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03x04 - Our Death's Keeper

Posted: 12/23/22 18:54
by bunniefuu
- Very important he doesn't know.
- He doesn't.

If you'll excuse me,
Minister Petrov. Gentlemen.

Are you trying to get me
out of the way, Alexei?

These are messages

between Jack Ryan and
your man Konstantin.

You asked me to
go after Jack Ryan

and put me next to this traitor.


Your assassin was
a double agent.

What does that make you?

- Where is he now?
- Rotting.

Did you set me up, Alexei?

I will remind you I am
the Minister of Defence...

Do you know how many minsters

just disappear in the
middle of the night?

Do you know how many times mine
was the last face they saw?

Jack Ryan failed to
appear in Vienna,

and your errand boy
failed to eliminate me.

Eliminate you?

Why would I do that?

Because I know
what you're doing.

You have resurrected Sokol.


I had no idea Konstantin
was working both sides.

Then it is your problem,
Minister Petrov.

Or maybe someone else
sent him after me?

Maybe someone else is
pulling the strings.

Huh, puppet?

Whatever happened in
Vienna with Konstantin,

I will find out.

Oh, is that what you want?

Tell your superiors you have
a traitor in your midst, huh?

How would they deal with that?

I know how I would deal with it.

Yes, you're right.

Some hard-earned advice, Alexei.

The man at the top
can trust no one.

Everyone else needs allies.

Does that even work?

Eh. Probably not.

Just felt good.

You all right?

Oh, yeah, just...

Still trying to
process the whole

being accused of treason thing.

Part of the reason
I went private.

No politics, no bureaucracy.
You do the job, they pay you.

When they're assholes,
you fire them.

Yeah, or they try to k*ll you.

Yeah, there's that.

You trust Luka Gocharov?

I believe him about Zubkov.

I wouldn't put uranium
sales past a guy like that.

Sounds like you should know.

Don't get judgy. Mine
is a different world.

All right? You know,
clients like him,

they come with the territory.

Do they?


Zubkov is not a soft target.

Guy's obsessed with security.

He lives in a villa that
is basically a fortress.

He chose Budapest 'cause
it's one of the only places

he hasn't been
charged with a crime.

All the places he
has been charged?

They can't extradite
him from here.

Wait. Does he know
you're ex-CIA?

Yeah, that's kind of
the main selling point.

I mean, we put it on the
website and everything.

Well, it sounds like you
have quite a workup on him.

Oh, I'm sorry, are you asking me

to breach my
professional ethics?

Oh, I'm sorry, did you have any?

Rami's gonna meet us here
with everything we got on him.

And can he dig up
clients, associates,

- addresses, everything?
- He's ex-Mossad.

There is nothing he can't get
and no one he can't get to.


But once you start digging on
somebody like Zubkov, though,

he's gonna get spooked.

Let's hope so.

Rami, show him the file.

Zubkov's got a very cozy
relationship with the police.

They leave him alone
unless he needs them.

And how often does that happen?

Never. No parties, no strangers,
no clients at his villa.

Client meetings are
always in public.

- Usually at high-end restaurants.
- Right.

'Cause high-end restaurants
have tight security.

He hates to travel. If
you want to meet him,

- it's here, in Budapest.
- He'll make exceptions

for Iraqi warlords,
Syrians, that kind of thing.

For that he goes to Dubai.

But if you're anybody
else, you got to come here.

What the hell
happened in Austria?

Ryan wasn't on the train.

Yeah, I-I'm aware.
Let me clarify.

What did you know,
when did you know it

and why were you even there?

Sir, Ryan is a CIA case officer.

If he's going to be brought
in on espionage charges,

I doubt either of
us would want that

entirely in the
hands of the NSD.

Jack Ryan sh**ting up
Athens was not a CIA op.

Down the road you
may want it to be.

Optics can shift. You know that.

Did you have any contact
with Ryan in Austria?

That's the reason why
I'm calling you, sir.

Jack did reach out.

And his analysis

is that a rogue faction
outside the Russian government

is using a series of escalations

to bait Russia
and NATO into w*r.

So everything that
looks like Russia isn't?

You're familiar with
the small wars theory?

- I am.
- According to Jack's source,

these provocations, like
Dmitry Popov's assassination,

are engineered to stoke tensions
between NATO and Russia.

The tipping point will be the
use of the Sokol nuclear device.

Right now, this sounds a lot
more like theory than intel.

The hard intel is
that the uranium

for the Sokol device
is already on the move,

and was provided
by Levan Zubkov.

So what's his source?
Signals? Wiretaps?

HUMINT. Luka Gocharov.

Jesus Christ.

- I know, it's complex.
- Complex?

No, it's pretty simple to me.
You have a senior SVR agent

who is an expert on
disinformation feeding Ryan.

Doesn't this sound a
little textbook to you?

No, it does not, sir.

In my experience, Ryan
is a very good analyst.

Yeah, who's just been
duped by an even better

- Russian spymaster.
- But imagine if he's right.

Then he just turned
Luka Gocharov.


I am not in the
business of imagination.

Officer Wright,

I have a lot of respect for
your service and expertise,

but we are way past all that.

I want Jack Ryan in
custody immediately.

If it doesn't happen,
I will recall you

and send someone who
can make that happen.

Yes, sir.

How do we get to him?

You don't. With
Zubkov, it's one-way.

If he needs me, he reaches out.

Guy's a total control freak.

Then let's get him to need you.

Let's destroy his world,

till he comes running
to you for protection.

I'll have to go through Georges.

- Georges?
- His right-hand man. It's the only guy he trusts.

- Pull up his phone.
- Yeah.

What's that?

Zubkov and Georges have a
meeting with Ian van der Waal.

market shipping guy.

When's that meeting?


1:00 p.m. at Felix Restaurant.

Not anymore.

Good work.

Mr. Zubkov.

I wouldn't answer that.

Is everything all right?

- Do I know you?
- No, you don't need to.

You, on the other hand, were
supposed to have a meeting

with Levan Zubkov at
Felix Restaurant, but...

that meeting was changed.

You're what, CIA?

Zubkov's been compromised.
From the inside.

So now he's gonna be
charged under 2339,

which is material
aid to t*rrorists.

It also means that anyone who's
been doing business with him,

well, their assets
are gonna be seized

and their businesses
are gonna be shut down

and then...

they, too, will be
charged with providing aid

to t*rrorists.

Or you can just call him back.

Guess I have to ask why
you're doing me such a solid?

Well, your shipping business
is, uh, barely getting by.

Something like this ends you.

So we just thought,
instead of that or prison,

we'd just give you a warning.

So, chommie,

you feel like telling me
when this is all happening?

You know what? I
can't do that, Ian.

But I'll tell you
this, if it were me?

I'd want to get the
hell out of Budapest.


Looks like our boy
got the message.

How's he doing?

I'd say not happy.

We'll have to reschedule.

Not happy at all.

Oh, shit.

The general
has given orders.

Sokol is over. It
is to be shut down.

Excuse me, sir.

- Are you saying that...
- You know what he is saying.

Completely, Sergeant Lebedev.

Let's go!


- This is wrong.
- Not for us to say.

This project was our
chance to save the Union.

We are soldiers.
These are the orders.

This is the job.

- No, I won't.
- Don't be a fool, Lebedev.

You've been given
a direct command.

I will not be a part of this.

Disobeying the general is
b*ttlefield treason, Sergeant.

But there's no enemy
here. Only Russians.

The real traitors are in Moscow.


Do we have a problem,


No, sir.




- f*cking kidding me.
- Why don't you come with us?

I want my lawyer.

Do I look like the police?

Are you kidding me?


And grab his bag.


There he is.

Aww, that's nice.

Radek still feels wrong?

- Is that what you're saying?
- Yeah.

So now I'm suspicious of the
man I trust my life with.

No, I don't think
he'd be so reckless

as to make a move on you.

Heads of state, like defense
ministers, are not immune.

Did you know Radek when he was
at the University of Defence?

That was before I met him.

But you two have
history, don't you?

Not much.

Three or four years.

When I announced my
campaign for the presidency,

I was assigned a
security detail.

Who makes that decision?

The security service pays for
it, but I picked the team.

And Radek was a w*r
hero. Afghanistan.

He survived a terrible attack
there. He saved his men.

He-he... He earned the
State Defence Cross.

He's always absolutely reliable.

I guess "was" is more accurate.

Alena, right now,

you don't have any reason
to believe he's a threat,

but if we push him too
hard, he'll cut and run,

and we'll any lose any
chance of finding out

who he's working with.

I'd like the U.S. embassy staff
to keep their distance today.

I want to make it very clear
that these m*ssile systems

are on Czech soil by my request
and not any pressure from NATO.

That includes you, too.

I'd prefer not to be seen
as having the CIA in my ear.

Well, you're
assuming everyone knows

who I'm working with.

They're ready for you.

All right, well, thank
you for your time.

I'll make sure
that the ambassador

- keeps her distance.
- Thank you.

Madam President.

These have been verified as
Patriot m*ssile launchers.

It's a warning.

It's encroachment.

These launchers are
within striking range

of our troops on the
Slovakian border.

This isn't like President Kovac.

She's resisted NATO
arms in the past.

That was before my predecessor
was m*rder*d on her watch.

And what does SVR think?

Since the assassination
of Minister Popov,

there has been a growing
pro-Russian sentiment

in the Czech Republic.

And your take on
President Kovac?

President Kovac has been
greatly influenced by the West,

particularly America.

James Greer, the CIA
head of Russia House

has been to Prague,
meets with her regularly.

From what I understand, he's
a charming and persuasive man.

To my mind, Kovac and
the Czech Republic

are being used as proxy
in a greater battle.

Sir, we can easily spare a
battery of S-400 missiles

from positions in Crimea

and transport them to
the Slovakian border.

The S-400 is superior
to NATO ordnance.

Much longer range.

It will render this feeble
show of force useless.

And put us in range of
the Czech air bases.

That is a strategic bonus, yes.

Do it. Be noisy about it.

Whatever eyes the
U.S. has in the sky,

make sure they see
what's happening.

Yes, sir.

Mr. President?

I'm, uh, surprised the
chief of staff isn't here.

Uh, I was expecting him.

As was I.

Apparently, Mikhail is unwell.

- Well?
- Nothing.

Well, you check again!

- Wait. Pull up your shirt.
- Sir?

Do it. Pull it up.

Turn around.

I want you to get
rid of your phones.

Everybody change their phones,
and numbers, every week.

Sweeps here and at the
house every morning.

No one gets in or out that
we don't know, understand?

- Yes, sir.
- I want Georges

and Mariana at the house in...

Whose bag is this?
Whose bag is this?

It's Georges's.


Hello? Who is this?

Who is this?

Hello? Who is this?

Who is this?

How's it going?

Oh, I'd say he's

Find Georges!

Hey, Georges?

I think it's about time we
had a talk about your future.

You have been around
a long time, Mikhail.

I won't insult you
by lying to you.

I have no idea what's
happening here.

Here I was thinking you would
do me the same courtesy, hmm?

Alexei Petrov is
in SVR custody now,

naming names,
yours amongst them.

This is your confession.

You sign it, you give me the
names of the others involved,

and then you go to Karelia.

Three years, perhaps.

It will not be pleasant,
but you will still be alive.

I don't know anything.

Or anyone.

Only Minister Petrov.

I was simply
supposed to tell him

everything President
Surikov said or did.

- Who he visited.
- So, you admit it.

You spied on your president.

Yes. Yes.

What about the Czech Republic?
What is going on there?

Who gave the order for
Minister Popov to be m*rder*d?

I don't know. I swear.

Alexei is giving the
names of the others.

It would be well if you could
corroborate those names.

Alexei Petrov was
my only contact.

No one else.

I heard him speak
of Sarhan Lychkin.

To whom?

I don't know.

He was on the phone.

I don't know with whom.

You have to believe me.

Alexei was always careful,
I only heard scraps.

Oh? Scraps?

Scraps could save your life.

There was a talk...

about something
called "Crossbow."

I don't know what that is.

I swear.

This will be enough.

You have to understand.
Look around.

This is a land of whores,
criminals and bureaucrats.

I just wanted a country
I could be proud of.

Instead of being the man

your country could
take pride in.

- No, I don't understand.
- No!

I apologize for
just dropping in,

but I enjoyed our
talk the other night,

and I thought maybe we
could continue it, uh,

over some slivovitz.

It was very brief talk.

Which is why I want to,
uh, speak more in-depth.

Without Alena present.

Ah. Please, come in.


- Would you like some Moskovskaya?
- Oh, no, thank you.

- Oh, too spicy for you?
- I'm from Louisiana.

- No such thing as too spicy.
- Louisiana.

It's a French colony, yes?

Long time ago.

Mm, once a colony,
always a colony.

I appreciate the gift, but
let's stick with vodka.

I thought
your accent wasn't Czech.

Yes, I'm Russian.

Yours is very good.

I've spent some time in Moscow.

I'm sure you have.


You are familiar with
the aliyah in 1970?

- Yes.
- Mm. My mother was Jewish.

Instead of emigrating to Israel,
she came to Czechoslovakia.

I don't think she
was very devout.

I think she just wanted to get out of Russia.

Those were hard times.

I'm sure they were.

But you seem to have done okay.

And now we are both exiles
in the Czech Republic, yes?

It's a funny world.

The thing about being an exile

is it doesn't just mean
you are away from home.

It means you have no
home to come back to.

Now, what exactly does the
CIA want to talk to me about?

Hi, this is Georges.

I am not available to
take your call right now.

Please leave a
message after the beep

and I'll get back to
you as soon as I can.

Where is Georges?

Christof and Noah
are still looking.

Well, there are only so
many places he could be.

Figure it out.

- Anything?
- No sign of him.

He hasn't passed
through customs,

- booked a private flight.
- Yeah.

Which means, right now,
he's sitting in an embassy

with Interpol telling tales.


What the f*ck?

He'll definitely
be motivated now.

There's a
b*mb in the bag! Run!

Get out! Out! Out!

- Hello. Hello?
- This is Mike.

This is Zubkov.

I need an extraction right now.

- Now. Immediately.
- Okay. Where are you?

In Budapest.

We have a safe house there.

I can meet you there
in a couple hours.

- Okay. Okay.
- I'll text you an account number.

Transfer $100,000 U.S. and pull
your SIM and toss your phone.

Don't speak to anyone.

If I'm not there, you
just wait for me, okay?

Understood. Okay.

So, you see
my problem, right?

I know something's
up with Radek.

And he's right next
to your daughter.

She could be in danger.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that
he's not working alone.

So I was wondering...

what were his views at
the University of Defence?

- You taught there, right?
- I did.


was always very anti-Russian.

I think he lost family
in the Prague Spring.

But he took Russian?

For some, it is easier
than French or English.

He wanted to pass his
NATO language test.

I have enjoyed this.

As have I.

To each hour alive,

for it is the
keeper of our death.

It's not a good idea
for us to talk on the phone.

Trust me, it's a much worse
idea for you to ignore my call.

Especially today.

- Is it there yet?
- I don't know.

- What?
- I haven't heard anything.

Nothing from Zubkov, nothing
from the site. Or Mikhail.

- Someone may have gotten to him.
- Stop.

Zubkov is reliable.

I don't give a wet
shit about Mikhail.

He doesn't know anything.

Do not lose your nerve, Alexei.

Now is not the time to panic.

Well, that's easy
for you to say.

You're very far
away from the risk.

I have been living with risk
since before you were born.

Do not think you are above this.

Or that you can just step out.

That delivery is
the tipping point.

Alexei, without the
uranium, we have nothing.

I know. Nochinov is there.

He's gonna call me as
soon as it arrives.

Do you really trust
Nochinov with such a thing?

- There is someone I could send.
- Do you trust him?

- Right now, I don't trust anyone.
- Good.

Now you are learning.

Do what you need to do.
Keep it away from me.

And tell me when it gets there.

I will.

- Who do you think's after you?
- I don't know.

At first, I thought
it was Interpol,

NPS, CIA, who the f*ck ever.

Maybe it's a client.
Someone pissed off.

We're putting together a
whole new identity for you.

This time tomorrow, we'll have
you on a jet to Guinea-Bissau.

Oh, f*ck.

If it's who I suspect, I'm
gonna be in hiding forever.

Thanks, Mike.

- Oh, you're a dead man.
- Eh, not likely.

Have a seat.

You're such a
f*cking idiot, Mike.

Georges doesn't
even know anything.

But Alexei Petrov does.

Do you know who I am?

Got no idea.

Well, I bet you can
guess who I work for.

We just flipped Alexei.

He was facing charges of
terrorism and treason.

So instead of facing a
b*llet or a work camp,

he decided to come to us,

and he gave us a list
of every single name

he's been working with,
starting with yours.

I mean, selling uranium?

That's gonna get you f*cked
in just about any country.

I don't know Alexei Petrov
past what I read in the papers.


You have no f*cking proof.

Well, I don't think you
understand your situation fully.

I don't need proof.

Do you think that friend of
yours, the chief of police,

you think he's gonna be
interested in the fact

that you've been openly
supporting terrorism?

The f*ck are you talking about?

You didn't tell him?

The account that you
transferred that money into,

it's not an Aegir account.

It's an account
linked to !sis funding.

And it's on every single
country's watch list,

including Hungary.

You son of a bitch.
You son of a bitch!


You only have one
bargaining chip.

Give us the location
of the delivery.

f*ck you.

Listen to me.

Everything you've ever
known before today is over.

But you have one way out.



Yeah, Matoksa. Russia!

Tell me my
trust wasn't misplaced, Jack.

The uranium's on
its way to Russia.

A place called Matoksa.


- If this is actionable...
- It is.

Levan Zubkov can
confirm the delivery.

In fact, he and his associate
have agreed to be assets.

- How?
- Uh, let's just say Levan got spooked.

Come see for yourself. They're
with me here in Budapest.

But listen, Wright...

whatever happens next, I
need to be a part of it.

You don't have the luxury of
asking for favors anymore.

you're not worth my career

or my peace of mind.

Without us, you'd have
absolutely nothing to go on.

I'm just asking you
to do the right thing.

All right, Jack,

but I'm going to ask
the same thing of you.


They're ugly, aren't they?

And necessary.

You're doing the right thing.

We make hard decisions now for
results we may not live to see.

That is what makes them hard.

Madam President.

Thank you for your service...

Captain Seifert, huh?

- Like the poet.
- Yes, like the poet, Madam President.

The beauty of being Czech.

Soldiers can be poets,
poets can be presidents.

- There are no limits.
- No, ma'am.

Can we get eyes on
President Kovac?

24-7, but quietly.

Anything I need to know?

Not yet.

Thank you
all for coming.

Captain Seifert,
thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All the best to you.

- Hey, honey.
- They were here.

What? Who?

CIA, IS, I don't know,
but they were pros.

They've gone through everything.

- It's going to be okay.
- No, it's not.

You know that old bastard Petr.

He always covers his tracks.

If he suspects they're onto
you, what happens next?

Have a lovely afternoon.

Take Marika, get
out of town now.

Don't wait. You
know where to go.

- What about you?
- I'll meet you as soon as I can.

Okay. Be careful.

- You, too. Love you.
- I love you.

Thank you.
Have a nice afternoon.

Madam President.

Yes. Thank you.

Madam President,
we should leave now.

Thanks, everybody.
Why? What's going on?

A minor security issue.
Nothing to worry about,

but we need to go.

- Are we ready?
- I will take her.

Enhanced security. Protocol A.

- Why did you dismiss Erik?
- Erik may have been compromised.

We're just trying to be safe.

Please, don't be alarmed.

Everything will
be okay very soon.