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02x05 - Boardroom Politics

Posted: 12/23/22 19:07
by bunniefuu



You are ready?

I've left this for them.
Leave it where they'll find it.

The weather over London is good.
You should see the target clearly.


You're gonna fly a b*mb into the city.

Is that what you're doing?

There's a march. Hundreds and
thousands of people will die.

[KATINSKY] If they do, it's
because you failed to stop us.

I don't want to harm them.

They are my brothers and sisters
in the fight against capitalism.

The target is something
the march goes by.

Something they are marching against.

It sticks up like a
middle finger to the poor.

The Glasshouse.

I'm going to break it.





Come on.




No. No.

[PANTING] Oh, my God.


No. No.


Oh, no.

No. No, no, no, no.



- [NICK] Is that Lamb?

What's he want?

In a couple of hours,
I've got to drive Judd

through an anti-capitalist protest

to give a speech to a bunch of bankers.

It's a triple-decker shit sandwich.

I don't need you out here
waving your d*ck for that camera.

I need you to get me
inside. I mislaid my pass.

- You haven't had a working pass in years.
- Yeah, well, yours will stop working

when I tell Lady Di how you botched

the investigation into Harper's death.

f*ck off. He cycled straight into
oncoming traffic. Open and shut.

Yeah. Well, if you'd done
more than scratch the surface,

you'd have found a connection between
the driver and two Russian g*ons

who couldn't be more suspicious

if they had scars running
down their cheeks and...

and glass f*cking eyes.

Get in.

You think I don't know how to do my job.

I know you don't know
how to do your job.

Let's have, uh, Diana
Taverner decide, shall we?

[CHUCKLES] You don't even
have her f*cking number.

Oh, we sext all the time.
Yeah, it gets quite kinky.

[CLICKS TONGUE] Inside where, exactly?

[SIGHS] Where all hope goes to die.

The interrogation cells?


f*ck it.

My mistake was answering the phone.

No. Your mistake was forgetting
Min Harper was one of mine.




[PROTESTERS] People, not profit!
People, not profit! People, not profit!



Molly Doran.


Jackson Lamb.

Oh, the years have not been kind to you.

Mmm. Nor you. I see your
leg hasn't grown back.

The only advantage is I shall
never have to dance with you.

Christ. I'm getting
your breath from here.

Well, I brush twice a month.

Yeah, you can f*ck off now.

Yes, yes, yes. f*ck off. I will
not have the Dogs on my floor.

So what the hell are
you doing here, Jackson?

Nikolai Katinsky.

Moscow cipher clerk. Came
over in the early ' s.

Power struggles in the new FSB
meant old KGB were being purged.

I need to go over his file, full rectal.

- [SIGHS] Morning.
- Morning.

I don't know what these guys have
planned, but I've got your back.

Yeah, thanks.

[MARCUS] Have you figured
out what their game is yet?

[LOUISA] Guess we're gonna find out.



[PASHKIN SIGHS] Good morning.

- Morning.
- Morning. Good night's sleep?

My bed was a little cold.

You should ask for a discount.

- [CLICKS TONGUE] Shall we?
- Nope. Security first.


Feel free.

You two as well. In case you've
forgotten the rules about carrying.


No. I need to check that.

It contains sensitive documents.

And I have no intention of
hurting their feelings. Open it.

- We accept your apology.
- Okay. Looks like we're good to go.




What's he doing?

I told the front desk and
his assistant that we're here.

- Shall I tell him again?
- Yeah.


- [PETER] Hello, this is Peter Judd.

Please leave message,
and I'll get back to you.


He's just on his way, sir.

[PERSON] Minister.

[PETER] Thank you.


Are you going to be
able to manage the steps

at the Royal Exchange with that boot?

Let me just check my
phone, then I'm all yours.

- Why? You offering me your arm?
- No.

Let's go.

- [PETER] It's certainly put me off skiing.

[DIANA] I heard you slipped getting
out of a hot tub at your chalet.

Ah. A missed call from you.
Quite a few missed calls.

And a message.

Oh, you can ignore that.

Peter. Diana Taverner here.

Have you finished your toast yet?

Ooh, that's a keeper.

Second Desk of MI trying to
keep a lid on her rising anger

- at being treated like a common cabbie.
- I'm not angry, Peter.

Home Secretary, if you don't mind.

I am just trying to make sure that
you get to your speech on time.

We have a security schedule to stick to.

I know. And I'm sorry I made you
wait, but I was busy making you wait.

Well, if that's how you get your kicks,

it seems like a misuse of office to me.

Mmm. I really didn't appreciate
it when you came round to my house

to blackmail me into
getting you off the hook

for a false flag kidnapping.

That I did not appreciate.

Of course, at the time,

I was a humble backbencher,
shit on your overpriced shoes.

But now I'm not only the holder of
one of the great offices of state,

I'm also your de facto boss.

I think you're just as exposed as I am.

We have a mutually-assured-
destruction pact.

I'm not quite sure
where this is leading.

Well, for me it's leading to Number .

[RADIO HOST] There is a
massive protest on the streets

of London this morning,

and although the mood in the
crowd feels fairly benign,

there's a strong sense
people are worried

about a lack of government transparency.

Do you think the current
government is doing enough

to tackle the tax evasion
and avoidance, for example?

Well, Judd claims

that the UK is leading a campaign

to change the international tax system.

But I don't feel we've seen any...

Have you heard from River?

Not since he planted
his phone on Chernitsky.

Shit. I hope he's okay 'cause
it is f*cking wild out there.

Nevsky's dead. They injected him
with radiation. Then he shot himself.

It was grim.

Did you take any pictures?

No, I didn't take any pictures.

Next time, take some pictures.

Why is Chernitsky heading into London?

Maybe to sample the best
our city has to offer.

Tussauds. Hard Rock Cafe.

Jesus Christ, Ho. He's a k*ller,
and he's heading into town.

I know. And we've got front-row seats.



Come on. Come...



Her phone.




- [DUNCAN] Alex?
- Yeah. Yeah, it's me. It's me. It's Jon.

- [DUNCAN] Jonny?
- I'm at the flying club. Get here now.

[DUNCAN] What the f*ck
are you talking about?

- [KELLY] Where's Mum?
- She's on a plane.

Just come and get me now, or
you're not going to see her again.

Did you g... [GRUNTING]

f*ck. Ah, come on.





At the time, defectors like
Katinsky were ten a penny.

Nothing really to recommend
him. He was a minnow.

this I think you'll appreciate.

I heard discussion of cicadas.

The man on this video

is the same shambling
loser I met the other day,

but he is not the same man I
spoke to on the phone tonight.

What was different?

He was ahead of me.

So? You're well past your peak.

Well, not so past it that I
can be bested by a dying minnow.

Interview paused at...

Which makes me wonder,
what if he's not a minnow?

What if he's a whale?

Do you have his defection form handy?
I need to see who signed him in.



Comrade Pashkin.

- Jim Webb.

How's this for a meet-cute? [CHUCKLES]


Meet-cute is, uh, a term
for the moment in, uh...

in television and films,

where the people who will go
on to form a romantic attachment

meet for the first time.


Anyway, I hope this is the
start of something beautiful.

Shall we?


The people are not happy!
The people are not...


- You're in the same clothes.
- Been here all night.

Chernitsky turned up in Upshott.
River planted his phone on him.

- We're tracking his journey into London.
- Where's River? Is he all right?

Don't know.

- Chernitsky stopped in the city.
- [SHIRLEY] Could have another target.

[RODDY] You fancy a
flutter on the method?

So far we've had death by poisoning,
traffic accident and radiation.

What do you reckon next?
Sword? Thumbs in the eyeballs?

Roddy, this is serious.

If we don't do something,
someone else is going to die.

You need to go after him.

He's a trained assassin.
You go after him.

- I have some unfinished business.
- [SCOFFS] No, you don't.

Well, actually, Roddy, I do.

Last night I met the man who put
the Russians in touch with Webb.

He knows something, and he was
enjoying keeping it from me, so...

I'm gonna wipe the
smile off his smug face.

- Yeah, okay. Sure. [CHUCKLES]
- Does Lamb know you did this?

Yes. Well, no.

And what did he say?

Probably what you're about
to say. "Don't bother."

What do you think you're gonna get?

Apart from Lamb's
thumbs in your eyeballs.

I don't know, but I think he can tell me

how Pashkin and Katinsky are connected.

They're all in this together.

And why has Slough House been
dragged into this? We're nobodies.

Speak for yourself. I'm a somebody.

Then get out of your
chair and do something.

[SIGHS] Come on, alpha dog.

Time to let you off the
leash and follow the scent.

[RODDY] Finally.

Some respect from you.

[CATHERINE] I know you're
lying about Pashkin.

Did you make Webb meet you here?

He wouldn't have liked that.
Not his cup of tea at all.

Not his idea to use Slough House either.

That must have been requested.

By whom? You?

No, you only have opinions
for money, so Pashkin then?

Surely even you must
know words cost lives.

Well, I'm sure you
could find a scapegoat

to take the blame for the
leak of whatever you tell me.

I mean, you've done it before.
Prague in ' . Zagreb in .

I mean, you always find someone
to pay for your mistakes.

I didn't know you played.

If I win, you tell me
the truth about Pashkin.

[VICTOR] Yes, and when I win,

you will drink, and we
will toast my victory.


I'm a gentleman. You play white.

[PETER] Everyone knows the PM
can't win the next election.

It's only a matter of time before
he's shot in what's left of his balls

and toddles off to be a third-tier
pick on the speaking circuit.

And you will put yourself forward
for the leadership contest.

Oh, no. I'll be
reluctantly prodded into it.

I was at school with the PM, remember.
He's one of my oldest friends.

And I'm very loyal to my friends.


And what would you like me to do

to demonstrate our newfound friendship?

You know how the party membership
loves security, defense and the like?

I'd like you to put out
the word, off the record,

that I am the only candidate you
trust to keep the nation safe.

This is the bit where
you say, "And in return?"

Why haven't you taken this to Tearney?

Unfortunately, First Desk
has already expressed doubts

about my being a
sufficiently serious character

to lead the country.

But then, I'm not sure if she's a
serious enough character to lead MI .

- But I am?
- [PETER] Undoubtedly.

So, do we have an understanding?

Ah. Now you're making me wait.

Nice. But I know you'll say yes.

Mmm. God.

That sounds like a line that you use

on one of your pitiful
little mistresses.




Ah. Hey! Yeah, in here.

- Oh, my God.

- What the bloody hell's going on?
- What the f*ck?

Thank God. Here, untie me.

[KELLY] Where's Mum?

- Told you, she took a plane.
- She doesn't fly.

Well, there's a Cessna
missing from your runway.

That's because she's on it.

No. Wait, wait, wait. Untie me.
Untie me first. Come on, come on.

Who took the plane?

I told you. She did.

- But who tied you up?
- She did.

- No, she didn't.
- Oh, what? You think I tied myself up?

Run that by me.

- [SIGHS] Come on. Untie me now.
- Where's Leo?

Look, it's a long story.

I followed him here, and
then your mother turned up,

and she Tasered me in the neck.

- A Taser?
- Yeah. It really f*cking hurt.

Why would she have a Taser?

Because she's a Russian sleeper agent.

- No, she f*cking isn't!

Have you met my mum?

Yes, she is. I actually thought
it was you at first, Duncan.

But I got that wrong.
It turns out it was her.

And what... Why would you
think I was a Russian agent?

Wait, why would you think that she was?

Oh, f*ck. You were acting
suspiciously, really suspiciously.

But your mother gave herself away

when she turned up and
Tasered me in the neck.

Look, you have to trust me,
right? I'm not a journalist.

I'm an MI agent.

Right, okay.

I'm an MI agent, and my
name is River Cartwright.

That's an even more stupid
name than Johnnie Walker!

[GRUNTS] Jesus Christ. Look,
Duncan, you were suspicious of me

because she was acting strange
just before I turned up.

I'm right, am I right?

Was she disappearing all the time?

You know, taking phone calls
in the middle of the night?

Just, you know, generally
acting a little bit strange?

- She is not a Russian agent.
- [SIGHS] She is a Russian agent.

She's been reactivated, and
they've stuck her on a plane.

- [KELLY] How come you've got her phone?
- Because she left it here.

- Why would she leave her phone?
- Because she's not coming back.

- [KELLY] For f*ck's sake.
- Come on! Just untie me!

It's her wedding ring.

What the f*ck's that doing here?

Because she's not coming back.

Please, just untie me.

- [DUNCAN] I don't get this.
- [KELLY] What?

"Duncan, I'm sorry. Forgive
me. I love you. Alex."

Okay, okay. I'm gonna humor you.
What is she doing on that plane?


She's gonna fly a b*mb
into the Glasshouse.

- Yeah. Of course, she is. Jesus Christ.
- You're full of bullshit.

Look, I'm sorry. Look, I understand

that you're not going
to get this right now.

I un... And it... And it's a lot to
take in. But you have to believe me

because hundreds, maybe
thousands of people,

they're gonna die unless you
untie me right f*cking now.

Look, what if I'm right
and you're wrong? Huh?

How would I tie myself up?


[CHANTING] People, not profit!
People, not profit! People, not profit!



Not a bad view, eh? [SIGHS] It'll do.


This is our haven, my friend. Our aerie.

Come on. Don't you feel
like a f*cking eagle?



Anyway, shall we?

Shall we what?

Discuss how we put
your boy in the Kremlin.

[PASHKIN] Sit down, Mr. Webb.


[CLICKS TONGUE] ... to kickoff,

I thought maybe I should state HMG's
official position on this meeting.

[PASHKIN] I think first we should
discuss security for Mr. Nevsky.

This meeting is a dry run for him
to step in here with Diana Taverner.

And doing so will put him
at great potential risk.

Dry run? [CHUCKLES] You're
doing yourself down, Arkady.

You and I, we're the
power behind the thrones.

Our bosses meeting, it's...
it's... it's a... it's a formality.

We get to make the world anew.
They just initial the changes.

Mr. Webb, if you're
going to talk this big,

you need to get a better suit.

[LAUGHS] That's good. You had me there.

That's good. This is Cucinelli,
as I'm sure you're aware.

I am. And I will give you
the details of a real tailor.

[WEBB] Okay, that's good.
Well, I look forward to that.

Yes. That's it. Come on.

Just... Just pull... pull...
pull the top bit down,

and then the rest will come
out. That's it. Oh, f*ck.



- Go ahead.

Cartwright, agent five, two, six, three.

Access code, Delta,
Bravo, eight, two, seven.

[OPERATOR] What do you report?

Code September.

[OPERATOR] Seeking authorization.

Understood. Standing by.

- Alex, please respond.

I don't want to believe you're
doing what I think you're doing.

I love you. Please.

Let me try.



Mum, it's me.

I don't care who you are
or what you do. Just...

You're my mum.

I know that's true.

I love you. Please.

Please don't do this. Please, Mum.



[DUNCAN] She's cut us off. Ah, f*ck.


- [PROTESTERS CHANTING] People, not profit!


What's the military assessment?

Who called it in?

Put him through.


- [DIANA] You called a Code September?
- Yes, ma'am.

Air traffic control affirmed
there are no commercial

or military flights off course.

Well, it's a small plane, ma'am.
But it's packed with expl*sives,

and it's headed directly
for the Glasshouse.

You are absolutely sure?

I pull the cord on this
and there's no going back.

- I'm sure, ma'am.
- You better be right.



This is Second Desk. Give me
seconds, then call a Code September.

We have to leave now.

Because of that lot?

[CHUCKLES] Not on your nelly. I'm
not scared of some smelly lefties.

There has been an alert.

Wha... Well, one of those twats has
thrown a brick through the window.

It's Code September.
We have to evacuate now.

As in September the th?

Judd! Chuck out Judd! Chuck out Judd!

Do you mean some fucker's flying a
plane into one of these buildings?

[DIANA] Not just a
building. The Glasshouse.

[PETER] That's right above our heads!



What are you waiting for? Drive.

Thank you, Lee.




"Code September."

"Primary target, the
Glasshouse Building."

"Reported expl*sives.
A Cess... " [SIGHS]

There's... There's a... a... a
f*cking Cessna with expl*sives on

f-flying from the
Cotswolds to the Glasshouse.

Don't you have agents
in both those locations?

Yeah, I do. Christ.


f*cking paperwork's
gonna be a ball-ache.


Check. I have this ready for you.

stay calm. Keep moving.

Marcus. Leave a message.


[AUTOMATED VOICE] Louisa can't
get to the phone right now.

Please leave a message after the tone.

Everyone's gone to f*cking voice mail.

[VICTOR] Mmm, you cannot win.


Police are diverting
marchers away from the streets

around the Glasshouse Building.

But with no detail, panic
and speculation has set in.

The entire London transport
network, now apparently shut down.

The speed of this
evacuation will be hampered.

Have you made the call?

Done. Yeah. U-Uh, thank you.


Is he okay?

- No.
- Right.

So, what happens next?

Well, they'll evacuate all the
buildings, shut down the transport...

No. No. I mean to my mum.

Oh, right. Well, they'll, um,

scramble fighters and
try and talk her down.

Right. And if, uh... if they can't?




[RODDY] Code September, what the f*ck?

[SHIRLEY] That can't stop
us finding Chernitsky.

- He's been stationary for five minutes.
- Where?

That car.

This is a security announcement.

Please evacuate the station.

must be in the coat.

Well, we tried.

- He's going to catch a train.
- [RODDY] We need to get out of the city!

[SHIRLEY] We need to find him!



Thank you for your queen.

This reminds me of
playing with my father.

Did he always beat you?

[CATHERINE] He hated losing,
so I always played two games.

One on the board, where he won.
And one in my head, where I did.

He was also quite open
about my chess-playing.

Telling me where I was going wrong,
how I'd lost all my key pieces,

that I was going to lose the game.

Just like you.

And just like you, he never
knew that I was secretly winning.


The Immortal Game.

Adolf Anderssen and Lionel
Kieseritzky, the st of June .

Here in London.

Anderssen sacrificed both
rooks, a bishop and his queen,

then checkmated Kieseritzky
with three minor pieces.

I've always wanted to try that.

And now you have.

And now you tell me what I want to know.

[CHUCKLING] I don't.

Yes, you do.

- You're leaving me with no alternative.
- To what?

I have your file.

Maybe those who were
unexpectedly beaten or arrested

because of your triple dealings

would like to know the part
you played in their misery.

You won't do that. You
don't have it in you.

That's your gamble then, isn't it?



[CATHERINE] Krymov met
Katinsky, not Pashkin.

He's been pulling the
strings the whole time.

He's the one who made sure
Slough House was involved.

Wha... [SIGHS] Why?

He wants someone in Slough House,

and the only someone there is you.

Ah... [SCOFFS] Well, that
makes no f*cking sense.

[STAMMERING] A-Are you drunk?

Listen, you wanna make yourself useful,

tell Marcus and Louisa to get
the f*ck out of that building.



Katinsky's intake.

[GRUNTS] Who signed him in?

Apparently, you did.

Ugh. You beast.

- Yeah, I know. It, uh... It lingered.

I never signed this.

Are you sure? You were
drinking a fair bit back then.

[EXHALES DEEPLY] Hmm. When have I not?

Yeah, besides... Yeah, I was
in Prague when this was signed.

Can you prove that?

No. It was off the books.

The Yanks thought they had
first dibs on defectors.

Uh, the Foreign Office ordered us
to hang back, but I went in anyway.

How many people knew that?

Well, enough to make it hard
for me to point the finger.

Although one candidate does stand out.

We had a traitor,
Molly. Right at the top.


I think he signed Katinsky in.

And this traitor was running Katinsky...

No, no, no, no. [STAMMERS]
Katinsky was running our traitor.

[SIGHS] Katinsky mentioned
cicadas at his debrief

to make us think he was a nobody.

And in one sense, he's
even less than a nobody.

He's a ghost.

Cicadas were meant to be a fiction,
dreamt up by a made-up spymaster.

Nikolai Katinsky was that spymaster.

f*ck me.

And he's dying. And he
has unfinished business.

[SIGHS] Christ, Standish was right.

[MOLLY] What did she say?

She said she knows what he wants.


This is a three-pronged campaign,

online, internationally and in person.

You run bots and influencers.

We bend the ear of our allies,
and then Nevsky returns to Russia

to campaign on the ground. Bingo.

- After his sweeping victory,

you and I take a bow, as
the king... Oh, come on.

[INTERCOM ANNOUNCER] Security alert.
Make your way to the nearest exit.

I'm su... [SIGHS] I'm
sure that's just a test.

[MARCUS] It's not a
test. We'd know about it.

[LOUISA] It's an evacuation
alarm. We have to leave, Webb. Now.

[WEBB] Oh, my f*ck. Is this a joke?

Sorry. We will set up a new
meeting shortly, I promise.

A different location...
[STAMMERS] ... a better location.

Certainly a different security team.

Can you please find out
why the f*cking alarm

- is going off and ruining...
- Stop talking, please.

You two, sit.

- [WEBB] What the f*ck are...
- [PASHKIN] Sit down.

- Arkady. Explanation, please.
- [PASHKIN] Hands on the table.

- He's a fraud. Guessing FSB.
- You work for Nevsky.

Nevsky's dead.

[WEBB] What do you mean Nevsky's dead?

[LOUISA] These guys assassinated him.

your way to the nearest exit.


[SCOFFS] Right, this
makes absolutely no sense.

[PASHKIN] Hands on the table.

[INTERCOM ANNOUNCER] Security alert.
Make your way to the nearest exit.

Okay, I'm sorry. Can you
just put that f*cking...

- [PASHKIN] Silence. Shut up.
- What the f*ck is going on?

Or I sh**t you in the mouth.


Sit down.




No, no. Enough, enough. Enough.

- Yeah? You can't do this.
- Sit. Sit down. You stupid pig.

I'm a representative of
Her Majesty's Government.

No... So, put that f*cking
popgun down now, before I...





[MARCUS] Shit.