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04x01 - Firestarter

Posted: 10/15/08 19:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on ghost whisperer...

Melinda: there's a door in the archives that leads to the tunnels.

Wait a minute, are you saying What i think you're saying?

Let's have a baby.

Oh! Oh, god, i love you.

Melinda: what?

That's weird.

There's six of us, but there's only five shadows.

Are you ok?

Promise me something. Anything.

That no matter how long it takes, We never stop trying to get pregnant.

I promise.

Ok. Even after we're pregnant, we have to keep trying.

Check the fine print. I think it's in the wedding vows.

Come on.

Do you think that delia noticed I didn't have any wine with dinner tonight?

No. I don't think she did.

But maybe you should tell her we're trying.

She is your best friend, huh?

It's just such a letdown, you know?

Every time it doesn't happen, i-

I don't want to let her down, too.

Hey, it's gonna happen.

We've only been trying 4 months.

I know.

Oh, no.

Clancy, yeah.

Right. Ok.

I'll be there in 5 minutes.

There's a multiple victim fire at rockland university, One of the office buildings.

Did they which office building?


Jim: honey, i'm gonna go check with the commander.

Melinda: excuse me, have you seen rick payne?

Professor payne?

Hey, what do we got?

Has anyone seen rick payne?

I have, but usually when i'm standing in front of a mirror.

You're ok. Yeah.

I'm more than ok. I mean, ask around. You'll hear that-

So why the hell didn't you answer your phone?!

Melinda, i talked you on the telephone an hour ago!

I talked to you inside my home.

What would make you think that i was in that building?

Get the paddles ready.

Oh. The shadow thing.

You thought it was a bad omen, huh?

You thought my number was up.

But i'm ok. I'm here.

I should have called you.

That's what a friend would have done.

A friend would have done more than that.

Jim: charging.

What just happened? Clear.

Let's do it again.

Let's try 200.


Nothing. Give me 360.

Jim: clear. Clear.

Jim: i see life.

Yes, we got him.

Yeah, he's responsive.

I see life.

That's what i see.

Check his blood pressure, huh?

Man: please, help me out.

Congratulations on saving that guy.

Nice job. Well done.


How long has this been going on?

Ever since he regained consciousness.

Who is he?

His name's eli james.

He's a psychology professor With a therapy practice at the university.

His office was in the building that burned.

Are his eyes ok?

Yeah, it's just swelling from the smoke.

He's fine.

How long has he lived in grandview?

I don't know. Why?

And so it caught me, like, horrifically, And then i-

Eli, my name is melinda gordon.

Oh, uh...

Sorry if i don't get up.

This is my friend fiona.


Nice to meet you.

Should i know that name?

We've never met before, Which is... odd, in a way.

Why? Are you in the psych department?


Gambler's anonymous?

No. Wait.

If you're that girl from the electric shock study, Those electrodes were not supposed to-

Ok, it's ok, eli, I understand. I...

I can talk to them, too.

Talk to who?


If you work in the hospital, This is definitely not post-Trauma counseling protocol.

No one told you. Told me what?

You know what, it's really better if i-

Told me what?

Eli, fiona died In that fire with you.

They couldn't bring her back, i'm so sorry.

Where's fiona?

I just told you.

She's dead.

Then who was i talking to?

You were talking to her ghost.

Ghost whisperer s04e01

So do you think he's another one like you?

And that's what brought him to grandview, Like your mom and gabriel and all those others?

I don't think so.

There's something different about him.

I don't think he's here for the same reasons i am.

And i'm guessing that you're wishing I wouldn't have brought ned into this.

No, i-I wish i knew how to participate, But it's like you're speaking some strange foreign language.

I understand the words, but it all...

Adds up to gibberish.

So what do you know about the ghost?

She was one of his patients.

They were caught in the fire together.

He was revived. I wish i knew more.

Yeah, like what they were doing together in his office at 10 p.M.

Well, that part i understood.

Melinda: hey.

Mind if i come in?

Melinda, hey.

How are you doing?

You're asking me that?

You're the one with the ghost problem.

No, i'm the one with post traumatic stress.

I lost a patient, and in case you forgot, I kinda died.

It takes a lot less to make someone think you heard voices.

Sounds very rational.

Look, if this is a cry for help, i can help you-

With your depression, your anxiety.

Even your self-Esteem issues.

But i gotta tell you, I don't do well with your type of nut job.

My type of nut job?

Yeah. Bizarre beliefs, superstitious behavior.

People use that to hide from their real problems, ok?

I don't have the patience, you might say.

Wow. Is this the kind of bedside manner That they're teaching these days?

I'm sorry.

I like to keep it real.

So i take it you haven't seen anymore ghosts?

Safe assumption. That's a lie!

Really? You can see through my eyes?

You're a mind reader now?

You're telling the truth.

I'm telling the truth, i'm lying, Make up your mind, lady.

You can't see them, but you can hear them.

Say that again.

Why don't you tell him?

Whenever i talk to him, he shouts at the nurses to quiet down, Acting like i'm not here.

But i know he hears me.

I can see him reacting.

Why won't he listen to me?

Because he doesn't want to believe it.

Because if it's true and he hears you, Then he might be a nut job.

I think we're done here, ok?

You can't just shut them out.

It's only going to get worse.

Look, i can help you. Just please-

It's not just that he had never heard ghosts before this.

I was there. Ok, i saw eli's spirit Leave his body and then come back.

I've never seen anything like it.

Oh, and that's why i'm giving you these books.

These books cover all of that and more, ok?

Paranormal phenomena, myths, theories about the beyond.

You're all right.

How come everyone is trying to get away from me?

Ah, finally, the real issue, Instead of this ghost story that you're hiding behind.

Yeah, i have enough shrinks in my life, thank you.

Melinda, i'm not a very sensitive guy, ok?

It once took a girlfriend
6 months to break up with me

'Cause i thought she was expressing disbelief Every time she said, "get out."

Even i can tell you're upset.

I am not upset.

There is nothing about me that is upset, ok?

You're leaving for a sabbatical in a few days For some new, important find in the himalayas, And i am very happy for you. What more do you want?

I'm glad we had this chat.

It was very refreshing, cleansing.

You'd like to know why this eli character, all of a sudden, He can hear ghosts, right?

Right. And it obviously has something to do With him dying and then coming back.

It has everything to do with that.

N.D.E. Literature is chock full of stories like his.

N.D.E., you mean near death experience?

Yeah. Uh, here's how it usually works-

You die, you come back to life, And in some very rare cases, There's a, uh, a thread That connects you to where you were, A tether, if you will.

So how come he can hear ghosts but he can't see them?

Some n.D.E.S can see the ghosts, Some can hear them, some can even smell them, And that's the worst because everything on the other side Smells like stinky, rotten eggs.

Ugh. And that's permanent?

It varies, it varies.

Sometimes your senses got strong As your brain processes the new input, Other times the thread snaps, And you're just a poor, sightless mole like me.

Your friend eli, not universally liked here at school.

Who doesn't like him?

A lot of people.

But most of members of the "i don't like that guy eli" fan club Are in his own department.

They think he's a bit of a cowboy.

Breaks a lot of rules, Which normally i would applaud... but?

But they say he does so at the expense of his patients.

You keep thinking every new day Will be different, But it never is.

Day after day-


After day-

After day-

Hey, buddy. After day-

You said you wanted a shot of something. What will it be?

I'm sorry. I can't hear you.

I already turned down the music.

What's your problem?


I think maybe you need to call somebody.

You think?

Look! Whoever you people are, I can't help any of you!

Especially if i'm under a bus, And that's my next stop!

Everybody just shut up!

You're the one who called me?

Yeah, he said you might be able to help.

He scared all my business away, i had to call the police.

Well, you can call the police back And tell them everything's going to be ok.

Who are you, his doctor?

I know this is gonna sound strange, But if you want your bar back-

Hey, do whatever you have to.


Ok, everyone, let's quiet down.

Quiet down.

I said quiet!

Look, you all want help, And i really understand that.

But it's gonna have to happen one at a time, And later or not at all.

Or not at all!

Now leave us alone.


Sometimes it helps to pretend it's real.

How did you get them to listen to you?

I just told them that i would do the same for them later.

Yeah, great, but how do you keep them from coming back?

You don't.

Who are you?

Hmm, it's a long story.

Let's have a seat.

So the good news is, i'm not dead.

The bad news is, i'm going to have to spend the rest of my life Listening to people who are?

And helping them.

It's how they can get peace, And you can get a little for yourself.

You said it might change over time, Like the ghost voices might go away?

Anything is possible, yes.

Any chance i can speed up that process?

I mean, with like a baseball bat to my head?

Some meds?

My mother tried everything but the baseball bat, And trust me, it's not a good way to go.

I think you're looking at this the wrong way.


What you have is a gift.

Yeah, from someone who really hates me.


Fiona, you're back.

Tell eli how he can help you.

I want him to know i don't blame him.

Blame him? What is she talking about?

Man: excuse me...

Are you eli james?

And friends.

Who are you?

Detective neely.

You're wanted for questioning In connection to the death of fiona raine.

Melinda: what makes him so sure it was arson?

They're not sure about anything, But they found accelerant traces near the point of origin.

And that would be near eli's office?

Right outside.

So he's a suspect?

No, officially he's a "person of interest."

They don't have enough evidence to hold him here.

But unofficially?

Unofficially, they're trying to figure out If he had a reason to burn down his own office.

I think it had something to do With the argument people heard.

Between he and fiona.

You know, payne said that he has A really bad reputation at school.

And there's the ghost.

And what about her?

Right before the police came in, She said that she didn't blame him.

Blame him for what? Who knows?

But she's a ghost.

I'll see you at home?

Mm-Hmm. Ok.

So is it true?

Did you start the fire?


But thanks for asking.

You know, we need to talk about fiona.

I can shrink my own head, thanks.

Look, i told you if she's not in the light, That she's obviously here for a reason.

So she needs something from you.

Not to mention what you need from her.

Oh, what's that?

Well, if you didn't start that fire, She may be the only one who can prove it.

Ok, look. Let's just pretend for a minute That this whole thing isn't nuts.

And neither are you.

Or me. What am i supposed to do?

Start telling the truth.

And all of it.

At first, when we met in my office, She would just sit there with her arms folded and glare at me.

So i shook it up.

I knew she liked horses, So i took her to the track.

And she started to talk.

What were you treating her for?

General attachment issues. I was helping her dump An on again-Off again boyfriend named ken Who'd been messing with her head since high school.

Did the boyfriend know that you were talking to her?

I don't think so.

She moved a few towns away to put distance between them.

She rents a place here with roommates that she met through school.

A dead-End, long-Distance relationship.

That's how co-Dependent they were.

She even asked my advice on treatment for him.

Do you think he could be the one who started the fire?

This guy's got a lot of problems, But arson's not one of them.

What kind of problems?

This guy never met a cult or superstition he didn't like.

He once kept fiona on the phone all night Because an aura reader convinced him She was seeing another man.

Was she?

Eli, did you get involved with your patient?


But she was coming down with a classic case of transference.

So she was falling in love with you?

Night of the fire, I just told fiona i couldn't treat her anymore.

She freaked.

That's why we were at my office so late.

She called and said she had to see me.

People heard you arguing.

What happened?

I told i would refer her to one of my colleagues.

She said she only wanted to see me.

I kept telling her that couldn't happen.

She just kept yelling.

Then what?

Smoke started coming under the door, And i remember it was so thick, It felt like my lungs were on fire.

Next thing i knew, I guess i was dead.

This is our other roommate.

Christian, melinda.

She was just asking about fiona-

Hi, nice to meet you.

And eli.


I take it you guys are not big fans of eli.

We don't want to get anyone in trouble.

That's ok. I'm not the police or the press, so...

What don't you like about him?

Well, he was her shrink, right?

Yes. Hmm.

He sure didn't act like one.

Can you be more specific?

Shrinks are supposed to have, like, Office hours, right?

It's usually how it works.

Well, this guy, he'd come by at all different times, Day and night, Taking her to restaurants, bars.

It was so obvious something was going on.

Something romantic?

Heh. He sure wished it was.

What about fiona?

She liked the attention.

The drinks were free.

And that's as far as it went with her?

Definitely. For sure.

She has lots of pictures of the three of you, But no family photos.

Do you know where she might keep them?

I don't know.

But i only moved in in the spring.

You guys have been roommates for longer.

Did she ever talk about that stuff with you?

Fiona: eli, no...


Fiona: please...


Make it stop.

Make what stop?


Make her leave us alone, or I'll make her, Like i made you.

Ghosts have the ability to manipulate energy, Especially angry ghosts.

This one seems to have done it a lot like Sunshine through a magnifying glass.

So you think this is a pattern Because fiona had a history of arson?

She burned down the house That she was living in when she was 12.

How come the police didn't know this?

How come we didn't know about this?

'Cause she was so young, There was never any charges.

There was never any criminal record.

But she was a ward of the state, And it went into family service's files.

As her therapist, I had access to those files.

So that's why she didn't have any family pictures, Because she didn't have a family.

They died when she was a 3.

The house that she burned down was her foster father's.

I take it she wasn't too fond of the guy.

Or his physical and mental abuse.

Where does he live now, an ashtray?

He was out of the house when she burned it down.

But she made her point.

She got placed with another family.

Why didn't you say anything before?

Because i-I thought she started that fire because of me.

I think she died because of me.

How could she have started it?

She was with you in the same room.

I don't know.

A homemade device with a fuse hanging out, She dropped it off at the front right before she came in.

So you think that she wanted to k*ll you.

Or at least thr*aten me, Like she did her foster father.

But she had no idea the fire was going to spread.

Ok, so you feel responsible, why come clean now?

Last night, i...

I heard her voice again.

She was making threats.

I warned you about this.

Against you.

She said, "tell her to leave us alone, Or I'll do the same thing to her that i did to you."

Ok. So we need to get her to cross over.

She's obviously sticking around For some reason, and it's not to apologize to eli.

Here's something very mysterious.

How come all your notes smell like beer?

Because they were on fire.

The bottle was closer than the extinguisher.

I'm smelling a pilsner, Maybe something czech.

Not bad. I went to college.

Ok. We know that she's haunting someone.

We can't find the boyfriend.

What about the foster dad?

Yeah, he's the first person she tried to cook.

He died 6 years ago, heart attack, i think.

Good riddance, if you ask me.

How did fiona get along with her foster families afterwards, Were there any more problems?

No, she was a good girl.

She was one of my favorites.

Wish i could have done more for her.

Do you know why we're asking these questions?

It's about the fire at rockland u.

Some people think fiona started it.

Is there a reason maybe they shouldn't?

You know what, Forget we asked. I'm sorry.

You shouldn't have to violate patient confidentiality.

Screw confidentiality.

Those rules are there to protect those kids, And they're not protecting fiona.

Look, I'm not saying arson's a good way to solve anything, But there were three other fosters in that home.

I sure wish we'd known what was going on.

If Fiona started that fire, She didn't just save herself, she saved all of their lives.

And if she didn't...

You keep saying "if."
Do the math.

One kid was younger, 2 kids were older.

Old enough to be tried as adults?

Can you give us their names?

I can't.

But i can tell you this-

After the fire, when i asked fiona what happened, She zipped those lips tight.

But the second the cops started questioning her older siblings, She came right out and practically shouted, "i did it!"

So you're saying you've seen her ghost, But now you can't find her, so you came here?

Sometimes spirits attach themselves to places they know.

I thought maybe i could find her in her bedroom.

That still doesn't tell me why he's here.

I, um...

I can talk to them, too.


I know, it sounds nuts.

I still think so myself.

Do you really expect us to believe that-

I believe him. What?

Ever since fi died, We've both had this feeling...

I don't know how to describe it, Bubut somehow we felt her.

Haven't we, marley?

And that's because she's still here.

But she doesn't belong here. She really needs to cross over.

Well, go talk to her then.

Christian! Why not?

What is the harm?

Oh, one favor.

She has this cd.

Could you ask her if it'd be ok If i was to keep it, Before we release the rest of her stuff?

We'd be happy to.


If you're nearby and you can hear me, We really need to talk to you.

What do you want from me?

The same as i always did.

I want to help you.

Since when did you ever help anyone?

Look, we need to know the truth.

Did you start the fires or didn't you?

It was outside his office.

I knew he'd be in there. Who else would have started it?

I wasn't talking about that fire.

I was talking about the one at your foster dad's house.

I started both.

Why work so hard to make me think you're an arsonist?

Why work so hard to make me think you really cared about me?

Come on, this is serious.

This isn't a game.

That's funny, coming from you.

I just remember something.

What you said to eli, you said, "leave us alone." Isn't that right?

Back in my apartment, yes.

Ok, so then who's the "us," fiona?

Because at first, i thought it had to do with you and eli, but now-

I started those fires.

Don't make me start more.

Look, if you're hiding something Or someone, we're not the police.

Ok? We don't want to-

Eli: whoa, what just happened?

Melinda: she's gone.

What if she's telling the truth?

She's covering for someone. Maybe it's that boyfriend, But i just think it has something to do with that first fire, you know, Like a foster kid.

We have to find out who else lived in that house.

Guess i won't take anything out today.

"Structure empty at time of fire.

"Occupants later accounted for.

Owner tom moody"-

"Minors female, 12 years, Female, 16 years, male, 18 years."


It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

You were just trying to be a good sister.

Which one are you covering for, him or her?

I warned you. Stay away.

I'll move on when you will.

Maybe some things are better off left alone, You ever think about that?

Fiona, no.

I'm sorry.

I really am, But you brought this on yourself, And now you have to pay the price.

That was a longshot, anyway.

Without a court order, The county keeps family service records sealed.

Why hasn't melinda called by now?

She must have found something.

Maybe she has called.

Have you checked your esp-Mail?

I don't know what's crazier, The fact that she believes in all this stuff, Or the fact that i believe her.

I heard that. It doesn't change the fact That she's the most amazing person i've met since...

She's the most amazing person i've ever met.

I hear that, too.

Yeah. What's so significant about these notes, eli?

Fiona always described him in so much detail, But she never used his last name.

He, who's he?

Her boyfriend. And something else, How was he packing up her stuff when there were no boxes?

He who? You said you never met him.

Christian, the roommate.

He said he was piling up her stuff So he could release it.

Release it? That's the word he used, release?

Yeah. I found that odd at the time.

The whole thing was. Releasing her stuff, But wanting to keep some random folk music cd?

What kind of folk music?

African, i think. Ok.

But what did he put her things in if it wasn't boxes?

He had some kind of metal tub.

Didn't you say her boyfriend was into the occult, And weird beliefs?

Yeah, why? Well, it was an african custom, Part of the yoruba tradition, Where possessions of someone who's passed prematurely Are set fire to.

That way it'll release their spirit.

You know, why else would he use a metal tub Unless he was going to tie-Dye everything?

She said her boyfriend lived out of town.

Well, what if she made that part up?

What if she had no boyfriend?

What if she had all the problems she told you about, But with someone she wasn't romantically involved with?

Someone she wanted to get away from, But she didn't know how to.

Who she felt she needed to protect at the same time.

I think we already know this quote, unquote boyfriend.

And the foster brother.

And they're both.


What are you doing here?

Here, Breathe through this, ok?

Because you could get k*lled.

That's the whole idea.

They'll find me, then they'll know the truth.

Christian, look, i get it. Ok, you wanted to protect her And that's why you followed me here.

We took care of each other.

Ok, well, let's tell her that, All right? Let's get out of here, come on.

She wouldn't want you to get hurt.

Then why'd she have to start seeing him?

Because! She needed help for the both of you.

Ok, she just wanted advice from eli.

Come on!

She was trying to get rid of me.

I was more like a family than anyone she ever had!

No, she wanted to help you just like you helped her.

I didn't help her, i k*lled her!

But you didn't mean to.

You didn't want her to talk to eli, isn't that right?

I saw her crying after she talked to him.

I saw what he did to her.

So i went to his office and started the fire.

I was just trying to scare him away.

Like i did in the first fire when we were kids.

Eli needs to hear this, ok?

We just-Let's just get out of here!

She'll never forgive me!

I'm sure that she's already forgiven you!

What are you talking about?

Why do you think She wanted us to believe she was the arsonist?

It's because she loves you.

Ok, because she wanted to protect you.

She's right, christian, listen to her!

She's here! She's here, ok?

She wants you to live, so please, please just take this.


Oh, god, he's dying!

It's too late!

No, it is not too late! All right, go and get eli!

Quick! Christian, come on!

Fiona: eli, i need you. I need you to hear me.

I'm right here in front of you. I need your help, please.

She still hasn't answered. She's not picking up.

There's a fire. I couldn't help them...

Whoa. What?

What was that? The ghost.

The ghost, where? I thought you couldn't see them.

It's right by me. The archives, hurry!

Fiona, is that you?

They need you to come right now.

Slow down, i can't see your lips move.

You have to speak slowly.

They're in trouble, christian and that woman.

Melinda? Where is she?

The archives! Hurry!

Melinda: the tunnel door.

Eli? Eli, what's going on?

I can't understand you.

What's going on at the archives?

Oh, my god, melinda!

Hey, we got a fire at the archives. Gotta go.

You're the one from the hospital.

And the fire, you-

You were there, too.

We're in many places, it's true.


What are you here for?

To watch.

But just now...

You did more than watch. You-You saved me, Didn't you?

We were only returning a favor.

How did i ever help you?

That's not important now.

What's important is you have to understand.

Understand what?

We watch many like you who do what you do But don't understand.

If you're trying to tell me i should stop, You can save yourself.

Understand the price.

You don't know the price.

What price?

You move between the world of life and death.

Like your friend eli, Sometimes you come back from one with a touch of the other.

A touch?

Of death.

Be careful.

It might brush off.

On what?

On what you touch.

Melinda: it's ok. I barely breathed any smoke.

Jim: it's just a precaution.

Look, i used my clothing like you taught me a thousand times.

Stayed low to the ground?

I'm here, aren't i?

Don't i get any credit for that?

Full credit, ok?

All the credit in the world. Do you want anything?

I'll get you some water. Yes.

I'll be right back.

Hey, thanks for letting them have a minute together.

I still don't get a guy tries to k*ll her And all she wants to do is get him help.

Melinda: fiona understands, christian.

She loves and forgives you.

It's time for you to both say good-Bye.

What can i tell you?

That's my wife.

We kept in touch after they put us In different foster homes.

Then after i got a job and my own place, I heard he'd been getting into fights and stuff.

I asked him to move in, But i made him pretend he was just Some roommate i met on the internet.

I was afraid people would figure out Where we came from.

The fire and everything.

What made you decide to get help?

I needed to talk to someone who wouldn't tell anyone.

Christian liked to pretend he was my brother Taking care of his little sister.

But he has so many issues.

After a while, it was just too much for me.

And i have my own issues, too.

Now i feel like i've made everything worse.

How do i know they're not going to send him to jail for k*lling me?

The lawyers say, based on his mental state, He'll stay out of prison.

So he's going to rot in some awful asylum?

Fiona, you have my word, I'll take care of him.

I think with the right medication-

Your word? That's what christian's depending on?

Look, eli's done everything he can for both of you.

No. Fiona's right.

My word hasn't meant much, not to her.

What does that mean?

Remember that night when i called And i told you that we couldn't work together anymore?

But i know, i know you have feelings for me, i know it!

No, no, you are confused.

No, i'm not!

I can feel it.

You are a very nice person.

I've enjoyed our sessions.

But there is nothing more there.

I lied.

There was more.

Much more.

I don't understand.

Fiona, you've seen my apartment.

I have pictures of you everywhere.

Next to all of your other patients, so what?

All that i thought about, Day after day, night after night, Was how i could make you feel better.

If you were unhappy, so was i.

You don't feel that way about all of your other patients?

Fiona, if i cared about them all that much, i'd lose my mind.

If i cared about you any more...

I'd lose my job.


What am i supposed to do with all of that right now?

Take it with you.

Wherever you're going.

What's that light?

That's where you're going.

It's amazing.

You're a really good doctor, you know that?

I'm not so sure.

Be sure.

My heart was broken, And now it's fixed.

She's gone.


Is it always like that?


Sometimes it's better.

Come on.

Hey. Hey.

Everybody got what they wanted?

Perfect. Oh, yeah.

Honey, they're being polite.

Melinda asked for chopsticks, And jim asked for low sodium soy sauce.

Right. Sorry. Sorry. Be right back.

Bad enough you guys make him work at the store too, right?

He needs 2 jobs if he's going to pay For that video game that he's so addicted to.

Which, by the way, he has no time to play.


Do you think i'm hard on him?

No. Not at all. Not us.

You know, parenting is a lot harder than it looks.

And when you two decide to have kids, You will know what i'm talkin' about.


Here's to us finding out someday.


Here, here. Mmm.

Excuse me.

I'll be right back.


What's with that email you sent me?

"Come see me before you leave, if not, be careful."

What, did you have another bad omen?

What's the difference?

I mean, no matter what, you should be careful.

You're going to a third world country.

There's politics, scary food.

You care about me.

That's why you've been so mad.

I figured it out. You don't want me to go.

Of course i care.

A lot?

You care about me a lot.

What do you want me to say?

That you're one of my best friends, And that although i full understand why you have to go, It hurts... to know that you would pick An old pile of artifacts over me?

Yeah, something like that would be nice.


Can i have a hug for the road, Maybe a big squeezy, chesty one?

Don't be an idiot.

I know i pushed it, i knew it.

Don't be an idiot, be safe.

Hey, i'm coming back here, And i'm coming back safe and sound, ok?

I promise you that.
