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01x15 - A Special Blend/The Princess and the Hare

Posted: 12/22/22 08:05
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

♪ Down the rabbit hole to wonderland ♪

♪ I found this place ♪

♪ Spices sing and butterflies ♪

♪ A new world to embrace ♪

♪ Nothing here's impossible ♪

♪ So stir and twirl away ♪

♪ Up is down and left is right ♪

♪ Here's where I'm gonna stay ♪

♪ Everything's so curious ♪

♪ Like a dream come true ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ Don't be late, it's ready now ♪

♪ Bring friends both old and new ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪


ALICE: "A Special Blend."

(all vocalizing)

That's five kiwi avocado smoothies
with ginger.

Got it.

Great choice, by the way.

Alice, are we almost done?
I'm running out of pages.

Hmm, I'll take a mango sunrise smoothie.

No, wait. Forget that. Banana. No.

Oh, actually, what would you recommend?

How about the Hatters special?

It's whatever I pull out of my hat.

Uh... I suppose.

Go! Before she changes her mind again.

Okay. There's only one
smoothie order left to get.

ALICE: Mother Rose.


That's enough for now, my precious petals.

MOTHER ROSE: Rest those vocal stems.

Hi, Mother Rose. Sounding sharp.

Oh, Alice, I have so much to do
before tonight's garden performance.

It's that time of the season
when flowers do what they do best.


I'm sure everything will come together.

I hope so.

But I still need to find our star soloist.

One singer
whose voice will make the show blossom.

They are the missing ingredient
to blend with our marvelous chorus.

Speaking of blending,
can we put you down for a smoothie?

-One cucumber celery for me.
-You got it.

Your smoothies are always
the perfect blend of ingredients,

just like voices and harmony.

Oh, I love when all the voices
of the garden come together as one.

My flavors blend so well
because of the key ingredient.

Humming horseradish.

I picked some fresh this morning.

-Thanks. Time to get blending.

(male voice vocalizing in distance)

Oh, my.

That's the most beautiful singer
I've ever heard.

Talk about a voice with hop.

That flowers got the stuff.

That's it.

That's the flower
I need to sing a solo tonight.

But who is it and where are they?

Hmm... that's a head-scratcher all right.

Maybe the other flowers know.
We can ask around.

Are you sure? The garden is a big place.

You know what I always say?

Where there's a whisk, there's a way.

I can't thank you enough.

We'll be back in two shakes
of a Wonderland daffodil.

With singers and smoothies.

(flowers whispering)

Excuse me.

Pardon me.


-(bush rustles)

Hold your hats. Did you hear that?

♪ I've arrived! ♪

Your search is over.

But how can our search be over
when it's only just begun?

I'll tell you how.

Because I'm the voice
you've been looking for.

-That was easy.
-Rabbit's luck.

The name's Thistle. Oh, just watch.

This should be interesting.

Alice's, Hatter's and Rabbits.

Prepare for the jazzy stylings of Thistle

in the "Unbirthday Song"!

I love this one. I know all the words.


Can't say I know this version.

(vocalizing continues)

♪ A very, a merry unbirthday to you! ♪

-To me?
-Who's he?

(vocalizing continues)

♪ A very merry ♪

(vocalizing continues)

Oh, yeah.

Hey, come back here.

(male vocalizing in distance)

Wait a maple-coated minute.

That's the voice we're looking for.

So it can't be Thistle.

Oh, I knew I should have gone
with Thistle while you work.

Curiouser and curiouser.

I've never seen this path before.

ALICE: Maybe the voice
is coming from this way.

No, no, no, no.

This way leads to a vegetable patch.

You're looking for a flower, yes?

Try going, uh, that way.


(all grunting)

-No, I saw it first.

Merry morning.

-No. Me!

-(Jeff grunts)

Jeff, are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Yes, Dale.
What odd-looking flowers.

Flowers? We're not flowers.

Wait, we're not flowers, right?

Fur, whiskers, bunny ears. Check.

Do your petals glisten in the sun?

Do your stems billow in the wind?

BOTH: Do you know how to...

♪ Sing ♪

Uh... No, no.

And I'll get back to you on the last one.

We're not flowers.

We're Alice, Hattie, and Fergie.

-Oh, okay. Yeah.
-Right. Okay.

Maybe you can help us.

We're looking for a voice.

It's smooth, soulful.
Can belt a note about this...

♪ Long ♪

Mother Rose wants to give them a solo
at the concert tonight.

Oh, my stems. I know exactly
which flower you're looking for.

DALE: Presenting!

The talented twins of the flower garden.

You'll love them.

-Jeff and Dale, baby!
-Oh, boy.

(both vocalizing)

(vocalizing continues)

Psst... I thought we agreed
on a trumpet solo.

No. You agreed on a trumpet solo.
I said hit them with the vocals.

So, what did you think?

I think you're quite a pair.

But Mother Rose said
she's only looking for one voice.

And you're clearly a double act.

Oh, pick me. I'm the star.

-No, ew, no. Absolutely not. It is me.
-Me! I'm the star. Me!

-I'm the one with the personality here.
-It's got to be me.

JEFF: Oh, yeah, it's me!

(male voice vocalizing in distance)

It's that voice again.
So it can't be the daffodils either.

Sounds like it's coming from over here.

Alice! Is it too late to change
my smoothie order?

Oh, dear.

Instead of a Hatter special,
I'd like a banana strawberry bonanza.

But I don't want the bonanza.

Oh, crumbs. I forgot about
all the smoothies we still have to make.

Perhaps I can be of assistance.

We're looking for a soloist
for tonight's garden performance.


Well, of course, it must be me.

Behold my bouquet of talents.


-Oh, you're quite the musician, Iris.

But opera isn't the singing style
we heard earlier.

Oh, opera is the only style of music
fit for a soloist.

(vocalizing continues)

(male voice vocalizing in distance)

Uhm, it sounds like it's coming
from everywhere!

-(Fergie grunts)

The doorbell flowers, they're ringing!

Which means we're late.

Alice! Have you found our flower soloist?

Sorry, Mother Rose, we tried.

And if we're going to make smoothies
in time for the show,

we have to get back to the bakery.

I promise, these will be
the best smoothies you've ever had.

It's the least we can do.

I suppose the show must go on
with or without the soloist.

(Alice sighs)
We searched everywhere in the garden

and no flower matched
that beautiful voice.

-COOKIE: Banana!


Cheer up, buttercup.

Maybe a little blending
will help you feel better.

-Humming horseradish.
-HATTIE: Horseradish.

FERGIE: Horseradish.

Uh... Pretty unusual ingredient
for a smoothie, don't you think?

Well, Alice's great grandmother's
smoothie recipe

didn't get famous
for being what was expected.

What do you mean?

These smoothies are so good
because the humming horseradish

was the ingredient
that surprised everyone.

That's curious. What no one expected.

No. Uh, but...


That's it!

That's it! That's it!

What's it?

We have to go to the one place
we didn't search.

(male voice vocalizing in distance)

-(all gasps)
-(voice vocalizing continues)

Oh... whoo!

Hi. Sorry.
(chuckles awkwardly)

-Uhm, am I being too loud?
-Oh, my carrots.

We thought you were a flower
this whole time.

Not a flower or a carrot. An onion.

My name is Oliver.

Oh, of course.

An onion with some raw singing talent.

Hope I didn't bother you.
I've been hearing this melody all day.

It's so beautiful, I had to sing!

We're glad you did.

You're a great singer, Oliver.

We've been looking for you everywhere.

You have?

All the flowers love your voice.

And one rose, in particular,
would really like to meet you.

Mother Rose, meet your soloist.

Pleased to meet you.

Oh, I love your song.


Do your thing, Oliver.


Oh, my thorns.

BOTH: Wow!

Sounds superbly stunning!

Wait a minute.

I thought only flowers
could sing like that.

You weren't the only one.

But just because flowers in Wonderland
are famous for singing,

doesn't mean they're the only ones
who can sing.

So true. Thank you for showing us.

Anyone can bring
their unique talents to our garden.

But how did you figure it out?

Simple. Sometimes a surprise ingredient
makes a perfect recipe,

like the humming horseradish
in my great grandmother's smoothies.

Which reminds me. Order up!

What do you think, Oliver?

Would you like to join us for a song?

Wow! Really? You mean it?

We'd be honored.

Then I say...

♪ Yes! ♪

Oh, places, everyone.

Our garden performance is about to begin.

(flowers vocalizing)

♪ Anywhere a garden grows
from the tulips to the merry gold ♪

♪ Every little creature holds
a song within its reach ♪

♪ Sha-na-na-na ♪

♪ So listen up
and you'll know I'd guide it ♪

♪ Your voice, we knew we'd find it ♪

♪ It takes many different notes ♪

♪ To make a harmony ♪

♪ Doo-wi-ooh-wa-ooh-wa-ooh ♪

- ♪ Sing ♪
-♪ Sing ♪

♪ With a flower ♪

-♪ Every voice has the power ♪
-♪ Yeah ♪

-♪ Anyone ♪
-♪ Anyone ♪

♪ Can join our show ♪

♪ Do-doot-doot-doo. ♪

- ♪ Sing ♪
-♪ Sing ♪

♪ With a flower ♪

-♪ Stand tall at the tower ♪
-♪ Tall ♪

♪ Where old friend or new ♪

MOTHER ROSE: ♪ You can sing along ♪

♪ Doo-wi-ooh-wa-ooh-wa-ooh ♪

♪ Doo-wi-ooh-wa-ooh ♪

♪ Lift your leaves and rejoice ♪

♪ Till the stars hear your voice ♪

♪ I am brave and I'm proud ♪

♪ So I'll first sing out loud ♪

-♪ I'll sing ♪
-♪ Sing with a flower ♪

♪ And every voice has the power ♪

-♪ Anyone ♪
-♪ Anyone ♪

ALL: ♪ Can join our song ♪

-♪ Sing with a flower♪
-♪ Sing with a flower ♪

-♪ Stand tall ♪
-♪ Stand tall ♪

-♪ Where old friend or new ♪
-♪ Old friend or new ♪

♪ Don't miss it too ♪

-♪ Oh, no ♪
-♪ 'Cause here's what to do ♪

♪ They're waiting for you ♪

♪ To come and sing along ♪

ALLICE: "The Princess And The Hare."

(Rosa and Alice laughing)

Merry morning, Rosa. Sure is windy.

I know.

But the card guard's stair croquet game
is still on.

(sighs in relief)

Playing with Mama will definitely
work up an appetite.

Good thing you brought a cake.

It's not a cake.

The one I made crumbled
as I took it out of oven.

-Then what's in the box?
-Cake pops.

Even though my cake didn't come out right,

I turned the crumbles into something new.

Buenos dias! Good morning, girls.

-Your Majesty.
-Hi, Mama.


Your cape is beautiful.

Fabulous, isn't it?

It belonged to my beloved mother.

The only thing I love to wear more
is my crown.

If it pleases Your Majesty,
the croquet court is now ready.

Oh, excellent! Let our game begin.

I'll go first, naturally.

Oh, looks like the wind is picking up.

Oh, so it is.

-Wind shield formation!

(exhales deeply)

Much better.

-(wind howling)

We've caught the breeze!

Maybe we should put off our game
until the wind dies down.

Nonsense. Weather builds character.

Whoa, my cape!


Take that, wind.

Now, to line up my shot.

-(wind howling)

Your Heartness? Your cape is...

Not now, darling. I'm aiming.

But you're going to...

-Fly away!
-CARD GUARD: Oh, my highness!

(Queen of Hearts screaming)



I command you to get me down!

-We're coming!
-Hang on, Mama!

- Oh, no!

Now I'm really up, up and away!

Crumbs! She's about to fly
over the palace wall.

Uh, what do we do?

Time for some card guard shuffling.

Guards, ladder formation!

(Alice and Rosa grunting)


-I got you, Mama!
-(both struggling)

(cape rips)


My brave...



You saved me!


But I ripped your cape. It's in shreds.

Oh, my.

So it is.

Oh, it could be worse.

-(cape rips)


I'm so sorry, Mama.

It's okay, mija. It's just a cape.

Just an exquisite...

...beautiful cape.

Want to go back
to our croquet game, Your Majesty?

I proclaim...

...we postpone it.

Until the wind dies down.

-Good idea.
-Of course.


Oh... Mama loved that cape.
So did my abuelita.

I wish with all my heart I could unrip it.

What if we make a new one instead?

It might help cheer up your mom.

Aces idea.

But I don't know anything
about fashion or sewing.

Neither do I.

But I know someone who does.

Wait. So, Fergie and Hattie
know how to make a cape?

-Not a clue.

Then who is helping me make one?

Totally wonderoo!

How do you do?

Mr. March Hare.

Please call me Harry.

You can also call me
"Delighted to see you all."

Harry is the best fashion designer
in Wonderland.

He makes all my aprons.

Clothes are a splendiferous way
to express yourself.

It's like art you can wear.

-And makes you feel good.

Think you can help me
make a new cape for Mama?

Thinking is what I do best, with this.


Cast your eyes
on my treasure chest of fashion.

(all clamoring)


These treasures remind me
of my art supplies back at the Palace.

Then working on the cape
should be a piece of cake.

-Wanna start?

But now I have a new problem.

What should the cape look like?

What would you do without me?

-(metal clanks)
-(snaps finger)


When I'm designing a new piece,

I start by thinking about the person
who's going to wear it.

The Queen. Who is she, really?

Paint me a picture, but with words.

Well, Mama loves red roses.

Oh, and being queen, of course.

Spill it. Spill it. Tell me more!

She also loves playing croquet
and salsa dancing.

All these details
sound like ingredients in a recipe.

So true, Alice.

It's our first step
in making a cape fit for a queen.

What's our second step?

A little recon!

We need to see the Queen in action.

But the Cape is a surprise.

Won't it be ruined if the Queen sees us?

We'll go in disguise.

Mustaches? Really?

Has the Queen ever seen you in a mustache?

Oh, well, no.

Then we are dressed for success.

Will you fashionable fellas
get our supplies ready

while we hop on by the Queen's Place?

You bet your ears we will.

All right, girls. The palace awaits.

(suspenseful music)

So why are we hiding behind a bush?

The queen loves red, but not cherry red,

not lobster red, rose red.

We have to find
the exact shade for her cape.

That's the one.
We're off to a royal start.

ALICE: The queen loves her croquet.

Then she's going to love
what I have on my sleeve.

HARRY: Okay, now find the ones
that remind you of those croquet critters.

-Hmm... This one.
-ALICE: Oh, this one.

We've been spotted. Quick!

Don't make a scene! Run!


(Harry yelping)

Signing a scroll
wasn't on our queenly cape list.

But salsa dancing was?

That's it, Ernesto!

Put your cushions into it.

That is a look.

Capture that, Rosa.

Art inspires art.

HARRY: Now, your drawing is on the cape.

Oh, bonkers design, Harry.

The queen looks like
she's gonna dance right off the velvet.

But we're still missing something.

Something to turn this design
from marvelous to marvel more!

How about the piece of ripped cape
to connect the old with the new?

I heart that idea!

Stand back, everyone.
Because the fabric is about to fly.

-Go, Harry!

-That's more I like it.


HARRY: The cape!


It's perfect. Thank you so much, Harry.

Ooh... Let's go to the Palace
so you can give it to your mom.

Whoa! Whiskers! The wind is back!

The cape!

(all clamoring)

(both panting)

(all grunting)

Harry, you're going higher!

You mean I'm not going lower?

We need to move fast!

Rosa, get on!

Hello! Quite the hair-raising
adventure, isn't it?

Almost... got him!

Oh... Uh...

(cape rips)

Oh, not again.

Can we sew it back together?

Let me see if I just carry...
if we could... maybe...

What if I... what if I put the...
and then...

Nope, it's quite possibly impossible.

It won't look anything
like the cape we made.

The new cape may be ruined,
but we can still give it to your mom.

What do you mean?

It's like the cake I made this morning.

It crumbled when I took it out of oven,
so I turned it into cake pops.

Oh, I don't know.
The rip goes through all our designs.

How could that turn into anything good?

I think you'll find a way.

♪ I'm at your side
so tell me what can I do?

♪ Sometimes all you need's
a new point of view ♪

♪ Everything you need, you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

♪ We've got this always together I know ♪

♪ I believe in you at every high and low ♪

♪ Everything you need, you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

♪ There's a recipe for anything ♪

♪ Trust me on that ♪

♪ You'll find your way ♪

♪ You'll never fall flat ♪

♪ 'Cause everything you need you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪


I put all my heart into that cape.
I want to try to save it.

And we'll all be here to help.

Harry, since the cape
can't be sewn back together,

Do you think it could be made
into two capes?

Ooh... Hmm...

It'll take a little finessing.

So it's a good thing
I've got a lot of finesse!

You look good.

Even in shreds.

Most majestic Majesty!

Princess Rosa has a surprise for you.

Oh, a surprise? Let me get ready.

ROSA: Open your eyes.

Oh, my heart! A beautiful new cape!

QUEEN OF HEART: The red of those roses,
the crown, croquet.

It's perfect!

And a princess-sized one for me.

It's the most heartwarming gift

I've ever received.

Thank you, mija.

Thanks for helping me
not give up on the cape.

Like I always say.

Where there's a whisk, there's a way.


I've been informed
the wind has left Wonderland.

So let's breeze back
to our croquet game, shall we?

-ROSA: Aces!

HATTIE: Let's do this!

(closing theme music)