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01x29 - The Trial

Posted: 12/13/13 20:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I'd love to.

Unfortunately, I have to work late.

Are you still seeing Melody?

No, I-I ended that.


Ms. Vandernoot, were there any hospital policies that might have contributed to the switch?

They're laying the groundwork for the coming of the antichrist.

Most of the time she gives a very convincing portrait of the hospital's negligence.


I was thinking about starting up the band again.


Okay, what just happened?

I can handle being with a woman in a fake marriage.

I just can't handle being with a woman in a real one.

Bay: This is my friend Zarra.

What's up? Nice to meet you.

Bay, it's Zarra. I'm in the county jail.


I need to borrow some money from the safe.


But I'm gonna pay it back by tomorrow.

I promise.

Me too.

( Cellphone ringing )

Zarra, hey.

Please tell me you have the money.

I don't. Uh, I'm trying.

You there?


I'm really sorry.

( Sighs )

Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out.

Toby threw in 250 and I found another 20 in some pants.

Well, I'm... I'm working on the rest.

( Stammering ) Yeah. Of course.

Okay, I... I get it.

I know. I...

( sighs )

( Theme music playing )

You mean, besides the bedroom?

( Chuckles )

Yeah, I always like to be the one to call it.

( Sighs ) The old "now he has to call me" insurance policy.

On the bright side, at least now you're not dating a guy that Daphne has a crush on.



You were probably more than he could handle.

I shouldn't have said anything about Daphne.

I'm sure she's over it anyway.

Jeff: Gracias, señor.

What did you order?

Oh my God! Those still have legs!

That's what makes them so crunchy.

Best chapulines in the midwest.


Oh, no, thank you.

I'll stick to my tacos.

You know those beans have lard in them.

Are you seriously gonna bug me about lard when you're about to eat grasshoppers?

I'm sorry, did you say "bug"?


Come on, I thought you'd be in favor of this.

This is a humane source of protein.

Half the world eats insects.

That doesn't make it any less disgusting!

You already eat shrimp.

Shrimp are basically the bugs of the ocean.

See, the only thing holding you back is blind obedience to some random cultural idea.

Go ahead.


Come on.

( Chuckles )

( Exhales )

Oh, God.

It's okay. Go ahead.

And she likes it.

What? I'm an open-minded woman.

Which I love about you.

Do you wanna get your own? Or are you just gonna keep...

( Knocks on door )

I didn't know you were back.

Is anybody...

Coast is clear.

And you don't have to worry about running into Patrick anymore.

Oh. What happened? Why?

What do you think happened?

He got tired of dating a married woman.

( Sighs )

What about your job?

They let you leave in the middle of it?

Things came to an early resolution.

You got fired.

No. Why do you assume that?

Years of experience.

The wife told me she wanted walnut cabinets.

I ordered walnut. The husband wanted oak.

The mill factory already cut the walnut.

He's screaming at me that it's my fault.

So you quit.

I didn't want to swallow the entire cost.

Or have them recommend you to their friends for more work.

You know, I don’t wanna fight.

I just want to know if you're coming to the trial.

You know my situation. Unless I'm called to testify, I have no place in it.

I was hoping you could come for me.

I'm sorry.

Oh. Hey, guys.

Nikki, this is Emmett.

The drummer I was telling you about.

Oh, cool. I'm Nikki.


He wants to check out the drums.

Oh, yeah. Totally. Be my guest.

( Emmett drums )

I know this is going to sound terrible, but I honestly thought you were kidding when you said you had a deaf drummer.

I was skeptical at first too, but just give him a listen, then make up your mind.

( Exhales )

So, uh, we'll just start playing one of her songs and then you just pick it up, play along.

( Chuckles )

You know what? Why don't you just start a beat?

( Playing slow, simple beat )

( Bass joins in )

( Guitar joins in )

I cannot believe you listen to your music that loud.

I would say you're gonna ruin your ears, but...

( Exhales )

( Chuckles )

So you never play music in the kitchen?

Uh... no.

Music's for the floor.

Oh, right.

You wouldn't want anyone to have any fun at work.

Excuse me! Am I not fun?

Maybe now.

But at work you're totally stressed out.

( Chuckles )

You say "stressed out."

I say focused.


I have some gelato.

Do you feel like coming up for some dessert?

Oh, uh...

I don't know.

Oh, I'm sorry. Too focused?

I've already had bugs tonight. What's a little gelato?

( Both chuckling )

( Music playing )

( Guitar reverberates, stops )


Yeah, that was soul-adjacent.

No, that was amazing.

I mean, tell him. That was fantastic.

Yeah, I think he gets it.

Uh, he says you're not so bad yourself.

Thank you.

So, uh, what do you think?

Same time tomorrow?

Oh. No, I can't. I have to work.

Soup kitchen? Feeding the hungry?

Clothing the...


Uh. ( Chortles )

No, not exactly.

You know Lucie's frozen yogurt?

Oh, yeah! Cool. I mean, uh, cool... I-I like that place, not you can't rehearse tomorrow.

All right.

( Laughing ) Okay.

Well, I want a photo of this.

You know? Our first official photo of, um... we're gonna need a name.

So, I guess we're a band?

Okay, we're a band!

All right!

( Quietly ) All right.

( Shutter clicks )

Awesome sauce.

( Chuckles ) Awesome sauce?

Yeah. You know?

All right. Well, I'll text you later to figure out a time.



Bye, Emmett.


No. We're not... she has a boyfriend.


His name is Jed.

What was that?


It's a good sign.

Goat cheese and fig.

No, thanks. I'm still thinking about those grasshoppers.

Who's that?

Mm. That's Bruno.

I was basically his indentured servant for a year in Normandy.

You apprenticed in France?

That's my dream!

Well, I'd be happy to give you a recommendation.

He was brutal with me, but I'm sure he'd love you.

Yeah, right. An American girl who's deaf?

Hey, just because I was an idiot doesn't mean everybody will be.

Except your hands are way too pretty.

What's wrong with my hands?

You work in a kitchen. Your hands are your resume.

Here, look at this.

See this? This is where the knife handle hits.

It took me years to get this.

And that guy is from a tray of hot beef bones when somebody ran into me.

I got this cutting tomatoes.

Oh. Well, that's a good start.

( Chuckles )

And what about these?

From basketball.

Not really kitchen-related.


Where's your bathroom?

Uh, it's up the stairs.

Okay, great. Yeah.

( Groans )

You all right?

( Vomiting ) - Ugh.

Bad grasshoppers. I'm just gonna get you some... you can't hear me.

( Doorbell rings )


Sorry. Uh, uh... sunglasses.

Oh, God. I was supposed to put them in the mailbox.

I'm sorry. C-come in. I'll see if they're upstairs.

( Vomiting )

She can't hear that.

( Cellphone beeping )

Don't take this the wrong way, but you look the way I feel about this whole trial thing.

Oh, God.

That starts tomorrow, doesn't it?

Are you okay? What's going on?

( Sighs )

I almost slept with chef Jeff last night.

I'm sorry. The guy that Melody was sleeping with?

You almost...

Never mind.

No, I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound all judge-y.

What happened?


Well, we ate these fried grasshoppers... and...

( Laughing )

Okay, now you're making stuff up.

Wow, you did have a weird night.

Anyway, we didn't... you know, because I threw up.

Oh my God.


So embarrassing.

Hey, I'm sure he understands.

You were nervous.

Everybody is on their first time.

It wasn't my first time.


Why are you so shocked?

You think you're the only person who's had sex?

( Chuckles )

Uh... actually, I, uh, haven't.

You and Emmett... never?






That was one more wow than you needed.

No! I'm sorry.

I just thought that you...

Yeah, I know.

I don't exactly give off the virginal vibe.

Do you think I ruined everything with Jeff?

Well, as you know, I'm not exactly an expert on these things.

But no, I don't think that you ruined everything.

It really shouldn't be that painful.

My opening will be short and to the point.

Just a quick question.

Shouldn't Angelo be here for this?

Conrad: Angelo's returning from his job upstate.

He assures me he'll be present tomorrow.

No. He's back. I just saw him this morning.

Oh. Oh. Right.

Anyway, after opening, I'll be calling Colleen to the stand.

So we're going with the conspiracy theorist.

She's a lactation consultant with compelling first-hand testimony.

If she holds up.

Now, the girls will be front and center, right?

Well, we don't want them to miss too much school.

They won't have to be there every day.

When they do show up, they should obviously be well-dressed.

And tell 'em not to hold back on the waterworks.

Not to be crass.

Too late.

( School bell ringing )

So I'm thinking, Halloween only comes once a year, right?

And everybody throws in

50 bucks, maybe even 100 bucks, we could throw something amazing with a great band, smoke machines. It'll be... hey!

Gaby, I'm looking for somebody to co-host a rager that I'm thinking about throwing.

Just... I need... just let me know!

( Vacuum stops whirring )

Eli! Hey! You can be first on the invitation list if you just... hey.

I heard that you're collecting money for a Halloween party and I was just wondering how much you need.

It's fine.

Okay, this is not me trying to wrangle an invitation from you.

It's just... You hate Halloween and you're not a big fan of parties, so whatever it is, I'd like to help.

You wanna help me.

It's the least I can do.

I'll figure it out.

Okay. Well, if you change your mind, I've got my checkbook on me.

( Cellphone beeps )

Simone, wait.

So, this is where the magic happens.

Oh. Hey.

Sorry for the ambush. I, um...

Couldn't sleep last night, so I...

I actually wrote a couple songs and thought we could play through them next time.


No pressure.

I mean, we could just jam too.


Or keep playing your stuff. Whatever.

I can't play with you anymore.

What? I thought we sounded good.

We did.

It's just, um, I'm not sure that this is the right direction for either one of us.

Well, we could try a different sound.

It's not about the music.

My boyfriend saw that photo I posted and he's not comfortable with me playing with you guys.

And I want to respect that.

I'm sorry.

Okay. Uh...

I guess that's that.


Okay. I promise that's all of it.


He's here.

( Lock beeping )

Hurry up. Oh!



Hey! Ha ha! There you are!

Yeah, here I am.

Um, I actually had a question for you.

A-about the trial.

Great, let's talk about the trial.


Yeah, here we go.

Okay, uh... well, this is probably a question for mom, but she's just gonna obsess over it.

I was wondering, should I wear my Buckner uniform to the trial, or just like a nice skirt and blouse?

I think a skirt and blouse.

That way the judge won't hold it against us that we're letting you skip school.

Cool. That's what I thought.


Thank you so much for being such a good sport about all this.

It's the least I could do.

So was there any money missing?

No, money's all there. But there used to be all these hundreds, and now it's mostly twenties.

What do you think happened?

I think one of my employees is using my cash drawer as an ATM, and I got a bad feeling I know who.

Oh. Honey... there are three men's rooms for every ladies' room here.

It's like they don't think women go to court.

( All chuckle )

Um, Travis, is he okay?

Does he have any money problems?

Or problems at home?

No. As far as I know, everything's okay.

I'm gonna have to deal with this sooner than later.

We better get in there, okay?




I can't make her be in a band with me.

Well. I mean, if it is, you and I are the only ones that are getting punished.

I know. Me too.

Dude, you weren't there.

Like, it's not happening.

I know.

What do you want me to do? Like...

Challenge him to a duel or something?

Emmett, if I... uh.

I think I got some of that.

You're weirdly good at this.

Well, I was contracted to work eight-hour shifts, but I was usually there

12 hours a day or more.

And were you the only one who was asked to work overtime?

Oh gosh, no.

The nurses in the nursery

complained all the time about it.

( Whispers ) John knows.

Did you stop working at K.C. Children's...


...Because you were asked to?


Quite the opposite.

Craig: You quit? - Colleen: Yes.

Even though I was offered a full-time position with benefits.

Craig: Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Why didn't you take it?

Colleen: I just didn't want to work under those conditions.

Craig: you mean the long hours?

Colleen: The hours, the redundant bookkeeping, the low morale.

That's when mistakes are made.

And I mean... well, obviously that's why we're here, isn't it?

Objection. Move to strike.

Sustained. The jury will disregard the witness' last sentence.

There are no further questions, your honor.

You know, somebody who is sleeping with her 85-year-old boss probably shouldn't be throwing stones.

Either you tell John or I will.

The court will take a brief recess before continuing cross-examination.
Why didn't you come to us for help?

Because I knew what you'd say.

This is way beyond anything you've ever done!

You could go to juvenile detention for this.

Do you understand?

Mom, my friend was in jail.

( Exhales )

I was worried about her.

She didn't have anybody else to call.

Do you even know if this girl is who she says she is?

What if she tricked you into giving her $1,000 and then ran off with it?!

I was at the police station.

I signed the papers. It was real.

Besides, Zarra isn't like that.


You know, from the second you met her, you didn't like her.

I could tell.

What is it about this girl?

What do you see in her? Because I just don't get it!

She was raised by a single mom, she grew up in east riverside, she's part-latina, she's an artist.

I always thought that Daphne is who I would've been if the switch hadn't happened, but that's not true.

It's Zarra.

She's who I would have been.

Well, if that's true, I don't like who you would've been.

And I really don't like who you're becoming.

They used wrist bracelets with the baby's name written in pen. Sometimes it was illegible.

Sometimes the ink smudged.

Ed: The system wasn't computerized?

Colleen: Oh, not yet.

They were in the process of doing that back in those days.

Ms. Vandernoot, are you familiar with a blog called "chronicle of the beast"?

Objection. Relevance.

Laying a foundation, your honor.

This goes to credibility.

It better, or I'm cutting it off.


Ms. Vandernoot?

Yes, I've heard of that blog.

In fact, you've written for it, haven't you?

Yes, from time to time.

Ed: It posits that one of the signs of the final days before the earth is destroyed is the appearance of the "mark of the beast."


I'd like to call attention to K.C. Children's exhibit "a".

You know what this is, don't you, ma'am?

Yes, it's...

The kind of bracelet they put on newborns at K.C. Children's now.

And isn't this the reason why you quit working at K.C. Children's?


Because the new computerized system used bar codes.


Doesn't "chronicle of the beast" warn that bar codes can be used as a mark of the antichrist?

Not all bar codes.

Only the kind that are used to identify people.

Those newborns were being marked like cattle.

Those babies were...


So the evil hospital is in cahoots with the beast, claiming newborns as his own.


That's enough, counsel.

That hospital was evil!

Look how it switched those... those girls!

Those Tiffanys!

And what it did to their mothers.

No further questions, your honor.

Judge: Thank you, Ms. Vandernoot.

The witness may step down.


You want some pudding?

I'm just getting some water.

Don't leave a mess.

Did you tell dad?

( Sighs ) I decided to wait.

With everything going on, there's only so much heartbreak a person can take in one day.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry.

All right, here's what's gonna happen.

I'll make sure your dad doesn't fire Travis,

I'll give you enough to pay back all the money you borrowed, and then you're gonna work it off.

Every cent.

( Quietly ) Okay.

And when this trial is over, we'll discuss what further actions need to be taken.


I don't wanna hear about it.

Hey there.

I just got a huge order of locusts.

I was hoping you could prep those for me.

Too soon?

Do you have a minute?


What's up?

Melody talked to me about us.

I don't know how she knew, but...

Uh, right. I wasn't gonna mention this, but she sort of stopped by my place the other night while you were there.


It was while you were... sick.

She was looking for her sunglasses, but I don't know, she might have seen something.

I'm afraid she's gonna tell my mom.


I can handle my mom.

Hold on.

We both know what we're doing isn't that smart.

No, I mean it.

Melody's just jealous. My mom won't even care.

Look, when I'm with you, I have fun and I don't even think about how old you are, but when I'm not...

I wonder what we're doing.

Maybe we should be together more then.


This isn't easy for me either.

But I'm trying to do the right thing here.

Please help me.


Well, it could have been worse.

She could have dragged the FBI into it.


That loon Vandernoot.

Put a call in to Craig, by the way.

Wondering if we should be expecting a lowball settlement offer now that our case has fallen apart.

Haven't heard back from him yet.

I'm sorry, honey.


Me too.

Sorry it turned out like this.

But not sorry we stuck to our g*ns.

For all the good it did us.

( Moans )

( Imitates moan )

( Chuckles )

( Doorbell ringing )

( Kathryn chuckles )


Great. You're both here.

What's up?

Remember when Colleen mentioned the "Tiffanys"?


And how the hospital's lawyer flinched when she did?


Well, I had my investigator do some digging into the records the hospital turned over in discovery.

Three months before your daughters were switched, two other girls, both named Tiffany, were born on the same day at that hospital.

We tracked down the parents and Colleen was right.

The Tiffanys were switched!

I contacted one of the mothers and she's willing to testify.

We got 'em by the balls!

John, Kathryn. This is Linda Calgrove.

The other mother whose baby was switched.


Hi. So nice to meet you.

I'm so sorry about all this.

Linda, thank you so much for testifying.

We're so glad that Craig found you.

We should get in there. We'll be starting soon.


Um, wait. Could I just have a moment to talk?

Yeah, of course.


I had no idea it happened again.

I'm just so sorry.

It's okay.

I just wanted to ask you a question I hope it's not too personal, but...

How did you know?

Something seemed off.

It's the only way I can explain it.

Did anyone believe you?


But I kept insisting.

How long was it before the girls were switched back?

Nine days.

For nine days we had somebody else's baby.

And somebody else had mine.

Nine days...

All with the wrong child.

And did you ever see her again?

The other Tiffany?

No. Of course not.

She wasn't ours.


Thank you.



I'm sorry. I know you're busy.

I, uh... this won't take very long.

I don't know about you, but I can't just pick up a guitar

and play music with anybody.

Me neither.

And this may be none of my business, but I don't think your boyfriend should be able to tell you who you can and can't play music with.

I mean, he either trusts you or he doesn't.

I've been cheated on before,
so I know what that feels like.

And I would never do that to anybody.

I think this band could be really great.

But we'll never know if we don't give it a shot.

I think we should.

So that's all I came to say.


What time is rehearsal?

( Chuckles )

Awesome sauce.

( Laughs )

Angelo: I left Chicago and came back to Kansas City for the first time in 13 years.

I found Bay and Daphne. I couldn't believe it.

They turned into such beautiful young women.

Conrad: Do you have any other children?


I wanted to be a father.

But not without the woman that I loved.

I wanted a family.

And you had that with Ms. Vasquez?

Bay's biological mother.

I thought I did.

Couldn't you have stayed with Ms. Vasquez?

Been a father to Daphne?

Regina was the love of my life.

But after Daphne's DNA test came back, all I saw was the proof that Regina had betrayed me.

And I was not
a big enough man back then to forgive her.

Or to love Daphne the way I should have.

Now that you've been reunited with Regina and the daughter you never knew, do you feel whole?

How can I?

I can never get back those years I lost with them.

I'm a stranger to Bay and Daphne.

Even Regina.

I should never have doubted the woman that I loved.

And I will regret that for the rest of my life.

But I should never have been put in a position to doubt her.

The hospital did that.

( Piano music playing ) - ♪ Waking up now

♪ slowly

♪ I bend

♪ ooh ooh ooh

♪ I do, I do and you don't care ♪
♪ I do, I do and you don't care... ♪


I know you want to be smart, and I do too.

But... but I don't always want to wonder if we missed out on something really good because we were too scared.

( School bell rings )



I'm giving you your money back. That's all of it.

You don't need to do that.

I mean, I want you to keep it.

I don't need it anymore.

Okay, can you just give it to charity or something?

I mean, I know it doesn't make up for anything, but I would just feel better if it was out there doing some good.

I don't want it. I didn't want it in the first place.

This wasn't about finding a way to make you feel better.

So... what happened?

It doesn't matter now.

Look, Bay, I know it's been a long time since we've been friends, but whatever it is, I'm no position to judge you.

I borrowed it for what I thought was a good reason and I ended up stealing money from my parents.

My mom won't even look at me now.

I've been there.

I can say this, I learned that it sucks being on the other side of the "begging for forgiveness" equation.

Mr. Tebbe, Mr. Chaplin, you may call your next witness.

The plaintiffs rest, your honor.

Very well, then. Mr. Calston.

Are you ready to put on your case?

One thing, your honor.

We seek leave to amend our witness list to include one more witness.

Kathryn Kennish.

Me? Why would they want me to testify for them?

I don't know.

Any objection, Mr. Tebbe?

No, your honor.

Very well then. Given that it's Friday afternoon, this court stands adjourned till 9:00 A.M. Monday.

All right, Craig. Well, thank you.

Yeah. We'll be in touch.

Is it the book?

What do they want from me?

Honey, he doesn't know. And he promised me that he'd get in touch with us if he finds out anything.

You're gonna be fine.

( Door closes )


Come in here for a second, please.



Is there something you'd like to tell me?

I'm guessing mom already told you.


Do you have any idea what this family is dealing with right now?

Dad, I returned it.

What am I gonna do with you, Bay?

Is boarding school the answer?

'Cause I really don't know.

You really want to ship me off like Wilke?

Because I don't understand how a child that I raised thinks it's okay to steal from me.

Wait a second. I know what I did was wrong, but Toby owed thousands of dollars in gambling debt, and he stole a test from school, but I guess...


...That's fine, right? 'Cause he's not just some kid that you raised.

He's your flesh and blood.

Don't pull that!

That is ridiculous!

This is about what you did.


And then you drag that kid Travis into this?

That poor kid? For that girl?!

Don't call her that.

Can't you guys even give me the benefit of the doubt?

No, we can't.

We have been cutting you slack.

We have been making excuses for your bad behavior ever since we found out about the switch.

It has been one thing after another.

And we're done.

You got it, Bay?

We're done.

Yeah. I got it.

♪ Why does it feel

♪ it's gonna hurt the same

♪ you gotta live until you die ♪
♪ lost in the silence of a long delay ♪
♪ we've gotta lift our eyes ♪
♪ to the dawn through

♪ a forest of forgotten tears

♪ let it all out... - Hey.



Could I stay with you for a while?

Yeah. Of course.

Come in.

♪ And rearrange again

♪ it's time to say good-bye ♪
♪ and start over.