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03x02 - Old Haunts

Posted: 12/23/22 18:52
by bunniefuu
This isn't right, Luka.

This was our chance to be great.

I don't understand.

These men are traitors.

I thought they were heroes.

You will forget this.


I don't think I will.


You will.

Yes, sir.


Good morning.

Haven't seen you for a while.

No, it's not you. It's me.

Well, I appreciate you
making an exception today.

What can I get you?

Coffee. Black as
you can make it.

- No lokma?
- No.

I just made it.


All right. Yeah, sure. Why not?

Where is this going?

I have a friend who's fallen
on hard times in Athens.

I'm sorry to hear that.

How much?

Five thousand.

Is it possible...

to have it come with a request?

It may not be honored.

But I can relay a message.


Unfortunately, there
wasn't enough time,

so a decision had to be made.

Yeah, and
because of that,

you put us on shaky
ground with our allies

and sent one of our
own out into the wind.

I'm on my way there right
now to bring him in.

I should hope so,

'cause if you don't,

it's not just his head
on the block anymore.

I want regular updates.

Yes, absolutely.

You're late.

Well, good morning to you, too.

By the time we land in
Athens, it'll be 12 hours

- since Ryan went off the grid.
- Since you pushed him off.

I invited you along

because I thought we
were on the same page.

If we're not, I
need to know now.

Let's be clear. I
don't work for you.

I'm here because someone has
to bring Jack in from the cold

before he does some stupid shit
to get himself caught or worse.

And that someone is not you.

That "same page" enough for you?

Who was that? Miller?


He knows you want his job?

Oh. I thought we
were being honest.

Okay. If we're
gonna be honest...

- Mm-hmm.
- We don't have to like each other.

- No, we do not.
- But a little civility isn't too much to ask.


Elizabeth, you
don't think I know?

You wanted me burned
after Karachi.

That wasn't my call.

If it was, I wouldn't
even be here.

You were like a hero to
me, but you did f*ck up.

- No, I made choices.
- There were better ones.

Yeah, easy to say

when you spend your day
hiding behind a desk.

But now we're gonna get to see
what kind of choices you make.

He's gonna take this
all the way, isn't he?

Just like you would.

If he thinks we turned on
him, he's not ever coming in.

Political ramifications
be damned?

If Jack is right about Sokol,
politics is the exact thing

that's gonna get every
one of us k*lled.

Good morning, sir.
Everyone is here.

Thank you, Mikhail.

What is it our new
Minister of Defence

is hoping to achieve today?

Alexei will be sworn
in this afternoon,

but he believes the
Americans are to blame

for Minister Popov's

He wants an immediate response.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Mr. President.

Alexei, I'm glad
you're back safely.

I am very sorry, sir.

Minister Popov was a good man.

That he was.

So let us not waste time.

I understand you think the
Americans are responsible.

What evidence do we have?

There was a large deposit
in the assassin's account

two weeks ago.

We are still
tracking the source.

They used an intermediary
to pull the trigger,

but the minister's
blood is on their hands.

This is not enough to
justify a course of action

that will provoke reprisals.

Mr. President,

there's a coordinated effort
underway to weaken us.

The expansion of
NATO to our doorstep,

oil price wars designed to
chip away at our wealth,

the imposition of sanctions
that makes us pariahs.

And now the minister's
assassination comes

on the same day we learn

about the failed attempt
by American intelligence

to extract one of our
nuclear scientists.

- Seeking asylum?
- The CIA hoped to turn him.

Fortunately, the
mission backfired.

I fear we're under attack, sir.

We are always under attack.

We're just too busy hiding
to do anything about it.


Thank you for your
words in there.

Your support was,
uh, unexpected.

- You misheard me.
- Did I?

It is not my place or
inclination to take sides.

There are no sides, comrade.

There's only Russia and
what's best for her.

How do you feel we should
respond to the Americans?

Opinions are for politicians.

Is there something you
want from me, Minister?

The job is not mine.

Oh, it will be.

But if you want to keep it,

it would serve you to
refrain from arguments

that are steeped in easily
assailable intelligence.

I thought you didn't
peddle in opinions.

Oh, that wasn't one.

We both know

that the money trail to the
Czech assassin was manufactured.

A plot indeed, but it
wasn't the Americans.

And the scientist?

He intended to seek asylum.

The Americans got onto it.

A leak from our side.

But we got onto it, too, made
sure he, uh, didn't talk.

If what you say is true,
what does that tell you?


is playing a very
dangerous game.

Welcome to Athens.

Eros Makris. I'm
the Chief of Police.

- Elizabeth Wright.
- James Greer.

Thank you for accepting
our request for assistance.

It was not my choice.

Your man k*lled one of our own,

so unless you're here
to see justice done,

you'll only be in my way.

Great. Where do we start?

We start here.

He won't go far, even if
he leaves the country.

You issued a Red Notice?

They didn't issue the
Red Notice. We did.

For the brutal m*rder
of a Russian national

- by your operator.
- That did not happen.

What is Russian
intelligence doing here?

I'm from the embassy, just
as the two of you are.

Diplomats, I presume?

I don't know what he told you,

but I can guarantee every
word of it is a lie.

We are willing to hear your
man's side of the story

if he would simply
turn himself in.

In the absence of that,
we must presume guilt.

Their Russian national
was a nuclear scientist

- seeking asylum.
- He came here on holiday.

Hiding in the hold of a ship?

How did you learn
of his intention?

Did you pull the
trigger yourself?

We'll be coordinating
with the U.S. embassy

to figure out what
happened here.

I don't expect your cooperation,

but I do expect you to stay
the hell out of our way.

This changes everything.

Old friend of yours?

Konstantin Vyatkin.

We had a few run-ins when I
was working Moscow Station.

He's not as smart as he thinks,

but he is more
brutal than he looks.

If he's looking for Jack,
we better find him first.

Can I help you?

I think you might
have something for me.

For you?

From a broker...

in Rome.

Wait here.

You got everything you need?

Where's this?

It looks like it's
in, uh, Piraeus.

- Piraeus.
- Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

Good tie. You don't need it?

Doesn't really go
with my outfit.


But could I use your computer?

Go ahead.

Fourth one down.

What's that?

List of our known
contacts in this city.

Assets, contractors,
you name it.

Seems Jack has a history
with one of them.

Ah, shit.

It's Tony.

He's a smuggler, pimp.

Jack had a run-in with him a
couple years back in Turkey.

Cracked him in his face.

Can't imagine he's itching
to give Jack safe haven.

We're going. Give
me the address.

Okay. It's your call.

- You coming?
- Yeah. Right behind you.

Phone records?

No incoming or outgoing calls.

And he hasn't used any data

since the two of you
landed this morning.

What about email?

I need special authorization to
access his personal accounts.

You'll have it. If anyone tries
to reach out to James Greer,

I need to know. Keep at it.

The investigation
is still ongoing,

so I need to put
you in lockdown.

Lockdown? For how long?

Until I'm certain that you were
not the target or among them.

If the k*ller wanted
me dead, I would be.

There is no way of knowing if...

Abundance of caution. I get it.

- Madam, the CIA's here.
- Bring her in.

I hope that's not guilt.

The football match was my
idea, and the minister agreed.

We understood the risks.

You cannot plan for
every contingency.

Any more information
about the sh**t?

Nothing new. Just that the
Russians blame the Americans.

Of course they do.

Ms. Cahill.

Thank you for taking
the time to see me.

I know you spoke
with the president,

but I wanted to reach out in
person, offer any assistance.

At the moment, we're
managing, but thank you.

We've been hearing some rumors.


We've heard them, too.

I hope it goes without saying

the United States
had nothing to do

with the Defence
Minister's death.

Do I have your word on that?

Absolutely, Madam President.

I assume your
station is conducting

its own investigation.

We are.

We were hoping your
office would give us

access to the CCTV footage
from the football arena.

Of course.

Whatever you need.

Thank you, Madam President.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Sorry. I was given this address.

Supposed to meet someone, but...

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Someone sent me here.


You got to be
f*cking kidding me.

No hug?

Hello, old friend.

Did you forget something?

You said second
half when it's done.

Of course. Of course.

- So where's my money?
- Don't worry.

I'll make sure your
children know the truth.

It's done.

It's a great honor, sir.

I hope to make you proud.

In exercising the powers
of the Minister of Defence

of the Russian Federation...

In exercising the powers
of the Minister of Defence

of the Russian Federation...

...I swear to defend and
respect the Constitution...

...I swear to defend
and respect the Constitution...

...protect the security
and integrity of the state...

...protect the security
and integrity of the state...

...and to faithfully
serve its people.

And to faithfully
serve its people.

What happened?

There's been a
terrible accident.

I'm sorry.

There has been an accident.

I know who you are.

I know what you've done.

I know who you are!
You're a k*ller!


Forgive the intrusion, but...

I bring difficult news.

Thank you.

May... I come in?

I don't...

What are you doing?

You cannot be here.

How did you know?

I've been ill.

- You called in sick?
- You want money?

Whatever you want,
everything I have.



Wait a minute.

Holy shit.

James Greer, my friend
from Cincinnati.

Always good to see you.

You lose weight? Usually
I can hear you coming.

It's never
hard to find you.

I just have to follow the
grift across the Aegean.

We need to talk.

Yeah. Sure. Come in.

You know why we're here.

Yeah. Your Boy Scout.

What exactly do you know?

Only that something went
sideways in Kerameikos.

He k*lled a police officer.

Saw it on the news.

He was set up.

Well, still has a
target on his back,

not to mention anyone
stupid enough to help him.

Cut the shit.

Come on, man.

You think he would
come to me for help?

Last time I saw him, he
wanted to put a b*llet in me.

You remember?

Yeah, well, they
put a Red Notice on him.

Well, then your
friend is f*cked.

If you hear from him,
you'll let us know.

Sure. He knows me.

For a modest fee, I'm all yours.

Jack Ryan is one man.

Either he's pissed at
you for crossing him,

or the entire U.S.
intelligence community

is on your ass until
the end of time.

Choice is yours.


Can we trust him?

Can you ever?

If Jack's still here, he's
got to make a move soon.

- Let's keep eyes on him.
- Eyes?

Our Russian friend
beat us to it.

You were right.

It was her?

Yeah, and she brought
our friend Cincinnati.


Greer's here?

Do you know there's
a Red Notice on you?

Jack Ryan, fugitive
from justice.

Seems we have more in
common than you thought.



One of us is still a friend
to the United States.

Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever seen him?

I don't f*ck with Russians.
They only pay in pain.

Well, I never said
he was Russian.

Does he know I'm here?


You sure about that?

Unless they followed you,

I've got nothing
going with them.

I swear.

What do you know about him?



Well, that I got.

Around here, he
gives the orders,

not just to his people.

Local police shit their
pants when he's around.

That means he's GRU.

Whoever had the scientist
k*lled must have been military.

Maybe even the minister himself.

I think it's the best I
don't know some things.


Thank you.

You're my brother.


Czech President
Alena Kovac on the line.

Put her through. Thank you.

Madam President.

Mr. Petrov, I hear
congratulations are in order.

Under most unfortunate

I offer my sincere condolences

on behalf of our
government and its people.

Thank you.

And I appreciate you expediting
the minister's remains.

Of course.

Were you made aware of
my discussions with him

prior to his death?

Straight to the point.

Must be why he took
a liking to you.

He and I understood
how important

relations are between
our two countries.

A relationship that must be

reevaluated in light
of recent events.

I'm sure you understand.

Any deals the two of you
made will not be honored.

I gathered as much,

given my call with President
Oliynyk a few minutes ago.

He tells me you've begun moving
more troops into Ukraine.

Military exercises.

And how long until
these exercises

extend into Eastern Europe?

That depends on you.

Any increase in NATO's presence
in Czech Republic will be seen

as a threat to our
national security.

So your intention is

to capitalize on
the minister's death

to advance a military agenda.

So much for your condolences.

I am not naive.

No. You are a pawn.

And if you wish to go to
bed with the Americans,

know it will be seen as a
hostile act by my country.

Good evening, Madam President.

This is going to be fun.

The new Defence Minister,

he's a prick, yes?

- Took back the deal.
- Mm.

And leveled a threat against
our country for his trouble.

Russia. They will retaliate.

You must be careful.

Is this my father talking or
the former Red Army soldier?


Our defenses are on high alert.

I doubt we will be their target.

Ah, to them, it doesn't
matter who pulled the trigger

as long as they
can use the blame

to serve their interests.

They k*lled him themselves.

I'm sure of it.

Americans prefer
bombs to b*ll*ts.

Posturing in
Ukraine, the threats?

I was hesitant to sign
with NATO, but now...

I worry they've
left me no choice.


You must do what's best to
protect your people, Alena.


Are you sleeping?


Transcendentally meditating?

I was trying to.

- Say what you have to say.
- Well, I'm concerned.

I know you and Jack are close,

so this must be
very hard for you.

I don't need your sympathy.

What I need from you
is to give him a break.

He's been in your
office, what, ten months?

That's long enough
to know who he is.

This is bigger than him now.

Whether he's right or
wrong is not the point.

He needs to know he
can't go off half-cocked

every time he gets
an idea in his head.

Yeah. I used to think that.

You know him so well,
what's his play?

Well, he's meticulous.

He wouldn't do anything...

he didn't know every
detail thought through.

Jack, how are you
with tight spaces?


Do they know something
we don't know?


Russians just want
Jack's silence fast.

Hi, boys.

Where is he?


Don't play stupid.

It will not end well for you.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm just trying to
keep the lights on here

just fixing up some
cars, you know.

Turkish pimp.

We know exactly who you are.

Rip this place apart.

Please don't
scare my bird.

No, we can't go
swooping in there.

We're already on thin ice with
the Russians and the Greeks.

Then you better pray
they don't find him.

So where's Jack?

Like I said, he's meticulous.

Took you long enough.

You are a popular guy.

I'm gonna need one more thing.

I see you are settling in.

Yes, yes.

Please, sit.

I promise I didn't ask
you here for your opinion.

I know you hate that.

Your allegiance is to
country, as is mine.

I thought the two of us might
come to our own understanding.

You should be having this
conversation with the director.

We both know his
position is decorative.

You are the one who commands
respect in these halls,

and it is your respect
I was hoping to earn.

Minister Popov was
a piece of shit.

But I have no respect for
the way it was handled.

I understand.

The fact I was not told.

That was my call.

You know better than anyone
that trust is hard-won.

You ask for my loyalty,

but you require that I
give it blindly, hmm?

You think yourself a patriot,

but when I expose the truth,

you twist it to
suit your purpose.

But I have a purpose.

How long has it been since you
fought for something, Luka?

I need a favor.

There is a man, an American
intelligence officer,

who has proven to be more
relentless than expected.

I was hoping you might
help me with that.

Feels like forever since
I've had a home-cooked meal.

Thank you.

Don't thank me. My wife
is the thoughtful one.

Not there, honey.
Come sit over here.

No, she's fine. Stay
right where you are.

The lockdown is over.

Oh, finally, some good news.

I'm convinced you're not
now and never were a target.

I hope
everyone is hungry.


- Look at that.
- Thank you.

This is
lovely. Thank you.

Wasn't really in the
market for a Camaro.

But the offer was just
too good to pass up.

I got this for you.

Didn't cost me five grand,
but they tell me it's good.

You sent him money

through the hawala network
before we even left Rome.

You had me followed?

You actively
undermined the mission.

Was the smuggler your idea, too?

If the Russians
get ahold of him,

it's not just
intelligence we'd lose.

I was throwing him a lifeline.

And now, because of you,
we're leaving with nothing.

So are the Russians.

I know what people think of me.

Overly ambitious, abrasive,
cutthroat, coldhearted.

Just one bullshit
cliché after the other,

but I'll tell you what I'm not.

I am not the one
that you lie to.

All right. Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

Jack is onto something
big, and we both know it.

He needs to play this out,
and we need to let him.


Yeah, I'll be home
in a few hours.

I promise.

Okay. I love you, too.

That wasn't Miller.

No. We've already spoken.

We're sending you to Prague.

You need to make sure that
President Kovac's next steps

are in line with U.S.
and NATO interests.

You didn't tell him, did you?

About the hawala money? No.

You proved I can't trust you.

That doesn't mean
I can't use you.

If Jack thinks he's
onto something,

then I need you to
get ahead of him.

That was your one "Get
Out of Jail Free" card.


Barely making ends meet, huh?

I make do.

They didn't
give you a choice,

but you didn't give
them one either.

I mean, you can't just
ignore the politics.

I'm not.

I turn myself in now,

my source goes quiet
and the trail goes cold.

Right. Sorry. You know,
it's been a while.

I forgot that you're the
center of everything.

Listen, man, they burned me.

We trade in bullshit
for a living, Jack.

Don't lie to yourself
on top of it.

You know, it's easier
to be on the run

when the CIA has your back.

I'm not running from the CIA.

Then why are they chasing you?

Better to be on the
inside than the outside.

You know what?

Spare me the whole "You f*ck
up, you end up like me" speech

when you have a view like this.

So you gonna tell me what
the f*ck you're sitting on,

or do I have to guess?


What now?


I follow my intelligence
back to the source,

see what else they know.

If your
source is a ghost,

- they're just f*cking with you.
- Hmm.

Well, whoever they are,

I'm dragging their ass
out into the cold with me.