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01x16 - Meet the Tweedles/A Very Wonderland Wedding

Posted: 12/22/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

♪ Down the rabbit hole to wonderland ♪

♪ I found this place ♪

♪ Spices sing and butterflies ♪

♪ A new world to embrace ♪

♪ Nothing here's impossible ♪

♪ So stir and twirl away ♪

♪ Up is down and left is right ♪

♪ Here's where I'm gonna stay ♪

♪ Everything's so curious ♪

♪ Like a dream come true ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ Don't be late, it's ready now ♪

♪ Bring friends both old and new ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪


ALICE: "Meet the Tweedles."

Over and under and voila.

One twist and shout. Ready for Oven.

That braid is so good.

Makes me wish I had hair.

Thanks, Cookie.
How'd everyone else's turn out?

Whoa, another perfect bowl-shaped
twist and shout

-if I do say so myself.

-FERGIE: Whoa!
-How about yours, Fergie?


Getting the hang of it, I think.

Only one ear tangled this time.

That's a big improvement.

The Queen of Hearts
and Princess Rosa, approach.


I can't let the Queen see me
with doughy ears.

Don't worry, buddy, I got you.

Your Queen has arrived.

Nice hat, Fergie.

Oh, uh, thank you, Your Majesty.

I come with news.

Alice, it is with great pleasure that I--

(Oven dings)

Oh, what's this?

I call them "Twist and Shouts."

Mm... Mmm!

Wowza! It's like my taste buds
are having a dance party in my mouth.


Oh, Alice, these sorts of clever creations

are exactly why I wanted to ask you
to be my royal baker.


-What do you think, Alice?

Royal baker to the queen.

I'm... speechless.


I do have that effect on people.

Think it over.


As the royal baker,
you'll get to cook in the palace kitchen,

which means
you'll spend every day at my house.

(shrieks excitedly)

That is exciting.

But if Alice is always at the palace,
she won't be here.

So you can't accept. Right, Alice?

Well, the bakery is my home.

Why not have the chance to bake
for all the fancy royal guests?

Alice's creations aren't just for royalty,
they're for everyone.

Rabbits, hares, caterpillars,
even hatters.

Alice can still bake for everyone.
That includes the palace, too.

But what really matters
is what you're working with.

Now, does the palace have a deep freezer?

-Oh, a vanilla vault.

(Oven dings, puffing)

(overlapping conversation)

The palace has all that...

Hmm... But my bakery has...

Dinah made some good points.

(Cheshire sniffing)

I love the smell of fresh baked confusion.

What's on your mind, Alice?

Oh, Cheshire, the queen offered
to make me royal baker.

Oh, my. You must be head over heels.

I'm honored, but Fergie thinks
I won't have time for the bakery.

Rosa thinks I can make time for friends.

Hattie and Cookie think--


Oh, what do you think, Alice?

I've been so busy thinking about
what everyone else thinks.

I haven't thought to think what I think.

Have you thought to ask the Tweedles?
They can help.

What are the Tweedles?

You mean, who are the Tweedles?

(metal clanking)

-Stop the landing!

Tweedles. Have you met Alice?


-How do you do?
-Don't think we've had the pleasure.

CHESHIRE: Alice, this is Tweedle Do
and Tweedle Don't.

-Wonderland's decision making helpers.

-Don't worry, Alice.
-We're here to help.

I'll leave you to it. Ta-ta.

Help? How exactly?

BOTH: We'll show you!

(Tweedle Don't chuckles)

♪ So you've got yourself a problem
and you don't know what to do ♪

♪ You got to pick between two choices
but it isn't clear to you ♪

♪ You look high, you look low ♪

♪ Talk to everyone you know ♪

♪ But have you considered ♪

♪ Maybe you should ♪


BOTH: ♪ Ask the Tweedles ♪

-♪ Tweedle Do ♪
-♪ Tweedle Don't ♪

-♪ Tweedle will ♪
-♪ Tweedle won't ♪

♪ When you need help finding something ♪

♪ There's the haystack,
where's the needle? ♪

-♪ I know what you should do ♪
-♪ Me too ♪

BOTH: ♪ Ask the Tweedles ♪

-♪ Tweedle yes ♪
-♪ Tweedle no ♪

-♪ Tweedle maybe ♪
-♪ Tweedle so ♪

♪ Clarify a point or facts ♪

♪ Are they ladybug or beetle? ♪

-♪ You know what you could do? ♪
-♪ I do not ♪

CHORUS: ♪ Ask the Tweedles ♪

(Tweedle Do chuckles)

♪ When the questions got you puzzled
and you need to find your voice ♪

♪ The best helping hands in Wonderland,
well, that's an easy choice ♪

♪ Hey, you know what she should do? ♪

♪ I can tell you what I do ♪

BOTH: ♪ Let's say it on the count of two ♪

♪ Ask the Tweedles ♪

So you two can help me decide
whether to be the royal baker?

Ah, the old to accept or not to accept,
classic decision.

But royal offers like this
don't come around often.

And you wouldn't want to upset the Queen.

Oh, it's quite a special offer.

But just because it's special
doesn't mean you have to take it.

-Cooking for Royals.
-Not cooking for friends.

-Alice, there you are.

Whoa, it's the Tweedles.

-The palace has a fancy dining room.
-But it's not as cozy as the bakery.

Walking to the palace
means blue skies to start each day.

Except when it rains.

-Cute rain boots.
-Wet sox.

-TWEEDLE DO: Royal aprons.
-Oh, dirty smog.

Plus, all the palace stuff.

But she wouldn't have her stuff.

-Well, Alice, will you...
-Or won't you?

-...accept the offer of royal baker?
-Don't keep us waiting.




I'm even more confused.

I wish you could just decide for me.

What, decide?

For you?

We never made a decision before!

You seem to understand the two choices
better than anyone, especially me.



-You accept.
-You accept.

I'm the new royal baker.


And here is where we keep knick knacks,

and here is where we keep knack knicks.

Did I cover everything?

Everything, and then some.

I'm sure the palace kitchen
has everything a royal baker could need.

Here. Here's your first assignment.

You had dinner request from the Queen.

-Exciting. Want to help, Rosa?
-I can't.

I have a dance lesson with my abuelo,
then harp practice,

then a royal rules test with mama.

Yeah, the princess schedule
is a stacked-deck today and most days.

But I'm so glad you're here.

Maybe we can hang out later.

I'll shuffle back to check on you soon.

Good luck, royal baker.

"A four seasons tart.

A summer tart of winter vegetables

with an autumnal crust
and a spring pesto drizzle."


Not too hard.

Cookie, open to your autumnal
puff pastry page, please.

Oh, right. Cookie is at the bakery.

Oh, but we're here. Hi, how are you?

We wouldn't want to leave you all alone
after making our first decision.


-Puff pastry. You'll need flour.
-Oh, but not that flour.

Bread flour, please, and some cold water.

-I'll grab from the fridge.
-I'll get some from the sink.

(chuckles awkwardly)
Oh, dear. Maybe use a pitcher.

-Right you are.
-Not a bad idea.

Cooking at the palace
is gonna be nothing like the bakery.

Phew! Okay.

While the crust is baking,
we can make the spring pesto drizzle.

-This way.
-That way.

-This way.
-Either is fine.

As long as we're done when Oven dings.
Right, Oven?

Uh, whose Oven?

Crumbs. I forgot the palace oven
isn't the same as Oven from the bakery.

We didn't set a timer.

-We got it.
-Don't worry.

Oh, wait. Maybe we should ask a card.

Uh, we're not kids.
I'm , years old, today.

But I'm older,
with a watch that goes twice as fast.

Oh, that was close,

but we should still finish the tart
in time for dinner.

Royal baker, progress report, please.

The tart is coming along great.
Just ignore the mess.

Oh, mmm, smells marvelous.

If the other dishes are half as good,
we're aces.

Other dishes?

Oh, the tart is just the first
of courses to bake.

You're working on the other
as well, yes?


-Of course.
-Nothing to worry about. Okay, bye.

Eleven more courses. Oh, crumbs.

We got this. We just need a plan.

A decision, and now a plan.

So many firsts for us today.

-Ooh, uh...

What have I gotten myself into?

-(door opens)
-FERGIE: Alice?

I hope I'm not interrupting.


-Wow, the royal baker.

Everyone's gonna love you.

I wanted to bring you something.

I only got half and you're stuck
in the dough this time.

It was fun,
but not as much fun as baking with you.


It's wonderful.


Oh, I'll let you get back to royal baking.

-(door opens, closes)

-Or no?

What? Sorry.

Should we build a second kitchen?

I, um, don't know.


BOTH: We say yes.

-Wee! I'll call the carpenter.
-Whoa, I'll call the wall rat.

How did I get here?

CHESHIRE: Oh, Alice.

I came to see
how your decision turned out,

but I think I already know the answer.

This morning I was having fun
in the bakery with my friends,

and now I have more baking
than I can handle.

(both whooping)

I think they made the wrong choice.

Uh... "They?"

Didn't you make the choice?

-No, the Tweedles did.
-(Tweedles laughing)

Tweedles don't do that.

-Uh... we think we did a pretty good job.
-Not bad for our first time, come on.

Alice, you need to make the choice.

CHESHIRE: Just listen to your heart.

You're right, Cheshire,
this is a choice I have to make.

I think I need to talk to Rosa
and the Queen.

Twist and shout...

...get it while they're fresh.

It was an honor to be named royal baker,

but being in the bakery with my friends
is where I want to be.

Oh, you said it, Snickerdoodle.

You're still welcome to bake
at the palace whenever you want.

Oh, but this bunny is glad you're back.

(all clamoring)

-For the next batch,

should we add chocolate chips?

You know who we could ask?

Oh, chocolate chips are delicious.

But if you use the bunch now,
you won't have as many to use later.

-It's up to you, Alice.
-It's up to you, Alice.


ALICE: "A very Wonderland wedding."

You find the most curious things
when you spring clean.

Oh, got them.

Store these mitts in the donate bin.

Huh! Fuzzy snow. How peculiar.

ALICE: Looks like it's coming
from the bakery.

Let's have a looksie
before we get snowed in.

DANDY: Alice,

get your pen and paper ready because
you're gonna want to write this down.

Well, a merry morning to you, Dandy.

Guess what?

I'm getting married...
(chuckles) my dream flower, Daisy.

Mm, mm, mmm...

-This evening.
-Congratulations, Dandy.

Oh, I love a good wedding.

Who doesn't? And I'd be ever so delighted.

No. No, that's not the right word.

Uh... touched?

No. No. Moved. Yes.

I would be moved
if you would bake our wedding cake.

-So say yes.
-Of course I will.

I've always dreamed
of baking a wedding cake.

Oh, and one small thing before I forget...

...the cake just got to have
my favorite flavor,

soaring saffron buttercream.

Mm, mm, mm, mmm...

Sounds scrumptious. I'll get right on it.

You're a real bud, Alice.


-(Fergie whooping, chuckling)
-HATTIE: Ooh...

Hi. Hello.

-Did it snow in the bakery?
-Dandy was just here.

He and Daisy are getting married,
and he asked me to bake their cake.

How dreamy.


Cookie, please look up the recipe
for soaring saffron buttercream.

On it, buttercup. Soaring saffro...

Oh, no. Alice, are you sure?

It's in my Tough and Tougher section?

-Sure as shortbread.
-Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

Opening to page , ...

-and a half.
-(alarm blaring)


Enter if you're ready to conquer,
soaring saffron buttercream.

I've never seen Cookie do this before.

ALICE: "One dancing dodo egg.
two teacups of soaring saffron

and three high flying honeycombs."

Uh, I am no expert,
but those ingredients sound... bouncy.

Yep, which makes them tough to handle.

You don't end up
in my hard chapter for nothing.

But where there's a whisk, there's a way.

-Kitchen, are you with...
-(door opens)

♪ Garden greetings ♪

Oh, just the Alice I wanted to see.

Daisy. What a pleasant surprise.

I heard from Dandy, my weed to be,
that you're baking our wedding cake.

Getting started on it right now.

I hope it's not too late to put in
a teeny, tiny request.

It's never too late for the bride.

It would make me ever so delighted

if you could include my favorite flavor
in the cake,

-jumping garlic juice.

-Oh, I love garlic.
-Sounds delicious.

Oh, thank you, Alice.

You don't know how much
this means to me. Ta-ta.

Cookie, please flip to the recipe
for jumping garlic juice.

(yelps, chuckles nervously)

Well, opening to page , ...

and a half again.

(alarm blaring)


Enter if you're ready to conquer,
jumping garlic juice.

"One jumping garlic,
two tea cups of boing-boing vinegar juice

and three leaping lemons."


That's a foot-thumping combo.

And sounds bouncy as the soaring saffron.

I just need to combine these two recipes
and we have a wedding cake.

Oh, I don't know, sugarplum.

These recipes are hard on their own.

When combined,
who knows how tricky it'll be.

Then we'll have to be extra careful
when mixing them.

You'll need backup.

Good idea. Hattie, we'll do
the soaring saffron buttercream.

Fergie, you and Cookie
handle the jumping garlic juice.

ALL: And break!

Found it. The Handle with Care shelf.

I'm ready for it. Hatter up.


(sighs in relief)
That was close.

Now, for the dancing dodo egg.

(inhales shakily)





ALICE: Whoa!

(Alice grunts)

Ah... why didn't I get the egg?


Whoa, never mind. I've got my own ride.

Ingredients for jumping garlic juice
have to be stored in a special place.


The staircase?

Oh, my little carriage chéri.
Take a look... underneath.

Has this been here the entire time?

Open the door just a crack.


No, they're really hopping.


Watch the binding!

Now that we have all the ingredients,
it's time to bake.

What's the first step?

Toss them all into my bowl,
then I can mix them into a batter.

First, some soaring saffron.


We just painted the ceiling.

Oh, that's gonna be a doozy to get out.

Maybe we should just start
with the jumping garlic instead.

Oh, hey, come back here.


I will...

...not be...


Yeah, got it.

What? Oh, carrots,
these ingredients are quick.

Then we've got to be quicker.


Lemons, deep in your way.



Jumping garlic, coming in hot.

(Fergie grunts)

Soaring saffron, falling from new heights.

That's everything.

Oh, I love the smell of saffron
and garlic in the morning.


Dandy and Daisy really know their flavors.


-Watch out.
-(Hattie yelps)

Soaring saffron soars, high.
Jumping garlic jumps, far.

Oh, double the ingredients
means double the bounce.

And we're gonna need a bigger bowl.

Mixing bowl, powering up.

Yee-haw, lemon drop.




-It's working.

-It's not working.

A little help here.

-Buttery biscuits.
-Whoa, let's do this every day.

(all screaming)



I'm slipping.

Alice, we're here to pick up...

I'll be right there with you.

(all screaming)





Oh, my stems.

Daisy, Dandy,
I'm so sorry about all of this.

Your cake flavors are delicious,
but really tricky to handle.

They're not in my hardest chapters
for nothing.


Sealing batter, and it's on the house.

Oh, boy!

This would have been a sweet cake.

Oh, we love your baking

and wanted one of your creations
for our big day.

It was in my dreams
and on my vision board, it was on both.

But don't worry your petals, Alice.
Our wedding will go on.

-(alarm clock ringing)
-You're late. You're late.

-Shall we go, flower to be?
-Yes, weed to be. Ta-ta.

Hey, we tried to make their cake,

but those ingredients were bonkers
even before we mix them.

Then combining them into one cake,
double bonkers.

Double bonkers. You're right.

I am?

Trying to make one cake
is where my recipe went wrong.

Maybe the answer
isn't to combine these ingredients,

but to bring them together
in a different way.

Two cakes? But they wanted one.

You'll see.

Where there's a whisk,
there's always a way.

♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum
Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum
Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ Oh, roll up your sleeves,
it's time to bake ♪

♪ Stir that, we've got a dish to make ♪

♪ And let's work together
with a sift and a scoop ♪

♪ And a sprinkle and shake ♪

-♪ C'mon let's bake! ♪
-♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ Let's bake ♪
-♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ Whisk like me, then have a taste ♪

♪ Mix it like a Hatter
There's no time to waste ♪

♪ Set it like a rabbit ♪

♪ We can't be late ♪

♪ The perfect recipe served
on your plate ♪

-♪ C'mon let's bake! ♪
-♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪
-♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ C'mon let's bake! ♪
-♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪
-♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ C'mon let's bake ♪

Oh, I remember you both as little buds.

Now to see you bloom together
warms this old sea bird's heart.




I introduced them, you know.

Oh, I can't stop smiling.

You're crying. What a conundrum.


I hereby introduce
the newest family in the garden,

Daisy and Dandy.

(all clamoring, applauding)



-(all murmuring)

I have a tasty surprise
for the new couple.

Oh, Alice, Alice, Alice...

We can't have sealing batter
at our wedding.

But can you save me some for later? Mm-hm?

How about we have some now?

I can smell the garlic from here.



Oh, my goodness, it's even better
than my vision board.

How did you pull this off?

Why don't you see for yourselves?

You layered our favorite flavors?


What a blossomingly blooming way
to stay true to us.

Wow, thanks, Alice.

These two flavors were meant to be,
just like you.

Oh-oh-uh! Wow!





I love you so much, Daisy. I love you.

(closing theme music)