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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 12/24/22 17:51
by bunniefuu
The small, hard-working beavers

keep the waters
of their valleys clean...

Will you get it, Viola?

No, come on...


- Sir.
- Notte!

- Come in.
- "Denaro lo tentò".


It's an anagram of your name,
it means: "Money tempted him“.

I see.

I heard you had a nice holiday.

I told you I wanted to talk
to Berlusconi.

Fly too close to the sun
and you'll get burnt.

Have you come to fire me?
You can't, I no longer work for you.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday,
we're opening for business again soon.

I persuaded him!

We'll see you at
the Publitalia convention.

See you in Montecarlo.

What's up?

Mum called.

Uncle Fabrizio...

Hey, don't be like this.

He was ill, you saw.

He's no longer suffering now.

I'm not crying about that.

It's because I'll have to go home now.

- You work on Sundays too?
- I've loads of stuff to review.

Lorenzon is testifying
before the Committee.

I need to study.

I'm thirsty.


Don't you recognize me?
It's me, Lucio!

Aren't you going to say hello?

I think I saw you on TV
a while back.

I've made progress with my career.

Great! Congratulations!

I have too, I'm assistant director
of Publitalia now.

And you're still married.

I can see you remember me.

I'm going to Montecarlo next week
for a work convention.

All of TV's best will be there,
even Berlusconi!

If you come with me,
you'll get to meet him.

Five-star hotel, you know...

My boyfriend's coming back.

It's best you go, trust me.

Thank you.

- Who was he?
- Just a guy...

He invited me to Montecarlo
to attend the Publitalia convention.

He wants me to meet Berlusconi
and screw me in a five-star hotel.

And what did you say?

That I already have a man
who takes care of me, right?

- Miss...
- Thank you.

Bibi, wait!


I couldn't do it.

- Leave me alone.
- You didn't change your mind.

They forced you to.

Somebody threatened you,
I'll help you!

Just tell me the truth.
Tell me the truth, Bibi!

The truth is there's no proof
that my father did what you say.

I'm sorry.

- And now you want revenge!
- I want to understand.

Understand what, dammit?

She said she'd help you
then screwed you over.

I'm having another one,
all right?

it's a shit period for me too.

Have you lost more money?

I'm going to a funeral tomorrow.

A colleague.

Who was like a father to me.

- I'm sorry.
- You're sorry...

This isn't why you called me,
how can I help you?

I can't get my head round it.

That account could contain
the proof I need,

it may lead to who Mainaghi
bought the blood from.

And if you don't hurry,
she'll make it disappear.


You know what?
When you've been dealt a shit hand...

the only thing you can rely on
is psychology.

Someone must have it in for
Miss Mainaghi, right?

What's happened to your witness,
Honorable Bosco?

He's coming, he was held up.

- He's coming.
- I'm sorry,

but if the witness
Massimo Lorenzon doesn't show up,

I'm afraid that your investigation...

If my colleagues agree,
I propose we move on

to the next point on our agenda.

Waiting for Godot!

Call Lorenzon.

Massimo Lorenzon, first floor.
Move it.

- He's left.
- Like f*ck he has! Lorenzon!

He left last night,
with his suitcase.

Three men came to get him.

- Three men came to get him?
- Yes.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

The public prosecutor knows about
our money in Switzerland.

He's reopening the investigation.

- How did he find out?
- Don't you ever make mistakes?

Is your mistake called Luca Pasture?

I see you all know plenty
about my private life, that's great.

What does one do in these cases?

It's very simple...

You just need to find someone
who takes 5 billion off the books

and makes it disappear,
simple as that.

- Is there someone who can do that?
- Yes, a revenue officer friend.

- What kind of revenue officer?
- Those who don't leave their cards.

I see you know a lot of criminals.

If there weren't any bad people,
there'd be no good lawyers.

- Maggioni!
- What can I do for you?

What have you done to Lorenzon?
Did you make him disappear?

You think we kidnapped him?
Your friend is fine.


We look after our men.

Even when they make
unfounded accusations.

This is the best clinic in Europe.

Lorenzon will receive top treatment,
at our expense.

If you don't believe me,
go to Switzerland to check.

Pastore, why are you here?


Zaffra, Davigo is sending out
the arrest warrant.

Did you have a good trip?

Borsellino was on that black list too.

Why was he still in Palermo?

I don't know,
maybe it was his decision to stay.

Or maybe they didn't warn him.

I'm losing sleep over it.

This country can't change.

They're doing their best
to prevent it.

There's no point in trying,
it's useless.

Those who try, die.

You're changing this country.

They won't allow us to, Pastore.

I'll be next door,
switch everything off when you leave.

I'm not leaving.

I'm not going to disappear.

Milan 's prosecutor has issued
5 more arrest warrants

for 5 industrialists.

Zaffra 's in valved in the inquiry
into illegal party financing

and the subway contracts.

Wasn't that our exit?

Call your mother,

tell her we'll go directly
to the funeral tomorrow.

Beef up the security here,
anyone can walk in.

Zeno Mainaghi, right?

What was your father thinking
calling you Zeno...

like that guy in the book
who can never make decisions.

Your father knew who you were
before you were born.

- What do you want? Who are you?
- But he still trusted you.

So much so you were joint signatory
on all of his bank accounts.

you didn't deserve his trust.

So he chose your sister.

You've done your homework.
ls this the story of my life?

Yes, but now comes
the interesting part.

You can seek revenge.

Do you want to take
your sister's place?

I'm giving you an opportunity.

I'm thirsty.


- Where the hell is he?
- I know you have a Swiss account.

So, let's do this...

You grant me free access
to that account...

and I'll repair your reputation.

"Young Mainaghi, after refusing
to join in the family's corrupt affairs,

decides to help the judges
and after making a clean sweep,

he takes back what's rightfully his...


Bring me some water, sparkling.

Right away!

And see the gentleman out.

I know the way.

- You're leaving?
- It's a work trip.

A couple of days.

Aren't you forgetting something?


We made a deal.

- You said you'd help me.
- I don't have time now.

- I'm the one who has no time!
- I've more important things to do.

Plus I don't want to be an ass-licker
in order to get you work.

If you walk out, I'm leaving!

I'll go to Montecarlo.

I shouldn't have beaten that actor up.

He was right to call you a slut.

That's what you are, a slut.

You like being with a slut,
it's paying that bothers you.

Do whatever you f*cking want!

My condolences.

- My condolences.
- Thank you.

I'm sorry.


- I came as soon as I could.
- Don't worry.

This is Leo, Viola's father.
Rocco, Fabrizio's friend.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Now I'm the only one
who knows your secret.

Bye, Marina.

I'm sorry.

- My condolences.
- Thank you.

- For Viola, anything you need...
- Thanks.

You've been great with her.

I wasn't expecting it.

- I'm very sorry.
- Thank you.

Here we are!

Come on, don't look at me like that.

It's better to suffer
when you're young,

your immune system gets strong
and then you'll live happily.

I'll miss your cynicism.

Don't worry, it runs in the family.



They wilt so quickly in this heat.

- A friend of hers?
- An acquaintance.

I've not seen you here before.

I haven't come back
to Bologna in ages.

Too many memories.

I live off my memories,
I come every week.

- I can't help it.
- Bianca would be happy.

If anyone ever forgot about her,
she went nuts.

For an acquaintance,
you knew her well.

"Her, so loved".

Orpheus and Eurydice.

- Do you know the poem?
- No.

It's beautiful.

But there's a version of the myth
that I prefer.

"The lnconsolable One", by Pavese.

Forgive me, I'm a retired teacher.

What's it about?

When Orpheus descends into Hades
to bring Eurydice back to life,

and he turns to look at her,

sending her back into the darkness...

He didn't do it by accident, no.

He did it on purpose.

To make her disappear for good,

to be rid of her.

He hadn't gone down there
to look for his beloved,

but to find himself.

We all have to descend
into our own hell, at least once.


There he is.

- Why are you here?
- I've come to ask you that!

Please, no shouting!

All right, don't worry, it's fine.

- Well...
- What?

Massimo, I stuck my neck out for you,

I risked my reputation
in front of everyone.

I did it because you asked me to.

And you left me there
all alone like a fool?

You're coming with me to testify,

I don't know why I got ill.

If it was the depleted uranium,
S*ddam's oil wells...

or my neighbor
with his asbestos roof.

I just kicked up a fuss
so they'd help me.


You let them buy you.

No. I'm letting them cure me.

Go ahead and judge me.

I can understand
that you're mad at me.

I didn't want to get you involved.

But if there's any hope of survival,
it's thanks to this place.


Shit, I should've known!

Once a coward, always a coward.

You're a coward, Massimo.

- Hello?
- It's me.

I'm coming home.

I won't be here.

- Where are you going?
- You know where, anything to say?

I've got a plane to catch and a career
to think of, seeing no one else will.

- Hello?
- Know what they let me do?

- Who is this?
- Public relations.

Like all I can do
is organize parties, like a fool.

- Zeno, is that you?
- We 're leaving at' .9 A.M. Be ready.

- I don't have any money.
- I don't have any money!

Look what I found!
You kept it, didn't you?

You're an assh*le!
Why are you here?

- Give me that, idiot.
- Take it.

Are you drunk?
You stink of alcohol.

- You're slow.
- Are you nuts?

- You're slow.
- Put it away, it might be loaded.

Happy now?

Even though I work in Parliament,
I'm still an idiot.

Give it to me, come on.

I've got my own damn problems!
A client who owed me went bust.

Those bastards at the bank
won't give me any credit.

I'll have to close shop for good.

And this dimwit
is playing with g*ns!

Don't worry, I'm going anyway.

You can't drive to Rome
in that state!

Hasn't life taught you anything?

I'm on my own this time, right?

Even if I k*ll myself...

I feel so bad about Milo.

I'm sorry!

Pietro, what the...

What are you doing?


Wake up, come on!

Hold on...


Careful, come on!
You weigh a ton!

- Put this leg in, come on!
- I feel dizzy, wait a minute.

Feet in, come on.

My dear Bosco...

you need to understand that in Italy
if you want to cover something up

the best way to do it is
to start a parliamentary inquiry.

I've ended up
looking like an assh*le.

I wanted to do something good.

- I'm just an assh*le.
- Enough!

Self-pity is one of the few things
that's forbidden in this house.

With Veronica too...

What happened?

- She left?
- I let her down.

That's what we men do to women,
we let them down.

Never mind.

She wanted me to help her
get some TV work.

I don't want to do certain things
to get her work.

Plus, even if I did,
I know jack shit about TV!

That's not a problem.

It wouldn't be the first time
I've helped out a girl in need.

Quite the opposite...

Pizzetti? It's Gaetano Nobile.

I'm calling
because my friend's girlfriend...

needs to find work.
Her name's Veronica.


Nice to meet you, have a seat.

We understand the difficulties,
Mr De Boer.

But we can transfer the money today

and hope that you can receive it

and help us
like you have in the past.

I have fond memories
of Mr Mainaghi.

A man with great experience.

My condolences.

De Boer is a Dutch name, right?

My father is Dutch.

I grew up in Paris.

Now that Michele Mainaghi's gone,

we have to reorganize the company.

- As a matter of caution...
- You're asking me to enter

a house in flames
and bring out the silverware.

Why should I agree to get burnt?

The reward would be substantial.

- Afstandsbediening.
- Pardon?

is the only Dutch word I know.

- It means "remote control".
- Bibi, can you not get distracted?

You see, Arnaldi...

my work has one
fundamental precondition: discretion.

And there are too many eyes
watching you right now.

It'll seem like a paradox...

but I only help those
who don't need to be helped.

It's a pleasure to see you again.

And I'm sorry you've come
all this way for nothing.

Now, if you'll excuse me...


You know you're risking your life?

Is that a threat?

I don't like this situation.

I found myself in it.

But if I'm risking getting shot

then so will you
and your g*dd*mn discretion.

The silverware isn't ours.
You know whose it is, right'?

You'd better find a way
of moving the silverware

from the burning house
to a safe, isolated house.

Otherwise we'll all get hurt.


It's gone.

There's no account,
it was closed five hours ago.

You let her screw you over.

And I'm here like an idiot!
ls this what the law does?

You and I never met.

Who's that sitting with Dell'Utri?

He's... Leonardo Notte.

A jerk,
Dell'Utri's taken a shine to him...

It's really strange.

I still don't understand
what they do in that office.

They have to help increase business
for the company,

like we're here doing nothing.

He tried to steal my job,
but he failed.

I'll be right back, excuse me.

Excuse me.

Lucio Corradi, assistant director.

A big shot!

I've missed you.

- How's Viola?
- Fine.

I took her back to her mum's.

You do that with all the girls.

As soon as you feel anything,
you send them away.

I didn't send you away.

I fell in love with you.

Or I was about to.

Are you speechless for once?

You know why beavers build dams?

Here we go... this is the Leo I know.

Because their teeth
never stop growing.

So they chew on wood
to keep them short.

Are you comparing me to a beaver?

I wanted to take you with me
that night with Lucidi.

But then what would've happened?

It would've been nice for a while.
We'd have been happy, perhaps.

Then you'd have started chewing
on wood, it's in your nature.

We'll never know that.

Thanks to you.

Good evening,
like all evenings it's evening,

so this evening too I'll say:

good evening!

Tonight my role is an unusual one,

it's not very special, but substantial.

My role tonight is that of a goat.

You'll be thinking: why a goat?

Allow me to explain.

Before an important race,
what do they put next to racehorses?

They put goats with them,
because they're meek animals,

animals that keep
thoroughbreds calm.

They make them feel powerful
and at that same time advise them.

So: I'm the goat

but who is the thoroughbred?

You all know him and you'll all want
to call him with me

because he is:

Silvio Berlusconi!

Here he is!

Our president!

Hello, Silvio.

My friends,
some say there's a recession,

but it's just an alibi.

The future is bright,
if we can imagine it so.

If we have faith
in the direction of our dreams.

If we're still here it's because
we haven't stopped moving forwards

and Italy must regain faith in itself
and get back on its feet.

It's time to help Italy rise again,

it's time for us all to say:
Go Italy!

Because now more than ever our fate
is tied to that of our country...

Did you read about
the UFO sightings in Romagna?

There's always someone
who sees a UFO somewhere.


The newspapers talk about it...

and in the meantime we get used
to the idea that aliens will come.

Stop talking in metaphors, Leo.

I have the feeling that what
we've witnessed tonight

is a sighting.


Where are you?

I told him about you,
he said he wants to meet you.

- What should I call him?
- Silvio will be fine, don't worry.

Wait a moment.

Well, are you ready?

Let's go.

Veronica, come on, let's go!

I'll take you home.

What makes you think I'll come?

Are you game?

- Game for what?
- A position has come up...

as a co-presenter
on a TV game show.

On Rai 1.


I'm taking care of you.

- Let's go home.
- Wait a minute.

- What?
- Let me just talk to this guy.

Come here, forget about him.

- What are you staring at?
- He was just an assistant director.

- Let's go.
- No, let's make a film-style exit!

Out of the way, penguins!



How did you know I was here?

Today, in the hall, it was like being
in a Magritte painting.

Then the concierge told me
about the Publitalia convention.

- You look different.
- I'm sober.

Let's change that.

I read that you took
your father's place.

It's also thanks to you.

I just saved your life.

Now you can k*ll someone,
so you'll even out your karma.

- Why are you in Montecarlo?
- I'm discovering my dark side.

- How's that going?
- I don't know.

Today, for the first time,
I thought I knew what to do.

But I won't be able to sleep tonight.

We'll sleep when we're old.

- What?
- The champagne.

Come in, come on!

In a while.

I told you you'd smoke.



I didn't end up in a cement pillar.

Your friend Brancato
paid me a visit.

But in the end
he let me off the hook.

He's not my friend.

Now I get it.



those banks that were all the same,
the friendly staff.

I kept on signing
without understanding.

Zeno Mainaghi, Zeno Mainaghi...

Zeno Mainaghi.

Until my name meant nothing.

Then, on the way back,
Dad asked me to drive.

He always wanted to drive
but that time he asked me

and then we said nothing,
all the way to Milan.

When we got home
I found the courage

to ask him what I'd signed.

We were there, by the gate.

And you know what he did?

He started crying.

Can you imagine Dad crying?


If someone like him
was scared to death...

what are we going to do?

Don't worry.

Everything will be fine now.

"In the inquiry led by Di Pietro there are
some aspects which remain unclear.

Reports relating to
and connected to the inquiry

which are anything
but clear or convincing...



"It may even be that Di Pietro

is not the hero we think he is

and that
not all that glitters is gold...

The Beast must be furious.

God help this reporter.

Everyone out.

Pastore, not you.

This article was written by Craxi.

A friend of mine was offered money
to say I'm on dr*gs.

Soon they'll be sh**ting shit at me
with a power fan.

But you have nothing to hide.


What about you, Pastore?

I got a letter from Attorney Arnaldi.

Why the hell did you go to Switzerland
with Zeno Mainaghi?

Why the hell did you go?

Slush funds.

- And where are they?
- They've disappeared.

- Beatrice Mainaghi moved them.
- Great timing.

She knew we'd look for them,
she worked fast.

She knew...

Who told her?

I had an affair with her.

But it's over.

f*ck you, Pastore.

I don't give a shit
about your love affairs.

The whole world's against me,
I need men I can count on.

And you ruin my inquiry!
You know how hard I worked?

- Sorry.
- Sorry my ass!

Pastore, you're out.

- What?
- Get out.

Get out!



I don't do that shit.

Why the hell are you here?

It's your fault.

I've been blamed
for too many things recently.