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01x05 - Gallymoggers Granola/Sour Grapes

Posted: 12/22/22 07:53
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

♪ Down the rabbit hole to wonderland ♪

♪ I found this place ♪

♪ Spices sing and butterflies ♪

♪ A new world to embrace ♪

♪ Nothing here's impossible ♪

♪ So we stir and twirl away ♪

♪ Up is down and left is right ♪

♪ Here is where I'm gonna stay ♪

♪ Everything so curious ♪

♪ Like a dream come true ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ Don't be late. It's ready now ♪

♪ Bring friends both old and new ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪


ALICE: Gallymoggers Granola.

Oh, I love a good stretch in the morning.

Don't you, Fergie?

Whoa, whoa! Super!

-(Dina meows)

(all laughing)

Not again.

-(Fergie grunts)
-Hoppin' haberdasher.

I am so hungry I can eat my hat.

Didn't you have breakfast, Hattie?

I had breakfast and bonus breakfast,

but I haven't had a bite
to eat since then.

Hmm, what's this?


Did someone say breakfast?

Merry morning to you, Cheshire Cat.

Oh, Alice.

I have an utter emergency
of the utmost importance.

We're all ears.

We are?

Oh, all right.

Wait, Fergie means
is tell us what's wrong.

Oh, yes.

Well, uh, every morning when I wake up,

I put on my face and eat a big bowl
of galley muggers granola.

But I'm all out.

Hmm, that sounds like
a wonderfully wonderful snack.

Well, look at my pages. Huh, there it is.

Don't worry, Cheshire will whip up
some gallymoggers granola right away.

And maybe we can try some, too.

Oh, it's delectably delicious.

But be careful what you whisk for.


Don't eat too much.

-We won't.
-Okay, if you'll excuse me.

I simply must go put myself together.

We'll deliver the granola

as soon as it's ready.

Oh, thank you, Alice.

You're always there when I need you.

Hurry up.

"Gallymoggers granola.

ALICE: A treat so tasty
it'll disappear like that."

COOKIE: Oh, look,
there's a note at the bottom.

Hmm, there are footprints
on this footnote.

-I can't make it out.
-Me neither.

But I've made lots of granola before.

I think I know what to do.

Good because I am one hungry hatter.

Then let's get cooking.

Kitchen. Are you with me?


Whoa, talk about a tall order.

Can we try it, Alice?

-Can we? Can we, can we?

Sure. But remember what Cheshire said?

Just a little bite.


-Whiskers that's tasty.


That is hats down the most wondrously
scrumptious thing I've ever eaten.

Hattie, hold your hat.

We already had our taste.

Fergie's right. The rest is for Cheshire.

We better get going,
so he doesn't miss his breakfast.


But I'll carry it.

If I can't eat it, at least I can enjoy
its beautifully breakfasty smell.



(birds chirping)

Gallymoggers granola was so good.


Just looking, not eating.

Remember what the Cheshire cat said.

We can't eat too much.

How about I eat just one much?

How much is in a much?

I don't know.

Not much.

I should probably keep an eye on you.

-For your own good.


Hey, look over there.

Nice try, Hattie.

But you are not gonna trick me

in to looking away
so that you can eat more granola.

I've got my eye on you.

A monster!

Oh, get it off.

(Alice chuckles)
It's okay, Fergie.

It's just a little mome rath.

-Merry morning, mome raths.

-Have you seen the Cheshire cat?


This way.

-Oh, or possibly this way?

Or maybe even both ways?

Hmm, one tiny taste couldn't hurt.

No, no. I shouldn't.

But you must.

What's that granola?

You don't mind if I have a little nibble.

Certainly not.

(playful music)





Hattie, what's wrong?

Here, granola. Where are you?

Granola. Here, where are you?

The granola is gone!

Are you sure you didn't eat it?

I didn't lay a hat on it.

It just disappeared.

This sure is curious.

But Cheshire's waiting for his granola.

We'll just have to go back to the bakery
and make another batch.

(door squeaks open)

That was a quick delivery.

There was no delivery at all.
The granola disappeared.

We need to make some more and fast.

Kitchen, are you with me?
(chuckles nervously)


-(metal clattering)


Oh, crumbs.

I never worked on a dish
this curious before.

Come on, Kitchen. Let's try again.

-(metal clatters)

(metal clanks)

(playful music)

-(metal clatters)

(metal clanks)

(bottle clatters)


(all gasps)

Okay. Keep your eyes on the granola.

This time, we're gonna go extra fast.

Three. Two. One.


-(metal clanks)

We've got to get to Tulgey Wood
before the granola disappears.


(tense music)



It's okay, Fergie.

It's just the mome raths again.

Psst. I could disappear any minute.

Don't you just want
to have one more taste?

When you put it that way.



(metal clanks)

What in wonderland was that?

ALICE: Where's Hattie?

HATTIE: Alice, Fergie, up here!


How did you get up there?

U-uh, I don't know.

One minute I was there,
and then I was here.

Oh, and now I'm not anywhere.


I-It's okay, Fergie. It's just me.

Most of me anyway.

Curiouser and curiouser.

We'd better go find the Cheshire cat.


Oh, would you all stop doing that, please?

Did you call, Alice?

I was wondering
what happened to my breakfast?

I'm sorry, Cheshire.

But I'm afraid we have
an even bigger problem.

I kinda sorta took
a few large handfuls of granola.

And now...

You're here, there, and everywhere?

Yes. I keep disappearing.

Of course,

that's what happens when you eat
a lot of gallymoggers granola.

♪ If you have a tiny bite food,
you'll find it quite delightful ♪

♪ But if you have more than, say, three ♪

♪ One second you'll be here ♪

♪ And then the next you'll disappear ♪

♪ And then you'll re-appear like me ♪

♪ It's yummy in your tummy ♪

♪ The best treat you've ever had ♪

♪ But too much
of a good thing can be bad ♪

♪ If you wanna vanish
like that and be like me ♪

♪ The Cheshire cat ♪

♪ Then go ahead and eat a bunch ♪

♪ But if you can't just stick around
and keep your toes on the ground ♪

♪ Be careful how much you crunch ♪

♪ It's yummy in your tummy ♪

♪ The best treat you've ever had ♪

♪ But too much
of a good thing can be bad ♪

♪ Suppose I could have given
more warning ♪

♪ Before you stand upon your task ♪

♪ But it was early and I was hungry ♪

♪ No matter, hatter, you eat much ♪

♪ It's yummy in your tummy ♪

♪ The best treat you've ever had ♪

♪ But too much of a good thing can be ♪

♪ Bad ♪

Oh, don't worry, Hattie.

You'll stop disappearing in, uh...

A wonderland week?

Uh, how long is that?

Depends on the week.

Oh, this is bonkers.

And not the good kind.

There must be something we can do.

Let's go back to the bakery
and figure this out.

-Uh, Hattie?

HATTIE: I'm way ahead of you.

If we can find the ingredient
in the granola

that causes you to disappear,

maybe that will help us figure out
how to make you reappear.

We need to find oats,
honey, puffed rice and pears.

It's Hattie, he disappeared again.

I'm back! For now.

Here are the oats.

Maybe this is the ingredient
that makes you disappear.

Here it goes.


Oh, no, Alice. You disappeared.

Fergie. It's okay. I didn't disappear.

So it's not the oats.

How about the honey?

Did the honey give you the spins?


I just felt like taking a spin.

Fergie, try the puffed rice.

-(quirky music)

Oh, now, I'm a puffed rabbit.

Hey, oh, I didn't disappear.

Hmm... that just leaves the pears.

The recipe doesn't say
if we should use green pears

or red pears.


ALICE: What is it?
Do I have pears on my face?

You don't have a face, Alice.

You, uh... disappeared.

(Alice chomps)

Oh, now you're here.

-Oh, now, you're not.

That's it.
The green pears are the disappears,

and the red pears must be the re-appears.

I tip my hat to you, Alice.

But, uh, I'm ready
to stop disappearing now.

Then it's time for one more batch
of gallymoggers granola.

-(metal clatters)

-(metal clanks)
-(Hattie laughs)

HATTIE: Here goes nothing.


It's me. I'm here.

Oh, I missed me.

-Oh, that's great.
-We miss you too.

-What's wrong, Alice?

We still don't have
any granola for Cheshire.

We made batches and batches,
but they all vanished.

CHESHIRE CAT: Didn't you read my footnote?

Gallymoggers granola is just like me.

You never know when it'll turn up.

(all laugh)


Now, that is one curious recipe.

Oh, sorry, we missed breakfast.

Who doesn't like breakfast for dinner?

How about you, Hattie?

I think I'll stick to my regular granola.

After all that disappearing,
I've definitely had my fill.



-Oh, so yummy.
-Oh, that's good.

(music fades)

ALICE: Sour Grapes.

COOKIE: Napkins, coming in hot!

Got 'em.

-One sweater coming in snugly.

Whoa! Nothing but basket.

Nice shot, Cookie.

But I don't think
I'll need a sweater for the picnic.

It's pretty warm out.

Oh, it's not for you, my little macaroon.
It's one of the chilled soup.

Ah, good thinking.

Who's ready to picnic?

This bunny is for sure.

What's on the menu for this year, Alice?

Grape gazpacho. Grape kalach.
Grape ala king?

I can't wait. Tell me everything.

Ahh... the chilled soup
is wearing a sweater.

Alice, I'm so excited
for my first ever great great picnic.

My heart's all of flutter.

I'm excited for you to try
all the grape flavored treats,

especially the...

-gargantuan grape pie.
-(Kitchen whistles)

There it is.

It's pie-fection.



That's tinier than a rosebud.

Just wait.

You're in for it. I hope.

Hatter up!

Places, everyone. This pie is about to...

go big.

Really big.



-This is the gargantuan part.


I think we're ready.
Let's get this pie to Hattie's house.

(door opens)

-Bye, Cookie. Bye, Dina.
-Have fun, my little gargling grapes.

(Fergie panting)

I don't think I can carry any more pie.

-(metal clanks)


I guess adding all those extra grapes
made it heavier than usual.

Oh, Hattie.

How much farther?

We're here.

Ooh, pie, pie, pie.

Without further ado, I present.

Oh, I can't wait.

Well, with a little ado.

(Hattie grunting)
How does this thing open?

Aha! I now present

this year's great grape picnic.



-(metal clanks)

Wait a heartbeat.

We're eating green grapes?

Of course, our great picnic
is all about green grapes.

And only green grapes?

You bet on your hat and tail.

Just wait till you see

how many green grapes recipes
Alice has for us.

We have green great casserole,
green grapes sorbet,

green grape goulash,
shields green grape soup.

And that's just the appetizers.

Wow. You sure you love, uh, green grapes?

You bet your top hat. We do.

Say you're looking a little green yourself
just like our food.

(laughs awkwardly)
Am I?

Since this is your first
green great picnic,

you get to take
all the great bee leftovers home.

Oh, no!

I... I mean,

I couldn't possibly do that.

I'm sure Alice wants to bring
some leftovers to Cookie.

Cookie already had a taste of everything,
so you can have it all.


What do you think
of all the green grape food?


Mm. Mm-hm.

It looks so good.
(chuckles awkwardly)

Speaking of looking good, that reminds me.


Good bunny slipped it off.

Hattie, these hats take the cake.

To cap it all.
I made this hat, especially for Rosa.

-Now that's a crown.

What do you think, Rosa?

I think.

Well, you see... I...

ROSA: I...


Don't eat green grapes.

(spoon clinks)

Rosa, look, come back.

(chuckles awkwardly)
Was the crowd too much?

Oh, maybe your great throne
was too squishy?

No, something else is going on.

I think the princes of hearts
might need a little heart to heart.

Rosa, wait up.


-Mome raths.
-Sorry about that.

-Is everything okay?

I was so excited
for my first great picnic,

but all the green grapes
were just a bit much.

Why don't you like the green ones?

Well, I, um...

Mm, you know, I'm not sure.

I've never actually tried one.

I've only been served
with red grapes at the palace.

It's part of the royal rules.

If the food comes in red,
then that's what they serve.


I think I saw Green Grape once,
but the card guards

dipped it in raspberry jam
before anyone noticed.

I'm sorry, Alice.

You worked so hard
on all those green grape dishes,

but I'm just used to the red ones.

-It's okay. I understand.
-You do?

You bet your heart, tartsado.

Trying new foods can be hard,
but you just have to be brave.

I wish I were brave enough
to try a green grape.

But what if it tastes like tabarrok snacks
or flamingo food?

Well, you never know until you try.

Fergie and Hattie
and I will be right by your side.

What do you say?

I say, bring on the green grapes.

I tried lots of new foods
in my bakery all the time.

-Some I've never even heard of before.
-So how do you do it?

I shake up my nerves
with some dancing like this.

(laughing, whooping)

I always feel better after a few drills.

Maybe you will, too.

Ooh. I like this.
I'm feeling braver already.




Pie on the fly. Nice.

Maybe dancing
with new dishes isn't for me.

When I was a baby bunny,
my mom would pretend bites of food,

a rocking horse once,

"Here comes the rocking horse
just for the Fergie worgie, worgie."

That's what my mom used to call me.

He's looking for his stable.

(imitates horse neighing)

I open my mouth wide, and...

You wanna give it a try, Rosa?

I'll try anything.

Here comes the rocking horse fly.

Rosa worgie, worgie.

(imitates horse neighing)

Ooh, Whoa! Watch out!


-Oh, sorry, Fergie, worgie, worgie.

At least it's super tasty.

Rosa, take it from a hatter.

The trick to trying a new food
is to have some fun with it.



Easy as gargantuan great pie.

That does seem fun.

Here it goes.


Oh, I'm sorry. But it's no use.

Eating a green grape doesn't seem
like it's in the cards for me.

I guess they should leave the picnic.

It's okay if you don't like green grapes.

No matter what we're cooking up,
you're always invited.

-It's true.
-Hatter's honor.

Thanks, everyone.

If only I knew how to get myself
to take a teeny tiny taste.

I wish I wasn't the only one
who never had a green grape before.

Set the table. I got it.

What if we all try something new together?

-What do you mean?

I'll whip up something new
for each of us to try?

Come on, let's head back to the bakery.

CHORUS: ♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum
Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum
Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ Oh, roll up your sleeves
it's time to bake ♪

♪ Stir that, we've got a dish to make ♪

♪ And let's work together
with a sift and a scoop ♪

♪ And a sprinkle and shake ♪

-♪ Come on, let's bake! ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum ♪

-ALICE: ♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ Come on, let's bake! ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum ♪

-ALICE: ♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ Come on, let's bake! ♪

Wow. In all my pages.

I've never seen
such a curious lineup of dishes.

Now we all have something new
that we've never tasted before.

Starting with you, Cookie.
A fruit salad mash-up.

I made ice cream soup
with trumpet mushrooms for you, Hattie.

Fergie, you've got roasted bubble sprouts.

And Dinah, you get some fresh bark-ccoli.

And last but not least, Rosa gets a bowl
of the greenest grapes in wonderland.

Bubble sprouts. I don't wanna try those.
They look funny.

I've never tried bubble sprouts, either.

So here it goes.


Hmm... tastes like roast turkey,
cotton candy, apples...

Oh, whoa!

These are pretty fun and delicious.

Ooh, I wanna try.


These are good.


You're next, Hattie.

Trumpet mushrooms, here I come.


(trumpet playing)

-Let's go, Hattie.

Oh, look at that.

Okay, I'll try my fruit salad mash-up.

-(different instrument playing)
-(Cookie whooping)

I think I'm on a roll.

Now, Dina.



(yelps, barks)


(overlapping conversation)

What do you say, Rosa,
wanna try something new?

I do. I'm ready now.

Here I go.

She's chewing.

-And chewing some more.

What do you think?


Oh, my heart's in diamonds.

Who knew grapes could be so to heart?

Do you like 'em? We gotta know.

I-I think I do.

But I need to taste some more
to make up my mind.

Then let's get back
to our green grape picnic.

(Hattie playing trumpet)

-Who's ready to dig in?
-Hold on.

I think I need a little more green.


This is the best pie I've ever had.

I might like the green grapes
more than the red ones.

I can't wait till next year's picnic.

-You can say that again.

Alice, thanks for helping me
to try something new.

It wasn't so scary
with only friends doing it, too.

That's what friends are for.

Just like a bunch of grapes,
we stick together.



I think even Dina like bark-ccoli.

(all laughing)

(overlapping conversation)

(closing theme music)