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01x19 - Supernova, Part 1

Posted: 12/23/22 06:00
by bunniefuu
There is a devastating w*apon
on board the "Protostar."

I need to warn
Starfleet Command now.

With respect, Vice Admiral,

by Starfleet Order 104,
section C,

you have been deemed
medically unfit for command.

If any one of our fleet
opens a hail,

we'll receive a hostile signal

designed to turn us
against ourselves.

In the blink of an eye,

this entire armada
will devour itself.

You must release me.

Ooh, that's one mean-lookin'
welcome wagon.


The amount of firepower
from that many star ships

would make
a rather unpleasant welcome.

This is where
the "Construct" wanted to be,

the heart of Federation space.

Starfleet will be decimated

if the "Construct's" signal
gets out.

Good thing Admiral Janeway
can set this straight.

Uh, about that.

I may have
tarnished her reputation a bit.

They think she's crazy.

I'd be surprised if they
believe anything she says.

Then how will they know
they're in danger?

Medical leave?

The Vice Admiral was
perfectly healthy

when she informed me there was
an unknown w*apon on a ship

stolen by imposters
posing as Starfleet.

Yes, Admiral,
but the "Protostar"

was out of reach
in the neutral zone.

So you brought it
to our front doorstep?

Please tell me
there's a plan.

Sir, the "Protostar"
has refused

to answer our hails,
so we've been commanded

to disrupt their shields
to allow a boarding party.

Get a team on that ship.

Yes, Admiral.

Fire phasers.
Take out their shields.

We gotta get out of here!

Tell me you're getting
our controls back.

Perhaps to bypass
the software blockade,

all it takes is
a hardware reconfiguration.


We hot wire it.

Ooh, ooh,
we're back in business.

Yeah, but the shields
are dropping fast.

Engine room,
can we Pro to-Warp out of here?

Not until that Pro to-Core's

We jump now
and the only place we're going

is into a bazillion pieces.

Then shift that
auxiliary power from the core

to boost our shields.

Oh, great!
That, Jankom can do.

Impulse is online.
Shields boosted.

- Evasive maneuvers, Z.
- Already read your mind.

Other ships
are targeting us now.

- Gwyn!
- Shields are holding.

We've been in worse jams
with less practice.

Trust me.

We're gonna laugh
about it one day

- at Starfleet Academy.
- Huh?

Dal, the Academy won't acc...

Believe their luck
when we join.

- Right, Rok?
- Oh. Right.


They may be many,

but we're fast,
so let's show it off.

- On my mark.
- Yes, Captain.

Incoming torpedoes, astern.

Alter course,
heading zero mark 270.


Jankom calls that maneuver

the Slippery Dipsy-Doodle.

Great work!
Except for that name.

Come about hard to port.

Port harder. Port harder!

That sound is
our entire fleet

raining down on one ship.

If we open comms
with the "Protostar,"

those same weapons
will turn on us.

If you knew me at all,

you'd know you could trust
what I'm saying.

You're wrong, Admiral.
I do know you.

Back when you commanded

you lied to the Devore people

when they were searching
for illegal refugees on board.


The refugees were innocent
and unarmed.

That was a long time ago.

Not to me.

I know you don't recognize me.

I was much smaller then.

But I was one
of those Brenari refugees

you helped escape
through the wormhole.

I'm alive because of you.

I'm so glad to have met you.


Shields at critical.

They're gonna board us!

Gwyn, where are you going?

To give us a fighting chance.

If we cross that line,

you can forget
Starfleet Academy.

We can still talk to them.

My father won't try to talk.

Dal, listen.

If anything happens, I want you
to hear this from me.

Whoa, what are you doing?

I'm so... I'm so sorry.

I thought that was a moment
and we felt the same.

What is it I needed to hear?

Starfleet won't allow Augments.


When the Admiral
was on board, she told us.

I'm sorry.

You deserve the truth.

Shields are down.
Warp and impulse offline.

We're defenseless.

Dal, what are you doing?

We all deserve
to belong somewhere.

But if I can't join Starfleet,
I'll make sure you guys can.

Coordinates locked on.

Preparing three to beam away.

I'll take it from here.

She's an imposter!

Eliminate anyone
who gets in our way.

Except my Progeny.
She's one of us.

Of course.

New life forms on board.

All hands on deck.

Do not let them reach
the bridge.

Gwyn, seal the doors
and don't let anyone in.

Ugh, let's just go left.

Fan out.
I'll lay down some cover fire.

Multiple targets acquired.


- You.
- Disable holo-emitters.

Starfleet override
Ensign Asencia.

You can't do this.

They have no idea
what is coming.

Years we have waited for this,
years they will suffer.

Check to see
the w*apon is intact.

Uh-oh, gravity mine.

Do it, Zero.


Asencia, what are you doing?

Whoever you are,
get off my ship.


He knows nothing will stop me

from saving Sol um
from First Contact.

In time, I'm sure
he'll forgive me.

Target eliminated.

That a boy, Murf!


You dare stand in the way
of the Vau N'Akat?

There must be another way.

This can't be
what our people want.

You're not one of us.

You never were.

You're just a mistake.

A burden!

Shouldn't even exist!


Complete our mission.
Open hails.

Do it.

No, Father!

Before I had a daughter,
this was mine!

You were always the weak one.


No, no, no.


All threats contained.

Do not move.

Computer, open a channel.

on all Federation frequencies.

- An incoming transmission.
- On screen.

No, don't answer that hail!

Deactivate all comms
and weapons.

- Admiral?
- Now!

Controls aren't responding.

Admiral, our shields are down.

Starfleet left my people
to tear ourselves apart.

And now I will watch
your Federation do the same.

Brothers, sisters...

The Intrusion
will never come to be.

Starfleet's destruction
is our salvation.


It's too late.

What have we done?

We're not done.
Not yet.

Jankom, give me your Mitt.

Ha, check out the brains
on the Brikar.


Let's try that again.

- You have to stop this.
- I can't.

Then you'll pay for it.

Aw, maybe, but not today.

Ah, no, no, no, no, no, bad.

Oh, whoa!

Hull breach enclosure



I'm here.

It wasn't supposed
to be like this.

I tried to save our world.
Your world.

I wanted you to see it.

I can, Father.

I will.

Maybe you can unify them...

do what I never could.

I don't know where Sol um is.

I don't know how to do that.

There's no barrier
we cannot overcome,

for you are my daughter,
my spirit's song,

my Gwyndala.

I'm sorry.

What's going on?
Did we stop?

Jankom, get me
a damage report.

Our hull's stabilized.
Shields returning.

We're banged up,


Speak in words
I can understand.

The Construct is impeding
our universal translator.

Just like Tars Lamora.

I want a full damage report.

It's too late, Commander.

Attention, all crew.
This is your admiral.

Prepare to abandon ship.

I said abandon ship.

Speaking Andorian...

Everyone, calm down.

I'll see if I can circumvent
the firewall

to get translators back.

We've lost control out there.

We can't lose it in here.

Oh, aha.

My father had me study

to pit species
against each other.

Instead, I can bring them

Captain, can you understand

- Yes.
- Good, you speak Standard.

But our translators
are malfunctioning too.

Can you stop this?

I wish I could.

But without control
of our fleet,

there's no way to stop
every Starfleet ship

from destroying itself.

Every Starfleet ship...

How many allies
do you have nearby

without Starfleet signatures?

I don't think we need

any more
unnecessary casualties.

But if they don't have
a Starfleet signature,

they won't be affected.

I only hope we can convince
them to lend their shields.

Asking another to put
themselves at risk is

no small request,

even when we could understand
each other.

Starfleet has
one translator left.

We brought this problem to you.
Let us fix it.

Opening a distress call
to any vessels within range.

Stand by.

The bridge is yours, Captain.

And they've lost control
of their ships.

And it won't stop until
Starfleet destroys themselves.

I am requesting your aid
in our immediate assistance

and help relaying this message

to all our non-Federation

We beg you.

Your transports, your freights,
your shields...

Anything that will slow
the attack

Starfleet is inflicting
upon itself.

And why should I help?

Because in the infinite
of space,

everyone needs to know
there is a place out there

willing to accept us all,

no matter how different
we think we are.

Without Starfleet,
the Federation crumbles.

And that dream dies with it.

If they've ever helped you
as they've helped us,

then hear my words.

Allies, civilians, outsiders,

Starfleet needs you now...

Or it will not survive.


A worthy effort.

But right now I need
to evacuate our ships.

It was worth a shot.

Get to the escape pods.


Brace for impact.

They did it.

Starfleet, the mighty Trij
offers you salvation.

Prepare to beam out.

Would you look at that?

They came.

Is that
a Klingon Bird of Prey?

Ooh, and a civilian

A Gorn trading vessel!

And old Petarian
bulk freighter.

A D'Kora.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jankom understands you.

Ah, Janeway must have fixed
the translators.

I only helped.
You did the communicating.

- Whoo!
- Yes!

We survived!

Wait, no.

That's another Starfleet

Why are they still coming?

No, no, no!
More Starfleet ships?

Well, this is concerning.

It appears
Starfleet's defense protocols

automatically emit an SOS
when in dire threat.

What does that mean?

That when Starfleet ships
are in trouble,

they call for backup.

And when those reinforcements
are compromised,

even more ships will come.

It's all one giant trap.

By the time this is all over,

there won't be
any Starfleet left.

So they never make
First Contact with Sol um.

There aren't enough allies
in the sector

to stop what's coming.

There's nothing we can do.

We can't warp away.

We can't stop the signal.

It's annihilation.