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01x08 - Another Alice/Fergie Plays the Palace

Posted: 12/22/22 07:56
by bunniefuu
♪ Down the rabbit hole to Wonderland
I found this place ♪

♪ Spices sing and butterflies
a new world to embrace ♪

♪ Nothing here's impossible
so we stir and twirl away ♪

♪ Up is down and left is right
here's where I'm gonna stay ♪

♪ Everything's so curious
like a dream come true ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery
I'll make something for you ♪

♪ Don't be late it's ready now
bring friends both old and new ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery
I'll make something for you ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland Bakery
I'll make something for you ♪


ALICE: Another Alice.

(upbeat music playing on radio)

Ready? Five, six, seven, eight.

Put your spine into it, Cookie.


W-What was the last move again?

It's shake, shimmy, shake.

-ALICE: Dinah gets it.


Hmm, bubbles?

COOKIE: Oh, dear, we didn't leave
bubble soup on the stove, did we?

No, I think I'd remember bubble soup.

Hello, Alice.

I'm here to pick up an extra-crawly order.

Coming right up.

I'll just shake and shimmy it.
Right on-over.

Wow, the famous Wonderland Bakery.

My name is Jay.

But you can call me
your biggest fan in Wonderland.

Well, isn't that sweet as icing?

Here you are, you... Uh, where did he go?

Is this your whisk? It's so swirly!

It really comes in handy
when I'm making...

Heart tart? Stormy sprinkles?
Rainbow sherbet surprise?

(chuckles awkwardly)

How did you know?

I know all your recipes,
but my favorite has to be the...


-JAY: ...teacupcake.

You must be Cookie.
It's an extra-crawly-honor to meet you.

Well, flip my pages.

It's nice to meet you too. Do you bake?

Yeah. I'm gonna be
a baker one day, just like Alice.

I've been practicing,
but I'm not as good as you yet.

I wasn't the best when I started, either.

Lucky for me,
I had the best teacher in Wonderland.


Cinnamon sticks.

Just keep practicing,
and you'll be a fabulous baker in no time.

Oh, I will, Alice. I will.



-Bye. Come back soon.

Oh, dear, someone is baking your recipes.

Everyone in Wonderland
is getting deliveries from the bakery.

-Today, I got this.

-(imitates drum roll)
-COOKIE: Oh, my...

ALICE: That looks just like my teacupcake.

Huh! But something's not quite right.

Is that mayonnaise instead of icing?

Alice would never do that.

It's got to be the work of...

an imposter.

Someone is baking Alice's teacupcakes

and making it look like
they're coming from the bakery.

Hmm... This is curious.

Whoever it is clearly has great taste,
but not so great bakes,

Oh, I'll say if we find out
who the mystery baker is,

maybe I could give them
some baking lessons.

Now there's a novel idea.

We need to investigate,
but if only we had a clue

like a hint to point us
in the right direction.


From this angle,
it sort of looks like a hat.

That's it, our first clue!

Well, who in Wonderland wears hats?

Oh, no. I was wearing a hat yesterday.

It was me.

Or we could ask our friend
who wears hats every day. Hattie.

(chuckles nervously)

That was gonna be my next guest.

To Hattie's!

(whistling, hissing)

How curious.

Looks like we've stumbled upon
a celebration.


Fergie! You're just in time!

Why, of course. I'm always on time.
Time for what exactly?

Dad hatter's unbirthday!

-♪ A very merry and birthday ♪
-♪ A very merry and birthday ♪

-♪ A very merry and birthday to you ♪
-♪ To me? ♪

-♪ Yes, you! ♪
-♪ To me! ♪

-A very merry and birthday to you!
-A very merry and birthday to me!

(Dad Hatter laughs)

(fireworks expl*si*n)

-(Alice chuckles)

Happy and birthday, Mr. Hatter,
and hello, Mr. March Hare.

Alice! Fergie!

Thank you for coming. Have a cup of tea.


Or ?

-Ooh, make it - .
-(Harry laughs)

Oh, we love to celebrate,
but we're looking for a mystery baker.

Do you mind if we ask you some questions?

-Does that one count?
-Ask away!

But before you do,
I must thank you for your generous gift.


BOTH: Gift?

I found it under my door-hat this morning.

So kind of you to remember my unbirthday

And to remember mine as well.


Harry, why didn't you tell me
it was your unbirthday too?

Why, it's simply because
I didn't want to steal your thunder!


Unbirthdays only come around
most days of the year.

Then we must celebrate. Grab a hat.

(Dad Hatter chuckles)

So, the only one here who didn't get
a teacupcake today is Hattie?


Hattie is the mystery baker.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hold your hats. You mean this teacupcake?

It was under my hat this whole time.

Oh, it was me.

Fergie. We just got these hats.


Right. Never mind.

Oh, let's see what we've got.

ALL: Bubbles?

That's our second clue.

Look, more bubbles.
And they're coming from the palace.

Maybe that's where the mystery baker is?

Only one way to find out.

A mystery baker?

Oh, now that you mention it, I think
Mama got a teacup cake this morning, too.

Then maybe I can ask the Queen
if she knows which way they went.

Aces up!

Oh, Alice,
it's so marvelous of you to join.


I'm exquisite.

Your turn.

Your Majesty, we were hoping
you might know something

about a curious cupcake delivery.


Whoa! Ugh!

Now that you mention it,
I did receive a cupcake this morning.

Right over there.


The teacupcake.

I knew this wasn't yours.

It's sort of like how you play croquet.

-How do I say this?


-(bird bellowing)
-(Alice yelping)

Oh, and it was covered in bubbles.

Not at all like your usual recipe.


The gates were closed.

So, whoever delivered it was small enough
to fit through the hole in the hedge.

I think I found our third clue.

Look at these footprints.

Oh, that's a lot of feet.

And it looks like
they lead to Tulgey Wood.


Smells fresh.

If we hurry, we might be able
to catch them. Come on.

Hello? Mystery Baker?

Come out, come out wherever you are.

-You're not in trouble.
-Did someone say "trouble"?

ALL: The Cheshire Cat!

Have you seen any peculiar creatures
in the woods today?

As a matter of fact, I have.

Why did they look like?

Let's see.
Small, furry, and two big floppy ears.

Oh, glasses.

It was me! Oh, I knew it.


Fergie, you've been with us
the whole time.

I meant, have you seen anyone
delivering cupcakes in secret?

Mm... Afraid not.

But I did receive a teacupcake today.


I really need to give
whoever this is some baking lessons.

It smells like sour pickles.


Ahh... Yes. My favorite smell.

Such a nice touch for you to add, Alice.

Mmm. Pickle, pickle, pickle.

That's what I love about your baking.

You can taste all the details,

every flavor of paints a picture
of the great baker you are.

But I didn't bake this, Cheshire.

Wait a maple-coated minute,
you can taste the details.

And the details reveal the baker.
Cheshire, you're a genius.


If I had a pumpernickel
for every time I've heard that,

why, I'd have two pumpernickels.

The mystery baker left clues
in every cupcake.

We can add them together
like ingredients in a recipe,

and then we can solve this mystery.



♪ A dash of milk, a whiff of trouble ♪

♪ I'll pop this case just like a bubble ♪


♪ A teacupcake, but it's a fake ♪

♪ So who is the baker behind these bake? ♪

♪ Just a bite, it kinda tickles ♪

♪ But why does it taste
like sour pickles? ♪

♪ Follow the recipe,
add all the clues up ♪

♪ To solve a mystery
just pour some curiosity in your cup ♪

♪ Now a portrait is emerging
as we bake it clue by clue ♪

♪ And with the last piece of the puzzle
I'm about to break through ♪

♪ Follow the recipe
and see where you end up ♪

♪ To solve a mystery
just pour some curiosity in your cup ♪

♪ Yes, anything is possible
with a curious frame of mind ♪

♪ I know we've cracked the case ♪

♪ It's the time and place
to leave this mystery ♪

♪ Behind! ♪

ALL: Jay the caterpillar!

-I'm just glad it wasn't me.
-ROSA: It all adds up.

The bubbles,
the tiny six-legged footprints.

And the less-than-perfect baking.

He did say he was still practicing.

I just wish Jay would have asked me
for lessons.

I would've said yes.


Of course. That's what friends are for.

Oh, wow, a baking lesson from the Alice?

That would be a dream!

Sorry if my teacupcakes
caused any trouble.

I just wanted to bake for my friends
and be just like you.

Then how about we bake together?

HATTIE: Oh, it really looks
just like the real deal.

(munching, groans)

And tastes like it, too.

I did it! I'm a real baker now.
Just like you, Alice.

There's only one thing left to do.

Every baker has their own signature style.

It's all about the details.

What do you think?

I think everyone in Wonderland
will know who made this cupcake.

And that's one curious case... closed.

ALICE: Fergie Plays the Palace.

FERGIE: Alice, you go here.

Hattie, over there.
Rosa, move back just a bit.

You're really following
every rule by the book.

I don't mess around when it comes
to Wonderland musical chairs.

(Ernesto chuckles)
You're ready for us, rabbit?

Ernesto. Yes, please follow me.

All right, let's do a warm-up round.

Um, what should I play?
The Real Heart March?

-Maybe the Momerath Rhapsody.
-What about one of your own songs?

You're always so dancey.

I do have a new one I've been working on.

Okay .When I play my trumpet,
start dancing.

And when I stop, grab a seat.
One, two, three, four.

(trumpet jazz music playing)

-Hatters away!

-ROSA: Woo-hoo! Here we go.
-Ha-ha! Let's dance!

(music stops)

(all laughing)

(groaning, laughs)

-Nice! Here we go again.

(trumpet jazz music playing continues)

-CARD GUARD: Make way for the Queen,
-Your Highness. Um, hi.

(music stops)

-Please go here, Your Highness.
-Here I am for you.

Queen of Hearts!

Oh, I heard your song.
And my feet danced me right over here.

Want to join our game, Mama?

If it means I can hear that song again
then sí, sí, sí!

Uh, but no more of that starting
and stopping business. Okay?

I want to hear it all the way through.

But I have to start and stop the song.

It's one of the rules
of Wonderland musical chairs.


Oh, rule-following rabbit.

As a ruler myself, I admire that.


I've had the most splendid idea.

Continue the game,
but I want you to play your song for me

in a royal command performance tonight.

Me? Play my song tonight?

(chuckling, smacking lips)

I'm so looking forward to it.


-Congrats, Fergie!
-Oh, wow!

Way to go!

A royal command performance for the Queen?
That's a big deal.

Mama must really like your song.

The last person who played for her had
a thousand red roses rain down at the end.

They really are the most top hat shows
in Wonderland.

I can see it now.

HATTIE: You, on stage by yourself.

Oh, dear. I'm picturing it now too.

To celebrate your big night, I'll bake
your favorite treat, Carrot Calzones.

Can I use the Palace Kitchen?

I heart that idea. We can all help.

-What do you say, Fergie?
-I say...


Uh, Fergie? Hey, wait up.

(somber music)

Fergie, what's going on?

Playing in the palace
is a dream come true,

but a big show needs a big song.

And I'm just I'm a bunny with a trumpet.

Maybe we just need to cook up a plan.

A plan. Great idea. What is it?

I don't know yet.

How about we head to the kitchen
and whip up those Carrot Calzones?

I get my best ideas when I'm baking.

That's music to my ears.

"Carrot flour, grated carrot,
pureed carrot, carrot sauce."

Phew! Oh, that's a whole lot of carrots.

It's the only ingredient
in Carrot Calzones.

I was working on my song
was as easy as making a new treat.

Wait a maple-coated minute. Maybe it is.

We can try adding
different ingredients to your song,

just like I do
when I'm working on a recipe.

I can help add decorations.

I'll add some hat-razzle-dazzle
to the stage.

And we can make an extra batch
of Carrot Calzones

for the Queen to snack under in your show.


This is shaping up to be a show
the Queen will never forget.

Trim that edge. A little more paint there.

Don't skip on the glitter.

You sure we have enough glitter
for a heart this big?

For this one and a dozen more!

(distant honking, engine rumbling)

Your Highness, I have bedazzled
this thing from bumper to bumper.

Looks aces!

Is that my teacup cart?

It was your teacup cart,

but now it's the royal way
you'll take the stage tonight.

Are Ernesto and the flamingos
helping us set up?

Not set up, step up!

Meet your backup dancers.

-(flamingos bellowing)

And here some more razzle-dazzle.

Sparkly. Nice work, Hattie.

Drazzly and dazzly.

You know, I think I like this
royal command performance thing.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

The Queen is gonna heart
these Carrot Calzones.

I have the most heart racing news.

You will not be playing a royal
command performance for me tonight.

I won't?

Mm-mm, no.

You'll be playing
a royal command performance

for everyone in the entire palace tonight!

-Carrot sticks.

It will be a full house. Toodles.

A full house? That's big!

We've got to make my song even bigger.

You go here, you over there.

Alice and Hattie, squeeze over a snitch.

(Rosa grunting)

-Excuse me.
-I didn't know you played the harp.

I don't.

-You take a pot, you these spoons.
-I'm good with my hat.

-Where do you want us, Fergie?
-Cookie, Dinah, have a seat.

FERGIE: You can be our test audience.

Fancy digs.

And Carrot Calzones.

This is it. This is the life, Dinah.

Looks like a queen-sized show to me.

Then let's practice my song!

Please put your hands together for...


(upbeat music)

Take it from the top, like this.

A one, a two, a one, two, three, four!

-(trumpet jazz music playing)
-(overlapping noises)


(overlapping noises)

I can't find the beat.

I don't think there is a beat.

What in the waffles!



-ALICE: Watch out!
-(Hattie yelps)

Protect the Princess!

(Card guard grunts, groans)

-(tire screeches)

Wait up track!

Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear,!


Fergie, are you okay?

Yeah. But I don't think my song is.
Everything's a mess.

I'd better go find the Queen
and tell her that my show is canceled.

Canceled? Fergie, wait.



Oh, dear.

You know which way the Queen is, Alice?

I always get lost in these things.

Hold on. Have a Carrot Calzone first.

You should never make
a big decision on an empty stomach.

No, I don't deserve a treat.
My big show is a big flop.

But one thing wasn't, your song.

It was fine the way it was.

I think trying to make it bigger
was the wrong recipe.

Then what's the right recipe?

Something simpler. Something like carrots.

But carrots can't play instruments, Alice.

What I mean is what makes
these Carrot Calzones so special

is how simple they are.

They only have one ingredient.

-ALICE: Carrots.
-I love carrots.

So do I. And it makes me wonder,

maybe what makes your song so special
is it has one ingredient, too,

-and that ingredient is you.

But I'm just a bunny with a trumpet.
Is that enough?

I think it is.

♪ I'm at your side
so tell me, what can I do? ♪

♪ Sometimes only means
a new point of view ♪

♪ Everything you need, you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

♪ We've got this always together I know ♪

♪ I believe in you at every high and low ♪

♪ Everything you need, you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

♪ There's a recipe for anything ♪

♪ Trust me on that ♪

♪ You'll find your way ♪

♪ You'll never fall flat ♪

♪ 'Cause everything you need you've got ♪

♪ It's just some food for thought ♪

Thanks, Alice.

You know, I don't want to cancel my show,
after all.

In fact, I have a foot-thumping,
funny-hopping idea.

I'll give the Queen exactly
what she wants and face the music...


My heart's on a flutter.

Good evening and welcome

to our Hearts Palace
royal command performance

by decree of the Queen of Hearts.

Please put your hands together for the...


-(crowd applauding)
-(micro feedback)

(light music)

(breathes deeply)

A one, a two, a one, two, three, four!

(trumpet jazz music playing)

(trumpet jazz music playing)

Everyone's dancing!



Everyone loves my song.

Because you focused
on the most important ingredient, you.

Oh, keep playing. By royal decree,
I declare tonight a dance party.

-(crowd clamoring)
-You heard the Queen. Let's dance.





Baila more!

(cheerful music)