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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 12/24/22 17:41
by bunniefuu
Early this morning
began the day of goodbyes

to the latest victims
of Mafia terrorism.

In an incessant rain...

MAY 25th

thousands of people
stood outside the basilica.

Butcher's meat!

Composed, dignified,
despite their anger,

was the pain of relatives,
colleagues, students,

young people and women,
Mafia orphans and widows

who participated today
in a ritual they know all too well...


Leonardo, thank you.

It's all here,
you're punctual and precise.

Viola, go get ready.

We'll get along, you and me.

Sure, maybe we can
have a beer together.

But you can buy, I'll stop by for you
at the Prosecutor's office. Alright?


Not talking anymore?

I know lots about you too.

Rosaria Costa,
widow of agent Vito Schifani,

baptized in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost.

In the name of all those who've
given their lives for the State...

I ask that justice be done.

Now... addressing
the men of the Mafia...

because there are many in here...

and not,
but certainly not Christians.


there's a chance for forgiveness
even for you.

I forgive you, but you must kneel...

if you have the courage to change.

But they won't change!

Scalfaro's being elected President
of Italy and you just sit here?

They're still
all Christian Democrats!

We've assigned the Commissions,

you got Culture.


I know f*ck all about culture!

Study, you've become a grind.

Can I change?

No, nominations are closed.

The fratricide clash between Forlani
and Andreotti didn't pay off

and in the end, Scalfaro won.

I don't want the overall data...


Mr. Notte, please come in.

Sorry, it's for taking notes,

an old habit.

No matter. What's going on?

- I'd say we've invaded your office.
- Why wasn't I informed?

I didn't know anything.


You must be Leonardo.

Rachele Manni, communications
and public relations.

- He's...
- Paolo Pellegrini.

- A Publitalia surveyor.
- Good to see you.

Luciano Savoldi, Socialist,

he's also been ma or of Lecco.

Well, I've introduced the whole team.

- Team?
- Didn't Dell'Utri tell you?

What's all this about a dream team?

I'd rather call it a Study Center.

I decided to flank you with experts.

I don't need anyone,
teamwork isn't for me.

I know...

you're a free agent, a samurai.

But, you see...

the samurai preach
the elimination of the Id.

Experts of what?

Lodato and Savoldi are politicians,

who needs a Christian Democrat
and a Socialist?

Andreotti is finished,

Craxi is under att*ck,
Falcone was blown up.

Remember I said
if the country collapses,

the company will too.

We have to understand
where the country's going.

You won't want to do it all yourself.

Read it.

Thank you.


Di Pietro gets a security detail too.

Can you stand in for me?
I'm in a mess today.

- What's your life like?
- You have to take Mainaghi home.

The Beast interrogated him
with all the trimmings,

to bust his balls a little.

I'd like house arrest at his place.

I'll take care of it.


I'll get the keys.

Am I bothering you?

I can tell by your look.

I saw many looks like yours in jail.

Anger, envy...

I don't envy you at all. Who would
you be without your wife's money?

A puny industrialist with a company
on the verge of bankruptcy.

So much ambition, no scruples.

You marry the right woman,
lick Socialist asses and you're set.

You buy a private jet, villas,

all those companies
with your name on them.

But I think you know
you're not worth a f*cking thing.

You're wounding
my self-esteem, you know?

I wonder if you ever think
of the people you k*lled.


The Zenit supposedly
sold infected blood.

Lots of people got sick, d*ed...

of hepatitis, AIDS.

I was wrong.

Yours isn't envy, it's an obsession,

the medical term for obsession
comes from "destiny".

- I guess I was your destiny.
- And maybe I'm yours.

Anyway, we'll meet in prison.

Who can say?

Meantime I'll go to this prison.

Thanks for the lift.



So, we're colleagues.

Have you been assigned a Commission?


What's so funny?

Forgive me, but Culture
isn't a great Commission.

There's no money,

your party colleagues don't hold you
in very high esteem.

Unless you chose it.



I talked to the guys from Veneto,

Commissions can be assigned
until July 10th,

that's the deadline
to communicate them officially.

And so?

Culture isn't worth f*cking damn,
give it to someone else.

Well, you're not
worth f*cking damn either.

Who's not worth f*cking damn?

Let go of him.


What did I do to you?

Are you forgetting I saved your ass?

If not for me, those two
would still be screwing your wife.

You should thank that day,

when this fool here
spoke to Bossi about you

and now you have a salary,
you'll soon get a nice life annuity,

all thanks to yours truly!

You should kiss the ground I walk on

and instead you bust nuts!

What you do is incredible!

You say you don't
understand much about culture?

What do you understand
anything about?

The South 40%.

Center-north 30%.

The polls show the PDS growing.

If the Left gets in power,
the country's screwed.

Mr. Notte,
there's someone to see you.

- Not now.
- He said it's extremely urgent.

The PDS wins, especially
in the Center-south,

but it's growing even in the North.

How do you f*cking dare come here?

I wanted to see where you work,
we have the same teacher.

Fabrizio made us what we became,

for the good,
and especially for the bad.

You don't know a thing about me.

I remember you, Buio.

You were one of the heads
of the student movement.

I was there when they arrested you,

false accusations, an ugly story...

If Fabrizio hadn't been there
to offer you a way out...

Great way out!

You could have refused,

but you didn't,

because there's something
profoundly immoral in you.

We really should have
that beer together,

maybe after you give me
the second installment.

I just gave you
100 million, Venturi.

What else do you want?
I don't print the money.

I want one hundred more.

Careful you don't disappoint me.

Paolo, do an approval survey
on center-line politicians.

There must still be
someone in popular favor.

We really should have
that beer together,

maybe after you give me
the second installment.

- Where are you going?
- Outside.

You can't, you're in house arrest.

I'm free.

I've always been free.

Turn the light out?

I understood you couldn't go out.

But instead!

It's the end of an era.

They're all scared to show Di Pietro
they have money to spend.

More champagne?

I've never been good at saying no.

You want to see "Basic lnstinct".

Want us to go?

Then we sleep together.

It's really the end of an era.

- What is it?
- Nothing.

Silvio, it's Michele Mainaghi.

I wanted to ask a favor.

There's a friend of mine,
Veronica Castello,

she works in television,
and doesn't like what they're offering.

She's beautiful and very good,

maybe you can do something.

Will you call me back? Bye!

We're not going to the show tonight.

The Church's social doctrine,
from the "Rerum novarum" to today.

There's also
an important statement,

because for the first time officially,

the free market is recognized,

it allows an optimal
location of resources.

Alterations and distortions
are certainly possible,

but it's also certain

that Communism,
wherever it's been applied,

has brought negative effects.

Above all, the loss of man's
most precious good, freedom,

by deplorable living conditions...

How did this idea pop up?

I made a survey
in my daughter's class

on the most-loved public figure,
I broadened the sample

and the result is the same:
Berlusconi is the most loved.

In second place is Cossiga.

Because he's crazy, funny,
sparks the imagination.

Third place is Schwarzenegger.

So, your theory says
Terminator could go into politics.

Your survey was with kids from 9
to 13, people who don't even vote?

No, not yet, not at the moment.

You wanted a revolutionary idea,
people love him!

Television's power is immense,
despite what's written here.

We have to understand what
the major political force will be,

we're not making one ourselves.

We have a leader,
he's right before our eyes,

Berlusconi is the man of miracles.

It's an appealing idea,
but impracticable.

Come back down to Earth.

Among the political moderates,
the popularity list shows:

in third place, Martinazzoli,
in second La Malfa and first...

- Mario Segni.
- You k*lled the suspense!

- It's him!
- He won the referendum.

He has 500,000 signatures
for the next, and he's clean-cut,

a Christian Democrat untouched by
the investigations, a true moderate.

- Moderate!
- Does the word bother you?

Political renewal
passes also through words.

"Party" makes people run off.

Yes, the parties are in crisis,
but the DC will never die.

The great white whale just
has to find a way to the sea.

- Marcello?
- Yes, meet with him.

Maybe not you, Notte.

Take an evening off,

have a sauna, a Turkish bath,

because you seem a little...

- Hello.
- Thank you.

Want to see
what I bought with your money?

Where are you?


Help me!

A horrible thing has happened,
I don't know what to do.

Help me!

We really should
have that beer together...


Maybe after you give me
the second installment.

I just gave you
100 million, Venturi.

- I don't print the money.
- I want another 100.

Have you seen Pastore?


- I'm here, if you like.
- Know where he is?

There he is.

- What's going on?
- You have to help me.

He can't have k*lled himself!

Can she come by tomorrow
for the deposition?

I'll take her to my place
before they all get here.

It's a delicate situation.

Thanks, I owe you one.


I'm listening to Verdi,
a musician from the Lombardy plain.

I'm not here to complain.

Why don't you come in.

You'd like me,
an old Christian Democrat tool,

to help you understand
parliamentary activity.

- If you help me...
- Why should I?

Those like you think
I'm just a party system parasite,

what's more, I'm Neapolitan!

Maybe we'd better just drop it.


You heat up fast!

You League people
are all so hotheaded,

not everyone, of course.

Bossi is a sly guy
disguised as a hothead.

Is it desguised or disguised?

I can never remember.

Did you know, in Israel,
they discovered a generosity gene?

Most of the population
is genetically stingy,

but a minority has this gene.

It's a sort of anomaly, a mutation,

like having eleven toes.

You're lucky,

I belong to that genetic minority.

You have eleven toes?

There comes a moment in life
when you desire

to pass on your experience
to someone.

You happened by at the right moment.

Dear Bosco, Parliament
is like a chess board:

you have to decide
to move as a pawn or a king,

before the others do.

You have to be indispensable
to your parliamentary group,

if not, you won't count a thing.

- Like a pawn?
- Right.

You have to use your characteristics

as qualities,

your weaknesses
have to become strengths,

find a place
where your competence is valued.

What is it?

You keep looking around, did you
skip out on the bill last time?

My party doesn't want us
to come here.

To the "Two Bandits"? Why not?

It's in the off-limits list.

That's being naive,
because politics in Rome

isn't done in Parliament.

The important decisions
are made in places like these.

Tell me about your experiences,
you've certainly done things in life.

Besides rugby and the Navy...

The Navy, perfect!

We'll grab the subject.

Defense Commission!

I'm usually against the criteria

of competence
for the assignment of roles,

but parliamentary democracy
isn't based on competence,

it's based on representation.

But you're a desperate case,
believe me,

culture is not your thing.

It's decided: Defense Commission.

Strategic, a nice budget

and you know the Army, you can
speak up without feeling like a peon.

- A peon...
- Low man on the totem pole.

What is it?

A guy from the League.

he decides the Commissions.

I'm screwed if he sees me here.

For now, go out the back way,

then I'll come
and explain something to you.

But I'll finish my shrimp first.

Now it's all clear, I hope,
Mr. Di Pietro.

JUNE 1st

We hooked Mongini.

He started confessing
over the intercom.

Okay, Mr. Amorese,
that's all, thank you.

Wrap up the statement
and have him sign it.

Yes, sir.

- Then can I go home?
- Yes, you're just a witness.

For now! I heard them a moment ago.

He said: "We hooked Mongini."

He said "hooked",
not even if he were a stray dog.

Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus.


"Let justice reign,
though the world should perish".

A phrase by Kant,
strange you don't know it,

it's written on
the side of this building.

Today they'll bury Mainaghi,

do you think
you've done the right thing?

Do you think
bribes will stop circulating?

Di Pietro was poor,
he had a hard life,

that's why he has it in
for those with money.

This is revenge, not justice.

You don't feel well?

"Innocent and guilty,

good and bad,

just and sinner,
all come to the same end,

we all have the same destiny."

"Love, hate and human passions

end with death.

So, enjoy life.

Eat your bread serenely
and drink your wine with joy.

Enjoy life with the woman you love,

for the brief, empty years
God allows you to live."

"Be happy while you're still young.

Do all you like
and follow your heart's desires.

Life will end.

Everything is like a gust of wind.

Vanity, vanity...

all is vanity."

- You all k*lled him.
- He k*lled me.

What do you mean?

Why would my father
have done such a thing?

For money.

Second-rate blood costs less.

Now he's dead, okay, are you happy?


Get out.

I wanted you to know
why I did what I did.

Get out!

- How could you do it?
- Do what?

"The evening before he d*ed,
Mainaghi dined at a restaurant,

he was tranquil,
making plans for the future.

The person with him can't understand
such a clamorous gesture.

Since his release from jail,
he was ready to start a new life."

Want me to go on?

His wife gave me an interview

and I was asked for a portrait
of Mainaghi, what's the harm?

You wrote things I told you!

That's why you helped me,
just to get first-hand details?

- Cut it out...
- I needed you!

You're my big sister
and you wrote an article.

- Did I give your name?
- So not to reveal we're sisters.

I kept your name out,

I kept them from attacking you
like starving dogs.

I honored Mainaghi in that article,

or no one
would have known those things.

You're so good,
you always do everything right.

Are you angry because, by protecting
you, I kept you from being famous?

f*ck off!

- Where are you going?
- I don't know, get off my ass.

Let me by!

I've said this for years,
Italy is oppressed

by a form of soviet statism that's
expensive, inefficient, oppressive.

There's need of great liberalization.

We think so too.

To us, then!

Good evening.

Sorry I'm late.

- We've already eaten.
- I'm not hungry.

- Leonardo Notte.
- Mario Segni.

Leonardo works with us.

With all due respect, I still
don't understand who "us" is.

We're a group of moderates
worried about the country.

I know Savoldi's and Lodato's
political background,

but yours?

- I'm in advertising.
- How does that mix with politics?

They're both based
on broken promises.

A nice dessert.

Friend, are there any desserts?

- I'll bring the menu.
- Just a moment.

- I'd like a mousse, thank you.
- Right away.

Actually no, some pie, thank you.

Wait, bear with me,

I've changed my mind,
bring me the menu.

Excuse me, but what exactly
do you want from me?

To know if you'll be leading
the moderates.

I don't know, the referendum battle
keeps me very busy.

Good, people love you.

But your accumulated political
capital will have to be spent.

For that matter, I've long dreamed
of a house of moderates.

- We could build it together.
- Yes, but we should understand more.

Let's understand it!

Here's the menu, gentlemen.

Excuse me, may I?
Dessert is on the house.

Girls? Bring three chairs?

I've spent a little capital.

They are...


Irina and Katarina.

- What are you trying to do?
- He said yes.

In our world this is
how we seal agreements.

I'm mortified,
Leonardo wasn't even invited,

I don't know what he was thinking.

This is the house of moderates?


It's a big house, there must be room
for three Communist exiles!

Do you know why
I came into politics late?


My father said: “First earn
an independent position.

You always have
to be able to slam the door."


They've already been paid,
now that we're here...

- Do you know this Russian hymn?
- I was a sympathizer once.

- And now'?
- I'm a whore like you.

Know what they say about Communism,
don't you?

It was a good idea,
but it didn't work, you know why?

Because there are men
and you know men better than me.

Put bubbles!

Da, I put bubbles!

Each of us thinks about his own sh*t,
we want to eat, f*ck and make money.

- You should be a politician.
- I tried.

But a young man from the PCI
sold me out to the cops.

- Why?
- I was in the movements.

The Communists hated us,
we were the Left competition.

They framed me
saying I was in the armed struggle,

see how men are?

You're the first people I've told.

- Didn't you go to jail?
- No.

How come?

My life can be summarized
in three words...



and collusion.

I'm Veronica Castello.

I know who you are.

Please, come in.

Sorry for having
the deputy prosecutor call you,

but I didn't know how to contact you.


How long did you live here,

one year, two?

This isn't my house,
I always knew that.

Where do I send all these things?

I don't know.

Don't you have a place to stay?

You gave yourself to an old man
for two years and what did you get?



- Goodbye, sir.
- Bye Salvatore, see you Tuesday.

Well, what do you know!


What do you want?

Isn't this one
of the off-limits places?

- I don't know.
- You gave me the list yourself!

"To the 'Two Bandits', no! Can't go
to a place with a name like that!"

I didn't realize,
anyway I'm not coming again.

"See you Tuesday, Salvatore!"

I might by undisciplined,
but you're not without sin.

- What do you want?
- The Defense Commission.

- There may be no time.
- Find the time.

Look at it like this: I'm a soldier,

I'll do less damage
in Defense than in Culture.

Don't make that face.


- Why did you want to see me?
- Sit down.

What's this?

It's Michele's will.

The notary will give
the reading of it tomorrow,

but I wanted to prepare you,
also for your brother's reaction.

Recently your dad
kept Zeno close to him,

more to keep him from doing damage
than for esteem.

That's why he left the absolute
majority of his stocks to you.

What's that mean?

That you're in charge now.

- They didn't want to let me through.
- You have no appointment, Miss.

JUNE 16th

A dear friend of mine called
the Cavaliere personally

and made an appointment for me.

Veronica Castello.

I'm sorry, your name's not here.

He did it before my eyes, he left
a message on the answering machine.

There must be an error, check again.

A message on his answering machine?

Look, they're friends.

Tell your friend to call,
that will resolve everything.

What's your friend's name?

Michele Mainaghi.

I'm sorry.

A complicated evening.

I know what you're aiming at,
get to the point.

Taking three whores
to the dinner with Segni

was a brilliant idea, you think?

It's clone with hesitant clients.

If they accept, it sets
a pact of trust that lasts forever.

Segni takes an hour just choosing
dessert! He'll go nowhere.

You deliberately
sabotaged the meeting.

I'm not here for you to preach me.

Then why are you here?

To tell you I'm out.

I've had it.

You don't understand that
the electorate isn't moderate,

it's excessive, horny,
it goes where their dicks lead!

I don't like f*ring people,

I'm glad you did it yourself.



Back to work!

Scaglia, I'm surprised at you.

Pastore, what's that sh*t face?

Are you sick?

Why don't you stay home?

You've been coming here
like a ghost for two weeks.

- Lost interest in this work?
- You only want Craxi and Larini.

- That again?
- Larini's in the Tropics now.

- Antonio, can you come?
- We're not done.

- What is it?
- Amorese committed su1c1de.


Sir, what's happened?

Amorese sh*t himself.

Dear Mr. Di Pietro, forgive me,

but I'm extremely overcome,

aware of the error I committed

and the dishonor of it to my family.

I acknowledge and thank you
for the sensitivity,

even in the just rigor of your job,

which you showed me.

I declare the XI Legislature
Defense Commission installed.

I have revealed to my wife,
who was unaware,

the matters I've confessed,

I also told her of my commitment
to return all that's owed

and necessary.

Be assured she will make
every effort to honor the promise.

I asked my lawyer to assist her
in what's necessary.

For this reason, I implore you,

consider it my last wish,
for her and my children,

not to enact
foreclosures or seizures

so they can fulfill the maximum

and hope something remains
for them to go forward

and allow my children to study.

Given what happened,
I can no longer do so.

I am sorry,
and it is right I should pay.

Do not consider me worse
than I already feel.

Farewell, Renato Amorese.


I found out your secret.

You need to put ice on it.

We'll never know.