.

You're too important to me.

I ask myself how you manage
to come to school...

to live with your father,
to come here with me.

How do I do it? I screw up, constantly.

The only thing I did right was sending you
that message the day before yesterday.

It seems crazy that we're here together.


Because you've always kept me
at a distance.

I keep everyone at a distance.

I need to go back home.

It's the best for everyone.

Not for me.

I was about to call the police!

What were you thinking,
leaving school like that?

Where have you been?

Don't you understand? I was worried sick!


can we talk?

Come in.

What's going on?

I paid the school fees this morning.

I don't give a damn anymore.

I don't want to go to that school anymore.

That's fine by me, sweetheart.


But the money, where did you get it?

Don't worry, Mom.
I just asked Dad for it again.

You don't think your father...

will want it back?

Everything's fine.

I'm sorry about the accident.

I wish I could do something.

Maybe if you had replied the other night,
we would have come here.

You could have mentioned it
when I saw you.

- You never give me any signs.
- Writing to you was a sign.

Sure, writing to me
while you were with my best friend.

- Why were you with her, anyway?
- Because you had shit going on.

- And I have my own shit to deal with.
- Sorry, I'll turn it off.

If that's the case,
I've still got shit going on. So?

So, I've put that guy into a coma, and
I don't know what the hell to do, okay?


Try not to worry.

- Try not to worry. We'll sort it out.
- How, Chiara?

You think we can jump into
your mini-car and everything will be fine?

Don't you understand,
it's not that simple for me.

- You don't know shit about me.
- Maybe you're right.

- Why were you in that car?
- They dragged me into it.

They asked me to drive, and I did.
Why does it matter?

It matters because you crashed that
f*cking car and now you're walking away.

Ludovica was in the car, too. She was
in the back with the guy who's in a coma.

At first, they were laughing,
joking around.

Then he started touching her
and she didn't want it.

That's why I crashed the car. If I hadn't
have done it, he would have r*ped her.

I have to go.

After that, I never had much time
to do anything because...

I got married and became pregnant.

Your accident must have been
a real tough blow.


A lot of people said it was a sign
that I should stop.

What do you think?


Maybe a part of me
had wanted to stop for some time.

I don't believe in signs.

It's just an excuse for people
who are scared.

Scared of what?

You can't control everything. Sometimes
things just happen, and that's it.

What's that?

Did you draw one too?

I don't do stupid shit like that.


Here you are, at last!
How come your hair is wet?

- I went for a swim in the lake.
- Who did you go with?

- What, are you going out again?
- Yes. Don't wait up for me. Bye.


She just does as she pleases now.

We were the same at her age. No?


- Aren't you going out tonight?
- No.


I left her.



Come in.

Is Ludo here?

Yes, she's asleep.

Please, come on in.

- Is this a bad time?
- No, it's a bit late but...

Do you want a glass of wine?

No. No, thanks.

Listen, what's going on?

Ludo's been acting
very strangely recently.

Nothing. Everything's fine.

Can I sleep here?

- Yes, of course.
- Thanks.

I'm happy that Ludo has a friend like you.

Good night.

What's happened?

Saverio is dead because of you.

Now you'll do as I say.


I gave it to her as a present.

- Where are you going?
- Back to Grandma's.

Don't run away, Damiano.
You're making a mistake.

Why shouldn't I?

Because you'd make the same mistake as me.

I didn't even have the courage
to go to the funeral.

You should have thought of it earlier,
when I needed you.

- Why didn't you tell me about Saverio?
- I was ashamed.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have left you.

- It's not your fault.
- Nor yours.

You mustn't be ashamed.

I went over to him, like an idiot.

So, what?

He had no right
to start molesting you, Ludo.

If I'd been more sober,
I would have given him a beating.

He'd be in the cemetery now,
not in the hospital.

I can't believe that Fiore
didn't defend you.

He even had the courage to tell me
that he cares about you.

What a jerk.

When Damiano told me,
I came here immediately.

How's it going with him?

We kissed.

It was wonderful.
I've never felt that way before.

And so?

He's leaving.

I don't know, Ludo.

I just can't feel okay
about this situation.

Why didn't you tell him?

Because it's my business.

And yours.

And that's how I want it to stay.

Maybe I'm the one who's wrong.

Nonsense! Don't even say that.

Are you coming tonight?

Come on. Come on.

All right. But there's something
I need to do first.


The girls were worthless, Fiore.

The girls were worthless? If you want
to come in, you have to pay me 5000 euro.

- I'll pay you.
- Plus 5000 from the last time.

I'll pay that right now. No problem.

- You deal with them. Here she is!
- I thought about it

- and you were a real assh*le.
- Why?

You should have protected me from Saverio.

That's over and done with, Ludo.

- Now...
- Now nothing!

- You should have protected me in that car!
- Ludo, you don't understand.

Things have really changed.

It's too late.
I never want to hear from you again!

Oh, yeah?

Then give me back the 6000
for the school fees, bitch!

Let's say that after yesterday, it's 5500.

How's school going?

Fine, fine.

Yes, I think it's going fine.

You think?

Well, yes.

I'm doing okay, you know that.

Of course. You always walk the line,
but you manage to get by.

Because I'm good at improvising, Dad.


It's one thing to improvise
in front of teachers during an exam,

it's another thing to do that in front
of a principal and risk getting expelled.

This morning I caught
a first-year student smoking a joint.

It's no big deal, it often happens.

But then he said something
that shocked me.

Fabio, what's so funny?

I'm gay.

I like guys, Dad.

And you've never realized.


Fabio, listen, wait.

- Can't we talk about this?
- Everything can't be like you want.

If you opened your eyes, you might realize
just how many things are messed up.

Fabio, you're not messed up.

I'm not talking about me.

Keep going, keep going.

We're almost there. One last step.

Watch out.

Here we are.

- Hooray for Camilla!
- Yeah, Camilla!

You're a real jerk!

Do you like it?

- Sooner or later, you'll get suspended.
- That's for sure.

But before leaving
you had to do something illegal.

Thank you.

Go on, go and have some fun.

Do you like it?

It's brilliant.


You know he'd freak out at just
the thought of doing something like this.

We haven't made a toast yet.
It's your party, too.

I'm not leaving anymore.

Are you kidding?

We've been planning this for months.

It's always been your dream, not mine.

Forget what I said to you.
It'll be different there.

For now, I'm happy here.

I want to stay.

Fine, but if you change your mind later,
don't come running to me.


- Shall we have a drink?
- Sure.

She's becoming like Pudding Bowl, too.

Chiara's not like that.

Not like that.

- Look, Camilla.
- Not now, Brando.

Camilla, it's important. Look.


- To Collodi.
- To Collodi.

We haven't done anything
like this for a while.

You've no idea how difficult it was
to persuade the caretaker.

I even had to give him 100 euros.

Do you fancy making a video?

Virginia, why do you always have to post
every single thing that you do?

I meant a video of us doing it,
like old times.

Maybe I shouldn't tell you, but...

I'm so happy you're staying.

Me too.

Shame you don't have
Saverio's phone anymore.

You've no idea how much I'd have loved
to mess with all his contacts!

- Yes, it's a shame.
- No.

"The blonde is beautiful,
what's her name?"

What will we answer?

Give it here.



See you upstairs, okay?




Hi. I'm Alessio.


Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?

Where is that g*dd*mn phone?
Where is that g*dd*mn phone?

Sorry, I think it's getting late.
I have to go.

If you're 16 and live in Rome's
most beautiful neighborhood, you're lucky.

Ours is the best possible world.

We're immersed
in a wonderful see-through fish t*nk,

but we long for the sea.

That's why, to survive...

we need a secret life.