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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 12/24/22 17:39
by bunniefuu
MARCH 23rd

Before the balloting,
the ball is put in the freezer,

so when it's taken from
the ballot box it's recognizable

to the touch.

Long live the free market!

The free market?

Nobody cares about that,

it's in no one's interest.

The price is fixed,
the deals are split

then the contract winner
pays the parties,

some get 5%, or sometimes 10%,

37.5% of which
goes to the Socialist Party,

18.75% to the DC or PCI

and then less and less
for the smaller parties.

But who picks up the money
for the parties?

Let's not start from the corrupted,

but from the corrupters.

You mean the industrialists?

They'd line up to pay,

they came to me,
I never called anyone,

I never asked anyone for anything.

Would you like names?

Mazzanti, Rovelli, Baldi...





We'll summon all of these.

Mum's the word until elections
or Borrelli will k*ll me.

They broke Italy up,
although now they say the opposite.

North, Center, South,

different realities

with different problems.

Only a federal state

is able to give
this country real answers.

With the Northern League,
the country will be reborn.

Strong, but incisive.
What do you say?


Dunno? At the rally,
you'll have to be a bit more verbal!

What rally?

What rally! On April 2, in Varese.

Wake up! It's the closure
of the election campaign.

I don't have to speak!

Are you a candidate or not?
The League people want to know you.

What the f*ck do I say?

Point 1:

limit the taxation power
of the state and the local agencies.

Point 2:

recognize enterprise in
the Constitution and defend it.

Point 3: limit the presence
of the state in the economy.

- Mr. Notte...
- Hello.

- Put them there... Clara, right?
- Yes, Clara.

I was wondering:
what do I write on the door?

Excuse the question, but
I don't know why you were hired.

To make the company more money.
What's this?

This? It's the past,

the list of advertisers,
by category, from 1980 to today.

Enzo Biagi,
"A History of Italy in Comics".

Mr. Dell'Utri thought it was funny!

And what's that?

The present,

the 1991-1992 programming
plus all the group's periodicals.

And this is the future.

So, you decided
to do like United Fruit Company,

in a recession,
hire an advertising agent.

Something like that,

after all
we need to keep selling bananas!

I'm studying the programming,
and have some interesting ideas.

How do you vote?

I don't,
I'm not interested in politics.

Many people like you
don't feel represented.

Why's that?

The supply doesn't satisfy
the demand.

That's how you see it?

Do you know Séguéla,

the advertising agent who
did Mitterrand's campaign?

He treated politicians
like products, detergents.

That's how I see it.

I want you to go to Rome with Lodato,

to explore the territory,

get an idea about those who will be

tomorrow's detergents.

I thought I was to deal with business.

In Italy there is no business

without politics.

If who's in command is weak today,
we have to understand

who'll be in charge tomorrow.

Next week's elections
should clarify that.

As a young man, in Palermo, I was
president of a small soccer team,

the Bacigalupo,
and we needed a coach.

I hired this unknown Bohemian

who was running from the Communists.

- Zeman?
- Zeman.

Now see his Foggia,
the team of miracles!

His attack formation, 4-3-3,
is a revolutionary idea.

I expect one from you too.

Didn't Mom feel ridiculous?

That's enough,

it's over.

Next month I'll be doing
"Domenica ln".

- Really?
- 99%.

- I go to Rome for the screen test.
- Mainaghi put you there?

Can't I do something on my own?


I'm happy for you.

Besides, the way the Wind's blowing,

Mainaghi what?

Chiesa was his friend,
didn't they work together?

Bibi, you left it on the table,
you wanted it found.

So, now you're a psychologist?
I thought you did something else!

What was it? Right, dauphin...

At least I do something.

If they catch you,
you'll discredit the whole family.

You smoke it, sniff it?
What do you do with it?

I don't sh**t up,
if that's what you mean.

I tried it too, a long time ago,

in Nepal.

What can I tell you?

You wouldn't listen anyway.

You're like me.

Leave a message, I'm not home.

Luca, pick up the phone, c'mon!

I'm a little down today,
maybe because it's Sunday.

I think Sunday's a stupid day,

it reminds me
of waking up in the hospital.

The evening before,
no one realized I wasn't well,

my brother had gone out,
my folks were at the theater...

actually no,
you know what my father did?

He came back

and said: "Why don't you go out?
Go have some fun!"

And he gave me 100,000 Iiras.

You know what I did after that?

I slit my wrists.

Our waiter saved me.

Anyway, the other night...

it's weird, I know,

but I felt that, without knowing me,

you knew a lot about me.

You'd have realized.

You have to come to the school,

it's Parents Week,
you're the only one who's never come.

No, we're going to Bologna,
you have to go back to Mom.


She's your mother,
she wants you with her.

And you don't?

I have to leave for a few days.

Take me with you!

How? I'm going for work.

I still don't understand
what your job is!

Excuse me!

Who do you vote for?


- Why?
- I love her.

That's my job.

I try to understand
what people do and why.

And they pay you?


Limit the taxation power
of the state and the local agencies,

recognize enterprise
in the constitution...

What's the matter?

I'll do what I want in my house
and while you're here...

Okay, but I'll be leaving soon.

I'll get a house four times bigger!

What's so f*cking funny?

You're no genius, but if you think
they'll vote for you...

Think I won't get into Parliament?
And if I do?

You'll f*ck that up too!

I hate this city.

Me too.


She's in the car,
I didn't want her to hear.

Hear what?

I told her you wanted her back.

What should I have said?

The truth, you don't want her
around the house,

so she'd stop thinking
she'd like to be with you.

- She doesn't even know me!
- Right, she thinks you're wonderful.


she's your daughter,
I'm no part of it, that was the deal.

Too bad, it would do you good
to spend time with her.

Want some?

No thanks, I don't drink
anything orange.

My brother either,

and now he's dying of cancer.

Where is he?

In there.

You hated your brother,

you called him a "shit cop".

People change, just look at you.

It disturbs you to see me like this?


I was always a little scared of you.

With good reason.

Don't worry.

I'll soon be taking your secret
to the tomb.

You're free.

Mr. Chiesa,
do you still feel Socialist?

- People, please...
- Why did you decide to talk?

- Please...
- How are you after a month in jail?

- Why did you decide to talk?
- Did you involve politicians?

Will you tell us
if you involved politicians?

People want to know!

Did you abandon your party?

C'mon, Fenati, it's a table,
not Big Ben!

Good grief... go!

- There!
- Go slow.

Go to the side!

- What's going on?
- We're the von Trapp Family.

Di Pietro's playing Julie Andrews.

What happened to your eye?

Discord between adult males.

All together?

The only way, they know each other,
some even have the same lawyer.

Now let's see them try to concur!

Gentlemen, I've prepared
the questions for you,

just follow the script.
Fenati, give these out.

Okay, gentlemen...

I want you ready
in just a few minutes.


We swap for 50,000?

Venturi, I already gave you
50,000 lire.

Isn't Mainaghi worth 100,000?

- Think I print the stuff?
- I know what it means to you.

Oh, so bribery's not a crime.

You've reinvented the wheel.

I'm just doing my job.

That's how the outfit keeps going.

If the economy's not turning,
where's your salary come from?

I didn't know
the tender was controlled.

How come Mario Chiesa
gave your name?

Have you ever worked
with the public in Italy?

He was hounding me for money,

and since I refused,
he gave my name as revenge.

What people won't do for money, eh?

Mario Chiesa, do you know him?

Who doesn't, by now?

I've run into him sometimes,
on official occasions.

I believe the last time
was at a Woman's Day party,

organized by the Milan PSI section.

I found the whole thing very funny

because the speakers were all men:
Craxi, Pillitteri...

- I thought you were friends.
- Having friends isn't a crime.

No, the crime is rigging contracts.

We know how it works,

it's a proven, a*t*matic mechanism,

no one asks, no one offers,
there's no need.

Yes, it's your boss' theory...
What's it called...?

"Environmental Dation".

Your company won a contract
to build three new pavilions,

tell me, how did the tender go?

We had the best parameters
and we won.

- You didn't pay a kickback?
- No.

Edil Mainaghi deposited a monthly
amount equal to 5% of the contract.

Meaning, you paid a kickback.

Yes, that's the truth,
but I paid none.

Regarding tenders,

our administrator, Cosimo Corbi,
has always handled them.

So, you don't know a thing.

Corbi has always
managed our funds freely.

- Where is he now?
- Abroad.

But he's on his way back
to clarify his position.

I see.

Corbi will get a few years

and when he gets out,
promotion and double salary.

They've slung mud at me a thousand
times, but I always come out clean.

You just have your back covered,

you feel untouchable.

- But Craxi...
- Craxi, huh?

That's where you want to go, right?

- What's the problem?
- None at all.

Pastore, I'll finish here.

Counselor, Mr. Mainaghi...

Interrogation of those under
investigation is now continuing.

Michele Mainaghi's position
appears more solid,

while for the other industrialists,
things grow worse...

Good evening, a Negroni, please.

Don't worry, I'm not here for you.

Bad day?

Have you ever waited
a lot for something

and when you get it, you mess it up'?

There's a saying:

God punishes men
by realizing their dreams.

They all say the investigation
of the century starts here,

we're in the right place,
at the right time.

In fact, I'm being replaced.

To lost chances!

To lost chances.

You were my last hope
to find a source.

Hers too.

You know I have to go.

- Tell me it'll all go well.
- Of course.

They have nothing on me,
I didn't do anything, don't worry.

But you mean if you'll do well.

Now there's the screen test,
just go there and look good.

I'm scared.

You've just taken off.

A gust of wind can take you up,
high in the sky, with no effort,

it's called an updraft.

And you're about to get
one hell of one.

I don't know.

I'm not lucky.

But I am, and as long as I'm here,
you have nothing to fear.

If something happens to you?


nothing will happen to me.

- Is Bortolotti in his office?
- Yes, he's in there.



I don't know what to say
at the rally.

I've studied...
too much stuff, can't learn it.

The articles and...

You could have told me
instead of being a w*r hero,

you're just a jerk who got sent home
with a kick in the ass.

Look here.


Hell broke loose,
they're all pissed off.

"Who the f*ck is he? He's not
one of us! Why did we put him up?"

What changes for you?

I'm still the guy who kicked the shit
out of the Albanians, right?

You had a chance, as long as
you were a hero for the papers,

but now that they've screwed you...

I'll tell these guys
how it really went in Iraq.

Screwed... no way dishonored!

Calm down, forget it,

by now the damage is done.

What damage?

You'll get stuck
at the bottom of the list.


C'mon, take a positive attitude,

you're saved from the rally.

Keep getting drunk
like a teenager, good for you!

You have the exclusive?

I won't be in Parliament anymore,


What happened?

I've been screwed.

Why doesn't anything go right for me?

Why the f*ck not?

It's important to keep
the Left from governing.

Quiet, they're all around.

We've seen lots of investigations,
justice must run its course.

- Why are we here?
- Martinazzoli's coming.

- Hello?
- The hotel's nice.

- You're here?
- How are things?

- What a bore.
- If you're bored, come here.

I'm on my way.

Shit, Buio, it's you!

Sorry, I have to go.

Don't you recognize me?


Shit, Beppe!

Politics is done
in places like this now.

Actually, let me do some promoting.

PDS? You?

It's quite a leap from Workers' Power!
Nice photo.

Remember the Coca Buton at Pierino's,

the nights in Via Marsili,
the assemblies in room 3?

Then, at one point,
you disappeared from Bologna.

- I changed my life.
- I see that!

How much was that suit?

I did proletarian shopping at Armani.

What are you doing here?

I'm with him.

- He's DC, isn't he?
- Yes.

Shit, Leo Notte,
a Christian Democrat lackey!

No, it's more complex than that.

I'm an advisor with Publitalia.

"Power to lmagination", no!

As Flaiano said:
"When you give up a dream,

all you can do
is masturbate with reality."

C'mon, don't be offended,

we've both become bourgeois.

What the f*ck do you want?
You're the bourgeois!

Did you read the agenda? Tomorrow
we see category representatives.

I'm going back to Milan.

Shit, my ankle!

- We'll go to the hospital.
- My screen test's tomorrow!

I can't have broken it.

If you move it, it's not broken.

Can I still dance, Doctor?

Want a diagnosis?


You know your goal,
you know it will make you feel better

and you work hard not to reach it.

You say I don't want to do
"Domenica ln"? You're joking, right?

I say your subconscious is scared,

it doesn't want change,
and lives it as danger.


I have no subconscious.

Now I see why
you got yourself transferred there.


Who are you?

Don't worry, we're the good guys.


- How do I know that?
- A little trust, okay?

You question your clients when
they give you money for Switzerland?

I want my lawyer.

Maybe he's asleep at this hour.

There's enough evidence here
to put you away for 5 or 6 years.

What's that mean?

But the one I'm looking for
isn't here: Mainaghi.

I don't know him.

- You don't?
- No.

Then why is your name
among his papers?



We're off to a bad start!

Now do everything I say
or it'll end up worse, okay?

- Goodbye.
- See you soon.

You must be Viola's father.

I know all the other parents,
I went by elimination.

- A pleasure, Matilde.
- My pleasure.

- Viola's here?
- Yes, the 8th is down there.

The 8th?

It's like the
third year of middle school.

You know what they say
in the TV field?

TV viewers are like kids
in the third year of middle school,

not notably gifted,
sitting at the back desks.

We're against television.

Of course.

Doesn't Berlusconi
send his daughters here?

You should do something
before you go in.

We believe the constraint of the foot

is harmful to body energy.

How about those?

- Boys and girls...
- Hello.


We'll steal a few minutes
from our geography lesson.


- What's all this?
- I don't want to stay there.

How did you get into the house?

I kept a copy of the keys.

Mr. Notte,
you should speak to the whole class.

Me? No, I came to speak to Viola.

Let's take advantage,
this is Parents' Week.

We'll talk about it later.

Please, come up here.

Tell me how it works,
because I didn't do my homework.

But you don't believe in homework,
do you?

Every parent taught the class
a manual activity.

Lisa's father taught us gardening,

Filippo's, how to build a table.

A table?

Do you have paper?

- Of course.
- Fine.

Today I'll teach you
how to do a market survey.

It's not manual,
more like pencils and 'x's,

but we believe in pencils, right?

Thank you.

Each of you must write

the ten public figures you love most:

sports, culture, theater, politics,

whatever you want.

Pass these around, please.

No names, you don't have
to impress anyone,

just be truthful.

Is that clear?

Fine, I'll go smoke,

see you in a while.

That way.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
good afternoon...

Excuse me, I'll do it again.

Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon
and welcome to studio 5.

My name's Veronica Castello
and I'll be with you,

together with Pippo Baudo,
for the Sunday afternoons of Rai Uno.

Right profile.

Left profile.

That's enough.

I can do it again, if you like.

No, just fine, thank you for coming.

- It's over?
- Yes.

- I don't have to dance?
- Dance, if you really want to.

- I can't right now.
- Okay then, that's all.

I hurt my ankle,

but there are many other things
I can do, better than dancing.

And I assure you I dance very well.

There's no need, you've been hired.

You already screwed
the guy you were supposed to.

A battle for man's freedom,

that's what the League is doing!

I want to show you

the faces of our people...

- What are you doing here?
- I want to speak too.

- No, you're not on the program.
- Am I a candidate or not?


My only chance to get votes
is here tonight, right?

- You can't talk.
- Why not?

- You've already done enough damage.
- What damage?

- Just stay calm.
- What damage?

- I have to speak, you stay calm!
- What the f*ck am I doing here?

- Quiet!
- Why the f*ck did you want me?

Gianni Bortolotti!

What are you doing?

I'm Pietro Bosco.
Where do I speak? I'll speak here.

- Can you hear me?
- Yes.

I don't know what he'll say!

First point...

- Go, Bosco!
- Talk!

Show us your balls!

C'mon, talk!

I have f*ck-all to say.

I have f*ck-all to say.

My whole life they've said
I have f*ck-all to say,

that I should shut up, I'm worthless.

Then you find out

the ones telling you
you're not worth crap

are the ones
who let everything go to shit,

who reduced the country to this,
f*ck 'em.

No more orders!

No more letting them
push us around, f*ck 'em!

Now it's our turn,
the worthless ones!

Let's go take back this country,
f*ck 'em!

We'll send them all home,
once and for all,

go home, get out, f*ck 'em!

Vote for Pietro Bosco, our Batman!


Who won?

I don't want to go back there.

I want to stay with you,
I swear I won't be a bother.

Can you tell which one's mine?

They're anonymous, how could I?


You cheated,

we said only public figures.

The fact that...

I also noticed

that this victory is not considered

as just a sports victory,
although certainly exalting,

but as the victory

of a certain system of values,
of a certain philosophy,

all this pleased me very much,

because I'm the first
to practice this philosophy

and try to enthuse others
in this direction.

I believe this philosophy

is a very simple thing.

In any case, there was the ambition

to establish certain important goals.

This victory is also
fruit of the organization

and constant work...


Hi, Leonardo Notte.

Listen, I made a survey
in my daughter's class

and the result surprised me,
I'd like to enlarge the sample.

The ten most-loved public figures:

sports, culture, theater, society,
all together.

The 9-13 year segment,
across the board.

Bosco, you're here!


Was I elected or not?

You still don't understand?

You did it, you did it!

I did it, g*dd*mn!


The Democratic Party
of the Left, 103,

74 less compared to
what the Communist Party had...

Sir, do we proceed with the arrests?

Green Party, 16 + 3,

Northern League, 56 + 55,

other leagues, 9,

Pannella List, 7,
The Network, 12 seats,

Referendum list, no seat,
others, 5 seats,

22 less, compared...

We have confirmation
on all the industrialists.

Only Mainaghi's missing.

Look what came into
the Prosecutor's office today.

It seems that Mainaghi sent bank
transfers for Levissima and Fiuggi,

Mario Chiesa's accounts.

Who gave us this gift?

Anonymous source, maybe Mainaghi
made one enemy too many.

Want a little champagne?
Go confirm it!

Discord between adult males, too?

Hello, it's Di Pietro.

APRIL 22nd

Will you buy me another?

What do you know?

Nothing, why?

I don't care who passed the information,
just what you know.

You're arresting those eight
industrialists, can you confirm?

There are nine arrests.

You're the only one who knows this.

Wake up!

You're an idiot, what are you doing?

I'm leaving,
I'm getting off your balls,

I'm going to Rome.


Are you happy now or not?

It was me who gave
the news to the papers.

I already lost a son,
I didn't want to lose you too.

It's too late.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.


You are under arrest for graft.

Take him away.








Di Pietro! Di Pietro!

- I can't talk to you.
- f*ck off.


- Look this way! One more!
- Smile...