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01x03 - Graceland Gambit

Posted: 12/24/22 08:54
by bunniefuu
Our friend was kidnapped.

Is there a ransom demand?

This woman named Billie demanded this relic.

It's supposed to lead to a treasure.

That's what Peter Sadusky told me.

He actually died not long after.

And it was maybe under mysterious circumstances.

You ordered a toxicology report concerning Peter Sadusky's death.

You want me to cancel the toxicology report?

Let's give the man some dignity.

This is a real deal

Holyfield treasure hunt.

You can't take risks like this.

You could get deported.

Your father's medallion was worn

by a secret network of treasure protectors.

These look like sections of a map.

I think I have something you're gonna wanna see.

My dad died hunting this treasure.

This is what started it all.

The author of this paper is...

my mom.

Oh, god.

Our friendship really
needs a snooze button.

Where's your old
mini DV camcorder?

I don't know, in
a box somewhere.

Uh, who are you?

Uh, Liam.

Tasha's rebound.

He's with me.


Poor Ethan.

- Who's Ethan?
- A friend.

Uh, what do you
need my camera for?

I think my mom's on this.

I think she knew
about the treasure.


Whoa, check out your mom.

She's so young.

Good morning.

Uh, are there subtitles?

I got it.

Thousands of years ago,
before the Europeans arrived,

a bunch of independent
tribes spanned the Americas.

Some of them pass their history and
culture down through textiles and art.

Whenever w*r broke out,

some of the women fled
with their sacred objects

so their history
would be preserved.

Over time, a treasure grew until
the greatest threat arrived.

The conquistadors.

I know
who I'm rooting for.

Not the
conquistadors, okay?

I'm pro-Goddess.
Do not cancel me.

But there was one brave woman who
risked her life to save the treasure

from the conquistadors.


An enslaved Nahua
teenager who was forced to work

for Hernán Cortés
as a translator.

Over the last 200 years,

her name has been
dragged through the mud

for helping the Spanish
slaughter indigenous peoples

in their quest for gold.

But the truth is,

Malinche used her
position in Cortes's camp

to keep one eye on the conquistadors
while her underground alliance of women

could smuggle the treasure away.

So Malinche was a master spy.

Like Brian O'Conner
from Fast and Furious.

Jess, they're all
wearing your necklace.

That necklace represents
an ancient oath

to unbury the lost history

of entire civilizations.

If your father had that necklace,
then he was protecting the treasure.

And so must you.

These women called themselves the
Daughters of the Plumed Serpent.

Once the
treasure was hidden,

the women created a treasure map
and broke it into three pieces,

giving one each to the Aztec,

Inca, and Maya,

with the idea that once the
conquistadors were vanquished,

they would come together again
to rejoin the pieces of the map

and find the treasure.

Please tell me she
said where it was.

The three pieces of the
map were lost over time.


And what's Professor
Mansplainer saying?

They're saying her
dissertation is fantasy.

That every scholar agrees the
Inca and Mesoamerican civilizations

never communicated,

let alone work together
to hide a great treasure.

And that Malinche wasn't a
hero, that she was a traitor,

at best, a powerless victim.

with all due respect, but...

I like this guy's energy.

- Who's he?
- That's...

That's my dad.

I thought your parents
didn't like each other.

Me too.

Sounds like he's got a
lot of skin in the game.

He's defending her.

My dad is saying he and my mom
are gonna prove the legend is real

by... by finding the treasure.

Ah. My lady.


I love you.

I've never even
heard his voice before.

And to see them dancing.

I guess it was pretty dumb to think
there wasn't a time when they were...

In love?

Those dudes wouldn't
even listen to your mom.

She was dropping
treasure knowledge.

Well, my dad
listened to her.

I always thought he
was chasing a dream.

But... you have the necklace.

That means our
families weren't crazy.

The treasure is real.


I thought you were
done with all that.

This is Agent Ross.

Hi, this is Dr. Zeke Hudson
from the city morgue.

Did you order this
panel on Peter Sadusky?

I did, yes. Uh, do
you have the results?

Yeah. Uh, I just need an e-signature on
the release before I can send it out.

No, you know, I'd rather come
down in person and sign, and then

we can go through
those results together.

Uh, sure. Yeah.

Is 10:00 a.m. okay?

- Yeah. I'll be there.
- Ross.

Hey, thanks for going
through all those statements.

I know that's tedious work.

- It's no problem, sir.
- Yeah.

Listen. Uh, I know
how you're feeling.

When I was first stationed in
D.C. back in the Mesozoic era,

I failed to act on a tip that
the Declaration of Independence

was about to be stolen.

That was you?

Yeah. That was me.

And like you, I was
eager to make up for it.

It affected my judgment.

Luckily, I had a good
boss who believed in me.

I believe in you, Ross.


I love you.

I don't understand.

There's more. Look at this.

Sleep, precious child ♪


That's your mom's lullaby?

There is a second
verse she never sang.

"You can sleep,
precious child.

Our treasure is safe.

Till we rise again tomorrow."

The lullaby passed down
the legend of the treasure.


Did I tell you Billie was a
black market antiquities dealer?

Which means if she finds a
treasure, it'll wind up in the hands

of some sketchy, rich collector.

And no one will know
my mom was right.

Where do we start?


This is cooler than any room on any
episode of Cribs I've ever seen.

Including Mariah's house.

You really undersold clue room.

Yo, look.

Look, it's the panel
from the Resolute Desk.

Ben Franklin glasses.

Oh, my god.

Your grandpa is the redacted FBI
agent in Riley Poole's podcast.

Yeah, I'm not really
a podcast guy.

It says "do not touch."

Cool, cool, cool.

Love this clue room.

Don't get me wrong, uh, but I'm not seeing
a map with an "X Marks the Spot" anywhere.

The treasure map's
on the three boxes.

We find them, we
find the treasure.



Blue Lapis.

Well, Billie took the obsidian
box, but Tasha Fierce got pics.

My, uh... My grandpa found
this one. That's Cibola.

Great. Where is it?

He gave it to my dad.

Two days later, he died
in a diving accident.

It's never been seen again.

That's sad.

So... we're at a dead end.

Pretty much.

I mean, we got this one
clue in the third box,

my grandpa and dad were
never able to crack.

"A message was passed to
the Sun King born to Peace."

Where'd they get this?

Dad was a Mason,
grandpa was a Mason.

I'm guessing they got
it from the Masons.


The Sun King.

You know who's
called the Sun King?

- Louis XIV.
- Louis XIV.

His parents were married
as a political allegiance.

Strengthening ties between
France and the Iberian Union.

Louisiana was named after him.

You think the message he was
passed might be in Louisiana?

Or in what was the
Louisiana territory.

But why would any indigenous person
give a clue to a French king?

Uh, Jess, who is Salazar?

And should we beware of him?

No idea.

It was just a loose
paper in there.

Come on. There's gotta
be another Sun King.

Maybe it's not a real king.

What? Like the Lion King?

LeBron! King James.

I was thinking the
King of Rock and Roll.


Yes. His label was Sun Records.

Whoa, whoa!

That makes sense.

Elvis was totally a mason. Here.

When he met President Nixon, he
was doing a secret Mason handshake.

And as you know, Elvis is mixed
up in all sorts of conspiracies.

- You mean was.
- Do I?

You want a more fun
fact than that one?

Uh, Elvis was Cherokee.

His three times great
grandmother was Cherokee.

Her name was Morning Dove White.


The symbol of peace.

That's why peace is capitalized.

It's a person.

"North American tribes like
the Puebloans in the Southwest

and the Cherokee in the Southeast
were rumored to have helped

the Daughters of
the Plumed Serpent."

So Morning Dove had a
clue and passed it down.

Not knowing that her great, great,
great grandson would become Elvis.

His favorite guitar was
called The Ebony Dove.

So what you're saying is Elvis put a
clue to an ancient treasure on a guitar?

If you're gonna hide a clue to
an ancient treasure on something,

it makes sense to
pick something...

That would become
a museum piece...

- at Graceland.
- At Graceland.

Yeah. The only problem is I
don't see any mention of that guitar

on Graceland inventory.

Well, it's gotta be in
Elvis's secret room.

The secret
room at Graceland.

Y'all don't know about this.

Am I the only one who
cares about history?

All the most valuable and secret Elvis
stuff is stored in a hidden room.

No one's allowed in.

No one's even allowed
to know where it is.

They let Oprah in once and
she had to be blindfolded.


So all we have to do is find
a guitar that may not exist.

By breaking into a room
that may not exist.


And I think I know how to do it.

Apparently, Jess
Valenzuela has quite the bio.

It's a real
rags-to-rags story here.

She was born in Mexico,
grew up in Baton Rouge,

a scholarship
student at Oak Prep,

and she was the first DACA
recipient to graduate valedictorian.

And she had her pick of
any college, Harvard, Yale.

And then her mom gets sick,

so she gives up university to
take care of her until she dies.

And all of that she's left with
is a stack of medical bills

to remember her by.

Yet, she refused my offer.

And I would have paid her bills.


Kids these days, they
don't care about money.

They just want more
and more followers.

Find a treasure,
baby, you famous.

This thing is ingenious.

Magnetized lodestone
acted like a compass.

That's what unlocked the dials.

Safe cracking 101.

That girl opened this.

I'm still not sure
why Sadusky told her,

but he inadvertently
gave us a very big clue.

We were looking for clues to
the treasure map on the outside,

and we should have been
looking in the inside.

Thank you.

Let's take a look on the
inside of this one, shall we?

- You're new at the field office.
- Yup.

And you're running
point on this?

- Yes, I am.
- Huh.

Your boss must have a
lot of faith in you.

You're investigating the
death of a decorated agent.

Okay, here's the
situation. Um...

I was actually supposed
to cancel that tox report,

but I got a tip that Peter Sadusky
died under mysterious circumstances,

so I disregarded the order.

You can report me
now if you want.

Or you could tell
me what you found.

All right. Don't get
too ahead of yourself.

Unfortunately, the
panel is inconclusive,

but it's very suspicious.

That's a lot of
unknown substances.


But given his age, he's
probably taken quite a few meds.


And there was an orange
stain on his hand.

So he was clutching something
in his hand when he died?

Could be. Looks
like a common dye.

Something used in
over-the-counter meds, even candy.

If I got you a list of his meds,
could you whittle down this list?

Not that either of us
are working on this case.

Yeah, I mean,

the last thing I'd want is to be
part of a juicy m*rder investigation.


Thank you.

Two boxes, 12 pieces.

And we have
two-thirds of the map.

And look at this.


The White Woman Mountains.

- You can see here.
- That's a jaguar head.

The Aztecs used to call
that "earth monster."

Signifies the entrance
to a sacred place.

That totally tracks the
White Woman Mountains

and they're right
outside of Mexico City.

Is that where the third box is?

Mm, we don't know
until we get there.

♪ Oh, you make me
wanna break the rules ♪

Well, call
me Deadliest Catch

because Mark took the bait
in my fishing expedition.

- Mark?
- The head of security.

You phished the head of
Graceland's security.

It's not my fault he can't resist a
promo code for Labradoodle breath bones.

What? His doodles have
their own Instagram page.

Let's go over the plan.

Uh, no. Are you kidding?

Have you ever seen a movie
where they do a heist?

You cannot go over the plan.
Something just guaranteed to go wrong.

That's not how reality works.

At 1:00 p.m., they open the
display cases for cleaning.

- Then it's you, Oren.
- No.

I will not be a part of this
clear effort to jinx our mission.

Dude, all you gotta do
is release the moths.

And the second they see the
moths on the priceless jumpsuits,

they'll call the exterminators.

So we're all just
on board with moths

turning Elvis's jumpsuits
into Swiss cheese?

They're not that kind of moth.

There's more than
one type of moth?

I worked at Almighty Storage.

Pretty much a moth expert.

We got the
non-clothes-eating type.

So we got 13 minutes to get
in and out of the secret room

before the real
exterminators show up.

Thirteen minutes, that's very
specific. What's your source on that?

- Yelp.
- Hey, dudes...

I still think I should
be the one to go in.

We've been over this.
Let's stick to the plan.

Liam is a guitar expert.

Anything out of place on
that axe, I'll know it.

Hey, uh, people...

Oren, we're not
going to jinx it.

Oh, really?

'Cause now there's
someone following us.

Brown Chrysler on the left.

- It's Billie?
- Or her minions.

- Dude, outrun them!
- Do I look like I got NOS in here?

My baby don't race.

Pull over and
see what they do.

Anyone recognize him?

Not me.

Maybe it
was the Salazar guy.

He was probably just some bearded
rando on his way to a vinyl sale.


Let's get back on the road.

You guys...

need to get into character.

♪ Ooh, well, I got a girl
with a record machine ♪

♪ When it comes to
rockin' she's the queen ♪

♪ We love to dance
on a Saturday night ♪

♪ All alone where I
can hold her tight ♪

♪ But she lives on the
twentieth floor uptown ♪

♪ The elevator's broken down ♪

♪ So I'll walk one, two
flight three flight, four ♪

♪ Five, six, seven flight
eight flight, more ♪

♪ Up on the twelfth
I'm startin' to drag ♪

♪ Fifteenth floor
I'm a-ready to sag ♪

♪ Get to the top, I'm
too tired to rock ♪

Why are they all dusty?

They're actually tiny
scales, not dust.


I was up till 2:00 in the morning
doing research about moths

to prepare for my role.

What's to prepare? We show
up and pretend to k*ll bugs.

You sure you're good?


Yeah. Oh, yeah. Um...

For your mom.

And all that gold.

We are in the building.

Uh, Oren, it's almost

1:00... They're
gonna open the case.


you're giving me
performance anxiety.

Let's go. Black
kicks on the move.

Excuse us, everybody, please.

Out of the way. Thank you.

Thank you very much.


- Good?
- Yes. Of course.

- Okay, let's go next.
- Okay.

Excuse me.

Hi. Question.

Uh, did Elvis...

Is that a moth?

And that's the
call to the exterminator.

Sync timers.

You ready?

Three, two, one, go.

Clock's ticking, 13 minutes.

Who are you guys?

Where's Tim?

- We, uh...
- You must be Mark, right?

Uh, yeah.

We're subcontracting for Tim.

He's on a big job right now

but he knew this
was an emergency.

He mentioned you've
got a Labradoodle?


Hound Dog and Blue Suede.

Got one myself. Name's Jolene.

Follow us.

Oh. Okay.

Meet Tineola

Your common webbing
clothes moth.

This little guy likes to feed
on animal fibers, leather, wool.

Oh, my god. We can't close to
fumigate. It's Jailhouse Week.

Oh, no need for that.

Just let us take a look around.

And we should start in
dark storage spaces.

- Moths love that.
- Mm-hm.

Okay. Mark, you take
Arin to "the room".

And, Dean,
you come with me.

Oh, we actually prefer
to work in tandem.

Oh, it's too much ground
to cover all at once.

I'd rather do this
quickly. Okay? Come, come.

Um, splitting up wasn't
a part of the plan.

This way.

- Let's go.
- Yes, sir.

He must have gone underground.

Normally, we blindfold anyone
before we bring them down here.

I'll have you sign an NDA
before you leave today.

You know what that is?

Non-disclosure thing means

anything you saw here
today, you didn't see.

Well, if there
are moths in here,

they'll leave a yellow dust-like
pollen on the jumpsuits.

I'm gonna need to inspect them.

Mission accomplished.

It was hella stressful,
but I did it.

I am donezo.


The real
exterminators are here.

He's early.

Oh, man, I knew it.

I called it.

- Y'all jinxed it.
- Oren, go stall him.

- Me?
- Now!

There you go.

They're all clear. Moth free.

We're all good here.

Is... Is there a
restroom I could use?

- Hey, Mr. Exterminator.
- Who are you?

I'm the hotel manager.

We got a Defcon-10 moth
situation over here

if you just follow me.

- Yeah, but Mark said we're in the mansion.
- And, Mark...

I'm the one who told
Mark to call you.

Let's check the velvet paintings
and the guest room next.


Uh, I just need to grab
another battery from the truck.

I'll be right back.

I'll be back. One second.


Did he get the pics?

- Oh, nice guitar.
- Yeah, but nothing looks like a clue.

Maybe it's
the wrong Sun King.

Elvis's gold record
of "La Paloma".

That single
never went gold.

"La Paloma" means "dove".

That's gotta be it.

I got the exterminator all the
way to the hotel and ran for it.

- Did I miss something?
- We all did.

We gotta go back in.

Get that record.

Uh, did you not just
hear what I said?

The exterminator is back.

Uh, everyone is
gonna be looking for us.

We will all be arrested.

Jess, what are you doing?

- I have to know the truth about my dad.
- Uh...

- Hey, I'll go with you.
- Not like this.

- We'll find another way.
- There is no other way.

They're gonna shut this place
down. It's now or never.


All right, I got her.

Where's Jess?

I got the pics. What's he doing?

They were just here.

Okay. Somebody talk to me.

Where'd those exterminators go?

I'll check
right now, sir. Copy.

No. She can't do that.

You be lookout. I'm going in.


There's a code panel
to get into the room.

- You need to get out of there.
- Did you see it? The code?

No. He blocked the panel.

- Come on.
- How many beeps?


Eight. But you don't have time
to figure it out. Come on.

Eight digits, that
could be anything.

- You didn't hire these guys?
- No, I don't subcontract.

We let them into
the secret room.

I'm calling the police to
make sure nothing was taken.

I was with him the entire
time. He didn't take anything.

Well, he was in
there for something.

Eight digits?

That's a date.

Day, month, four-digit year.

What's Elvis's birthday?

Zero, one, zero, eight, 19, 35.


The day of his comeback show?

One, two, zero, three, 19, 68.


Excuse me.

- Sorry.
- I'm taking our picture one more time...


Hey. Hey, man,
can I borrow that?

Not his anniversary. Not
the day he met Nixon.

What is it?

The day he bought Graceland.

March 25th, 1957.



♪ Mmm, mmm, mmm ♪

♪ Hmm ♪

♪ We're caught in a trap ♪

♪ I can't walk out ♪

♪ Because I love
you too much, baby ♪

♪ We can't go on together ♪

- ♪ With suspicious minds ♪

Uh, Mark,
we've got a situation.

♪ We can't go on together ♪

♪ With suspicious minds ♪

The singing tourist?
Yeah, I know.

I'm on my way.

♪ Oh, let
our love survive ♪

♪ I'll dry the tears
from your eyes ♪

♪ We can't let a
good thing die ♪

♪ When, honey, you
know I've never ♪

♪ Lied ♪

- ♪ Mmm ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

You enjoying the show?

♪ Mmm ♪

Go get him!

♪ We're
caught in a trap ♪

Let's go.

Excuse us. Sorry.
- ♪ I can't walk out ♪

Excuse us. Sorry, folks,
gotta get through.

♪ Because I
love you too much, baby ♪

♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ We're caught in a trap ♪

♪ I can't walk out ♪

♪ Because I love
you too much, baby ♪

What do you think you're doing?

All right. We need
to clear this room, people.

Everybody, please start heading
out that door behind me.

I am so sorry, sir.

The only English he
speaks is Elvis songs.

He gets out of control
when he sings them.

Get him out of here.

Put him on the "No Fly" list.

They're gonna check the feeds.

Nope, I got this.

- Was anything stolen?
- Not that I can see.

Check the security footage.

They're about to get ghosted.

Oh, no.


It's all gone.

♪ Let's rock, rock,
rock, man, rock ♪

♪ We're gonna rock till you pop
we're gonna rock till you drop ♪

♪ We're gonna rock this
town rock it inside out ♪

♪ We're gonna rock this
town rock it inside out ♪

♪ We're gonna rock this
town rock it inside out ♪

- ♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

- That was insane.
- Dude, that was epic!

You sang an Elvis
song at Graceland.

Yeah. Now I'm gonna
be banned for life.

The plan was not
to draw attention.

- You speak Spanish?
- Yeah.

Summer bartending
at Señor Frog's.

Did you at least get the clue?

Yeah, I think so.

Check it out.

No wonder that record
didn't go gold.

Why go through all the trouble
of making a fake gold record?

It has to mean something.

We can mess with it on
some music software.

Try to see if there's a
hidden message or something.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

We'll figure it out.

Look at these symbols.

That's Incan.


Now these are Aztec.



The Daughters of the
Plumed Serpent were here.

I'll get the drone.


That's a good thing, right?

Well, it's the underworld
of Aztec mythology.

- Oh, damn it.
- Black Hawk down, Nate.

I'll go get it.


Mayan underworld.

Nate, hang on a moment.

It's okay. I can see the
drone. It's right up there.

Don't take another step.


- No, no, no, no, no!
- Nate!


- No, no, let me go!
- Let's go.

Let me go! He could
still be alive!


Listen to me. Listen to me.

He's gone.

This is all a trap.
We need to go.

We need to go right now.

Come on, let's go!


Oh, hey, Ethan.

Jess isn't here. She's...

She's working on
that sound file.

Yeah, I know. I came to
talk to you, actually.


It's unexpected,
but I'm listening.

I... I just want to
make sure you understand

how careful we have
to be with Jess.

You know, she can't
break the law. And...

I watched you lead her into
Graceland to steal a record.

Oh, she led herself.

And I'm not gonna tell a woman
what she can and can't do.

That's not what I'm saying.

I'm just saying we have
to look out for her.

How about I do me,
and you do you?

Look, you don't know her.

She's not going to stop.
This is about her family.

It is personal to her.

Yeah, well, this is
about my family, too.

All right?

We've both got skin in the game and
we're both gonna have to take risks.

And if you're not cool with
that, then maybe you should bail.

It's not the same for
you as it is for her.

You're not listening to me.

- It's exactly the same...
- She is undocumented.

I shouldn't have said that.

Look, she has DACA.

So if she gets into any trouble, she
can lose her status and be deported.

So it's not as easy
as "you do you."

For digital data,

one of the simplest techniques
is performed in a time domain

or the waveform is perturbed

by modulating the least significant bit.



What's wrong?

So I went to tell Liam he
can't be so reckless around you

and it just came out.

What just came out?

I told Liam you have DACA.

Whatever. You told me.

You made a mistake. It's okay.

I know it's not okay.

If I say it's okay, it's okay.

Yeah. Okay.

I'll let you get back
to what you're doing.

Hey, great. Just in time.

I know Ethan told you
about me having DACA.

And I really wish he hadn't.

Now go easy on him.

He was just trying
to have your back.

You guys are obviously
really close.

He's my oldest friend.

Which is why he should
have known better.


I... I would have tried to
talk you out of going in there

had I known what you're risking.

See, this is exactly why I
don't tell people right away.

Because it changes
how they treat me.

Some tell me to go back to my
country and they call me illegal.

Others have really good intentions
and wanna help and protect me

like I'm a puppy.

- Jess, that's not what I meant.
- I know.

Nobody ever does.

I'm just saying it's really
easy for it to be the only thing

people see about me, but...

It's not who I am.

Then who are you?

If you asked me that a week
ago, I could have answered that.

But now...

everything I thought
I knew about my mom,

my dad,

my whole family,
for that matter,

is a crazy riddle that
can only be solved

by finding this treasure.

You know anything
about steganography?

Only that the YouTube
videos are super confusing.

Hey, so I put the audio file you
recorded through a high-pass filter

and shifted the pitch down.

Just listen. Here.

Sorry. Speakers broken.

It sounds like somebody's
talking backwards.

Did you flip it?

I was waiting for you.

All right. Here it goes.

I've got a message
from Miss Morning Dove White.

"The twin-tongued
serpent's tail...

is revealed

- in fair weather...
- That's Elvis.

By the bend in the
new found land."

- Well, play it again.
- Yeah.

I've got a message
from Miss Morning Dove White.

"The twin-tongued
serpent's tail is revealed

in fair weather by the bend
in the new found land."

Maybe there
is no treasure.

Maybe the daughters
of the Plumed Serpent

just put all these clues out there
to keep the conquistadors busy

and lure them into traps.

Nelson Mandela once said,

"Don't judge me by my success,

judge me by how many
times I fall down

and get back up again."

Cras Est Nostrum.

Cras Est Nostrum.

To Nate.

To Nate.

I've got a message
from Miss Morning Dove White.

"The twin-tongued
serpent's tail is revealed

in fair weather by the bend
in the new found land."

Is that...


That is a clue.