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01x30 - Street Noises Invade the House

Posted: 12/13/13 20:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I don't always wanna wonder if we missed out on something really good

because we were too scared.

What the hell is this?

No way.

This guy better watch out that I don't find him, man.

It's on now.

Huh?! You're not gonna diss my work again!

Get out of here!

Crazy bitch!

One thing, Your Honor. We seek leave to amend our witness list to include one more witness Kathryn Kennish.

Ever since we found out about the switch it has been one thing after another!

And we're done.

Yeah, I got it.

( Door knocks )

Could I stay with you for a while?

Yeah. Come in.



So they wants us at the trial again if you don't mind.

I don't mind.

( Cellphone vibrating )

( Giggling )

Did you see all the decorations Kathryn put up?

It's like a pumpkin threw up in there.

I know, right? ( Chuckles )

What are you doing tomorrow night?

I mean, you don't have to work, do you?

Yeah, the restaurant's doing this whole pumpkin menu

and the waiters are dressing up.

It should be fun.

( Cellphone vibrates )

Am I interrupting?

Sorry. It's just someone from work.

You really love this job, don't you?

Yeah. I do.





We feast tonight.


Hot dogs, chips and beer.


My dad called.

No kidding!

Dude, I was kinda freaked out at first 'cause I haven't heard from him in forever.

I thought he was in Morocco.

Turns out, he's in Mexico.

Oh. Well, it starts with an "M".

Yeah. So, you know that street artist named JR, right?

Yeah, the French dude who covered the, uh... The rooftops in Kenya with like, the vinyl posters.

The vinyl posters!


Yeah! Okay.

So my dad heard he's heading down to Mexico for a new piece.

No one knows what exactly, but him and a bunch of dudes are gonna go down there and try to be a part of it.

You should totally go.

Oh, I am. This Christmas.

Just gotta get some money.

After you pay me back.

Mm. After I pay you back.

( Both chuckling )

( Cellphone ringing )

Ignore it. Just keep going.

So I was thinking of stopping in Austin for a few days on my way there.

( Cellphone ringing )


That's like the third time she called in an hour.

( Ringing continues )

You should pick up or her next call's gonna be the police.


Bay? Sweetie?

Hi. Oh, honey.

When are you gonna come home?

I'm not sure exactly.

( Whispers ) What's she saying? I wanna hear what

she's saying.

Uh. If you just come home we could talk this all through.

Is dad there?


( Loudly ) Ask her where the hell she's staying.

He is there. I can hear him.

Yeah. Well, we just want you home here with us.

Doesn't exactly sound like dad wants me home.

But you know that's not true.

Would you stop treating her with kid gloves?

I am dealing with it, John!

You know what? I gotta go.

Now Bay, I...


They bugging you to go home?

Yeah. My mom's just worried that the neighbors are gonna start gossiping and my dad just wants me home so he can yell at me.

So stick with me for a while.

You know, I think I will.

Are you Daphne?


I'm Michelle Natterson.

The owner.

Oh! Hi!

It's nice to meet you.

I'd like to speak with you about your relationship with Jeff Reycraft.


Mm. Not here.

Is there a problem?

Well, I don't know yet.

Can you follow me?

Of course.

( Theme music playing )

Bay: I could just get emancipated.

What's that?

Uh, I means that you can do whatever you want, you don't have to listen to your parents.

Oh. Sounds cool.

Yeah, this girl at Buckner did it so she could go to Paris and become a model.

So you just have to go before a judge and prove that you are better off without them.

Damn. In my world, people just run away.

Man: Zarra! Come out, come out wherever you are!

( Pounding on door )

Trick or treat.

It's Smak.

What are we gonna do?

Not inside? Damn!

Let's check over there.

Get away from the window! Get back, get back!

Get down, get down!

Smak: Zarra!

They're looking in every trailer.

Shh shh, quiet.

What are you doing?

Calling 911.

No no, you can't!

( Pounding continues )

They're gonna arrest us all like they did last time, all right?

It's not like I pay rent on this thing.

We should make a run for it.

No no. It's too risky.

Okay. Well, what are we gonna do?

We're just gonna lay low. Maybe they'll miss us.

Yeah, and if they don't?

Smak: Zarra!

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Michelle: There have been rumors that Mr. Reycraft is having an inappropriate relationship with one of the employees.

Now we take this very seriously.

Our lawyer is conducting a formal investigation...


But I need to know right now just how big a problem I've got.

I'm having trouble following you.

I really should wait for an interpreter.

You won't be fired for telling the truth.

And if you are being victimized, Jeff can't hurt you, I promise.

I'm not being victimized!

Chef is my boss. That's it.

Daphne, you were promoted from dishwasher to garde manger very quickly.

Because I did my job and helped everyone else with theirs.

Did Jeff promise you promotion in return for sexual favors?


Did you and Chef have a romantic relationship?

Or do you now?


Did Chef ask you to say that?

No. Look...

There was an employee who asked me out and I turned him down and on the same day he got fired for making a huge mistake in the kitchen.

I think that may have something to do with this.

Is Chef in trouble?

I'm just gathering information.

But once I get to the bottom of this, I will take whatever action needs to be taken.

Bay: Think they left?

Zarra: I don't know.

What if they're waiting for us?

( Pounding on door ) - ( Both gasp )

Toby: Hey Bay, you in there?

( Exhales ) It's my brother.

Hey, got your text. Here's your bag.

Hey, where's you car?

Uh, it's around the corner, why?

'Cause we have to go now.

What? Is something wrong?

Go go. Shh, quiet.

They might still be here.

Who might still be here?

Smak: There they are!

Ah! Come on!

Go go go go go go!

Go go go go!

Go go go!

Toby, hurry up! - Come on, get in the car!

Bay: Unlock it, unlock it, unlock it!

( Car beeps ) Open it! Open it!

Hit it twice! Hurry up!

I'm trying!

Come on!

Go! Go go go!

Let's go! Let's get her, come on!

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on, come on. Get in.

Zarra: Go go go! Close it, close it!

Go! Go go go go go!

Whatever you do, please do not tell mom and dad what just happened.

What? The Friday the 13th sequel that just happened?



( Sternly ) Bay.

We need to talk.


In private.

Parents love me.

I texted you that I was at Zarra's.

A great comfort.

You know what?

You clearly do not want me here.

What we do not want is you stealing and lying.

I said I was sorry.

Stop it! Both of you!

We know you want your independence, but you're still a minor

and we're still responsible for you.

We don't know where Zarra lives.

We've never met her parents...

She's 19, mom. Not nine.

Don't talk to your mother in that tone.

We wanna make sure that you're safe and making good decisions.

And based on what's been happening lately, can you honestly blame us for being concerned?

Okay, you're right.

I am sorry.

And now I'm wondering if Zarra and I can crash here.

"Crash here"? You live here!

As for that girl, I don't care...

She has a name!

And you know what it is.

( Door opens )

I just stopped by to drop off Angelo's shirt for court.


Can my friend Zarra stay with you?

No, she cannot!

I was asking about Regina's house.

That is my house. This is my house. I say no!



( Groans loudly )

What did that accomplish?

We need to be her parents!

I'm trying to be her mother!

( Door closes )

How can you just let him talk to you like that?

"This is my house. That is my house."

Okay, he's upset and he's got a lot on his plate right now.

He's always upset!

You probably won't believe this, but sometimes growing up is harder on the parents than it is the kids.

I'm sorry, are you taking his side?

I don't wanna get in the middle of this, but I can see where he's coming from.

Wow. They are always fighting with you to be parents to Daphne, but with me, you're just willing to let them run the show.


( Sighs )

Your dad got a problem with all of Bay's friends?

Only the ones that live in abandoned trailer parks and get chased by scary angry guys.

It's good for "hot house flowers" to get some exposure to the real world.

Especially if they want to create art.

I don't know you and I have nothing against you.

But I don't want anything bad to happen to Bay.

I don't want anything bad to happen to her either.


You can't stay and I have to.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, I could kinda hear from the yelling.

It's cool.

I'm gonna stay with Eight Ball for a while.

He's on his way to come get me.

What about the trailer?

Eight Ball say he went by there a little while ago and Smak and his crew are still there... Waiting.

Well, what about your stuff?

Well, it may not be my stuff anymore.

See ya.

What'd you tell her?

Nothing. I swear.

I mean, who else knows?

( Stammering )

Uh, did Melody report us?

Did you tell your mom?

Could you please slow down?

What'd she say? You know what? Let me guess.

( Amicably ) "Don't worry. We're on your side.

You can tell us anything." Right?

( Scoffs ) Of course. To me, it was all...

( Harshly ) "Word gets out that you were fired for carrying on with an employee, you'll be lucky to be flipping burgers at White Castle."

You're talking too fast again.

God, this is a disaster! You know that, right?

You know how many years could've just gone down the drain?

I'm such an idiot.

It's gonna be fine. I promise.


Sure it is.


You're leaving already?

Yeah, sorry. I texted you.

Can you get a ride to the court?

Of course. Where are you going?

Uh, taking my mom to the pharmacy and just a quick errand.

I will see you there.

Does this errand have a name?


The clear path employment agency.

Oh, you finally quit that salon?

No. Some of us actually try to avoid unemployment.


Geraldo said that if I'm not back cutting hair soon he's gonna rent my chair to someone else.

I'm sorry.

Yeah. Well, I can't get mad.

I mean, I get it.

Shouldn't we get going?


If things get tough, you know?

What? You'll take care of her with the carpentry job you quit?


I'm just saying.

Things could be different for you and me.

After this trial.

Don't get ahead of yourself.

( Sighs )

I'll see you later.



Uh. With a friend.

Uh. Just giving some stuff away.

Daphne got the camera back to you, right?

It was no big deal.

Are you a cop now?

Well, you don't need to worry about me anymore.

It's not your job.

I gotta go.

( Car engine starting )

( Door opens )


What's wrong?


You're not telling me something.

What is it?

I tried to fix something.

But I think I made it worse.

Well, made what worse?

Jeff... Chef... My boss.

Things were going so great and then the owner called me in to interrogate me about him.

Wh... The owner called you in?

And now Jeff is so mad at me.

Are you gonna lose your job?

I already quit.

Quit?! Why... why would you quit?

I had to.

We couldn't be together if I was working for him and he couldn't quit, obviously.

Wait wait wait.

Be together?

Are you...

Seeing Jeff?

You just had a crush on him.

He was just dating Melody.

I know he's older and I know he's my boss, but it doesn't matter.

He's pressuring you to give up something that you love?

Have you forgotten how hard it is to find a job working in a kitchen?

He's not pressuring me! I did that myself.

I thought you would be supportive.

Why would I be supportive of you dating somebody so totally inappropriate?

Because frankly, mom, you're not exactly a role model for choosing great men!

You need to march back in there, dump this guy and get your job back.

You're not listening to me.

I want him more than I want the job!

Is that what I taught you?

To give up everything that you care about for a man?

That he is more important?

You must have learned that from Kathryn because you did not get it from me!

Damn it. Daphne...

Regina, Daphne.

They're ready for us.

I'm sorry.


So we're all here, Bay.

Please, just call me back when you get this.

Still nothing?

I can't believe she's doing this.

Today of all days.

Well, sweetie. We have to go in. Are you okay?

God, no! Just when I thought she couldn't piss me off any more.

Everything all right?

Yeah, it's fine. We'll see you inside.

If you need anything from me, just let me know.

That was supposed to be our life.

I wrote the book to try and make sense of what happened.

And make a little money along the way?

I'm donating all the profits to a children's charity.

Because you didn't exactly need the money yourself, did you?



Mrs. Kennish, who is Brizia Muñoz?

She's a nurse who worked in the nursery at the hospital the night that Bay and Daphne were switched.

And you gave her money too, didn't you?


To pay her to testify on your behalf about how poorly the hospital treated its employees?

No. She was gonna testify on our behalf, but she changed her mind when she lost her job.

I just lent her some money till she found a new job.

You're a very generous woman.

Giving your profits to charity, lending money to somebody you hardly know.

It was the right thing to do.

And on page 122 of your book, didn't you say that because of the switch you, quote...

"Feel blessed to have been given more than I ever wanted."

End quote.

I was reunited with the daughter I gave birth to.

That's a blessing.

Calston: So why are we here?

Excuse me?

Why are we troubling the good ladies and gentlemen of this jury to hear your suit for damages when, in fact, by your own account, your life has been made better, not worse, by the switch.


Uh, no. I want to answer that.


I went to that hospital to have my baby.

I came home with a baby that wasn't mine.

Do you realize how devastated I am?

(Voice breaking) To know that the life that I brought into this world was cared for and nurtured...

By someone I didn't even know?

I missed 16 years.

The baby years.

All those times when Daphne was hurt I wasn't there for her.

All those little moments, all those memories together...

I missed.

We missed.

I'll never get over that.


So let me get this straight?

What you're saying is, if you could go back in time and undo the switch, you would.

You mean, and never know Bay?

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

In a parallel universe, where the switch never happened, you wouldn't be the mother to Bay.

That's what you want?!



No. No. Of course not.


You wouldn't want to undo the switch?

( Quietly ) No.

I wouldn't.

No further questions.

Kathryn: But...

( sighs deeply )

Dude, what are you doing here?

Don't you have your big court thing?

I was on my way, but then I got to thinking...

JR is a legend.

And a chance to work with him may never come again.


I wanna come.


Let's go.

What, now?

Why not?

Look, we could stay here and we could deal with Smak and all this other B.S. or we could just go.

Kinda wanna meet Papa Zarra.

( Exhales )

Let's go to Mexico.

( Chuckles )

What, that's it? You don't need anything?

No, dude. I'm good.

Let's roll.


( Engine starting )

Now Daphne probably thinks that I don't want her.

Sweetie, what you said about Daphne doesn't mean you love her any less. She knows that.

Look, I know I shouldn't have said that, but how could I lie?

How could I say I wished I'd never raised Bay?

Sweetie, it's fine.

Yeah, but now the hospital can say that we weren't really harmed by the switch, right?

Well, hopefully the jury was as moved by your testimony

as the rest of us were.

Anything can happen. Just sit tight.

Has anybody heard from Bay? Have you heard from Bay?


What is he doing here?

I got desperate. I texted him.

I thought maybe...

You didn't think she would...

Would she?


Have you heard from Bay?

He said he saw her this morning...

I actually think I got most of that.


You what the truth is, she's probably at home painting horrible pictures of me.

But the good news is, I'm tracking her phone with this.

And I can tell you exactly where she is.

Which is in...

( Cellphone beeps )


What is she doing in Oklahoma?

I know Zarra's dad lives in Mexico.


Oh, God.

Okay, I'm going after her.

You're coming... No no.

You are not coming.


Let him go.

I'll stay with mom.


Call me as soon as you know anything.

Frida Kahlo's house is in Coyoacan, which I've been dying to see since I was like nine.

Oh! And Oaxaca is supposed to be incredible.

Oh, all those amazing fruit markets, right?

And chocolate mole sauce.

Ah, yeah. Dude, we will see it all and do it all!

Guacamole with every meal.

No! Margaritas with every meal!



So how long do you think we're gonna be there?

I'm not sure.

Some of his installations can take weeks.

And rumor has it, he's got a trip to Cuba in the works.

Dude, I've been dying to see Cuba before it's all covered in mini malls and tour buses, you know?


Where is she now?

San Antonio?! That's like...

That's like three hours from the border.

"We're gonna find her."

Have you met this Zarra person?

I thought the army kid was gonna be a problem.

You, I wasn't so much worried about.

Maybe I should have been.

I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Kathryn wanted the hands-off approach, I wanted rules and consequences.

But, guess what?

Nothing worked.

I know you...

You had a bad time last year.


What do I do?

How do I help Bay?


What's wrong?

I don't know. I... I guess I wasn't, uh, anticipating being gone for so long.

Then again, I really don't know what I thought.

Oh, we don't have to join his world tour. I mean...

Oh, no no! That sounds totally awesome.

It's just, uh...

I didn't say good-bye to Daphne.

Uh, I feel kinda bad just ditching her.

Well, you know, when we get to Mexico city just send her a postcard or send her an e-mail or Skype or whatever.


Yeah, it'll be fine.

"Last year...

Parents were in their own world."

You were smashing things.

So they would listen to you.

So they would ask you 'cause you couldn't say it.

We should get goin'.

Honestly, the pork rinds from the vending machine at the last truck stop would have been better.

Aw, no!


They got the rest of the money.

Wait, you... You left the money in the sleeping bag?

In the car?

I'm sorry, okay?

Well, how much do we have left?

53. You?

( Sighing ) Uh.

Like 80.

How much further is your dad's place?

Uh, I'm not sure.

Uh, maybe you should call him.

Well, he called me from a pay phone and I e-mailed him and told him was coming, but I haven't heard back, okay?

So you have no idea where he is or even where we're going?

No, I... I do. Basically.

Well. ( Scoffs )

Does he have a place to stay?

Do we have a place to stay?

Look! Whatever. I will find him.

It's fine. We'll just sleep in the car, we'll save money for gas and we'll keep heading South.

Zarra, they stole my passport.

You can't cross the border without a passport!

We will figure it out!

What, you're not gonna melt down on me now, are you?


Okay? 'Cause we can just go back.


Okay then.

At least they didn't take the car.

Why the hell would you quit?

But everything's okay now.

I didn't ask you to quit.

I know. I just wanted to...

You know how this looks?

It looks like we're guilty. Like... Like we lied.

But it doesn't matter because if I don't work for you anymore...

If you don't work for me anymore, what?

Then we can be together.

Oh, honey.


Oh, I'm the most selfish man on the planet.

I don't even care about the job.

I'll get another job.

I just wanna be with you.


Oh, no.

I... I care about you.... A lot.


I'm in love with you.

You're gonna find someone so much better for you than me.

Much much better.

( Voice breaking )

I know what that means.

That means "I don't love you back".

You were...

This gift that I didn't...


If I close my eyes I can't see what you're saying so I can imagine anything I want.

I'm gonna open my eyes now and...

And I'm gonna go.

( Door opens )

( Door closes )

I'm sorry.

( Whispers ) Zarra. Zarra.


Hey hey, get out of here!

I've got a knife!

God, I hope that's not true.




You all right?

What the...?

I'm fine. What are you doing here?

How did you find me?

You tracked us?

That would be correct.

Bay, may I speak to you for a minute please?

You stay here?


Yeah. He's the one that figured out you'd left.

Bay, what are you doing?

I'm going to Mexico to paint with Zarra's dad.


And possibly Cuba.


It's probably not my best plan.

And why is that?

No money, no passport.

That could be a problem.

I'm not gonna stop doing street art.

I can't stop. It's who I am.

It's what I love. It's part of what makes me...


And if I couldn't do it anymore, I...

I would just fall apart.

That is exactly how I would feel...

Without you.

And what are we gonna do?

I don't know.

But I don't think we're gonna figure it out in this parking lot.

Your mom is beside herself.

Both of your moms.

You cannot blame yourself.

Maybe I should be trying to be more of a parent to Bay.

Maybe if I had taken her side, she wouldn't have left.

Look, she's gonna be okay. They're gonna find her.

And as an added bonus, I managed to say all the wrong things to Daphne too.

About Bay?

No. About the guy Daphne's been dating.

What's wrong with the guy that Daphne's been dating?

He's her boss.

What do you mean he's her boss?

You know what? Never mind.

No no no no no!

How old is he?


27, 28.

28? What kind of grown man dates a 16-year-old?

Where is she now? I don't know.

She's not answering my texts.


Angelo! Where are you going?

I'm gonna talk to this man that thinks it's okay to date a high school girl.



They found Bay. She's fine.

They're bringing her home.

Oh, thank God.

I need to borrow you car. Angelo took mine.

Okay. Why?

Daphne's dating her boss.

Chef Jeff?!


What is happening with our children?

I don't know.

Yell about it in the car. Angelo knows too and he's on his way over to Maize to talk to him right now.

Oh, no...



Hurry. Come on, come on.

( Slow melody playing )

♪ Shaking your head ♪
♪ like it's all wrong ♪
♪ before you're here ♪
♪ you're already gone... ♪


What are you doing here?

What happened? What did he do to you?

How did you even know?!

Wait, no! Angelo!

You can't go in there!


Where's the kitchen? I need to see the chef.

Where's the kitchen?

Are you Jeff?

Are you?

I need to talk to the chef. Where's Jeff?

Whoa. I'm the chef.



Who the hell are you?

I'm Daphne's father.

( Gasps ) Oh my God!

Don't you ever touch my daughter again!


Would somebody please get this

lunatic out of my kitchen?


Why don't you and Zarra follow me and Emmett? - Yeah.

Where is she?

"Used the rest of the cash for a bus ticket."

"Put it on my tab."

You wanna go after her?


She'll be fine.


So you...

Okay, you guys can follow me.

I can't believe you came out all this way just to come find me.

( Piano music playing )

♪ Here is a heart ♪
♪ here is a heart ♪
♪ I made it for you ♪
♪ so take it ♪
♪ battered and braised ♪ ( Car approaching )

♪ Grilled and sauteed ♪
♪ just how you like it ♪
♪ like it ♪
♪ you know I live to fill you up ♪
♪ blood of my blood ♪
♪ dripping with love ♪
♪ I bring you the thing you need most... ♪

Daphne, are you okay?

♪ Silent between ♪
♪ supplies and machines ♪ Oh, sweetheart.

( Daphne sobbing )

I'm so sorry.

You got that job as a favor for me and I just messed it up!

It's okay.

It's fine.

♪ I wanna be here and nowhere else... ♪

It's okay.

♪ So I can crumble at your side. ♪

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
have you reached a verdict in each of these two cases?

Jury foreperson: We have, Your Honor.

Judge: What say you?

In the matter of John Kennish and Kathryn Kennish versus children's hospital

of Kansas City, we find in favor of the plaintiffs...

All: Oh! - ...John Kennish and Kathryn Kennish.

In the amount of $1.

( Surprised murmurs )


Order, order!

( Gavel bangs )

In the matter of Angelo Sorrento

versus children's hospital of Kansas City, we find in favor of the plaintiff,

Angelo Sorrento...

In the amount of five million dollars.

( All gasp )

Judge: Order! - ( Gavel bangs )

Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the jury
for your service. You are excused.

This court stands adjourned.

Kathryn, John, I am so sorry.

Craig, it's fine.

It was never about the money.

They did wrong and now it's on the record.

We won.

We got what we wanted.

Kathryn: Yeah.

And Angelo's now a wealthy man, so he got what he wanted.

Some people always seem to fail up!

Well, congratulations.

What do you mean?

Well, you're married to him.

Half that money's legally yours, right?

So do you think he'll stick around after he gets the money?

( Exhales ) I don't know.

Do you remember what it was like before you found out about all this?

I mean, like the day before?

My last day of normal.

I do.

It was the first game of the season and my mom and I went out to get pizza from this place that's closed down now, Sal's.

With the garlic knots?

No way. You don't know Sal's.

Uh, they had my dad's picture on the wall.

( Laughs ) Oh my God.

We used to go there all the time.

So did we.

Do you think we were ever there at the same time?

We must have been.

What if we, like, sat next to each other or saw each other?

And we had no idea.

How could we not have felt something or known somehow?

Because that's the thing.

They day before your whole life changes forever, feels just like any other day.

♪ When there's shadow there is light ♪
♪ love is in the battle cry ♪
♪ even in the darkest night ♪
♪ there is shadow there is light ♪
♪ oh oh, there is light... ♪




I'm looking for Angelo Sorrento.

Do you know where he is?